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Getting The Option Back

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After a long time wet, I seem to be getting the option back .....

I have been incontinent for a good few years, but about 3 1/2 years ago it reached lifestyle-changing proportions, and I had to start wearing diapers most of the time, and latterly 24/7. The problem was that I had no sensation whatsoever - and my doctor and I assumed that there was some kind of nerve damage down there, somewhere.

About 8 weeks ago, I came off the antidepressants (Citalopram) I've been on for ages (4 years and more), and within a fortnight, the uncontrollable leak had become just urgency and stress incontinence. The improvement has continued since. The coincidence is too marked to be coincidence, I feel, and so does my GP.

Well, I wasn't a diaper lover when I lost my control, but I think I'll be continuing to wear for my own pleasureand amusement in the future.

I do wonder if anyone else has had the same experience?



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Yea, I agree with Pipsqueak. I saw on that shy bladder support website that there were some drugs that you can take to cause yourself to urinate easier and antidepressants were one of the ones that were VERY successful in that category. So it does stand to reason that the antidepressants were the underlying cause of your incon. Now you just need to retrain your bladder to contain urine and exand a little and you will probably be just as you were before the incon. The point of irony is that you just experienced what hundreds of ab/dls wished would happen to them only by taking a pill daily. Good thing it doesn't work on everyone, cause' we'd have a bunch of people here poppin' antidepressants just to obtain inconts and then killing themselves weeks later cause they can't handle the contrast in mood.

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If a person who choose to take antidepressants without actually suffering from a depression disorder be able to take Citalopram without causing harm to ones mental state? I would assume a person who took antidepressants without feeling depressed would feel even better mentally and have a high? I personality have taken some very strong Ecstasy tablets in the past which where absolutely fantastic at the time but for a week afterwards I had the most severe depression I have ever felt. I mean very servere! Would taking antidepressants amke me have a severe come down after taking them? I could easily be prescribed antidepressants for free from my doctor with no questions asked! I visit Cornwell all the time which is your NHS district.

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If a person who choose to take antidepressants without actually suffering from a depression disorder be able to take Citalopram without causing harm to ones mental state? I would assume a person who took antidepressants without feeling depressed would feel even better mentally and have a high? I personality have taken some very strong Ecstasy tablets in the past which where absolutely fantastic at the time but for a week afterwards I had the most severe depression I have ever felt. I mean very servere! Would taking antidepressants amke me have a severe come down after taking them? I could easily be prescribed antidepressants for free from my doctor with no questions asked! I visit Cornwell all the time which is your NHS district.

well george aside from very nasty mood problems associated with taking them when not needed also be for warned anti depressants also are around #1 or #2 in causing Priaprism which may sound harless but its very serious that involves a prolonged unwanted unaroused Erection that generally leaves men needing Emergency surgery which has the potential to leave you requireing bendable implants or liquid filled implants where they remove your testicles and replace them with a liquid resevoir when you sqeeze it repeatedly you force the liquid into a smaller longer tube that is where your corpus caverneseaum(Sp?) was (thats the Spongy tissue that allows men who havent done irresponsable things with drugs to get erections) so if you have trouble explaining your diaper Wearing to Women wait till you tell them you have an inflatable or action "G.I Joe" bendable penis under that diaper, but hey we all have disabilities and theres a woman that wants us all somewhere? Right!.............One that uses Medications , Does'nt have a problem with Diaper wearing and Impotence and mechanical aids to stimulation arent an issue ,geez well you have your pick of many chicks in ICU or the Nursing home if you want mobile ones (THEY STILL HAVE WHEELCHAIRS)and of course the dead ones who just lay around................................................ So good luck with the Medications!!!!


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Please don't assume that I was taking the antidepressants for my own amusement ...

these are serious medications prescribed for people who are having trouble coping with life in general, and please believe me when I sat that depressive illness is like Hell on Earth.

Antidepressants don't make you feel great - they make you feel less anxious and less unable to cope. They also make you feel as though your head is stuffed full of autumn leaves. It's better than the depression, but it's still not like being alive.

Coming off of antidepressants can be a big, BIG downer .... nausea, dizzy spells, mood-swings, nightmares and either rapid weight gain or total loss of appetite. There are also visual and auditory disturbances that can be quite disorienting.

If you feel tempted to take them for some side-effect, then don't. After 4 1/2 years on them, it's going to be months before I'm free of the after effects.



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Please don't assume that I was taking the antidepressants for my own amusement ...

these are serious medications prescribed for people who are having trouble coping with life in general, and please believe me when I sat that depressive illness is like Hell on Earth.

Antidepressants don't make you feel great - they make you feel less anxious and less unable to cope. They also make you feel as though your head is stuffed full of autumn leaves. It's better than the depression, but it's still not like being alive.

