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Why Post The Negative Stories?

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I got to thinking about something today. I noticed a news story involving a sexual predator who also has a diaper fetish. This is the same story that Diapered Jeff posted last night (I noticed it because I also live in CO), but I wasn't aware it had been brought up already, and thought about coming here to make a thread about it. Since this isn't a site I would feel safe coming to during work, I had some time to think about posting it and couldn't really come up with any reason why I should.

Every thread that gets started because of a story depicting us in a negative light ends the same way. There's a little flurry of posts deriding how stupid the person involved in, how not all ABDLs are like that, etc., before the thread dies out. We all KNOW that, and all AGREE with it, so I'm just curious as to what purpose is really served by continuing to make these types of threads.

I'm not trying to antagonize anyone, or call anyone out who has made one of these threads (because I almost did myself), but I'm just wondering what the motivation is.

Anyone have any thoughts?

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I definitely agree with you, man. I think a big part of the problem is that there are no positive news stories about people who are involved in ABDL activities. Sadly, we just don't live in a world where you're going to hear about a man who pushed someone out of the path of an oncoming car and he was wearing a diaper while he saved that person's life - just because he enjoys wearing diapers. I'm not saying that's not possible, but my point is the media wouldn't hype it that way.

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I think its because in this society, sadly, we choose to focus on the negatitive, and thrive on it. The same is true with news in general. News Companies Broadcast & Print (online) negatitive because it sells, & it is what gets people talking. Hence since we are on this path it just leads to more negatitivity & more violence. Sad, but all too true I think.

Rockies Fan. Go Rockies in 2011!:D

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....Every thread that gets started because of a story depicting us in a negative light ends the same way. There's a little flurry of posts deriding how stupid the person involved in, how not all ABDLs are like that, etc., before the thread dies out. We all KNOW that, and all AGREE with it, so I'm just curious as to what purpose is really served by continuing to make these types of threads.

I'm not trying to antagonize anyone, or call anyone out who has made one of these threads (because I almost did myself), but I'm just wondering what the motivation is.

Anyone have any thoughts?

A couple (or more) thoughts ^_^ One comes from long ago: Walter Cronkite said at the end of a news report that the reason news is usually bad is because news reports the unusual- therefore bad news means that there's a lot more good than bad happening, even if you don't hear about it :D

And yes, every one of there posts has the same responses because we want every one to understand that we don't like pedos and predators :angry2: Those who may come here with a bent for that may learn something from our responses, just like those who wonder what we're really like ;) Plus it offers us an understanding of how others may see us so that we can handle it better should we do any explaining of out unusual proclivities :angel_not:

But mostly I think those who post such stuff here just want to get it posted before some else beats them to it :roflmao:


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Guest Diapered Jeff

A couple (or more) thoughts ^_^ One comes from long ago: Walter Cronkite said at the end of a news report that the reason news is usually bad is because news reports the unusual- therefore bad news means that there's a lot more good than bad happening, even if you don't hear about it :D

And yes, every one of there posts has the same responses because we want every one to understand that we don't like pedos and predators :angry2: Those who may come here with a bent for that may learn something from our responses, just like those who wonder what we're really like ;) Plus it offers us an understanding of how others may see us so that we can handle it better should we do any explaining of out unusual proclivities :angel_not:

But mostly I think those who post such stuff here just want to get it posted before some else beats them to it :roflmao:


You may have said it better than I could, but it's a way for us to educate each other that there is a right way, and definitely a very WRONG way to approach people with our lifestyle. The news posts should serve as an education tool about what the "VERY WRONG WAY" approach is. :)

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I am amused at the news media when in a story they just have to report that the vehicle involved was "a SUV". Huh? What does it matter? What's the relevance?

Diapers in the news, when it's involving an adult, are amplified because the news media has chosen to judge an AB or DL as abnormal. And, what have they had to go on? So many HERE agree that some of these people in the news are sick, perverted, weirdos and wackos. They've given the rest of the AB/DL world a bad name and reputation. What else does the so-called normal society have to go on?

It has often been said that the only news worth reading is bad news. It, too, is out of "the norm". Everything else is same-old, same-old. It's boring, it's uninteresting.

