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Do You Ever Want To Stop?

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I've been down the purge path a few times. Now I know it's just part of me, and my wife also realizes this, so just accepts that her husband is in diapers.

Of course, I've also got an overactive bladder and some incontinence, so I need them for that too.

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Great question!

If someone gave me a magic wand which I could wave and poof... get rid of my desire to wear diapers, I would use it. I love the AB/DL community, and diapers have certainly made my life 'interesting' to say the least.... it's just that it's not a particularly socially acceptable lifestyle. I'd love to sit here and say, "I don't care what people think of me, it's my life etc" but the truth is that I do care what people think of me, and I do want to be accepted in society.

Since I don't have a wand and my heart races at the mere thought of waking up in a thick warm diaper in a dry bed, I try to make the most of it. When I feel like wearing diapers, I wear them and when I don't, I don't.

A while back I made up some rules of diaper wearing which I try to abide by. The point of these rules is to provide balance in my life and so far they've worked at stopping those 'blues' that come with enjoying diapers. Here they are in case you're interested.

1. NEVER let diapers interfere with a social opportunity

2. Only wear diapers when they can be enjoyed

3. Keep good hygene

4. Only visit safe and reputable AB/DL websites

5. Don't tell people unless there is a reason why they should know

6. Don't judge other people's fetishes / lifestyle choices

7. Keep a good count of my "diaper stash." Don't have diapers hidden all over the place

8. Promptly dispose of all dirty diapers. Don't let them pile up in the trash.

9. Don't worry about looking silly in a diaper

10. Have a sense of humor about liking diapers.

Again, I think the key to keeping diapers enjoyable is balance. Diapers can be a safe, fun, and rewarding experience as long as you control the fetish and not the other way around.

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I most definitely have had this feeling and I actually did stop for a number of months. However in the end, I went back to it because diapers are a part of who I am. I knew that when I wore my first diaper after a long break, I enjoyed it so much and felt comfortable with it on. Before the purge I had had a serious binge and I think it was too much. Keeping things in moderation is important with anything and I think the same is true for being a DL.

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You stated that very well, great job. I like your self rules.

Three Rivers

Great question!

If someone gave me a magic wand which I could wave and poof... get rid of my desire to wear diapers, I would use it. I love the AB/DL community, and diapers have certainly made my life 'interesting' to say the least.... it's just that it's not a particularly socially acceptable lifestyle. I'd love to sit here and say, "I don't care what people think of me, it's my life etc" but the truth is that I do care what people think of me, and I do want to be accepted in society.

Since I don't have a wand and my heart races at the mere thought of waking up in a thick warm diaper in a dry bed, I try to make the most of it. When I feel like wearing diapers, I wear them and when I don't, I don't.

A while back I made up some rules of diaper wearing which I try to abide by. The point of these rules is to provide balance in my life and so far they've worked at stopping those 'blues' that come with enjoying diapers. Here they are in case you're interested.

1. NEVER let diapers interfere with a social opportunity

2. Only wear diapers when they can be enjoyed

3. Keep good hygiene

4. Only visit safe and reputable AB/DL websites

5. Don't tell people unless there is a reason why they should know

6. Don't judge other people's fetishes / lifestyle choices

7. Keep a good count of my "diaper stash." Don't have diapers hidden all over the place

8. Promptly dispose of all dirty diapers. Don't let them pile up in the trash.

9. Don't worry about looking silly in a diaper

10. Have a sense of humor about liking diapers.

Again, I think the key to keeping diapers enjoyable is balance. Diapers can be a safe, fun, and rewarding experience as long as you control the fetish and not the other way around.

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My point is, I've got a full pack of Bambinos... and have yet to put one on. I'm just not feeling it, anymore. Actually, I kinda haven't for some time.

Frankly, I'm bored with solitary diaper-time. I've been there, done that, for almost 40 years... and now, if cumming in diapers is taking away from my sexual performance with a lady-- well the hell with that!

So yeah, I'm thinking about stopping. Hey, diapers will always be my secret kink... but it can't be about me alone anymore. I just don't want it to be isolating-- and definately not debilitating! Life's too goddam short.

No, I'm not trolling for ladies. I'm just responding to this topic with my own little POV perspective. It's a great topic-- carry on...


Here's betting that you will find yourself in diapers within the year....for pleasure....


