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Need To Know Legalities

Guest diaperguy68

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Guest diaperguy68

I'm in talks right now with a care giving agency, and have been very upfront about my diaper fetish. I made them aware that I have no medical need for diapers, but that I enjoy wearing them at home, and that I'm looking for someone to change me. I even gave them a link to a page on Wikipedia about the fetish. They have agreed to meet with me in person, and now it's just a matter of telling them my availability.

I'm looking to know if this is okay from a legal standpoint. And I don't want people stating legal "facts" if they don't know them to be facts. A) I'm being honest, and B ) I plan to pay the bills. No harm is being done. I may however get sexually excited during a diaper change. As long as she continues her role as caregiver and does not provide stimulation of any sort, I don't see any legal boundaries being crossed.

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As long as they are made aware, there is no foul. ;) Sexual activity will be seen as prostitution but I do not believe there are any laws covering non-sexual fetishes, but just to be safe check your local laws, though they are usually a pain to dig through there may be something buried in there. However the agency should know these well enough and if they see nothing wrong then it may be a safe bet.

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It may be highly unusual, but if you fully disclose everything and they still agree to do it I don't see that there is a problem with it.

However, if you do become "aroused" during the diaper change the service may be construed as something sexual in nature, which would lead to major problems.

IMO, if you want someone to care for you, change you, etc. Consider hiring a professional Mistress.

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get a written contract of what services will be provided and any prices involved. If everything is agreed too up front, it shold be fine. A contract will protect both parties. I would say it is a grey area as far as prostitution goes but the vice squad is not going to be staking you out and the contract will put them on the hook too so they can't really say anything

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I have to say that you are doing everything by the book. You told them you have a diaper fetish. You are upfront and honest with them. So far it seems they are still willing to meet with you. You are willing to pay, yes I would say there should be no issues what so ever. best of luck to you.

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any 'care giving agency' who agrees to this is not 'care giving' agency....

I'm sorry, but a true agency would hang up with you immediately....

"ring ring

secretary "hello?"

Man "yes i want a care giver to change my diapers.. i have no medical need for them, and they are a fetish for me and so could you send someone round to meet with me"

Secretary " sir do you have a medical need for a care giver?"

Man "no no, i just want someone to change my diapers"

secretary "oh of course we will send someone right around"

seriously... BULLSHIT!

i have called many care giving agencies, and no no no, they would never do that... so i dunno who you called... but it was not a real care giving agency....

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This is deja vu all over again

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Actually this isn't to far off of a service that used to be available to us back in the early to mid 90's. DPF had advertised for them. I don't quite remember the name now, but I have posted about it in the past.

What they did, was to get the local papers and possibly yellow pages and such for your area. You paid them a upfront fee, I believe around $200. Then they would call the "Care Givers" and agencies and such in your area. They would be very discreet at first getting candidates for the service. I don't know the way they did it, but believe they continuously got further into it if the interested parties answered correctly or passed certain questions. They offered a pretty good deal. They found you a "sitter" or you didn't pay and got your money back.

Yes, I did use the service and they actually where pretty good to deal with. They kept me updated and found me a few people. Some where under my age a bit to much, so The "mommie" thing for me wouldn't really work out. The did find a lady about 4 years older than me, which I agreed to talk with. We had a few phone calls and she took the whole thing with a grain of salt.

At one point she asked me how often I used number 2, which took me aback. I told her I didn't care to do that as the mess was a bit much. She then told me of a fellow where she worked that did it a bit much, and that she thought that he did it on purpose as he liked to be cleaned up by her.

She continued as it didn't really bother her, and mentioned that she had seen a special or something about AB's on TV. She was very positive about the whole thing and really seemed to actually look forward to the "job"

We were going to meet for coffee or something, and I don't remember what really happened. I think I found a girlfriend or something and didn't need her. I explained it to her and told her I would happily pay her for the time and a 4 hour session which we discussed.

She said I didn't need to do that, but I insisted. We met at a local Wendy's restaurant, and I believe that my girlfriend was with me. We sat at a table and chatted a bit. I excused myself to get a drink or something and the "girls" talked I guess.

