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AB/DL Diaper Bag Packing List Going to your first AB/DL event? Starting your adventure of trying diapers 24/7? A diapered road trip? This article is what I would have liked to know when I started my adventure. This list is what I consider to be the bare necessities. Starting of the list… the diaper bag… it wouldn’t be a diaper bag list if you didn’t have a bag! A standard backpack with three main pouches, and side pockets on either side for a drink or bottle is my ideal bag. I personally have two bags… one for regular public use which is just a black military style pack and one for ABDL events and conventions that is covered in ABDL and other fetish affiliated pins, badges, and patches. Now that we have the bag we need to pack it. Starting off my advice is to pack things in the likelihood that you are going to need them, so I always pack my spare change of clothes. Jeans, shirt, socks, diaper cover in the bottom in the bag in the main pouch. Trust me, you would rather have them and not need them than need them and not have them. Next is diapers and boosters… if the bag has a laptop pouch, I like to put two of each in this section, so they are a quick and easy grab. It is up to you if you need it more or less. I also like to add a pack of diaper disposable bags in the same section of my diapers. Northshore is who I recommend for these. Their packs are small and deodorizing. The last item I place in the main pouch is my diaper changing mat. The mat isn’t always usable in all situations like in a toilet stall, but I like using it over the toilet to place my changing supplies and keeping a barrier between my stuff and a public toilet. (Just make sure you wipe it down with disinfectant wipes when you are done. Moving on from the main pouch of the bag and focusing on the outside of the bag. I always carry my water bottle on my public bag or a bottle or sippy bottle on my dominant hand side of the bag. In the front exterior bag this is where you want to carry your changing supplies, so you are not fishing around looking for them. I recommend investing in small bottles or going the easier route and getting several small travel sized bottles that you can just refill. If diapers are a sexual thing for you and you are planning on being active don’t forget to pack lube and protection! The last thing I always pack in my diaper bag is my noise cancelling headphones, a handheld gaming device, (I like rocking my old 90s Gameboy with Pokémon yellow as a conversation starter at events), a deck of playing cards or a Yugioh deck if I know others will have them, and an activity book and pencils. I hope you find this list and guide helpful to you. This is obviously not the only way to pack your bag or what you may need, but this is a good starting point. Make this check list your own! Happy Padded Life to All – J.p. Diaper Bag Check List o Diapers x2 o Boosters x2 o Changing Mat o Changing Supplies o Powder o Lotion o Baby Oil o Disinfectant wipes o Wipes o Lube o Condoms o Protection o Discreet Disposable bags o Deodorizer o Spare pair of jeans o Socks o Diaper cover o Spare shirt/onesie o Headphones o Gaming device/stimuli o Paci o Bottle Diaper Bag Packing List.pdf
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Long, long, long time lurker. Have enjoyed hundreds of stories. I write as a pass time here and there and have recently become intrigued by PPP’s diaper dimension. Granted, I don’t know a ton about the lore and have a preference for the “self contained” amazon little world. This may be a little bold to create my own lore surrounding the diaper dimension but I like backstory. My character development skills are a little weak so feedback would be appreciated. Chapter 1 As the stories go, amazons were descendants of warrior gods and spent the first few centuries of their existence warring with each other. Supposedly the gods didn’t appreciate this and cursed the amazons to produce weaker offspring. This is how the inbetweeners came into existence. Still the amazons fought and a second curse came upon them in the form of littles. This curse also came at the cost of forcing amazons to develop overpowering maternalistic and paternalistic instincts for protecting these littles. Realistically the amazons had brought these curses upon themselves. In long forgotten history, the highly advanced amazon society had sought genetic altering bio weapons to hinder their opponents abilities to produce warriors. At the time, amazons went through extremely rapid growth, by 10 years old they were already developed enough to bear arms and go to war. Their lives were short, most barely making it to 40 years old. The genetic weapons were released on the world at the climax of the war which had sent the planet into a dark age where most technology and history was forgotten. Over the centuries the repercussions of these weapons came to light. Amazons no longer grew as fast, but their lifespan dramatically increased. They also switched their focus from warring with each other to capturing littles to fulfil their parental instincts. Until the re-advent of contraceptives, the little population exploded and as such they developed their own territories free of amazons. In the modern world these borders have not changed much. The easiest way to break these people into their groups would be based on height, littles, inbetweeners, and amazons. The difference between littles and amazons was blatantly obvious in terms of physical attributes and even preferences. Littles are what most would consider children, at least in terms of preferences and physique they never really grow through the puberty appearance and mature into full blown adults. There are cases of littles being very mature in terms of profession but a majority end up as adoptions to amazons. Littles are plagued with weak bladders, shortness, and weak physiques. As such, in the protective eyes of amazons, littles, no matter the age, are mostly seen as not much more than toddlers. Amazons are the complete opposite. Frequently growing well over 8 feet tall, well endowed and holding every position of influence, authority, or power. They were known to be strong and organised, what most people would consider an adult. Amazons are faster, stronger, and more resilient then their little and tweener counterparts. Due to a much higher bone and muscle density, most would consider them superhuman, capable of physical feats that are far outside the capabilities of their counterparts. Amazons also had the advantage of learning faster, solving complex problems quicker, and due to their physique, worked longer and harder. Of course there were always individuals that were neither little nor amazon, commonly referred to as tweeners, the group that quit growing in their teen years. They had the average height differences of amazons and littles, weren’t as physically gifted as amazons but still substantially more than littles. The tweeners filled in the roles that an amazon might consider below them but still above the capacities of littles. Ashley was a very special case, most people would go their whole lives without meeting someone like Ashley. Ashley was essentially an Amazon stuck in a little’s body. Granted she was fairly well endowed with a shapely figure and DD cup chest, but her height stopped completely as soon as she hit 4 foot 6. She also didn’t inherit the commonly known weak bladder of littles. Most littles ended up being doomed to diapers for their whole lives and the ones that developed potty training were always just a hair's breadth away from reverting to full time diapering. Ashley was gifted with the same bone and muscle density as amazons, the same mental capacity as any other amazon, and even had a very mature facial structure similar to an Amazon. Her hair was platinum blonde which would be an adoption sentence for any typical little. The little tendencies she had acquired and figured out how to suppress were things like a fixation on sweets and cute things as well as a desire to just lounge around and be cared for. Ashley, being such a conundrum in the amazon world spent a good part of her schooling years being poked and prodded by doctors fascinated with her rare genetic makeup. This led to her personal ID, which would typically label her as one of the typical three groups, being printed with “little/amazon.” She had protested at the time to just be considered an Amazon and forgo the little connotation. Amazons wouldn’t let such a short one of their kind easily claim the amazon title, and she was different enough from a little that she couldn’t be just a little. In fact it was always considered a blemish on amazon superiority for an Amazon to be reduced to baby status and they were often treated substantially worse than the lowest little. Ashley served her mandatory two year stint in the army, all amazons had to enlist. The recruiter at the time had thought there was a fluke but Ashley’s physical evaluation put her in the lower percentile of amazon performance. Due to her size she spent the whole time behind a desk. For the most part she had been left alone, the worst that had happened was during boot camp when the instructors had especially made Ashley spend her time running and working out whenever they deemed Ashley too small to participate which was just about everything. No obstacle courses, no practice fields, no weapons training, just hours of gym time and study time. When she was released from service the biggest benefit was getting a full ride scholarship. With the added advantage of spending two years studying she graduated from the four year program in just two, taking a double course load just to prove her amazon blood. Ashley had made it, for the most part, avoiding the misunderstanding of being a little. Her figure for one typically made amazons second guess her status. Her habits, presence, and air as an Amazon always carried her through any difficult situation with an Amazon trying to adopt her out of the blue as was typical of their overprotective nurturing instincts. She had even begun pondering the idea of adopting a little herself and found them absolutely adorable toddling around in their full diapers and cute little outfits chosen by their mommies and daddies. Ashley’s height was her only hold back realistically in the world of amazons, as such, she had quickly climbed the corporate ladder and by 25 had her own office in the r&d department of the largest little supply company. College wasn’t hard for her and she made the transition into the real world quite smoothly. At this point she had her own apartment in a high rise and was making quite a bit of money. Her success was due to being an analog of a test subject for the r&d department. Being a small amazon, she could frequently stand in for the littles but also being an Amazon she had physical capabilities that would far exceed anything a little would ever be able to muster up. She of course had limits, she refused to touch anything diaper related as that was entirely too humiliating and they did have littles that played the test subject. One time she had tried little apparel testing. The little proof buttons on the onesie stood no chance against her superior strength and the team went back to the drawing board and produced buttons that even she struggled to undo while wearing the onesie. These were the tests that landed her a nice cushy office. She had to admit that some of the tests she did were a little degrading and she knew quite a few of the amazons in the building would just love to take her as their own but they had no grounds to stand on and would be depriving the company of a valuable asset. There was a big project coming that Ashley knew she was bound to be a part of. Cutting edge technology that would be the first of its kind and could potentially revolutionise the market. Ashley took her normal seat in the conference room for the big meeting, picking up the folder in front of her and briefly glancing through the pages. That’s when a new amazon appeared next to her and took the seat. Ashley didn’t recognize the woman but the tall amazon woman sitting next to her sent even a shiver down her spine with intimidation. It wasn’t strange to have newcomers for big projects as people bounced between departments to meet the requirements. Ashley’s gaze split from her portfolio to appraise the intimidating woman that had taken residence next to her as more people filed in. She was at least 8 foot 6, her tall heels pushing her closer to 9 foot tall. Her hair was jet black and silky smooth. Her figure was well defined and if Ashley had to guess her chest was pushing HH or larger and more than likely full of milk, a common thing amazons did to feel closer to their littles. Her arms were toned from hours spent at the gym and from what she could see of her legs as she slid into the chair in the tight pencil dress, the gym was apparently her second home. Ashley wasn’t expecting the beaming innocent smile to come from the woman as she outstretched her hand for a hand shake with “hi there, I’m Bethany.” The slight southern accent also caught Ashley off guard a bit as she reached out to shake the woman’s hand, replying with her own name. Ashley stared into the Amazon’s golden eyes with her own purple tinted eyes getting lost in the black void of the woman’s pupils. Just after they exchanged their pleasantries, the section chief came into the conference room and both broke their stare and handshake long enough to refocus on the meeting. “Welcome everyone. Today we will be starting a new project and everyone in this room will have an assigned role. Joining our team is Miss Bethany Merlot, she is a r&d project manager from one of our sister sites that has a vested interest in this project. She will be managing the milestones and goals. I hand it over to you Miss Merlot.” The section chief took his seat at the head of the table and gestured towards the newcomer. “Thank you section chief. As he explained, this project will revolutionise the little care market and will provide a bevy of new opportunities and options in the tech sector. With the introduction of smart devices, there is not a whole lot of integration of smart little care. The goal of this project is to bring new options and devices to market that will allow parents to care for their littles from their phones. In each of your portfolios is a draft of individual roles as well as some rough drafts of items that we would like to bring to market.” Bethany gestured to everyone to flip through their folders and find their roles and get an understanding of the proposed product line. Ashley had to admit that the advent of smart devices for littles was a pretty good idea. She would dive into the proposed devices when she got back to her desk but wanted to see what her role was first. She flipped through the documents to find the list to see that she was in her typical role, data collection and testing. She