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Getting Too Sensitive?

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I am starting to think we are getting too sensitive about how people view us, based on recent posts here. Letting your waistband show means you're a pervent and potention sex offender; wearing diapers at work is forcing your fetish on coworkers, etc...

I have two opinions on this, and they are:

1) I don't care what people think. I', not planning any diaper pride parades, and I won't need any diaper-marrige laws passed. I'm just being me, and I'm fine with it. My family accepts me, my friends accept me, we have a great community to share and support each other. Everyone else can go suck it.

2) EVERYONE is a freak! When I was a young teen I went to find my brother's porn stash and all he had was copies of "Leg Show" and six pairs of milk stained high-heals. My mother likes male strippers (Men of Austrailia, specifically.) My step-dad had the world's largest pre-internet collection of computer porn and likes to be told how "big" he is constantly during sex (this walls ftl.) Everyone has their thing.

My rules are simple: No kids, no public nudity and no forcing it on others. By the last thing I don't mean wearing freely, or letting your waistband show - that's how a lot of young people find self-acceptance by learning no one really cares. I mean the freak that posed as retarded to get a daycare to change him, or leaving dirty diapers on the roadside for others to have to handle.

We should offer guidence tot hose we think are pushing the lines, not attack them. Fetishests don't need help feeling like an outcase, they need help to learn how to be who they are while respecting others.

Now, anyone need some soap? I had to empty a new box...


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I do have to agree with you for the most part, but there are some cases where the "acceptable" behavior becomes wrong. Wearing out in public is nothing. Intentionally letting your diaper show by tucking in your shirt, or wearing pants/shorts that have a low waist band, that's fine too. But when you're intentionally trying to show off your diaper to specific people in the hopes of getting a reaction from them, that's probably not something we should encourage as that behavior is the exact same thought process that leads violent sex offenders and flashers to do what they do. It's not about the sex for them. People don't go out and rape people because they wanna get laid. They do it because of the reaction, or the thrill of forcing themselves (or their sexual beliefs) on others. Same goes for flashing people.

I see nothing wrong with making sure your diapers are visible at all times when you're out, but when you start concealing them, then walking up to a person and making sure to expose it to them as much as possible to catch a reaction... that's where I personally feel like you're crossing a line that shouldn't be crossed.

You wouldn't walk up to some stranger, start talking to them, and pull out a huge butt plug to show them casually while you talked about the weather. You wouldn't drop trou and show off your chastity belt. If diapers are a sexual thing for you, they are really no different in these cases if you ask me. Making it "ok" to run around flashing your sexual fetish to girls in public isn't really a good idea in my opinion.

Obviously there are some lines that shouldn't be crossed and I agree with you that we should probably be more of a helping hand in advising people what is and isn't appropriate to do. And yeah pretending to be retarded to get strangers to change you... yeah that's totally fucked up. That's not the sort of thing where you go "oh sorry I thought that was ok" that's just... you know it's wrong... but you don't care and you do it anyway... aka straight jacket and padded room in a year behavior lol

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I am starting to think we are getting too sensitive about how people view us, based on recent posts here. Letting your waistband show means you're a pervent and potention sex offender; wearing diapers at work is forcing your fetish on coworkers, etc...

I have two opinions on this, and they are:

1) I don't care what people think. I', not planning any diaper pride parades, and I won't need any diaper-marrige laws passed. I'm just being me, and I'm fine with it. My family accepts me, my friends accept me, we have a great community to share and support each other. Everyone else can go suck it.

2) EVERYONE is a freak! When I was a young teen I went to find my brother's porn stash and all he had was copies of "Leg Show" and six pairs of milk stained high-heals. My mother likes male strippers (Men of Austrailia, specifically.) My step-dad had the world's largest pre-internet collection of computer porn and likes to be told how "big" he is constantly during sex (this walls ftl.) Everyone has their thing.

My rules are simple: No kids, no public nudity and no forcing it on others. By the last thing I don't mean wearing freely, or letting your waistband show - that's how a lot of young people find self-acceptance by learning no one really cares. I mean the freak that posed as retarded to get a daycare to change him, or leaving dirty diapers on the roadside for others to have to handle.

We should offer guidence tot hose we think are pushing the lines, not attack them. Fetishests don't need help feeling like an outcase, they need help to learn how to be who they are while respecting others.

Now, anyone need some soap? I had to empty a new box...


I agree we shouldn't force our fetish on others but at the same time we are all different. Purposely exposing others to it is wrong. Some are comfortable with not showing it but not hiding it and some aren't

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I don't post much but I do read these posts... Here's my take on the subject.

How many times have you seen a girl bent over and seen her underwear/thong?

