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  1. Chapter 1: “Abby, is this really necessary?” A whine sounded from her throat. Dani crossed her arms over her chest, pouting at the ceiling as her legs were held up by the ankles. A warm wipe made its way over her nether regions, cleansing every inch of her dirty bottom and between her legs. “Yes, Dani, this is necessary. It’s necessary when you willfully disregard all instructions not to eat gluten. Really, Dani, what were you thinking?” her voice was firm, not angry, but the disappointment was clear. She’d only had a tiny bite of cake left on the counter and it was only too tempting dipping her finger into the frosting and biting into the yummy sweetness. The doctor said she had Celiac disease but Dani hadn’t believed a word they said. These Amazon’s were on a power trip and the only thing the doctor believed she should be having was milk straight from an Amazon’s tit. But now her tummy ached and the messy explosion down below was the result. Abby stared down at her with the same condescending look given to all Littles trying to prove they were bigger than they actually were. “Just because you are a Little does not mean we are all out to get you. Believe it or not, Doctor Heany actually wanted to help you. This is all your own fault, Daniella. You have no reason to be upset.” Okay, she did have a point, the Little reluctantly agreed. But, that didn’t mean she had to diaper her! Dani squirmed, wiggling around on the table as the Amazon woman reached down below, pulling out the thick padding. “NO!” She cried out, anxious to get away from the monstrous article of clothing, if it could even be called that. Dani knew she had been extremely lucky the past several years. The apartment building she used to live in decided they’d no longer accommodate unadopted Little’s after her neighbor had left the sink faucet running and fell asleep which resulted in the flooding of the entire apartment. The damage wasn’t extreme but the Landlord was not pleased. The Little was adopted not even a day later and the Landlord refused to rent to Little’s any longer. It wasn’t that Dani didn’t understand the Landlord’s frustrations but everything in this world was Amazon size, meant for those eight feet and taller. They had step stools and ladders and accommodations were made for the regressed but the average unadopted Little hardly stood a chance, especially when they couldn’t even reach a sink faucet - a task that would be simple if she wasn’t so short. And she’d gotten lucky, finding an Amazon that would even rent to her in the first place because most places wouldn’t even entertain the thought. A Little pretending to be an adult, no more mature than a toddler, yeah that’ll go well… Knowing she was about to be booted out on the street, tears welled up in her eyes. She was the prime candidate for any Amazon. They just couldn’t ignore their parental instincts, seeing a Little in distress (or any Little in general). The urge to smother them with “love” back into diapers and turn their brains to mush was too strong. But Abby wasn’t like the other Amazon’s - not really, well, kind of - she was different. Abby had saved her. But it’s not how she saw it at the time. Dani had been arguing with the Landlord, a grumpy ten foot tall man who never had time for Little’s and their whims (as he liked to put it) about just needing another day or two to move out her stuff. Her best friend said she could stay with her for a while until she was sorted. But she had too much stuff to move in twenty-four hours coupled with the fact there were about fifty other Little’s moving out the same day, it was an impossible task they were meant to fail at. Look at all the Littles, too immature to follow directions correctly. Too tiny to even lift and carry out all their items. That is why instead of them doing the carrying, they need to be carried by a big and strong Amazon. He’d all but laughed in her face as she continued to argue her case, not only for herself but other fellow Littles. However, it wasn’t until after, she’d realized she’d gone a bit too far. “I’m half tempted to call the adoption center!” The man exclaimed. “Not even able to follow proper instructions, disrespectful and talking back? This is a serious case of Maturosis.” Oh god. Her heart had dropped to the bottom of her stomach, unable to do anything as she watched him pull out her phone. “Please!” She pleaded. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry-” “What’s going on here?” They’d both turned around at the sound of the voice. An Amazon, one of the tallest she’d ever seen, came strutting over across the lobby. The woman must have been about thirteen feet and that was tall for Amazon standards. Unconsciously, she backed up, eager to be rid of both Giants because while one was worrisome, two was a nightmare. “Miss Brady!” The man’s voice turned jovial at the site of his fellow Amazon. “Nothing to worry about here. Just the standard case of Maturosis, I’m dialing the adoption center as we speak.” Tears poured down her cheeks and the Amazon stared down at her, blue eyes shining with an expression she couldn’t make out. The Amazon was beautiful and blonde with curves she could only dream of having. “Oh don’t do that,” the woman smiled, waving her hand. “I’ve been searching for a Little for myself actually! I think Little Miss -“ “Daniella Avery.” Said the man with a Cheshire cat grin as he hung up his phone. “Miss Avery would be absolutely perfect! You don’t have to worry about her apartment. I’ll take it over as well.” The Little didn’t have time to run as she was quickly scooped up and swung over her shoulder. The girl let out what could only be described as a tantrum. Kicking and screaming and pounding on the Amazon’s back, that should have been the end. At twenty-one years old, this should have been the point where her life drastically changed forever and any happiness she contained disappeared. But it wasn’t. Instead, it was quite the opposite. OoOoo Abby won in the end, like always, and could only smile at the pouting Little who couldn’t have been any more adorable in her puffy pink diaper secured tightly around her waist. Honestly, she’d be content making her go out dressed in only that but Abby really didn’t have the energy to deal with the tantrum that would surely ensue. “Why can’t I at least wear a pull-up?” “Do I really need to explain this Dani?” She did not. The Little stayed silent. “You know what we agreed on. Say it.” Her hand landed down on her pale thigh tainted pink, having been slapped one to many times in response to her poor behavior. Dani frowned, rubbing at her wet eyes. “Mommy knows best and Little girls need to learn that their naughty behavior has consequences,” diapers being it. All Abby really required was obedience and a companion to watch over but not regress. The Amazon, unlike most others, did not desire a baby to look after or to be called Mommy or diaper full-time. She wanted a Little she could snuggle up with at the end of the night, a Little that would still maintain their adult mind and could have normal conversations yet