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Having a son who like wearing a dress is far worse than having a son who likes wearing a diaper.

Thats my story and I am stickiing to it.

"That's my story and I'm sticking to it".........As the author told the nurse after he spilled superglue over his latest manuscript.

Hey, what about a son who likes wearing a dress and a diaper? That's my story and I've been sticking to it for 30 years!


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"That's my story and I'm sticking to it".........As the author told the nurse after he spilled superglue over his latest manuscript.

Hey, what about a son who likes wearing a dress and a diaper? That's my story and I've been sticking to it for 30 years!


How about having a stepson who is 13, that wears a woman clothes and diapers and being blamed for it by the mother????????????????????

That is mine and my husband's story and we hate it................

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How about having a stepson who is 13, that wears a woman clothes and diapers and being blamed for it by the mother????????????????????

That is mine and my husband's story and we hate it................

They always seem to look for some family connection. I can't honestly think of any reason why I started, certainly had nothing to do with my parents.


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Having a son who like wearing a dress is far worse than having a son who likes wearing a diaper.

Thats my story and I am stickiing to it.

Perhaps. However, it's not his fault. It isn't anyone's fault. I can only hope that my experiences will help me better empathize with those also facing similar issues. Compassion is not a curse. It's a quality you could certainly use.

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Why is it that a person with one type of paraphilia would find it right to cast judgement on someone who has a different paraphilia? Whether its diapers or panties these are just articles of clothing. Is it the "He's different! Lets get him!" mentality? I mean either way who gives a shit, if you love your children, your main interest in their lives should be their happiness and wellbeing, not what they wear.

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I respectfully suggest that you weigh your options before you do anything. Lying may be the easiest way out but I am

convinced that it is not the right choice. I’ve gone through both ignoring being found out, and talking with my mother

about this issue, and there doesn’t seem to be much difference between the two. If your parents do not want to talk

about it now they will most likely not want to discuss it later.

Giving some story about why they were in your room is delusion. Unless your parents are idiots I doubt the will believe

what you tell them, there are too many variables at play.

The best advice may be to let sleeping dogs lie. They have hit upon something that they cannot comprehend, and most

likely do not want to. They will most likely keep from bringing it up to you, and will let it lapse into the obscurity of distant

memory in short order to protect their image of the little girl they know, rather that face the psychological stress of getting

to know parts of your life that they don’t want to, and arguably have no right to given your age.

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My mom decided to clean my room while I was at school today, without my permission, without even telling me. I'm not talking about scooping stuff off the floor and throwing it into laundry baskets, or shoving stuff into the closets just to. Oh no. She WENT THROUGH MY STUFF. She moved things around, removed stuff from containers, hauled bags and boxes out of my room and stored them in the basement. Oh, and guess what she found? They're gone now.

this happened to me, when I was about 16 -- but, perhaps worse that your mom not talking about it with you, MY mom wanted to talk immediately. I'll never forget one question she asked: "isn't this psychotic behavior?" Of course, i wasn't confident enough or old enough to challenge her ("who does it hurt?") and this was before AB/DL sites started popping up all over the web, so I had NO IDEA that there were other people who shared my interests -- so I couldn't explain that to her either. (btw, the first time I realized that I hadn't invented diaper love all by myself was when I found the German magazine Couche (wish it were still around, it was very high quality). What a revelation, to find out that i was not alone! (which is to say, thanks for these forums...)

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There are 3 ways of dealing with this:

1. Accept that your mother will enter your room, and admit to yourself and her that you have no rights at all.

2. Request that the items that your mother moved from your room be replaced, but not mention the items & if they are mentioned, ask your mother what chronological age will she respect your privacy.

3. Discuss your interest with your mother and see if she will accept it and give you your items back.

1 - Is passive and shows no maturity, and will confirm your mothers impression in that you are to immature to have any privacy.

2- Is passive-aggressive, and will show to your mother that you are mature and that you should have your privacy, dsespite your interest.

3- Is risky, but may build/extend a trust between your mother and yourself.

Hope this helps

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Guest Nohg

Something similar happened when my parents came to visit. Unfortunately, until you own a home or sign a document saying otherwise, reasonable expectation of privacy does not make privacy. Owning a home = $ time and effort, but being able to live your life is a good trade off!

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So so so much to say... but i have to go to bed in like thirty seconds, so i'll say what stood out the most to me.

I'm so amazed you told your sister. I could never tell my siblings... that probably helps with the support and all... i envy your relationship with your sister, honestly. I dont envy your situation as much. I'm sorry your mom found those...


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Guest refridginator


i half feel your pain. i came home one day from work and found my room almost transformed from a deep clean my mom did. i checked my stash and my other stash, which looked alright to me. i never heard a word from her about anything she found in my room, but i remember one day when she was helping me organize she said i should put something she was talking about "in the chest in the closet with your 'one day' stuff." i still don't know what to think about it... but i figure there's no point in getting nervous over it.