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i had the "binge and purge" thing once about 5 years ago..

I had been using Pampers & Huggies for some years, they were easy to hide & dispose of because they were small and also there were young kids in the family, so they went unnoticed easily. But when i bought my first pack of Attends Slip, they were about 3 times the size which didn't bother me at first and i will never forget how unbelievably good they felt compared to what i was used to. After a few days though i panicked that i wouldn't be able to keep them hidden for long and threw what was left away - i remember for ages after that i was kind of relieved but very annoyed at what i had done.

It didn't take long to realise that wearing nappies was a part of me that would be extremely difficult to stop and i'm not afraid to admit that i have given up fighting it

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I've not even been wearing that long but I've had the feeling I wanna stop, I don't have adult diapers I got size 6 and just wear underwear over them. I don't have the guts to buy adult diapers. I feel like I need to stop coz its not right, and my partner isn't into it he let me wear a few times but I know he's not comfortable really, I actually feel kinda lonely, I wear on my own but would be so much better with someone to share it with. :( I've been in tears b4 I told my partner coz I didn't know if I should tell him and I tried so hard to forget about it but it isn't easy as squidgy said above its extremely difficult to stop.

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  • 8 months later...

"Lately, I don't wear diapers to bed because I am afraid of having a heart attack and being discovered dead and diapered."

Anondl, I used to be that way about my crossdressing. Then I thought it all through and decided to not worry. If I die in my sleep, then 1) I'm dead and it doesn't matter anymore, they can't hurt me anymore. 2) Dying suddenly anywhere still means that someone will be coming by to go through my stuff so they'll find it all and connect the dots anyway(and the same for my diapers now) 3) If I want to do something that doesn't hurt anyone else then I darn sure will. This is my life and lessening any peace or pleasure I can have while I am alive isn't an option. If I die in my sleep I want to be found in a 100% soaked diaper so there won't be any immediate questions about "why?"

They're going to find my diary and go through my computer anyway so to heck with it! Those who need to know are aware of my being TG; the rest don't matter.

wsdler, I used to think I'd like to stop this and a lot of other stuff too :huh: Again deeper thinking changed that. I've stopped drugs and alcohol(the cravings never go away but I will not indulge them), and I am better for that :D I know that for me there is no "Just a little bit once in awhile". I miss the relaxed feeling of a mild buzz more than you could know :( Yeah, there's a downside to loving diapers but I really don't want to stop like I did the other stuff. With my addictive personality it would have to be stopping the same way, completely. I would like better control over it but I can manage with the control I do have so I don't need or want a switch for this. It's me, I'm OK, and if my DL offends someone they have the problem, not me. I would like a switch to fix them to fix the problem(perhaps giving them a dose so they'd understand) :ninja:

jessm5, I want social acceptance too, which is why I don't share certain things with just anyone. In fact I really don't think anyone does ^_^ Embarassment is one of those motivations that creates and maintains the social structure of humanity. Lose it and we lose the thing that makes us different from the other animals :o I like your 10 Rules, it's a good way to see things :D

We all have wants that we think would do us good, yet we're human and fallible so having a magical "switch" probably isn't a good idea though it might make for good reading :lol:


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I went through the binge and purge cycle a lot when I was in my teens, but even then I never had any really long spells when I hated baby stuff, it usually lasted for about a week or two. However, what I did hate was lying to my wife and keeping it a secret from her. It wasn't so much that I wanted to stop liking this, but I wanted to share it with her and just felt that I couldn't. I felt that I was decieving her. It didn't help that most of the AB's I knew were in much the same boat, and giving me lots of advice not to tell her "Not many woman will put up with that" they said.

Eventually (some years ago now) I did tell her and she is now an enthusiastic mommy to me, as well as my wife and best friend. I've never thought about giving it up since.


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ah, yes... the classic binge/purge.

i have been on many forums in many places and all of them share one thing (other than a love of diapers, of course): the cycle. the majority of diaper wearers who aren't dependent in my experience tend to go thru these phases. i certainly do. i was confused in the beginning, because i thought it was a sign that i should try to stop all together. but over time (and multiple dips and peaks in the cycle of diaper lovin') you realize that its just the way things will be.