acknowledge their place in an Amazon's world. Dani could handle that because her Mommy, for all-intents and purposes, always said, it could be a lot worse. She had freedoms, too many to count and it just came over the small price of being fussed over and treated at the most like a five to six year old. However, the times she was diapered, dressed up in humiliating garb and made to nurse were her own fault. It was her own stupid actions having landed her in this position. Like now. But Dani knew, if she even voiced a desire to be regressed, Abby wouldn’t hesitate. Instincts always won over in the end. “Very good,” Abby smiled, patting her head. “Arms up.” The Little complied, allowing the sparkly blue dress to be slipped over her head ending just past her knees. Abby would’ve had her permanently dressed in pink just like her nursery and about every babyish outfit she owned but seeing a diapered Little in pink and alone in public was a recipe for disaster. Hands under her armpits, she was lifted to the ground. Her legs wobbled attempting to catch her balance having been on her backside for way too long. Her head didn’t even reach halfway up to the changing table just like every other item in Amazonia and while Dani was proud to be Little, she wished she were just a few feet taller. Only at 4’8, she was short even for Little standards which made her even more delectable to the Amazons and absolutely impossible to be taken seriously, more so than her fellow Littles. Now, Abby hummed a tune, something familiar from her childhood as they stood at the mirror, brushing her red curls back into a low ponytail. “All my friends are going to see that I’m wearing a diaper,” Dani sulked looking down at the ground because she couldn’t bear to stare at her own reflection. “You don’t have to play with your friends. We can always stay here and have a Baby day. We can watch your favorite movie and cuddle and have bathtime. I know how much you love bubbles.” Her cheeks turn pink at every word, worse than the last. Dani was mortified to admit how much she actually enjoyed herself during those times. It was maybe only a year after she’d been adopted that she truly let herself relax and indulge in the lack of responsibilities, realizing she wouldn’t be taken advantage of. Being taken care of for once instead of having to worry about her every little move, was a nice change. Still, Dani couldn’t help but feel guilty, knowing this was exactly what so many Little’s were fighting against, what she had fought against, and here she was enjoying it. Even now, Dani wouldn’t mind a cozy day in her favorite fuzzy pajamas. But the Little knew it was more of a punishment and there was no fun in being reminded of how stupid she’d been. “What if they say something? What if they laugh at me?” “Then they are not your friends.” Finished tying the black ribbon at the top of her hair, she was lifted into her arms. “My tummy doesn’t hurt anymore though. I don’t need a diaper, really. I’ll be fine.” “But we can’t be sure, can we?” The woman gave her a look. “Besides, you don’t have to go to your friend's house at all but I know how much you were looking forward to the, what was it… bachelorette party?” No! She couldn’t miss it! Her bottom lip slipped between her teeth as she carefully considered her next words. Abby would keep her home if she really wanted too. She didn’t even have to let her keep seeing her friends and that’s what Dani appreciated the most. But like everyone, the Amazon had her limits and Dani was inching dangerously close to crossing the line. “You’re right.” The Little finally muttered in defeat. There was no arguing her way out of this one. “Of course I am!” She bounced her in her arms. “Mommy is always right!” OoOoo It was a sunny August day as they made their way outside from the third floor and out onto the busy street. Surprisingly, Dani had no fight as she was strapped into the pink stroller (which was always a problem). Abby watched as she laid her head back, soaking up the sun and her eyes closed. A hint of a smile appeared on her lips at the very visible sight of the puffiness beneath her dress, pulled up by the strap between her thighs. She’d fussed at the frilly white socks and Mary Jane’s but really, it was the least of her concerns. Even just the tiniest argument allowed her to maintain her sanity, showing that she still had a voice to fight back against her imprisonment. She closed her eyes as to not see all the cooing Amazon’s, pretending she was somewhere on a warm island sipping a Mimosa and not stuck in this horrible contraption they called a stroller. It was a quick walk, about twenty minutes away yet it couldn’t have felt shorter as they came to a stop in front of the five story building. Tucked away in a quiet neighborhood, the area was predominantly occupied by Littles and Inbetweeners, not quite as big as Amazons but still tall enough that they were ignored by the Amazons. “Here we are!” Abby chirped. Leaning down to undo all the belts, Dani didn’t hesitate to hop out, seeing that they were alone on the street. “Here is your phone and gift for your friend,” she reached down into the bottom pocket of the stroller. “Are you fine to go in on your own?” “Yes!” Dani said eagerly, grabbing the wrapped present and tiny flip phone. The last thing she needed was her friends seeing her Mommy walking her inside like a baby. “Very well. Do you remember our rules?” Abby bent down, taking her chin in her hand so she couldn’t look away. “Yes,” she sighed. “No drinking, no dirty behavior and no boys.” Dani struggled not to roll her eyes. It was the tiny restrictions like this that got her the most fed up. She was twenty-one years old for crying out loud and the girl had needs! “I will be back at six pm but text me if you need me beforehand or want to come home early. I will be here in a jiffy.” “Six?” Dani sputtered, doing her best not to stomp her foot. “That’s only five hours! The party is going on all night -!” “Daniella!” She said sharply. “I’ve been very patient all morning with your little fits. Do you want me to make it shorter? Do you want to go at all? We can turn around right now and go back home. We could also go upstairs and spank your little bottom in front of all of your friends.” A dark look had settled over her eyes, warning she was on her last straw. “B-but,” tears just about welled up in her eyes. “I hardly see Carly and it’s her most special day! Can I stay until ten at least? Pleaseeee?” “Absolutely not. Six o’clock.” “What about nine?” Abby paused, seemingly considering her words. After a pregnant pause she said, “eight o’clock.” “Eight-forty five-“ “Daniella…” her hand warningly grasped her bottom. “Fine.” She relented. “Eight o’clock.” The Amazon sighed. “That’s your bedtime so I don't want any whiny girl later on and don’t even try to argue for overnight since there is no adult present.” “Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I’ll be good!” Dani couldn’t help but squeal, knowing this was the best she was gonna get. Attacking Abby with a hug to the neck and a thousand kisses to the cheek, really she was grateful. How sad