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To quote Bill Clinton, "I feel your pain". Many years ago I lived in my grandparent's home which was empty. My parents planed to remodel it and move in at some point. I went on an out of state vacation and when I returned I found a note atop my collected mail instructing me to come over to my parent's place to stay. I went upstairs to my bedroom and found half of it missing! My furniture was moved into one corner of the room and the opposite corner which once contained my closet was gone. I could see the night sky thru the ceiling and roof that weren't there. The good news is that I didn't have a large collection of diapers to be discovered and what I did have went with me on vacation. I can't imagine the confrontation between me and my father if my secret had been found out. He was very sexually active and very vanilla. I have no idea what my mother would have thought. I thank my lucky stars that I was/am so paranoid about this diaper thing.


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Guest Newph

Wow, that's terrible.

I have a snoopy mother and living at home right now, she tends to snoop while I'm at work or just gone out. It's one of the biggest reasons I am willing myself to not buy diapers (that and the embarassment). If I can just stay strong(and not indulge) for a few more years until I'm on my own, then I won't get caught and completely avoid the "talk" with the parents.

Anyway, best of luck with your situation. I hope it all works out.


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Why is it that a person with one type of paraphilia would find it right to cast judgement on someone who has a different paraphilia? Whether its diapers or panties these are just articles of clothing. Is it the "He's different! Lets get him!" mentality? I mean either way who gives a shit, if you love your children, your main interest in their lives should be their happiness and wellbeing, not what they wear.

Hey! he made us realize we all have faults.

lets get him!!

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Having a son who like wearing a dress is far worse than having a son who likes wearing a diaper.

Thats my story and I am stickiing to it.

Now to explain why I said what I said.

As a male child you could probly justify wearing a diaper to a straight father & mother, but try justifying wearing a dress.

Lets see, I like wearing a diaper because it keeps me from wetting the bed at night or it keeps me from wetting my pants during the day.

I like wearing a dress because it makes me feel more feminine, or because it is cooler than pants on a hot day.

I know it takes all types to make the world go around, but you cant just dismiss generations of up bringing and belifes just because it dont fit the moderen attitude of todays society, or because it aint politically correct.

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Now to explain why I said what I said.

As a male child you could probly justify wearing a diaper to a straight father & mother, but try justifying wearing a dress.

That's not what you said, though. What you said was that it's worse to HAVE a son who likes wearing dresses. That has nothing to do with how hard it is to explain it to your parents. Saying that it's worse to HAVE a son who likes dresses implies that it's bad to have a son who likes dresses, and that comes across as bigoted, though I don't think you intended it that way.

Anyway, I think you're mistaken. My mom, for instance, has been around the block enough to at least know what a transvestite is, but I suspect she'd be a little bewildered at the idea of someone wanting to wear diapers, and explaining it would get long and tedious. Whereas if I'd been a transvestite instead, I could just say, "Yeah, you know Rocky Horror? Kinda like that." :)

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That's not what you said, though. What you said was that it's worse to HAVE a son who likes wearing dresses. That has nothing to do with how hard it is to explain it to your parents. Saying that it's worse to HAVE a son who likes dresses implies that it's bad to have a son who likes dresses, and that comes across as bigoted, though I don't think you intended it that way.

Anyway, I think you're mistaken. My mom, for instance, has been around the block enough to at least know what a transvestite is, but I suspect she'd be a little bewildered at the idea of someone wanting to wear diapers, and explaining it would get long and tedious. Whereas if I'd been a transvestite instead, I could just say, "Yeah, you know Rocky Horror? Kinda like that." :)

I am far from being bigoted, just simply stateing the known opinon of those within the location I reside.

Being from the central part of the US, the genral public around these parts are not as open to trasvestites and or gays, beit male or female. But are however more open minded to personal choice of artical of clothing one choses to wear even it that artical of clothing is a diaper.

Now with that comes another problem, if you chose to wear a diaper and not "use" the diaper you are judged differently than if you chose to wear and use a diaper, if you have no medical reasoning for wearing a diaper.

However if you happen to have a medical reason to wear a diaper no matter how flimsy the reasoning is, most folks around here will not care if you wet or mess in the diaper you are choseing to wear.

I know this to be truthfull as I have done my own exsperiementing with diaper wearing. I have gone out in public wearing a diaper under my shorts in the summer, with the diaper being very noticable. Either by wearing a colored diaper that shows up well through the white shorts or by being thickly diapered.

When approached by someone who just wants to let me know that they can clearly tell I am wearing a diaper, I thank them for letting me know that it is vissable.

If they ask why I am wearing a diaper I will some times say it is due to medical reasons and the responces I recive are very pleasent. If I say I am wearing the diaper just because I like wearing diapers I get a totaly shocked looked from the person, and some times they will ask if I actually use the diaper.

Again if I say, no I only like wearing them and would never think of useing the diaper I get a totaly different responce than it I say, yes! I also like useing the diaper for what a diaper is intended for. Which the usall responce is of total discuss.

Like I say, it takes all kinds and types to make the world go around, and to each its own. I do not care what other people lifestyles are nor will I bash them for it.

I just happen to know the general feeling of the populas in my area of the world when it comes to accepting different lifestyles.

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