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Tranny Sighting

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I really only wanted to post as she had way over done everything. From far she looked pretty hot, but got up close passing by and saw the badly over done makeup, high stilettos, huge tits (not sure if they were implants or could have been just bra inserts.) As we passed we both gave a side glance, probably realizing I had clocked her. If it had not been for the overdone everything I wouldn't be posting, but it was just startling as from a block away she looked just to be a dressed up for the night women. Had she not over done it I probably just would have thought that is a pretty hot chick as I wouldn't have payed as much attention and probably wouldn't have thought about it other than the normal thought when passing by fine looking ladies.

I more than anything wanted to tell her to tone down everything as I empathize with her as I am a CD myself.

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More than likely that was a cross dresser and not a transsexual. i know a few Transsexuals and they tend to dress like they belong in women's clothing where as most cross dressers I come in contact with dress more over the top. There are exceptions to every rule though so it could've been either or. I would advise not using the term tranny either, it's like calling a homosexual a fag. It's your first amendment right to say what you want, it's just not always wise to do it.

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More than likely that was a cross dresser and not a transsexual. i know a few Transsexuals and they tend to dress like they belong in women's clothing where as most cross dressers I come in contact with dress more over the top. There are exceptions to every rule though so it could've been either or. I would advise not using the term tranny either, it's like calling a homosexual a fag. It's your first amendment right to say what you want, it's just not always wise to do it.

Yeah, T-girls do not usually go over the top. It could also be a drag queen, though that is more of a performance art than a street wear kind of thing. I have also heard of g-girls way overdoing it and wearing "Drag queen makeup" or being "mistaken for a drag queen", though I have not seen much real evidence of that (there's a word for it, something like hyper-femme? I forget). In any case, the over the top clothes and makeup that are drag are very distinct form of dress from what any other gender wears.

I suppose when I have gone out (as a crossdresser), I usually tried to go understated, but there is a strong pull towards that sort of overdone image that can be hard to resist; like, if I'm going to wear girls' clothes, why not go all out?

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Back in the day when I was an active out-in-public CD'r (and trust me, THAT'S a long and interesting story that I'll post someday) I always tried to go out "age appropriate". Boobs in the right proportion to my body, sensible shoes, nice LL Bean or Lands End jumpers with sweater underneath. When I'd seen some of my fellow CD'rs in their outfits all I could think was "Ewwww". I guess I always tried to dress like the woman I'd like to date!

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I saw a tranny about 3 minutes ago, when I was under my truck checking the electrical connections to my T-Case.

How you would see a transmission walking down the street in ANY clothing... Well hell... Thatd surprise me too.

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I'm afraid I'm going to blow a tranny in the near future..............

In my wife's fox mustang no less.

351 windsor mated to a stock T-5 is just asking for trouble. Good thing we don't get traction on the street. We'll see if it survives the strip though.

In all seriousness, though, don't google blown tranny in google with safesearch off.

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Guest NaughtyAshes

In all seriousness, though, don't google blown tranny in google with safesearch off.

because a trans woman receiving oral sex is such an awful thing to witness...

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I find cross dressers to be very interesting individuals! Like, what they do and how much effort they put into it is the neatest thing. But most of them just look like ugly women to me.

A guy + a dress + makeup + a wig doesn't always equal a pretty drag queen. =]

RuPaul is smokin' hot, though. Just sayin'

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"Tranny" doesn't bug me, but it does bug a lot of other TG people :o Just don't call me a "Drag Queen"or you'll get the fastest education you've ever had :bash: (Nothing wrong with DQ's, I just don't do stage) Now back to the OP..............

Everyone has to start somewhere :) At first I thought I looked, well at least decent B) In time as I learned about style, proportion, and makeup I learned how to look something better than decent :lol: I took a pic of myself way back in the beginning and keep it as a reminder of how far I've come. I chuckle remembering how I thought I looked pretty darn good when I took that pic :lol: So the person you saw may just lack experience and knowledge like I did ;) In the beginning most MTF TG's concentrate on the great way it feels to look like you feel- and that can distort perception :angry: Advice from friends will only make you look like them so sometimes that's not good either :crybaby: I got body shaping, poise, and style advice from TG's near my age with impeccable taste who passed better than some real women do :whistling: I got make-up advice from pro's :thumbsup: I got voice advice from some who study that. And I got the rest from inside me :wub: That doesn't make my way the only way but it does work.

Even though I always wanted to 'pass', I didn't hide till I learned how- I wanted to live right now . I've been out in the real world looking much like you described :blush: Maybe this person felt the same way- or maybe they didn't care what others thought about how they looked. Maybe they weren't trying to 'pass' at all, just feel good about themselves. I've done that on special occasions where it was more about feeling good than dressing your age and it was a lot of fun acting 20 years younger than I am :roflmao: but the 3 inch heels and all night dancing left me with quite a backache as a reminder that I'm not so young anymore- just sayin.......

Live and Let Live- we're all different for a reason and it's all good


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Guest NaughtyAshes

but the experience is much, much better when the person doing the job is a lesbian who prefers T-Girls of all kinds :o:thumbsup:


Ha! No thanks! I'll definitely stick to dudes when it comes to sex. All my experience with women have been sheer failsauce.

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I really only wanted to post as she had way over done everything. From far she looked pretty hot, but got up close passing by and saw the badly over done makeup, high stilettos, huge tits (not sure if they were implants or could have been just bra inserts.) As we passed we both gave a side glance, probably realizing I had clocked her. If it had not been for the overdone everything I wouldn't be posting, but it was just startling as from a block away she looked just to be a dressed up for the night women. Had she not over done it I probably just would have thought that is a pretty hot chick as I wouldn't have payed as much attention and probably wouldn't have thought about it other than the normal thought when passing by fine looking ladies.

I more than anything wanted to tell her to tone down everything as I empathize with her as I am a CD myself.

You are entitled to your own opinion ... but aren't you being a little too critical of someone else's lifestyle and choices?

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