was that… happy for just another two hours… oh how much she’d fallen. Her reaction was adorable, melting the Amazon’s heart because all she wanted was for her Little girl to be happy. She didn’t want to leave her alone with a bunch of other Little’s, especially with the very grown up behaviors they still presented, but it was a necessary sacrifice if she didn’t want Dani to despise her forever. Unlike other Amazon’s, she actually cared how her Little felt which was not a popular sentiment. “Now run along,” she sighed, disentangling her arms and patting her bottom. “You don’t want to be late.” OoOoo The receptionist knew her by now, a kind Inbetweener who really didn’t care if she was Little or not just as long as no trouble was caused. She said hello, practically skipping towards the elevator that for once was placed at the right height so she could press the button. The only reason Dani hadn’t moved in here was because the complex had reached their quota for Little’s allowed. Only thirty-five percent could be occupied by Little’s in order to accommodate the Inbetweeners so they wouldn’t feel upstaged. Not that it really mattered in the end, but still, it made her pissy just thinking about the stupid rule. It was a quick ride up to the fourth floor and the party was already in full swing. “Dani!” Squeals broke out throughout the room as she walked through the unlocked door. She was embraced with hugs from her already tipsy friends, not only drunk on happiness. “Congratulations!” She exclaimed finally seeing the blonde bombshell of her best friend. She embraced the bride to be in a short white dress meant to show off her boobs and ass in the best way possible. Abby would have a stroke if she saw what she was wearing right now. Dani couldn’t help but think. “Wha-what are you wearing?” Carly stepped back, finally taking in her appearance. Her face heated up, realizing all eyes were on her and the room had gone quiet. It wasn’t a secret that she was adopted but it was embarrassing knowing she was different from everyone else. Sometimes, the energy was just off. There was them and then there was her. It was almost as if they were weary of her, as if her Littleness would rub off on them somehow. They were still her friends, nothing would change that, but these days she felt even more insecure. “Abby.” Is all she said. Hums of realization went around the living room. “I’ve got clothes and makeup in my room,” said Carly. “Go change and for fucks sake, take off the diaper. No Amazon is ruining our night.” Oh, she didn’t have to say that twice! A smile lit up her face as the energy resumed and she rushed off. A few minutes later, there are large exaggerated bangs on the bedroom door. “Knock knock knock! Open up bitch!” Olivia. She smirked. “I’m naked!” “Even better!” The door opened to reveal the girl who had been with her through thick and thin. The girl who’d contemplated begging Abby to adopt her just so they could remain together before Dani had told her what a stupid ridiculous idea that was. But that’s who Olivia was. Crass, confident and unequivocally lovable. Her caramel skin positively glowed, hair pulled up in a crown of long braids in a short midnight black dress and don’t even get her started on her long tanned legs. She’d always been the hot girl in college. The one all the boys chased after and every other girl wanted to be. “You look hot. Is that a new brand of diapers? Gucci? I heard they’re making them extra absorbent nowadays.” “Oh shut up!” They collapse into a fit of laughter, jumping on their friend’s queen size bed. Olivia was the one person she didn’t need to hide around, the one person who could turn any awkward situation into a joke and who didn’t really seem to care about her new status in life. “Help me choose an outfit before they start wondering where we are. Jesus, she’s got so many clothes.” She walks to the closet, pulling out a blood red corset dress with a dangerous slit up the side. “Too slutty?” Oliva’s brows wiggled in a suggestive manner. “Not enough!” “Perhaps, we should consult with Mommy dearest. I wonder, does she have any matching red diapers?” “Don’t give her ideas,” Dani shuttered at the thought. “Now help me into that thing and do my makeup. I want to look our age for once.” OoOoo Bachelorette parties were supposed to be sweet and wholesome, celebrating the start of a new chapter in the woman’s life. For Carly, there would be none of that cutesy crap. As Littles they already dealt with it enough. Early marriage wasn’t uncommon for Littles in Amazonia because one day you could be free and the next day stuck in a crib. You never knew how much time you had. Dani hadn’t even gotten to the point of finding a boyfriend before being adopted and the thought of marriage was a faraway dream. That’s why she couldn’t have been any more happy for her friend, getting to live out all of her fantasies. “Are you staying the night?” Olivia asked as she carefully applied her eyeliner. “Until eight.” Dani sighed. “Let me guess, Abby?” “You bet.” She muttered. ”Good thing you’ll be here for the stripper then.” “Stripper!” Dani gasped, eyes flying wide-open. “Shhh!” Olivia put her fingers to her lips. “It’s a surprise. We planned it for Carly. Don’t say anything to her!” “H-how’d you even find one?” “The Underground, duh. How else would we?” It was no surprise that any raunchy, sexual activity including drinking were off limits to Little’s. Anything that threatened the innocence of a Little was outlawed. That’s why there was the Underground. Anything a Little needed could be found there. Alcohol, Lingerie, certain activities… you just needed to know where to look. “We figured you couldn’t stay the night so they’re coming at half six.” Dani was grateful for the thought, yet her face still turned as red as her hair. They shouldn’t have to make decisions like this in the first place or change the plans just to accommodate her. Often she wondered if her presence was more of a hindrance. “Don’t be like that,” Olivia nudged her playfully. “I love you. Carly loves you. We all love you. Let loose, have some fun before you go back to baby jail. Perhaps you’ll just meet the love of your life.” Dani barked a laugh. Imagine. A stripper and a diapered Little. That would make one hell of a story. OoOoo A/N: Hey all! I know it’s been such a long time since I’ve posted but I’ve been so busy with school. I’m coming up on my last year of college, I’m in the middle of an internship and getting ready for Masters programs so literally I’ve had no time for anything else! I just wanted to post a little something because I need a break from everything. I know that I have so many stories going on but when something pops in my head, I’ve got write it down! I’ve got about one hundred drafts of different stories written but I’m still working on Baby Dolls and whatever else is posted right now. I’m not really sure how long this story will be but please stick with me! This is my first time writing a diaper dimension story so please share your thoughts and as always, I love reviews! Also, I had no clue what to title this so any better suggestions are welcome!!!