Kudos to you for just putting your diapers away; many people have bemoaned the fact that they trashed hundreds of dollars worth of diapers only to have to buy them back a few weeks, months, or even years later. you're doing the right thing. i've stashed diapers before for 2-3 months at a time, but i've always come back. enduring the cycle is an intense thing, it can be trying emotionally if you don't just put it out of your mind and accept that it will happen and that some day there's a pretty high chance that it'll be back.

when you think about it, i suppose it makes sense. when i'm really into my diaper phase it is super intense. it goes from "hey, i should try a diaper today" all the way to "MUST BE 24/7, I WISH I COULD LIVE IN DIAPERS OMG" obsessed! its hard to keep up a desire that intense for the duration of your life. after pouring in that much attention and energy it makes sense that your body or mind gets too much of a good thing and says "ok, enough of that... time to mellow for a while". hence the purge.

others have spoken about moderation in use. that sounds great for those who can tolerate it, but i personally wasn't meant for a diaper every other day or so. it would become too mundane for me, and the urgency and sexuality of getting to wear diapers would diminish over time. i much prefer going a few weeks without lending a second thought to diapers and then a few weeks where just the thought of being padded makes me jump.

so you're definitely not alone, mate! Just wade thru it, and hopefully we'll see you back sometime soon! :thumbsup:

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It all started for me as a child. I liked to see other kids in diapers and plastic panties and always wished I could wear them too. I used to steal plastic panties from the grocery store, other kids etc. and wear them over my undies. Got caught many times and Mom found them hidden in my room many times. When I got older and got my first computer, I found that I could buy not only plastic panties that would fit, but disposible & cloth diapers too. I now have a HUGE collection of cloth diapers, plastic panties in many different colors and prints and several bags of disposible diapers. I wear whenever I can and really don't care who see's them or knows about it. I will ALWAYS be in diapers. :D

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As with all of us I have the urge every so often to stop wearing, that I'm not getting anything out of it any more. It doesn't usually last too long, not much more than a week or two and I'm right back to craving my diapers. I have gone for extended periods when I haven't worn, but honestly, this is a major part of who and what I am. I don't think I'd ever be able to give it up completely. I just leave the diapers in the drawer, and put all of my supplies for them in there with them. A few weeks later, when the urge comes back, everything comes out. Long ago I've given up the desire to be rid of this all together.

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Havent really been as active here as I wish, but I felt I needed to comment on this subject.

If anyone remembers my first few posts, I was talking about how Diapers were starting to come into play with my relationship with my girlfriend of 4 (now 4 and a half) years.

She's has done very well in "dealing" with my desire to wear diapers, and hardly even thinks about it. She just acts like they're just regular underwear, despite the noise.

But it's still an "out of sight, out of mind" thing. As long as I dont talk about it, or let her see it, she seems ok with it.

But, I'm feeling like I'm abusing this privelage, and taking advantage of my desire. For awhile it was everyday after work, and hardly ever wore boxers during the weekends, unless I had to run out somewhere.

She never said anything, but I felt she might end up having regrets of saying "ok" to begin with.

There for awhile, I was wearing Secure X-Plus diapers, and I really enjoyed them, but after I quickly went through my 3rd 12 pack, thats when I started feeling like I should at least try and slowdown, so I bought another pack of Depend Max Diapers.

I'm stilling wearing them, but not nearly as often, and she's still acting unfazed by it. I dont even know if she even realises when I'm wearing Diapers or Boxers anymore.

anyway, to make a long story short, The thought of wanting to stop is always present, but the desire to keep wearing them keeps me from having the will power to actually stop for a period of time thats more than a week.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I quit wearing 24/7 back in March because I wanted to make my bladder stronger again. I still suffer from having to go all the time because my bladder still wants to be empty. I think I am doing better now.

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  • 7 years later...
On 11/28/2008 at 0:53 PM, hazardouskink said:

when you think about it, i suppose it makes sense. when i'm really into my diaper phase it is super intense. it goes from "hey, i should try a diaper today" all the way to "MUST BE 24/7, I WISH I COULD LIVE IN DIAPERS OMG" obsessed! its hard to keep up a desire that intense for the duration of your life. after pouring in that much attention and energy it makes sense that your body or mind gets too much of a good thing and says "ok, enough of that... time to mellow for a while".

I realize this thread/post is old. But this is exactly what's happened to me just now.

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