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Do You Wear Diapers Around Your Children?

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I don't mean an exposed diaper. At least I will wear some baggy pants or shorts.

Since I'm divorced and have weekends, on Friday I reverse "baby proof" my house.

They have still have come across a forgotten Bambino left in a bathroom drawer.

So I think they are old enough to know, but it's not talked about.

Well I have been getting to where IDK if I'm going to need one @ bedtime.

So I wait till they are in bed, then put one on in the bathroom with something over it.

In the morning I'll take it off (after a nice morning wetting), put it in a bag and hide in the trash.

If a person is incontinent that's understandable.

But my diapers have tapes and plastic backing.

And I am more of a ab/DL that is getting too comfortable when I'm asleep.

So, it's hard to sneak around in my own house during those time.

Anyone else deal with a similar situation?

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I have been wearing diapers since my twenties and that includes wearing them to bed and everywhere else for that matter. When my children were still in diapers so was I and they all grew up fine. However as they go t older I switched to cloth diapers around them, thinking they wouldn't find out. However I was eventually caught anyway as I had accidentally left them in the dryer and wen to work. I ended up having to have a long conversation with them about the real reasons I wear diapers, And Still all of my three kids are all "normal , successful people.

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I wear around my kids and up to now have never asked tha akward questions about them,I also dont think they have ever found them or seen them.The only time any one of them saw something was my son where he was 3yrs old and I was getting dressed in our bedroom and he came in and I still had a diaper on he asked what it was and told him underpants and that was that

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If I didn't, I'd never get the chance to wear a diaper at all. Our schedules are such that when I'm in the house, the step kids are too, literally all of the time. Months can go by without me having a couple of hours in the house without them around.

You learn to be discreet. When I moved into the family home, I scaled down my diaper wearing considerably. I'm down to maybe one or two a diaper days per fortnight now from an almost every day thing before and even then it's mostly overnight when they're in bed. I never leave things lying around, everything is well hidden in areas they know are private and wouldn't notice anyway (boxes up high, under the bed, back of a cluttered closet...). I wear dark, loose jeans, even my wife can't tell if I'm wearing a diaper underneath them, and always lock the door when I'm changing or lounging on the bed with an exposed diaper or a bottle something. Neither of them are touchy-feely kids and they're both old enough not to launch surprise shirt grabbings, etc and to understand that people need private space for their own business. More overt ABDL behaviour has to wait a few years until we're empty nesters and I'm fine with that.

There's always a very small risk of them finding out, of course, but there's a contingency plan already in place. They'll be told it's an occasional medical problem and is absolutely not something that's open to discussion, along with a reminder that medical problems are private and never to be discussed with anyone else. They each have their own conditions that they would hate to be common knowledge so I know they understand that. That reads like blackmail :lol: I wouldn't say that to them, I'm just saying that they each already understand why that kind of stuff isn't discussed with other people. FWIW, one of the few times I think it's A-OK to tell a bare-face lie about being an ABDL is when confronted with that situation. Remember that most people see adult diapers and think "medical problem" not "fetishist". In this case, there's no need to correct that assumption IMO.

Caution, planning ahead and above all, personal restraint and discretion are all that's needed. To give a parallel, they shouldn't ever be exposed to us having sex either but that doesn't mean we can't do it until after they've moved out :P

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I would think that there would be an opportunity here to raise children with a healthy understanding of the purpose of diapers. If they learn from a young age that even adults wear diapers from time to time for certain reasons, it can help remove the shame and taboo that is often associated with wearing diapers after being toilet trained. They have the opportunity to see them as simply clothing, and nothing more.

But this would be a fine balancing act. Children often seek to imitate adults, and in such cases would likely want to keep wearing diapers themselves. Perhaps during the toilet training phase, you could lead by example by showing that you too can live without diapers. Let them know that you are patient with them while they develop their own ability to use the potty, but reinforce that it is important to you that they eventually demonstrate this ability, even if they want to wear diapers for the sake of wearing diapers. Let them have the security if they need it, but encourage them to get to the place where they can live independant of diapers. Then, if they continue to show an interest in wearing but are able to use a bathroom day and night, lay some ground rules, guidelines, and limits to this. Let them know that they must keep themselves clean and will need to take over that responsibility. Let them know that diapers cost money, and there will be limits to what they can use. Let them know that you would prefer them only to wear around the house, and not at school, church, or when visiting friends. And let them know that if others learn of this, that there may be a wide spectrum of possible reactions, and how to deal with it.

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I wear my diapers very discreetly as tho they are underwear. So yes i do wear them around my child that is 6. I dont go walking around in just underwear so the same goes for diapers. The only thing is to be more aware of disposing them. My wife has to remind me every so often. Im just a DL but i feel for those that are AB that have more to hide. When my child does find out that i wear we are just going to say its for medical reasons.

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I dont have kids myself, but if i did, i dont think its really appropriate to indulge in a fetish around them, under clothes or not.

The only excuse is need, otherwise keep it private.

What is not private about under clothes? Is it ok for a woman to wear sexy underwear under her clothes around children if that makes her feel nice and boosts her confidence? How exactly do underwear choices affect my kids? If I wear boxers instead of briefs is that going to negatively affect them?

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I have children and grandchildren. They know I wear diapers because they see my wife washing them. I never wear an exposed diaper around anyone other than my wife or medical professional.

I haven't slept without a diaper since 1977

All of my children were out of diapers before 3 years of age.

