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Coke And Cherry


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Did you know that if you add cherry syrup to a bottle of coke it makes a mini eruption similar to diet coke and mentos?

And did you know that if you panic and try to drink the foam you end up getting a cherry cola nasal flush?

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I used to put sugar in various carbonated drinks to watch the fizz, first putting it in a glass

As far a cherry Coke, try Dr. Pepper. they taste a lot alike

Stay away from anyting called Moxie. I tried it 28 years ago and do not know if they still make it: One can but hope not

As far a Quck and Coke, or Pepsi, I think that would be against the Geneva Convention. I was once offered the choice of drinking that or being waterboared: Guess which I took But the miserable SOB's did not tell me that I would be WB'ed with Chocolate Cola

On the world market there are some 30 concoctions with cola, including orange but these seem not to be available in teh US

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Sorry, but artificial cherry flavoring in anything , to me, is disgusting :P I can handle "real, fresh" cherries,a nd cherry pie, but anything else that 'tries' to taste like cherry is just not right BLECH.

Now I have tried adding strawberry or orange soda to diet coke while in our local carl's Jr, and thats actually quite yummy! Strawberry soda is great, but a bit 'too' sweet, so I cut it in with diet coke, and that works. Same with the orange soda....mixed with diet coke :thumbsup:

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Another good recipe for DD's nasal flush is Weizenbier (German wheat beer, the 'Erdinger' brand should be available over in the US if you want to try...) and a spoonfull of sugar. Might come out of your ears.

Coke and...

1/3 Lemonade


1/4 apple juice (clear, not the cloudy type)

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Stay away from anyting called Moxie. I tried it 28 years ago and do not know if they still make it: One can but hope not

It's still around, and it still tastes horrible. It's sort of a mark of pride though, meaning you've got some serious Moxie if you can choke that crap down. I know they sell it at some giant soda emporium type place out in Riverside (a ways east of LA). You can get the special Jones soda holiday packs there as well, though at least those are made to taste awful as a joke.

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Yet more proof that cherry is evil. Coke is evil enough... That's why I stick with Pepsi. And most types of pop tend to react with an sort of substance. You want fun with foaming action, mix pop with pop rocks. Just don't eat 8 packets and then drink 8 cans, or you'll rupture your stomach...

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  • 5 months later...

There was a rumor going around at the end of the 1970's that the "Mikey" of "Mikey likes it" died from eating Pop Rocks and drinking Coke

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