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Results Of Fraud Investigation On Stanley Thornton


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Hello Everyone,

I wanted to give everyone a update and clear up some rumors here. Today I was supposed to go and meet my SSI disability case worker. But this morning they came over. It was my SSI case worker, two FBI agents and two police officers. The two cops left within a few minutes. So it was just me, the SSI worker and the two FBI agents.

They came to pick up my SSI re-evaluation packet and to see if any was left to be filled out. And the FBI was here to look into senator Coburn's report of disability fraud. They were here for over 3 hours asking questions, looking at the nursery, and asking about what all happened during the Taboo tapping.

One of many things they got wrong was they were under the impression that me and Sandra got paid thousands of dollars to be on the Taboo show. The truth was that the only thing we got from Taboo was a tank of gas, some food and the wood for the high chair. Not a actual dime of money.

After they finished their questions and looking around the house and seeing my car, they told me they do not see any signs of fraud of any kind. And the SSI guy said he sees no reason to change my case and I should be getting a letter from SSI in the mail in a few days with my statement of future disability checks that will be sent out.

So now everyone can relax. I have been investigated as everyone wanted, and they found no fraud as I was trying to tell everyone. But somehow, I don't think anyone will be satisfied by the results. "Oh, he tricked the workers somehow" or some other similar comment.

Anyway, when I get the letter from SSI for future earnings, I will post a copy (my address removed of course) and you can see for yourself. Again I shouldn't have to explain myself to anyone here, but I hate untrue rumors being spread about me. So I am doing this to clear up any myths with the whole truth. And again just goes to show, you can't judge someone solely on what you read online. Don't judge a book by the cover. Anyway, take care everyone.


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i stand behind you 100 percent as i have been investigated by them to since i have worked before but i have sever bipolar maina. so i lose alot of jobs and just lost another one on monday.

people don't believe what they don;t want to wether or not it is proven.

i am happy for you that you won your case.

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I'm glad everything worked out and you still get your benefits, It's funny how people can see someone on the outside and automatically think they can work because they can stand up, yet they have no idea that things like anxiety, PTSD and other mental issues are a real disability.

I'm one in the minority that never wished you any ill will, I think it took balls to expose the lifestyle on television, whether it was good or not for the community I'll never really know. But at least people know we're out there and we're harmless.

That never stops a good hating of course, but haters will hate.

I do have a question, now that it's said and done do you regret going on Taboo or if given the chance to go back in time and do it again, would you?


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Well, there again you have it.

Thank you Stanley for posting this...not that it will change the minds of any detractors :P sorry as it is to have to say that.

Stanley didn't do anything wrong, he is who he is and really has nothing to hide, or be ashamed of.

His only real error that created what turned out to be a very small problem, was stating where his funds come from, and him being on disability. Where his or anyones else money comes from really isn't anyones business :P and should have been edited out of the program. Though people will talk and wonder "how" he pays for stuff or what not. In reality it is non of their concern, just as it's no body's business where I get my money or anyone else's, as long as it's legal.....which it is :P

I guess he could have also changed or left out his name and city where he lives as well, to save any personal exposure, but again, I guess that was his choice, or maybe a requirement of NG, for as much disclosure and openness and honesty as possible.

Anyways, I hope this helps clear up a lot of the (now apparent) Bull sh*t that has been slung around here and relieve a lot of anxiety and fear and other crap.

For those who were hoping for a different turn out, shame on you :P

Stanley is an open and honest person with really nothing to hide, as evidenced, and as I have been saying. I know him personally, and many of you don't. You have never met him or spoken with him or spent ANY time with him, and yet you feel you have the right to judge him, and 'pontificate' from your armchairs about his fate, or what "SHOULD" happen to him. :badmood:

Where people get these "rights' or feel they are entitled to say some of this garbage is beyond me.

Some people...it really makes me wonder sometimes :P

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Guest diaperboykcmo


i stand behind you 100 percent as i have been investigated by them to since i have worked before but i have sever bipolar maina. so i lose alot of jobs and just lost another one on monday.

people don't believe what they don;t want to wether or not it is proven.

i am happy for you that you won your case.

