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  1. Author's Note: This story will be my submission into Kasarberang's non-con contest! I strongly encourage you to go to his original post to see the rules and get a better summary of the expected content of this story. This is just the start of this story, but I hope to have it finished by the deadline for the contest, if not that, then the majority will be written in accordance with the guidelines. This chapter will only have hints of what is to come, but it is very sexually graphic. Please take this as a warning to those who do not like that kind of thing. It will get worse. Heed all my tags as I will be tagging all the relevant things for this story all at once rather than as the story progresses. Please enjoy! Boss Baby or Boss' Baby? : Chapter 1 “Here you go, Baby,” Miss Tammy said sweetly. Jesse blinked as his focus on his computer was broken and turned to Miss Tammy to see her holding a small plate with two donuts stacked on top. The workday had just started and he’d been sending out a few follow-up emails from the previous day when Miss Tammy approached. Seeing that she had his attention, she continued speaking. “I bought donuts for the office but I wanted to make sure you had some while they were still warm,” She smiled and set the plate down on the edge of his desk. “I also grabbed some milk for you.” She put the small bottle of milk right beside the plate. “Eat up!” Jesse’s eyes lit up. He didn’t often have breakfast in the morning, but he’d devour anything given to him by Miss Tammy. Miss Tammy was the supervisor over the whole department. A woman of 35 (her birthday had just passed– They sang to her with cupcakes in the breakroom.) with a strict standard but soft heart. She could easily portray the tough boss aura, but that disappeared as soon as she slipped on her trademark black cardigan and red reading glasses. Said glasses were perched on top of her head, the stems hooked into locks of blonde hair tied in a bun so that they didn’t fall. She must have left her cardigan in her office, Jesse noted as he stood up to hug her in thanks. He was shorter than her on a good day, but now, with her wearing her standard black heels, she was tall enough to tuck his head under her chin and nearly inappropriately close to her bust. “Thank you, Miss Tammy!” Jesse smiled. “That was really sweet of you!” “Oh hush,” She giggled, squeezing Jesse firmly before letting him go. “You know you’re my favorite.” The wink she followed the statement with had him returning the laugh. It was a running joke in the office that Jesse was her favorite employee because of the way she constantly doted on him. Jesse summed it up to being the youngest worker on the floor at just 21 years old. The next person older was Samantha at 25. It didn’t hurt that he leaned into the presumed special treatment by calling her ‘Miss Tammy’. The name was a bastardization of ‘Tammy’ the nickname the other supervisors called her, and ‘Miss Tamera’ the respectful title used by the rest of the floor. The first time he’d used it was an accident, but the resulting coo and sincere hug encouraged him to keep it up. “Oh! Before I forget,” She snapped, suddenly reminding herself of something. Jesse had since sat down at his desk and paused with half a bite of sugary glazed donut stuck in his mouth. “We are doing drug tests later on today starting after lunch.” The words made Jesse’s stomach drop. “W-What?” He stuttered. Miss Tammy carried on as if she didn’t notice his hesitance. “You know how the janitors found weed stashed in the cleaning supplies closet?” She waited for his nod before speaking, leaning against the wall of his cubicle. “Well, I told John,” John Scott, who was her boss. “That none of my employees would ever bring something like that into the building. I even told him that it was probably one of the new janitors!” That led her to a laugh, head tossed back enough that she had to catch her red reading glasses before they fell from her head. “But he was insistent that everyone on the floor get drug tested. Even IT down the hall is getting it done,” She sighed. “Uh,” He wiped the crumbs from his lip, not feeling so hungry any longer. “What happens if someone…fails?” Miss Tammy’s face took on a sad look. “John says they’re getting fired, but if anyone on the floor tests positive, I’ll make my case for them. I love my team so far, I’d hate to see anyone go.” “Yeah,” Jesse cleared his throat after his voice cracked, taking a sip of milk to rinse his mouth. “That would be bad…” “Mhm,” Miss Tammy spared a distant look at him before coming back to her usual chipper self. “But keep that between us, okay, baby?” The pet name a joke just as his own for her. “It’s supposed to be a surprise.” “I will,” He assured, turning back to his computer. He nearly felt a bead of sweat drip down his forehead. “Thanks again for the donuts…” It’ll be the last donuts he ever receives from her, he’s sure. It wasn’t that he was a smoker. He wasn’t! It was just…a stupid party. That weekend was his brother Travis’ birthday and they’d all taken a camping trip to celebrate. It was a great time with swimming at the lake, roasting marshmallows, and grilling hot dogs that Jesse…well. The blunts were passed around before he could even register it. One ended up in his hand…Travis said he didn’t have to, of course, but the cajoling of his (older than Jesse) friends pressured him into taking a drag. The smoke was awful! Jesse was wheezing and almost felt like he would throw up, much to the amusement of the crowd. When the next blunt came around, he told himself he’d pass it down. But Amber, the friend of Travis’ girlfriend, grabbed him by the chin and shotgunned the smoke in the pantomime of a kiss into his mouth. The hoots and hollers of the crowd spurred him on passed the lesser coughs that came from the lungful. The rest of the night was spent in the company of family and friends alike. And each puff after was like riding a bike. It was the first time Jesse had ever been high…and it was the best weekend of his life so far. But now… He’d be fired! Dread settled so deep in his stomach that he couldn’t work on anything as the office slowly filled with people. Two hours passed, only one more til lunch and then his fate would be sealed. Jesse’s hands were clammy with sweat. Should he just leave? Pretend he was sick and go? That would only delay the inevitable. And Miss Tammy would know he was lying! She’d seen him just this morning. No…He had to tell her before it was too late. Honesty was the key. He wasn’t the one who left the weed in the closet, of course. She would know that! She’d believe his story and she already said she was willing to plead his case to John. Newly emboldened, Jesse shot out of his chair and nearly tripped over his wastebasket on his way to Miss Tammy’s office. He felt the sweat on his face cooling at his quick movements and didn’t even stop to think about what his coworkers would think. A few quick knocks on the cracked door and he barely waited for the “Come in!” before slipping inside and shutting the door behind him. Miss Tammy sat at her desk, glasses perched low on her nose, and her eyes widened when she saw him. “Jesse? Are you alright?” She asked with full concern and turned her full attention to him. “Sit! You look like you’re going to be sick.” Jesse took the seat in front of her desk with slumped shoulders. “Miss Tammy I screwed up,” He said weakly. Tears rushed to his eyes as the events caught up with him. “Baby,” She said softly, her bracelet scratching lightly against the wooden desk as she leaned against it. “Talk to me, what has you all ruffled? Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s okay.” “It’s not!” Jesse gasped. “I’m gonna fail the drug test.” At the admission, he slumped forward with his elbows on his knees and sobbed. “I smoked this weekend. I’m going to fail! I’m so sorry!” “Woah,” She kept her calm tone, the sound of her chair rolling back cut through the air. “Take a breath, baby.” Her advice came soft as she walked around the desk. Jesse could see her bare feet where she’d taken off her heels in the privacy of her office. From the vantage point, he could also see a plastic wastebasket being positioned in front of him. If he finished those donuts, he most definitely would have been using it. A gentle hand rested between his shoulder blades and rubbed in circles soothingly. “Breath for me.” The breaths came shaky, but they helped slow the tears dribbling from his eyes and making dark spots on her grey carpet. Fuck, he was a mess. “I’m sorry,” He whispered again. “Don’t worry, baby,” She said immediately. “I don’t want to get fired!” He looked up finally, casting his blurry vision onto her face, mere inches away from his from where she leaned over. “I- I don’t smoke- It was just one time!” “I know,” She nodded. “I know you don’t smoke. You said it was a party. These things happen-” “I’m so sorry-” “I’m not angry with you,” She said for the first time in a firm tone, her brows furrowed and lips pursed. “I’m not, baby. I’m just worried you’ve worked yourself into this state.” Jesse’s lip quivered again and he watched her reach over her desk for a tissue. His hand reached up to receive it but was ignored in favor of her dabbing at his wet cheeks. His vision cleared up and to avoid meeting her analytic eyes, he stared ahead, only to flinch as he was rewarded with a view of her breasts. The seam of her bra was just visible in her hunched-over position. It felt like too long had passed before he realized he was looking down his boss’ blouse and his head jerked back up to look at her face, expecting disgust. But there was none. She was carefully mopping at his eyes to avoid poking him and pressed the tissue to his nose. “Blow.” Instinct took over and he blew into it, only feeling embarrassment at his own actions after she cleaned up his nose and tossed the tissue into the wastebasket. “Are you calm now?” She asked, positioning her hands on her knees and Jesse had to force himself not to peek back down at her cleavage. “Yes, Ma’am,” He nodded. “Good boy,” She purred. “Now come here.” Jesse found himself standing from his seat and being led around the desk to where Miss Tammy settled down in her own chair. He could see her heels tucked neatly under the desk and traced the path to her bare feet, up her shapely legs, to her her knees where her skirt was rucked almost too far up her thighs, and- Christ. At this angle he was able to see her breasts even better. The hem of her bra definitely peaking from the dip of her shirt now. Meeting her eyes, he blushed, seemingly caught. “You’ve been naughty this weekend,” She said with a sigh, one leg coming up to daintily cross over the other. “We have to figure out what to do about that.” Jesse frowned, worry creeping in. “I’m-” “Uh uh!” She tsked. “I’m talking, you listen. Understood?” “Yes, Ma’am.” Jesse nodded immediately. “Good boy,” The praise lifted his heart from where it seemed to have fallen right to the basement. “So,” She continued. “You were very naughty this weekend. You told me you were going to your brother’s birthday party, correct?” “Yes, Ma’am,” Jesse fought off the urge to elaborate. “And at this party you smoked weed,” Jesse’s eyes ducked to his feet guiltily. “And now I need to find a way to keep John from firing you.” “...Yes, Ma’am.” “Well, it’s a good thing you’re my favorite. Isn’t it, baby?” She chuckled. Hopefully, Jesse met her eyes, seeing a mischievous look peeking up from the rim of her glasses. A few seconds passed and he realized she was waiting for an answer. “Yes, Ma’am.” He found himself meeting that look with a small smile. “Now,” She rotated slightly back and forth in her seat. “I know how to save your job…but about what you can do for me as repayment.” Jesse blinked in surprise. Seconds ago, it felt as though his job hung by a thread. But now here he was with the reassurance he’d keep his job. Only with the added mystery of suddenly being indebted to Miss Tammy. Never did she ask for repayment for things. Whenever he tried to pass her money for the treats and things she’d give him, she always refused. But…he reasoned, she was saving his job. “I’ll do anything.” He swore. “Anything you want.” “Oh baby,” She laughed warmly. “You don’t want to tell me that.” “But I do,” He assured, crouching down, hell, nearly kneeling at her feet just to look up into her eyes. “You’ve done so much for me. You didn’t even have to tell me about the drug tests but you did. And- And,” He stuttered. “You’ve always treated me nicely. I’ll do anything to repay you for saving my job.” Her lips pursed in thought. “Anything?” “Yes! I’ll detail your car! Or pick up your dry cleaning! Hell, I’d scrub the floors of your house with my toothbrush if you asked me to,” He laughed at the image in his brain of him hunched fetal on what he imagined to be her kitchen floor. A flush overtook his face as he thought of her standing right in front of him. Towering and demanding as he worked hard to please her. “Take your pants off,” The words cut through his imagination. “What?” He asked, seeing her strict look once more on her face. “I said,” She spoke clearly but it might as well have been a yell in the quiet office. “Take. Your pants. Off.” Mouth suddenly dry, Jesse stood up. Was this really happening? It was a plot out of a bad porno, he was sure. He was dreaming! No way was his attractive boss demanding he take his pants off in response to her saving his job. “Well,” She quirked a brow and nodded to his belt. “Are you going to do it, or do I need to call John down here to start working on termination paperwork.” Jesse’s hands were on his belt the next second. His fingers shook as they fiddled with the loops and his cock already started to harden in his boxers. “M-Ma’am, Are we going to-” His question was halted as she suddenly shot forward and smacked his hands away from his belt. Her perfectly manicured fingers pulled at the belt until it dangled open. His pants slackened slightly on his hips. She didn’t stop there, unbuttoning his pants and sliding his fly down with ease. The pants pooled on the floor, his tented boxers left to hide his dick from his boss’ view. Her severe look didn’t change as she looked from his crotch to his face. Her legs uncrossed and her thighs parted. The skirt she wore rode higher on her thighs until he could almost see what color panties she wore. “Come here.” Jesse didn’t need to be told twice as he stepped into the space left between her thighs. His cock brushed against her skirt and would have left a smear of pre-cum had it not already been soaked up by his boxers. Jesse ducked his head to meet her lips, but found himself suddenly knocked off balance and turning. His fall was caught by the hard wooden desk and a firm hand came to press down on his spine to keep him from getting back up. “T-Tamera?” He asked in confusion only to feel a sudden sting radiate from his backside that startled a yelp out of him. His knees went weak but his weight was supported by the desk and hand holding him to it. “What did you just call me?” He heard Miss Tammy’s voice seethe in his ear. “Tamera?” Another sting brought out a hiss of pain. “Fuck!” Another SWAT. And he suddenly realized what was happening. He was being spanked! “Don’t you swear at me, boy!” Miss Tammy scolded. “You come into my office and beg me to save your naughty ass, you don’t get to swear at me.” “I’m sorry, Miss Tammy!” He gasped and yelped at another SWAT as it descended. The pain was fierce now. A sharp throb in his ass cheeks as she had been alternating which one she hit. “You’ve lost that privilege to, naughty little boy!” “Please!” He gasped as three spanks rained on his ass. How a hand as gentle and small as hers could create such force, he wasn’t sure. “I’m sorry!” “Tell Mommy how sorry you are,” Miss Tammy sneered. “Tell Mommy!” “I’m so sorry-” Three more spanks and Jesse felt his legs dance in place on the carpet. “Mommy!” The word was startled out of him as quickly as the blows stopped. A whimper tumbled from his lips as he anticipated another that didn’t come. “Say it again,” Miss Tammy’s gentle voice came once more. “Tell Mommy how sorry you are for being a naughty boy.” “I’m so sorry, Mommy,” Jesse’s lip quivered and he found himself dangerously close to tears once more. Air brushed against his red-hot ass and he rushed to continue before the blow came. “I’m sorry for being a naughty boy, Mommy!” “That’s better,” She sighed and the firm hand on his back loosened. He didn’t dare move though. “You like being my good boy, yeah?” “Yes, Mommy,” Jesse nodded, his hot face gaining relief from the cold surface of the desk. The hand on his back lifted and Jesse heard her sit back down. “Come here, baby.” Standing up and turning around, Jesse’s gaze dropped to Miss Tammy’s crotch. He had no idea when she’d taken her skirt off, but it lay on the floor near his pants. Her red lace panties were out on display for him to see. His eyes jumped from her pussy lips peaking from the thin fabric to her eyes staring at him intently. The red of her panties matched the red of her glasses, he realized. “Kneel right here for Mommy,” She pointed right between her legs and Jesse didn’t even register the burn of the carpet on his bare knees as he complied. This close, he could see where he slick was darkening the crotch of her panties. Could practically smell her arousal. His dick, having softened rapidly at the spanking, thickened up despite the residual throbs of his ass. “You took your punishment like a good little boy,” She commented and his eyes darted back up to see her smirking. Her thighs parted just a little more and her back bowed to push her hips closer to the edge of the chair. “Does baby like what he sees?” “Yes, Mommy,” Jesse nodded. Licking his lips. He could count on one hand the number of women he’d been with. And the things he did with them were mounting up to be laughably vanilla in comparison to this roleplay. He couldn’t say it wasn’t exciting even with how confusing it was. “Well,” She sighed and pushed her hips forward again. “Go on.” Needing no other invitation, Jesse found himself devouring the feast right in front of him. He pulled her panties to the side and with what he lacked in experience, he hoped he made up for in eagerness. Miss Tammy’s legs came to rest on his shoulders and her hand tangled in his hair. He didn’t know how long he ate her out, but he did so feverishly, chasing the slick from between her lips to the bud of her clit. Occasionally, he’d secure his lips in a suck around it, earning a sharp tug of his hair and an appreciative moan from Miss Tammy- Mommy. “Mommy’s gonna cum, baby,” She panted. If possible, Jesse redoubled his efforts. Digging his tongue deep into her folds til his chin was covered in her taste, he couldn’t help a mirrored moan with her as she pulled him close through her trembling orgasm. Jesse didn’t stop until the hand in his hair was pulling him away from her twitching cunt instead of closer. Her knees trembled on his shoulders. Rocking his own hips forward, Jesse felt his cock was begging for attention in his boxers. But when his hand reached down from where it rested against the outside of Mommy’s- Miss Tammy’s thigh to stroke himself off, her hand tightened in his hair once more. “Did I give you permission to touch yourself?” She scolded breathlessly. “N-No, Mommy,” Jesse whimpered, hand coming back to rest on her thigh. “That’s right,” She nodded and slowly slid her legs off his shoulder. She reached over and slid open her side desk drawer and pulled out a package of baby wipes. “Bring me my trashcan.” Slowly, Jesse stood up from his kneeled position and retrieved the wastebasket on the other side of the desk. Miss Tammy was using the baby wipes to wipe her pussy lips down and had since slipped her panties off. The panties remained in her hand when she tossed the wipes in the trash and she reached for his boxers. Thinking it was his turn to cum, Jesse helped her by shimmying them off, awkwardly pulling the fabric down past his shoes. He didn’t expect Miss Tammy to hold out her damp panties for him to step into, but when he looked into her eyes, she wasn’t bluffing. As he thought before, a seriously weird roleplay. But he couldn’t deny it was pretty hot. Before the panties were pulled up to his crotch, Jesse gasped as a cold wipe was pressed against his hard-on. “That’s it,” Miss Tammy smirked. “Shrink back down.” It took a few cold wipes before his dick was soft once more, although the thrum of arousal was still present. She pulled her panties up his thigh, his dick actually fitting in the small pocket in the front, although the fabric slid up the crack of his ass uncomfortably. “Put your pants back on.” She demanded. Jesse turned around, receiving a playful swat to his aching backside, and grabbed his pants from the floor. Miss Tammy helped him button and zip his pants and secure his belt once more. “Those will stay on for the rest of the day and you will come to my home instead of yours after work, understood?” “Yes, Ma’am,” Jesse spoke softly. “It’s Mommy whenever it’s just you and I,” She informed. “Understood?” “Yes, Mommy,” Jesse corrected and watched her slip her skirt back on and rebutton her blouse to hide her bra- wait…had she done that on purpose? “You’re free to return to work, baby,” She said in her usual professional tone. “Go on.” Jesse was stunned. That was it? Miss Tammy made a shooing motion with her hand and Jesse slowly shuffled to the door, the fabric of her panties digging into his skin teasingly. “See you tonight…Mommy,” He muttered and dipped out of the room. Taking a detour to the bathroom, not to take off the panties, but to fix his hair and wipe the cum from his lips. Just what did he get himself into?
