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Depression And Diapers

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So at the moment i feel like poop. I feel like since i graduated im pushing away the few people i love and care about and cant live without. And you know whats even worse, i cant even use my regular coping mechanism...nappies! Cause i cant freaking afford them :@

So i guess the main point of this topic is to get advice? Or find someone to talk to in the abdl world. Or maybe to hear your stories? Thanks.

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Honestly? Given that you can't afford them at the moment, you should probably try doing other things to make you happy or at least take your mind off of you negative thougths. Be that working, socializing, or just whatever.

I'm not sure what other advice to give you, being that I'm Bipolar and have been through the depression stage multiple times in my life....so I can somewhat relate, but since I don't know the whole story, it's tough to give you legitimate advice on that aspect.

Exercise helps, too, though. It allows you to excert some of that tension/anxiety/depression. So, there's another option. Those are just some things to do until you find a way to afford your coping mechanism.

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As someone with Clinical Depression I will ask that you seek some help- many places have counselors or therapists available for free or nearly so for those who can't afford the usual prices. It seems to me that you're in deeper than you may realize because I was once there too. You'll find plenty of friends here so unload and vent on us, browse through our "RestlessFox's Depression Forum" where you may find some answers or at least some solace in knowing that you're not alone.

My therapist helped me find coping methods that I could use without expense because I was (and still am) essentially broke. That's something invaluable and priceless. You're going through a rough patch right now, but try not to let that make you drive people away, for people are the essential element in life and you're going to want them back when things get better. And they will get better sooner or later.

Until you can once again get your preferred diapers maybe you can create a substitute- many of us started with old T-sharts or towels ar blankets fashioned into a diaper. No, it's not the real thing but it's better than nothing and if it makes you feel better then it's a good thing. Hand in there and remember you're not alone.


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When I was a poor student, I went to the emergency ward of my local hospital and asked for a couple diapers. I did this twice and both times they gave them to me without any questions.

Each time I went after 9:00pm so if I was asked (I never was), I would just say that I couldn't buy any because all the stores were closed.

Everyone gets depressed now and then, but there's always another nappy, waiting to make you happy~

disclosure: I am from Canada (not sure about your country).

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It is heartwarming to read all the wonderful advice that folks have given you. Wow, I wish I could offer something profound, something other than what has already been written. I guess, (for all that it is worth) I can tell you that I understand, I relate, and I wish you all the best in your struggles. And yes, I am kinda old and have been through the battles, but nappies do always help, and I really feel for you trying to get by without your coping mechanism. But as Bettypooh noted, please, please get someone to help you through this. If you are getting depressed, nip it in the bud so that you can get on with living ! :) oh yeah, BIG HUGS TO YOU !

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Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this post. And yes i will take ur advice. If anyone of you ever wanna talk, messag me. Im always looking for friends in the abdl community :) lord knows tht its always good for one abdl to talk to another regarding nappies and other things

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I'm having an Eyore moment myself. All I try to do is keep my eye on the prize and know I'll make it through. Often times in life we push people away from us, it's human nature. Just take that time to reflect, hop back on that horse and keep on a ridin'.

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Mentioning 'prize', that's another coping strategy ;) If your depression causes you to neglect things that need doing, when you accomplish them even though you don't feel like doing them, give yourself a reward for seeing it through :) Maybe indulge in a bowl of ice cream, a latte, or whatever- something you normally don't do for yourself. The activity helps with the depression and the reward gives you pleasure when you need it the most.

You can tell how bad my depression is by seeing how badly my housework is done :blush: becuase I'm not so good at practicing what I preach :rolleyes:


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depression sucks, it hits everyone, you are not alone. i wish i could wear diapers more often, as they are my ultimate release, making me feel warm, comfy and relaxed.

for me personally, my ways to feel better without diapers are:

1- call up my close friends for a get-together and vent

2- nap! preferably in a warm, fuzzy fleece blanket or shirt

3- crafts (i paint pewter miniature like the ones used in D&D, have a train set in limbo, and home brew beer)

4- a good drink (in moderation!) or tastey meal (again; moderation!)

5- go out to the shotgun range and blow away my lousy feelings!

6- drive somewhere, anywhere. as long as im back before too long lol

7- find something funny online (memebase, reddit, cyanide and happiness, illwillpress, various forums, etc etc)

8- find something funny on tv to watch, movies, cartoons and so on

to each their own, i hope you can pull yourself out of it :)

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I suffer from mild depression, and take wellbutrin for it. Unfortunately, any antidepressant I have ever taken curbs my diaper desire, which is depressing in itself. Luckily, it only stays away for a week or two at a time.

When I was on Meds I experienced a loss of 'highs' equal to the loss of 'lows', which for me was almost as bad as the Depression untreated. My therapist helped me learn about non-medicine coping techniques which I found were able to allow me to quit the Meds. I highly recommend that anyone with Clinical Depression learn about and use these coping methods as they help immensely :thumbsup: Even if they do not allow you to refrain from Meds, they may help you reduce them or to use a Med that has less effect on the other aspects of your life. With Depression, your Therapist is as important a part of the treatment as your Doctor. Work with both of them honestly. Ask them to try to reduce your need for Meds because of the other problems they cause you, and maybe together you will find a better treatment plan.