They were giggling when I came back, and the lady commented I bet you look cute in your pampers! I was just kinda embarrassed then and reached into my pocket and handed her 6 $20 bills I had rolled up and asked her if this would take care of it. She again about freaked and said that is way too much. I told her that the Minimum per the company was $25 a hour, she said they hadn't mentioned that. She said it's a shame it didn't work out. I told her the same, she then asked if I had any "friends" that I could refer her too, I told her I would send them her way.

I was staying at a friends and didn't have her number a few weeks later when I had another AB friend that wanted her name, as such a possible Mommy went to the wayside.

So I say yes go for it, seems legit enough. And I say anyone could be a sitter or mommy..even caregivers at nursing homes :P

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There is a logical reason for them to want to do something like this actually, the public insurance pays too little and most home care providers work for such clients. So if you offer them cash for a job that actually wouldn't be any different than what they would normally do for a client, they would benefit from taking it. One of my ex friends was a home care provider for several years, she got paid about $100 a week by Medicare AND Medicaid, and she was suppose to be available 24-7 in case of emergencies for the client. It's not a far fetched concept or possibility. Many professionals in other fields also night-light as non-sexual fetish caterers to supplement their incomes, why not home care providers?

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there is a difference in an individual person who happens to work for an agency agreeing to do some 'under the table' work... and for an actual agency to send an employee to a home to change someones diapers....

i can completely see an employee agreeing to this, but cannot see an agency agreeing to take on this 'client'..... it could actually get the agency into trouble.... because it COULD be construed as providing services for which they are not licensed......

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any 'care giving agency' who agrees to this is not 'care giving' agency....

I'm sorry, but a true agency would hang up with you immediately....

"ring ring

secretary "hello?"

Man "yes i want a care giver to change my diapers.. i have no medical need for them, and they are a fetish for me and so could you send someone round to meet with me"

Secretary " sir do you have a medical need for a care giver?"

Man "no no, i just want someone to change my diapers"

secretary "oh of course we will send someone right around"

seriously... BULLSHIT!

i have called many care giving agencies, and no no no, they would never do that... so i dunno who you called... but it was not a real care giving agency....

Times are tough, a buck is a buck

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Actually this isn't to far off of a service that used to be available to us back in the early to mid 90's. DPF had advertised for them. I don't quite remember the name now, but I have posted about it in the past.

What they did, was to get the local papers and possibly yellow pages and such for your area. You paid them a upfront fee, I believe around $200. Then they would call the "Care Givers" and agencies and such in your area. They would be very discreet at first getting candidates for the service. I don't know the way they did it, but believe they continuously got further into it if the interested parties answered correctly or passed certain questions. They offered a pretty good deal. They found you a "sitter" or you didn't pay and got your money back.

Yes, I did use the service and they actually where pretty good to deal with. They kept me updated and found me a few people. Some where under my age a bit to much, so The "mommie" thing for me wouldn't really work out. The did find a lady about 4 years older than me, which I agreed to talk with. We had a few phone calls and she took the whole thing with a grain of salt.

At one point she asked me how often I used number 2, which took me aback. I told her I didn't care to do that as the mess was a bit much. She then told me of a fellow where she worked that did it a bit much, and that she thought that he did it on purpose as he liked to be cleaned up by her.

She continued as it didn't really bother her, and mentioned that she had seen a special or something about AB's on TV. She was very positive about the whole thing and really seemed to actually look forward to the "job"

We were going to meet for coffee or something, and I don't remember what really happened. I think I found a girlfriend or something and didn't need her. I explained it to her and told her I would happily pay her for the time and a 4 hour session which we discussed.

She said I didn't need to do that, but I insisted. We met at a local Wendy's restaurant, and I believe that my girlfriend was with me. We sat at a table and chatted a bit. I excused myself to get a drink or something and the "girls" talked I guess.