  2. Robin Crusoe (4th Kasarberang Story Contest, Part one, 6/24/2024) Captain Robin gave a silent curse. Her ship was handling more like Cleopatra’s barge instead of the nimble ship she was. Ladies Choice was loaded with relief supplies. The small island nation in front of her had been devastated by a hurricane. All services were wiped out and most of the homes destroyed. But worse, so much worse, were the rebels deciding now was the perfect time for a coup. They were not allowing any aid except through them and all they did was steal it for themselves or to sell it to the island’s rich upper class. So instead of taking tourists for a shark dive she was smuggling in supplies. Lots of supplies. More than was safe to carry. The ship had powerful engines, but they were not very quiet. Their rumble could be heard for quite some distance. Especially on dark windless nights like these. She had a small electric motor that was mostly used for positioning the ship or moving about the harbor. While it was quiet it was not powerful. If not for the nearly flat seas and windless night they would not be strong enough. The rebels had patrols out and were actively searching for smugglers. Not because they cared about the type of goods coming in but about losing the strangle hold they had on the people. Normally she had two deck hands to handle all the things involved with taking tourists out to dive with sharks. Putting the cages together and many other tasks that a single Captain couldn’t do. But this was a risky venture, if they were caught, they could be arrested or killed outright by the rebels. Other than unloading the goods, she could handle the ship alone. It was her ship after all. Her satellite positioning system, SPS, showed about ten miles to the coast and that she was directly approaching the tiny fishing village that was her target landing spot. She could only hope there were enough survivors to help unload the supplies. She had all the windows and doors open for the small room that served as the ship’s helm. The true Captains Quarters according to her crew. The windows allowed the sounds of a patrol boat to reach her. The sounds were from the port side and were faint at first but were slowly growing louder. The sound was a boat puttering around and not racing. She did not think she had been spotted but turned the ship to starboard a few degrees to try and increase the space between them. This seemed to help. After a few minutes the sound diminished. She would have to get back on course in the next couple of miles if she wanted to avoid some nasty reefs. She held course for an additional twenty minutes and then nudged the ship back on course. She was hoping they still had a pier she could tie up to. They could unload onto fishing boats too. That is if they still had any seaworthy. The sudden roar of a boat engine echoed across the water. Damn! She had been spotted. The good news was the boat was still a good distance behind her. She had planned for this worst case contingency. Anyone making for this town would have to come this way to avoid the reefs. She had hoped it was too small to have a patrol boat just sitting here. She had mapped a narrow path through the reefs. She hoped to ground her pursuers on one and make a run for home. The supplies would have to wait for another trip. She turned on a mapping layer. It plotted a path onto the screen of her SPS. She saw that she was not far from the start of the path she had prerouted. She had studied a lot of maps and looked at a lot of satellite photos. Good escape routes were a requirement. Quickly she killed the electric motor and started up the more powerful main. She couldn’t go much faster, but the more powerful engine allowed her much more maneuverability. She followed the route as precisely as she could. It was only possible because the waves were almost nonexistent tonight. Just gentle swells. She was well into her path when the smaller faster boat came into sight. She was certain they wanted to board her and not just sink her. She was carrying valuable supplies after all. It was a chase, a slow chase but tense. The path was narrow, and neither ship had room for error. She had already scrapped the hull twice and only a quick hand on the wheel kept it from being more than a scrape. Unfortunately, the chase boat also managed to avoid the reefs. Almost. They took the last curve a little wider than the boat they were chasing and hung the rear of the boat on the rocks. While the Captain worked the engine trying to free the boat the rebel in charge of the trio of soldiers on board ordered his men to open fire. Better to sink it then let get away. Robin ducked as bullets started impacting all around her. She swore “Shit!”. She was almost clear too. She had no choice now. She needed to get some distance from the guns. Still crouched down she opened up the throttle and the ship leaped forward. She didn’t even look out the window. She kept her eyes glued to the SPS and the track she followed. One minute, two minutes and the shooting stopped. Once she felt safe, she stood up and looked back. The rebel ship was still grounded, and smoke was coming from its engine. Most importantly they stopped shooting. She sighed in relief. She made it. She turned back to the front and saw the strangest sight. It was raining. It was raining in only a small part of the ocean. Then there was a flash of lightning, and she could see that the rain was blowing in from what looked like a rip in the sky. Even as she watched the tear was shrinking around her. She had no time to stop or change the course, she was through almost as soon as she saw it. A rift a damn dimensional rift. She wanted to swear or turn back but all hell was breaking out on this side of the rift. The storm that hit the island on her side weeks ago was blowing full force here. Or maybe it was a different storm and there was no connection. None of it mattered as she struggled to keep control, as her ship was dragged up one wave and dumped down another. The driving rain crashed against the glass and made it almost impossible to see. The storm raged around her, and it was just one wave at a time. The bottom of the wave nearly caught her bow and threatened to take her under. The top of the wave pushed the ship nearly out of the water, the props spinning in the air before crashing back down the wave slope just to do it again and again. She lasted one hour, then two. Exhaustion was slowly taking its toll. Each cycle harder than the one before. She didn’t know how long she could last. She crested the next wave and it got worse. It could always get worse. The ship came down on a reef. Tearing the bottom out of the boat and flinging Robin into the wheel and the up and through the glass window. The wheel hurt a little and the window was basically painless but the impact with the deck and bow rail felt like sledgehammers to her shoulder, hip and the back of her head. She had no time to be stunned as the next wave picked up the ship and threw it forward and off the reef. At this point she and her ship went separate ways. She was tossed over the rail like a rag doll. Her scrambling fingers finding no purchase. She struggled to find the surface. The waves turned her around and around. She was running out of air when her feet hit the rocks below her. She pushed up and moments later her head breached the surface, and she gasped in a breath, her lungs full of fire. She didn’t have time for more as the next wave dragged her down across the ocean bottom. Her body slammed here and there. She struggled and thrashed, not giving in, not letting the sea take her. She felt the bottom once more and realized she was standing with her head out of the water. More blessed breaths before she was knocked off her feet. She floundered again and found the bottom. This time she was only waist deep. The next wave only helped push her towards shore. Her exhaustion made her knees shake and her vison tunnel. Black curtains seemed to descend over her eyes. A few more steps and she was clear of the water. Her body seemed to take this as safety, and she collapsed face first into the sand and knew no more. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The hot sun on her face finally woke Robin. She blinked her eyes trying to remember where she was and why she was lying in the sand. Her body ached and her head throbbed. The world spun once then twice as she slowly sat up. The sun was bright, and the white sand seemed even brighter. She closed her eyes and let the spinning stop. When the spinning finally stopped, she slowly let her eyes adjust to the sunlight. From her seat she could see an endless ocean in front of her, featureless except for the odd way the waves broke so far from shore. It sparked her mind, her memories flooding back. The rebels shooting at her, threading the reef, an endless nightmare sea. She thought harder and remembered the crash and being flung into the water. Somehow making it to shore. Lucky to be alive. Slowly she got to her feet. Her clothing was ripped, and she was missing both shoes. She was bruised everywhere, her skin covered with small cuts and abrasions. Nothing was broken, a miracle. If she believed in a god she would have prayed. Too her left the beach stretched out of sight. White and beautiful. Behind her there was maybe five hundred meters of jungle before the steep cliffs of what she took to be a hopefully extinct volcano. To her right was more beach. But unlike the beach to her left this section of beach had boxes of supplies strewn across it. Not a good sign for her ship but hopefully something useful for her. She slowly walked the beach. Each time she came across a crate she pulled it up the beach and past the high tide mark. Even though the crates were large and full they had been designed to float in case they fell into the water. She kept count as she pulled them from the water. Twenty crates. It seemed like a lot when you saw them on the beach but were well short of the total that was on the boat to begin with. She thought some more and figured it was a pretty good representation of what had been strapped own on the deck. If she could find where her ship sank, she might be able to find more supplies if needed. The whole time she was collecting the crates something seemed odd to her about the jungle. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it. She put it to the back of her mind and decided to keep walking along the beach. There was nobody coming to rescue her. She wasn’t sure how close she was to the island she was bringing supplies too. Wham! Another memory came back. The rift! She had gone through a rift. She ran up the beach and looked at the jungle vegetation. She was no botanist, but the species looked familiar. Immediately before her were palms, coconut trees and what looked like a banana tree. The ground had grass and under the shade of the larger trees were ferns. Nothing weird or too exotic. Except…Except….the scale was wrong. Everything seemed off. She stood under the coconut tree and stared up. Then she grabbed a coconut from the ground. She held it in one hand. It felt like a softball. But it was a coconut. She had never seen one so small. Or a coconut tree so short. She crushed the coconut in her hand and dropped it to the ground. She had heard that the rifts that brought littles to her home dimension could sometimes work the opposite way if there was enough atmospheric interference. Out loud she muttered “Well Vovo, it doesn’t look like were in Kantas anymore.” Earth she thought. She was pretty sure the littles that populated this world called it earth.
  3. How To Change A Man - An entry in the 4th Kasarberang Story Contest by Bo Tox Chapter 1 Brian stared off into the distance. His terminal's cursor was blinking at him. He could not focus any more and lately his mind wandered all the time. He looked at the picture of his wife, Nadia. She was the adorable light in his otherwise dull, dreary existence. This was his favorite shot of her. The photo had been taken when they vacationed in Hawaii a few years ago. Her light brown hair was tousled and sun-streaked. A satin finished stainless necklace with an Egyptian Shenu hung between her tanned breasts. His name was engraved in the middle of the ancient symbol. She claimed it was for protection of his soul. She was kind of into that sort of thing and it seemed harmless enough. He was a lucky man. It was clear that he married up. She could have had any man she wanted but she had shot him a smile that fateful evening at the pub almost five years ago. The college hangout where she was the weekend bartender. What she saw in him was a mystery but she knew what she wanted. Brian started to think about how they met. He was a bit shy and awkward. When he placed the order for his friends, she slipped him a note under the drinks. He almost didn’t see it until he was handing out drinks to his mates. One of them spied and started to look at it when Brian snatched it out of his hand. “Dude, did you get the hot chick’s number” asked a buddy. Brian looked at it, “Maybe, it’s never happened before.” That got a laugh from the table but Brian put the slip of paper in his pocket and continued to drink his beer. It was someone else’s turn to buy a round and they returned without a slip of paper. The next round was bought and still no number. “I can’t believe she gave you her number, Brian,” said a drinking buddy. By the time it was Brian’s turn to buy the next round, he was more than a little tipsy. He stumbled to the bar and slurred his order. She looked at him sideways as she placed foaming glasses of beer on a platter for him. “You aren’t going to spill those are you?” she asked. “NOPE!” said Brian too loud. He made his way back to the table where they continued to drink and talk about the game on the TV across from them. When the game was over, they all started to filter out. Brian was very much drunk and had difficulty standing. Nadia came over to his table, the only person still at their table. She asked, “Did your friends leave you?” He looked up with his puppy dog eyes and nodded, “I think so.” She took his arm and helped him up, “Well, my shift is over. Can you walk a girl home?” Brian stood, a touch wobbly but answered, “Yes, ma’am. At your service.” He didn’t remember anything else about that night. The next morning, he awoke with a screaming headache. When he could finally open an eye, he found a note he couldn’t focus to read but it was next to a glass of water and a bottle aspirin. He popped two of them and drank some water. An hour later, he felt a little better and was able to read the note. It was in a woman’s handwriting and said, “I hope you are feeling better. This should help. Thanks for almost walking me home.” Some recollection of the beautiful girl that slipped him her number returned. He fished in his pocket and found the note. It had her name, Nadia, and her number. He texted her a thank you and a wink emoji. She sent back a smile. Back in the present, Brian’s mind wandered into a daydream. Brian had been at work nearly three hours with nothing to show for it. None of his budget spreadsheets had a single number changed since yesterday when he shut down for the night. He imagined Nadia in a black satin thong that framed her hips and disappeared between her thighs. A leather corset pushed her firm breasts into a well defined bosom. The garter straps on the corset held up her fish net stockings. He loved how the straps traced the outline of her lovely bottom, especially when she walked sexily away from him. Brian suddenly became aware of his own reaction to his daydream. He looked around to see if anyone was near him. The cubes around him were quiet. He looked at his watch and realized why, it was a few minutes after noon. All his co-workers were out, thankfully. His heartbeat slowed and his blood pressure dropped to normal levels. His condition was in remission. Brian mindlessly went through the motions as he walked to the sandwich shop across the street, ate his meal and returned to his tiny cubicle and hard chair. His thoughts again turned to Nadia. She was still at work herself, an assistant to some big wheel at a big-deal accounting firm uptown. It paid well, than Brian's own job and with much better benefits. Nadia told him he should give notice if he hated it so much but he didn't have the nerve. That was his plight, insecure and insignificant. Today, though, Brian had resolved to do something to make a change. He was determined to go through with one stinking thing in his life, even if it was wrong. He typed up his resignation and left it on his boss’s desk. His boss was surprised but didn’t really try to talk him out of it. He accepted the resignation and his two weeks notice had begun. Brian wasn’t sure what was going to happen next but the wheels were in motion and change was coming. The day mercifully ended and Brian decided to walk home. It was only a half dozen blocks and the cool air would help him clear his mind. As he walked up the stairs to his and Nadia’s apartment, he realized he’d made a huge decision without consulting her. He started to regret his hasty action. Brian’s key slid into the lock and he entered the apartment. Nadia wasn’t home yet so he started dinner. They had chicken thawing and he put that on to simmer while he washed the lettuce and put a frozen bag of mixed vegetables in the microwave. He was almost done preparing dinner and had set the plates on the table when he heard a key in the door start to open. Nadia walked in, beaming a smile that wiped all his fears and cares out of his mind. She walked over and kissed him. She sniffed the aroma of seasoning on chicken and asked, “How long have you been home?” Brian answered, “A little bit. I figured it was my turn to cook. Are you hungry?” “Yes, it smells good,” she said, “Want some wine?” He nodded, “Yes, and I have some news.” Nadia opened the bottle and poured a couple of glasses, “So, tell me your news!” Brian cleared his throat, “I turned in my two weeks notice today.”
  4. BB’S Nursery and Day Care Chapter 1 It was 11pm on a Saturday night and Tommy had been a high school graduate for little over 9 hours having walked across the Townsfield High stage around earlier in the day. He was happy high school was over. He was happy to be off to college in a couple of months. He was also a bit drunk. His best and really only friend was leaving in the morning for Air Force basic training. His Friend Brad had always wanted to be a pilot and fly anything that the Air Force would let him. They shared that dream until it was obvious that Tommy would not be meeting any minimum physical requirements. Brad was 6’2”, athletic and super smart while Tommy stopped growing at 5’ unlike his father who was over 6 ft. tall. Not that Tommy wasn’t smart, he was, and he was also in good shape. He just didn’t fit the pilot mold. No amount of exercising was going to add those extra inches and he let that dream die last summer and buckled down on college. He did not begrudge his friend his dreams. He was very happy for Brad. Tommy learned to accept a different dream. If he couldn’t fly planes then he could go to school and learn to design them. Once the summer was over he was going to Stanford on a full ride scholarship that he worked his butt off to earn. There was a lot a school in front of him but it was exciting. Neither Brad nor Tommy had really ever drank before. Heavy drinking parties were not on the agenda for their future and they turned down most of the invitations or left early from the last semester’s parties. So Tommy was not aware of how several shots of stolen Tequila from the liquor cabinet in Brad's dad’s home office would slow down his reflexes and give him a slight fuzziness. He felt good, real good and did not notice any real impairment. Brad had to be up and on the way to the airport by 5am so they hugged it out, promised to e-mail when they could and Tommy headed home. Tommy drove well. Only a seasoned officer would have noticed anything and probably let it go. He lived in a small subdivision of nice homes on large lots and was close to home when the large grey tabby cat darted in front of him. Caught by surprise he swerved to the right and tapped the brakes. No problem. At least that was what he planned to do. He swerved to the right and instead of tapping the breaks he nicked the accelerator. The car, his Mom’s car, shot forward and into the adjacent yard. The impact with the curb yanked the wheel from his hands and the car slewed sideways. The car ripped through a long length of pristine white fencing, crushed all of Mrs. Nelson’s award winning roses, clipped the backend of the sky blue Mercedes parked in the driveway and came to an airbag deploying stop against a moderately sized oak tree. The cat watched the whole event with the detachment that only a cat can really display then sauntered off into the night not aware of, or caring about the life altering events it had just precipitated. Tommy was stunned first by the impact with the tree. Then the airbag went off. Both hit as one as far as Tommy ever remembered. He was stunned, not quite unconscious but only vaguely aware that the engine had shut off and the only real noise was the ticking of the engine and some hissing noise as the engine coolant leaked out on to hot engine parts. He was jerked into more awareness as his door was opened and the scared angry face of Mrs. Nelson appeared. Mrs. Nelson was just shutting off the living room lights in preparation for bed when she heard what sounded like a major collision happening in her front yard. She grabbed her phone and hurried to the front door. She stared in shock at how much damage could be done to her yard so quickly. Her rose bushes were flattened, the fence she and James Wilder built twelve years ago was in splinters and her car’s rear lights were smashed. She did not recognize the car in the dark poorly lighted yard. Steam billowed up from the engine as she approached the car. She was angry and scared as she looked through the window. The driver was still and it looked like blood was dripping from the driver’s forehead. She opened the door ready to yell at the driver. "What do you....." she started yelling. She never finished her sentence as the driver looked up at her and she knew that face well. Her anger was instantly replaced with concern. "Tommy" she gasped. "Tommy are you ok?" Tommy knew Mrs. Nelson well. She was a family friend. He spent many a summer hour mowing her lawn and doing odd jobs for her over the years. "I think so" he stuttered his head slowly clearing. Then he panicked. "Mrs. Nelson are you ok? I didn't hurt anybody did I?" he almost yelled. "No, my boy you only hurt some stuff. Nobody was around to be hurt." She replied with a slight smile. Just like Tommy to worry about others first. "Just stay still, don't try to get out of the car. You could be more hurt then you know". She reached for the phone but stopped short of dialing 911. Still far in the distance she could hear the sirens. Knowing her neighbors someone had called 911 before she could even leave the house. She pulled out a handkerchief and pressed it to his cut forehead and had him hold it tight. As the sirens grew louder she heard Tommy begin to sniffle a bit. "I'm so sorry about you flowers Mrs. Nelson, I know how much you love them". "It ok Tommy, they are only flowers. You are more important right now" she said giving him a peck on the cheek. The ambulance arrived first, followed by the fire truck and a police car. The paramedic gently but firmly pushed Mrs. Nelson out of the way as she tended to Tommy and started asking questions. Mrs. Nelson let herself fade to the back of the crowd. She had smelled the alcohol on Tommy’s breathe. She knew where this going to go. She headed into the house. Mrs. Nelson had a call to make and some preparations to take care of. She already knew what was needed to be done and got started right away. As the door shut behind her she thought about how tired she was of roses anyway. Might be time for some daisies and lilies. +++++++++++++++ James and his wife April were coming back from date night dinner, movie and some serious parking lot kissing and heavy petting. Both were looking forward to continuing the evening in the privacy and comfort of the bedroom. As the neared the house they could see the lights of a police car and an ambulance in front of Mrs. Nelsons house. You could see the shattered fence and flattened rose bushes. James thought to himself that the poor sorry bastard that did that was in for a world of hurt as Mrs.’s Nelson loved those flowers and the awards given out each year for the Counties best roses. James heard a gasp next him and April shouted “Stop the car, its Tommy!” Even before the car stopped moving April was out of the car and running to the ambulance. Tommy was visible sitting at the rear of the ambulance while a paramedic was holding something up to his forehead. April slipped by the police officer and the paramedic (like only a determined mother can) and was soon hugging her son to her chest and peppering the paramedic with questions about Tommy’s obviously cut forehead. James quickly parked the car and headed for the ambulance. Before he got there he heard Officer Benton call out “Mr. Wilder can I speak with you for a moment, Please?” James turned and waited as the police officer walked up to him. He knew Officer Rick Benton from bowling leagues James and April participated in over the years. He barely opened his mouth before Rick said “Relax, Tommy is ok, just a little cut from the airbag. Nobody else was involved, nobody else got hurt.” James shoulders slumped a little as the tension left him with a relived sigh. Continuing Rick said “You can take him home now but I need you to come back right away, we need to talk charges.” “What…why?” James stuttered shocked and scared all over again for his son. “When I got here there was strong smell of alcohol from Tommy, I had no option but to give him a breathalyzer test. He failed, just barely but he failed. Normally he would be ticketed for DUI, reckless driving and destruction of private property and maybe hauled in for the