How many times have you seen a guy reach for something on a top shelf and seen his underwear?

Exactly... what's the difference? diapers or underwear?

I don't go around flaunting my "underwear" to everyone but I also don't see why I should make any additional effort to hide them. I've been incontinent for quite a while and have dealt with my fair share of emotions and social upsets. As a result I've pretty much learned to accept this "issue" and live my life as any "normal" person would.

Where this all seems to fall apart is when you forcibly include others for your entertainment, sexual or otherwise. No one has the right to do that in my opinion.

A person needing crutches shouldn't have to hide them right?

Most men also know that no matter how fun breasts can be you shouldn't run around grabbing them without permission...

I hope I've made my point.

Thanks for reading ;)

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How about this:

As long is there is no kids involved/no cops called/no 5 o'clock news stories, Do what you want :thumbsup:

though I do agree we as a hole have gotten alittle to critical about our image to the public. We are, after all, consenting adults wearing diapers and baby clothes, dresses, whatever the fuck a furry wears (no offense) we can't take ourselves to seriously now can we :P

: walks over to Dailydi and returns the soapbox:

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But when you're intentionally trying to show off your diaper to specific people in the hopes of getting a reaction from them, that's probably not something we should encourage as that behavior is the exact same thought process that leads violent sex offenders and flashers to do what they do.

I hope to God,you don't ever get to be a MOD here. Are ya listening,DD? ;)

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Men of Australia, you say? :lol:

I agree. I let my paranoia get the best of me too often. Caution is necessary and I always wear baggy jeans/trackpants and sometimes a coat or long jumper of some sort it's highly unlikely anyone would work it out. I only wet if I feel the need and usually, especially if I have been drinking enough fluids in the first place, clothes mitigate whatever smell. Despite that I sometimes go for weeks without wearing them out when in practice I could easily do it every day if I really wanted. It's buying that is more of an inconvenience here compared with the US. As much as anything else I have to make them last, hence my modest wearing habits.

We don't really need an awareness campaign but it's tragic the number of people who have the fetish who don't know how to deal with it. More than it seems on the surface, even to us. I'm sure there are plenty right under our noses and we don't even know. That's annoying, because the only way for them to know is to have some mild hint that only other fetishists would pick up on - unfortunately it is usually imprudent to blur the lines so.

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Showing a little edge of your diaper is akin to raping somebody? I fail to see the connection, however, flashing your diapers I feel is a little like an exhibitionist flashing himself to others, and is wrong.

This flasher exposed himself to three little old ladies, and when the first one saw it, she had a stroke, when the second old lady saw it she had a stroke, the third old lady wouldn't touch it, lol.

But seriously you shouldn't do "diaper flashes" like that guy in Utah did to those children, as that's just too much like exposing yourself to them. If you don't care if the top of your diaper shows or not, well no big whup, but flashing diapers for a specific person or persons is akin to being an exhibitionist.

Rape is something completely different, and I don't know where the comparison comes in. A rapist is a very angry person who is attacking the woman he rapes, in the most savage way he knows how. That is so competely different from a little scrap of diaper showing I just don't see any connection.

Just my two cents.Rock on,

Vic B)

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wow...this is going to turn into quite a thread!!

There are some of us who want to stay very conservative for our own reasons and therefore don't want to be flashing much diaper. That's not the topic here.

Others don't care, but by the same token don't go out of their way to hide the fact they are wearing. I agree here, that this is no big deal.

There are others who want to wear their babywear out and around. Of course this will attract some attention and the average person on the street will probably think you are a freak. I guess if you're up for it, this isn't a big deal.

Still others want to rub it into others - want to make a big splash. I don't think this is necessarily a big crime, but I think by-and-large, these people have a need they ought to fill some other way - mostly because the kind of attention they'll probably get isn't really what they want. Even though I don't think this is a big crime or an evil thing to do, I don't think it's very wise for the individual and neither do I think it's a good way to increase positive awareness of AB's or DL's.

Yes, diapers are just another type of underwear and I think people are gradually more accepting of people in many ways.

I don't think that being obnoxious about the way you wear is a good way to further the cause...I think it's just a way to be obnoxious. Basically I think Di expressed his opinions well and while I may not be of the same mind personally, I think it isn't a bad way of looking at things.


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I guess I have to agree that if a little diaper shows out your waistband if you bend down, it's no different from seeing someone's BVD waistband from their underpants. As I've said before, it's not as bad as seeing a plumber's butt crack. On the other hand, I never see a person in a store in just their underpants and I've never seen a person in a store pull down their pants in front of anyone to show off their Froot Of The Looms. That is one of the points that some people are trying to make. Casually letting some diaper show out your waistband is one thing, pulling down your pants or strolling along the street in a diaper and no pants is different.

