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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Something That I Hope Happens Everytime I Make An Order

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As some of you may know from a couple of my recent topics, I recently made my first purchase of quality Diaper Samples from an online vendor, namely xpmedical. Honestly I was nervous because eventhough discreet shipping is used, normally the way our apartment complex runs in terms of package receiving is that all packages are received by office personnel then the slip is posted on the wall in the lobby that a specific apartment has a package & then we go & pick it up. Well today my doorbell rang unexpectedly & normally that doesn't happen because we have to let all visitors into the building after they buzz us. I was too busy to get to the door right when it rang, but when I did get to the door, lo & behold was the box with my samples that I had ordered from xpmedical! So other than to sign in as a delivery man, & maybe getting a brief glance at the box, the office would never guess that I just got some diapers! If this continues to happen once I figure out which diapers are my favorites & which ones I want to go with on hopefully a regular basis, I will absolutely be stoked! Thanks to all of the wonderful & fellow DD Members for calming my fears & while I now I have a few premium samples, I am going to wait to try them out, till I knock down some of my store brand supply before I get permanently hooked on premium ones.

Rockies Fan.

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I have similar issues at my apartment complex. There's just a lot of inconsistency in how the same shippers will deliver items from different people. FedEx always just will not deliver anything no matter what if no one is home. Lasership sometimes leaves it at my door, sometimes with the front office. UPS nearly always will just leave it at my door, but on rare occasions will leave it at the front office. USPS is the most reliable always leaving any packages small enough in the locked mailboxes. The package mailboxes are pretty big so most things will fit. I haven't had anything that didn't fit yet delivered via USPS so I don't know what they do when that happens.

I try to avoid getting stuff shipped via FedEx as it's almost always a pain for me to be home to accept the package. I work during the week and FedEx doesn't delver on Saturdays unless you pay extra. So basically my only options are take a day off work or have them hold it at a fedex location. Some sellers somehow disallow the later option so literally the only option is to take a day off work. I have tried leaving notes at my door for them yo just leave it, but they ignore the note.

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At my law office we have a mail room staff. As needed from my house I ship enough disposable diapers to my office via UPS so I will not run out. In my brief case I only carry 4-5 disposable slip ins.

Seven days a week there is at least one person at my home to receive mail and packages. All have been with us for many years and can be trusted to be discreet. Of course at my law firm and at home I make no big secret that I am urinary incontinent. At home I also receive shipments of things obviously AB and not utilitarian incontinent garments.

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I try to avoid getting stuff shipped via FedEx as it's almost always a pain for me to be home to accept the package. I work during the week and FedEx doesn't delver on Saturdays unless you pay extra. So basically my only options are take a day off work or have them hold it at a fedex location. Some sellers somehow disallow the later option so literally the only option is to take a day off work. I have tried leaving notes at my door for them yo just leave it, but they ignore the note.

Hmm thats interesting. I used to have that issue in my old apartment complex where there was no package receiving, but now since I live in complex where there is package receiving in the office, & packages that need signatures automatically get them, thats no longer an issue. Its just normally I would have had to go down to the office to pick it up, but not this time, & I'm hoping that with future diaper delivery's that what happened today happens every time, but maybe thats just wishful thinking,

Rockies Fan

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Grats on getting some samples :)

on FedEx... a while back I signed a universal release with them, where unless a shipped specifically demands a live signature they will leave the package for me. Since then only thing I have to sign for are packages from Computer companies that require it as fraud prevention.

Did a googling and it seems they no longer offer the service, though they continue to honor it for those of us who did it. Most advised calling Fedex after you get the tracking info and asking if you can leave a package release signature note for that expected parcel.

May make a difference that I live in a one-family home now, so less risk of stolen boxes in the lobby that drivers get blamed for.

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Oh man I wish I could do that. It's not just diapers but everything. I order a lot of just normal day to day stuff online like body wash and what not. Not to mention books and movies from Amazon which occasionally get shipped fedex. I'm not too worried about loosing a $5 bottle of soap. Anything that I am worried about loosing usually requires a signature or I can request one.

Rockies: My apartment has package receiving, the various people who deliver just use it to greater and lesser extents. It's weird and often unpredictable. From what I understand, unlike other carriers FedEx drivers are directly responsible for the shipments. If it gets lost or stolen the driver is him/herself responsible. So they won't leave the package if that particular driver is uncomfortable with doing so. I guess my driver doesn't think the front office is a safe place to leave packages and also doesn't think my door is. To be fair in the front office they keep all the packages in an open room that's easily viewable when you walk in from outside and there's often few enough people in there someone could just walk in and take stuff.

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Rockies: My apartment has package receiving, the various people who deliver just use it to greater and lesser extents. It's weird and often unpredictable. From what I understand, unlike other carriers FedEx drivers are directly responsible for the shipments. If it gets lost or stolen the driver is him/herself responsible. So they won't leave the package if that particular driver is uncomfortable with doing so. I guess my driver doesn't think the front office is a safe place to leave packages and also doesn't think my door is. To be fair in the front office they keep all the packages in an open room that's easily viewable when you walk in from outside and there's often few enough people in there someone could just walk in and take stuff.

Wow, that is surprising. My Rockies Season Tickets for example get shipped via Fedex, & they are not a cheap item & both years since I've been in my current complex, My Tickets have been dropped off in the office with a Signature from one of the Staff, no problems at all & no questions asked either. I honestly don't know & considering that I live in the Middle of Downtown Denver, I doubt that our complex has the same delivery driver, but maybe we do, & that is why there's no issue with them.

Rockies Fan.

