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Wrong Way To Hit On A Girl .

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Ok, i'm standing in line at the store i have all my stuff on the belt thingy and i'm waiting for my turn to pay . so, i'm looking down at my phone and this guy comes over and put a can of air freshener in my cart. So, the first thing I was thinking was i'm about to go off on this guy but, i calm myself down and hand the can back to guy .

Then, he says " you going to hand this back " he holds the can up so i can see it. I told him yeah I was and i don't know him so get to the back of the line .

He take it back and waits right by me and while he' doing this he just cut off three people and , they didn't say a thing . The line was going slow and i think it been 1 minute since he put this can in my cart . And out of the blue, he starts complaining how slow the line is and that the people working there are slow but, it wasn't even like that .

He says " im in a hurry !! " then waits for 3 seconds and repeats it .

then he walks to another line and pays for air freshener there but, before he goes to the other line . he tells me i'm pretty and walks away .

Just a Very bad way to hit on me or anyone for that matter .

And the wierdst thing was it happened again with a diffrent guy later that day .

and i'm not even sure if he was hitting on me or just a wierdo . What do you think ?

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I think the loony bin is letting them out for the day...... That's hardly chatting up a girl. Now if he'd said "you'll need it to clear the stank after you and me get it on" (this is seriously the only chat up line I can think of that would even remotely make sense it that situation :X) then yes, he would of been hitting on you :P and you would of been justified in kicking him in the balls.

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Ok, i'm standing in line at the store i have all my stuff on the belt thingy and i'm waiting for my turn to pay . so, i'm looking down at my phone and this guy comes over and put a can of air freshener in my cart. So, the first thing I was thinking was i'm about to go off on this guy but, i calm myself down and hand the can back to guy .

Then, he says " you going to hand this back " he holds the can up so i can see it. I told him yeah I was and i don't know him so get to the back of the line .

He take it back and waits right by me and while he' doing this he just cut off three people and , they didn't say a thing . The line was going slow and i think it been 1 minute since he put this can in my cart . And out of the blue, he starts complaining how slow the line is and that the people working there are slow but, it wasn't even like that .

He says " im in a hurry !! " then waits for 3 seconds and repeats it .

then he walks to another line and pays for air freshener there but, before he goes to the other line . he tells me i'm pretty and walks away .

Just a Very bad way to hit on me or anyone for that matter .

And the wierdst thing was it happened again with a diffrent guy later that day .

and i'm not even sure if he was hitting on me or just a wierdo . What do you think ?

There usually aren't any cute girls at my local walmart so I tend to not flirt there. I swear I'm the only one there without a mullet.<_<

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Ok, i'm standing in line at the store i have all my stuff on the belt thingy and i'm waiting for my turn to pay . so, i'm looking down at my phone and this guy comes over and put a can of air freshener in my cart.


baby kalie,

for the ignorance and harassment that you had to endure from this guy, you have my sympathy.

However, in that case, and has happened to me before, I handled it this way.

I left the product in my cart, and when the cashier was checking my goods, I would inform the cashier to put it aside, since I only want to price check it, and then tell the cashier that I do not want it. The cashier, will then place the rogue product into a returns cart that is usually kept below the counter. If at that stage, or earlier in the event that the person behind me interuppts either me or the cashier to claim ownership of the product, (which happened) I told him that I am dealing with the cashier and to wait his turn.

The end effect is that the impatient person will eventually get to the cashier without his intended purchase after waiting in line and will have to either leave without his purchase or get another one and re-queue to pay for his purchase.

A second reason a person might place product in your cart it so you pay for the product on his/her behalf, and he/she reclaims it during packing.

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I keep reading the title as 'wrong way to hit a girl'

Me, too!

But seriously, as another honest-to-God male on this thread, I can say that, while I have no problem talking to women, I've never tried hitting on any of them and certainly not in the manner as the *ahem* gentleman you described. Being eccentric or playful is one thing, but that's just plain weird.

Ladies, you deserve better! :thumbsup:

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okay as far as hitting on a girl heck i dont even know a right way any more since its been a loooooooooooong time since ive even tried to flirt. but anywho really that was his thing tossing something in your cart to get your attention? what ever happened to just look at the person and flash a smile? but it could have been alot worse. he could have just started tlaking and saying he was into roleplaying and ask if your let him roleplay as a squirrel so he could bust a nut in a hole.... (LAUGH ITS A JOKE FOLKS!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Umm, I would say that maybe he was hitting on you, but judging from your profile and your hijacking of just about every thread with your 'merry christmas' maybe he was just weird or annoying, but not moreso than you.

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I keep reading the title as 'wrong way to hit a girl'

But yeah, that guy sucks!

Wait, there's a correct way to hit a girl? :whistling:

Seriously, why would anyone do that? Its pointless to do something like that, and then complain when it doesn't happen.

hahah my first thought was "theres a WRONG way to hit a girl?"

but then i realized not everyone shares my warped sens of humour..

so before anyone turns this into a women's rights post... i was only kidding....

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  • 3 weeks later...

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