Hey baby vinney, I too suffer from bipolar. I've been jumping through hoops for my disability, cause my doctors said I should try. Went in front of a judge, the 2 state representives said, I should've got it. The judge over ruled them! Economy is bad, if it was 10 years ago. I think I would've got it

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I had all the confidence in the world with you, Stanley. It was the government jerks led by that Senator or Congressman who wanted to make a name for himself. He's got his publicity now, so maybe he'll go away...just not far enough!

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Good deal, man. Glad you get to keep your benefits and everything. I never WISHED you to be investigated, just couldn't blame the government for wanting to either. I'm glad they were able to see the Senator was full of crap on this one.

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Hey baby vinney, I too suffer from bipolar. I've been jumping through hoops for my disability, cause my doctors said I should try. Went in front of a judge, the 2 state representives said, I should've got it. The judge over ruled them! Economy is bad, if it was 10 years ago. I think I would've got it

i had a team of socail workers and doctors that stated i am a danger to the work force.

but they have made it much harder these days and the ssi stability for the long term is to blame

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Glad to hear it's over now and you can calm down and return to normalcy.

I am pondering what is normal. Somehow an adult liking to wear diapers and plastic pants for fun does not seem to fit the societal definition of normal. I am proud not to be normal.


PS I got my teddy bear to stand on his head with no other support. I did get a few pictures of that. I looks funny.

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I wouldn't let what anyone says get you down. Anytime you put yourself in the public eye, you are opening yourself to public scrutiny and there are always going to be people who throw shit at you (even if you're the most perfect person in the world).

Anyways, I'm glad that things seemed to have worked out for you. And you shouldn't have to feel obligated to post proof here that your story checks out. This is the internet and honestly, your word is good enough for me whereas proof probably won't be good enough for someone who has it out for you. You just gotta pick your battles.

Best of luck! :thumbsup:

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Anytime you put yourself in the public eye, you are opening yourself to public scrutiny and there are always going to be people who throw shit at you (even if you're the most perfect person in the world).

Pretty much the above.

Good or bad you stick your head into the public gaze your gonna get comments good or bad, so you really should have expected it.

As for them saying all clear, I'd wait to see their paperwo*k. It's not like it's never been known for people to be all smiles and roses while your with them then send out complete opposite of what they said.

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Guest diaperboykcmo

i had a team of socail workers and doctors that stated i am a danger to the work force.

but they have made it much harder these days and the ssi stability for the long term is to blame

Yeah my case was solid, been seeing a doctor off and on since I was 12. I finally accepted I have a problem bout 7 years ago. Since then I've been trying to get disability, that's what my doctors said I should do.

Yeah it blows, that they try to make it very hard for us. I'm telling you it's the economy,that's why they're making it damn near impossible.

Hey if you wanna talk some time, seeing we're both bipolar. We can relate to each other. Hit me up

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yea.. seems like EVERYONE has taken a pay cut lately, except for the politicians...

I was always behind you and and knew things would get cleared up eventually.

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Hello All,

Thanks for the support through all of this. I just cannot tell you how much I love the AB/TB/DL community as a whole. That's the whole reason I agreed to put myself out there like that. Me and Sandra (the lady in the episode), discussed this long before the camera crew ever came out. We don't do a lot of role playing together, it's mostly just me. But since this was going to be a "example" of role play, we wanted to show a few examples. I wasn't comfortable with any diapering, so that was out right away. But we went with a spoon feeding, bottle feedings, reading a story, being tucked into bed and woken up to name a few.

As for the AB furniture, I know many AB's either don't live in a place where they can have them, can't afford them, or just don't like using such big props for role playing. But because some did like using high chairs, playpens and cribs, I decided to show mine. I had been wanting a high chair for many years, but never had the money. So when NatGeo said they would pay for everything to build it, I jumped at the chance.