  2. hello all, im new here, but i wanted to try and maybe... reach out for some encouragement? ive wanted to be diaper dependent for well over a decade, but bad experience after bad experience had left me with a severe distaste for them for a period of years, being disgusted at my own desires. its honestly only been in the last year that ive begun REALLY coming to terms with what i want, and that its genuinely okay to want in the first place. when i had my bottom surgery back in 2017, i was unfortunately one of the cases where the surgeon fucked up real bad, and among other lingering effects, i have always struggled with leaking a little bit when i do things like excersize rigorously, laugh too hard, or do things of the sort, so my brain is already aware that this would be a "good thing for me anyways" the setup so far is that ive tried to be 24/7 once or twice in that year, and each time felt like home, but for some reason or another that i cant remember, i kept falling off. this time though, im determined...DETERMINED, to make it happen. i have ordered my first full case of megamax's, and set it up to autosend to me, so that i dont even have to think about not using them because theyre coming anyways. i have lots of supportive friends, and a close one who is acting as my primary "coach" or biggest confidant and encourager. so i wanted to ask, if you have any tips for a newbie, what would you suggest? and any kind of positive reinforcement is really appreciated
  3. Chapter One: The Drive Dad drove down the highway with meholding my hand between my legs. I had to pee and being stuck in a car definitely didn't help. A sign up ahead said that a rest area was only ten kilometres up ahead and I could certainly hold it. I could ask for my father to stop yet there was somethig else. “Something wrong?" Dad suddenly asked without looking at me. “Weird,” I replied. “ Dam weird you know.” He certainly did know why I felt weird. This was his plan. “I'm wearing an adult nappy,” I groaned. “You better be, Vicky,” Dad replied. “You don't want to be found out as a faker and lose this scholarship.” “Yeah,” I said. “That's the problem; I'm not really incontinent. They are going to find out.” “No, they won't. Just act natural. Show the letter I faked again.” I rubbed the padded material between my legs .“This is certainly not natural," I protested. “Well, get used to wetting yourself often,” he said. “You probably should show up in a really wet nappy. That way you won't look like a faker to the other girls who are used to wetting their nappies.” “Why did I let you talk me into this?” I whined. “You got a scholarship. The bank lost most my money, remember? This is your last chance to go to university,” he answered. I sighed. I don't understand how things got so weird. My father put away enough into my university fund to pay for all years of school. HMRC investigated my father recently and caught him for insider trading and fined him heavily and he eventually used up my university fund to pay for the fine. It was the summer before the start of uni and I had no money. So I search for scholarships. None fit me but after intesive search there was also a scholarship for only urinary incontinent girls who were studying any subject at my chosen university. Unlike the others, it was not listed on the university's website but on a discreet form for disabled students. It was the only scholarship and it was generous. It paid for everything including a monthly allowance. I remember distinctively getting the phone call. “Is Victoria Stevens there?” the woman asked. “Yes, this is she,” I gripped my mobile tightly. “This is Elizabeth Jones from the Urinary Incontinent Girls scholarship programme. You have been chosen.” My mouth was opened in shock. I had though my university dreams were over. “The last girl didn't meet our requirements. She was clearly bluffing her urinary incontinence just to get the scholarship while your doctor's letter appears genuine. I made this scholarship so incontinent girls can have the full university experience, including living in the halls. To do that we want to make sure that we pair you with another girl in the hall that is also incontinent for moral support. You will still have your own room Will this be a problem for you?” “No problem,” I replied, elated. “Good. We are having a summer camp to get to know the other girls. Attendance is mandatory.” I didn't tell the rest of my wider family. Dad thought it was perfect and had been a big help in getting me loads of adult nappies. They do sell nappies in stores like Boots, but the tape-o kind that real incontinent people wear is only found online and he helped me order Tena Slip Maxis online. Back to the present, the road sign indicated we wear near the camp. Dad said an incontinent girl would show up in a very wet nappy. I relaxed in my seat and pretended I was sitting on the toilet. As I started to pee in my nappy, it was so warm as the wetness spread around my crotch and under my bottom. I was shocked at how good it actually felt. Chapter Two: Fitting in with the Group Dad pulled into the lot and right away I spotted the group. After giving me a kiss, I head to group which consisted of five teenaged girls and a young lady stood around the van. “Are you Vicky?” the lady who was clearly Liz Jones, asked me. She wore torn jeans and a T-shirt. There was a bulge around her butt area, most definitely indicated she was wearing a nappy definitely wet. I said yes and opened the back door of my car and got my bags when she stopped me. "May I see your doctor's letter again?" I unzipped one part of my main bag and handed it over. Hoping the forgery work, she quickly smiled and nodded. "Can you remove your skirt? I want to see if you're wearing and adult nappy and have used it." I slowly unclipped my skirt; I tried many jeans but the bulge of the nappy always showed as well as the top. I can't remember how much I peed in the nappy earlier but Liz came closer, walked around and was satisfied. “Good. You're the last girl to arrive, so let's get going. You can put your stuff in the back of the van.” The wet nappy I had on now felt thick and I felt that I could use a change now. “Do I have time to run to the look real quick?” I leaned closer to her. “I'm quite wet.” Was there a loo nearby? “Uh no, do you think we can hold yourself?” I nodded though not sure if the nappy could. “Good. Then we got to go.” She led me in through the sliding door of the van and I took a seat beside a bored-looking girl with a sarcastic nerd phrase on her shirt. She wore black cargo jeans with all kinds of metal hanging from them. She whispered, “So, what's your story?” Before I could answer, Liz hopped into the driver’s seat and started the van. “Girls,” she called out through a speaker. “My name, as you all came into contact with, is Elizabeth Jones but you can call me Liz. I am the scholarship coordinator and founder of the Scholarship for Incontinent Girls. When I studied physics, I was embarrassed about having to explain to my hallmates, coursemates and friends that I had an incontinence problem. I realized that another incontinent girl would make a good hallmate and thus this scholarship came about. This camp is for several reasons. Mainly so you can get to know each other and find out who you to be paired with for moral support. The other reason is, unfortunately, to screen out people who are liars. I had to replace one girl earlier on who was not incontinent.” Minutes later, Liz continued. “So, get to know each other during this week. How about introducing yourself to each other now as I drive to the camp.” “My name is Kerri Kensington," the girl next to me began. "I am long tired of being teased about my incontinence. Having a mother who is not so discrete about it means everyone at school and my neighbour knew about it. This scholarship sunds great. I worried so much about uni and having to hide my nappies from others but I feel think group will give me support. I am excited about studying electrical engineering.” The girl who sat beside Kerri also wearing jeans spoke up. “My name is Michelle.” Her voice was softer and didn't give her surname. “I don't really have friends due to incontinence and will be studying Art History.” In the rear seat, a girl