Coming off of antidepressants can be a big, BIG downer .... nausea, dizzy spells, mood-swings, nightmares and either rapid weight gain or total loss of appetite. There are also visual and auditory disturbances that can be quite disorienting.

If you feel tempted to take them for some side-effect, then don't. After 4 1/2 years on them, it's going to be months before I'm free of the after effects.



That sucks about the meds. ope everything get's better.

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im just curious y thay took u off of the meds because if i was taken off mine id go sycottic

The long and the short of it is that I don't need the AD's any more (until the next time)

They were starting to seend me froot-loopy ... wandering around in zombie mode, talking rubbish (more than usual). I'm sure you know the score, so I decided it was time to come off them. So I did.



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After a long time wet, I seem to be getting the option back .....

I have been incontinent for a good few years, but about 3 1/2 years ago it reached lifestyle-changing proportions, and I had to start wearing diapers most of the time, and latterly 24/7. The problem was that I had no sensation whatsoever - and my doctor and I assumed that there was some kind of nerve damage down there, somewhere.

About 8 weeks ago, I came off the antidepressants (Citalopram) I've been on for ages (4 years and more), and within a fortnight, the uncontrollable leak had become just urgency and stress incontinence. The improvement has continued since. The coincidence is too marked to be coincidence, I feel, and so does my GP.

Well, I wasn't a diaper lover when I lost my control, but I think I'll be continuing to wear for my own pleasureand amusement in the future.

I do wonder if anyone else has had the same experience?



I'm glad you are getting some control back, Alysson. I can attest to what antideppressants do. I was on Zoloft about two years ago. I took Zoloft for about four years. My doctor starting weaning me off after I started feeling better etc. Please, please, please don't take an antideppressant so you can become incontinent. Like lysson said, they are Hell on earth. I hope things continue to get better for you, Alysson.

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I'm glad you are getting some control back, Alysson. I can attest to what antideppressants do. I was on Zoloft about two years ago. I took Zoloft for about four years. My doctor starting weaning me off after I started feeling better etc. Please, please, please don't take an antideppressant so you can become incontinent. Like lysson said, they are Hell on earth. I hope things continue to get better for you, Alysson.

I haven't been on anything as strong as these, just SSRIs(Paxil, Luvox) and Serzone (nefazodone). All of these made peeing hard when I first started taking them, just couldn't let go and pee, and couldn't let go and come to a sexual orgasm, either. My belly got stiff from pushing out the pee. When I stopped, I got loose, both for peeing and pooping. It led to at least one accidental pooping, because I didn't know it would come so fast. Taper off these meds if at all possible. My shrink said that the sexual side effect rates approach 50% in his patients.

Hooray for getting the control back!

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I'm glad that you're able to come off the AD's, that's cool. I however don't have that choice.I take a truckload of them every day, morning noon and night. I'm bi-polar, but go through hell on Earth depressions. Did you know that it's possible to be manic AND depressed at the same time? I wish I could come off the meds.

I tried it cold turkey once, stopped taking all meds at once, it wasn't good. I felt like I was going crazy or psychotic. My brother came to my place and convinced me to get back on my meds. It sucks living with all the meds, I know from personal experience, but hey I have my good days too, and because of the meds am able to handle the bad ones.

I didn't find out I was bi-polar until the last year I was in the army, I thought I was just a very intense kind of person. I've been on meds ever since though. The current mixture of meds I'm on I have been taking for the last 6 years. I've been thinking that the incontinence has been due to nerve damage from the herniated discs that were poking into my spinal cord, or the vertibrae that were sitting on the tangles of nerves they were before I got the operation last month. Now I'm worried that it might be the meds. I need to take my meds.

I've had real bad frequency for years, and about 8 months ago started having urge incontinence (accidents) during the day (I've been a bed wetter now for the past 2 years). Then it got to where I didn't even feel when I had to go, I just went. The surgeon told me that the incontinence would probably go away in a few months after the surgery, but now I'm not so sure.

Do you know what specific AD's cause this, or is it ANY AD's? I take 4 anti depressants and a mood stabilizer. I hate taking the effexor because it made me gain 50 pounds the first year I took it, I'm not gaining anymore, but have read some real bad stories about it. I've been on it for 6 years now, but I still don't like having to take it.

Do you think that this might be part of my problem? I've always been a diaper lover, but I didn't have to wear 24/7 either, and it's an eye opener when you do have to wear, rather than wearing at your convienience. This makes me worry, as I'd like my control back, I hate changing out in public, and leave the house as little as possible these days, it's just easier to keep my changing station closer. I get diapers from the VA, but they don't hold much.

Let me know what you think, as I'm really concerned about this.



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Do you know what specific AD's cause this, or is it ANY AD's? I take 4 anti depressants and a mood stabilizer. I hate taking the effexor because it made me gain 50 pounds the first year I took it, I'm not gaining anymore, but have read some real bad stories about it. I've been on it for 6 years now, but I still don't like having to take it.