There was a time when I was at work and could see enough of a coworker's rear to tell she was wearing a pink thong. I did bring it up to her supervisor and she thanked me for it. To me, even in an office if you're showing your butt crack that isn't appropriate. If a little diaper or underwear shows, that is more decent than a butt crack or a visible thong and butt crack.

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I hope to God,you don't ever get to be a MOD here. Are ya listening,DD? ;)

That makes me el oh el :P

Unlike most people you've probably come to know I don't force personal beliefs on others. Do I feel like people should be discouraged from doing that sort of thing, yes. Will I personally discourage it if they ask about whether it's right or wrong, yes. Will I go out of my way and throw my opinion in their face if they're not specifically asking if it's "ok", nope.

Bottom line is that really even if we tell people who do things wrong not to do them, they're still going to do them anyway. It's human nature to be defiant and learn on your own. So odds are they would just continue doing what they do until something happens that they don't like. Whether that's exposing themselves to someone and going to jail, or flashing their diaper to a hot girl and having her freak out on them calling them a pervert, or whatever it may be. Most people won't change their behavior unless something happens that makes them want to. And I highly doubt anyone's going to be very receptive to any suggestions made by a bunch of strangers (as far as they'd be concerned) on the internet.

Point is, what everyone does is their business, if they ask an opinion of me, they're going to get MY opinion lol but I'm not going to scour the forums here to hunt down everyone who might be a little pervy and unload my ideals onto them lol Besides it's like DD said... we're all a little pervy anyway ;)

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There was a time when I was at work and could see enough of a coworker's rear to tell she was wearing a pink thong. I did bring it up to her supervisor and she thanked me for it. To me, even in an office if you're showing your butt crack that isn't appropriate. If a little diaper or underwear shows, that is more decent than a butt crack or a visible thong and butt crack.

Not to get off the topic here lol but what about a pink thong sticking out over a diaper...

And for that matter, has anyone else noticed how like 90% of the giapergal videos have them wearing thongs over diapers now...

Like I can understand wearing maybe underwear, or even a bikini cut or boyshorts over one... but a thong really? What purpose could that little string of fabric really serve lol "Hey did you see that? I think that girl was wearing a diaper..." *looks over* "Nah man she's got a pink thong on... get your eyes checked..."

And for that matter, wtf is with the pricing on these things... a friend of mine was shopping the other day and she bought a couple new shirts, a pair of jeans, and a couple thongs... The shirts were like $9.99, jeans were $19.99 and the thongs cost... yeah $14.99 each... someone please explain to me how that works lol She can buy enough fabric to cover her entire body for the same price as 2 pieces of assfloss... and people wonder why other countries look at the USA and go o.O wtf mates?

And just to continue this pointless off-topic rant... How does pizza hut justify charging $20 for a freaking pizza lol furthermore why the hell do people pay that? Hell you can make your own pizza at home for about $5-6... you can usually find a frozen one in the store for $3-5 and if you're really wanting something tasty every fast food place in the country has a $1 menu now lol go pick up a couple sandwiches and an order of fries for the same cost...

This concludes my random rant. Anyone wishing to give me kudos for talking about diapers, thongs, and food all in the same rant, may proceed... now lol

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Not to get off the topic here lol but what about a pink thong sticking out over a diaper...

And for that matter, has anyone else noticed how like 90% of the giapergal videos have them wearing thongs over diapers now...

Like I can understand wearing maybe underwear, or even a bikini cut or boyshorts over one... but a thong really? What purpose could that little string of fabric really serve lol "Hey did you see that? I think that girl was wearing a diaper..." *looks over* "Nah man she's got a pink thong on... get your eyes checked..."

To go along with that, what's the point of the videos/pics where the girls are putting diapers on OVER the panties they are already wearing?

And for that matter, wtf is with the pricing on these things... a friend of mine was shopping the other day and she bought a couple new shirts, a pair of jeans, and a couple thongs... The shirts were like $9.99, jeans were $19.99 and the thongs cost... yeah $14.99 each... someone please explain to me how that works lol She can buy enough fabric to cover her entire body for the same price as 2 pieces of assfloss... and people wonder why other countries look at the USA and go o.O wtf mates?

And just to continue this pointless off-topic rant... How does pizza hut justify charging $20 for a freaking pizza lol furthermore why the hell do people pay that? Hell you can make your own pizza at home for about $5-6... you can usually find a frozen one in the store for $3-5 and if you're really wanting something tasty every fast food place in the country has a $1 menu now lol go pick up a couple sandwiches and an order of fries for the same cost...