thought for a moment that there were a few eyes glancing her way but didn’t think much of it. Bethany took her seat again and the section chief concluded the meeting with a few more words of encouragement before people started to rise to leave the room. Ashley wasn’t in any rush to get back to her desk and began to scan a few of the proposed devices. Some of them seemed a little outlandish for their schedule but she figured about 60% would be ready by the deadline. Ashley hadn’t noticed but Bethany had stayed behind with her until the room was empty when she herself broke from trance of glossing over the portfolio. “Oh, sorry, I didn’t realise you were still her” Ashley blushed a little as she looked up to the remaining amazon. “It’s okay, it’s exciting stuff isn’t it?” Bethany said as she herself rose, towering over Ashley even more. “Would you mind showing me the way to the r&d department? I’ve been told my office will be next door to yours.” Ashley obliged and shared a little small chit chat as she lead the way. Ashley had to admit that Bethany was very attractive, and her presence was incredible. She had a very reassuring vibe that put her at ease and she lowered her guard quite a bit on the walk. Most times Ashley would be a bit intimidated by the presence of a new amazon since she always had to gauge what their intentions for her would be. “It is quite unique you know, I’ve never met an Amazonian little before.” Bethany said as they boarded the elevator. “That’s the typical reaction” Ashley said as she leaned against the back wall. “It is extremely rare to have an Amazon stuck in at least the height factor of a little but that’s about as far as the similarities go” Ashley said with a smile. Ashley knew she was a unique case that peaked people’s interest in her but it was understandable. Difference from the norm always attracts attention and she had learned to live with it. The elevator arrived at their floor and Ashley gave Bethany a quick tour of the lab, showing some of the test equipment and ending with delivering Bethany to her office next door to her own. Bethany already had a large stack of boxes piled in the office, more than likely her personals delivered during the meeting. Ashley excused herself to her office to get to work and get a grip on the new product line. After a few hours of making lists and roughing out some test procedures she pulled off her reading glasses and leaned back in her chair with a little sigh. It was just about time to call it for the day and she stood from her desk to stretch. After grabbing her purse she headed out the door and saw that Bethany’s office door was still closed. The lab was empty for the most part save a few stragglers that were wrapping up. Ashley turned to Bethany’s door and gave a few light knocks before hearing “yes, come in.” Ashley turned the handle and entered to see Bethany pumping. Immediately she cast her eyes to the ground and blushed with a quick apology “sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Bethany responded quickly seeing the girl’s embarrassment “it’s okay, it’s all natural for women. I’m quite used to it. I may not have a little yet but I wanted to be ready just in case I came across the right one. It is a bit of a pain to have to pump 3 or 4 times a day but it will all be worth it in the end.” Bethany explained. “I see, I was a bit curious” Ashley unintentionally paused “if you had a little that is, not if you were lactating” Ashley clarified blushing a bit more. She didn’t know what it was about Bethany that made her feel so awkward and out of place but she also felt comfortable around her. “I’m headed out by the way” Ashley blurted out trying to fill the silence of the room with only the pump whirling on the desk. “Would you like to come to the bar with me? It is Friday after all and we typically celebrate a little before a big project gets fully underway since we’ll more than likely be too slammed with work to get much more than time to go home and sleep.” Ashley explained. Bethany had a slightly intimidating look across her face for a brief second before that big bright smile came back and agreed to come out once she was finished. Ashley nodded with a smile, excited to have a new coworker to go out with. She turned to leave Bethany’s office only for Bethany to call her back with “why don’t you stay for a couple minutes. I’m almost done and it shouldn’t take long to finish up.” Ashley paused for a second, hand still on the door knob, not sure if she should accept the offer while the other woman was in the middle of something that was typically best done in private. “If it’s alright with you I guess I could stay and keep you company” Ashley said as she turned back around and headed for the chair opposite Bethany's desk. At the same time Bethany disconnected the pump from her left side and pulled the maternity bra back in place before switching to the other side and exposing her other breast. Ashley stared for probably too long at the phenomenal chest Bethany had. Perfectly shaped, perky, and beautiful rosey nipples adorning her pure white mounds. Bethany feigned ignorance of Ashley’s staring as she swapped in a fresh empty bottle. “So, what do you think of the projects?” Bethany asked, breaking Ashley’s trance. “I think there is a lot of opportunity to help a lot of caregivers and littles in the process,” Ashley said. “Good, I think it’s an Amazon's duty to provide the best care they can to littles” Bethany said after the cup was positioned on her breast. Bethany let a little gasp as the milk began to flow. “Sorry, pumping sometimes can be quite the sensation and it doesn’t help that the prescription for producing milk makes me so much more sensitive.” Bethany said. “Sorry if I may be too bold but do you perhaps have a little you care for?” Bethany asked. It was a little bit of a touchy subject for Ashley, she flip flopped between wanting a little of her own but at the same time liked the carefree life she was living without the responsibility of taking care of a little with all of their diaper changes and maintenance. This might be another area where her little tendencies flared, battling her amazon nurturing tendencies. “I don’t but I have contemplated it heavily. They’re just so adorable all diapered and dressed up that you just can’t help wanting one of your own. Maybe I’m still a bit too young though to be taking on that responsibility.” Ashley explained. “I totally understand. Seeing their big diapered butt as they toddle around is just to die for. Makes you sometimes kinda wish you could be as carefree and innocent as them. Use the bathroom whenever and wherever you want while being coddled and cared for unconditionally.” Bethan said, laying back a bit more into the chair. The mention of using the bathroom reminded Ashley’s own bladder that she had skipped her traditional bathroom break before leaving work and could feel the first pangs of needing to go. It was only a couple more minutes for Bethany to finish up. Ashley was surprised to see that she had filled another whole bottle. A quick mental maths and Ashley realised Bethany was producing 6-8 full bottles a day, she figured she was probably selling the surplus as was fairly common amongst producers and didn’t know if Bethany would actually enjoy going to a bar since it would taint her supply. Ashley was again in a trance as Bethany began to clean up and reorganise herself. “Would you like to try?” Bethany asked. Ashley’s mind quickly raced to drinking Bethany’s milk. Part of her was appalled by the idea but the little in her was eager to say yes. “Um?” Ashley paused for a second trying to think of a reasonable response. “Come on, it’s kinda fun” Bethany said as she held up the pumping cup. Ashley relevelled her thinking process to pumping herself, internally scolding herself for thinking about drinking Bethany’s milk. Bethany pulled out the second cup attachment to dual source the pumping process with “typically I only do one at a time since it’s a bit cumbersome to have both attached at the same time. Besides you got to see me pumping and if you plan on having your own little someday you should at least have some experience with it.” Ashley was hesitant but as Bethany stood with that innocent bright smile again Ashley knew she wouldn’t be able to say no. “You know, even without a hormone prescription you could end up lactating if you just pump a few times a day, the female body reacts to nursing and just starts producing on its own. I was just a bit impatient and didn’t want to wait,” Bethany explained as she approached Ashley. “Come one, open up” Bethany prodded, holding one of the cups in each hand. Ashley’s hands moved to her blouse and slowly began to unbutton the shirt until her bra was showing. Luckily she was wearing one of her more elegant bras with a front clasp. She looked back to Bethany momentarily who gave an approving nod to encourage Ashley to continue. Ashley undid the centre clasp and let the bra fall away. A little bashful, she covered her chest with one arm before Bethany scooted a little closer and held up the cups. “It’s okay, we’re all girls here, nothing to be shy about.” Bethany reassured. Ashley moved her arm away and exposed herself to Bethany who now positioned a cup over each nipple. “You have such beautiful nipples, I’m sure if a little saw them there wouldn’t be any way to pry them off of you” Bethany commented before flipping on the pump Ashley just blushed crimson red at the comment as the pump began to work. The sensation was a bit strange at first but feeling the suckling motion at each teet in alternating unison was quite pleasing. Ashley felt herself give in a little and let out a small gasp. Bethany looked quite pleased and stood back up to look down at Ashley who was enjoying the sensation of a warmth building in her stomach and moving down. This is when it clicked with Ashley, she was attracted to Bethany, she was so powerful and demanded attention that Ashley had never felt before. She wanted to make Bethany happy by whatever means necessary. “See, I told you it was fun, how does it feel?” Bethany asked. “It’s a bit strange but at the same time it feels a bit erotic” Ashley replied. “I know right, it’s quite the sensation but it kinda dulls out after a while and after doing it for so long” Bethany said. Ashley knew Bethany was excited to have someone to share this with and Ashley was excited to be the one. They continued the conversation through the process as Ashley sat in the chair being dry milked for quite a bit longer than either of them realised. Neither of them really realised the time until it became apparent that the office was getting dark with the setting sun. “Shoot, we should have probably stopped a bit ago” Bethany said, flipping the pump off. Without the pump the cups fell away from Ashley's chest. It was only then that she realised how engorged her nipples had become from the suction. She moved her hand up to cover her chest again as Bethany looked down at her. “Sorry hun, I lost track of time, it’s usually a bit much to go for long.” Bethany said. Ashley was gonna brush it off like it wasn’t a big deal but as her hand grazed her own nipple a tingling sensation shot through her body causing her to wince a bit. “Yeah, I was afraid of that. If you go too long it makes you really sensitive.” Bethany explained. “Here, I have some cream for this, it’ll help reduce the swelling.” She moved back around to her desk drawer and pulled out a tube of ointment. Bethany twisted off the lid and squeezed a dollop on her finger before. “Sorry, creature of habit,” she set the tube down on her desk and reaching for the Kleenex box. “It’s okay, could you… you can apply it” Ashley said without thinking. Bethany raised an eyebrow momentarily and then approached ashley. “I’m more than willing to help out. It’s going to be a bit cold so brace yourself.” Bethany reached forward and delicately smeared a dollop onto the tip of each nipple to distribute the larger wad. She brought both hands forward and began to massage the ointment in. Ashley was horny to begin with but with Bethany gently kneading both of her breasts, occasionally rolling her nipples between her fingers, Ashley couldn’t help but let out a little moan. Bethany looked pleased at the reaction and that beautiful smile came out causing Ashley to blush even deeper and turn away. When Bethany decided the lotion was worked in enough she stood back a bit and let the slightly disappointed Ashley straighten herself out a bit and put her top back together. “It’s quite strange, I’m sure you’re used to it by now, the waging war of amazon and little, but it’s so weird not knowing what I want. Part of me wants to take you home right now and have our ways with each other in my bed and part of me just wants to swaddle you up and tuck you into a nice comfy crib "Bethany said as Ashley did her buttons up. “I have that effect on people, personally I’d prefer the latter. I have never really felt little, I drink my coffee black and don’t really like sweets or bright colours. Once and a while a little urge might pop up but I’ve never embraced it, the amazon instincts automatically suppressing any of those desires but I think that’s just how we’re built.” “Oh, so you’re not opposed to the idea of coming back to my place?” Bethany said with a devious little smile that made Ashley turn the deepest shade of red yet. “It’s unfortunate that my place isn’t exactly set up yet tho, just coming into town I haven’t had many opportunities to unpack and get organised. How about this? What if we continue this once I get unpacked. Instead of going to bars on fridays we could have a little rendezvous at my place to unwind. We’ll have to keep it strictly professional at work. I’m sure neither of us would enjoy the office gossiping behind our backs about our relationship status and we both could clearly use a little de-stressing. Does that sound suitable to you?” Bethany took the reins knowing exactly what she wanted and it was an appealing offer. Ashley hadn’t had any meaningful relationships before and she knew Bethany was special. “That sounds like a good idea” Ashley said, only pondering for a moment and pulling out her phone. “Let’s exchange personal numbers, that way we can keep in contact.” Bethany pulled out her phone as well and they exchanged numbers on the spot. ———— I have up to chapter 4 written, just have to proof read them. I’m contemplating writing 2 different endings and maybe a “continuation” for chapter 5. Essentially a “fair” happy ending and an “unfair” ending. Often times I want my cake and to eat it to, we’ll see.
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For those who have the option of having a partner change them. Is their a set time for each person to be changed. I'm normally changed a few times a day. Right after the morning bath right after comes home for the day, right before bedtime. Of course it may change if I have a accident during the day.