spoke up. “I'm Vera Horton. I'm just as normal as anyone else, or I was until the car accident where some drunk ran into me. The drunk doesn't have to wear nappies and it's not fair. Instead, he only got thirty days in jail. I instead have to spend the rest of my life in nappies.” She pounded her fists on the seat beside her. “Because of this, my boyfriend took someone else to my Year 11 and Year 13 prom. Will be reading Chemistry.” “My name is Bethany,” said her neighbour who had just looked up from a book. She wore all black with tight leggings. Even her nail polish and lipstick were black. “People already though I was weird with my love for black, so knowing about my nappies really made things worse. Will take modern history." The fifth girl introduced herself as Cath never Catherine. She worn a shorter skirt than myself. "I'll study my favourite subject biology and don't nappies to destroy my uni life.” I cleared my throat. “I'm Vicky Stevens. Am urinary incontinent birth since and my promised uni fund went away, so I thought I couldn't go to uni. Will be taking mechanical engineering." I hope that worked. The silence told me they accepted it. Chapter Three: The Meal About noon, Liz stopped at a local pub. I really wanted a fresh nappy. “Okay. Here is the plan. Cath, Vicky, and Michelle will go into the bathroom and change. Vera Bethany, and Kerri and myself will order our food. When you three return we will go change while you order your food. Then we will eat together.” In the toilet stall, I removed my skirt and looked down at my wet nappy. It was really wet - I did wet it a second time. I peeled off the tapes, rolled up the soggy nappy, then wiped myself off with baby wipes. Once finished, I put on a new Tena Slip like I had practiced many times by leaning against the wall of the stall. Back at the counter, I ordered a medium coke and a burger.
  4. 5 wonderful years living with an indwelling catheter. I loved wearing diapers, but I got to the point it didn't satisfy my very strong urge to be fully incontinent. Living with an indwelling catheter means you are incontinent because you have lost all control. It is a process getting use to it and learning how to change it on your own. I've never had a UTI. For some people it is very uncomfortable and I had trouble at first. Now it feels like part of my body. Love to hear others who feel the same way.
  5. I am writing a sort of essay that encompasses my life up until this point, mostly to vent and get things off my chest. And to ask for advice. There are going to be three parts. First are my childhood and history with desires. The second is how I got to this point. The third is to ask for advice on how to best become completely and uncontrollably urinary incontinent. I am writing this post mostly to try and get rid of any personal mental blocks. Also, because I have had this brewing inside me for as long as I can remember, I am not brave enough to explain and be honest with my friends or therapist. Like so many others, I have ghosted this website since my childhood, and only now do I have the confidence to actually make a post. I have been wearing diapers on and off since I got kicked out of my home as a youth. First off, there is the trauma and struggle I've had as a DL. I have been interested in diapers for as long as I can remember. I remember being like 7 or 8, and me and my cousin would take diapers from family members, hide under the bed, and put them on. The desire never went away. I know I had a difficult infancy, from what I have been told. My mother said that when I was diagnosed with autism as an infant, I would cry and scream nonstop, and it drove her insane. My father was neglectful, and when he was there, he would not treat me well. My mother said that once I was just laughing and playing on the couch and my father would just push me off as a toddler. My family is an old Mormon religious bunch. That is a story for another day; however, it relates to the topic. My fairly well-off grandparents would host giant family reunions at their house. With over 20 people at a time. Most of my cousins were chronic bedwetters, so I was able to steal pull-ups and stuff, but as I grew older, it kind of stopped happening. At some point, I got so desperate that I stole packs of diapers from the store. I even got caught one time and brought to upper management with my mother. The whole ordeal genuinely traumatized me. I was also in foster care for a stint and got caught stealing diapers from my disabled "brother". As well as a couple of other incidents. I always wondered back then why I was such a freak and how I could make it all stop. I obviously didn't try anything for a while after that. The thoughts and desires persisted on and off through my teenage years, but I couldn't really do anything about them. After I came out of the closet and me and my family had a huge fight, I managed to get into a housing assistance program. I had complete independence and lived alone for the first time in my life. It was so liberating. By that point, I had all but forgotten about my desires until I was settled. Then one day, it dawned on me. I was a legal adult and could do whatever the heck I wanted. I then ordered my own supplies and had a kind of binge-purge cycle of wearing them occasionally. I ended up hanging out with the wrong types of friends and got wayyyy into marijuana, and they even got me addicted to nicotine. After growing up a bit, maybe a year or so later, I moved again. This time, however, I had more freedom as I ditched the wrong people and just stayed to myself. I don't know exactly when it happened, but I just kept wearing padding more and more. At one point, if I wasn't wearing a diaper, I would be wearing absorbent period pants. With or without a leakage pad, it just felt better. I don't know when, but at some point I just stopped purging and would periodically just wear diapers more and more. Then I decided I would commit to a modified version of the 12-month program. Double urinary. I stuck with it for a while, then I decided to go on vacation, and I got intimidated and didn't wear it. I packed planning too, but just stuck with the absorbent pants. Then, after I came home, I wore off and on again until I decided to go on another streak of 24/7, only pausing partway through due to a lackluster schedule and laziness. That didn't last long, however, and as of March 20th, 2023, I have been acting like I am completely urinary incontinent. I do wish to ask questions and go over some things. First, at this point, I am intimidated not to wear any kind of protection as I tend to drip and leak randomly. It isn't like a constant flow; it is more like LBL. I even had a couple bedwetting episodes that I was so excited and proud of. Typically pretty sporadic. That leaves me now. My only problem is that I seem to be a kind of Plato. I am trying to quit smoking, and my bedwetting has all but disappeared. Sometimes I feel like I am clenching "hard," and it is super hard to relax. Like I can't completely empty at all. Other times, it seems perfectly fine or normal. Just a constant flow that I'm only paying half attention to. I do take hormones, and one of them is a type of water pill. I don't know if that does anything. Personally, I feel it made it a bit easier. The only time I use the loo is for #2, and I go at least three times a day to try and weaken my muscles. Anything else is in my pants. I am not intentionally trying to lose fecal control. I am, however, not too concerned about it. I have already had some messy accidents and had to stay in them for a while. Not too often, but it does happen. Basically, I survived, and it wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't awful or the end of the world. more manageable. My biggest question is: how do I release a seized bladder? Also, to keep developing my bedwetting, I was making progress, then it just stopped all at once. I'd wake up having to pee like crazy and having trouble releasing. After I post this, I plan on quitting cigarettes cold turkey and only allowing myself "one" single cigarette a day if withdrawals become too hellish. That's all I really wanted to get off my chest. I am seriously hoping for and looking forward to any kind comments, reviews, and answers.