Do you think that this might be part of my problem? I've always been a diaper lover, but I didn't have to wear 24/7 either, and it's an eye opener when you do have to wear, rather than wearing at your convienience. This makes me worry, as I'd like my control back, I hate changing out in public, and leave the house as little as possible these days, it's just easier to keep my changing station closer. I get diapers from the VA, but they don't hold much.

Let me know what you think, as I'm really concerned about this.

Having done a bit of reading on the subject now, it seems that although the SSRI (Serotonin Reabsorption Inhibitors) are worse than Tricyclic AD's for this, contibuting to (mainly urinary) incontinence in some of the population. Obviously anything that leaves you less tense may leave you too relaxed :huh: .... and it's true of tranquilisers and other meds. (My Mom had to take muscle relaxants for a trapped nerve in her back ... she would fall asleep in the chair, and wke up wet.)

I think, Vic, you have to hope that your problem is down to the trapped nerves and not the meds. It's certainly more likely to be the case - and at worst, the AD's may make an existing problem worse (as in my case - a long-term weakness that seems to have been exacerbated chemically).

I'm lucky - I work in a college with good disabled facilities, and have been able to use the facilities there - and no one takes a blind bit of notice ;) I can sympathise with wanting to keep close to a change facility, though.

Did you know that it's possible to be manic when in a total zombie state caused by the meds - that happened to me when I was put on Seroxat. Mind you, the vivid dreams were *wonderful* (haha). Happily I managed to kick that stuff quickly.

All I can say is I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.



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Thanks Alysson,

this problem has been going on for the last 10 months actually, I'm not good at keeping the length of a thing in my mind. I woke up one day and realized that I'd lived in Utah nine consecutive years (I hate Utah, but my family lives there). That was an eye opener I can tell you!! Don't get me wrong I love my family, but I really don't like Utah. It was just one day that I realized I'd lived in Logan for 2 years, Ogden for 3, and then Salt Lake for 4. And still I always had to go visit THEM, well that was too much time in Utah, so I moved.

I do hope that you're right about the nerves being damaged, because that makes the doctor right and I may get control back in a few months. I do hope so, because I get bad rashes, I guess it's something some people get used to, but I haven't yet. Being incon ain't all it's cracked up to be, and I'll be glad to get control back.

My regular doctor had said it might be the diabetes, and that wasn't encouraging. The surgeon said it was probably the nerves being pinched, and that made me more hopefull, and then you came out and said it was the AD's and that really concerned me, hopefully that is not the case, because I can't really get off the meds I'm on, your reply gives me some hope.

It's just that I can't spend too long out in public without bringing a bag with me. Fortunately abenas xplus get me through a movie okay, but I don't get a pop with it, and have to change when I get home. It's just easier to stay home. Oh well that's my gripe for the day.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Yay! things are looking good! I saw nurse Ratchet today (sorry, but the staff at the VA aren't always sympathetic to the vets) and I'm making progress. My bladder test showed that I was retaining 1/2 cup of urine, and I have more sensation of when I have to pee, just not the control yet. That's better than I'd hoped after the info given about AD's.

I went from having the occasional accident when I felt I suddenly had to pee, to eventually just peeing without warning, now it seems to be reversing, and I'm getting sensation back! I was cut back in 82, on my right forearm top, through four tendons and a nerve. For the next 5 years you could put a cigarette out on it and I felt nothing, but it came back, the feeling that is. The nerves that were damaged in my back were just pinched, not cut.

I have feeling back in both of my lower legs (calves) and feet, but I'm still numb in my right thigh, but I'm getting the sensation of having to pee back, even though I don't have the control back just yet. This is promising, and the nurse has given me two different prescriptions to help with the incontinence, but it may take awhile yet.

Still it looks like it will reverse itself, and that's good. As a DL/AB I had on occasion had the wish that I could be incontinent, when it actually happens you find out what a pain in the ass it really is. I think it would be great if all those who ask how to become incontinent suddenly became incontinent for a few months, it might open some eyes. It did for me.



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That's great news Vic. Let's just hope that things continue to get better.

Right now, I've been mostly dry for almost 2 months. I still have a touch of the urgency, and leak a little if I don't get to the loo quick enough, but even that's improving.

I'm not entirely trustworthy at night - or rather during the few seconds as I wake up, but that's infinitely better than waking up soaked every morning.

What you said about the incontinence wannabees - amen to that. I do wonder how many would wish to remain wet (or worse) at the end of 8 weeks?



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  • 2 months later...


Thanks, I haven't posted here for awhile, but thought I'd inform you on how things have been progressing. I've been taking the meds three times a day, (they give me a dry mouth), but I only go through two diapers a day.