Chapter 1 Scott could hardly contain his giddiness as he turned his steering wheel to make a left at the intersection. After several weeks of careful planning, scheming, checking, and rechecking, he finally had a free weekend for himself. He had spent those weeks ordering discrete packages filled with supplies of a particular nature and tinkering in his garage on a device that he hoped would be able to fulfill his wildest fantasies. He could feel his heart pound in his chest as he put his blinker on and changed lanes, wanting to get home as soon as legally possible. Scott had had a great week at work, his boss had been admiring the white leopard's progress for a while now. He had recently designed a filing system that, according to his calculations, had increased the company’s data storage system by a whole 12.4%. The subsequent increase in efficiency had also increased his paycheck to a much sizable amount, which he had recently been putting to good use. Scott was a brilliant engineer and computer programmer, his passion for creation had brought him to work for Sky-TEC industries, a company that specializes in creating computers whose processing power and ability to complete tasks in incredibly low amounts of time had brought them up to one of the best technology companies in the world. But as brilliant as this company was, Scott was just a little bit more brilliant. Scott had quite unmistakably come into contact with a piece of technology that was top secret and incredibly powerful. Many would use it for great evil, while some might use it to achieve near indestructibility. Scott however, wasn't particularly interested in any of those things. He had some very private tendencies that he had never shared with anyone since he was a child. Specifically, he loved indulging in infantile fantasies, imagining himself just like a little kid again. From feeling the warmth of a freshly soaked diaper, to the pleasurable struggle of being put in bondage whilst wearing a soiled diaper, unable to do anything about his current predicament, to the wonderful childlike freedom of just wearing a diaper and t-shirt whilst watching children's shows on TV. Scott had spent a good amount of time imagining exactly what he'd love to do to or by himself if he had the time and resources to fulfill his fantasies. Fantasies that he hoped would be fulfilled very soon. The leopard pulled into the driveway of his comfortable little home. It wasn't anything special, he had little furnishings to decorate it with, but it had what he liked to consider an "aesthetical amount of space". He turned off the engine, grabbed his shoulder bag, and exited the car, walking into his garage. He flicked on the lights, and as the light bulbs blinked awake the device that he'd spent months on putting together sat on his workshop table. To put it bluntly, Scott had been programming a device that would essentially stop time itself. Through a combination of biotechnology, an improbability-engine, and a calculator that essentially worked on the whimsical nature of the polarity of electrons whirling around in titanium atoms in the contraption, the device was able to access the particular genetic code of the user and ignore all cells with the sequence, then continue to all other organic matter and inorganic matter and "freeze them in place". Scott didn't fully understand it, but he knew how to put the parts together and calibrate the machine. One might think that experimenting with such a device would be incredibly risky, but Scott had that figured out as well. He had coded in a fail-safe into the device. If a large amount of cells of the individual who had activated the device began to shut down at a rapid enough pace indicating possible death, it would essentially reverse the freezing process restoring reality to normal. Scott picked up the device with baited breath. It didn't look like anything special, like a TV remote except with fewer buttons and what looked like more volume controls. He connected his phone to the remote and fed it information about the current time, position of earth relative to the sun, and relative temperatures around the world. He hoped that the device would be able to send out the proper frequency into the molecules around it, setting off the time freezing reaction properly. He knew that if it failed, it may fail spectacularly, possibly even harming him despite the fail safe. A green light on the device shone, indicating that it was ready to be activated. He closed his eyes, pressed his eyes shut, and pushed a large red button with his finger. A loud rushing sound echoed through his ears, he fell backwards sputtering and coughing, he felt as if everything in a single part of his body was getting lightly tickled with electricity, he yelled in alarm, but before he could yell for more than a second it all stopped. Scott looked around. Everything looked. . . normal. He went over to the garage switch and pressed it, a whirring sound came from the door as it opened. He padded outside and his jaw dropped. Birds hung eerily in the air, much like bricks don't. Leaves stood stalk still, frozen as a gust of wind was blowing through it. Scott fanned himself with a paw experimentally, looking at it as he felt the air particles against his whiskers and fur. He had done it. He had created a device that stopped time. It stopped time for everything and everyone! Everyone, except him. Scott hooted and hollered! He started running down the street, passing cars with passengers in them halfway through a sip of coffee, forming a word as they talked on the phones, or smiling jaws and maws agape as they sang to their favorite car songs. Scotts saw planes and clouds, unmoving in the sky, felt the warmth of the sun on his fur as it peeked behind a cloud, permanently, until adjusted by the remote of course. Scott stopped running in the middle of an intersection and turned around and around, taking in the view. He laughed, joyous that he had achieved something that most thought was only possible in sci-fi movies and fantasy novels. Suddenly, he remembered why he had gone so ridiculously out of his way with his invention. He turned tail sprinted back to his house and got quickly inside, closing his door, not bothering to lock it. Who would try bothering him now if every ‘who’ was frozen in time? He walked inside his sparsely furnished living room and opened one of the brown boxes he had sitting there. A fresh waft of baby powder and ointment met his feline nostrils as he admired the contents of the box. Within it lay several large, fluffy adult diapers, each themed with little cartoons of various baby animals wearing diapers. Some looked sleepy, others laughed in joy, while still others were too busy with a toy to do anything else. Scott shuddered with excitement and let out a shaky sigh. Finally, I can unwind like I've always wanted to. He thought, as his tail twitched in anticipation. He looked at the other boxes, knowing that what they contained would only increase the amount of fun he was about to have. He grinned, and speaking aloud to no one said, “It’s going to be a good weekend."
IT: Infant Tech By Horatio Husky Commissioned by Bolt Chapter 1: The Office Bolt readjusted his glasses. This was a nervous habit of his, which he would perform with relative frequency whenever he was working with unruly code. Sat in front of his desk, garbed in his normal office attire of dress shirt, black dress pants, classy shoes, and stylish bowtie, the husky was deeply immersed within the contents of his computer screen. The husky’s office cubicle was relatively orderly; a Newton's cradle and Rubik’s Cube served as the only available knick-knacks. The husky knew full well that too much desk clutter was a prime environment for distraction. Sometimes, however, a little distraction was necessary to allow his mind to wander just far enough for him to be able to get some perspective. He had been staring at his computer screen for about two hours straight at that point, and despite the blue light filter in his glasses he could feel his warm, brown eyes beginning to dry up just a little bit. A semicolon… really… that was the error? A sense of weariness suddenly overcame the husky. Moving his right paw, he delicately stroked his keyboard a few times until he had typed in the correction to his code. Bolt leaned back in his chair. He pulled down softly on his one droopy ear, another habit he often performed when deep in coding contemplation. Unseen, conveniently hidden in the break room by drawn blinds, two felines stood holding respective mugs of coffee. A caracal and tiger, the two giant cat species had their attention focused on the husky through a break in the blinds which the tiger held slightly open with an extended claw. Yuri’s had a singular protracted claw, his other paw holding the mug of joe in his paw with a firm, confident grip. Cinder, on the other hand, appeared to be every semblance of calm, cool, and collected. He lounged leisurely against the countertop, gazing down the bridge of his nose at the same husky that had just now caught his feline companion’s attention. “Another office crush, Yuri?” Withdrawing his gaze momentarily from gazing between the break in the blinds, the tiger gave the caracal his best withering look. Which, coming from a tiger, is quite an intimidating experience. The desert cat was left unphased, however, as he had been at the end of such an unflattering glance more often than not. Idly, he took a sip from his coffee mug and cocked his head to the side, his long, pointed ears flopping to the side dramatically. “Oh don’t look so grumpy, kitty cat. Shall I bring out the ball of yarn so you can feel better?” Yuri, who had grown used to the unwavering confidence that the caracal seemed to have a true abundance of, chose to ignore the comment and turn his attention back to staring at the husky. From his vantage point, he could see that the husky appeared to be well distracted and in the midst of work. Having only recently quit his temping position at the company, the husky was now able to exercise his full work ethic with the accompaniment of financial compensation. At this rate, he would be employee of the month in no time. Yuri’s golden, feline eyes pierced through the husky with a predator-like ferocity. Something inside of the tiger told him that not all was what it seemed with the newest member of IT. It was while Cinder was idly browsing through his phone, disappointed that he was unable to get a rise out of his tiger friend when Yuri gasped. Cinder knew this was important. Deftly placing his mug of coffee on the counter he pushed himself off the counter in a quiet, controlled leap landing right next to the tiger. “What is it?” He whispered softly, his feline instincts kicking in as the two cats’ slitted eyes narrowed as they gazed at the oblivious canine. Bolt sighed, stood up, and turned around to pick up a small laptop on the desk behind him. As he did so, an uncharacteristically large bulge in his rear end pressed against the seam of his pants. Cinder’s mouth dropped wide open, an uncharacteristically surprised face coloring the feline’s sharp, noble features. Yuri simply smiled, chuckling softly under his breath which came as a deep rumble inside of the massive cat’s throat. He spoke under his breath. “We got ourselves another one…” “This is the second one this month! How do they keep falling into our paws like this?” Yuri shook his head, a gratified smile across his muzzle as he placed a heavy, reassuring paw on the smaller cat’s shoulder. “Alright, like we did last time. I’ve still got the carseat set up and he looks pretty gullible. I think we’ll be having some good fun tonight, kitten.” Cinder blushed slightly towards the end of the tiger’s comment, knowing full well what the larger cat was referring to. It wasn’t so long ago that he had been the subject of the tiger’s cleverly designed trap. Yuri turned around, in a series of purposeful movements he drained the remainder of his coffee into the sink before depositing his mug on the dirtied dish rack. Taking out his car keys, he placed them on the countertop before departing. His striped tail floating majestically behind him, the muscular feline shouldered his way through the door of the office kitchenette and made his way over to the husky’s cubicle. Cinder had picked up the car keys, slyly lowering them into his pocket before silently exiting after the tiger, making his way towards the building’s garage level. The image of confidence, Yuri loomed over the husky casting a shadow over him. Bolt took quick notice of this, and turned around in his seat to gaze up frightfully at the intimidating fur in front of him, blinking several times. “Uhm… Can I-” “Yes, you can. I’m Yuri. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” The cat extended a massive paw towards the husky. Bolt, recovering quickly, smiled in kind and took it on his own, giving it a firm squeeze as he replied with a clarity in his voice that took even him by surprise. “Hi Yuri, I’m Bolt. The pleasure is all mine.” Confident little scrappy mutt, isn’t he? Ohhh I like him… This should be fun! Yuri’s smile broadened, now feeling a sense of genuine delight at having witnessed a confident introduction accompanied by a firm handshake. He didn’t much like wimps, even though he did enjoy putting them in their place. Cinder had shown significantly less bravado than the canine in front of him, and only after he had discovered the truth behind the tiger’s intentions did he warm up. No, this pup has spunk! It’ll be even more fun to see him crawl now… Still smiling, the tiger motioned with a jerk of his head towards the elevator that led to the garage level below. “Bolt, I’ve got a few computer towers in my car that I worked on over the weekend. I really would have no trouble transporting them myself, but if you come along it’ll only take one trip. How about we use it as an excuse to take a break from work with a little aerobic exercise and a friendly chat, hmm?” Understanding quickly, Bolt nodded and smiled congenially. Closing down his computer, he stood up and nodded indicating that the tiger should lead the way. Yuri turned, and began to make his way towards the elevator. Glancing back briefly, to ensure that Bolt was coming along. Given the size of the cat, Bolt had to take a step and a half for every step the tiger took. The subtle waddle the husky was unconsciously exhibiting slightly was now more apparent. Suspicions confirmed, the tiger turned to face forward with a look of satisfaction on his muzzle. “It’ll be the grey minivan, the company likes its Chrystlers.” Yuri spoke, his tone a low rumble as the two entered the elevator and the tiger pressed a button marked ‘G’ while Bolt nodded in response. The two stood silently in the elevator, waiting patiently for the lift to descend down to the parking garage several levels beneath the ground floor. The company building itself was relatively massive, sporting fourteen proud stories above and three below. The two were stationed on the fifth floor, so the descent was relatively brief. Ding! The elevator doors opened to reveal rows of sparsely populated parking spots, the smell of concrete with a hint of car exhaust hitting their nostrils as Yuri led the way. “I’m parked towards the back.” He stated simply, his smirk hidden behind his turned back as he heard the husky behind him pick up speed to keep pace with him. Everything is running smoothly… “Alright, take a look at what I’ve got here for you!” Speaking confident, he opened the passenger side door with a flourish to reveal what was inside. It took Bolt a moment to process what he was seeing. In front of him appeared to be a baby’s carseat, except no ordinary one. This particular seat looked large enough to comfortably seat him, with an impressively robust five point harness that looked as if not even Yuri would be able to break through it. Stunned, the husky stood open mouthed for a few seconds while he tried to process what he was looking at. This was exactly the opportunity that Yuri and Cinder were looking for. “Now, before we get you snuggly buckled up for your car ride little guy, let’s check something really quick.” Unable to react in time, Yuri placed his hands underneath the husky’s armpits and raised him up effortlessly. Taken by surprise, Bolt let out a whimper while his legs dangled helplessly behind him. As suddenly as he had been picked up, he felt something fiddling with the front of his belt buckle. Twisting around, his cheeks burning bright red, he was able to catch a glimpse of the Caracal he had seen wandering around the office earlier trying to undo his pants. At last he succeeded accompanied by an exclamation. “Aha! There we are.” His pants now around his ankles, Bolt’s choice of underwear that morning was now on full display for both of the large cats to examine. “Just as I thought, we have a little puppy on our hands.” Yuri stated, a condescending but not unkindly tone in his voice. Bolt was now blushing furiously, his tail curled between his legs in a vain attempt to hide the large, white diaper that hugged his waist snuggly. It was apparent to both of the onlookers that it was designed with both comfort and absorbance in mind, as a trail of puppy paws ran from the front middle all the way through the back. “You won’t be needing these, I don’t think.” As Bolt spluttered, an overwhelming feeling of helplessness and smallness washing over him as he continued to be held up in the air, Cinder delicately disentangled his pants from his ankles. Now, he wore only his work shirt and sneakers, which made him feel incredibly exposed. The tiger looked him up and down, an expression of approval across his muzzle while Cinder neatly folded the husky’s pants and placed them under his right arm. “Cinder, do me the favor of checking the puppy’s diaper, would you?” At the direct mention of his padding, the husky’s ears folded against the top of his head. Tail tucked between his legs, cheeks burning, and ears pinned, the canine was the spitting image of an utterly flustered pup. Grinning, Cinder placed an authoritative paw over the front of the dog’s thick padding, squeezing gently before cupping the back in turn. Pressing it upwards, as if to further remind Bolt of what he was wearing, the caracal shook his head as he replied. “Still dry, surprisingly enough,” Cinder commented. “Well then, I think we should do something about that,” said Yuri, giving the husky a large, toothy smile before depositing him into the oversized booster seat. “W-wait a second! I一mmpf!” Bolt, having finally been able to find his voice, barely managed to splutter out a complete sentence before he was silenced by Cinder, who had apparently been waiting for such a moment. Crossing his eyes, Bolt looked down to see what had interrupted his exclamation while Cinder tightened something behind his head. His vision obscured by the caracal’s red-orange fur, the husky only became aware that he had been fully buckled into the carseat when he felt the harness tighten over his shoulders, waist, and onto the front of his diaper pressing it up against him. The husky’s heart was now beating quickly, limbs flailing. As if in anticipation of this, Yuri swiftly grabbed each of his wrists and looped them through soft, padded cuffs. His wrists now suspended by his head, his arms held upwards in an incredibly vulnerable position, he found that he was no longer able to struggle as effectively as before. Cinder had grabbed his ankles and pulled them through a similar set of cuffs that prevented him from raising his ankles more than a few inches away from the bottom of the carseat. Both cats stepped back and took a moment to admire their handiwork. Bolt looked down to see what they had done to him, a lock glowed softly from a small panel that served as the center-point for all of the buckles. From what the husky could gather, the locking mechanism appeared to be activated by a touchscreen, the key to which he was sure was possessed only by the two felines in front of him. “Aww, I think he looks pretty cute! That pacifier won’t let much more than a whimper through, pup. So you can whine all you want on the ride home!” Cinder extended a wiry arm forward, gently booping the tip of the husky’s snoot. Yuri appeared pleased as well, his arms crossed and looking down at the incapacitated fur as if he were appraising a prized possession. Speaking softly, and without breaking his gaze at the pup, he placed a car key into Cinder’s paws. “Yes, I think he does. Take the highway, kitten.” It was Cinder’s turn to blush, which he barely managed to conceal as he lowered his vision and nodded, opening the door next to Bolt’s and sitting himself down in front of the wheel. Moving with the impressive display of control that all large cats appeared to inherently possess, Yuri sat down in the seat next to Cinder's, looking back at Bolt in the rear view mirror. “I encourage you to behave, puppy. This will be fun.” With that statement hanging in the air, Cinder pulled out of the parking garage and had merged into city traffic within a few minutes. Bolt was still trying to process what had just happened to him. The two cats had seemingly quickly found out about his little secret before he had had the chance to react. He was now pacified, gagged, restrained, and being transported to who-knows-where. Despite himself, to make matters even worse, he was beginning to feel himself become aroused at the restrictive tightness that five-point harness seemed to impose on the front of his padding. Wrapping over his shoulder, with three straps ensuring that his waist and diaper were snuggly pressed against him, there seemed to be no hope of escape. He was completely at the mercy of the felines sitting in the front seats of the car. The car ride passed in silence, Bolt pulled helplessly at the restraints holding his limbs hostage but to no avail. Yuri would occasionally look up in the rearview mirror, Bolt could see that his eyes were wrinkled as if he were smiling, hidden from view from the husky’s limited line of sight. Whatever the tiger was thinking, it was causing him great pleasure.
? Matilda the Bear By Horatio Husky Commission for ArtMckinley Chapter I. Matilda inhaled deeply, closing her eyes as the night air of the forest filled her spirit lungs and nostrils with a sweet, damp scent. The leaves and branches crunched satisfyingly underneath her large foot paws as she walked along her usual midnight stroll, the bottom of her dress billowing beneath her but above the dew covered grass, keeping itself away from its moisture. The being had dressed herself in a maternal looking apron on top of her dress, resembling the image of a motherly caretaker from decades past. She always had a habit of taking a while to catch up to modern fashions, and enjoyed staying a little behind in the times. Her figure was still intimidating despite her motherly appearance, long brown hair, a towering height of well over seven feet, and as with most females bear spirits she bore heavy set breasts and large arms and legs. As a spirit, however, she wasn’t bothered by her appearance, and fully embraced her largeness with a positive personality. Not to mention, she had other worries than how she looked. Her concerns were with the locals and their relation to the forest, keeping sure that each stayed where they belonged and didn’t bother each other too much. That’s when the car with its brights on and music blaring decided to park by the side of the road bordering the forest, her ears perked up, and she followed the source of the noise. Goodness me! If this is Tom again getting home late and drunk his wife isn’t the only one that is going to have strong words with him, she thought to herself annoyedly, remembering how one of the locals had a bad habit of drinking and driving, and how on multiple occasions she had to nurse him back to health herself. The distinct smell of booze was in the air as she approached, her sensitive nostrils picking up a few other choice scents as she drew closer. Are those teenagers out again sleeping with each other away from their parents? Goodness me the youth today truly are shameless! At last she stood next to the car by the passenger side window, she leaned over and peeked inside. Much to her horror, the scene before her was uglier than any she had seen before. Covered in sweat and runny make-up a girl who looked to be in her early twenties lay in the driver’s seat, her breath reeking of alcohol as she moaned to herself loudly, her right hand stuck in the front of her pants working its way in and out of what Matilda presumed to be her unspeakables. Several black highlights were present in her dirty blonde hair, and she was clad in what was in Matilda’s opinion, “Scant, modern rags.” “What do you think you’re doing, young lady? Do you know what time it is? And goodness gracious, do you have any idea how naughty this behavior is! Drunk and touching yourself in the middle of the forest, tsk tsk. You do know that it's a school night and the squirrel kids have to be up bright and early to go to their nut-gathering classes! And don’t even get me started on the birds and worms!” The young woman started at first, turning to gaze at the forest spirit and narrowing her eyes, having difficulty focusing on her blacked out state. Suddenly comprehension dawned on her incapacitated state of mind, and she let out a yelp. “BEAR! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP THERE’S A BEAR OUTSIDE MY WINDOW!” She fumbled with her keys to get them into the ignition, but Matilda was too quick for her. “You’re not going anywhere tonight young lady, you’re coming with me!” Before she realized what was happening, the bear had walked around the front of the car, opened the driver’s seat, and gently extricated the young lady from her car. Cradling her gently in her arms, she entered into a brisk walk back into the forest towards her home, the young lady blinking and trying to come to her senses while the world spun around her. “L-let me go! I don’t want to be eaten! W-why are you talking anyway… What are you… You’re a bear!” The young woman’s words slurred, which only added to Matilda’s disapproval, “Your behavior is absolutely inappropriate, young lady, a fine thing such as yourself has so much more potential in this world. Ladies like you should be in school learning to make the world a better place, not ravaging through drink and self-indulgence! And if not school you should be finding yourself a husband or wife! This really doesn’t suit you.” The young woman was now utterly confused. Why is this bear talking to me like she’s my mom? Did somebody slip something into my drink and now I’m hallucinating? Before long the party of two had arrived at Matilda’s cottage, a humble looking abode with smoke coming out of a chimney in the back and a comfortable looking porch in the front. “Let’s get you cleaned up now and perhaps something warm in your stomach, if it can handle it. How does that sound, kitten?” ‘Kitten’ blinked her eyes, unable to believe what she was seeing. The inside of the cottage looked nothing like she expected it too. They hadn’t entered a one room building like she expected, but they were now standing in the front hallway of what looked to be quite a large house. As her blurry vision cleared slightly, she saw a staircase leading up to a second floor, and several rooms connecting to each other on the first floor including a kitchen, living room, and what she presumed to be a dining room. “How… What… Wh-” “Hush now dearest, we need to get you cleaned up and in your crib! It’s way past your bed-time.” The young lady was now utterly confused, and almost completely convinced that what she was experiencing was either a hallucination or a drunkenly induced dream. “I’m never drinking again…” she muttered to herself, rather unconvincingly. “Well that’s a start at least! There’s plenty of other things I’ll be training out of you, but that's the one that’s definitely near the top of the list!” After wiping her foot-paws on the rug near the front of the door and locking the door behind her, the bear carried her charge up the stairs of her home and turned a corner, leading them into a white, spacious bathroom. Patterns of smiling ducks, sailors, and beach animals decorated the walls, and a large bathtub in the corner decorated the interior of the bathroom space. Before she had time to marvel at how clean and pristine the bear kept the place looking, Kitten found the bear was now tugging at her clothing, stripping her down naked. “What are you doing!? D-don’t take my clothes off!” The bear stopped for a moment, a patient expression on her muzzle as she set the girl down on the counter. Adopting a chiding tone, she explained, “Now now little one, I can’t get you cleaned up if you’re still wearing all this icky clothing! Not to mention they’re not fit for somebody as pretty as you. Be good now!” She shook her head, still protesting, “Stop touching my clothes you stupid bitch, I told you I didn’t want your help!” Suddenly the world shifted and turned almost