  6. My wife of 40 years had died. Nancy just died she was 60 years old. She didn't have a stroke, heart attack, Covid 19, cancer. The coroner couldn't give me a reason why she died, that didn't stop her from being dead. I was a widower. I was a year older and at 61 years old. l didn't know what to do Nancy was my life. I did love her, you can't live with somebody for 40 years. If you don't love them. After l had buried my wife l still lived in town. It had been a year since l had burried Nancy. I was getting on with life the best I could. One day about a quarter of a mile away from my house there was a bulldozer that was flattening off the top of a hill. I didn't give it two thoughts. I didn't know why they were flattening the top of the hill. A couple of days later l could hear and feel them using a machine that was tamping and packing the dirt down. Next few days they began drilling for water. I thought maybe they were going to put a new water tank in town. We had another tank that had been built in the summer of 1978. I thought, this was a replacement. A day or so later they started putting a foundation. I was sure it was a new water tower. It was a week later before i saw the the tank again. This time l realized it wasn't a tank, it was a huge house, had to be 5500 square feet or bigger., Somebody had money, l know it wasn't me! A few months later, l was hanging out at the store, l was eating Fish and chips. Now the store was different than most other places. It had a Small Store, Cafe, Laundry Mat, it had a trailer park in back where people parked their RV's and spent the summer here, they also had showers in the bathrooms you could rent. It also used to have the Post Office. A lady walked in. She was short l would estimate 5 foot, 5 foot 1. She was beautiful she was wearing a white tee shirt that was tucked into her short Daisy Dukes, she had on cowboy boots she had a straw cowboy hat on. She sat at the counter next to me. She asked " What's good here?" Addressing me. "Pretty much everything on the menu, the Philly Cheese Steak is really good. Thats what I normally get but Fish and chips sounded good today!" "The fish and chips good?" "Yes, very good!" "I think that is what l'll have!" She ordered her fish and chips. "I'm Joy Anderson and you're?" "Sorry, l had a mouthfull of food. I'm Russell Irons." I said after swallowing my mouthful of food. After extentding my hand. "Russell l love that name! I have a nephew named Russell!" We sat and talked for a while. I found out she was the one that had the house that was made on the top of the hill. Somebody with money. She found out I was a local and not just here for the summer. She was moving here and would be a local as well.
  7. I was replying to someone else about training your bladder muscle to stay relaxed and I remembered I used to have meditation sessions where I used guided imagery to imagine my sphincter muscle weakening and giving up. Here’s some visuals that I created for myself over the years: 1. I have some sort of medical condition where my bladder control progressively and irreversibly weakens. 2. I had some sort of cutting edge non invasive surgery where a stent was placed in the sphincter muscle preventing it from clenching. 3. Using my massage wand on my bladder and pelvic area and imagining that it was a magical device that makes the bladder not function correctly. 4. I have an unusual medical condition where clenching the bladder releases a neurotoxin that slowly kills the sphincter muscle. The more I clench the worse it functions. This one was particularly effective for me! 5. My entire bladder including the muscles and all the nerves and their connections to the brain was somehow swapped out with an artificial more primitive bladder system that does works like a baby’s bladder. Sometimes I imagine this is either a consequence of, or treatment for #4 above. 6. I am toddler who doesn’t understand that people can stop them selves from peeing when they feel the sensation to go. I don’t get understand what the sphincter muscle is used for. I can’t be the only one who did this, right?
  8. Hi friends. I don’t remember the exact date I committed to full 247 but it was around this time 4 years ago. All I know is that I’m never ever going to re-potty train. I don’t want to and even if I did, I’m not sure I could re-potty train. I really don’t think my brain will let me stay dry even if I could strengthen the bladder muscles. A few months ago I realized that incontinence from unpotty training is just as legitimate as incontinence due to any other reason, and since then my bladder control has plummeted. As I mentioned above my brain will not let me. Trust me, you wouldn’t want me in your home without a diaper on. And I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve woken up dry in the past 6 months Recently I seem to be forgetting what it’s like to be able to hold it in for long stretches of time minutes to hours. Has that happened to anyone else? Growing up, I had great bladder control. I clearly remember going on school field trips and assemblies. Heck, I was in band and we would practice for 4 hours at a time. Competitions were all day events. Granted we got brakes, but they were short and infrequent. My point is that even though I clearly was able to stay dry, I can't for the life of me remember how I managed it. These days my bladder has a mind of its own. It's quite common for me to feel no urge to go one minute, and then bladder is exploding a minute later. And it I do feel the way urge to go, I usually will automatically wet second I stop actively trying to hold it. And if I do hold it, the muscles get fatigued to the point where they just give up. To put it another way, a few weeks ago, I asked my brother (who is not an ABDL but knows and supportive of me) on any given day, how confident is he that he won't pee his pants or the bed that night. And I was a bit shocked that he said between 99.999% and 100 percent. To me that's like super human. And then I have to remember that I'm the odd one out! ?