night, but Tommy has been very cooperative so that won’t be necessary” Rick said softly. “Drinking, Tommy? Are you sure? It does not sound like him.” James replied hoping that it was some big mistake. “This will sink his scholarship, everything he’s worked for” his voice rising in pitch as his stress and anxiety shot through the roof. “Calm down James” he said reaching out and grabbing James’s shoulder. “Everything is going to be ok. Take him home and come back and we can talk more.” James nodded, squared his shoulders and went and gathered up his wife and son in a big hug before leading them to the car and home. The ride home was silent and very short. April took Tommy to his room to get into some pajamas. Then after a quick trip to the bathroom he was tucked into his bed and due to the pain pills the paramedic gave him he was asleep almost before his Mom closed the bedroom door. ++++++++++++++++++++++ James quickly returned to Mrs. Nelson’s house. The ambulance was gone along with all the concerned neighbors. It was quiet as James entered the yard and saw both Rick and Mrs. Nelson talking on the house porch. Mrs. Nelson looked at James as he crossed the yard. She knew this next bit was going to be hard on James and she had already made arrangements in the house for after the police officer had left. “Good news James, Mrs. Nelson, and Judge Sanderson have already worked out a community service agreement” Rick said smiling. He loved it when something could worked out so that young people get a second chance without screwing their lives up first. “Tommy will need to work off the car repairs at some daycare Mrs. Nelson used to work for before she retired. After that any additional money will be toward fence repair. On the weekends Tommy will work as Mrs. Nelson’s gardener until the rose garden is either repaired or replaced. As long as the Judge hears a positive response from Mrs. Nelson by August 14 confirming that Tommy has met his obligations he will have all charges dropped. My understanding is that this will give Tommy 2 weeks to get Stanford and start his college life” Rick said slapping James on the back. “I have got to go but someone will around with the paperwork from the Judge sometime tomorrow. I will need everyone to sign it. Like I said everything will be ok James” He said cheerfully. As he walked away he stated “You must know the Judge well to call so late at night Mrs. Nelson. Must be a real friend.” “We worked together a long time ago when we graduated college together” she answered never taking her eyes from James’s face. As the cop car rolled away the tears started to fall from James’s eyes and their apparent age dipped with every tear. James’s voice rose in pitch as he cried “My Tommy, my baby, how could you do this to him?” Mrs. Nelson reached out and took him by the hand and gently led her into the house. “Let’s talk inside Janice, we do not need to be having this talk on the front porch” she said softly and gently like you would to an emotional child. Janice slipped a comforting thumb into her mouth and mumbled a sob filled “Ok, Nanny” and let herself be pulled into the house. When the front door was closed she gently guided Janice into the kitchen where she plucked a towel of the counter and large pink plastic baby bottle filled with milk from a bottle warmer. The milk was nicely warmed up from its frozen state. Once she knew it was Tommy that crashed into her yard she knew that Janice would need comforting and had removed a pouch of frozen breast milk she kept for these type occasions. The last such occasion being 2 years ago when James’s wife April had the breast cancer scare. Turned out to be benign but still caused several sleepless night before the diagnosis. She walked down a hallway and began unbuttoning her blouse as she went. “Janice, please follow me to the nursery” she called lightly over shoulder. Still sniffling and trying unsuccessfully to hold back her tears she said “I’m coming Nanny” the voice sounding all world like a 5 year old girl. Mrs. Nelson entered the nursery and sat on the upper cushion of a two tiered couch. She had the couch made many years ago for Janice and herself. While she long ago stopped lactating the simple act of suckling was an important bond between them, Nanny and child. She laid her bra and blouse over the arm of the couch as Janice settled her large form onto the larger lower portion. Now fully in Nanny mode she guided Janice’s head to her chest and sighed as Janice’s mouth closed on her nipple. The soft gentle sucking motion calmed the child inside and soon the tears and the sniffling began to slow. Nanny stroked her hair and told her over and over “Everything was going to be alright baby, calm down sweetie, Nanny loves you” and other loving soothing words. The tears and the trembling finally stopped. “Are you thinking about Tina again?” a slight nod. Not ready to give up her comforting nipple to answer with words. “Tommy is not Tina, Tina came from a broken family, a horrible family. She decided that staying a baby was safer. She was so loved by her Nannies and taken care. She found people who loved her for the first time in her entire life. You know the program is very different now. After you and Tina we changed everything. Tommy will have a wonderful summer being Tammi Lee and I promise she will spend most of it as my little granddaughter. She will fine. I promise.” Nanny said as she gently stroked Janice’s cheek. “He will leave to Stanford and be Tommy through and through. A bit wiser and with a new prospective on women. But will be Tommy not Tammi.” A short pause and then “Are you ready for your Baba?” Janice let the nipple slip from her mouth. With a little smile she cooed “Yes Nanna, Baba..Baba”. Nanny smiled and held the bottle for Janice. Janice closed her eyes and started to drink the warm breast milk. It was comfort and peace. There were several wet nurse Nannies working for BB’s so getting fresh breast milk was never really an issue. Watching the child drinking her milk filled Nanny with the ever present worry of whether or not Janice would be able to pick up the outer layers of James again. This was not like two people living in the same body. At the heart of James was Janice, a five year girl (with some baby tendencies when feeling a lot of stress and anxieties) that can’t grow up. But Janice was smart, with a lot of practice and training and tears she was able to pull James around her like a coat and allow herself to be the grown up man she would have been if she never would have been sent to BB’s so long ago. She wanted more than being a five year old girl but couldn’t grow up. What was done to her so long ago locked her in place. But by wearing her James coat and pretending to grow up she was able to go to college and use her big brain to become an engineer. She even fell in love with April and had a family. It was a complicated balance of who she was before the regression, who she became at BB’s and who she wanted to be. All under the watchful eye of her Nanny. Janice was her responsibility and she would always be there for her. Always. When her bottle was finished Nanny used her towel to wipe a little slobber and milk from Janice’s lips and urged the child to sit up. “Mommy April will be mad when she finds out what you want to do to Tommy Nanny” she said quietly and with trepidation. “Don’t worry child, your mommy will be fine with it eventually. It will be my problem. You just be the supportive husband and father you always are.” “Yes, Nanny.” They got up and Mrs. Nelson slipped her blouse back on and buttoned it up. “Go ahead and kiss your friends good night, you need to get back home soon”. Janice clapped her hands together and skipped across her nursery. While she rarely needed to spend time in it anymore. It was undoubtedly hers. The last time she slept in the crib and was diapered for the evening was when Mommy April was diagnosed with cancer and Janice couldn’t face the thought of losing her Mommy/Wife. She regressed and needed an evening of being the baby without cares or worries. She reached into the overly large crib and pulled up a fairly beat up stuffed bear. It was her bear from before she became Janice. Her real mommy bought that for her when she was actually five years old and she loved it. It was a Smokey the bear stuffy. His hat and shovel were long gone to the years that have passed but the often repaired bear was very huggable. She hugged the bear and gave it a kiss and said “I luv you smokie.” She then tucked it back under the blanket and then picked up her Raggedy Ann doll. This doll was the doll she was forced to carry around long ago when she arrived at BB’s. She fell in love with it eventually. Annie became a friend and confidant over the years. She listened to problems and issues that Janice was not comfortable sharing with Smokie, some things just can’t be shared with boys. She hugged the doll close and whispered “Please take care of Tommy, I love him so much and want him to be the boy I could never be” louder she said “Goodnight Annie, luv you too.” Janice walked out of the nursery, slowly pulling on her James layers. She needed to get home. She had a wife that would need comforting and support for tomorrow. Back in the living room James leaned over and kissed Mrs. Nelson’s cheek. “Goodnight Edna, please take care of my Tommy” James whispered his voice already deepening. Using her first name was a bit of a ritual between them. Only James would be comfortable enough to use it. It was one of the harder things for Janice to do and it was one of the last layers of her James coat. “I will James. Give this card to your wife and tell her to be there tomorrow at 9am.” She said handing James a business card that read BB’s Nursery and Daycare and had the address and the name of the current Nursery Director Ms. Valentine. “The day care van will be there to pick up Tommy at 11:00 am. Take the time to reassure Tommy that everything will be ok. If you wish to tell him you went through something like this when you got in trouble with the law go ahead. Above all stress that it is important for him to do as he is told and things will go much easier for him. “Don’t give him any hints on what is coming. He won’t understand.” She reached up and stroked James‘s cheek and said “Don’t worry everything will be ok.” With that last statement she gently pushed him out the door. +++++++++++++++++++++ James walked home with a heavy heart. He was scared but he also knew that Nanny (always Nanny in his mind anyway) would take care of Tommy. He refused to let memories of those days at BB’s overwhelm him. He had to be strong for April. He opened the door and was immediately slammed into by a slightly hysterical April. “I have been waiting for you, what took so long?” she cried as she wrapped him up tight. He led her to the couch were they sat in almost a complete reverse of his time at Mrs. Nelson’s house. He held her tight and ran his fingers through her long blond hair. His turn give comfort and love. He kissed a few tears away. “Tommy failed his sobriety test. I guess he must have been drinking at some graduation event or something. Combine that with the accident and he is lucky he’s not spending the night in Jail” James states with a sigh. “I don’t believe it. Tommy is not some wild boy out drinking it up. They probably don’t know how use the damn breathalyzer. Just trying to make an example out a new high school graduate.” She spat venomously. “The test was administered by Rick. He is the only reason that Tommy is not downtown spending the night” James interjected before April could get deep into one of her patented diatribes. “He was going to be charged with a DUI, reckless driving and destruction of private property. Rick told me that they usually haul you in for the night.” “This will end his scholarship! Tommy will be devastated when he wakes up tomorrow.” She cried and started sobbing in James’s arms. Janice pulled her James coat tighter and held her as she wept. “Edna made a call and worked out a deal with Judge Sanderson. Tommy will need to do a summers worth of community service to pay off the property damages. He will have to work at some nursery and daycare Edna is part owner of. He will get paid wages which will be applied to what he owes. As long as he participates as directed the charges will be dropped and he will be off to Stanford. No record of any kind.” He said squeezing her tightly. “It won’t be a carefree easy summer but it beats the alternative.” April’s sobs slowly stopped and she said “Edna took care of it? She reached out on her own and took care of Tommy for us? God I love that women!” She paused and continued “You know I used to be jealous of Edna. You were always helping her out and spending time with her. I resented all the time she got with you that I didn’t. Over time I realized that you were good for each other and that she needed someone too.” She kissed James and smiled. “Let’s get some sleep. I will talk to Tommy in the morning and you need to meet Edna tomorrow at 9am. I left the business card on the table” He said pulling her to her feet. They moved through the house in a familiar routine. Checking doors, feeding the cat and shutting down the lights. Later they laid in bed in a familiar spoon position. Sleep came slowly for James as Janice’s fears needed to be tamped down again. She knew Tommy would be ok, Nanny promised. But she also knew it would be hard and weird for the boy. She also wanted to go see Tina but knew her grown up size and maleness confused her and she did want to upset her. He sighed and slipped into a dreamless sleep. +++++++++++++++++++ After James left Edna closed the door and sank to her knees. She felt a little badly for Tommy but he did break the law and damage her car. But those were minor issues. She had a growing problem and Tommy was going to be the answer. Leaning against the closed door she spilled more than a few tears of her own for the two boys whose lives they permanently changed so long ago. Janice and Tina was their responsibility even if it wasn’t truly their fault. If she ever found that bastard doctor that ran the experiment she would kill him. Damn the consequences! (This is Chapter 1. I hope to have many parts as we follow Tommy’s summer of fun and find out what happened to James/Janice and who Tina is. And see how April is going to react to Tommy becoming Tammi Lee. This is my first story and I appreciate any feedback (CCApril@Proton.me). I would also like to call out three of my favorite authors from Fictionmania/Daily Diaper. They have written great stories and inspired me to give it a shot. Thank you Mary Beth Sanford, Baby Sofia and Princess Phoebe. I hope you enjoy my stories a fraction as much as I have theirs. Also I have never played a psychologist on TV and I did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night. I’m just trying to write a fun story. If Janice/James personality is upsetting and/or its inaccuracy offends you please feel free to move on.)
  5. An entry for the 4th Kasarberang Story Non-Contest CW: sexual violence, lack of consent, sexual assault, force feeding, lactation, consuming bodily fluids Curtain Call Kyle Mayfield smirked as he took a splash of coffee. It was a light roast, bitter. He enjoyed bitter things. He leaned back in his chair nonchalantly, next to him a black-haired woman in a prim business suit. Across the table, her and her lawyer, some fat chump with a combover. He looked overwhelmed. “You can’t just buy my silence,” she muttered. Kyle cocked his head. She was dressed conservatively today. A high collared dress and a long flowing skirt that did little to show off her body. Of course Kyle didn’t need her to show off her body. He remembered what she looked like. The thought of taking her right now and having her shriek like she did that night was enough to give him a rumble in his belly, and somewhere else. He tipped back in his chair, resting it on two legs so that his bulge was visible. “You’re right, I shouldn’t have insulted you. Add another zero Elizabeth.” The woman called Elizabeth sitting next to him turned her head slightly, “I’ll handle this Kyle. And sit that chair down on the ground.” With a smirk, he complied and let his chair come back to a rest. “There can’t be enough,” the girl on the other side ofd the table replied. “This is going to court.” “We’re prepared to-“ Elizabeth began. Kyle cut her off. “Add another zero.” The girl was still staring at the table but Kyle caught her send a side eye across the table at the sheet in front of Elizabeth. “Still not quite enough? Elizabeth, add another zero.” “This is…” the girl swallowed “Life changing, right?” Kyle winked. “All you have to do is sign the form and its yours. The funds are already in escrow which even a lackwit like your council can verify.” “…ok…” the girl’s voice was small. Her face flushed beat red. Was it shame? Embarrassment? Whatever, the reaction was making Kyle almost as hard as when he’d had her naked ass over a pool table. She’d given in again. “Just sign here please ma’am,” Elizabeth said as she slid the document over to the girl. She continued to stare at the form again, perhaps counting the zeroes on the quoted figure. After a moment she plucked the pen from Elizabeth’s hand and added her signature to the bottom of the page. Elizabeth quickly snapped up the document, slid it neatly into her briefcase, and locked it inside. “You know it’s funny,” Kyle continued smirking. “You’ve been acting so high and mighty about this whole thing, as if you’re a victim somehow. But in the end, you’re just another cheap whore who took money for sex.” She glanced up at him, fury in her face. Hate rocketed from her eyes in a futile attempt to disintegrate him on the spot. Kyle could do nothing but continue smirking. As he stood up, he stole one last look at the girl, “Well, it’s been a pleasure. Call me after you’ve been tested for the clap, ok?” Once they’d dipped into the limo, Kyle made himself comfortable with a drink and promptly slid his hand down Elizabeth’s blouse. She grimaced slightly but her protests ceased quickly. “Call ahead to the airport and have the jet fueled” he whispered into her ear. “I feel like a trip to the Bahamas after that nasty business.” Elizabeth reached up and put her hand around his, trying to lift it. The movement only encouraged him to work his way past her bra and begin to fondle her. This elicited another moan from his lawyer. They always like it. “You’re not trying to tell me no I hope.” “N-no sir…but how can I call ahead if…” “Well, get to it,” Kyle leaned back to give her some space. His had didn’t leave her shirt though. As she dialed her cellphone, his free hand navigated to her skirt. By the time she’d had the pilot on the line to give instructions, Kyle was massaging her in all the places that would make her squeal. “You know,” he chuckled as he continued fondling the woman, “You are cheaper than most of the useless sluts I pick up.” * * * The beachfront villa opened onto a private stretch of beach with only the sound of the waves. In a way Kyle pitied the poors, scrounging away at their pathetic jobs, shacking up in tiny apartments that were probably infested with bugs. Then again, he thought as he took the cocktail in his hands to his lips, if they weren’t utter trash as humans, they wouldn’t have been born poor. Kyle nearly gagged as he downed the cocktail. “Liz, get your ass out here!” His attorney appeared from inside the house. She was wearing a thin, wavy dress that still managed to cover most of her assets. Kyle would have to remind her later that it wasn’t her body to cover. “Yes sir?” “What the hell is this? You’re supposed to balance the alcohol, not double it.” “Oh, I used that Van Winkle 25 Year you picked up last month,” “Tastes like dog shit,” he muttered as he took another pull from the glass. “Why do people buy this rotgut?” “Because it’s rare?” Liz asked as she stepped out onto the deck. The wind had picked up and her dress fluttered ever so slightly around her. Kyle had to admit that he could appreciate watching his attorney’s gown billow around her, hinting at her curves. The sun must have been getting to him. A heat was spreading across his chest. He tilted his head back and drained the glass, stubbornly powering through the bitter tasting alcohol. Kyle wasn’t shallow like so many of his friends, just tossing bad tasting liquor or ugly women aside. He was a consumer. Once he set his mind on consuming something, he did it. “Damn,” he muttered after a moment. The heat was really beginning to bake him. He could feel beads of sweat pouring down his forehead. His chest heaved back and forth painfully. His vision seemed a bit fuzzy. He blinked, trying to clear his sight. His skin seemed pale, rather the opposite of to much sun exposure. “You feeling alright?” Elizabeth sat down in the deck chair next to him, crossing her legs. She had a glass of white wine in one hand. “Not really,” Kyle admitted. “The sun must be getting to me. Can you help me up?” Liz stood up and walked over to him. Kyle reached out to grab her but his arms clumsily flailed against the air. He was aware of her kneeling next to him but his vision was becoming extremely fuzzy. “I wish I could share this moment with all of them” she whispered into his ear. “I’ll have to content myself knowing I got to see it at least. Good bye Kyle.” He barely processed the words. Good Bye…? His vision faded out. * * * Blinding light exploded in Kyle’s vision, stirring him from the stupor he was in. He was lying in the middle of the living room in his villa. Light continued to pour in and he could see palm trees swaying gently in the breeze outside. Glancing down, it appeared that he’d traded his beach shorts and tank top for the suit he’d worn that morning when he’d still been in New York. Odd. “Oh, you’re awake.” That voice! It was her. Kyle honestly couldn’t remember her name. Monica? Marissa? Monique? Something with an M. There were so many girls just like her. She seemed taller somehow, granted he was on the floor and she was standing above him but as his eyes rolled up her legs, he was struck by her raw physique. He had been taller, stronger. He was always taller and stronger, that’s why he always got what he wanted. He stayed away from girls that were tall or muscular themselves. “Mommy,” she said. “Excuse me?” “You were wondering what my name was,” the girl replied. “You can call me mommy.” Kyle snorted as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. “Yeah right, I’ll get right on top of that.” It was somewhat perplexing how she had found out where he lived, or even where he was going, since it had been a spur of the moment thing. In fact, outside of Liz and his pilot, no one should actually have known he was in the Bahamas. Sitting up, it certainly occurred to him something was wrong, Mona, he’d decided that was a good name for her since that’s what she had been doing the last time he’d had his way with her, certainly appeared to have put on some muscle. She had on a floral pinafore dress that exposed her arms and legs, all of which were considerably massive. While she did have heels on, without them she probably would have still stood a head above him. On the plus side, her chest was considerably more buxom then he remembered. Mona’s hand shot out and grabbed his ear. She twisted it sharply and forcefully, which caused him to cry out. It was a cry more of surprise than pain. The pain came when she pulled the ear hard enough to pull him into a standing position. “Excuse me young man, I don’t think I heard you correctly.” Her voice had dropped an octave. It was almost menacing. “What did you call me?” “Oh fuck you,” Kyle snapped as he tried to shove away from her. With considerable alarm he discovered that she was holding him tight. His ear felt like it might rip from his head before her grasp was weakened. Mona twisted his ear again, this time so sharply that he did squeal in pain. “One more chance little boy, what is my name?” “Please,” Kyle snorted. He was trying to put on a face of bravado but it was rather concerning that she was so strong. It couldn’t be the same girl. He had seen her this morning. She had been tiny, weak, pathetic. Money had bought her off. She was a joke. This girl looked like her but was massive. “What are you going to do? Spank me?” “A tempting thought,” she whispered into his ear as she ran her finger over his chest. She ran her hand down to his pants and slowly undid his fly. Kyle couldn’t help but sprout to attention at the handsiness. He had to admit that he didn’t hate the idea of her going to town on him. His manhood easily erupted past his pants. By Kyle’s own estimation, one of just his many admirable qualities was how well endowed he was. Even a Shezilla like this girl would scream in delight. “But a little pecker likes yours,” she whispered, “would probably like that to much.” Her hands brushed against him. He could feel a surge of excitement as the tips of her fingers began to probe around his pants. A sizzle erupted from her touch and rocketed through him. At first it felt wonderful. It was only after he realized he was screaming that he also recognized a pain so overwhelming his mind had gone blank was rocking through his groin. The excitement had gone, he had shriveled up. Something else was wrong though. He could bring his legs together and while it was there, it wasn’t….in a panic, Kyle reached for his belt, unbuckling it, tugging down. He looked. “What the fuck is this?” She smirked as she placed her hand on his exposed thigh, “looks to me like you’re just a baby down there. See, you don’t even have any hair now.” “What the fuck did you do to me?” Kyle tried to push himself up, to shove her away from him. Her hands pushed against his shoulders, pinning him to the ground. He felt caught in a vice grip, as if he was pushing against a boulder. He squirmed under her iron grip, trying to wriggle away from her but he could not move. “Now little boy, if you want up, you’ll have to address me properly,” she said. “What’s my name?” “YOU FUCKING BITCH!” Kyle shrieked. An unrestrained desire to bite, spit, fight, do whatever he could to shove her away flooded his mind. All he could imagine was violently tossing her aside, beating her into submission. Not stopping even after she begged. She simply smiled as he continued to struggle. She smiled and held him against the floor. At some point, his squirming slowed. He was exhausted. His muscles ached from pushing against her, his breath was short from screaming in anger, and his brain had a dull buzz from blanking completely as fury overtook him. “Is your little tantrum over now?” She asked. “Look, what is it you want?” Kyle asked after a minute. He stopped moving, let his head fall to the side. He couldn’t look at her. She disgusted him. Or rather, it wasn’t that she disgusted him. He was disgusted with himself for being afraid of her. “Money? I have plenty of that. Just name your price and get the fuck out of here.” “I told you what I want,” she said. She still had him pinned to the ground. She lifted one hand, grabbed him by the chin, and yanked his head up so that he had to stare into her eyes. They were a faint watery blue, almost silver in hue. She brought her head so close to his that he could see himself reflected in her eyes. The reflection staring back at him was afraid. “I’m not calling you that,” he replied weakly. Her hand slithered down to his throat, wrapping around it, She squeezed softly, just enough to restrict his airflow for a moment, causing him to gag. “You’re not my fucking mom.” The pressure again, this time for longer. A hint of panic welled up in his throat. Was this the end? He could feel an explosive pain in his chest. “Fu…hack!