So, how do we of the AB/DL world put forth a positive face? How do we put forth a positive spin on our perfectly legal, though somewhat odd leanings and fetishism? A person could argue that there are other types of things that people are into that "society" would consider odd, abnormal or "just wrong". Um, if it really doesn't hurt anyone else, and isn't illegal, immoral or fattening, and it's OUR thing, who should care? A lot of small-minded, closed-minded, "holier-than-thou" types seem to, and can be vocal about it.

I'm all for putting the AB/DL world into a positive light. But, if it means I'm going to be humiliated, ridiculed and ostracized when others find out that I'm into diapers and am active in my DL side/life/world, I will continue to do so quietly, discreetly and privately. Not gonna' help anybody else much, I fear.

As far as posting negative stories at this site, it does us all well to remind ourselves that our house of cards can easily come tumbling down easily and quickly due to the actions of one selfish, self-centered, unthinking idiot. Maybe it will help us to figure out HOW we can overcome the negative stigma that shadows us and haunts us and be part of the solution to turn it around. If only that could happen...

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It has often been said that the only news worth reading is bad news. It, too, is out of "the norm". Everything else is same-old, same-old. It's boring, it's uninteresting.

So, how do we of the AB/DL world put forth a positive face? How do we put forth a positive spin on our perfectly legal, though somewhat odd leanings and fetishism?

Donate cloth diapers to the "diaper Bank".

Support a "green" movement to educate new mothers-to-be about cloth diapers

do a Youtube video showing the tons n tons of diapers in landfills

Start a non-profit cloth diaper laundry service

counteract advertise that a new pill is NOT needed to solve "plumbing' problems or "having to get up 3 or 4 times a night"

yeah, does sound like a fanatic, sorry

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I am amused at the news media when in a story they just have to report that the vehicle involved was "a SUV". Huh? What does it matter? What's the relevance?

Diapers in the news, when it's involving an adult, are amplified because the news media has chosen to judge an AB or DL as abnormal. And, what have they had to go on? So many HERE agree that some of these people in the news are sick, perverted, weirdos and wackos. They've given the rest of the AB/DL world a bad name and reputation. What else does the so-called normal society have to go on?

It has often been said that the only news worth reading is bad news. It, too, is out of "the norm". Everything else is same-old, same-old. It's boring, it's uninteresting.

So, how do we of the AB/DL world put forth a positive face? How do we put forth a positive spin on our perfectly legal, though somewhat odd leanings and fetishism? A person could argue that there are other types of things that people are into that "society" would consider odd, abnormal or "just wrong". Um, if it really doesn't hurt anyone else, and isn't illegal, immoral or fattening, and it's OUR thing, who should care? A lot of small-minded, closed-minded, "holier-than-thou" types seem to, and can be vocal about it.

I'm all for putting the AB/DL world into a positive light. But, if it means I'm going to be humiliated, ridiculed and ostracized when others find out that I'm into diapers and am active in my DL side/life/world, I will continue to do so quietly, discreetly and privately. Not gonna' help anybody else much, I fear.

As far as posting negative stories at this site, it does us all well to remind ourselves that our house of cards can easily come tumbling down easily and quickly due to the actions of one selfish, self-centered, unthinking idiot. Maybe it will help us to figure out HOW we can overcome the negative stigma that shadows us and haunts us and be part of the solution to turn it around. If only that could happen...

I'll counter your question with another:

Why put forth any face at all?

The fact is that what this community is and does is weird. It IS WIERD! IT IS NOT NORMAL!. The sooner people can accept that, the sooner they can stop guilt-tripping themselves about what they are and do and stop being so fixated upon that guilt.

I don't get why so many people complain that the media "judges" us as abnormal. WE ARE ABNORMAL!

People need to stop acting as if we're just like everybody else and admit to themselves that we are not and, very likely, we never will be. We're, frankly, never going to have a good "public image" because too much of our scene is based around the sexualization of something that the average individual associates with children, even if we do not.

It's better to focus on having no image at all. Probably the best thing we can hope for is to fly under the radar of the general public, rather than shoving ourselves in its face, as so many are intent on doing.

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So, how do we of the AB/DL world put forth a positive face?

That is always the big question :huh: As odd as this is, I don't know if there is a good answer. I think Heidi Lynn (RIP) did some good with her very out lifestyle, however most of us can't afford to live that way even if we wanted to. And perhaps she made us a few enemies too since many people don't really think about ABDL's at all, and are inclined to see unusual people negatively. But overall I think she did us good- along with the few who have appeared in public settings to explain it :thumbsup:

Why put forth any face at all?....Probably the best thing we can hope for is to fly under the radar of the general public, rather than shoving ourselves in its face, as so many are intent on doing.