  9. I was off on a trip to England, my flight was due to leave in a couple of hours. My bags were packed, and I was more thrilled than I remember being in a long time. All around me was great activity as I tried to find my gate. The airport was bustling, holding countless travelers as they waited to board their flights. For many of the people here, this airport was the only sliver of this foreign land they were allowed to set foot on. A wondrous crossroads, where some are business travelers, others vacationers, other still mourners--a melange of life's characters and stages were hinted in each passing face. I should mention I have an embarrassing bladder problem. I can make it to the bathroom, but only if it's really close by. Sometimes I leak. Sometimes, I have to go badly and just don't want to trouble myself to get up to pee. Naturally, I had about twenty briefs stowed away in one of my bags, and at least three in my carry on bag just in case. As I sat down on my first plane, it seemed like I was still pretty dry. The sun was beginning to set outside. I added lots of baby powder to make sure it wouldn't be too uncomfortable in there. I fell asleep during and woke up feeling pretty rested. Looking out the window, there were streaks of lightning coursing clouds below. Presumably we were speeding along through clouds and storms at hundreds of miles per hour, which felt strange considering how still it was inside the cabin. I prodded slightly at my underwear trying to do a covert check. It felt pretty sodden down there, so I made my way to the lavatory and got cleaned up. Before long I was freshly powdered and enjoying a bubbly drink while viewing the clouds and the moon. Things got a little strange when we touched down, but nothing I couldn't handle. I sense this experience could be much more distressing for someone other than me. I was made to go through a whole body scanner, which means the young pretty twenty something at the controls with her frizzy black hair could witness something of my shame. To my surprise, I was asked to go with her into a room nearby. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "I just need to check something quick, I'm sorry--I need you to take down your pants." She said. I did what I was told, what else could I do? I began unbuttoning my jeans. With the zipper down, I slid them down the rest of the way, revealing a pair of plaid boxer shorts. "I know you have something under those too, I need to see." I hesitated. "Don't worry, it's okay," she cooed. I slid down my shorts, revealing my brief. I couldn't bend down or feel it to see if I was wet, so she would know if I was wet or not before I did. Was I? I wasn't going to ask her. "Oh--just a diaper." She mused, looking at me with surprise. Her gaze seemed sympathetic but it still withered me a little. It said 'this man wets himself.' My legs were beginning to get chilly, it was kind of cold in this room. At least my diaper felt warm. Wait. That's not good. After a long pause, she spoke. "I'm really sorry to have to say this, but I need to check inside," she said. "What?" "It's okay, I'll get you in a fresh one after. Just need to make sure there's nothing illegal in there." I stood their motionless as she began to unfasten my tabs. She took the diaper away once she was satisfied there wasn't anything suspicious inside it. To my horror it was pretty wet, and wet with unusually yellow pee. I looked down at my dangling, diaper dependent thingy in humiliation. All the colour must have drained from my face and escaped through my crotch. I noticed she was unfolding another diaper to put on me. "Pee isn't illegal, especially not when it's contained so nicely by your diapy," She said while giving me a teasing look. I didn't know what to say to that, so I just let her fasten the clean diaper on me in silence. As I was pulling up my pants to leave, I keenly felt the first few trickles of pee leak into my new underwear. I thanked the woman and left, closing the door behind me. The End
  10. So there's a review channel and she did a review there now of rearz diapers and she's not an abdl but I absolutely love her reviews she goes into soo much detail and she also walks around and does daily tasks in it to show how it looks and how comfortable it is and honestly I'd highly recommend watching it and subbing to her channel for hopefully more in depth reviews of abdl diapers her channel is called ada KiGaines https://youtu.be/qoS3rH0qByo
  11. "I had the craziest dream last night," Mini said, looking at the wall panel window of her apartment. Stretched out below was a concrete and glass jungle of buildings, habitats, roads, cars, and people. The sun was rising, casting its glow through the thick haze of pollution that wrapped the city in a suffocating hug. The Sandford Arcology stood, silhouetted by the sunlight, in the haze, as a reminder that those on this side of the arcologies walls were not important enough to warrant clean air. A skimmer train zipped out of it, heading into the city to pick up the next shift of maids, repair techs, waiters, and other services that needed to get done in order for the rich to live their lives. The flash of police sirens on the street below her apartment drew her eye for a moment, before her brain subconsciously dismissed it as routine sensory data. "Oh?" replied a feminine voice, which seemed to emerge from an orange graphical content box on the tinted glass wall, the name JenJen displayed in white text in the box, with a volume slider, and mute button displayed below the name. Mini nodded, even though JenJen would not see the gesture, and walked towards the orange content box. She brushed her messy blonde hair over her ear, running her fingers through the rest trying to smooth the sleep out of it. The sunlight was now coming through clear enough to silhouette her body through her robe, her loose cropped top night shirt slightly obscuring her figure, and the noticable padding of a sagging overnight diaper giving her hips and rear a slightly exaggerated curve. She hovered her hand over the content box, which caused a menu to appear. She moved her hand to hover over an icon of a video camera. A moment later, a face appeared in the original content box, and Mini's blue-green eyes made contact with the brown eyes of JenJen. It was obvious she had just gotten home from work, the white of her cooks jacket a stark contrast from her own dark skin, the shaved head, glistening with that old dry sweat, layered with new sweat look. "Yeah," Mini said, "In the dream, I woke up, and the Sandford assembly had passed a law that all girls where to be surgically made incontinent, and men would be allowed to stop them, check them, and change them whenever they wanted." "That is some pretty crazy dream," JenJen said, reaching up to grab something off frame. The video image tilted and rotated a moment, as it became apparent that JenJen was taking whatever device she was using on her end off its mount, and now carrying it, "Horrifying actually," she added, as the background became a hallway, than a kitchen. "I am going to make myself am omelette, want to come over?" "I can't baby," Mini replied, "I have a class to teach in 30 minutes, and I still