…ck youuuu….” The words were slurred, mixed partly with saliva. She was straddling him now, pinning him from the chest down. “You are such a stubborn little brat, one little word sweetie and the pain stops. Doesn’t that seem like a good idea?” She bent over him, pressing her lips against his forehead. The saliva left behind chilled against the air conditioned room. The f-word was on his lips again, but before he could say it, she swiped her hand across his face, cutting his cheek with her nail. “Or is it that you like pain?” Kyle wasn’t a fool. He knew she was fucking with him in an attempt to break him down. She wanted him to call her that word because it would be as if he was giving into her. But in the end, only I know if I’m giving into her or not. If the pain would stop; if he could get her away; then maybe, just maybe, he could get himself out of this situation. Even as he said the words, he imagined coming back with the Glock he kept in his safe. As his mouth moved, he pictured himself blowing her brains out. He wasn’t giving in, “No….mommy.” She pulled herself up into a sitting position. The satisfied smirk painted across her face was just the look he had predicted she’d show him. She thinks I’m giving in but I am still in control of this situation. “I know that was hard my darling,” Mommy said as she stared down at Kyle, “But didn’t admitting it feel so good?” Not especially. He wondered if he should play it of as if he was already broken or if he should push back against her, as if she had just given him a little nudge. An arrogant girl like this, who thought she was in control, would probably think he was done already. “Y…yes mommy…” There we go, just stutter slightly and have this dumb bitch eating out of my hands. She got off him, dropped her hands to his, and pulled him up. His pants, unbuckled, fell around his ankles but mommy helped him step out of them. “Now that the hard part is over darling, let’s get you dressed more appropriately. Ok?” Sure, whatever. This was some sort of kink game apparently. He’d been set up in some fashion, the only question was how? Where was Liz? She had to have been involved in this somehow. Had she found a lookalike for that dumb girl just to mess with his head? Kyle had to shake his head as he was led into the hallway. When he first looked down the hall, it was distorted and bent. He could not discern an end but an innumerable number of doors seemed to be set on either end of the hall. When he finished shaking his head, the hallway was the hallway in his house. The room he was led into was certainly not one his guest rooms though. Someone had redecorated. Someone had redecorated with a very specific fetish in mind. “Don’t you like it sweetie?” Mommy asked. “Look, I even have baby monitors set up so I can keep an eye on you when you’re playing by yourself!” Sure enough, there were cameras mounted on the ceiling. So that’s it, that’s the game. Get humiliating footage of me in a giant nursery. “Let me help you out of that shirt,” she said, without giving him a chance to respond. Her hands seemed to linger on his muscles as she pulled his shirt off. Kyle made sure to keep himself toned. As her hands ran across his chest and arms, he felt a bit of a warm glow all over his body. Instinctively he turned into her touch and let her explore wherever she wanted. “So much more compliant now,” she whispered as she tugged at his underwear. His alarms should have been going off. He was naked now, in a fetish nursery filled with cameras, but her touch continued to be electric. It would be easier to concentrate if he could get some satisfaction. If she was planning to play with him, he’d be happy to play with her. “Let mommy show you in the mirror. Come here.” There was a floor length mirror on the room. As soon as Kyle glanced into it, he convinced himself it was some sort of funhouse mirror. The reflection staring back at him was skinny, bony almost, with no obvious muscle tone. And while the reflection wore his face, his most prized possession between his legs was laughably small. It certainly wasn’t him in the mirror. Mommy’s hand gently pressed against the back of his head, pushing forward, sending his gaze down. As he looked down, he saw his neck attached to a pasty skinned boney body with no muscles and between his legs, just barely visible… Kyle screamed. * * * At some point he’d been walked to a changing table, which he was now resting on. The plastic mattress was covered by a thin blue sheet. At least his head was resting on a pillow. He still couldn’t believe his new body was his. He wiggled his fingers and his toes. Those worked. ‘Mommy’ was humming as she busied herself gathering up supplies. She had a diaper, powder, lotion. She seemed to take great pleasure in lining each item up for Kyle to see. He should have leapt from the table and fled but his brain simply could not process what was happening. Somehow this giant woman who looked just like the girl that he’d ra-enjoyed and shrunk him and obliterated his muscles with nothing but a touch. It was like a hallucination. But he could remember the iron grip she had pinned him to the floor with. She was definitely stronger than him. The diaper was unfolded. She grasped both his legs and lifted as if he weighed nothing, smoothly sliding the diaper under him with her free hand. As he came to rest on top of the dry, crinkly padding it finally dawned on him what was happening. This woman was planning to put him in a diaper like he was a two year old. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, ready to leap from the table and was immediately thrown back as she rested the palm of her hand on his chest and shoved him back against the mattress. “Ahhh ahhh, going somewhere?” “You can’t do this to me, I won’t let you,” Kyle growled. “Hmm, that’s funny,” Mommy smiled. “What’s funny?” “I didn’t actually think you knew what ‘no’ meant,” she replied. As soon as she moved her hand, he tried to get up again. Fuck you fuck you fuck you. The hate spewed through his brain so quickly that his vision began to tint the world in various shades of red. “Settle down,” she called as she put her hand back. “I need to get this on before you have a little accident.” A plastic nipple appeared in his vision. Mommy was holding a baby bottle. She forced the bottle in between his lips. “Go on now, drink up. It will calm you down.” Well, I’m not nursing from a fucking baby bottle. He glared at her as she reached her free hand around the back of his neck, pushing his head against the nipple. Her other hand still held the bottle in place. “Drink up,” she tapped the bottle again, pushing the nipple further into his throat. “You’re not going to make mommy force you, are you?” Kyle hoped his eyes sufficiently conveyed his response. Mommy sighed, “Such a fussy little boy.” She rocked the bottle back and forth until liquid squeezed out of the nipple on its own, flooding Kyle’s mouth. He nearly gagged as the fluid hit his tastebuds. Far from being creamy, whatever was in the bottle was sticky and salty. “Do you like it?” She asked with a smile. “When mommy helped you downsize between your legs, all of those reserves just had to go somewhere.” With one hand wrapped around his neck and the other firmly holding the bottle in place, Kyle had no choice but to swallow or drown in his own fluids. She continued rocking the bottle back and forth, expelling more and more of the bottle’s contents into his mouth. Bile rose in the back of his throat. The taste was repugnant. His entire mouth felt sticky, like it had a film coating it. Stomach fluids bubbled up his throat, coating the top of his mouth. Still he had to swallow. He had to gag everything back down or choke to death. His throat was on fire and the smell seeping from his mouth made him want to vomit all over again. “Almost done sweetie.” The flat salty taste leaking from the bottle almost came as a relief. The residue still in his mouth made it taste awful of course but with each swallow, his throat seemed to dry out a little bit more. By the time the bottle was empty, it occurred to him that at some point he had begun sucking on the nipple willingly, trying everything to get rid of the horrendous taste. As she pulled the bottle away, Kyle remained in shock. The experience had ended and he breathed in slowly, trying to regain his composure. He was aware that she was doing things to him but he had no energy with which to resist. Just rest for a moment, then I can get away from this crazy bitch, just one moment…he could feel mommy running her hands over his groin, his thighs, and everything there. Her hands were slick, with lotion. She gently massaged the cream into his skin. It felt cool and invigorating. He could feel himself responding but he still hung limply. Even her fingers against that area wasn’t enough to coax him to attention. The lingering feeling of her hands against his skin only began to fade as the scent of fresh powder finally blotted out the stench emanating from his mouth. The diaper, white, with a teddy bear pattern across the front, was brought up between his legs. Only as the front of the padding touched him did he finally spring up. Even as mommy taped the diaper securely to his waist, he could feel himself throbbing against the padding. She smirked as she patted the front of his diaper. “It looks like my little boy likes having his diaper on.” “No, I….” Kyle lifted his head up, trying to catch sight of her. He could see the white plastic of the diaper looming over the top of him. The leg cuffs were digging into him. Every time he shifted his weight, a loud distracting crinkle echoed throughout the room. The absolute worst part? He could not deny how aroused he was. “Hmm,” mommy glanced at him. “I had a cute shirt and short combo for you but I think maybe we’d better get a onesie. I just don’t think I can trust you not to slip your little hand down the front of your diaper and play with yourself the moment my back is turned.” He did have a problem he needed to take care of and just as mommy predicted, the second she turned about, he greedily stuffed a hand down the front of his diaper. The touch sent pulsing waves of pleasure through his body. Kyle could not believe how turned on he was, not by the sight of a girl, not by doing what he wanted to her, but just by having a diaper wrapped around him. Concerns about the fact that there was a camera pointed directly at him vanished as he gave in to the desire flooding his brain. He knew she was watching him as he rubbed. She’d come back into his sight holding a light blue shirt that ended in a snap bottom. His eyes rolled into the back of his head though and he started groaning in pleasure. “I should have known better,” she said. “Wh…what am I doing…?” Kyle was asking himself more than Mommy. He knew what he was doing was wrong but he couldn’t stop. “You’re making stickies in your diapee sweetie,” Mommy offered helpfully. “Can you say that? I’m making stickies.” “I’m…” Kyle huffed. Why was he repeating it? Somehow the chant seemed right. As he spoke, his hand started moving faster. “Making…” the world went black as his brain fogged up with pleasure. He was only aware of the sensation in his diaper. Everything else had vanished. “Stickies!” He screamed the word as his pleasure exploded. He could feel the diaper and his hand splattering. His entire body trembled as the pleasure shook through his body. “There now, don’t you feel better?” Mommy asked. “You better clean your fingers off. Go ahead and stick them in your mouth.” “What?” Kyle blinked. Now that he was coming down from his pleasure high, his brain was starting to operate again. He had just masturbated in a diaper! While a girl watched and laughed at him! He certainly wasn’t going to stick his cum-stained fingers in his… “Stick. Them. In. Your. Mouth.” It was a voice that he had to obey. So he did. The same salty sticky taste flooded his throat again as he slurped on his fingers, trying to wipe away the evidence of what he had just done. “Ahh look at my little boy, slurping his own cum off his fingers after he milked himself.” She leaned in close, running her tongue along his ear. Her hot breath blew against him. “You just love cumming in your diapees don’t you little boy? He did. God he did. “Yes mommy…” * * * Things happened after that but it was almost like a slideshow. It was as if Kyle was on a tram moving through a presentation. Flashes of light, images, memories, none of it made sense. He was unable to recall anything that happened. Yet he had the distinct feeling that time had passed. So finding himself sitting in the living room of his beach house, in a light blue onesie, with a diaper (wet) and playing with alphabet blocks seemed to make perfect sense. Mommy had left him here to play after breakfast. How long had this been going on? Why hadn’t he tried to escape? Wasn’t Liz here? It wasn’t just him and mommy. He knew Liz had been here that morning. Or several mornings ago. Or however long it had been since Mommy had made him make stickies in his diapee. He could remember her ordering him and he hated it. “Make stickies!” She’d say and he’d instantly get hard. Even as he was screaming no, his hands wouldn’t obey him and he could only watch as he abused himself. But something about that didn’t make sense. He could remember doing it clearly the first time, when mommy had put his first diaper on him. He knew he had done it at her command many times since but he couldn’t remember the details of those times. Agh, I just can’t think straight! Fortunately, mommy had attached his pacifier to the collar of his onesie. He grabbed it and stuffed it in his mouth. The gentle sucking cleared some of the gunk from his brain. Which led him back to the big question on his mind: where was Liz? “Sweetie, I have a surprise for you!” Mommy called from the hall. Kyle dropped his blocks on the ground and turned around. It was if he had conjured her! There was Liz standing next to Mommy. But something was… Liz’s hair was braided into two twin tails that hung down behind he head. She wore a pink and white ruffled dress that ended in a skirt so short that her underwear was half visible. And her underwear consisted of a pink and white diaper that had puffed up and was heavily sagging across the middle. She wore frilly white socks and black buckled flats. Her right arm, a stuffed horse wedged between her arm and body, was raised up and her thumb was stuffed in her mouth. “Look Kyle! Your sissy is ready to play with you!” Kyle was having trouble standing but he was able to brace himself against the couch and pull himself up. He stretched his arms out slightly to maintain his balance as he waddled over to mommy and Liz. “Wizzy! Are you ok?” “Yeah…” Liz blushed and glanced down. Her thumb was still in her mouth. “Ummm hiii Kyle” She seemed like she needed a hug so that’s what he did. As he wrapped his arms around her, she fell against him. She was shaking. Kyle could remember what mommy had done to him so he could only imagine what she had done to Liz. Was he actually worried? Maybe. Liz was weak. After all, she let him do whatever he felt like to her. She wasn’t strong like him. “Well, you two have fun. Elizabeth, I just changed you so you’re gonna have to sit in that wet diaper for awhile and think about why piddling right after you get changed is a dumb idea that only useless babies would have.” Kyle helped her over to the play area. In the back of his head it seemed like they should probably sit on the couch but sitting on the playmate seemed like the smartest thing to do. He used his foot to kick the blocks out of the way so Lizzy would have a place to sit and then he sat down next to her. She clutched her horse closer to her chest, drool running between her thumb and lips and coating her chin. “Wizzy?” Lizzy didn’t say anything for a couple of moments, then a light hiccup introduced a stream of tears as she began to bawl. She fell against Kyle’s chest. “Kywle, she did terribwe tings to me!” Kyle didn’t really know what to do. She needed to be comforted, he guessed. She seemed to like the hug earlier but it had made him feel a bit awkward. And now she was crying. What was he supposed to do? “She did stuff to me too,” he finally said clumsily. “No, you dun understand Kywle…she chwanged me…” Lizzy trailed off. He did understand though. She had changed him too. Somehow she’d taken away his physique and his endowment. On the outside, Lizzy looked the same. Kyle couldn’t help but wonder what mommy had changed in her. “Seewiouslwy Wizzy, me too!” He finally said. He tried to flex his arm, “Wook, my muscles.” Lizzy rubbed her hands across her face to wipe away tears. Her thumb finally slipped out of her mouth and she looked at Kyle. After a moment she gasped, “Oh but…thas not as bad as what she did to me…” “Well, what did she do to you?” Kyle asked. Lizzy didn’t say anything. Her cheeks turned deep scarlet and her head fell to the ground. “Umm…uhhh…stuff…” After a moment she picked her head up, “so, umm, did she make you a baby too?” “Huh?” Kyle looked at himself. Well kind of. I’m dressed like one anyway. “Well she made me wear this junk but I’m not baby. And neither are you!” “I twied to tell myself dat…” Lizzy trailed off. “But she made me need my diapees.” “Need ‘em?” “I don’t know when I hafta potty!” Lizzy said. “Im just…wet.” “Well that hasn’t happened to me yet, I…” Kyle didn’t need the diapers. Right? He could remember, he let her put a diaper on him just to get away. Why hadn’t he gotten away yet? Why hadn’t he… “Umm Kywle?” Kyle put his hands over the front of his onesie. He didn’t know why, the cloth hid the diaper at least. And yet he could feel it. He could feel the plastic crinkling and expanding. His thighs were slick with wetness. He hadn’t felt himself peeing but now he could feel the results. He hadn’t wet himself before had he? But he also couldn’t remember how long he’d been wearing diapers. “No!” “Kywle?” “NOOO!” He shouted, banging his hand against the floor. “I’m. Not. A. Baby! I dun care what mommy says!” “Shhhh!” Lizzy put her finger up to her mouth. “Dun yell! Mommy will come back and we’ll be in twouble!” Kyle was mad now. He was mad at this whole stupid situation. And his chest was on fire. Pain seemed to radiate from it. He swore he could feel his heart aching as if it was going to rupture. He couldn’t stand on his own. He couldn’t walk without stretching his arms out like a two year old. Now he couldn’t even choose when to pee. “Wizzy, dis is bullshit!” “Naughty talk!” Lizzy clamped her hands over her ears, her stuffed horse falling into her lap. She began rocking back and forth, “Mommy I didn’t say naughty talk! Mommy I didn’t say naughty talk!” Kyle open his palm, pulled it back, and slapped her as hard as she could. The blow sent her tumbling to the ground. He absolutely could not stand it when women got emotional. “Pull yourself together Wizzy!” Lizzy sat back up. Her bangs hung low over the front of her head but as she tilted up to look into Kyle’s eyes, he gasped. Mommy was staring back at him. “Mo….mmy?” “Kyle sweetie, it wasn’t very nice of you to slap your sissy, was it?” Mommy asked. “But I guess no one ever taught you that hitting was bad, did they?” Kyle scrambled back from her, “What about you? You’ve hit me, scratched me, choked me. You’re no saint mommy!” “No, that’s true,” Mommy agreed as she stood up. Her face was hers but her body was still Lizzy’s: dress diaper, shoes. “I like to think of myself as retribution.” She cleared the distance between herself and Kyle, diaper crinkling as it swung between her legs. “Do you want to see what changes I made to your sissy?” “Wh..what?” Kyle asked. “Changes. I need you to be a good little boy from now on. Your sissy’s going to help with that. You want to see how, don’t you?” Mommy asked. Kyle didn’t but seeing Mommy possess Lizzy was enough to frighten him into near silence. Mommy put Lizzy’s hands to the neckline of the dress and tugged, letting the top fall down around the skirt, exposing her breasts. Mommy/Lizzy’s breasts had grown in size. Kyle found he couldn’t quite break his gaze. He always had enjoyed a nice chest, although he seemed to recall Lizzy’s being a little smaller than his preference. “I know how much you like breasts Kyle,” Lizzy/Mommy spoke. It was as if both women were in the room speaking to him at the same time. He heard one voice made up of both voices. Mommy/Lizzy reached her hand up and gently squeezed her breast. A pearl of milk worked its way out of her nipple and began trickling down her bare skin. Kyle could feel the saliva in his mouth building up. He couldn’t possibly want that. Another change that Lizzy/Mommy had somehow made. “Come here Kyle,” they said as they gestured at Kyle. “You’re hungry, aren’t you?” “No, I….” But Kyle found himself crawling towards them. They sat on the mat, stretching their legs out and be popped right up onto their lap. Their diaper crinkled against the weight of his body as he faced their chest, leaning against it. “Go on,” they encouraged. Kyle’s mouth opened as the exposed nipple got closer and closer. His tongue wrapped around their breast, teasing out droplets of milk. Unlike the bottle feeding this was sweet, creamy, and warm. He lapped at the breast hungrily, eliciting gentle moans from Lizzy. It was just Lizzy now, Mommy was gone. He opened his eyes and looked, mommy’s face had vanished. It was just Lizzy’s face now. Her eyes had rolled up and she continued to make pleasurable chirps as Kyle continued to lick at her breast. As he finished, he moved to the second breast. A gentle hsss erupted between their legs and he could not tell if Liz or himself had wet again. He knew only that she seemed to be loving feeding him as much as he loved being fed. The milk offered clarity. Diapers weren’t so bad. Feeling good wasn’t bad. No! Fuck this! Kyle tried to pull himself away but found his lips locked around Lizzie’s breast. “I’m sowwy…” Lizzy whispered as she ran her hand through Kyle’s hair. He had finished and picked his head up. He couldn’t make out any of the furniture in the room. It seemed as if they were sitting in a white void. “Mommy made you…” “Its ok Wizzy,” he whispered. “I wike it…I tink.” “So mommy isn’t going to hafta force you anymore?” “I don’t think so,” Kyle replied. “Dats da milk…mommy said it would help you tink…” Mind control. That’s what it was. Kyle knew Mommy had been messing with his brain ever since she’d come to his house. There was something in Lizzy’s breastmilk that was making him like this. Making him like everything. Could he keep resisting or should he just give in. The milk had made him like wetting himself. Resisting. He had to keep resisting. He would never accept this. But why was everything white? It was like he was in a void. And the pain in his chest was intensifying. “Lizzie, I don’t feel very good…” He looked up but Lizzy wasn’t there. No one was there. It was just him in the void. “Neither did I,” a voice called out. Kyle twisted his head around. A woman was standing there. He didn’t recognize her immediately. Then a faint recollection occurred to him. She had been the first one. When he’d figured out paying them off meant he could do whatever he wanted. “Neither did I,” a second voice called out. Another woman appeared. And then another. And another. And another. Mona was there too. Not Mommy, just Mona, the scared girl whose silence he had bought. He recognized every woman standing in the void with him. They had all been women he had abused. “Losing your ability to consent must be terrible,” Mona said. “You were responsible for this all along, weren’t you?” Kyle glared at the girl. “Are you looking for an apology? Because even after all of this, I’m not sorry.” “We know you’re not,” Mona said. The women began to disappear. One by one until Kyle was alone. He was still small, the way mommy had made him. “Hello?” He called. “Hello?!” He would have settle for mommy. He would have settled for Lizzy. Anything but being in a white void, alone. Whatever light was illuminating the void began to fade and as his vision grew darker. “Hello?” He screamed into the void for what seemed like ages. At some point the screams turned into cries. No one was talking to him. No one was paying attention to him. Was this the final test? If he just submitted, would mommy show herself to him again. “I….” He trailed off. It was a hard thing to say. “…I consent….mommy.” “Mommy? Don’t leave me alone.” “Mommy…” * * * While electrical activity only lasts for a few minutes after death, brain cells have been known to die slowly over the course of hours or days.