They were giggling when I came back, and the lady commented I bet you look cute in your pampers! I was just kinda embarrassed then and reached into my pocket and handed her 6 $20 bills I had rolled up and asked her if this would take care of it. She again about freaked and said that is way too much. I told her that the Minimum per the company was $25 a hour, she said they hadn't mentioned that. She said it's a shame it didn't work out. I told her the same, she then asked if I had any "friends" that I could refer her too, I told her I would send them her way.

I was staying at a friends and didn't have her number a few weeks later when I had another AB friend that wanted her name, as such a possible Mommy went to the wayside.

So I say yes go for it, seems legit enough. And I say anyone could be a sitter or mommy..even caregivers at nursing homes :P

this is what i remember reading somewhere awhile back.

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Times are tough, a buck is a buck

an indivdual person i can see doing this... but a real care giving agency is not going to risk its license to cater to a persons sexual fetish.....

if i found out the care giving agency we used for my boyfriends mother also sent out its employees to cater to people's fetish' i would drop them in a heart beat and not hesitate to inform any others who use this agency of their 'outside' practices...

it is a big risk for an agency to support this behavior... however, i can see an individual employee agreeing to do it under the table.....

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Legalities vary a lot from place to place :huh: so the only way you can get good legal advice on subjects such as this is to ask a local lawyer. Of course that advice was given me by my old lawyer and friend who is now gone, but he was right ;) Law begins at local, and the prices go up from there ^_^:whistling::P


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an indivdual person i can see doing this... but a real care giving agency is not going to risk its license to cater to a persons sexual fetish.....

if i found out the care giving agency we used for my boyfriends mother also sent out its employees to cater to people's fetish' i would drop them in a heart beat and not hesitate to inform any others who use this agency of their 'outside' practices...

it is a big risk for an agency to support this behavior... however, i can see an individual employee agreeing to do it under the table.....

Well I doubt they will put in their brochures. If they are going through with it, they will probably want a confidentiality agreement.

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It may be highly unusual, but if you fully disclose everything and they still agree to do it I don't see that there is a problem with it.

However, if you do become "aroused" during the diaper change the service may be construed as something sexual in nature, which would lead to major problems.

IMO, if you want someone to care for you, change you, etc. Consider hiring a professional Mistress.

I agree with this. A pro-domme will be able to provide a lot more for you then a medical caregiver will probably. Depending on how much you pay, a pro-domme might be able to fulfill your fantasy completely as well, and there really wouldn't be any problems with legalities.

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I don't see how it can be an issue to have someone change your diapers. If you're upfront with a person and they agree, why not? No different than bargaining with your girlfriend to do it or wife. Nothing illegal about that at all.

What I do see as a problem is a physical company doing it who is in the field of providing necessary care. Not sure what company would want to cross that line of needed vs. pleasure. Wouldn't likely be a great business practice. If they decide to then, well, more power to you I guess. The person doing it would be crossing a line too, again, becoming more of an escort then a nurse but heck, some people just need the money. Why do you think some chicks may have a "normal" day job and strip at night?

I don't see how it could really be a legal issue. It would fall under the "escort" category I'd think. Just my opinion.

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I'm in talks right now with a care giving agency, and have been very upfront about my diaper fetish. I made them aware that I have no medical need for diapers, but that I enjoy wearing them at home, and that I'm looking for someone to change me. I even gave them a link to a page on Wikipedia about the fetish. They have agreed to meet with me in person, and now it's just a matter of telling them my availability.

This is pure beat off bullshit. No company is going to risk their reputation to service a diaper fetish. You couldn't pay them enough! Some individual might, but this person is called a sex worker, not an agency.

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The bottom line is that you need to be taking a serious look at the prostitution laws of your state before going any further with these people because the likelihood is one of a few things:

1: Most likely, they don't understand your request.

2: They do understand your request, but have reported you and been asked to catch you in the act of giving them money for an act of sexual gratification, which is the act that is defined as "prostitution" in many states.

3: Least likely. They understand your request and would actually like to fulfill it.

You would be foolish not to protect yourself from the consequences of the first two.

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