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Where'd They All Go.

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Not sure if this is the right place to put this subject, but here goes, I have been a member for nearly 2 years and my husband Paddi for nearly 3 years.

Now the people who used to post regularly then seem to have totally dissapeared except for 1 or 2.

Have these people lost their interest in the subject, or have they found other sites, or maybe just changed user names.? Nice to know other peoples thoughts.

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We bought some strawberries and sure enough, in the first package there were two moldy ones mixed in with the rest. So many dear friends no longer post here because a few people ruined it for them. They felt threatened and afraid. I have often felt that way myself, and have stayed away for months at a time. It seems there are always just a few people who love to pick apart someone's post, point out any inconsistencies with gleeful ghoulish delight. I miss them too.

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Yes, some have moved on. Some had fights with others and left. There are a few that didn't like the tone the site was taking. A few have grown ill and dropped out.

A lot still visit but will not post because of rude opinions thrown apon them.

sorry, I am a little sleepy.

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Some of us are still here. I stop by often to see what's happenin' But I don't post much. I have been here almost since the sight's inception (before it was changed the first time, Check the member #). I am a loyalist to DD, I must say this is the best diaper community site I have been on. So my hat's off to DD for the site, but for me I simply don't have as much time to chat as I did in the past. Work, family, projects & hobbies take most of my time, but I still do them diapered! So, like I said, I still drop by from time to time & I hope we're all here for awhile if not forever. So, stay warm & wet,& hopefully we'll get to chat sometime. :D

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Yea, I'm sure they all have many reasons for not putting up as many posts as before, but I'm sure that the number one reason is judgement. It would appear as though the community has become split apart into so many divisions that it's rather hard to keep tabs on everything and keep in conversation. Everyone judges one another and thinks that if you're into certain aspects of one part of the fetish then you are thus in a whole different community. (eg, when the dl forum came up and split from this general purposes type forum. It's cool, it's great, but it divides and categorizes everyone so fewer people get to join into those conversations because they don't normally visit other parts of the forum. For instance, I post way more often in the 'our lifestyle discussion' forum since I visit it every day. I only visit the diaper lovers only forum every month or so... same with the diapers in the news...etc...

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I've been around for quite a while and only recently started posting. I started out for a couple of years as a very avid lurker! lol I was scared because I had just come over from DPF and things were bad there before I came over. There are those who try and mess things up here but I am very satisfied about the general feeling of the forums. I like it here, I feel at home. :)


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I've been around for quite a while and only recently started posting. I started out for a couple of years as a very avid lurker! lol I was scared because I had just come over from DPF and things were bad there before I came over. There are those who try and mess things up here but I am very satisfied about the general feeling of the forums. I like it here, I feel at home. :)



This is a great site. And, I am impressed with the number of women (girls?) who have been posting here, lately.


--heidilynn ;)

PS: Where does the word "ditto" come from? Anyone? Anyone? I know what it means. But, I am totally unaware of it's origin. Latin, perhaps?

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Guest Sissy lil Lucy

I've been around here long enough to see somethings change and I agree, I'm sure most people who used to post but don't simply got tired of the fights that used to happen. Me I have tended to not always post when I've wanted to in case I upset someone and they decide to have a go at me for it... this is my rule for all sites, not just here. But I read I huge number of the posts that are made everyday...



I had to look up the ditto thing quickly, couldn't help myself.. and it appears although the word comes from Latin/Italian but the actual way it's used now, is all English :D

Dictionary.com and etymonline.com

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i've personally been on since the begining of this site.

however. from time to time I change my appearance or accidentally loose my pass word because I get on this site for 2 months then I forget about it and then remember it 6 months later. and at that time my original screen name and information was lost because of this originally. some times we dont leave we just simply change. and others simply grow out of it.

I know i'm not personally in to the diapers like I used to be but this doesnt mean I dont like them still. it just means like most of us do, we loose interest or become distracted by life.

hope this helps


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This is a great site. And, I am impressed with the number of women (girls?) who have been posting here, lately.


--heidilynn ;)

PS: Where does the word "ditto" come from? Anyone? Anyone? I know what it means. But, I am totally unaware of it's origin. Latin, perhaps?

I, for one, do not try to start conflicts but I have a sharp tongue when my posts are attacked by a dufus with no clue. I've been told I do not suffer fools well. I'm lightning quick on the draw. To that end, I post little other than my stories.

Here's what I found on ditto:

Word History: Ditto, which at first glance seems a handy and insignificant sort of word, actually has a Roman past, for it comes from dictus, "having been said," the past participle of the verb dcere, "to say." In Italian dcere became dire and dictus became detto, or in the Tuscan dialect ditto. Italian detto or ditto meant what said does in English, as in the locution "the said story." Thus the word could be used in certain constructions to mean "the same as what has been said"; for example, having given the date December 22, one could use 26 detto or ditto for 26 December. The first recorded use of ditto in English occurs in such a construction in 1625. The sense "copy" is an English development, first recorded in 1818. Ditto has even become a trademark for a duplicating machine.