  6. Hello everyone Welcome to my latest story! Babied By The Sitter! Originally this was going to be 1 of 3 or 4 different stories that I was going to leave up to a vote to see which one would be released first. I now know why that Idea hasn't been done before. Creating stories is a lot of work, even ones that are mostly thought up as they go like mine. Anyway all of those story ideas will come out on here sooner or later! The download for this story can be found at the bottom of this post and will be constantly updated as new chapters get added. You can also find an archived version of this story on Archive.org which will also be constantly updated as new chapters get added. Babied By The Sitter. ====Chapter 1 Alone at last?==== Daniel was an 18 year old living with his parents. They had made arrangements to go to Los Angeles for business and partly for pleasure. Mother: "Alright I think everything is all set and ready to go." Father: "Did you pack everything? I don't want to drive all the way back here because you forgot something. I swear it feels like you always forget things." Mother: "Yes, I double triple and quadruple checked this time! I don't want to miss our Flight" Father: "Alright, promise me you wont ask to drive back if you forgot anything." Mother: "Okay, Okay I promise, now can we please get going?" Father: "I suppose so, everything seems to be taken care of." After discussing amongst themselves they yelled up the stairs "Alright, we're heading out now! Stay safe!" A faint "Okay love you! Have a safe trip!" could be heard from upstairs confirming Daniel had heard them. Daniel was up in his room on the computer talking to friends. Everyone was playing "Doodle Destroyer" a game where one group of people draw buildings and another group draw creative ways to destroy those buildings, Longest to survive wins. The sound of the door shutting could be heard all the way upstairs. Not because it was loud or anything, just because it was a big door and it just so happen to shut loudly. After a couple of hours Daniel got off the computer and decided to go downstairs and get himself a soda. He walked downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed a nice cold soda from the freezer he had placed in there about 30 minutes prior. "Wow, I can't believe I'm home alone for a whole month" Daniel said to himself. He had been home alone before, in fact he would regularly be left at home alone but this was the longest he would be left home alone at a time. Daniel decided he'd play a few games on his own for awhile, maybe browse the web afterwards before heading to bed. He grabbed is Winbendo Twist, loaded up Plumber Platform Creator 2 and began crafting some levels. It was relaxing just being home alone, no one else around to disturb him. He could make his levels and just do his own thing in peace and quite... *Ring Ring* could be heard from the front door. "Who could possibly be here at 4pm? We never get visitors, especially not when my parents are gone." Daniel paused his game and walked over to the front door. He stood on his tippy toes to look through the peephole and make absolutely sure the screen door was closed, otherwise whoever it was could just walk into his house uninvited. After ensuring the screen door was fully closed Daniel opened up the large front door. "Hello?" Daniel nervously said to the stranger at the front door not even getting a good look at them yet. "Hello is this Daniel?" The stranger at the door asked. It was a girl, she had short dark brown hair, glasses and tits the size of Daniel's head, possibly bigger and that was not an exaggeration either. She had a rather large bag with her aswell, filled with who knows what. "Yea... why?" Daniel responded still confused as to who this woman and why she was at his door. "Okay good for a moment I thought I had the wrong house! Hi I'm Ava, Your parents hired me to be your baby sitter. They said something about keeping you company while they were gone. Here I even have the email to prove it!" Ava showed her phone to Daniel and sure enough there was an email by his parents asking Ava to babysit him. "Don't worry I know what I'm doing. I have a 4.85 out of 5 star rating on 'Welp!'" Ava boasted her experience and even showed some of her Welp reviews. Daniel had to admit her record was impressive, it was actually one of the highest Welp ratings he's seen. Daniel Opened the door for her. There was only one minor detail that made him suspicious. "All of these reviews are for children under the age of 5, I'm 18. Are you sure you're qualified to keep an 18 year old company? It's a lot different than babysitting you know." Daniel stated, trying to get out of this situation and stay home alone for the month. "I think I can handle it." Ava ruffled Daniels Hair.Ava was significantly taller than Daniel, by at least 2 or 3 feet. Daniel stood at a modest 5'6'' so Ava must've been atleast 7'6'' tall, which is absolutely giant. Daniel hadn't seen anyone quite that size in his life before, but Ava seemed to think there was nothing wrong with the massive size difference. "Hey do you like movies?" Ava asked with a smile. "Yeah, why?" "Well, I just so happen to have a copy of 'Literally burning to death' by Bizney that I've been meaning to watch and figured we could watch it together if you're interested.." Ava showed Daniel her boxed copy. Bizney was primarily focused on Childrens Animation but after the success of Phony's Adult animated movie Weeny Fiesta they decided to try their hand at an adult animated movie. 'Literally burning to death' was the first movie they made for that audience. "I uhm. It's not too scary is it? I have a low tolerance for horror." Daniel quietly replied. "I don't think it'll scare you, now come on let's watch it already!" Ava picked Daniel up cradling him just like you would a baby. Daniel's whole body was being squished under her giant titties until she sat him down on the living room couch and began fiddling with the TV. Ava put the HD-VD into the HD-VD player, pressed play than went and sat next to Daniel on the couch. "There that should do it." Ava said after she found a comfortable position on the couch. The Beginning of DVD commercials came on, most of them were other Bizney Movies that were currently out on HD-VD or in Theaters but there were two out of the ordinary commercials. One for Adult Sized Diapers and another for Baby Bottles, also marketed towards adults. "What weird product placements to put at the beginning of this type of movie. I didn't even know they made that sort of thing." Daniel said with genuine surprise. "Eh, you can't really understand companies. I'm sure they have their reasons for doing what they do. Market research and what not." Ava replied. What followed was typical movie banter, laughing crying, jumping out of your seat from fear, the usual. After the movie was over Daniel got up to get himself a glass of water. Ava: "You sure you should be getting yourself a glass of water before bed?" Daniel: "Yeah why?" Ava: "I don't want you having any accidents while I'm in charge, so I'm just making sure you can handle it." Daniel: "Of course I can handle it, I haven't had accidents in atleast 10 years." Ava: "Alright if you say so." Once Daniel was finished drinking his water he went upstairs, turned off his light, got into bed and attempted to fall to sleep. After about an hour of trying Daniel finally managed to drift off to dreamland, however his sleep was far from a peaceful one. Daniel tossed and turned throughout his slumber, the scary movie from earlier was clearly effecting him. Daniel woke up the next day in a cold sweat and a wet bed. *knock knock* could be heard on his door. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" Daniel said quietly to himself as he tried desperately to find a way to clean or hide the piss that was on his bed and underwear. Obviously his first thought was to change his underwear, but since his door doesn't have a lock on it Ava could just open it up any second and see him naked. Daniel figured that it would be worse if she saw him naked and a bed full of piss as opposed just seeing piss on his underwear and bed. A loud creaking noise could be heard from the door as it slowly opened. "Is everything okay in here?" Ava asked with a genuinely concerned tone. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Daniel rapidly apologized. "I didn't mean to I swear this hasn't happened before in years." "It's okay sweetheart, I'll take care of it." Ava said with a sugary sweet tone to her voice. "Just go downstairs and have a glass of milk, I already have a glass all ready for you. Don't worry about a thing." Ava reassured Daniel, patting his back slowly. ***Meanwhile In Los Angeles*** Mother: "Do you think Daniel is doing okay at home all by himself?" Father: "Absolutely, he's been home alone lots before, I bet he'll enjoy the privacy." Mother: "Okay, if you say so." Father: "We can call and check on him in a few days. We can't call now, it's too soon and it'll seem like we don't trust him." Mother: "I suppose you're right." ******************************* ====End of Chapter 1==== Hope you guys enjoyed and as always feel free to leave me your feedback, I love to read what you have to say! It keeps me motivated to write more stories! Babied By The Sitter ~ A Kasarberang Story
  7. Hey! this is one of my shorter first few fics focused on diapering! so i'm a lil nervous i originally posted this on ao3 (under the same name). I'm hoping to dive more into piss/scat play soon but i wanted to try and focus more on writing the actual diapering process so it's a more on the short and sweet side. I also hope i'm posting this in the right place! new here!!! Summary: Karen changes Matt's Diaper as part of their nightly routine. Fic Tags: (i'm unsure if these are entirely accurate so if their not please let me know!) Diaper diaper change I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping Orgasm Denial Teasing baby matt Murdock Dom Karen Page Age Play unedited Short & Sweet Ass Play Pacifier - Freeform Sub Matt Murdock Femdom Word Count: 445 ******* Karen’s hands tighten Matt’s freshly changed Diaper. For as long as he’d been in Hell’s Kitchen he thought his secret identity as Daredevil would be the hardest secret he had to keep. Not the fact that he liked. No Loved. Being babied by his long time co-worker and friend Karen Page. Matt chewed his bottom lip as he heard her coat her hands in the sacred baby power. Heaven was only moments away…He closed his eyes and drifted of to sleep as she carefully changed him. The smell of desire and urgent need hit her as she undid the diapers. Matt shivered as the cold air brushed against his pubes. He felt empty as the diaper left his body it was attached to him like a second skin. As he waited for the new one to be applied pre-cum dripped from his stiff cock the scent of the powder always made him hard. It was like Witchcraft especially when it was coated all over her fingers. “You’ve been a needy boy” Karen observes as she reaches for whips and cleans his cock coated in slick liquid. “Aren't i always?” Matt replies he chews on his bottom lip as her hands glide around his thighs purposefully away from his throbbing cock. Karen shoves a paci in his mouth. She’s done with the talking part as she watches his cum leak onto his belly not doing anything about it. Finally she turns him onto his stomach his legs wiggle out as she slaps his ass a ritual part of their routine. Her finger runs against the rim of his anus and he flinches she tries not to get too aroused and too ahead of herself. Karen just about controls herself as she inserts a finger inside of him. Nail digging deep. He moans against the paci groaning even as she cleans around his butt area with a warm wipe. He’s more than lubricant at this point. She reaches forward for some diaper cream and applies them to his private area her fingers trace over his cock which she sill denies pleasure of. As always Karen starts from the base to the top. Tracing each crook and cranny of his sensitive skin his belly rumbles during the sensitive process. Then finally once he’s all done and or the most part cleaned up apart from his pre-cum which is about to spill everywhere. She applies a new diaper. And it feels like Heaven against Matt's Skin. He was clean. Pristine. A clean boy in his Mummy’s eyes and that was all Matt Murdock could ask for in between his deadly double life as Daredevil. Hero of Hell’s Kitchen.
  8. In an alternate world where female domination of cosiety is complete and men are forced into a submissive role Jack is trying to find his way. The eighteen-year-old was soon to go back to school and that means needing to get supplies. Even a simple trip to the mall can be fraught with humiliation.... --- This story has been available on my Patreon page for the last week and with a $5 a month pledge you can see all my updates a week before anyone else. For $10 a month you can get early access plus access to THIRTY-TWO stories that only my patrons get to see. If you are interested please consider giving my Patreon page a look https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- The Domination of Man By Elfy The world had changed a lot by the year 2060 but not in the way many people thought it might. All the usual issues remained in the world but a new and unexpected problem had quickly risen to the top of the agenda all over the globe. The changes were most evident at meetings of the UN or other international organisations, if you scanned the images you would find something seemed different but it might take a few moments to work out what. A long-term scientific study involving the top minds around the world had made a startling discovery which fundamentally changed how the world worked. They found that males were developing slower than female people in the same age range and in the same place. Physically, emotionally and mentally male people were falling increasingly far behind. It started a debate that raged on and on, it almost ended up tearing society apart. The difference between the two genders quickly widened. The scientists urged calm and told people that males should avoid stress and anxiety as much as possible because it seemed to make the situation worse. Women took the advice to heart and a small group of them started to make sure their boys didn’t get stressed wherever possible. They started at the very beginning and refused to toilet train their children, the idea being that males should have as little as possible to think and worry about. It started small but quickly started growing as it got more and more attention. These mothers were helped by studies that showed that these boys were indeed performing a little better than their toilet trained classmates, though they were still at a significant disadvantage compared to girls. Men don’t like being told they are inferior but eventually it became nearly impossible to deny what the scientists had insisted was true. Society changed rapidly and irreversibly, what had been a patriarchal society started to shift to a matriarchal one. It was like a snowball, as soon as the changes started to happen they snowballed out of control. In America it started with the overdue election of a female president. She was elected on a platform of recognising the scientific studies and promising to alter the world for the better. It got significant support and it was followed by Congress and Senate elections that produced big female majorities. Both sides of the house endorsed the studies and were prepared to make changes. As women started wielding more and more influence and power they started to change laws and strategies. For the most part these changes didn’t cause much problem but a very controversial strategy was adopted and publicised by the female administration that a lot of people didn’t like. When it became clear that boys who weren’t toilet trained were performing better the president decided to actively advise more parents to go this route. Time went by and more studies were conducted which only reinforced previous results and even suggested going further to change society. Men were forced into increasingly subservient roles in society and women took the roles that men were forced to vacate. Once it was estimated that around fifty-per-cent of the male population was either not toilet trained or had females who wished they weren’t it seemed fitting for the government to pass laws reinforcing this. There were a steady stream of laws that aimed to marginalise males including laws that made it a requirement for all males to wear protection when in public. From birth to death many men would feel no underwear except for diapers. There was the expected backlash from the few men who had any control but it was easily silenced and overpowered. The truth was that by this stage most males had come to accept this position, or at the very least they had their resistance whittled down. Society had essentially flipped around from a century earlier. With all the laws in place and society accepting that men were inferior to women it became harder for males to get jobs. With women becoming the main breadwinners more and more men were staying at home to look after children, prepare the meals and clean the house. The law forcing males into diapers had come into force right as summer was starting and now a whole slew of students who had never had to wear diapers to school previously were preparing for the embarrassment that was coming. Jack was one of these students. At eighteen-years-old he had never been forced to wear diapers until the law made it an absolute requirement. Jack had grown up in a society of female domination and he was used to it, his younger sister was considered his superior despite only just starting her freshman year of school. From the moment she had been born she was treated as more of a grown-up than Jack. The fourteen-year-old girl, Alice, always got her way. When the law had first been passed Jack had hated the very idea of diapers. He had seen many other men and boys forced to wear them and they always looked so embarrassed and ashamed. Jack spent three weeks refusing to leave the house before he started going stir crazy. Eventually he had been forced to go to Sarah, his mother, to ask for diapers so that he could go outside. It had been the most embarrassing moment in his life up to that moment. Three weeks after that first diaper Jack was now sat in the backseat of the family car with the now familiar padding wrapped around his crotch. His mother and sister occupied the front two seats and they were just pulling into the shopping mall parking lot, they were grabbing supplies for school along with a lot of other families. Jack stared out the window as he watched hundreds of stationary cars passing by. When the family had finally found a spot Jack was the last to step out. He looked around nervously and was still not at all comfortable with being outside in the diaper. “We have plenty to get.” Sarah said as she started glancing down a shopping list, “Jack requires a lot of new things for the new year.” Jack winced as he walked around the car to where his sister and mother stood. The thick padding of his diaper forced his legs further apart and he was still not used to it. He was grateful though, at least he was dry because he was very aware that wet or messy diapers made it a lot harder to walk. He knew his opinion didn’t matter so he remained quiet and followed his family into the mall. “Mom, some of my friends are already here.” Alice said shortly after walking inside and checking her phone, “Did you want to give me some money and I’ll go off and do my own thing?” “You know I usually wouldn’t mind but I want you with me today so we make sure we don’t miss anything that you need.” Sarah replied. Jack stood silently. He had friends here as well but he knew better than to ask to go off and see them. Despite being older than Alice he was never allowed to go somewhere without female supervision, few males were allowed such privileges these days. “Can I at least see them after we’re done?” Alice asked with the merest hint of annoyance. “Of course.” Sarah replied, “Now come on, we have a lot to get.” Jack looked around as he walked through the mall. He had seen videos and pictures of life before the changes to society and although much remained the same a lot had changed. There were far fewer male orientated stores. Males with disposable income were few and far between so even the shops selling male clothes or equipment were more catered to attract the eyes of the women who would be spending the money. It was not unlike how toy shops sold their wares to kids but had to convince the adults to pay. Jack saw men doing all the menial jobs whilst women in suits walked around with phones clutched to their heads and briefcases in their hands. As Jack looked around he saw a boy who had to have been around his sister’s age standing next to a woman on a bench. This person who Jack assumed was the boy’s mother sniffed the air around her for a second before leaning over to her son. Jack watched the child’s face wince as his mother pressed the back of his shorts against his body. Shortly afterwards the woman stood up looking slightly annoyed and escorted the boy towards the restrooms. “Jack, how’s your diaper?” Sarah asked loudly. The question made Jack blush and Alice giggle. It may have been common to see diapered boys and men everywhere but Alice found Jack’s embarrassment particularly funny. The worst part for Jack was that he couldn’t respond to his sister, to do so would only invite punishment. “It’s… Fine.” Jack replied. “You know what I mean…” Sarah sighed in exasperation, “Do you need a change?” “No.” Jack replied quickly but firmly. As Jack followed his snickering sister into a stationary store he remembered back to before he had been forced to wear diapers. It already felt like so long ago, he never realised he had taken boxer shorts for granted until he watched his drawer of them get replaced with disposable diapers. Asking for those first few diaper changes was difficult as well. Jack had eventually been forced to relent and wet his diaper for the first time, he went downstairs as soon as he was finished and stood in front of his mother and sister. He tried to be as dignified as possible but when asking for a diaper change there is only so much you can do. By the time Jack was following his family around the mall he had gone through a lot of diapers. Even though the law technically said he only had to wear diapers in public he found he was often kept in them at home as well, he didn’t like it but he had no option but to acquiesce. “Alice, you just need the standard school things.” Sarah said as she looked at her list, “Pens, pencils and all that stuff.” “What about Jack?” Alice asked. Jack didn’t like how much of an interest she was taking in this new situation. “He needs a bunch of stuff.” Sarah replied, “We’ll get his specialty things and then sort the standard stuff out afterwards.” Jack followed his mother and sister through to the back of the store. There were a lot of students of all ages hanging around this area, most of them looked embarrassed to be seen in this situation as their female companions measured them and picked out the clothing they needed. Jack could see that some of the males were very obviously padded whilst others were much more subtle, Jack wondered how obvious his own diaper was underneath his pants. “Damn, I knew I forgot something before we left.” Sarah said as she looked around, “I need to take your measurements.” “OK?” Jack replied, “You can just do that here, right?” “Yes but I want to make sure I get it right.” Sarah said, “I’m going to need you to get undressed.” “Undressed!?” Jack exclaimed as he felt a sudden chill go down his spine, “Can’t you measure over my clothes? Please, I don’t mind if the clothes are a little big, don’t make me get naked.” Jack’s desperate pleading was quiet but it couldn’t help but be overheard by some of the people around them in this busy area. Jack could see guys looking at him with pity but no one dared to speak up, the males were all far too cowed to argue. Jack felt himself tearing up a little, he kicked the floor nervously. No one else was having to get stripped down and many women seemed happy to do measurements over the clothes. “No one else has to take their clothes off…” Jack continued in a whining voice that didn’t seem to match his eighteen-year-old body. “Jack, are you talking back to me?” Sarah said crossly. Jack was in a lose-lose situation. He had his mom standing over him with warning flashing in her eyes and his sister stood behind her smirking as she enjoyed the embarrassment her brother was forced to go through. Alice had taken to the matriarchal society like a fish to water, she truly believed she was superior to all men and it showed. Jack let out a low whine as he slowly lifted his t-shirt over his head. When his head emerged out of the bottom of the shirt his face was bright red. Jack was thin and not particularly strong, he didn’t particularly like showing his body off like this and he put his arms across his chest to try and protect his modesty. When he looked down he could clearly see the papery waistband of his diaper poking above his pants. “Come on Jack, we don’t have all day.” Sarah said crossly. Jack looked around the room again and saw many people were looking his way. He closed his eyes tightly and grabbed his waistband, he slowly pulled it down revealing the plain white diaper underneath. He tried to tell himself that all the boys here were diapered but it didn’t help much when his one was the only one visible. Jack was made to lift his arms out to the side as his mother leaned forward and started measuring him. Jack was ordered to keep his eyes forward which meant he was looking at Alice whose superior smirk didn’t help him feel any better about the situation. He could feel that his bladder was full but there was no way he was going to wet himself when everyone could see his diaper like this. As Jack stood as still as possible with his arms out like a scarecrow he looked at the other people around the crowded area. He could see women walking around with piles of clothes and female employees running around everywhere trying to fulfil everyone’s orders. Jack didn’t know what clothes he had to get, males weren’t generally told anything more than they absolutely needed to know even if it affected them.
