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My Unique Situation.

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I'm 24, newly married, and diapers turn me on. I haven't been the one to go out and buy diapers, but rather I've just fantasized. My wife has been aware of my "thing", as we call it, since day 1 and she has made clear she would not want to put me in diapers or treat me like a baby. I have been completely fine with that and will continue to be fine with it, but I would like some advice.

We have not yet discussed the possibility of me diapering her. Now I don't think it's a good idea to bring it up any time soon as I want to give time for our marriage to grow a good foundation. But there may be a chance although she doesn't like the idea of me in diapers, she wouldn't mind herself in diapers. It's a small chance but it's all I got as far as diapers and this fetish go. If not it's no big deal, I've been without diapers this long.

So do you all think there's a possibility? If so, how and when do you think I should bring it up?

I realize you may need more info before answering but just let me know.

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Congratulations on your recent marriage.! Most AB/DLs here would say you have made the right choice to let the wife know up front of your "turn on" interest.

If you are to involve your wife, how would you like her to behave.......be dominant, passive, a willing participant, little girl or mommy.........what would you gain by her joining in?

May I suggest that you read through the "stories" portion of DD and if per chance you find a story that excites you, then print it out and let her find it.....maybe even she will read it.

Sounds as if she has little idea of the diaper fetish world and needs information.

Whatever you do, it has got to be FUN for her too.

Best of luck.


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I'm not sure what "role" she or I would take on. I guess I haven't thought that far. For her, as I assume it is with most women, she wants to feel sexy and attractive. Telling her, yes you're sexy and attractive but here try this on, doesn't do much to convince her of such. Hence my decision not to bring it up for a while. She needs to KNOW she alone turns me on.

That's my predicament. If she does not share my excitement for diapers, will she ever feel sexy in one as she does in lingerie? Probably not. And I do not want to be selfish.

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Just my opinion but, if she has no interest in diapering you, I doubt she'll be interested in wearing one herself.

I second that! Since she has made it clear that she would not want to put you in a diaper or baby you, you should cool it for a while! You are newley married, you don't want to be newley divorced! Take things really slow. She probably sees you as her strong handsom loving provider and the idea of that person in a diaper and acting like a baby may be a big turn off for her. She may tollerate it but it seems she's made it clear that she won't be a participant! Does she ever see you relaxing in a diaper around the house? If so, what is her reaction to seeing you in a diaper? That will be the biggest tell-tale of her interest or revulsion with your diapers.

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OTOH, she may really enjoy some mild D/s that could lead into diapering, if it went the right direction. It all depends on the woman and her needs. She may not be aware of whether she would enjoy being dominant or submissive, or she may secretly fantasize about a strong master-type tying her up and forcing her to do awful things, it all really is up to how well you know her.

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First, thank you for all the replies.

I, unlike most males involved or connected to this fetish, know what priority a fetish has within a marriage (or life for that matter). I have chosen to place this pretty far back, rightly so. I would again like to make it clear I am in no hurry and am not expecting anything. I'm ok with whatever outcome.

As far as discussing fetishes prior to marriage, we did. And still do.

It's important not to confuse fantasy with reality. I fear this community has a big problem with this. To each his own.

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of course there is always a possibility because who knows what the future will bring and how people will change and grow overtime.... however without knowing more about her behavior in the bedroom (which is not my place to ask) or her own personality its impossible to say either way except for the above stated possibilities

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My marriage has always worked on the premise of give and take. I try to provide my wife with all the physical and emotional and financial support that I can offer. It goes both ways. She isn't into diapers but she will wear one from time to time and doesn't have any issues with me wearing them around her.

Being a part of a loving and nurturing environment is a great thing. She might not like diapers but she may be willing to entertain the idea of wearing one because you like diapers and she wants to make you happy. It has to be a two way street though. Make sure you are taking care of her needs and wants as well and I don't think she'll have a problem playing along when the time comes :)

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First, thank you for all the replies.

I, unlike most males involved or connected to this fetish, know what priority a fetish has within a marriage (or life for that matter). I have chosen to place this pretty far back, rightly so. I would again like to make it clear I am in no hurry and am not expecting anything. I'm ok with whatever outcome.

As far as discussing fetishes prior to marriage, we did. And still do.

It's important not to confuse fantasy with reality. I fear this community has a big problem with this. To each his own.

I think what the previous poster was trying to suggest is that if going your entire marriage without ever having your wife participate in your fetish is going to be a problem for you, you should have discussed it prior to marriage. Obviously, you did the sane thing and prioritized your love of this woman over your kinky fantasy. This also means that you have acknowledged that it is quite likely you will never have a chance to act out those fantasies. Unless your wife has some kinky tendencies in bed of her own, I wouldn't be too hopeful about getting her involved in yours.

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I would venture to say most men seeking advice concerning this topic have said some of the same things I have said, "I'm ok with whatever outcome". I would also venture that most if not all of those men, to some degree, really are not ok with whatever outcome. I can understand and appreciate everyone's willingness to help me see the light, as it were.

I feel I must stress again. Diapers and this fetish are not a priority for me. My initial purpose for posting this was to gain advice from, say, a woman's perspective. I agree with Sarah in that people grow and who knows what the future holds. Is that to say the possibility of her willingness is going to consume my thoughts? Not at all. As far as I'm concerned business as usual.

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of course there is always a possibility because who knows what the future will bring and how people will change and grow overtime.... however without knowing more about her behavior in the bedroom (which is not my place to ask) or her own personality its impossible to say either way except for the above stated possibilities


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