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Describe Your Town In 10 Words

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1. Coffee

2. Shopping

3. Golf

4. Potholes

5. Potheads

6. Wolfpack

7. Diverse

8. Capitol

9. Research

10. Assholes

In no perticular order. Numbererd 'em just to keep it at ten.

Note: If assholes could fly, this place would be an airport.

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1. boring

2. small

3. hateful

4. people (adds on to number three)

5. no-good

6. drunks

7. thieves

8. backstabbers (people who say one thing to your face and do another behind your back)

9. Godless

10. judgementalists (people who judge you for how you look on the outside without caring to seek what is inside)

Now this is just what I've seen in other people and how my town is. I thought I would explain this so that no one gets an idea that this is in any way how I am. In fact I want to leave this whole state because I am tired of these other people who ARE like this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Andy griffith was the name of that show that was on in the late 60's, Barney fife was his cop (cop with 1 bullet) lol. also do you remember the show called matlock? (ben matlock?) that was Andy griffith. I think they still show it on tv land.

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Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Very Small.

Who said "size doesn't matter." ? ;)

I'm from UK t baby, so I don't know the progs you mentioned. But another well known quotation is - "If you can remember the 60's, you weren't there!" :wacko::P

I guess they don't do package holidays to where you live Ravenyasha!?

D :whistling: lly

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Lets see, I live near Cadott, 10 words or less, ok here go's

1. Cadott, the spot god forgot.

2. Half way between the equator and the north pole.

3. Half way between the equator and no wheres.

4. Don't blink, you will miss it.

5. Last one leaveing, shut off the street light.

6. At 5pm we fold up the sidewalk.

The best one is a bit longer.

7. Cadott, It aint the end of the world, but on a clear night you can see it from here.

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1, Streets designed by a madman, possibly drunk.

2, everything from mansions to tenements

3, no clear borders

4, great cheapo foodspots

5, fancy-esque restaurants are all crap with one or two exceptions

6, women are legally barred from wearing red dresses

7, histrionic. if it can possibly apply to a town, it applies to RB.

8, gangs mostly (mostly) cleared out in the 90s

9, ninth fact goes here

10, local high school has yearly death-toll of approx 2/year

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6, women are legally barred from wearing red dresses

10, local high school has yearly death-toll of approx 2/year

#6 So what's that all about then? Is this just a litttle joke?

If not, is it anything to do with stereotyping? Is your town full of prostitutes or bulls :P

If this is serious, it sounds strangely discriminatory. Do you mean that this ban doesn't apply to men?

#10 Without knowing the number of pupils in the school it's difficult to judge whether 2 deaths per year is above average, given the level of drug-related deaths and fatal road traffic accidents in the High School age bracket.


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there are 10 types of people in this world. those who know binary and those who dont.

thats the only binary joke i know.

and i dont know binary

im going to go now

since we are on the topic.... Why do computer scientists always confuse halloween and Christmas?

because Oct. 31 = Dec. 25

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  • 1 year later...

town so small has a triangle instead of a square...


1. tiny

2. agricultural

3. safe

4. neighborly

5. quiet

6. slow

7. inexpensive

8. peaceful

9. rural

10. midwestern

(definitely Mayberry like....Mayberry was the town where Sheriff Andy (Griffith) Taylor was Sheriff...He was a widower and lived in a big old house with his son, Opie and Aunt Bea who fed them like there was no tomorrow. His cousin Barney Fife was the crazy deputy. Barney was only allowed one bullet as he was quite prone to catastrophe. They spent their time making rounds to businesses dealing with the crazy local merchants, and mechanics...dealing with the town drunk and helping Opie and his friends grow up and become responsible citizens.....There was always a great message behind every show...Music was also a big part of the show as Andy in real life also played guitar...there was even a hillbilly band that would appear now and then complete with someone playing the "moonshine" jug.)

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