upside down. Before she knew it, she was lying stomach down in the bear’s lap. “What are you- OWW!” Whap! went Matilda’s paw as she spanked her charge’s now exposed behind. She cried out, much to her own surprise as tears poured down her cheeks. Matilda tutted under her breath and continued to rhythmically deliver punishment onto her kitten’s behind. “Now look what I have to do, I don’t like giving spankings but you have simply given me no choice. I bet your mother would not approve of the potty mouth that you have developed either!” At this point the girl was now sobbing, snot coming out of her nostrils as the tears further smudged her already spread make-up. Matilda’s ears perked up, as she heard the human mutter and babble out what sounded like a pitiful apology. She quirked an eyebrow, and paused a little longer before she delivered the next smack on the quickly reddening cheeks of her charge. Well that was quick… She seems to be pretty malleable in this state… Hmm… Perhaps…? Speaking in a clear voice, she paused after her 19th spank and addressed the pitiful looking girl in her lap in an authoritative tone. “Now then, are you going to be speaking like that to Mama Bear ever again? Or do I have to show you more of what girls with potty mouths get?” Practically blubbering, the young woman shook her head and managed to stammer out, “N-no… I’m not going to s-speak like that to you again… P-promise!” She spoke, her words intermixed with hiccups and shaking sobs. Matilda realized that she was barely lucid as she lay completely still and limp in her lap, unable to resist the punishment that she had been delivering on her bare behind. She continued, maintaining the same dominating tone of voice as she further chastised, “I thought so! Drinking and touching yourself and staying out late at night, not to mention driving under the influence! You’ve been a very, very naughty girl and you’re going to get even more spanking if you keep this up! You’re lucky I’m letting you off tonight because you’re tired and probably are in great need of a bath and a good night’s sleep! Are you going to behave for me while I clean you up, young lady?” Nodding emphatically, the girl continued to sob and pant in Matilda’s lap. Matilda gently lifted her charge up and laid her head against her shoulder, standing up and supporting her underneath her bottom as she did so. “Now then, let’s get you cleaned up shall we?” Gently carrying her over to the bathtub she deposited her inside, turning the water on and tugging off the young woman’s shirt, the last of the clothing that she had been wearing. “Now, what should we call you?” Matilda mused to herself out loud, as she turned on the warm water and adjusted the girl’s body into a rough sitting position, pouring some shampoo into the water as it began to rise up around her legs. “Hmm… I think Annie would suit you quite nicely, don’t you think so dear?” Annie’s eyes fluttered in response, and she groaned softly, her brow furrowing in a contorted, pained expression. A second trickle sounded in the air, and Matilda quickly realized that her blacked out charge was now adding her own urine to the bathwater. “Goodness me! It’s a good thing we got you in the bath before you soiled yourself! We’re going to have to do something about that if you’re going to be sleeping on my bed sheets! Now, I should still have the nursery set up.” Turning off the faucets she drained the bath before turning on the hot water once more. Retrieving a large rag she dipped it into the steaming water and started to gently wash the girl’s body, holding her various limbs and taking great care that her washing felt soft and gentle. The bear began to hum a tune under her breath as she worked away, speaking softly and cooing over Annie as she washed the make-up from her face and dabbed at her sensitive bits, ensuring that she was clean from top to bottom. “That should do it, all squeaky clean! Let’s get you dried then.” She turned off the water and pulled the plug, letting the bathwater and soap suds swirl away as she picked Annie up and out of the tub, laying her down on a towel she had spread on the bathroom floor. Annie could barely comprehend what was happening to her as Matilda ruffled her short, tomboyish hair in a towel and wrapped her up in the one she was laying on. Satisfied that she was dry, the bear scooped her up, still wrapped in the towel and carried her out of the bathroom. Walking down the hallway she took a left before she entered a room that Annie thought must have been a figment of her imagination. It looked like a regular nursery, except every piece of furniture, toys, and even the diapers beneath the changing table seemed to be oversized. Annie blinked twice, her vision still blurry, and a singular thought bubbled up to the surface of her drunken mind, “I crashed my car, hit my head, and now I’m seeing things…”
Hey so as of last night I’m wearing diapers exclusively for a few days. I usually only wet like once every couple days so I’m still in my dry diaper from last night. So how often should you change your diaper if you didn’t wet it? (It’s very minorly wet due to leftover pee from using the toilet)
As the song goes; I get by with a little help from my friends.. Sorry for the mix up... I think I am in the right place now. When I finish the story THEN I will post it in completed stories... ? Sorry folks. Please enjoy! ~LTRID CHAPTER 1 “Jace! Wait up!” Jace turned around to see Gina, a girl from entry physics, run up behind him. Jace turned and faced her. “Oh, hey Gina. How are you today?” Jace asked as cheerful as he could be considering he just finished a three-hour exam that started at seven. “I’m good! But I am still having trouble with chapter seventeen…” Gina pouted. “I am sure that Professor Williams could…” Jace was cut off. “I was hoping that maybe I could sneak in an extra study session with you tonight?” Gina smiled flashing doe eyes to Jace. “I mean… I was kinda hoping to take it easy tonight… Today was my last exam…” Jace scratched the back of his neck. “Please Jace!” Gina begged. “You’re the only TA that makes any sense to me… Something about the way you teach just clicks for me.” Jace looked around trying to come up with any excuse to get out of tutoring tonight. “Tell you what!” Gina started seeing Jace’s apprehension. “My roommate is already gone for the semester. Why don’t you come over to my dorm instead of the library? That way you don’t have to be all professional.” “I really only get paid for the hours listed in the syllabus…” Jace replied. “That’s perfect! I’ll figure out a way to pay you for the study session and then you can come to my dorm!” Gina replied eagerly. “That is not what I…” Jace began. “Awesome!” Gina cut him off and grabbed his hand to write on. “My room is 28C, be there at five!” Gina winked and carried on her way, leaving Jace to think about what had just transpired. Jace had just wanted to spend the rest of the day relaxing; he had not had any time to himself for the last few weeks and stress was getting to him. He just wanted to play some video games and do some reading that did not involve college. Jace looked to his hand where Gina had written her note. 5PM 28C, Gina ?. But she dotted her ‘i’ with a heart. Jace sighed and continued walking down the hall. He did not like all the attention he had been getting recently. His first two years of college he was practically invisible; everyone saw him as the nerdy high school kid. But now that he is a viable option, girls he never would have dreamed to talk to are coming up to him. At first it was flattering, but as Jace became more serious with Amy he started seeing it more as an annoyance. He just wants to find time for himself and enjoy some peace and quiet. MSG: JESSICA WHEELING ‘You out of your exam yet? And more importantly do you want to get food? ~Jess.’ ‘Out of exam. Starving. Need to change first. ~Jace Windu.’ ‘☹ Amy told me that you two were working all week on potty training. She said that you were making such good progress too! Do you want help changing? ~Jess’ ‘No… And glad to see that Amy is telling the world about my potty training! ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Take a breath Jace… ~Jess.’ ‘Sorry… stress, hungry, tired… ~Jace Windu.’ ‘And wet? ~Jess.’ ‘Funny… ~Jace Windu.’ ‘It is one of my many talents! Was today your last exam? ~Jess.’ ‘Yes. Thank God! ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Awesome! We are having screwdrivers. ~Jess.’ ‘I just want to eat and go to my dorm… ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Too late! Ordered us food! Come to my dorm for pre-brunch drinks. ~Jess.’ ‘Ugh… Can I at least change first? ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Hell no! Change when you get here! You have sat in it this long already, what’s five more minutes? ~Jess.’ ‘Wow… ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Scoot that diaper butt! Drinks are awaiting! ~Jess.’ Jace put his phone back in his pocket. He loved Jessica, but she can sure be bossy sometimes. Unfortunately, Amy had been picking up this habit as well. Jace turned to head to the dorms instead of the cafeteria. His GreatNite sagging in his pants. CHAPTER 2 KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK “It’s open!” Jessica called. Jace opened the door and walked in. “Took you long enough!” Jessica jested. “Literally has been five minutes!” Jace replied, exasperated. “Hopefully, that is not what you say to your girlfriend.” Jessica said handing Jace a glass of orange juice. Jace laughed and shook his head at his friend. Jessica had a way of calming him down and getting him out of his head. He took a drink. “Jeepers Jess!” Jace said coughing. “What? You said today was your last exam!” Jessica replied with a smile. “This tastes like vodka with a splash of orange juice.” Jace said pointing to his drink. “You are not wrong.” Jessica said holding up an empty juice container. “More will come with the food.” Jace stared to Jessica holding up an empty juice container. He then looked to her glass and saw it was only vodka. For some reason, this scene was funny to him and he started laughing, causing Jessica to join in and laugh as well. After a longer than normal time of laughing the pair eventually calmed down. “I don’t know why that was so funny, but it was.” Jace said smiling wiping a tear from his eye. “I am just that funny!” Jessica replied. “Cheers!” They both drank their straight vodka, Jace suffering far worse than Jessica. “Do you have any exam’s left?” Jace asked grimacing at his cup. “Nope. Last one was yesterday.” Jessica replied, inviting Jace to sit on the bed. “Nice.” Jace replied, sitting. “How long are you going to stay on campus then?” “Till Friday, Kelly and I are driving to Lake Crescent for the holiday.” Jessica replied sitting in her chair opposite Jace. “Things getting serious with you two then?” Jace asked raising an eyebrow. “Ehh…” Jessica said waving a hand to brush Jace off. “I don’t want anything official just yet.” “Still spooked from the bitch that shall not be named?” Jace asked. “Yes.” Jessica replied blankly. “Well, I am glad you took my suggestion. You both will love the place; it gets beautiful in the winter.” Jace said, taking a drink. “You said that you and your mom went there right?” Jessica asked. “Every year.” Jace answered. “Are you going this year?” “Nah, Amy is meeting my mom for the first time, so we are staying home for the holiday.” “Now that is getting serious.” Jessica stated taking a long sip from her drink. “First girl I am brining home to my mother…” Jace said finishing his drink. “Will drink to that.” Jessica said holding her drink up to Jace before finishing it. “Good luck soldier.” “Thanks… I am hoping she will be normal.” Jace replied. “Who? Isadora or Amy?” Jessica asked. “My mother…” Jace replied. “Well, I am sure Amy will do fine. She has put up with me all semester.” Jessica said tapping her chin. “That we can agree on!” Jace replied smirking. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP Jace’s watch started going off. “What’s that for?” Jessica asked. “Ahh… Just something that Amy has me trying…” Jace replied sheepishly silencing the alarm. “Trying for what?” Jessica asked. “To keep me on schedule.” Jace replied. “On schedule for what?” Jessica asked. “It’s so that I get reminded to make it on time.” Jace replied. “Make it to what?” Jessica asked. Jessica started at Jace blankly. Jace was trying to find a way of explaining it without needed to say what it is. “I am just messing with you! Amy told me she started you on a potty watch!” Jessica smiled. “Oh, and you said you needed to change right?” “Yeah. I forgot about that…” Jace said embarrassed. “Hence the potty watch.” Jessica stated referencing to Jace’s watch. “You girls need to stop talking to one another.” Jace said, letting his body fall to its side, his head hitting the pillow. “Never going to happen!” Jessica said looking to her phone and standing up. “Food is about to get here. You change, I’ll be back in ten.” “I will be here.” Jace held a thumb up to Jessica. Jessica left her dorm leaving Jace alone on her bed. SEND MSG: AMY APPLEGATE ‘I am kidnapping your boyfriend for brunch today! He seems super stressed from exams, so I thought I would treat him. ~Jess.’ ‘Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Seriously, he has been in the library non-stop I have barely been able to see him. I will swing by after I am done with my exam. Starts in ten, wish me luck! ~Applesauce.’ ‘Good luck! Just so you know, daycare pick-up ends at 5! ~Jess.’ ‘That is too funny! Thank you for babysitting! ~Applesauce.’ ‘Anytime! Despite his general grumpiness he can be tolerable sometimes. ~Jess.’ Amy had stopped replying to Jessica. Jessica met the delivery person at the front door and grabbed the food she had ordered. She returned to her room. “Honey, I’m home!” Jessica announced as she walked into her room. “Jace?” Jessica looked to her bed to find Jace slumped over fast asleep in her bed. He still had his backpack on and everything. Jessica smiled noticing Jace sleep so soundly, she knew how tired he must be. She walked over to him and took off his backpack. She noticed the writing on Jace’s hand. “Gina?” She asked herself. Jessica knew that Jace would never be the cheating type, but still this was clearly a girl’s handwriting. She decided not to dwell on it, figuring he would provide an explanation when he woke up. “Aww, Jace… Dammit…” Jessica said looking to Jace’s crotch. Jace had wet himself while laying on his side and a small amount leaked onto his shorts and Jessica’s bed. Jessica attempted to stir Jace but to no avail. The mix of being over worked and the alcohol put Jace under deep. Seeing that she was not going to be getting her bed back any time soon Jessica went to work to get Jace changed for his nap. She rolled him onto his back and undid his pants, sliding them down little by little revealing his oversaturated GreatNite. “What happened to potty training?” Jessica asked rolling her eyes at Jace’s GreatNite. Jessica shook her head and walked to her dresser opening the top drawer revealing a Poof diaper that she kept from Amy’s sorority hazing, this one had hearts on it. She retrieved it and moved back to Jace. “Jace, sweetie please lift your butt up for me.” Jessica said in a gently sing song voice. Jace did not stir. “You are going to make this difficult, aren’t you?” Jessica asked. Jessica unfolded the diaper and lifted Jace’s legs putting it close to his butt. She then scooted it slowly inching it under him. Finally, she got it in place. “Don’t say I never did anything for you.” Jessica said looking at her handiwork. She ripped the sides of Jace’s GreatNite and slid it out from under him. She folded the diaper up between his legs and fastened it tightly. She got off the bed and grabbed and extra blanket tossing it over Jace. She went to eat her own food before it went cold. “I love you mommy.” Jace said still sleeping, talking to a dream. Jessica turned to look at Jace. She wondered if he knew that she just changed him or if he thought it was all a dream. CHAPTER 3 Jace awoke confused. He looked out the window to see that the sun was setting. “What time is it?” Jace asked. He looked around to see that he was alone in Jessica’s room. He shifted to stand up but felt a familiar crinkle between his legs. Jace pull the blanket back and say that he had been changed into a Poof diaper while he slept. This one had flowers on it; upon closer inspection Jace had found that several of the petals had faded. His stomach growled. Jace had not eaten or had a bowel movement yet today. “Dammit…” Jace cursed and fell back into Jessica’s bed. Jace looked up to the celling. All he wanted to do was read and play video games. Instead, he wound up in a girl’s bed, without her, in a diaper. Jace rolled to his side, his saturated diaper shifting with him. He grabbed his phone. MSG: JESSICA WHEELING, AMY APPLEGATE ‘Hey! You passed out and wet my bed! Had to change you while you were asleep. Figured a diaper would be best… Sleep as long as you want, I know you need it. ~Jess.’ ‘Meeting Kelly to celebrate exams being over at the sorority house. You are welcome to stop by, but I saw that you have a date at five… I will require explanations when you wake up. ~Jess.’ ‘Hello boyfriend! I stopped by Jess’s to meet her to go to the sorority house and saw you were sleeping. You looked so cute and I did not want to wake you, but you were almost soaked through your diaper, so Jess helped me change you before we left. Oh, and should I be worried about this Gina??? JK, but for real who is she??? ~Applesauce.’ Jace let his arm fell to his side with his phone in hand. He had a diaper change not once, but twice while he was sleeping. Jace cringed at the thought. He appreciated when Amy gave him diaper changes and even helped her when she needed it. But for him to be changed in his sleep felt so… familiar. Jace had been changed plenty of times in his sleep growing up by his mother or the several nannies/babysitters that she hired over the years, however, he had wanted to leave that behind when he started living on campus. He wanted a fresh start and wanted to work on finally potty training. Jace shivered. He had started to suspect that since his mother had never potty trained him growing up that he may never be fully trained. It was not a thought that Jace liked to dwell on. He rolled to his back and stared at the celling again. He felt his stomach in his chest, he was not sure why he was feeling this way. Maybe the stress was finally getting to him. Maybe he just needed to use the restroom. Or maybe he was starting to accept his lot in life, diapered and changed by everyone around him. He pictured Amy dotting on him how his mother had one done. Waking him up in the morning, feeding him, diaper checks, changing times. He enjoyed those times with his mother, but also enjoyed that Amy is a part of them now. Jace started to think that he was having an early life crisis. Or that he was at a conflict with himself. One part wanting to be the typical college guy and the other that likes to be babied every so often. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP Jace silenced his watch. He checked the time. “5:15!” Jace shrieked jumping out of bed. He had slept the whole day away and was late to meet Gina. He ran over and turned on the lights and tried to get ready. He was searching for his backpack but could not find it. SEND MSG: JESSICA WHEELING ‘Hey Jess, sorry I fell asleep on you. Just woke up. Gina is someone who asked me to tutor her in physics. Have you seen my backpack? ~Jace Windu.’ ‘Baby boy finally wakes up! DO you kno I gave you a diapy change twice today! Bad Baby! Very, very Bad! You were supposed to be going to the potty like a big boy! ~Jess.’ ‘Are you drunk? ~Jace Windu.’ ‘I AM CELEBRATING! ~Jess.’ ‘So… your wasted then? ~Jace Windu.’ ‘I am enjoying my youth! You should come out to join us!!! ~Jess.’ ‘Sure, maybe. But I promised I would help Gina study. Maybe I’ll swing by after. Backpack? ~Jace Windu.’ RING, RING, RING. Jessica called Jace. “Hello?” Jace answered. “Heeey!” Jessica shouted into her phone. “I have Amy here and we want to know what is up with this Gina girl?” “Oh, Lord…” Jace replied. “Boyfriend! Are you cheating on me?” Amy shouted into the phone, also sounding tipsy. “What? No! Gina is a girl from entry physics that I TA for, she wants me to help her study for her last exam!” Jace stated. There was silence on the line. “Hello?” Jace asked. “Hey Jace…” A male voice responded. “Barry?” Jace asked, he thought he recognized the voice as a sorority sister’s boyfriend that often bartends at the house. “Yeah, Jess started puking and Amy went with her to the bathroom.” Barry said. “Dude… it is like five.” Jace replied. “College life!” Barry laughed. “Future AA member!” Jace replied. “That too! Look I heard what you said, I will fill Amy in on it. She assumed it was something like that, but Jess wanted to mess with you. I gotchu covered.” Barry said. “Thanks. I owe you one…” Jace said. “Oh, do they have my backpack? It is black with blue stripes.” “You mean the one that has Jace embroidered on it?” Barry asked. “Yeah… That one.” Jace replied sheepishly. “They got it here. Amy said she was going to refill it for you or something but then they stayed here.” Barry responded. “Thanks… Alright, well let me know if I need to come get Amy. Jess is Kelly’s problem now.” Jace said. “Will do man. Be good.” Barry said. “You too. Thanks man.” Jace hung up the phone. Jace looked around the room for his pants. He found them hanging in the closet. He went to put them on and found that they smelt like pee. He just needed to get back to his room and change fast so these would suffice. Jace got his pants around his swelled diaper and left Jessica’s dorm. He hoped that he would not run into anyone and could just get back to change. He made it past the elevators. “Jace!” Gina called from the elevator. Jace’s heart sank. He tried to keep walking. Gina ran up to catch him. “You didn’t forget, did you?” Gina asked. “Nope, was just heading to my dorm quick to get into something more appropriate and then I was going to be on my way down to you.” Jace said. “Stop being so professional! You look fine!” Gina grabbed his arm and pulled him to the elevator. “We have important studying to do!” Gina pulled Jace to the elevator and shut the door. Jace heard his stomach grumble once more as the doors closed. CHAPTER 4 Arriving on floor three Gina pulled Jace to her dorm. Her hands around his forearm. “I am just down the hall.” Gina smiled pulling Jace along. “I believe you, but I can walk on my own…” Jace replied. “Right… Silly me…” Gina replied releasing his arm. “Hey Gina!” A girl called as they walked past a room with the door propped open. “Busy!” Gina called as they kept walking. “Get it girl!” She called from the room. Gina blushed. “Please ignore her…” Said Gina. “Did not hear a thing.” Jace replied with a smile. They arrived at Gina’s dorm and walked in, Gina shut the door behind them. Jace looked around and saw that Gina had prepared the room to be more like a romantic dinner than a study session. She had candles lit and a bottle of wine open with two glasses. “What is all this?” Jace asked, a bit taken aback at the scene. “Can I be honest with you?” Gina asked. “I wish you would!” Jace replied. “I am moving off campus next semester.” Gina said quickly. “Oh, why is that?” Jace asked. “My grades were terrible all year and I am on academic probation. My parents are making me get a job over break and making me move back home or they are going to cut me off.” Gina continued. “I haven’t been able to talk about it with anyone.” Jace could tell that Gina was genuinely upset over this. “I am really sorry to hear that. And I am sorry for asking… but why are you talking to me about this? Shouldn’t you talk about this with one of your girlfriends?” Jace asked. Tears started to swell in Gina’s eyes. “Hey! I am sorry! I didn’t mean to offend you!” Jace awkwardly touched her arm. “If you need someone to talk to… I am here for you.” Gina hugged Jace, pressing her face into Jace’s chest. She started sobbing. Jace looked around the room, not knowing what to do in this situation. He patted her on the back. “There… there… no need to cry.” Jace smiled. “I’m sorry… it’s just… I haven’t made any friends here… and I just wanted… I am sorry.” Gina pushed away from Jace and started wiping her eyes. “I should not have asked you to come over. Please, you can leave.” Jace was unsure of what to do. He wanted out of this situation, but he also did not want to underscore this girl’s cry for help. “You know what… You went through all this trouble… I guess I could stay for a glass of wine…” Jace stated. “You mean it?” Gina’s face lit up. “Yes, of course. I don’t have any exams left I can have a drink.” Said Jace. “You are an amazing human!” Gina squeaked running to the bottle of wine. “I am just doing what I can.” Jace gave a fake smile. Gina handed Jace a glass of wine and invited him to sit on her desk chair. Gina had rearranged her room so that her bedside dresser acted as a makeshift table. Gina sat in her bed opposite Jace. “So, why did you go through this whole charade of studying if you just wanted to hang out?” Jace asked sipping his wine. “I…” Gina looked to her glass swirling the contents. “Was planning on studying… But then I got the notification that I will need to repeat all my classes next semester.” “You are not going to take the exam then?” Asked Jace. “There is no way I am going to pass, so I was just going to say the hell with it.” Gina took a drink. “You should still take it. Treat it as a preview.” Jace said. “I’ll think about it…” Gina replied taking a drink. “So… what job are you doing over break?” Jace asked sipping his wine. “I am working at Dandy Daycare in Lake Crescent.” Gina replied. “Oh, I know that place well.” Said Jace. “Yeah?” Gina asked. “I thought no one had heard of the town before.” “My mom and I go every year over the winter holiday. She uses Dandy’s babysitting service.” Jace replied. “That is what I was hired for! I am working in their babysitting service.” Gina replied. “That will be fun! I always have a great time up there.” Jace said. “Really?” Gina asked. “Absolutely! The town is beautiful! There is a holiday market and a parade and even fireworks!” Jace responded excitedly. “Sounds like you have a great time up there.” Gina smiled. “I did, it is the place I think to when I want to relax.” Jace replied. “Maybe it will be that for me too.” Gina said sipping her wine. “I hope it will.” Jace smiled. The pair sat in an awkward silence for an extended moment. “I just wanted to have at least one college experience before moving back into my childhood bedroom!” Gina stated out of nowhere. “Random… what do you mean college experiences?” Jace raised an eyebrow. “You know… get drunk, go to a frat party, smoke weed, have a one-night stand…” Gina took a large drink. Jace took a sip awkwardly. “You haven’t done any of those things?” Jace asked. “No… this was my last attempt at maybe having one… or two…” Gina looked up to Jace attempting to be seductive. “Gina…” Jace started apologetically. “I am really flattered by all this, but I am seeing someone.” “Oh… I am… I’m an idiot!” Gina smacked her forehead. “Of course, you have a girlfriend, you are very attractive and witty and nice and…” Gina started to tear up again. Jace downed his glass of wine and walked over and sat next to her and put his arm around her. “Please don’t feel embarrassed. I don’t exactly promote it and you never know unless you shoot your shot, right?” Jace tried to cheer her up. “Yeah…” Gina replied sheepishly. Jace sat there wondering how long he needed to stay here before he could leave without being rude. Gina downed her glass of wine and set her glass on the table. She reached over and grabbed Jace by the front of his shirt and started kissing him ferociously. Jace tried to push her off him, but her grip was tight. “Please Jace.” Gina moaned, she started grinding his lap. “No one needs to know… Please let me have this.” Gina reached her hand down to Jace’s crotch and lifted his shirt, she started sliding her hand down into Jace’s pants. Jace jumped up, lifting Gina with him, and dropped her onto her bed. “What is the matter with you!” Jace said angrily. “I was just taking your advice and shooting my shot!” Gina replied. “I just told you I had a girlfriend!” Jace replied. “So? I thought all college guys cheated!” Gina said. “Yeah, well… not me.” Jace wiped his mouth with his wrist. “Come on, Jace… don’t you want me?” Gina said running her hands up and down her body. “Honestly, no. I just want to leave and that is what I am going to do.” Jace turned to the door. “Fine!” Gina yelled after him. “I bet you are gay anyway!” “Goodbye Gina!” Jace said walking out into the hallway. “Screw you!” She shouted as Jace closed the door. Jace walked quickly down the hallway back towards the elevators. “That was quick…” Commented the girl with the open door as Jace walked past.
