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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Swatted In Public!

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We were shopping at Michael's after having dinner out last night. I got bit by something on my eyelid and my eye is swelled shut and has puss and stuff coming out of it and is currently covered after a visit to our doc. We'd been goofing around and having a good time at dinner and were shopping in the bead section. My eye itches and I kept touching it and my wife kept telling me to keep my hand away from it. I told her it was bugging me and she told me to stop several times. When she shops in the bead section she often won't get beads she likes because they're not on sale, so I keep slipping them in the basket when she's not looking. I'd just deposited a string in the basket and was reaching up to rub my eye when she grabbed my hand and swatted my bottom! My response? "I'll give you an hour to stop that!" I said playfully. She saw the beads, put them back and swatted me again, took my hand and we went to the register. That was fun! It made me feel like a naughty little boy!

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that happened to me once... we were in toys r us, and i pushed every single button on hte tickle me elmos on the huge display, my boyfriend kept telling me not to and grabbed my hand and pulled me away, but at one point i broke away from him, ran back and hit all the buttons, he came over and spanked my bum so hard and loud! man it hurt to sit when we got to the car!

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When we have gone out shopping at Sam's club and a few other stores, I have been swatted on the butt. One I time was bad enough that I ended up not only getting swatted on the butt at Sam's Club but I got a spanking when we got home.

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My wife will occasionally swat me on the butt while out and about. And since I'm almost always wearing a diaper, the telltale "whump" sound is fun.

I have been swatted twice by friends just messing around....and although they never said anything I always wonder if they noticed they didn't swat a "non diapered" butt.....both times I was wearing jeans.

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that happened to me once... we were in toys r us, and i pushed every single button on hte tickle me elmos on the huge display, my boyfriend kept telling me not to and grabbed my hand and pulled me away, but at one point i broke away from him, ran back and hit all the buttons, he came over and spanked my bum so hard and loud! man it hurt to sit when we got to the car!

I <3 toys r' us

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I swat my wifey all the time, 90% of the time she's in 'little girl' mode, and spends a lot of time without much common sense. (The other night, she was thirsty at Wal-Mart, so she bought cups from the McDonalds for fountain drinks, filled them with ice, and added bottled iced tea. <_< )

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