My personal problem is never even discussed with my children or grandchildren.

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Post of the year award to Autie AB :thumbsup: Kids can handle more than you'd ever believe but that doesn't mean you shouldn't be discreet ;) How kids handle things is in how you raise them to handle things, so if you teach them early about the difference between private and public, and that some people have problems or disabilities which they cannot help having, they will do OK if they discover you :blush: As a kid my siblings and I spoke of all things among ourselves, but many of those things never went any further because we understood that some things were like that- private :whistling: And even though the threat of blabbing about my bedwetting by my siblings was frequent (and very painful) they never actually did that :angel_not: With no kids of my own, and the ones in the extended family and my circle of friends grown up enough to understand incontinence (save for one perhaps) medical need is my explanation plan should I need it. And do have a plan for every situation you can imagine- if you can think it then it is possible B) Even a young child can clearly see when you're trying feverishly to cover up something with a lie so you're not going to fool them unless you're ready to handle it ahead of time :rolleyes: And don't worry about it if it is something of a 'white lie'- if that approach is in their best interest then that is the price you have to pay for it :( That is far more forgivable than steering their impressible minds to places they are not yet ready to go to ^_^ If the far future brings the topic back up you can deal with it differently then and they will understand why you lied but that's not likely to be needed because by then they understand private life on a personal level and are hiding things from you :lol:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I do wear diapers under my clothes around my kids. I worry most about the sound. They are only 3 and 5 but I don't know how it will be when they are older. My wife doesn't really like it. I keep them well hidden. I honestly am not sure what I would say if they asked. Once, my older child saw an abu cushies under my skirt and said "you're wearing a diaper!". I denied it and changed to underwear when she wasn't looking to show her but I am not sure what she thought. And she never brought it up again. I do believe in honesty though and perhaps when they are older and more mature I may approach the topic with them with truth if it comes up. I have to deal with crossdressing issues around them though too and they see me all the time in skirts and measured (not crazy sissy stuff, but more "normal") women's clothes. They are totally fine with that stuff. Diapers seem a bit different though.

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  • 1 month later...

I have a nine month old and I wear around him. I even wear nothing over them because he is too young to even remember. But later I would have to stop because he be old enough to know and it might confuse him and think he wouldn't have to quit wearing them.

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I have been in diapers 24/7 since my youngest was 1 1/2 yrs old and her brother 2 yrs older than her is handicapped and is still in diapers or pullups today. It never affect any of my 5 kids except a few questions about daddy's bag going into restaurants and gas stations and such when we just explained that I needed them and couldn't help it. In the summers when it was hot I went around in my t-shirt and plastic pants (cloth guy at home) as it was to irritating to my skin when I had to much for clothes on. Heck I even barbequed in the yard that way (we live in the country anyway) and the few neighbors don't care as they know I'm an older disabled guy anyway.

Long story short my kids warned me when they got older and brought friends over, but other than that we never had much for problems with them growing up. No potty training issues or nothing. Kids are resilient and smart too. My youngest is now 22 and a marine. They still come home and I get my fair share of hugs from all of them.

I taught little league and high school softball and neither the parents or the kids ever gave me heck about any problems as long as it didn't effect the games.

Heck my neighbor and I fish weekly and at first I was more paranoid about that then anything with the kids. Till one day it was hot and I got nasty, mean, mad, cranky whatever until he finally said hey if you need to change on the boat go ahead I know it ain't easy but life goes on.

There is to much worry in this world about what everybody else thinks when in fact most people in our society just want to have peace and a little fun and leave their friends, neighbors, and society in a whole alone to deal with life.

I don't know about co-workers and work because I haven't been able to work since 89 but I don't see anything different happening and if somebody asks just tell them you NEED them and leave it at that. That is the truth after all whether it is for a mental or physically need. All this worry about it being such a big deal seems way overboard on the forum at times. Heck pioneers like Heidi lynn showed us all that people are just people and how we cope is different for everyone but it isn't wrong no matter if a very small MINORITY thinks it is wrong!

Last of all kids will be kids and always survive when you answer their questions. Just remember a simple truth is always enough for a child. Tell them the truth you need them and leave it at that. Our mental state is just as important as our physical state if not more so.

Just wait till your my age and struggling in the bedroom to change as you have a big problem and the kid yells in (seriously and willing to help) Dad do you need some help?

Life goes on...

If it gets to tough.... Go Fishing!

and if your stuck in eMpTyland my boats alway available. LOL

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I don't mean an exposed diaper. At least I will wear some baggy pants or shorts.

Since I'm divorced and have weekends, on Friday I reverse "baby proof" my house.

They have still have come across a forgotten Bambino left in a bathroom drawer.

So I think they are old enough to know, but it's not talked about.

Well I have been getting to where IDK if I'm going to need one @ bedtime.

So I wait till they are in bed, then put one on in the bathroom with something over it.

In the morning I'll take it off (after a nice morning wetting), put it in a bag and hide in the trash.

If a person is incontinent that's understandable.

But my diapers have tapes and plastic backing.

And I am more of a ab/DL that is getting too comfortable when I'm asleep.

So, it's hard to sneak around in my own house during those time.

Anyone else deal with a similar situation?

May I ask why you mind if your lil ones hear/see it (by accident)? So they know mommy/daddy (don't know which one I should call you) wears a diaper. I doubt they think anything of it much less care.

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