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One I swear if he’s out at the gym again for one of his ‘impromptu workout sessions’ I’ll bite his tail off. These musings came from the mind of a black and golden tan German Shepherd fur as he shivered, cold despite his thick fur and winter jacket at the doorstep of his friend’s house. The two had only been friends for a few months, but a lot had transpired between them during that time. Being a police officer, Rick was expected to keep his body in a state of fit physique and agility to operate at peak performance. Thus, he had found himself acquiring a gym membership after a few months at his new job when he had noticed a suspicious increase in mass around his midsection. Not wanting his fate to end like any other stereotypical donut munching cop, he had started to frequent his local gym several times a week, usually after his shift ended. At that establishment he found himself seeing a certain, rather athletic looking arcanine, who always seemed to be in the most chipper, friendly of moods whenever he saw him. After a few days of a few moments of eye contact and nervous smiling, he had come over to him and introduced himself as, ”Anthony, but you can call me Tony!” His confidence and self-assured grin had given him a friendly glow that Richard found he liked very much, and he extended his paw to shake and replied with his name. The following weeks turned into a blur as the two canines hit it off better than either of them had expected. Beyond exchanging their own little fitness tips and tricks their sense of humor was shared as well, and they found great excitement and amusement in exchanging their own ideas and perspectives on the world, which the two found that although they differed on many subjects they both found hearing what the other had to say about a particular argument quite interesting and engaging. They had gone out a few times too, to a few lesser-known bars that the arcanine had said he preferred to go too since he usually wasn’t recognized there. At this strange comment, Richard had raised his eyebrows, thinking that his friend was making a joke. Tony had smiled a little, the first time in fact that Richard had ever seen him look sheepish, as he explained that he was a locally well-known baseball player, and had found himself getting bothered quite a bit at some of the other establishments he had frequented previously. Richard had done a google search, at Tony’s suggestion more to humor him than anything, but found to his surprise a Wikipedia page confirming his newly made friend’s claims at athletic success. Tony had then told him something that warmed Rich’s heart. He had first begun to talk to the shepherd because he felt was searching for a friend who wouldn’t want to be close to him just for his fame, but someone who liked him as a person. This warmed the cop’s heart, and he had wrapped his arm around the hulky arcanine’s shoulder and smiled at him conspiratorially, saying that he was more than happy to be such a person for him. Naturally, after such a warm entrance into friendship, they had gotten plastered that night and ended up somehow both falling on top of each other back at Tony’s residence. Things had progressed down a path that the two had not fully acknowledged, even to themselves, but yet both somehow knew that would traverse if things continued. Tony had leaned forward into a passionate kiss, pushing himself against the shepherd in an act of shameless passion to which the drunken shepherd could only respond in kind. Their passions lead to the stripping of clothes and before Richard knew it the arcanine had begun to take control of him and his body in the most loving fashion he had experienced to date. Being straddled by the muscled beast he had whined and howled in pain and ecstasy, the arcanine leaning down to his ears and whispered sweet nothings into it, even going as far as gently biting the nape of his neck and embracing him around the chest as he thrust himself into him. The lovemaking had lasted a decent while, Richard remembered how he had marveled as just how well Tony had paced himself, most likely due to his athletic training and discipline. By the time Tony finished, at last, the shepherd found himself able to do little but pant and gasp for air in an orgasmic trance, having climaxed himself several minutes ago while Tony had still been going strong. The arcanine had grasped him under the chin and brought him up to his face. They kissed more, the arcanine rubbing his back and humming soothingly to the receptive canine, thanking him for a wonderful time. Richard could only smile goofily back, completely and utterly entranced by the wonderful being before him who he had so perfectly made love to. Richard stamped his feet, trying to keep warm even as his cheeks flushed with red standing in the cold at Tony’s doorstep, remembering how they had then fallen asleep spooning, Tony being the big spoon naturally, and how the shepherd had woken up to Tony cooking him breakfast, wrapped up in a snuggly blanket on his couch. They had spent the morning chatting about the previous night, now almost completely unabashedly speaking about their own preferences and even delving into fetishes. They had been surprised just how well they had meshed together in lovemaking last night, Tony causing Richard to blush when he told him how he wasn’t surprised at all how to find that the shepherd was so subordinate. “I mean come on, anybody looking at you even from a mile away could see that you totally scream bottom!” Richard had almost coughed his coffee out of his maw at this comment, causing Tony to only laugh louder between fork-fulls of syrupy pancake. The canine had blushed in response to the arcanine but smiled good-naturedly. Although normally his tough, police officer persona was the one he operated on most of the time, he found that he felt comfortable letting his guard down around the arcanine, even to the point of expressing his submissiveness to him. After his normally uncharacteristic blush, the arcanine had gently inquired about the shepherd’s preferences, whether he had considered himself a sub for long. The two spent the rest of the morning discussing their own sexual experiences, preferences, and even fantasies. Throughout their dialogue the arcanine seemed to work magic onto Richard, gently but firmly inquiring as to what he would enjoy and wouldn’t, as well as what thinks he would enjoy not enjoying. The shepherd’s heart rate rose up multiple times during their exchanges, excitement filling his body that not even his job offered him during moments of pursuing justice and chasing after criminals. “Wait here, Richie, I think I have something that you might enjoy.” The arcanine winked before rising to his full height and softly strolling out of the room, a devilish expression on his muzzle. Richard could only lean forward off of the couch and look after him, wondering what his attractive friend was wanting to retrieve. “Close your eyes, Richard.” The canine obeyed and heard Tony shuffle towards him before stopping in front of him. “You can open them now.” Richard opened his eyes and gazed up at Tony before looking down to see that the arcanine was holding something in front of the shepherd’s nose. Richard took a sharp breath and quickly realized what the object that lay in the arcanine’s outstretched paw was. A small, white chastity cage was being presented to him, complete with a steel, heart-shaped lock adorning the bottom. The German Shepherd’s heart pounded in his chest, and he looked up wide-eyed into Tony’s own well-knowing eyes, understanding what he was being offered. “What do you think buckeroo, wanna have some fun? I think I could go for domming a cutie like you. After all, I think after last night you’ve proven that you might be needing this. You made a mess all over my couch after all!” Richard’s cheeks reddened at the playful admonishment, but his eyes looked back down onto the cage in front of him. He opened his lips as if to speak, but found it difficult to articulate what he felt. Picking up on his apparate speechlessness, Tony squatted in front of him and looked up into the blushing shepherd’s eyes, his voice softening now but retaining the same firm assuredness that proliferated his entire being. “How about I help you put it on, would that help, pup?” The shepherd could only nod shakily in response, his breaths still coming in heavy and deep as his entire being seemed to grow warm and vibrate in excision and stimulation. The arcanine gently pushed on the shepherd’s shoulders and repositioned him onto his back. Scooching over onto the couch he unbuckled the shepherd’s jeans and slid them down, following with his underwear. Richard’s member had begun to grow slowly after he had been approached by the arcanine’s offer but had not yet reached full erection. Tsk-tsking at the apparent excitement the canine was displaying, Tony worked efficiently and quickly at sliding the tube over the shepherd's not yet fully excited head and looping the support ring underneath his testicles. Richard felt a firm pressure on his jewels, which increased to a more distinct pressing feeling as he heard a soft click, and then a louder one as the cage was locked firmly into place. His member now strained against his confines, but to no relief as the plastic prison kept his erotic excitement firmly and securely in check. Tony grinned, and almost cooed as he said. “Looks like our little friend here is having a hard time containing himself! It’s a good thing I was around to make sure that he doesn’t get himself into trouble now, no?” Tony’s words washed over him like a stimulating wave of air, causing a shiver to run through him as both tone and context of what the arcanine said turned him on immensely. The amateur baseball player had a charm and confidence that the shepherd could find almost irresistible. He couldn’t help but blushing slightly, as he gazed into the arcanine’s eyes, feelings of attraction and yearning coursing through his veins as he strained against the cage around his member. Tony offered a paw to him and helped Richard up to his feet before helping him redress, surprising him by delivering an impassioned and deliberate kiss on the shepherd’s cheek, causing him to his great embarrassment to stammer a little bit in response. Tony’s eyes glistened as he let out a loud laugh, grinning broadly and looking directly into Richard’s eyes and winking confidently. “Oh Rick, this is going to be more fun than I could have possibly imagined, I figured you were a total sub but to this extent? I think this is going to be a luxurious time.”
I have a question. Do you do a changing schedule or do you change whenever? When answering, make sure to include if you’re wearing for fun, or you’re incontinent. I am genuinely curious if what I’m doing is unusual. I wear M4’s and I’m incontinent. I have a 40-hour work week this isn’t counting overtime. My changing schedule is about 2:00 p.m., around 8:00 p.m., when I get home from work around midnight, and if I need it when I wake up in the morning (about 9:00 a.m. .) If I do have to work an overnight shift, I can add in a change at 4:00 a.m., and then when I get home after 8:00 a.m. then I skipped the wake up change and will change about 3:00 in the afternoon. Looking forward to hearing other people’s viewpoints
I was off on a trip to England, my flight was due to leave in a couple of hours. My bags were packed, and I was more thrilled than I remember being in a long time. All around me was great activity as I tried to find my gate. The airport was bustling, holding countless travelers as they waited to board their flights. For many of the people here, this airport was the only sliver of this foreign land they were allowed to set foot on. A wondrous crossroads, where some are business travelers, others vacationers, other still mourners--a melange of life's characters and stages were hinted in each passing face. I should mention I have an embarrassing bladder problem. I can make it to the bathroom, but only if it's really close by. Sometimes I leak. Sometimes, I have to go badly and just don't want to trouble myself to get up to pee. Naturally, I had about twenty briefs stowed away in one of my bags, and at least three in my carry on bag just in case. As I sat down on my first plane, it seemed like I was still pretty dry. The sun was beginning to set outside. I added lots of baby powder to make sure it wouldn't be too uncomfortable in there. I fell asleep during and woke up feeling pretty rested. Looking out the window, there were streaks of lightning coursing clouds below. Presumably we were speeding along through clouds and storms at hundreds of miles per hour, which felt strange considering how still it was inside the cabin. I prodded slightly at my underwear trying to do a covert check. It felt pretty sodden down there, so I made my way to the lavatory and got cleaned up. Before long I was freshly powdered and enjoying a bubbly drink while viewing the clouds and the moon. Things got a little strange when we touched down, but nothing I couldn't handle. I sense this experience could be much more distressing for someone other than me. I was made to go through a whole body scanner, which means the young pretty twenty something at the controls with her frizzy black hair could witness something of my shame. To my surprise, I was asked to go with her into a room nearby. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "I just need to check something quick, I'm sorry--I need you to take down your pants." She said. I did what I was told, what else could I do? I began unbuttoning my jeans. With the zipper down, I slid them down the rest of the way, revealing a pair of plaid boxer shorts. "I know you have something under those too, I need to see." I hesitated. "Don't worry, it's okay," she cooed. I slid down my shorts, revealing my brief. I couldn't bend down or feel it to see if I was wet, so she would know if I was wet or not before I did. Was I? I wasn't going to ask her. "Oh--just a diaper." She mused, looking at me with surprise. Her gaze seemed sympathetic but it still withered me a little. It said 'this man wets himself.' My legs were beginning to get chilly, it was kind of cold in this room. At least my diaper felt warm. Wait. That's not good. After a long pause, she spoke. "I'm really sorry to have to say this, but I need to check inside," she said. "What?" "It's okay, I'll get you in a fresh one after. Just need to make sure there's nothing illegal in there." I stood their motionless as she began to unfasten my tabs. She took the diaper away once she was satisfied there wasn't anything suspicious inside it. To my horror it was pretty wet, and wet with unusually yellow pee. I looked down at my dangling, diaper dependent thingy in humiliation. All the colour must have drained from my face and escaped through my crotch. I noticed she was unfolding another diaper to put on me. "Pee isn't illegal, especially not when it's contained so nicely by your diapy," She said while giving me a teasing look. I didn't know what to say to that, so I just let her fasten the clean diaper on me in silence. As I was pulling up my pants to leave, I keenly felt the first few trickles of pee leak into my new underwear. I thanked the woman and left, closing the door behind me. The End