This concludes my random rant. Anyone wishing to give me kudos for talking about diapers, thongs, and food all in the same rant, may proceed... now lol

I've asked that very same question about clothing prices... Even in Wal-Mart they have GENERIC panties & thongs for only $1 each, but if you really, really have to have the brand-name, they sell those too for prices ranging from $3 to $15 per ONE piece. I agree: WTF??? Particularly when you think about the fact that brands like Hanes and FtL sell MULTI-PACKS (3, 5, 7) for equivalent prices to the single "special brand" items. (The worst places to buy underwear, or any other clothing item if you are worried about prices, are those high-dollar chains like Victoria's Secret or Neiman Marcus.)

What about different brands of diapers? Some generic brands are as cheap as $5 for a 10-pack (Dollar General and Family Dollar) or $10 for a 16-20 pack (Rite-Aid, CVS, Walgreen's, Wal-Mart, etc), but then the "big brand names" are more like $15-20 (or even as much as $30) for a single pack. WHY????? I bet the # 1 reason we don't see those other brands in regular stores is their prices. (Which is why I doubt I will ever own any diapers other than store-brand generics.)

As far as the prices charged by Dominos/PapaJohns/PizzaHut, that's all because of the "convenience" of them doing all the prep/cooking work for you and delivering the final product to you while you sit there on your couch watching TV or playing a video game. :P (Speaking as an accountant, the pricing also is designed to allow the company to pay their expenses: employee payroll, vendor invoices, rent, utilities, etc.)

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Well-put, i'm glad not everyone thinks wearing in public is a sign of serious problems. First time I posted about wearing in public(quite well concealed..) someone else chimed in about it being a sign of mental problems and that I was going to get arrested for indecent exposure.

I personally feel that so long as you're not out to bother others or force them into things, its not an issue.

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ok first off, IF you NEED to wear diapers for a medical condition then yes they are just another type of underwear, and as we all know, underwear shows from time to time.. but if you are in a closed space, such as an elevator, where there is no immediate exit and you are intentionally exposing your tool for sexual pleasure to someone whom you are attracted to, in order to gain a reaction so you in turn can get your rocks off... i do not see this as "oooh woops my underwear is showing" i see this as "i'm a dirty perverted person who can't control my hormones."

yes this behavior, if it continues could be a sign of worse things to come. If it is an isolated incident then thats that, it happened once and wont happen again, but if this person cannot control his/her fantasies and desires and the have escalated into public exposure of their sexual fetish items then it could be a warning sign.

However, i will admit, there are times when maybe i voice to strong of an opinoin on certain matters, although i do have to say there are far more posts i delete and never post, than ones i do post...

I think sometimes, for some of us who have been coming here for a long amount of time, we have 'seen it all before' and so at times may become frustrated when the same sort of posts pop up, even though those posts are by completely different people.

also, i know for me, i read posts in multiple forums on here, and see patterns in some people's behavior, where they will post about 'exposing' their diapers to girls intentionally get a good rise out of people, then disappear for a few months, only to post a similar topic in another forum..

I know for me, i have to step back and realize... its just the internet, and i dont know these people. So for that i do apologize, sometimes we all just get exhasperated and fed up, and have to step back and figure out what is that is really causing the frustration...

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Simply wearing diapers in public or at work: Not a problem, usually. It can, however, be a problem if you're doing this around people who you know are against diapers. If your boss, family, coworkers, etc. are against diapers and you decide to wear them around those people anyway, then that's being antagonistic towards them. It's better to just avoid wearing diapers when it's clear that the people you're going to be around are against you wearing them.

Needing diapers and using them: Not a problem.

Not needing diapers and using them in public: Potential problem. Especially if messing them, since that can be offensive to those around you. That crosses the line of forcing the fetish on others. Wetting generally doesn't constitute a problem, so long as you're not doing stuff like asking people to check or change you...

Flashing diapers at people: Problem. This makes us look bad and the individual look either stupid or potentially crazy. This is forcing the fetish on others.

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If you want to wear in public, be my guest, I know that I do. Show a little waistband that happens to be sticking up just a tad past your pants or something, go ahead. My problem derives from when someone gets their jollies from showing more than a little waistband off to people.

The last post that made people like myself frustrated about this, the person posting was talking about how they were holding diapers showing it to ladies in an elevator and basically was almost walking around with no pants to get himself noticed. There is a difference in that.

I think Sarah_ab got it exactly right in that I think it is just a lot of us see the same posts and the same behavior popping up over and over again even though it is from different people. I know that there are also a lot of people that do not want to see these forums turned into a giant scum magnet and destroyed.