I'm not really feeling when I have to go as I was, but that's because I am following the nurses orders. She told me to time myself and try to force the urine once every hour, while on the meds, and that has worked out except for small leaks, which cause me to change about twice a day. I still wet the bed though, and I have to wear cloth to bed as disposable are not up to it

I'm still not feeling the need to go every time, but it has improved with the kaogel exercises she wanted me to do. And I'm still numb in my right thigh, but I'm able to walk aroung the house and the VA without a walker.

However I have something new to worry about, I've been coughing up a lot of crap these days, and some of it has been blood. They took x-rays of my lungs and a CT scan, and found something in my lower right lung. I was exposed to TB when I was serving in Alaska, and they've run tests to see if that is what it is. The thing is they have to run a bronchioscope to really determine what it is. I hope it's TB, and not the big C.

First I have to know if it's TB, and if I'm contagious. that's because my SO and her son are around me a lot. She works in a pizza store, and he goes to public school. I don't want to pass this off to anybody if it is.

If it's cancer that would be typical of my family, because we die mainly of cancer. Long history of that, just the thing that runs in the family. So I'm waiting to find out what the verdict is, telling me that I "have an abnormality in my lower right lung" really doesn't tell me much. I do hope to find out what it is soon. Will let you know.



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wow.....been there, got the tee shirt.

I have been suffered clinical depression since puberty...just didnt know what it was called. 10 years ago went to doc and the diagnosis was made...so then started venlafaxine.......and all my problems started. whilst up until then I was a DL it then became all too real....I suffered urine rention and had to start self cath....hated it then moved on to indwelling cath...finally the connection was made with the meds!!!!....I then had 8 weeks of cold turkey and I am now on citalipream because the rate of retention is suppose to be lower...is it heck!!....so now I have a super pubic cath...all because of anti depressants.

And when I get an infection...jesus......the spasms which lead to contant wetting with no warning mean 24/7 for a week or so.....so anti depressants have some serious dside effects.

What would happen if I stopped taking them...I wouldnt be here writing!!!....so I have to put up with the side effects until they grind me down to such an extent that the shrink team has to take over. Hopefully the episodes between will get longer...I live in hope.

Sorry if I have run on a bit.....just telling it like it is

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OMG! I've been on venlafaxine for the last six years! I hate the stuff! I found out that it is very addictive, very expensive, it makes you gain 50 lbs the first year you take it, and they NEVER discussed any of that with me when they put me on it!

So six months down the road I looked it up on the internet, and eveybody posting to that site had similar horror stories about it. The first thing on the front page says "DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG!!". I decided that I wasn't going to take it anymore, really, really bad idea. When you stop taking it cold turkey the first things you notice are the shocks going off in your brain, then images start to seem like they are stobing like when you're in a room with a stong strobe light. Then bombs start going off in your head, you get suicidal, and it's hard to even walk accross the floor.

I had to go back on it. I have to take a boatload of meds every day, but this is the worst one to take. It even causes some people hair loss, so if ANYONE tells you to take it, tell them to take a hike.

When I confronted the doctor with this he told me he knew about all that, but put me on it anyway because they felt it was a life or death decision. Gee, thanks! As far as bladder retention goes, I don't know about that. I've always had an overactive bladder anyway, so maybe it didn't affect me that way because of that.

Months back though my back finally crapped out, I'd been putting off surgery for as long as I could, but this spring I couldn't take it anymore. I had two herniated discs (they were blown out so far that they were pushing into my spinal cord), and four vertibrae sitting on tangles of nerves.

I lost feeling in both of my lower legs and feet, and all feeling in my right thigh, and I couldn't feel when I needed to pee, so I had to start wearing diapers full time because of that. The operation was successful in that I got feeling back in my lower legs and feet (I was having to use a walker because my right leg would go out from under me at unpredictable times), and my back had been in incredible pain (I had to take pain killers, and I HATE painkillers because they always put me in a very IRRITABLE mood), but the backs good now and I'm walking.

I'm only going through two diapers a day, because I hit the batroom every hour on the dot and force what pee I can. The nurse gave me this oxybutin stuff (may not have the name right), it's to help me pee less (but it makes me have a dry mouth), and I've been doing the best I can to keep up with Kaogel exercises, even though I'm still not feeling if I have to pee most of the time.

But now I'm looking at a problem with my lungs, I've had tests done, and they say I have been exposed to TB, but if I have it it is NOT contageous. They won't know for sure for three more weeks, when all the lab stuff is done.At which time they are going to do a bronchioscop down my lungs to do a biopsy on the thing in my lung that they've found in the x-rays and CT scans.

So it all just goes to show you, if it ain't one thing it's another. "Always look on the bright side of life, fhweeh, fhweeh, fra, fra, fra, fra, fra, fhweeh".

Sorry for being so long.


Vic B)

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