Your 'diaper desire' may be affected similarly. That doesn't mean that you can't wear them! Just dig a little deeper into your head and heart, and if you find a time where there is any desire, put one on without any expectations of what it is going to do for you. That action may help you feel better all by itself. It is important to not have any expectations of specific results resulting from any of your actions, just let whatever happens happen and be satisfied that you are giving yourself the value of doing what you want to do just because you want to do it.

You are always worth the consideration of doing what you like to do, remember that!


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Your 'diaper desire' may be affected similarly. That doesn't mean that you can't wear them! Just dig a little deeper into your head and heart, and if you find a time where there is any desire, put one on without any expectations of what it is going to do for you. That action may help you feel better all by itself. It is important to not have any expectations of specific results resulting from any of your actions, just let whatever happens happen and be satisfied that you are giving yourself the value of doing what you want to do just because you want to do it.

Great info Betty - that's pretty much how I do it. Any time there is a desire, I diaper up for a while. My therapist and I talked about it a couple of times, without mentioning diapers. I just talked about a part of me that I would lose while taking the antidepressants.

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When I was a poor student, I went to the emergency ward of my local hospital and asked for a couple diapers. I did this twice and both times they gave them to me without any questions.

Each time I went after 9:00pm so if I was asked (I never was), I would just say that I couldn't buy any because all the stores were closed.

Everyone gets depressed now and then, but there's always another nappy, waiting to make you happy

disclosure: I am from Canada (not sure about your country).

I'm extremely surpised at this..... Just hope you said you was incontient, or you would DEFINATLY get them refused.

Here in the uk, if someone tried that they would get laughed at and shown the door by the hospital security.

Twice,issues would be raised and a likely arrest and even be sectioned.

Even if you were incontient, here in the uk shops like tescos are open 24/7 6 days a week and have some incontience things like adult pullups and sometimes tena slip range in the bigger stores.

On the sunday after 6pm it could be a problem though...

And even when I been in hospital, not a sign of nappies there, those stupid disposable cardboard funnel shaped piss containers you get if you can't/not allowed to go to the toilet on your own.

For the other I never been in that situation luckily, but I presume it would be a larger cardboard disposable bed pan.

I guess the nurses know that skin rashes can be a problem and those disposable cardboard containers are dirt dirt cheap in bulk and are a way of cutting corners on the NHS service I bet.

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With me, I get depressed sometimes, mostly because my social life sucks because I can't go out far on my own because my epilepsy still isn't properly controlled.

And half my friends ain't true friends either.

Also when I wear nappies, I do tend to binge and purge ALOT.....

Especially binge when horny, feel guilt and depression and rip the nappy off when I've got off and only occassionally feel like I wearing another one after.

Some days I wear the same one many times in a row wet, till saturated. And spend the day nappied.

Other days I want nothing to do with it or feel like throwing away/burning the nappies.

Some ways I wish this fetish was gone forever as it makes me feel guilty, shameful and depressed afterwards sometimes and weird. Espoecially as anyone non- ABDL that has found out has de-friended me, called me mentally ill or said I should seek mental help or called me a peado.

I'm none of that, but the general ignorant types of people don't know or don't want to be told any different.

Apart from online people on say this fetish forum, I got no one alse especially in real life who understands my fetish me.

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First, there is no person you "can't live without" ... as true friends don't need to approve of you nor do you need their approval. So my advice, let go. The depression is likely not a result of that, instead it's just an agitator.

Advice for depression, find some things that keep you busy and make you happy, something that does both is best. Then if anyone judges you for that, tell them to "f* off" ... at least that makes me feel better.

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Speaking from experience my advice would be to see a doctor & maybe get prescribed medication if needed. Try to find out what it is that is making you depressed & act on it. I spent 3 years on antidepressants & although they initially picked me up out of what I was originally feeling I never acted on what was making me feel bad. Instead I just put a barrier up & didn't care because I was numb to it all. So whatever you do you should find out what is making you depressed & try to change it for the better.

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I went through a low to no self-esteem phase which sent me into depression, it took me a bit of time to find out what was making me depressed and i started a journal writing everything i was thinking about (mostly negative things) throughout the day and i would do this at night just befor bed, i prayed for help and it came in the fourm of a self-disipline book or books (Im not a person to preach any religous belife, so the books i recomend are all about ones habbits and how to relize and fix them) they are buddhist oriented ones called "buddha is as buddha does" by Lama Surya Das - its the Buddha's advice for living to your true potential. it gives you reasons to want to correct yourself and interact with others another book is "the places that scare you" -a guide to fearlessness in difficult times- By Pema Chödrön

I belive this is the answer you need

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