  9. This story takes place in a world where women are significantly bigger and stronger than men Daniel is a workaholic who really needs a break. His life consists of nothing more than working for much longer than he should and then going home to scroll social media. So when he receives a letter from a cousin he had lost touch with saying they should catch up he is only too eager to agree. Emmy, however, isn't exactly the cousin he remembered her being. --- Writing is my passion and my only source of income. If you enjoy my stories you may be interested to learn that you can see every update I post one week before the rest of the world with a $5 pledge on Patreon. For $10 you can see everything early AND 50 full length stories that can only be found on my Patreon page! The money I get goes to paying bills and putting food on the table so I appreciate all of my patrons and would appreciate anyone who might be interested in supporting me to check out my Patreon ❤️ https://www.patreon.com/Elfy88 --- Cousin Emmy By Elfy Daniel tapped away on his keyboard. He hadn’t stopped in a long time, his eyes were practically glued to the screen as he wrote line after line of code. His eyes were sore but he couldn’t stop, he needed to keep going and meet his deadlines. Daniel enjoyed his work and when he got into the right frame of mind he could easily work non-stop for hour after hour. With a swipe of his hand Daniel brushed his hair out of his face. It was growing too long, that was what his mother always told him when she visited. He clicked save and looked away from the screen for the first time in hours. He had to blink a few times, every time his eyes closed he saw the code on the screen again. He knew it as the “Tetris Effect”, when you look at something happening for so long you can see it when you close your eyes, it was very disconcerting. He rubbed his eyes, he only had sight in the left one though he hadn’t let that stop him from doing anything. “What the…” Daniel realised his one good eye wasn’t going blind. It had got very dark indeed. He checked the clock on the corner of the screen to see it was late in the evening. He had worked long past quitting time. The office was empty. All the lights were off and so were the computers. Daniel was the last person to leave and his shift was meant to have finished hours ago. If he had any kind of social life he would’ve been upset but, in truth, no one would notice he had worked overtime. He lived alone and didn’t really have many friends, certainly not ones he often went out with. With the computer shut off Daniel picked up his things and left the office. He lived in the city and didn’t own a car, he didn’t mind walking and using public transport. It was good for the environment and his own fitness. He was a slim guy anyway but a little extra exercise never hurt anyone. It was already dark out and the wind had a slight chill to it that made Daniel pull his coat a little tighter to himself. He gave a wide berth to some teenagers that were loitering outside an electronics store. He always felt nervous when passing rowdy groups thanks to his diminutive 5’4” frame. He was very slight physically and that made him anxious about becoming a victim. Daniel hurried by and carried on home. He lived in an apartment halfway up a building. His programming for an independent video game company didn’t pay a great deal but living on his own meant he didn’t actually need much money, it wasn’t like he went out often after all. Daniel opened the front door of his place and walked inside. He flicked on the lights and walked through to the kitchen. It was late and he didn’t feel much like cooking, he warmed up some instant noodles and then dropped on his couch in front of the television. There wasn’t much on and Daniel ended up watching a random roller-skating competition on one of the niche sports’ channels. He had no interest in skating but he was essentially just killing time until he went to bed and then went to work again. This was his life. Working and then sitting around waiting to work again. With a sigh Daniel looked around. He was an introvert, he didn’t mind being home alone rather than out partying but at times like this he wouldn’t have minded having someone just to talk to a little bit. He had considered getting a pet before but it didn’t feel like he would be home enough to take care of them. For the next hour Daniel looked at social media on his phone whilst occasionally glancing up at the television. Most of the people on his friends list were either colleagues or family. There was nothing exciting going on. Daniel turned off the television and stretched. He walked into his hallway with the intention of visiting the bathroom before bed. He paused when he saw a letter on his doormat. If it had been there when he got home he hadn’t noticed it, and yet it felt like he would’ve seen it. He frowned, he rarely got letters that weren’t bills but he could see his name and address handwritten on it. Daniel picked the letter up and turned it over. There was no clues as to where it came from. He opened the door out in to the building’s hallway. He wasn’t sure what he expected to see but no one was there. The only movement was on the light on top of the elevator, one of the numbers was descending as it lowered down towards the ground. Closing the door Daniel started opening the envelope. He pulled the single piece of paper out and read the handwriting. “Hi Daniel, it’s been a long time!” The handwriting was very neat with all the letters curving into the next one perfectly, “You should come visit and catch up. I’m sure we have a lot to reminisce about. It would be a lot of fun to have you stay for a while. Your favourite cousin, Emmy.” The note ended with a return address as well as an e-mail. Daniel read the note a second time. He remembered Emmy well. She had been practically his best friend as a youth but once he had moved to the city they had lost touch. Daniel remembered getting into a lot of hijinks with Emmy, she was two years younger than he was but always seemed to be the one who took charge of their arrangements. She had been taller than he was to the point most strangers assumed she was the elder cousin, she seemed to enjoy that a lot. Daniel climbed into bed but placed the note on his bedside table. He would send a reply from work the next day. Going out to the countryside to revisit his youth and catch up with an old friend would be just the tonic to his stressed life. --- Daniel sat on the bus with his suitcase pulled up between his legs. He had woken up at the crack of dawn to get ready and head to the train station, then he switched to the bus to get him as close as possible to Emmy’s rather remote home. He felt excited but also anxious, social situations had been alien to him for a long time. When Daniel stepped off the bus with his suitcase he had to look around to try and work out where to go next. This wasn’t the town he had grown up in though it wasn’t far away, he had only been here a few times before and that had been many years ago. He pulled out the piece of paper with directions and then started walking down the street. After talking to Emmy through e-mail and deciding on a visit Daniel had gone to his boss to apply for time off. He was able to take quite a significant amount of time since he hadn’t used his holiday time that year. Daniel wasn’t planning to spend all his time off with Emmy, he didn’t want to impose, but he liked that there would be no rush on their catching up. Emmy had a spare room that she said was ready just for him. It took thirty minutes for Daniel to eventually end up on the right road. He had underestimated the distance and pulling his suitcase with him the whole way had left him out of breath. The buildings on this road had plenty of space between them and each seemed to be situated in its own sizable parcel of land. Daniel stopped in front of one of these isolated homes and checked his paper again. This was the right address but everything seemed to be a little odd. He couldn’t put his finger on it as he looked at the house from the road. He started walking down the long driveway. “What on Earth…” Daniel’s eyes widened the closer he got to the house. Everything about the house appeared normal at first glance. The white two-storey walls had regular windows and a front door on a porch, it looked like the carbon copy of thousands of other houses until Daniel walked up the large steps of the porch. The front door towered over him, the letterbox was at head height whilst the handle was even higher. The brass door knocker was out of reach even if Daniel had tried to jump for it. It had to be at least ten-feet off the ground. Daniel turned around and saw some wicker furniture on the corner of the porch. The two chairs, table and rocking chair looked gargantuan. If Daniel didn’t know better he would’ve thought he had shrunk to half his height. After another check that this was indeed the correct address Daniel knocked on the door. He heard a loud scraping and then footsteps coming to the door. He could feel the wooden boards under his feet vibrate with each booming step. Daniel instinctively took a step backwards as the door’s lock clicked and then swung open. Daniel had just one second to take in his cousin Emmy before she was right in front of him. “Daniel!” Emmy excitedly stepped forwards with a huge smile, “You haven’t changed a bit!” Daniel saw a woman in front of him that wasn’t just tall but a giant. Her arms reached around Daniel’s waist and before he knew it he was lifted into the air in a great big bear hug. He felt his cheeks reddening as he was held against his cousin’s chest, her voluptuous breasts threatened to engulf him. It was more than a little uncomfortable and awkward. “Mmm!” Was the only sound Daniel could make as he wondered if he was going to suffocate right there between his cousin’s boobs. “Oh, sorry. I sometimes forget my own strength!” Emmy loosened her grip. To Daniel’s embarrassment Emmy didn’t set him down on the floor. Instead, she shifted him to the side with remarkable ease so that he was sat on her hip. His arms and legs automatically wrapped around Emmy as she took his suitcase and carried it inside. Daniel felt embarrassment coursing through him along with questions as to how Emmy had got so big. He hadn’t even had a chance to say anything! Daniel was final set down in the living room as Emmy sat on the couch. Daniel was left stood in front of her feeling like a child sent to report to the Principal. He was finally able to take all of her in and he was astounded. Emmy was incredibly tall, he could only estimate but if she was shorter than eight feet tall he would’ve been extremely surprised. “How was your trip? Was it OK?” Emmy asked. Despite her size her voice was very light. Her shoulder-length golden hair bobbed slightly as she sat up straight. The apron she was wearing over her black dress bunched up and she had to pull it down. “It was fine.” Daniel replied quietly. Looking around the room Daniel could see the interior of the house was the same as the exterior. Everything was bigger than normal, the couches and armchairs were so tall he would struggle to clamber up on to the cushions, Even the windowsill was so high up he could’ve used it for chin-ups. He had never felt smaller as he looked round at the giant room. “Oh, where are my manners?” Emmy chuckled, “Let me help you up.” “Wha-… No I’m-” Daniel found himself being lifted again and this time deposited on the couch. He hadn’t been handled this much since he had been a baby, it seemed like Emmy had some real issues with personal boundaries. Much to Daniel’s embarrassment his legs hung over the edge of the seat without touching the ground. “So what have you been up to?” Emmy asked excitedly. She leaned back and turned sideways to face her new guest. Her breasts were very distracting as they pushed out towards Daniel. “Oh, you know… This and that.” Daniel muttered as he forced himself to look away. He had so many questions but Emmy wasn’t giving him a moment to say anything. Daniel wanted to ask Emmy what had happened to make her so incredibly tall and about her house. Did she have a genetic problem that kept her growing? Did she have this house custom made? Why wasn’t she a star basketball player? Were those boobs real!? “You have to give me more than that!” Emmy giggled and draped one of her long arms over Daniel’s shoulders, “Come on, we’ve got all the time in the world. Tell Aunty everything.” “Aunty?” Daniel replied with a frown. “Oh, silly me!” Emmy giggled again, “I’m so much bigger than you I forgot you aren’t one of my sister’s kids! Just a maternal instinct I suppose, you’re actually older than me by a couple of years, hard to believe, huh?” As Emmy laughed heartily Daniel forced a trepid smile across his face. If he could’ve done he would’ve excused himself from this bizarre house and run away because Emmy was acting very strangely. He didn’t like the very “hands on” approach she was taking to him, it wasn’t normal to just be picked up like this. “So what have you been up to?” Emmy said again. “I went to university.” Daniel looked away from Emmy as he shifted uncomfortably, “Studied video game design and then got a job at an independent company. I wor-” “Wow!” Emmy interrupted, “Impressive! I’m proud of you, what a clever boy!” Daniel blushed a little as he was praised in such a strange manner. He bit his lip as he felt his face flush with embarrassed heat. This had been a big mistake. His social isolation had pushed him into this meeting but he had never expected a situation like this. Despite his loneliness being alone at home seemed very attractive at this point. “Let me show you your room so you can get settled in.” Emmy said after a couple of seconds of uncomfortable silence. --- You can find out what happens next RIGHT NOW on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cousin-emmy-part-92754660
  10. Thank you, CDfm, for pointing out the issues. I hope I fixed them all. If anyone sees any more errors, please don't hesitate to point them out. Update: I think I got them all this time. *** Do I have to? by nautybaby "Do I really have to?" "I really think you should." "But I don't want to." "We've been over this." "But I don't need them." "Last night and the laundry I've been doing lately says otherwise." "It won't happen again. I promise." "I've heard that before." "It's not fair!" "Fair or not, I won't have you ruining my friend's bed." "No!" I shouted. "You can't make me." "David!" she said sharply without raising her voice. "That's enough. I think we both know I can make you. Now, get your butt on that bed, and keep your voice down. That is unless you want Sharon to hear you getting a spanking on top of the tantrum you've been throwing." "You wouldn't," I blanched. "Try me." I looked into her steely eyes and slowly made my way to the bed. I lay down and gave her a pleading look. She simply grabbed the waist of my pajamas and began to tug. I gave in and lifted my bottom, allowing her to pull them down. She reached into my suitcase and pulled out the object of my dread. She had shown me the diapers before we left, but no matter how many times I saw them, I never got over just how big and thick they actually were. "Lift." I did and fought the urge to cry. She made short work of securing the diaper around my waist. She put the pajama bottoms back in my suitcase and locked it. "If you behave yourself, you can have those back in the morning." "You don't mean…" "We'll see. Now, get in bed." That was the end of a conversation that had been going on all day. Conversation, humph. Argument more like. It started when we were packing for the trip. I thought we were about ready when she brought out the package of diapers. "Are those what I think they are?" "Isn't that obvious?" "What do you have those for?" "Seriously?" "You don't expect me to wear those?" "I certainly do." "No way." "Yes way." "I won't." "You will. Now, hurry up. We're already late," she said, loading a number of the diapers into the case. "I don't need them. I've only had a couple of problems." "It started out as a couple of problems. It's gotten to be almost every night." "Yeah, almost. See, it's getting better. I'm not going to wear them." "You are going to wear them, and that's final. Now, get dressed." She said all this so matter-of-factly that it made my blood boil. I stomped over to the suitcase and started taking the diapers out. I felt a sharp sting in my right bottom cheek. I shot up straight and turned around. "You will put those back, unless you want some more." Her eyes were hard. "No," I said with more confidence than I felt. "David, put those back right now, or so help me…" I stood my ground, hoping my trembling didn't show. "Is that really the way you want to play it? Have it your way." I thought I had won the battle. That feeling lasted only a second before pain erupted from my ear. She spun me around by it and threw me face down on the bed. There was a knee in my back and slaps were raining down on my underpants. "Stop. Stop!" "Are you going to pack your diapers and stop fussing?" "No!" "Fine. If that's the way you want it." "No!" I screamed, as my underwear was yanked down. After that, my words got less and less comprehensible until I was simply blubbering. Still not dressed, my belt was in handy reach to her. She put it to good use—good from her perspective anyway. "Are you ready to do as you are told?" "Yes," I sobbed. "Good. Finish packing and get dressed. We're leaving in five minutes. Don't make me have to 'encourage' you. And you can start with the diapers. I'll be back for the case in just a minute. It had better be ready." I hastily repacked the diapers and the rest of my clothes. True to her word, she was soon back, and after checking to see that I had indeed packed the diapers, she locked the case and took it downstairs. That left me a few minutes alone to nurse my bruised pride and bottom while I finished dressing. I found her behind the wheel of the car, waiting to get on the road. I climbed in the other side and sulked. We couldn't have been on the road for more than five minutes before I started restating my position about why I shouldn't have to wear diapers. She didn't argue with me. She listened in silence. I felt encouraged that I was making my point, my reasoning becoming more shrill the longer I went on. I found I was repeating myself, and she had yet to utter a word. My tirade petered out. After a minute of silence, she quietly asked, "Are you finished?" "Um, yeah, I guess." "Good. You've had your say. Now, I'm going to have mine. Like it or not, you have a problem. I've been extremely patient about it. I've even been the one to clean up after you. It's not going away. It's getting worse. We are going to be staying with my friend. I do not want you embarrassing me or yourself by wetting her bed. You are going to wear those diapers, and you are going to stop fussing about it. If you insist on being a big baby about it, I can treat you like one. That includes pulling this car over, spanking you again, and putting you in one of those diapers for the rest of the trip. I'm already not happy with you. Would you like to try your luck?" "No." "Good." The trip was mostly silent aside from some tunes softly playing on the radio. I stared out the window, opting to table the discussion for the time being. Occasionally, she nudged me and told me to stay awake, unless I wanted to put a diaper on and take a nap. Eventually, I faced forward, so she could see I was awake, and pouted. If I had been eight or ten or even twelve, I suppose these events would be understandable. But I was not twelve, and the woman driving was not my mommy. I was thirty-two, and she was my wife. When we arrived, Kathy, my wife, and Sharon hugged and air kissed like long-lost sisters. Sure, we lived far enough apart that they didn't see each other often, but they were on the phone at least once a week. I shook my head and got the bags. "Sorry we're late," Kathy said. "Packing took a bit longer than I expected." I had the impression that comment was aimed at me, but I ignored it. "Don't worry about it. It's just so good to see you. I know how it can be. You should try it with a baby sometime. I still can't believe the amount of stuff I had to get ready for Phil to take Abby for the week." I tried to picture Sharon's ex taking care of a baby on his own. I don't know if I found the images more funny or frightening. Oh well, maybe one of his girlfriends will help him out. "Yes," Kathy mused. "Packing for a baby can be a lot of work." I was sure that was directed at me. Again, I chose to ignore it. "Come on inside. Dinner's almost ready. Dave, you can take those right upstairs, first door on the right. You know the spot." When I came downstairs, Kathy asked, "Did you wash your hands?" I didn't like the way they both giggled. "Yes, I washed my hands," I replied irritably. "Don't be grumpy. I was just asking." Dinner was a long drawn out affair. Kathy and Sharon went on and on about this one and that one. I was mostly ignored, which suited me fine. I didn't have the slightest interest in whoever and whatever they were talking about. Mainly, I just picked at my food and drank more than my share of wine. During a lull, Sharon turned to me, "So, Dave, what's new and exciting with you these days?" "Nothing much," I mumbled. "Don't mind him," Kathy interjected. "I think he's just overtired from the trip. I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude." Her accusing tone was not lost on me. "Sorry. I guess I am a little tired." "I think we better get you into bed then." "Why, Kathy!" Sharon exclaimed. "I meant to sleep, you sex fiend," she laughed. "Come on, Davey, upstairs." Whether it was the trip or the wine, I was tired. I bade Sharon goodnight and climbed the stairs ahead of Kathy. "You go potty, then meet me in the bedroom," she said. Not thinking, I did as instructed. When I got to the bedroom, I saw her laying out the diaper on the bed. That's where you came in. Kathy had me tucked in and started to leave to room. "Where are you going? Aren't you coming to bed?" "Not just yet. Sharon and I have more to talk about, and there's most of a bottle of wine it would be a shame to waste. You go to sleep, and I'll be up in a while. I lay there for a time, replaying the day in my head. If I hadn't been tired and buzzed, I might have been more upset. Every now and again, I would hear their raucous laughter. I did my best not to believe they were talking about my sleeping attire. My thoughts turned to how I got into this mess in the first place. It started about month before. I had gotten a new boss, and it wasn't going well. Nothing seemed to please him. There was always something wrong, and no matter how small the problem was, he acted like it was the end of civilization as we know it. The harder I tried to anticipate what was wanted, the farther my attempts were from what he had in mind. I tried to get clearer instructions, but that only seemed to make him madder. It was really taking a toll on me and, no doubt, on Kathy. I was a nervous wreck. I couldn't set work aside at the end of the day. All I could think of was what the next confrontation was going to be about. I was distracted and short tempered. Even my dreams were filled with anxieties about everything that had happened and visions of what might be ahead. When I was able to sleep at all, it wasn't good. After a week of mostly sleepless nights, I found myself shaken awake by Kathy. I was completely disoriented and not hearing what she was saying. I don't know how many times she repeated it before it finally sank in. "David, wake up. You wet the bed." "What?" "You wet the bed." I rolled toward her, and it dawned on me. I wet the bed. That's right. She said that. Still only half awake, all I could say was, "I'm sorry." Kathy told me to go to the bathroom and clean up, and she would take care of the bed. Still to fuzzy to think, I did as she told me. My wet pajamas cooled quickly as I went. I stripped off and sat on the toilet, trying to clear my head. By the time I was awake enough to push out the little pee I had left and get washed up. I was deeply embarrassed by what I had done. I almost wanted to stay in the bathroom just to avoid having to look at Kathy. When I did come out, she was smoothing out towels over the wet spot. I almost went back in. "Good, you're finally back. Help me get the clean sheets on. Maybe we can still get some sleep before we have to get up." I picked up the bottom sheet and shook it out. She signaled she was ready, and I fluffed it over the bed. The two of us made short work of remaking the bed, and I thought Kathy was being really good about the situation. "Did you make sure to go peepee while you were in there?" So much for that. "Yes," I said, a bit more harshly than I intended. "Don't get snippy with me. I'm not the reason we're changing sheets in the middle of the night." "Sorry," I said, and I meant it. "Me too. Let's go back to bed, and we'll forget all about it. Okay?" "Okay," I said and hugged her tight. "I love you, and I am sorry." "I love you too. Now, go to sleep. Morning's going to come awfully early." That was easier said than done. I don't know how Kathy managed it. I lay there listening to her breathing, wondering how I could have wet myself and worrying that I might do it again. I think I drifted off just before the alarm went off. Work the next day was miserable. Besides the usual grief from my boss, my eyes were burning, and my head was pounding all day. By the time I got home, I was an exhausted wreck. After pushing my dinner around the plate for a while, I told Kathy I was going to bed. "I think that's a good idea. You had a rough night, and you look awful." "Thanks a lot." "You know what I mean. Go on. I'll clean up here. Don't forget to use the potty before you go night-night." "Not funny!" "Oh, come on. You know I'm joking. You may as well laugh as cry. It was just a one-time thing. Go get some rest, and I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning." I nodded and followed her advice, even stopping to "use the potty" on the way. Totally wiped out, I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Not that it brought much rest. My dreams were the now usual of instant replays and anxious fantasies I had suffered for days. "Wake up, David," I heard, before I felt the shaking. "David, wake up." Once I realized it was Kathy, and not my mother trying to get me up for school, I sat bolt upright, panicking that I had done it again. "I'm sorry," I blurted out. "I didn't mean to. I couldn't help it." "It's alright, Dave," she said soothingly. "You didn't do anything. You didn't, did you? You were just having a bad dream. But as long as you're up, you may as well use the potty, just to be safe." I apologized and kissed her, and then decided a pee might be a good idea at that. There was a small wet spot on my pajama pants, but the bed was dry. I didn't mention it, and if Kathy noticed, she was kind enough to let it pass. Having limited my fluids all day, I don't know where it all came from. I did know I feel a lot better when I climbed back into bed. I slept better that night and felt more like my old self in the morning. That