Hi all. I thought I'd tell you my hospital diapering story. I write to you right now while wearing a large and somewhat soggy diaper with a medical look to it, while wrapped up snugly in my warm blankets. These diapers are very spacious and thick, they have the odd effect of making me forget where my pee-pee is positioned at all--seems it could be anywhere in the mass of almost nerve-numbing padding. I think I wet while I was laying down earlier, though I'm not totally sure. Probably peed a couple of times. Feels like I won't need a change for a while though. When I poke at these undies very gently with one finger only, it seems like wave of pressure is coming from all directions. I couldn't tell you where my finger was, or where my genitals were. They're in there somewhere, and that's probably for the better considering the accidents. Let me back up a bit and tell you how I got here, and how I ended up in diapers pretty much against my will. I had a mental health episode back in early February that landed me in an institution. I would rather not go into the specifics, suffice to say I was going to be holed up for a while. I remember that the food was hard to get used to at first, but, you get used to it. As a safety precaution, I was only allowed to wear the outfit that was approved there, a plain looking hospital gown and some ruffly thin trousers. They'd begun to force an unknown cocktail of medications on me which were having some pretty strong effects. I could tell by how sedated I was that there was some kind of anti-psychotic in the chemical soup. Three times a day with meals I took pills of many different colours, none of which I knew the potential side effects of. I guess I had to simply place my trust in an authority whose methods were unknown to me. It was around my fifth day there when I noticed pee leaking down my leg under the trousers I had on. It had already came out, I had no recollection of peeing. I was a bit dazed, and couldn't make out what that strange cold feeling was for a while. I noticed when I sat down in a chair in the common room that my crotch had a few thin lines of wetness emanating downward from it. It was only then that it dawned on me, I'd wet myself. No idea when, but I was wet now. I stood up and shuffled around, looking for my nurse. Her name's Lindy, she's a pretty woman a few years older than me. If I had to describe her body type, she's fit but a little thick, with something extra on the caboose. You'd almost think she was wearing diapers too, if it wasn't for her panty lines. I spotted her as she walked briskly past me on her way to the east wing. I had to catch up with her, but she was too quick. I followed along behind, trying hard to stay focused. It seemed like I was nearly ready to forget the whole matter and lay down on the cool tile floor for a nap. "Lindy?" I called. "Lindy?" She stopped and turned. "Yes?" "I had an accident I think," I said calmly, much more calmly than I would have if I wasn't totally drugged. "I see, I see," She said in a laid back and cool way. "Let's go, follow me." I was a little bit disoriented as she led me by the hand to the room I was staying in. I had little sense that we were going there until we were actually in the room. In a lot of ways it was more like a cell than a room, with white walls and an angular metal bunk bed being its most defining features. Up above my bed there was a small sliver of window, with bright sunlight trying to poke as much of itself in as possible. "Can you sit on the floor for me, hon?" She helped me to sit on the floor. The chillness of it made me shudder. Suddenly, I was feeling really cold. I started to shiver. "I'm c-cold," I stammered. "It might be a side effect of one of your meds. I'll be right back, you just stay on the floor, okay?" "Why the floor?" I asked hazily. "Well," She began, as if trying to find the nicest words possible give the awkward circumstances, "I'm afraid you'll pee on the bed--be right back, just stay there..." She trailed off as she briskly exited the room, closing the door behind her. I distinctly remember hearing the door's lock reverb through the room as it was turned, and suddenly I felt a burst of warmth on my crotch as I erupted into feeble shivers. I don't know how long I sat there, but when Lindy returned she had a really thick looking blanket which immediately put my heart at rest in a child-like sort of way when I saw it. She was also holding under her arm what looked like a package of diapers. I watched as she laid the blanket out on the bed and placed the diapers on my little bedside table by the ruled journal they gave us. I took this fact without concern, not really making the connection of assuming that those diapers were going to be there for me. Soon Lindy had placed a mat on the floor beside my bed and motioned for me to come over. "Come on, come on sweetie. This won't be so bad." I went to her cooing call, transfixed by her disarming gaze. It almost looked sensual at the time, but I doubt she wanted anything to do with my pants-wetting butt beyond merely changing it. Before I really knew what hit me, I was fastened into a gigantic crinkly diaper. I tried to sit up at first but fell back. Luckily, Lindy was there to catch me and help me sit up against my bed. "So, we have you in a brief," she said, looking at me with a sympathetic gaze that suggested a little pity as well. "I need you to not try to take this off, okay? I really, really need you to cooperate with me." "I don't wanna wear a diaper--" "I know, I know you don't. But I really can't trust you after that big accident you just had," she cooed. "No, no!" I said, raising my voice slightly as the gravity of the situation began to weigh on me. "Please, they're not so bad to wear... Will you do it for me?" She winked at me and smiled contagiously. I couldn't help but capture a little of her smile on my own lips. "Well, fine," I said after a pause. "But I don't need diapers." "Yes you do, remember that accident you had? I can't have you trailing pee. That's not nice feeling, is it?" She shook her head for emphasis. "Oh, yeah," I replied after a pause. I shivered some more and Lindy helped me into my bed and under the covers. She tucked me in like as if she was my mommy. It felt that way at the time. "Now you're all snuggly and warm, and protected. I will bring you your dinner and your medication soon, okay?" "Thanks mommy," I said before I could stop myself. I laughed at the silliness of what I'd just said and could have swore I felt something warm swelling up on my crotch. "Sorry mo--I uh--sorry Lindy." She looked at me for a long time after I said that. Not with an unhappy gaze though. I could see some pity in her eyes for her poor diapered patient, but there was something motherly mingled in there as well. When she sat down on my bed and began to stroke my hair, the motherliness was made much more manifest. There was no doubt that she cared about me in that most vulnerable moment. I think as she stroked my hair, I continued to dribble into my diaper. I shivered here and there, which only made the fight to keep my pee inside more difficult. I have no idea how much I was peeing at the time, but after she left the room I took a peek under the covers and saw that it looked puffy and yellow, though I felt totally dry. It was weird at first, I wasn't used to the oddly comforting and convenient mechanics of my new diapered life. Here I was peeing myself in bed and it didn't even feel wet. I looked at the plastic tabs fastened firmly on the front panel of my underwear and tried to pull one of them off out of curiosity and absentmindedness. It wouldn't budge, so I gave up my effort soon after. I didn't know what to think about being diapered at the time. so I rolled over and tried to get some sleep. I passed out almost immediately. I woke up in a daze and tried to sit up, though I struggled to at first, feeling a little bit dizzy. I stared at the wall for a while as I came to. The room seemed darker somehow. I looked up at the little window and saw no light pushing through. It must have been the middle of the night. I went under the covers again and looked at my diaper with an absentminded, child like curiosity again. My diaper's different! It wasn't soggy yellow anymore. When did that happen? *** I'll cut to the chase and fast forward a little. As the weeks went on I came to really like Lindy's diaper changes. She was really gentle about it and rubbed lots of baby powder into me with intimate movements. Her changes were the highlight of my otherwise dreary days at the asylum. I liked to look at her thick thighs as she cleaned me. I wasn't sure if my bladder control was getting better or not, and I didn't really care or think about it. As the weeks went by I watched as package after package of disposables came and went, doing their time on my feeble and soggy bottom before being relegated to the diaper genie. By the time of writing this, it seems I've lost most of my bladder control. But I'm not really concerned, since I have Lindy around most days of the week to keep me changed and secure. Maybe it's not so bad here. I found a group to play with during common time. When we aren't playing video games together, we're playing with blocks. They don't seem to know that there's a diaper under my pants, but it seems like they're as hazy and inattentive as me. I swear I caught a glimpse of the waistband of a pull-up on one of the women in the group. Maybe most of the patients here were in some kind of diaper. Luckily for me Lindy always made sure I was changed into a clean brief before playtime so I wouldn't have to be interrupted. So that's my story. I hope you liked it. End note: this is a fictional account. Hope you enjoyed the ride.
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- hospital diaper use
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out there.....easy going and gay 66 senior who is very comfy with being a DL and happily wears and uses......looking for same type of chap or even younger who is comfy with being with an older gay DL. Diapered friendship would be nice and if anything develops from there, well, you just never know.....
Hey all, I'm going on a road trip soon and it's probably going to get messy a few times on the journey. I was wondering what you all keep in your diaperbags, especially anyone who has had to change their mess in highway restroom or their car before so I can be entirely prepared. Any tips for the journey itself are always appreciated too. Oh, and if anyone has any bag recomendations that'd be awesome. Inconspicuous bags are alway a plus, but if it's absolutely adorable, I don't mind being obvious.
Hey all, I'm thinking of venturing off on a road trip and I'm wondering what everyone keeps in their diaperbags so I can build the best one I can for this journey! Also if anyone can reccomend specific bags; stealth and inconspicuity are a plus, but if it's hella cute, people knowing exactly what it is can be totally worth it.
I usually wet myself before bed and am wondering if it is okay to stay in my diaper or if I need to change it because they are so
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- bedwettter
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Briefing This is an 80% fiction story about a high school boy who becomes incontinent after a terrible accident. Ther is going to be some humor, some love, some ambitious acts, some plot twists, and mabey some vulgar scenes, depending on what the people want and how I feel. You are ment to feel for the characters, and feel against others. This is a story filled with detail so don't speed read this, just enjoy the ride. This is also my first story so feedback is helpful and greatly appreciated. Also tabs for some reason didn't show up so don't freak out. Some advice on how to fix this issue is appreciated. Prologe Its funny, five little glasses of hard liquor can change a life so drastically, so fast. The change can be never undone. Trust me I know how devastating five shot glasses can be. Being a nice person has its perks but life likes to challenge the strong. Mentally, physically, and psychologically. I am very smart. Strait a's in fact. I am a linemen for the Reno Mustangs varsity football team. Making me very suitable for lifes wrath. On September 17th 2011 my mother lost her life to cancer. Being the fighting irish women she was, she made one hell of a last stand. For 2 years she fought. Life psychologically skrewed me over. Back to those little bastards called shot glasses. They have a reputation for making you have a good time with some friends. Mabey get lucky with a lady. But do it at night, not 6 in the morning. Why? Because you may hit a nice, smart, athletic kid like me with a god damb pickup truck. My name is logan Clanton. I am a brown haired, green eyed, white, 17 year old male. I am 6' 3" and 235 lb. I am a strait A student, very athletic, very affable. I'm strong willed. I guess that comes with being irish. I am in 11th grade, I have a very large variety of friends. Examples of groups I hang out with are the football players, the rednecks, the dorks, the gays, the nerds, the singers, the artists, etc. All in all I am popular at my school. I take an entire class period to help the physically and mentally challenged. I spend my time after school during the fall at football practices and games. During the winter I am at rifle team practice (marksmanship). Spring I spend my time after school fixing computers. I am very involved in my community. I volunteer yearly on thanksgiving at the homeless shelter, and weekly at the nersing home. So when this guy hit me... it wasn't supposed to be me, but the girl I saved from being hit. I give a lot af sacrifices to my community but this one was for the girl I hadn't had the curage to ask out for the 5 years I've known her. I have no clue why I choke every time I make an attempt. I do know one thing though, that sacrifice was worth it.
Are the snaps up the inner seams of pants useful for changing an adult or are they one of those things that does not scale up well? I have a pair of shortalls and a few pairs of overalls that fit and I was thinking of modifying them.
Hello everyone My name is Cody and I would like to find some DL friends from around Lexington/Winchester/Mount Sterling KY to hang out with. I do work and I do wear everyday so theres nothing wrong with that. The only thing I do not do is drive. I have a Girlfriend but we are in a poly relationship and she knows I am on this site and she will be never involved in anything I do on here or in person. If you like a nerdy, bubbly, and dark diaper boy you should send me a message or reply on here As soon as I figure out how to add diaper pics on this site I will. Thanks for reading, if you have any questions, let me know
Which tapes do you tape on first? Do you tape up the top tapes first and then the bottoms? Or do you do the bottoms and then the tops? Or any other way?