The only problem with 'hiding' is that the anonymity insures than nobody will know about you so you can't gain any allies that way :( I agree that this isn't something to 'push on others' but it isn't something bad either ;)

Yeah, the same old topics bring the same old answers and we've heard them all so far :rolleyes: But maybe someday someone will show up with a good idea so we might do well to not be so down on those who post negative news articles :fish_h4h: At least they show us who reports what and how so that we know not to go to the bad ones with a press release :whistling: I do wish I knew the answer- so do us all!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll counter your question with another:

Why put forth any face at all?

The fact is that what this community is and does is weird. It IS WIERD! IT IS NOT NORMAL!. The sooner people can accept that, the sooner they can stop guilt-tripping themselves about what they are and do and stop being so fixated upon that guilt.

I don't get why so many people complain that the media "judges" us as abnormal. WE ARE ABNORMAL!

People need to stop acting as if we're just like everybody else and admit to themselves that we are not and, very likely, we never will be. We're, frankly, never going to have a good "public image" because too much of our scene is based around the sexualization of something that the average individual associates with children, even if we do not.

It's better to focus on having no image at all. Probably the best thing we can hope for is to fly under the radar of the general public, rather than shoving ourselves in its face, as so many are intent on doing.

There is a lot of merit "flying under the radar", and I agree with that. However, unlike the negative press the idiots who don't THINK before they go public in diapers, reinforcing the idea in the public that people like us ARE abnormal, some sort of positive press WOULD be nice. But, it's not going to happen, and we are even ostracized and condemned in the BDSM world, which some of society views as "legitimate" kink! How abnormal is THAT?

We have to present ourselves in as positive a light as we can, in our own situations, and make no apology for being different. It still doesn't mean we are going to find acceptance and encouragement from "society" in general. No matter what I feel or how I feel, I don't think you're ever going to see a "Diaper Pride" parade anywhere, and a bunch of DLs or ABs publicly "coming out"! We need to understand the lack of acceptance for our "leanings" and the perception in regard TO it. Fine. That is other people's opinion. And, when it's freely given, it's worth exactly what it cost to hear...

The only problem with 'hiding' is that the anonymity insures than nobody will know about you so you can't gain any allies that way :( I agree that this isn't something to 'push on others' but it isn't something bad either ;)


I reiterate my comment about a "Diaper Pride" parade or something like that, especially with some big public splash. Sure, it would attract a lot of people wondering what the participants were up to, but some things are just better left behind closed doors between and among consenting adults. As much as many would love to be openly "out", the question IS, WHAT would it accomplish? You can act infantile out in public is you wish and you can wear diapers and use them, discreetly, out in public. ABs and DLs DO try to legitmize their feelings and urges, and DO feel guilty about being "different" about something they, themselves view as abnormal or weird. So, how can they expect that the rest of society doesn't view those of our "community" the same way?

It's a vicious cycle. There is no definitive answer. What we DO have to do is try to keep a lid on those who WOULD and DO cast the rest of us in a negative light. At least that much can help. Dealing with our own demons is another issue..

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Any news is good news. Take a look at Google Trends for the term diaper fetish in the news. 2011 is already surpassing other years. In the past decade the public has seen Vitter, bad stories, tv shows and now the octomom thing. The good thing is they are all now calling it a "fetish video". The public is not accepting, but at least they have more information and know that in general an adult who wears diapers has a fetish for diapers and not babies. Before you can accept something you have to know about it. I think the press stories let people know that a diaper fetish exists. Now people's judgements are a lot harder to control. If we want good press there needs to be a celebrity stand up for ABs or some kind of AB charity event, like an auction for AB stuff going towards a charity. Something like that.


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Agrees.. negative news raises the public profile of ABDL. If someone is interested, they'll investigate the reality of it. If they are open minded people, as most people are, they'll not be too bothered.. "weird but harmless" category. a pedo in diapers is in prison because he's a pedo, not because of the diapers. wingnuts and haters would just hate anyway. The end result is that people become aware that ABDL even exists and actually has a sizeable population. When I was a teenager, folks, awareness of ABDL was 0. As in zero, nada, zip, zilch.

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