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Hi, I'm still around, although I don't post a lot, have come back and lurked out there in the corners. Sometimes I do come out and post, maybe I've offended a few people here and there.

Not always the most sensitive member, but am still here, and if I do offend it's not intentional.



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I am also one of the beginners. Lost count on the different chat systems we've had to use, I think we're up to 4. I too miss the old members, it seamed there was more people more into the way I'm into this fetish. But everything changes, and I'm glad this site is still here!!!!

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Not sure if this is the right place to put this subject, but here goes, I have been a member for nearly 2 years and my husband Paddi for nearly 3 years.

Now the people who used to post regularly then seem to have totally dissapeared except for 1 or 2.

Have these people lost their interest in the subject, or have they found other sites, or maybe just changed user names.? Nice to know other peoples thoughts.

I'm still here, I hope you all didn't miss me terribly

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Maybe some go because of the personal static that goes on...I have certainly heard that from someone who used to post here. However, this phenomenon can also be found on wetset, probably on DPF (but you have to look, because I won't), and elsewhere. Me, I try to be patient with that kind of personal junk...it simply isn't productive, and, if you simply fail to participate, you will make someone look pretty silly.

What happened to me was that I came to diapers online, and suddenly spent a great deal of time on it, online. Balancing forces in my life then asserted themselves, and I spend less time at it online. This was especially true after I found out I wasn't really all that strange, with this odd predilection for padding around my middle...that there wasn't really anything wrong with me in that department...

I think a lot of people discover that diapers are OK, and then simply move on to the rest of their lives....mine certainly does a good job of keeping me off the net for anything other than work-related stuff, at work. I'm just too tired and/or busy when I get home at night...not that I don't do my stuff here and there, but that it's simply not that important to me to post anymore...I'm bored with the lifestyle discussion by and large, and my diapers work fine, thank you...

So its back to the binge/purge cycle, though not in its destructive forms, just kind of a change of seasons...

Dill Pickle

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I’m certainly not an old timer but I don’t post as often as I used to. I check the site nearly every day. But I don’t even take the time to sign in. I just check it as a guest.

I don’t post much because there isn’t much to say. The overall conversation seems to be stale. Nothing has changed with me. Its been over 1 year as a 24/7 diaper wearer/user and there isn’t much new to tell. I’m pretty much settled in to things and I know that I’ll be wearing all my life. My mother-in-law and wife support my decision even if they think it strange.

There isn’t even anything to get irked on this site. Every couple of months or so, there is always some AB/DL who “suddenly” has found themselves in a situation were they are incontinence or must wear a diaper and they are “so” shocked and don’t know what to do, etc. The originality is even humorous sometimes.

I’m not into the AB scene so I can’t really connect to the ABs. As a DL, I’m rather private about it. I’m not interesting in any “group” thing, getting changed or changing anyone. What do DLs talk about when they get together? There is only so much to discuss with diapers.

I might be interested in helping a new DL out with tips, suggestions and support but I can’t see much else out there.

To me its all incredibly personal so I don’t see much of a reason to post these days. What other milestones are there? I wear at work, I wear in public. I change all the time at work, in public restrooms. I’ve worn to my doctor’s office. I showed my diapers to my therapist. My body has relaxed to the point where I have no urinary control. I’m where I want to be. I’m happy.

About the only thing I haven’t done is publicly announced my DL side. And as long as I have to make money, I don’t think I’ll do that.

Being an AB and/or DL isn’t easy. There’s cost, convenience, comfort, hygiene, odor, and social stigma to deal with.

I often wonder how many people who claim they are full time AB/DLs really are. Not that there is anything wrong in having a fantasy life. I see very few posts about the practical issues of diaper wearing. Sure, there are the posts about “rashes” but they usually lack specifics and I wonder if most are more fantasy.

As I said, being a real DL isn’t easy. It also isn’t easy being in a relationship with a non AB/DL. And all the stories about “hiding” being an AB/DL, I have to laugh. Its one thing to hide a few disposable diapers. Its quite another to hide a real supply of any type of diaper AND the USED diapers. And diapers of any type are not cheap.

But that’s all ok. I do like to see what is going on. It’s just that there is little to talk to.

Plus I think that online chats have replaced the boards.

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Well, I've been a member here for quite some time, just been so busy with college and work, and well...life. However, I do pop in from time to time and read some posts, I just don't post much myself. Now that I've recently graduated college with a bachelor's degree, I should have more free time. I'm around though.

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