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What about different brands of diapers? Some generic brands are as cheap as $5 for a 10-pack (Dollar General and Family Dollar) or $10 for a 16-20 pack (Rite-Aid, CVS, Walgreen's, Wal-Mart, etc), but then the "big brand names" are more like $15-20 (or even as much as $30) for a single pack. WHY????? I bet the # 1 reason we don't see those other brands in regular stores is their prices. (Which is why I doubt I will ever own any diapers other than store-brand generics.)

Actually, you could look into order tranquility ATN.


The prices aren't bad at all. If you order like 2-3 packs at a time you end up paying a little over $1/ea and they're much better than store brand. Considering you would need at least 2-3 store brand diapers to get the level of absorption in 1 tranquility ATN, I think it's definitely a better buy. And if you order from NSC before 4pm central time, they usually show up within 2-3 business days for most of the northeast/east-central states including almost all but the east coast of NC with just ground shipping.

They have a pretty centralized location, and you can view a map of estimated shipping times for them by visiting:


And entering their zip code: 60062

I'm in PA so i'm listed as a 2-day delivery time. And I've ordered from them on Monday before 4pm central time and had my order here Wed morning. So for ground shipping, that's not half bad at all :P

Anyway just a suggestion if you wanna try to get your hands on a really good, cost-effective diaper that's not a crappy store brand ;)

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Actually, you could look into order tranquility ATN.


The prices aren't bad at all. If you order like 2-3 packs at a time you end up paying a little over $1/ea and they're much better than store brand. Considering you would need at least 2-3 store brand diapers to get the level of absorption in 1 tranquility ATN, I think it's definitely a better buy. And if you order from NSC before 4pm central time, they usually show up within 2-3 business days for most of the northeast/east-central states including almost all but the east coast of NC with just ground shipping.

They have a pretty centralized location, and you can view a map of estimated shipping times for them by visiting:


And entering their zip code: 60062

I'm in PA so i'm listed as a 2-day delivery time. And I've ordered from them on Monday before 4pm central time and had my order here Wed morning. So for ground shipping, that's not half bad at all :P

Anyway just a suggestion if you wanna try to get your hands on a really good, cost-effective diaper that's not a crappy store brand ;)

Uh, there are 2 reasons to my "I doubt I will ever own any diapers other than store-brand generics." statement:

#1: my wife. She watches our checking account like a hawk, and puts me through an inquisition any time I spent money without warning her first. Also, she is completely anti-AB/DL, and doesn't want me having (or wearing) diapers.

#2: the price. Because of the way my wife watches the checking account, I can only buy when I have cash in my pocket so that it never appears on the reports. Which basically restricts me to very random chances to buy any, and limits me to the lowest price (preferably clearanced).

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I agree with everyone here. Showing a bit is not bad. Showing a lot is horrible. Just like it is inappropriate to show underwear in public, the same goes for diapers. You just don't do that.

I show everything in my home. Hell, I'm openly nude. Does that make me a mental case? No. I hate clothes, and so do my husband and children. However, we do not go out like that, and people who are not familiar with us do not see us like this. Only those who know us really well will ever see my family in this fashion. It's not like I go answer the door to hand the pizza man some cash while standing in nothing but my diaper. It's not like my hubby whacks off in sight of the neighbor. We are open and relaxed but private about our wanting to be nude. And the last thing we do is comform to society. While my family is eccentric in many respects, we do possess a level of respect in public.

And posing as retarded to get a daycare to change you?...

That ... Is ... Fucked ... Up!

As for there being a little freak in all of us? My husband and I are real freaks in the bedroom, but we'll leave it at that.

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As I said, it's unfortunate that ABDLs have no way of making it possible for other ABDLs to find out without risking some embarrassment or being inappropriate. It's a lot like being overtly gay in some contexts. How else are people going to know? Of course there are signs but for very many they are very subtle and easily mistaken. Plus many people just wouldn't take it well and it would hurt your chances of advancement or making a good impression. I know it's a shame so many people are constantly repressing their natural and harmless feelings on things which don't even matter or make a difference to the vast, vast majority of others, but at least it's not the heyday of Victorian-Edwardian anti-sexuality. Some of those would want you burnt at the stake for being ABDL, not just a 3-6 month term for indecent exposure or lewd conduct. Be thankful for what liberties you do have and rest assured they are very generous. Do not complain. Think of everything you could want to do for a whole, happy and accomplished life by your terms. You can do nearly all of it. Including wearing some very comfortable diapers of decent thickness under clothes that mostly hide it except to the keenest of eyes.

And I think that's as much as anyone can decently argue about it.

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