lasted for about an hour after I got to work. Then it was what had come to be business as usual. It was a particularly bad day. I was pushed and pulled in so many directions, I was beginning to doubt the sky was blue. If I had been thinking clearly, I probably would have guessed it was going to happen again. Kathy was again supportive and more patient than I felt I deserved. Again, she got us cleaned up and back to sleep in short order. I had a few good days, with no nighttime problems, even though things were just as bad, if not worse at work. I was starting to feel confident when it happened a third time. I was so frustrated I wanted to scream, and I think Kathy knew it. Once back in bed, she held me and whispered reassuring things until I went to sleep. The pattern continued, and I ended up having five wet nights in two weeks. After the last of those, Kathy sat me down in the morning. "Dave, this… um… problem you've been having is not getting better. I think you should see somebody about it." The thought of telling my doctor and friend, George Simmons, that I was wetting the bed filled me with dread. "That's not really necessary. I'm sure it will stop on its own. It's not that big a deal." "Says the man who's not washing the sheets. You're right. It may be nothing serious, but then again it might be. And, frankly, I'm getting tired of being woken up in the middle of the night and having to clean up after you. Get on that phone and make an appointment, or I'll do it for you." "Alright, alright, I'll call." I was greatly relieved when George's office told me they couldn't fit me in for at least two weeks. I begged off making an appointment, telling them that I was just feeling a little under the weather, and it would probably pass before they could see me. Kathy was not happy but understood it was not my fault, and she let the matter drop. Or so I thought. That afternoon, I got a call from her telling me to meet her at Dr. MacPherson's office at 4:30. Having to tell my boss I needed to leave early while avoiding the reason was not a pleasant conversation to say the least. I was happy just to get out of there when the time came. At least, I was until I was on the way and started thinking about what was going to happen at the appointment. Margaret MacPherson had been my doctor growing up. Her general practice had served all my family, and Kathy became her patient shortly after we were married. After college, when I had some voice in the matter, I insisted that seeing a female doctor was uncomfortable, and that's when I came under George's care. I was not looking forward to going back to her. Dr. MacPherson—I never could bring myself to call her anything else—literally knew me inside and out. She had seen me through all my childhood illnesses, broken bones, acne, and everything else. To me, she would always be Dr. MacPherson. Kathy, on the other hand, having come to her later in life, always call her Margaret. They had become fast friends, and Dr. MacPherson was almost a surrogate mother to Kathy. Kathy and I were called back shortly after I arrived. We were shown into a room where Dr. MacPherson was waiting for us. "Kathy, how wonderful to see you! And Davey, just look at you, so grown up!" With her rosy cheeks, halo of white hair, and the soft Glasgow burr that never left her, it was impossible to be upset by her comment. She was everybody's favorite grandmother. "Hello, Dr. MacPherson. It's nice to see you again." "And you too, dear. How is your mother? I miss seeing her since she moved away." "She's well, thank you. I'll tell her you were asking after her." "Oh, yes, do. So, what brings you in today?" I sat there trying to think of some way to tell her why I was there. I could feel my face getting redder and redder. Still, no words would come out. Finally, Kathy just took over. "Davey," she said, using the same boyhood nickname, "has been having some problems keeping the bed dry at night." There it was, right out on the table. "Oh! Is your wee problem back, dear?" the doctor asked gently. She placed her hand on top of mine reassuringly but couldn't avoid a small titter at her unintended pun. I'm sure Kathy had thought she was trying to be discrete about the issue, but it felt more like a mother trying to be gentle about a child's potty-training setbacks. My mother had used almost those same words many years before. "Back?" Kathy asked. "Oh my, yes, dear," she said without regard for my embarrassment. "Davey was quite the little waterworks when he was a boy, weren't you, Davey. I wondered for a long time if we would ever get him out of nappies." It finally dawned on her that this was extremely uncomfortable for me. I am sure that my face was bright red. I could feel heat radiating from the blush. "But that was a long time ago, wasn't it dear? What seems to be the problem?" Without hesitation, Kathy began describing my symptoms as if I weren't in the room or too small to speak for myself. "He doesn't seem to be sleeping well. He's constantly tossing and turning, and he's always still tired when he wakes up. He's been distant and irritable, and every few days, he wets the bed." "Oh, I'm so sorry. What seems to be the problem, Davey? Is something bothering you?" With some prompting and a great deal of prodding, I told the whole story about what was going on at work. Kathy knew or guessed some of it, but I did not want to let on just how bad it really was. Once they got me to open up, it all came pouring out. The exhaustion and that day's fight with the boss caught up with me, and I was sobbing by the time I finished the tale. I was calming down before I realized Kathy had pulled my head to her shoulder, and she was stroking my hair and shushing me gently. Dr. MacPherson's face was a mix of sympathy and anger. "It's just like that teacher you had all over again. Och, that woman! I'd still like to get my hands on her." She told the story of Mrs. Hannity, my fourth-grade teacher. She was nearing retirement and had a grandson who was a spoiled rotten little hellion. I had the misfortune of bearing him a striking resemblance, and she took out all complaints about him on me. I resented her accusations but came to half-believe that I was as bad as she made out. I fell into depressed and listless state, and my grades suffered. My mother asked me what was wrong, and I tried to tell her about my issues with the teacher and how unfair she was. My mother, of course, took the teacher's side and told me I had to stop being lazy and work harder, which is one of the things Mrs. Hannity accused me of. It all came to a head one day when I turned in a half-completed homework assignment. I had fallen asleep over the paper and didn't have time to finish it before school. Mrs. Hannity went on a tirade the likes of which I had never seen, not only about the homework but about the messy state of my desk and anything else she could think of. When she dumped my desk over onto the floor, I was so shocked and scared, I wet my pants. That stopped her ranting but infuriated her all the more. She went silent and the color rose in her face. She grabbed my ear and dragged me to the office. She told them she would not suffer a baby like me in her class. I sobbed and sobbed while the secretary called my mother. I was still in tears, shivering in my wet pants when she arrived. The ride home was no better, as she went on and on about how ashamed she was to have a boy my age wetting his pants in school, how I was going to have to apologize to everyone involved, and how was she ever going to be able to show her face again. I ran into the house, crying my eyes out. I stripped out of my wet clothes and threw myself on my bed and bawled my eyes out. It was all so unfair. I must have cried myself to sleep, because my mother was gently trying to rouse me. She appeared considerably calmer and asked me what had happened. I told her the whole story in lurid detail. The more I told her, the angrier she got but not at me. She took me in her arms and told me how sorry she was. When we had both settled down, she told me to wash up and get dressed. We were going back to the school. I begged her not to make me go. She told me not to worry about it, I would not have to be in Mrs. Hannity's class ever again, if she had anything to say about it. I followed with great reluctance as she strode into the office. "I want to see the principal. Now!" I had never seen my mother so forceful, not with adults anyway. I don't think the secretary had either, because we were shown into Mr. Mellon's office almost immediately. My mother really gave him an earful about all that had gone on. I was mostly ignored except to fill in some blanks and details. Mr. Mellon promised an investigation and said I'd be put into Miss Sanderson's class for the duration. For the year, my mother insisted and got her way. I don't know the full extent of what happened. I did have to tell the story one more time to some people I didn't know. Shortly after that, Mrs. Hannity "got sick," and we heard she was taking an early retirement. I felt and did better in Miss Sanderson's class. I think I even developed a little crush on her. Unfortunately, the damage had already been done. From the day of the incident until a long time after, I had nightmares about it and started wetting the bed. Today, we would call it post-traumatic stress disorder, but not back then, especially not with children. My mother was patient for a time, but it was short-lived. She took me to Dr. MacPherson, who recognized the problem and was sympathetic to both of us and assured us it would pass in time. There was little she could do, however, and her only recommendation was "night nappies," as she put it, until I got over it. Despite my protests and promises not to let it happen again, my mother agreed there was no other option. She insisted that she was as embarrassed about it as I was, but I didn't think that was possible. That was the first of many nights my mother put me in a diaper. It did not come without an argument and a couple of slaps on my behind. The nightmares eventually stopped but the wetting didn't. I was in middle school before I was reliably dry, and the diapers were a thing of the past. Nevertheless, my mother kept a waterproof cover on my bed through high school, "just in case." Now, here I was again, facing the same problem for much the same reasons. Dr. MacPherson was again sympathetic and reassuring, but her solution was the same. She prescribed some antidepressants and anti-anxiety medication, but until I could deal with the stressors, I could expect more wet nights. The best thing was to start wearing nappies to keep the bed dry and allow us both a decent night's sleep. She recommended we get them from a medical supply store, as the ones to be found in supermarkets and pharmacies were virtually useless. She recommended a shop that could also fill my prescriptions. "Don't worry, dear," she comforted me. "I'm sure you'll get over it, and you'll be all dry in no time, just like before." Knowing how long that "before" lasted, I was not reassured. Kathy thanked Dr. MacPherson for both of us and promised to call her to have lunch soon. Dr. MacPherson bade us goodbye and made me promise to send her regards to my mother. Kathy drove us to the medical store. I begged her not to make me wear diapers. It was like reliving the argument with my mother all those years ago. Kathy would have none of it and insisted I go inside with her. There, she handed over the prescription and proceeded to ask the lady about "nighttime protection." She lady asked a lot of, to my mind, unnecessary and intrusive questions. Kathy went into lurid detail about the problems I was having and how heavily I wet. She insisted we should buy a whole case of their most absorbent product, saying she would take back any unopened packages if things cleared up in a short time, but the case lot was far more economical if the problem persisted. Kathy agreed, and I had to carry a huge box of all too conspicuously labeled "adult briefs" to the car. I took up the argument again at bedtime. It was just like been ten years old all over again, me begging and promising not to wet anymore, Kathy reasoning that I couldn't make that promise, and she wanted a good night's sleep. It all got rather heated until Kathy gave me a couple of swats on the behind and told me that was enough. I was again the little boy at the mercy of his mother. I lay down and let her put the dreaded thing on. Memories flooded back as she raised the thick padding between my legs. I was weeping when she fastened the last tape and gave the front a pat. I lay awake for a time, feeling sorry for myself, but the drugs kicked in, and I soon drifted off. I'm pretty sure I had nightmares again, mixed up visions of my boss and Mrs. Hannity. I panicked when Kathy shook me awake. I quickly felt for the felt for the wet spot and blurted out that I didn't wet the bed. Kathy told it was just time to get up, and I realized there was sunlight coming in the window. I was relieved until Kathy gave my crotch a squeeze. We both knew in an instant that I had not had a dry night. Not dry at all, I realized when I stood, and the diaper sagged between my legs. It was with a good deal of depression that I took it off and had my shower, and I still had work to look forward to. It was hard to think of anything else that day, and my boss was no better than usual. The only thing that got me through was the thought that I would be leaving for vacation that afternoon. I had used some accumulated sick time to take the extra half-day off for the drive to Sharon's house. I was happy to leave the office and my boss behind. Those were my thoughts as I drifted off. Soon enough, I felt Kathy climb in next to me. She curled up against my back, and I felt her hand work around to the front. She squeezed my crotch, and I thought she was up to something good. Then I heard her whisper. "You'll last till morning." Whereupon, she rolled over. I was too much asleep to fully comprehend what she meant. There must have been a part of me that did understand, as I slept fitfully after that. I have vague recollections of dreams wherein I was being scolded by my mother for wetting my pants… again. When I felt Kathy shaking me awake, I didn't feel much more rested than when I went to sleep. To top it off, my head was pounding. "Good thing we put that on you. I hope that satisfies you that I know what I'm doing, and we won't have a problem again tonight." I felt the squish when I rolled over, as well as a pounding in my skull. I couldn't bear to look at her, but I managed to mumble a dejected, "No." She reached down and undid the tapes. I tried to help, but she just swatted my hands away. "Why don't you go take a shower? I'm sure it will make you feel better. There's coffee waiting when you're done." She handed me my pajama pants, and I took her up on her advice. The shower did help. I felt almost human when I got out. If only that guy would lay off the drums. Not ready for the rigors of getting dressed, I returned to my pajamas and a robe and went downstairs. Coffee, lots of it, finished the job. By the time I had had something to eat, I was moderately ready to face the day. "Okay," Kathy said. "Get dressed. We're going shopping." I groaned, showing none of the enthusiasm she had. "Shopping? Really? Do I have to go? I'm still tired, and my head hurts." I admit it. I was whining. "Yes, you have to go. You're not going to just waste the day or get into who knows what kind of trouble. Besides, it's your own fault your head hurts. Now, upstairs; scoot." "You know," Sharon intervened. "He does still look a little green behind the gills." That made me like Sharon a little more. Kathy looked me over. "Hmm, maybe. We'll discuss it while he gets dressed. Let's go." Kathy shut the bedroom door, and I turned to her. "Don't make me go. You know I'll be useless and bored, and I really don't feel all that well." "You do look a little under the weather," she conceded. "Though I don't know why you should be rewarded for tying one on last night." "It's not a reward. Trust me, I'm being punished for last night. Please let me stay here. You two will have a lot more fun without me." "You're probably right at that. But I'm not so sure about leaving you here alone. If you're as tired as you say you are, you'll probably take a nap, and that risks Sharon's furniture. No, you'll just have to come along." "Please, honey, I'll stay awake, I promise. Besides, I never have problems during the day." "That's because you don't sleep in the day. I think it's best you come along." "Aww! Please don't make me. Nothing will happen; I promise." I gave her my best puppy dog eyes. "Well," she considered, "I suppose there might be one way." "Yes! Yes! Whatever you say. Just don't make me go with you." "You're sure now? It really means that much for you to stay here?" "Yes! Absolutely. I'll do it." "Alright, but you insisted. There's no turning back now. Go potty, and we'll get your diaper on." "What!" "That's the deal. You said you are too tired to go, and I can't trust you to stay awake or not wet in your sleep. If you stay home, I want you in a diaper. That way I can feel safe if you do take a nap." "But I said I'd stay awake. I have work I can do. That'll keep me awake." "We're on vacation. You shouldn't be working. Besides, we both know how well you stay on task without someone to watch you. No, diapers or shopping; it's your choice." I was torn. It was bad enough having to wear them at night, but at least I could ignore them then. On the other hand, department stores, fitting rooms, girl talk. "Fine. You win." And I went across to the bathroom. The diaper was already laid out when I got back. Condemned to my fate, I took off my clothes and lay down. Kathy efficiently diapered me. "Wait a second. What if I have to pee?" "That should be obvious." "But I'll be awake." "This was your idea." "It was not my idea! It was yours." "Alright, maybe the idea was, but it was your choice, and it's been made. We're not wasting that diaper, just because you didn't think it through." She appeared to be thinking of something. She reached in her purse and pulled out a marker. Before I knew what she was up to, she was marking her initials over the intersections of the tapes and the plastic. "That'll make sure you don't try taking it off as soon as I'm out the door. If you do, I'll know, and you'll get that spanking, Sharon or no Sharon." She got thoughtful again, and then she threw me for a loop. She pulled out another diaper. "What are you going to do with that?" I asked, shocked. "I'm going to double diaper you. I don't know how long we'll be out, and I can't take a chance of your leaking. The two should hold all your peepees. Up." It was obvious I was not going to win here. I let her put it on me. She used her long fingernails to poke a few holes in the inner one before taping up the outer. She repeated the trick with the marker. She gave the whole package as couple of satisfied pats. "There, all snug and safe and ready for your day. Now, since you claim you are not feeling well, I expect you to take it easy. Nap if you can. I want you feeling better, so we can do things together the rest of our stay." "Okay," I sighed. "Don't take that tone. You got what you wanted." I hadn't but didn't argue the point. "Get dressed and come say goodbye to Sharon and me." Kathy left the room, and I stood up to dress. The bulk between my legs was incredible. A bowlegged waddle was all I could manage. I tried to put on some khakis, but it wasn't happening. I resigned myself to putting my pajamas back on and threw on my robe. Stairs aren't easy when you can't put your knees together. I had to take them one at a time, and each one was accompanied by a distinct rustling I really hoped only I could hear. I stood as still as I could by the door and let the ladies come to me for a quick kiss and hug goodbye. Kathy surreptitiously patted my bottom and told me to be a good boy. I'm sure I jumped. I only hoped Sharon didn't notice, but her smile didn't make me optimistic. I watched them drive away and wondered what I was going to do with myself. It was difficult to walk normally, and the crinkling, exceptionally loud to my ears, was distracting. I did have some work I could do, but I wasn't enthused by the prospect. I got out my laptop anyway and set up at the kitchen table. After getting a cup of coffee and checking my email, all junk, I opened my work project. I stared at it for fifteen minutes or so before closing it down again. I was on vacation and in no mood to work. Actually, I wasn't in the mood for much of anything. The double thick diaper kept me focused on my problems and my plight. I figured, or hoped anyway, that I was not alone. Surely there were other men this happened to. Maybe there was some advice on how to handle the situation, preferably advice that did not rely on diapers. If I could show Kathy some alternative, maybe she would relent. The internet was not coming to my rescue. Oh, there was some consolation in finding out that I was not the only adult who experienced bedwetting problems. Most of the information indicated that they were stress related and would eventually pass along with the stressors. There were other causes that were, quite frankly, kind of scary. I would have to consider seeing a doctor. Not my regular doctor. I thought I would die if I had to tell George about this problem. The shock for me, though, was not the number of people who had the problem but the number who seemed to revel in it and the number who didn't have it but wanted to. The number of stories, true, fictional, or mixed, was staggering. Most seemed to be fantasy, or mostly so. That of itself was cause for thought. The number of those where the problem was dealt with by the sufferer's wife, girlfriend or mother enforcing the use of diapers was frightening. Apparently, I was not alone, either in diapers or in being spanked. At least some of the stories had to contain some truth. While I was reading, my morning coffee was catching up with me. I made a vow that I would wait it out and show Kathy my wearing diapers was ridiculous, at least during the day. I was not quite so confident about nighttime. Unfortunately, the amount of coffee I drink, and the effects it has on my bladder, made me doubt my resolve pretty quickly. I held on for as long as I could, but after a couple of painful spasms and a look at how little time had gone by, I knew I couldn't take it. The flood that followed was mind-blowing. As hard as it is to admit, the relief, after fighting the urge for so long, was almost orgasmic. That is until the reality of the situation began to sink in. I was sitting there in a soaking wet diaper, a grown man wallowing in his own pee. I could feel the wetness all around me, and I was sure that I had to have leaked. I stood up and checked the chair, bone dry. I checked out the diaper as best I could. Except for a few small spots between my legs, where I remembered Kathy poking holes, it showed no sign of what I did. I felt disgusted with myself but relieved I hadn't flooded the kitchen. Under Kathy's implicit threat and my explicit promise, I knew I was stuck in this situation until they got back. I could only hope it wouldn't be too long and that Kathy would give me some warning of their return. It was going to be bad enough facing her, having wet myself. The idea that Sharon might notice was unthinkable. Having no way out of my predicament without making Kathy more mad at me, I went back to my research. I decided to concentrate on how people like me felt about the situation. "People like me," there was a strange thought. Only hours before, I would have considered identifying a community of adults in diapers crazy. As expected, I found embarrassment, depression, and a fair amount of self-loathing. I did not expect to find so many people who gave every impression that they enjoyed being in diapers. I certainly never expected to find that group that referred to themselves as Adult Babies, people who actively sought out the opportunity to relive the experience of being toddlers or even younger. I found the pictures rather disconcerting. Was that where I was headed? It was inevitable that I would have to pee again while I surfed away. The need was less pronounced, and the hour was getting later. Again, I tried to hold off. I hadn't lasted very long when the other effect coffee has started to hit me. I was not going to give into that one, but holding that back made the pressure on my bladder worse. Eventually, it came down to a choice of the lesser of two evils. I was already wet, so the decision to wet some more was not difficult. The feeling was not as intense as before, but I did feel a lot better, and the other urge seemed to abate. I was hungry now, and made myself some lunch, just a quick sandwich and some juice. More coffee seemed like a bad idea. Eating took my mind off my troubles for the moment. It also made me sleepy. I felt that a nap might not be such a bad idea after all and went upstairs to lie down. I guess I didn't realize how tired I was, as I was rather disoriented when I heard Sharon's bright announcement that they were home. I rolled over with a squish. I knew without looking that I had wet in my sleep, and the diaper was considerably fuller than when I came upstairs. I also realized my other problem was coming back with a vengeance. There was a deep rumble in my gut that would need attention and soon. I was trying to shake off the cobwebs and figure out what to do when I heard footsteps on the staircase. That made me panic, which didn't help my situation any. The door swung open, and there was Kathy, thankfully alone. "What's the matter," she asked, concerned. "I… uh… hi," I said. "You must have needed that nap," she said, walking over to the bed. "Any problems while we were gone?" "Um… no… not really. Now that your home can I take this… thing off?" "Yes, I think so. Just let me make sure you were a good boy and didn't mess with it." Before I could stop her, she had the covers pulled back. I made a grab for my pajama bottoms, but she sharply slapped my hands. She wrestled the pants down while I begged her not to. "Oh my god! It's a good thing I put you in two. You're soaked." "Uh… yeah… you were gone a long time. Now please let me take this off. I have to go." "I can't imagine you have anything left in you." "Not that, the other." "Oh! Does my little boy have to go poopy?" she asked with a little too much relish. "Please, Kathy. This is hard enough." "Aww. Is it hard to hold it? Do you want to make a boom-boom in your diaper?" "Kathy, enough. Just let me up." I was getting desperate. "Don't get snippy with me, Mr. Soggybottom. Go on, if you have to go so bad." She got out of the way, and I leapt from the bed. I made for the bathroom and fell flat on my face. My pants were still around mid-thigh. The fall distracted me, and I pooped a little. Please don't let it smell, I hoped. Kathy was at my side in a second, helping me to my feet. She pulled up my pants and gave my bottom a pat. I started for the door. "Not so fast. Come back here." "Kathy, I really need to…" "Here. Now," she said, pointing at the floor in front of her. I clenched my cheeks and went to the spot. "Turn around." I