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I had an apartment back in 2003. I thought If I ordered something the UPS would bring it to my door. I ordered a whole case of Promise diapers made by SCA from CA. And a whole case of protective shields (diaper inserts). I chatted with some lady that was very nice, we talk about my diapers, diapers, etc. I told her I wanted discreet shipping in a plain box. And she gave me an ok, told her bye bye and everything. I was excited that I was getting these diapers. Back then they were the best diapers for me.

A few days past by I was up in my apartment and the phone rings. The women in the front office rings me saying I had a big order waiting for me in a box. 2 boxes total. I knew in the back of my mind my diapers were here so I go down to the office thinking to myself. The UPS didn't deliver them to my room but instead just dropped it at the office. I walk into the office and right there in plain view was my box of diapers. The box was big and it said PROMISE BRIEFS...MEDIUM...COUNT 96. SCA Co. All over the box on all sides. Same as the protective shields. Count 22. Given alittle diagram of a underwear inserts and another diagram of a diaper insert. There were other people in the office including the front desk lady. The lady at the desk is just looking at me and I'm standing there embarressed, ticked off, and in disbelief. She didn't say one word to me. I just grabbed my order and headed right back out.

I got to my room and didn't know what to think? I was excited, piss off, embarressed I didn't even want to show my face down stairs for awhile. I diapered myself and couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I started drinking, got really buzz. I called the diaper Co. Back in CA. told her what happened. I acted as though I sounded like a young upset kid explaining something to mommie. LOL. The lady said, 'I'm sorry babe", she asked me how my diapers were? we chatte for awhile. I'll never forget all that.

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I order from XP Medical all the time and have never had a problem with the FedEx delivery. My apt. is built on to a private home and my door opens to the backyard and they always leave my order at my door. So maybe that i live in a private home the driver feels safer leaving the packages.

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I had an apartment back in 2003. I thought If I ordered something the UPS would bring it to my door. I ordered a whole case of Promise diapers made by SCA from CA. And a whole case of protective shields (diaper inserts). I chatted with some lady that was very nice, we talk about my diapers, diapers, etc. I told her I wanted discreet shipping in a plain box. And she gave me an ok, told her bye bye and everything. I was excited that I was getting these diapers. Back then they were the best diapers for me.

A few days past by I was up in my apartment and the phone rings. The women in the front office rings me saying I had a big order waiting for me in a box. 2 boxes total. I knew in the back of my mind my diapers were here so I go down to the office thinking to myself. The UPS didn't deliver them to my room but instead just dropped it at the office. I walk into the office and right there in plain view was my box of diapers. The box was big and it said PROMISE BRIEFS...MEDIUM...COUNT 96. SCA Co. All over the box on all sides. Same as the protective shields. Count 22. Given alittle diagram of a underwear inserts and another diagram of a diaper insert. There were other people in the office including the front desk lady. The lady at the desk is just looking at me and I'm standing there embarressed, ticked off, and in disbelief. She didn't say one word to me. I just grabbed my order and headed right back out.

I got to my room and didn't know what to think? I was excited, piss off, embarressed I didn't even want to show my face down stairs for awhile. I diapered myself and couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. I started drinking, got really buzz. I called the diaper Co. Back in CA. told her what happened. I acted as though I sounded like a young upset kid explaining something to mommie. LOL. The lady said, 'I'm sorry babe", she asked me how my diapers were? we chatte for awhile. I'll never forget all that.

OMG. I probably would have had a heart attack as soon as I entered the room and saw that.


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You think getting marked or signature required boxes with diapers or general merchandise is bad, think about what some friends have had happen. They got home to find FedEx, UPS, and I think even USPS packages on their porches containing live handguns in packages clearly marked "SIGNATURE REQUIRED." Big violation of Federal Law. Fortunately they weren't labelled with the Mfr's name. The only way a handgun can be shipped directly to a consumer is if that firearm, already owned by said consumer, had been sent in for service or repair. The Mf'r or repair facility can ship back under strict guidelines. Otherwise, all handgun transactions must go through a FTF (Face to Face,) deal with an FFL, (Federally Liscensed Firearms,) dealer.

Trivia; for those old enough, that means no more $3.95 handguns purchased from ads on the back pages of your nickel or dime comic books. :ninja:

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You must be older than me :huh: My six-shooter cost me $9.95 from the back of my Sgt. Rock comic book. Mine lasted a whole 12 shots before it blew up! :o JK of course, though before 1968 you could mail-order guns in the US without restriction ;) That's how Oswald got the rifle used to kill JFK :crybaby:

FedEx here will not drop packages without a signature period. They rarely leave a delivery attempt note either so after 3 days of not knowing your package is here, it gets shipped back at the seller's expense and they will usually not send to you again because of that :bash: UPS and USPS will leave a signature form and re-deliver the next day, or if no signature is required will leave it on the porch inside the fence. So I do not do business with people who will not ship other than FedEx- their loss, not mine <_<

I don't know about diaper sellers, but many large/heavy items are shipped by 'freight' which is a lot cheaper, but then you have to go to that trucking line's terminal to pick the shipment up. Larger cities often have a local truck that will pick-up from the sellers and take it to the terminal so they don't have to; smaller cities the seller has to take it to the terminal themselves :rolleyes: The downside of this is that you may not be close to their nearest terminal and they are not always gentle with what they handle so you have to inspect carefully before signing- once you sign, it's yours and that's all :mellow: The cost is usually based mostly on weight so diapers would ship cheap this way if the seller will send them via freight, and unless someone at that terminal knows you there's zero risk of discovery B)


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