The biggest part of this was trying to get the point across that aside from a select few that do, most AB/DL's do not do their role playing 24 hours a day. NatGeo misquoted me. I really only role play 1-2 hours a day. And that is one of the myths out there about AB/DL's, that we LIVE as a baby all the time. Another is that we are pedophiles. So I addressed that as well. Yet another is that we are all gay/lesbian. Although some are, not every single AB/DL is gay or lesbian. I liked the idea about the park because I also wanted to let the general public know, that although we might do this in the privacy of our home, we never do it in public where kids can see it. Such as walking down the street in a diaper and t-shirt.

As for the investigation, I agree the show did make me seem like I was more able than I am. Part of that reason was I was taking a double dose of my pain medication to be able to do some of the activities. And I know people said I brought the investigation on myself by mentioning my income. Thing is, no one at NatGeo told us they would be mentioning our source of income. And they never said they were going to tell people what city we lived in. State ok, but not the city. But the cat's out of the bag now.

Me and Sandra were prepared for laughing or comments. We were just not expecting the investigation because as far as we knew, nothing was going to be said about the exact source of income on the show. But hey, can only move forward now. And we were cleared of any fraud and no changes will be made to either of our disability claims. I wasn't worried about a investigation. What worried me was the senator. He didn't say he wanted a investigation, she said he wanted to make SURE our disability was cut off. THAT was what worried me. I just didn't know exactly how much power this senator had. Seems, all he had the power to do was request the investigation. Since I have documentation up the ying yang, and have nothing to hide, it all went smoothly So yea, life should return to normal and the episode drop out of the news. Anyway, take care everyone.


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Someone ought to send the FBI over to HIS house. :rolleyes: My mom is on SSI and my son as well (he's intellectually disabled) and we're fighting to get his pay reinstated because of a giant mistake on their part, so I know how it can be.

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Nah! While you have a good thing going, I think there should be a sequel or a follow up.....then....then, YEAH..a TV series Yeah...YEAH!!! thats the ticket...:thumbsup:

Strike while the iron is hot as it were...we could make a fortune and you would never have to work again..

Oh...wait, scratch that...you don't work...Uhhh....

SO yeah!!..a TV series, I can just see it now..


has a nice ring to it....don't ya think??



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From reading ur post it seems u are a bright educated man!! I would say God has given u a great brain! A brain u could use to get a job and remove urself from nursing on the governments tit!! You say u have pain well me too!! There are some mornings it'd hard for me go get out of bed due to sports injuries I have suffered! I still get up and take care of my responsibilities!! I have also been depressed one time when an ex told everyone I know that I wore diapers! There were days during this time I didn't even want to get out of bed!! I still got up and took care of my responsibilities! Life is attitude be a winner not a victim! You have to fight for everything in life! Don't roll over and suck the tit of the US government!! Attach and achieve all ur dreams!

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wow... just wow..... to the post above.... not even going to get into it...

stanley, glad it was a quick and easy 'investigation' if you can even call it that! you are lucky in the sense that if you HAD to be investigated, at least it was a congressman who called it, and therefore it happened quick..... sometimes those investigatins can take weeks or months.....

not saying you ever should have..... but at least it went good for you...

and it sounds like sandra is hoime and on the mend? I had heard she was ill for a while......

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Guest diaperboykcmo


From reading ur post it seems u are a bright educated man!! I would say God has given u a great brain! A brain u could use to get a job and remove urself from nursing on the governments tit!! You say u have pain well me too!! There are some mornings it'd hard for me go get out of bed due to sports injuries I have suffered! I still get up and take care of my responsibilities!! I have also been depressed one time when an ex told everyone I know that I wore diapers! There were days during this time I didn't even want to get out of bed!! I still got up and took care of my responsibilities! Life is attitude be a winner not a victim! You have to fight for everything in life! Don't roll over and suck the tit of the US government!! Attach and achieve all ur dreams!

There's alot of people that don't get disability, that are worse off then some. People that have aids and cancer, that don't get ssi. You speak alot of truths. Good for you!

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There's alot of people that don't get disability, that are worse off then some. People that have aids and cancer, that don't get ssi. You speak alot of truths. Good for you!

I agree with you and drcouple. I have panic attacks and agoraphobia. I drag myself out the door everyday relying only on my FMLA when things are truly unmanageable. That's unpaid though.

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