gotta get dressed and showered, I can't afford another complaint because my hair is not braided to regulation." Mini looked over at the small closet sized bathroom, the light over its door was still red, indicating that her water allowance had not been updated for today's shower yet. "I hate my neighbor, she takes such long showers... I need to figure out who she is fucking to get 15 minutes of shower water every day so that I can get photos and blackmail them." "What, you don't think he'd want to fuck you too for a few extra minutes?" JenJen asked, her device obviously back on a mount, and the sound of a knife making contact with a cutting board over and over, creating a familiar background noise for the couple. "Oh, I am pretty sure they'd want to fuck me, but blackmail just seems more appealing then dealing with some dudes dick... at least I know he has been sticking it into clean people," Mini replied, and she was about to say something else, but JenJen's musical chuckle, followed by a buzz, and a green light appearing over her bathroom door interrupted her. "Hey sweetie, I got the green light, you going to be awake this afternoon?" "Yeah, but they have me catering a wedding, so I gotta get in there early," JenJen said, looking at the device, and making eye contact with Mini. "Figures," Mini replied, "Well then, I am going to crash at your place tonight, and maybe, just maybe, we will bump into eachother tomorrow morning," Mini said, then added "Love you babe," and then kissed the content box, a gesture returned by JenJen, then the feed vanished, and more of the city became visible. She quietly turned, and walked towards the shower. The view out the window in Mini's apartment had become opaque, and overlaying it was rows of school desk-chairs. They were currently empty, although they would not be for long. Mini was finishing stowing her Murphy bed, and then pulled a curtain to hide it. Before, her walls had pictures, shelves with books, and vid-disk cases, now blue and white curtains and been unfurled, hiding any hint of personality from the room. Even the clothing Mini now wore were absence of anything resembling character. A loose gray long sleeved blouse with a collar that completely hid her neck, and a white pleated a-line skirt that touched the floor. Her hair was pulled back into a single tight braid, then coiled into a bun so that no single strand of hair hung loose. The only adornments on the entire outfit were a brooch, which had a blue enamled dot with a 5 in the middle, and the words "Sandford Teacher of the Year" inscribed into the border of the brooch, and a name tag which read, "Dr. Minerva Clifford, Social Sciences" A subtle alert light appeared on the window-screen, with the faint sound of a bell in the distance, coming from the screen. Mini looked herself down in the mirror, making sure her uniform was clean, and everything was perfect, before turning, pulling a fold up desk up from the floor, and sitting behind it. Young men started to file into the class, taking seats at the various desks. It was the moment of truth. The first day of class this year, was she going to get a rowdy class, or ones that at least tried to behave. Mini picked up a stylus that was magnetically attached to the desk, and started to write on the pad next to the stylus dock. On the corner of the screen, she could see her name appearing as it would for the kids in the class. "Greetings class, I am Miss Clifford," she said. Part of her screamed, she was not allowed to call herself doctor, only men were given that right, and depending on a current decision from the National Council of Gendered Rights, she might soon lose the right to sign her name as doctor. "Hello Miss Clifford," the class responded, then one voice sounded out, "Fuck, the thing said doctor, I got to learn from a damn incubator again?" Mini ignored the comment. She despised the term, but it was one of the nicer ones thrown at her on a daily basis. Even as the state encouraged her relationship with another woman, as they did not want "out building citizens" reproducing as the population was climbing too fast, that same state had spent the last sixty years demonizing gay people, and now the ration bonus they received was seen as part of conspiracy by so many who then voted to keep the Arcology Builders in power, who were interested only in keeping the Outbuilders pacified. "Welcome to 11th Grade Social Studies for Male Students. Can anyone tell me why arcology students are separated by gender?" Mini asked. It was a mandatory question she had to ask. A blonde haired blue eyed student raised his hand. "Yes," Mini quickly referenced a seating chart, "Mister Jefferson?" Mini prompted him. "Because girls are slower to learn and can not grasp hard concepts, while young men need challenging and hard subjects in order to succeed," the boy replied. "Your answer is satisfactory," Mini replied. She was about to continue one, but Mister Jefferson had another comment. "How did you get a PhD Miss Clifford," the boy asked. This was one of the most difficult questions Mini had to answer, and it happened every year. For most of her students, this was the first time since their first years of school that they had a female teacher. The official state answer was that learning how to teach a subject was easier than learning to study it, and as such in fields with few members, women were trained to teach them so that men could study, but the truth was that the state was running out of men in the arcologies that pursued higher degrees as most did not even need or want to work, and men in the Outbuildings were normally trapped into trade school education tracks as early as eight or nine years to help support their family. So the state decided to grant women access to higher education for the express purpose of educating kids raised in the arcologies. This access came with an agreement not to marry, and was usually only offered to individuals who physically were less capable in some ways. In Mini's case, she grew up incontinent, and expressed homosexual tendancies in her early teenage years, and thus was listed as unfit for reproduction, which meant any of her children would not be entered into the lottery to enter the arcology, and thus she was unlikely to get a husband whose only escape from the Outbuildings was siring a kid who won that lottery. Mini had nothing to lose, and when she was offered the chance, she took it. "I was selected so that my more intelligent male peers could focus on study and research, while I helped prepare young men, such as yourselves, to follow in their footsteps," Mini said, another part of her dying like it did on the first day of school every year. "Now, if you would be so kind as to activate your consoles, lets review the academic calendar and expectations for the school year."
  12. http://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2017-09-05/debates/6594C193-103B-4594-8C34-7E1A9C1878BE/Incontinence
  13. Two years ago, my grandmother had a massive infection and for all intensive purposes requires 24 hour round the clock care.
  14. Last October, I had my first accident in public, and started wearing diapers.
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