knew arguing about it was not going to get me anywhere. I did as I was told and hoped against hope that what I knew was coming wouldn't. It did. She pulled back the waistbands of my pajamas and diapers and looked down the back. "I don't believe it. You did. You filthy little boy." She grabbed my ear and started dragging me toward the bathroom. That painful shock and sudden unbalance caused me to drop more into the seat of my pants. I felt sick. Kathy slammed the bathroom door behind us. "Really? Really? You actually pooped your pants. Unbelievable. What have you got to say for yourself?" I tried to come up with an explanation. My mouth moved, but nothing came out. Kathy gave an exasperated sigh. "Get those pajamas off." I did and turned to put them on a hook. "Did you go more?" She felt the back of my pants. "You did, didn't you? I can't believe you. Lie down." I squatted down slowly, trying to minimize the additional mess this was going to make. "Is everything alright in there?" Sharon was at the door! In that position, it was all too much for me. Whatever was left in my bladder and bowels found its way into my pants. It was all I could do to hold back the tears. "Yes, I guess so," Kathy sighed. "Just a little emergency we need to take care of." "Nothing serious, I hope." "Nothing a bath won't fix." "A bath?" Silence. "Oh. Well, never mind. Come down when you're ready. I'll start dinner." "Alright, stinker. Let's get you cleaned up." She started the bath running. That's when tears started. Thoroughly ashamed, I lay down and let Kathy untape the diapers. "Oh, God!" she choked. "Why did you do that in your pants? Why didn't you just take it off?" "You told me I couldn't!" "I know did, but I didn't mean you should…" She rubbed her temples and took a deep breath. "Okay. I guess this is partly my fault. I could have thought it through better and been clearer with you, but only partly. You're having some difficulties with your bladder, and I understand the reasons for that. It's okay. I just put you in a diaper to protect you and Sharon's furniture. But you are certainly old enough to know you shouldn't poop your pants, no matter what I said. I can't believe you did that." She sighed and dumped the poop in the toilet. "Just get in the shower. I'm getting a headache and can't talk about this now." I got in and let the stink and humiliation wash off of me. Clean and smelling better, I was feeling somewhat better when I got out. Then I noticed the diapers were gone. What had Kathy done with them? I didn't know what I would have done with them, but they had to go somewhere. What if Sharon saw them? My head was spinning, and my heart was pounding when I got dressed and went downstairs. Sharon didn't say anything when I entered the kitchen, but her sympathetic smile was all I needed to know the cat was out of the bag. Avoiding eye contact, I mumbled hello and took a seat at the table. I spent the remainder of the evening trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. Despite knowing a diaper was in my future, I was almost looking forward to going to bed. When Kathy suggested I take my meds and make an early night of it, I had no objections. "Meds? Are you sick, Dave?" "No," Kathy explained for me. "Dave's been really stressed out at work, and the doctor just gave him something to get over the hump." "Oh, is that why he's…" She stopped short. "Well, I just hope you start feeling better real soon." "Thanks. Goodnight." I went upstairs with Kathy close behind. She closed the door behind us, and I turned on her. "How could you tell her?" I said sharply, keeping my voice low. "How could I not? I had to get rid of that diaper, and she was right there. There was no avoiding it." "But she… How can I face… I can't…" My frustration mounted as I tried to speak. Grasping for words, my emotions got the best of me, and my eyes filled with tears. "I want to go home." I sank down on the bed and cried. With my face in my hands, I sobbed, "Why? Why? Why? I can't do this anymore. I can't take it. I just want to die." Kathy grabbed my head and forced me to look at her. "Don't you ever say that! I love you. I don't want to live without you. You are not to even think like that, do you understand me? If you ever say anything like that again, I swear, I'll spank you so hard…" She sat down and took me in her arms. She was crying too. "We'll get through this, together. Just don't ever think about leaving me like that. I love you so much." We sat like that for a long time, holding each other and letting it all out. I was drained and hardly noticed when Kathy began to undress me. Filled with love for her, I started to caress her. "No, honey. I think we are both too tired for that tonight. Let's get your diaper on. It's been a rough day all around." Disappointed but with no strength to object, I let her dress me. She got me a glass of water to take my meds, and she tucked me into bed. She held me until I went to sleep. I don't remember her leaving, but I sort of noticed her getting back in. I rolled over and snuggled close to her. I was wet again the next morning but felt more rested. I was alone. There was a stack of clothes on the bed with a plastic bag and a note on top. "Get dressed and come downstairs. You can put your diaper in the bag and bring that with you." I put the wet diaper in the bag, had a quick wash and got dressed. I wasn't looking forward to carrying the object of my shame downstairs, but I and it couldn't stay there forever. Sharon and Kathy were having coffee in the kitchen. I tried to dispose of the package as discretely as possible, but I think I only managed to draw more attention to myself. "Honey, sit down. We need to talk about something." Here we go, I thought. This wasn't going to be good. Sharon brought me a cup of coffee. That helped some. "Sweetheart, I know you are really uncomfortable about all this, but I think we have to acknowledge the elephant in the room. We are all aware that you are going to have to wear diapers to bed for a while. There, I said it. Diapers, diapers, diapers. Pretending that you don't is making us all uncomfortable. Sharon understands, and so do I. It's not your fault; it's just the way things are right now. Your trying to hide from the fact is just creating more stress you don't need. So, as of now, we are going to stop walking on eggshells and simply accept your diapers as a fact of life. Among ourselves, we'll speak openly about them if needed, and we won't make a big deal about disposing of them. That will save us all a lot of worry and trouble." I just stared into my coffee cup. I did not want to look at anyone, especially Sharon. I was fine pretending. Having to acknowledge the problem to someone else was not something I wanted to do. "It's okay, Dave," Sharon said. "I know the pressure you are under, and I understand how you feel." "How could you?" "I see this all the time in my work. People come in all the time feeling overwhelmed by it all. They feel the whole world wants something of them they can't give. They feel powerless to change the situation or fight back. They react in all kinds of ways. All too many of them turn to drugs or alcohol, and that only makes things worse. All things considered, a little thing like bedwetting is not so bad." "That's easy for you to say. You're not the one who has to wear…" "Diapers. You can say it. You're not weak or lazy or whatever else you are telling yourself to bring you down. It's a stress reaction, nothing more. From what Kathy tells me about your boss, I'm proud of you for not turning to something self-destructive. You just need to find a way to deal with the stress, to let it go, to feel empowered. You feel helpless, and I'm sure you think the diapers prove it. On the contrary, by wearing them, you are taking control of the situation by the best means possible. By wearing them, you're getting rest; Kathy's getting rest; the bed is staying clean and dry. The way I figure it, you've taken a big first step in getting better." "Thanks, I guess." I didn't really feel any better. "Dave," Kathy said, "I think there's something else you should consider. There's no rush, especially as we are on vacation; so, take as much time as you need. I think you should really think about quitting your job." "I can't just quit." "Not so fast, hear me out. Your boss is a bully. I'm sure he'll be found out eventually, but in the meantime, your life there is going to be miserable. I don't think you can really get better, if you stay there. You might learn to live with it, but at what cost? We've been doing alright. We don't actually need both our salaries. With a little bit of trimming, we can live on what I make. If it takes you a while to find something else, we'll make do. And I bet you could always get some work on a consulting basis. I'm not saying you have to quit, but it's an option, and you'll have my support. Just think it over." "I can't just let you support me," I protested. "You'd support me, if I had to quit, wouldn't you?" "That's different." "Why? Because you're a man? Look at the calendar. It's not the 1950s anymore. We're partners. We support each other, no matter what. If you never took another job and just stayed home and took care of the house, you'd still be supporting me. That's what we do. We have each other's back." "But I'd feel so…" "For a while, maybe," Sharon interjected, "but you'll get over that. I had a patient who went through much the same thing. He felt bad about it for a while, but once he got used to it, he loved being a househusband. He felt like he was making a real contribution. He was able to do things he never had time for. He makes a little money on the side from his hobbies. He's very happy. He says some of his friends tell him in private that they envy him." "I don't know…" "Just think about it. Take all the time you need," Kathy said. "A day, a week, a month, whatever you need, but think about it seriously. I think it would be good for you, but it's your decision. Whatever you decide, I'm behind you, but please, please, do consider it." "Alright," I said, as much to end the conversation as anything. "Good, it's settled." I didn't think it was settled at all but let it go. "Now, Sharon tells me there's an exhibition downtown that's right up your alley. Finish your coffee, and let's go." The exhibition was as good as advertised. I don't know about the girls, but I had a good time. Model trains aren't everybody's cup of tea. Kathy knew my fascination, even though I hadn't had a set since I was a kid. I think she was bored after the first ten minutes, but she let me have the run of the place to gawk over them. She and Sharon feigned interest when I explained all about the different scales and old rail lines. They smiled and nodded, and then let me run off to the next display while they hung about to talk. The rest of week was taken up with various activities. Some I enjoyed more than others, none as much as the trains. It was all a good distraction from my troubles and had me worn out by evening. Between the activity and the meds, I was getting some much-needed rest. When I woke up dry on Friday morning, I thought I was turning a corner. Kathy praised me, which actually made me feel a little worse, but I took it in the spirit it was intended and didn't say anything. That night, it was decided, we would stay in for movies and margaritas. I took it easy, because I didn't know how the alcohol would react with my meds. Kathy made up for it, drinking the rest of my share as well as her own. She was pretty toasted by the end of the evening. She knocked over her glass and cut here finger picking up broken pieces. I thought we might have to take her to the emergency room, but we got the bleeding stopped pretty quickly. "Geez, that hurts," she slurred. "Um, Sharon? I'm not sure I can take care of Davey like this. Would you mind?" "What!" Sharon and I said in unison. "This really hurts, and I'm not sure I can work the tapes." "I can do it myself." "I don't know that you can, and neither do you. You've never done it before, and it has to be harder to put one on yourself than someone else. I don't want you leaking all over the place by putting it on wrong, and I'm sure Sharon doesn't either." I looked to Sharon for support, but she had an amused grin on her face. She was actually warming to the idea. "You're right, Kathy. A diaper isn't much good if it leaks all over. Sure, I'll help out. I'm sure Davey won't mind." "But…" "It's not like she hasn't seen one before," Kathy said, anticipating my protest. "And it's just this one time. I'll be better tomorrow. You two go on upstairs. I'll clean up down here." "Just put everything in the sink. You shouldn't get that finger wet. Come on, Davey. Auntie Sharon will get you ready for night-night." "That's right," Kathy laughed. "You be a good boy for Auntie Sharon." I didn't like being treated like a little boy, but I wrote it off to their inebriation. I took Sharon's outstretched hand and followed her upstairs. She went right to work getting a diaper laid out for me. I stood there unsure I could go through with it. "Take off your pants, silly. We can't do anything with those on. Here, let Auntie help." Before I could react, she was undoing my pants and pushing them down. "Why, Davey! I'm flattered, but what would your mommy say?" I was deeply embarrassed by my tumescent state, but her reaction to it only made it worse. I started to apologize, but Sharon cut me off. "Don't worry about it. Little boys are always doing that when they get their diapers changed. Now, let's get those clothes off, so we can get you all wrapped up. We wouldn't want any accidents, would we?" Sharon was obviously more drunk than I thought. I hoped she, at least, wouldn't remember this in the morning. I told myself to just get through it, and finished undressing. I lay down on the open diaper and looked away, waiting for this to be over. "Oh, it looks like baby is getting a bit of a rash, I'd better get some powder for that." She started to leave but turned right around folded the front of the diaper up over me. "Just in case. You never know with boys." She was gone for a few minutes, which was enough for me to subside a little. She had just walked in the door when we heard a thud on the stairs. "Whoopsies," we heard between giggles. "You alright out there?" Sharon asked. "Yeah, fine. Be right up." There was another, smaller thump followed by more giggles. "Right up." Sharon shook her head, smiling, and got back to work. She drew back the diaper and sprinkled the powder, quite a lot in my opinion. That brought me back to my previous state. She started to smooth it, and I whimpered. Kathy chose that moment to walk in the door. "Davey, you naughty boy! I should spank you for that." "Don't spank him. He just a little sweet on his Auntie Sharon, aren't you, baby? Besides, you know how boys are. Remember when we used to babysit my cousins?" "Yes," Kathy laughed. "Roger especially. Did he get that from his father? Your aunt is a lucky woman." "So she says." All this talk was not helping my situation, neither was the fact that Sharon was still rubbing in the powder. Kathy sat down next to me. "Is that true, baby? Do you have a little crush on Auntie Sharon? Do you like it when she rubs you down there? Oops! I guess you do!" "Oh, dear. I guess we'll have to start over. I'll go get a washcloth." Sharon went to the bathroom, while I wished I could have died right there. "I guess wearing diapers has an upside after all," Kathy giggled. I just hoped she would feel the same way when she was sober. Sharon returned with a wet washcloth and with much greater efficiency, had me cleaned up, powdered and diapered in no time. I got up to put on my pajamas and take my meds. Kathy was lying back and moaning a little. "What about you, girlfriend? Are you going to be alright, or does Auntie Sharon need to put a diaper on you too? You don't look so good." "No. I'm a big girl," Kathy slurred. "Okay, but if you're wet in the morning, you'll be the one getting the spanking." That image had me stirring again. I helped Sharon undress Kathy and get her into the bed. Sharon kissed my cheek and told me not to worry. We were all friends and more than a little drunk. I knew that wasn't true of me but recognized it was her way of saying the episode was nothing more than a little harmless fun. We said goodnight, and I climbed in next to Kathy. I don't know if my dreams were more disturbing or exciting. I do know I wasn't anxious for them to end. I had visions of Kathy squirming across Sharon's lap when I realized those sounds weren't in my head. I turned to see Kathy gone and a good size wet spot in her place. I stumbled across the hall to find my dream a reality. Kathy was sprawled face down across Sharon's lap, pleading with Sharon to stop. Her obviously wet panties lay at her feet. "I told you, you should have worn a diaper last night," Sharon said as she landed a slap to Kathy's already glowing behind. "Remember those parties in college. You should know better than to drink that much." I shook my head, not believing what I was seeing. Sharon took notice of my presence. "Good morning, Davey. You see what happens to little girls who don't listen to Auntie?" "Oh no! Dave! Go away. Please." "Quiet," Sharon said with another slap. "And don't think it can't happen to little boys either. Well, young lady, have you learned your lesson yet?" "Yes. Yes!" "Alright, go get cleaned up, and bring those sheets down to be washed." Kathy scrambled off Sharon's lap and fairly ran from the room, avoiding eye contact with me. I could hear her sniffling in the bathroom. "You clean up too," Sharon instructed. "I'll start breakfast." That brought my attention to the diaper hanging low on my hips. I wasn't making as much progress as I had thought. I passed Kathy in the bathroom door. She still wouldn't look at me. She must have worked fast, because by the time I was clean and fresh, the bed was stripped, and she was nowhere in sight. I got dressed and found her in the kitchen helping with breakfast. She gave me a sheepish "good morning." I hugged her and gave her a kiss that was far more than perfunctory. That seemed to brighten her spirits. We all sat down to breakfast as if nothing had happened. I really wanted to know more about what I saw this morning but figured that wasn't the time to ask. It would keep and was probably none of my business anyway. We tidied up the dishes slowly, none of us wishing the visit to end. It was with no small amount of sadness that Kathy and I packed our things and said our goodbyes. We all promised to not wait so long till the next time, and for a change, I meant it. Despite the diapers and the embarrassment that went with them, I had a really good time. We drove in silence for quite some time. I was lost in my thoughts. There was a lot that happened that week and a lot to think about. Mostly though, I thought about what I had witnessed that morning. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. "Kathy? Remember what you said about elephants in the room?" "Yes," she sighed. "What happened this morning?" It took her a long time to answer. She tried to get me to drop it, but I kept bringing it back up. "You're not going to let this go, are you? Alright, fine." You know Sharon was my sorority sister, right? Well, she was actually my big sister, a sophomore assigned to show a pledge the ropes and generally look after her. One of the things she did for me was to introduce me around. She was really popular and got invited to a lot of parties, and because she did, I did. It was at one of those parties that I got introduced to alcohol. I never drank in high school, and I avoided it the first couple of parties I went to. But it had been a rough week, and I gave in when somebody stuck a cup in my hand. At first, I didn't realize there was alcohol in it. It just seemed like a really sweet punch with a funny aftertaste. I was well into my second one before I knew I was getting buzzed. It felt good. I wanted more. I kept drinking. About the time I felt like I might have had too much, Sharon found me. She told me it was time to go back to the house. I don't think I would have made it without her. I'm sure I threw up at least once on the way. I don't really remember getting back to the house and her dumping me on the bed. I do remember waking up the next morning. Sharon was shaking my leg, telling me to get up. I never knew sunlight could be so painful. It tasted like something died in my mouth, and somebody was beating my head with a hammer. I begged Sharon to let me die in peace. Instead, she pulled off my blankets. I was suddenly very cold. "Oh, geez. Get up. We need to get this stuff in the wash." "Huh?" "Get up. You peed the bed." "What?" "You peed the bed. Get up." "Oh my god. No!" I started bawling. "Oh, come on. It's not that big a deal. Half the girls here did the same thing the first time they got drunk." "You?" "Me? No." "Great," I said dejectedly. "Listen, get yourself cleaned up, take some aspirin, have some coffee and toast, and then we can talk about it. Okay?" "Okay." The shower made me feel a little better. I hadn't really learned to drink coffee yet, but the toast helped some. I found Sharon back in my room. She had stripped the bed for me and turned my fan toward the mattress. I had found the rubberized fabric of the mattress strange when I first moved in. Now, I understood why the sorority used them. It was somewhat comforting to know I wasn't the only one, but I still felt ashamed. Sharon hugged me and told me not to worry about it. I was the first, and I wouldn't be the last. It happens to everyone. "It didn't happen to you." "Okay, maybe not everyone, but I've had my share of nights worshipping the porcelain god." The image of Sharon with her head in the toilet did make me chuckle and a little less embarrassed. "I swear, I'm never going to drink again." "Don't make promises you can't keep. You just have to learn to pace yourself. You have to watch those fruity drinks. They go down really easy, and before you know it, you've already had too many. You don't have to stop drinking if you don't want to. Just be careful." "Alright." I took my wet things down to the laundry room. I couldn't avoid passing some of the other girls. Most gave me sympathetic smiles, a kind of been there done that look. I was careful at the next few parties I went to. I did drink some, but I went slow and never let it get beyond a mild buzz. That ended after midterms. I felt so relieved to have made it over that hurdle, I let myself go. Sharon took me aside and told me I should ease up. I told her I was fine and bumped into a wall. She told me to remember what happened the last time. I waved her off. It was a good thing the party was at the sorority house, or I never would have made it home. As it was, Sharon found me the next morning on the floor of the bathroom. There was vomit in my hair and around the toilet bowl, and I was lying in a puddle of pee. Sharon got me on my feet and into the shower. She didn't bother with my clothes. That first burst of water was a real shock, and I thought my head would explode, and really hope that it would. As the water warmed, I started to feel human again. I got undressed and washed the assorted fluids of me. Sharon was waiting for with a towel. "Thank you," I said, drying off. "I feel awful. Never again." "You said that before. You should feel awful. You were really pounding them last night. You deserve that hangover. But listen, drinking like that isn't good for you; in fact, it's dangerous. Even if the alcohol doesn't kill you, you can do all kinds of crazy things to get hurt or let someone hurt you. And it sure isn't any fun for me, having to clean up after you." "I know. I'm sorry." "Yeah, yeah, save it. You're sorry, because you head hurts. But if you did anything to hurt the house while you were like that, it would be my ass on the line too. I'm responsible for you." "I didn't know. I'm sorry." "Well, just think about it. And think about what would happen if you got in real trouble. What if you got called in front of the dean?" I paled. "Oh my god. My mom would have my butt. I would be able to sit down for a month." "Your mom still spanks you." "Well, she did last year, when I came home an hour after curfew. She might." "Maybe that's what you deserve." Her face was passive. I couldn't tell if she meant it. "You're kidding right?" "Get drunk like that again, and we'll see." I was really good for the rest of the semester. I didn't let myself get more than a little tipsy. I did my work. My grades were good. I felt really good about myself. I had long forgotten that conversation in the shower. The end of term was my undoing. The night after finals, everyone was celebrating, including me. We had a grand old time. I again woke up with a horrible hangout and a wet bed. I was balling up the sheets when Sharon came to check on me. "You did it again, didn't you? I told you to slow down, didn't I? But do you listen? No. 'I'm fine, Sharon.' 'Go away, Sharon.' 'Mind your own business, Sharon.' And look at you now, wet sheets and pissy pants. Remember what I said after midterms?" "What? What are you talking about?" "I told you what would happen if you got this drunk again." I tried to remember, but the pounding in my head made it hard. "I told you deserved spanking then, and you'd get one the next time. This is the next time." "You can't be serious." "Oh, I'm very serious." Sharon grabbed my wrist, sat down on the bed and hauled me across her lap. A softball player, she was really strong, far stronger than me. I didn't stand a chance. "Sharon, no!" I screamed, as she whisked my panties down. She didn't say a word as she lit up my ass. I screamed and squirmed and begged, but she didn't let up until I was limp and bawling. She stood me up and held me while I cried myself out. I told her I was sorry, and I really meant it. "It's okay. It's all over now. Just don't let it happen again, or you'll get more of the same." She tilted my head up and looked into my eyes. "I love you, Kathy. I want you to be safe." She kissed me, not a kiss, kiss, but more than a peck. Then she left me to take care of my laundry and pack for the holidays. It was a long, thoughtful, and uncomfortable bus ride home. "Wow," was all I could think of. After digesting it for a bit, I couldn't help asking, "Did it ever happen again?" "The idea turns you on, doesn't it? Pervert," she chuckled. "If you must know, it did, but I'm not going into gory details." "What about that kiss? Was there more than that?" Kathy blushed and remained silent. I waited. "Okay, yes, we… experimented, nothing serious. I decided I preferred men… mostly." I filed that away. "What about Sharon?" "She's more of an omnivore," Kathy said smiling. "But that's all you're getting. Have you thought about what we talked about? Your job?" "Some. I haven't made any decisions." "Okay." The rest of the trip was idle chitchat and discussion of things we should do before the weekend was out. Although I had two more wet nights, I returned to work on Monday feeling better… for about ten minutes. That's how long it took for my boss to start in on me. He actually had the gall to berate me for taking the week off, time I had earned. That was the last straw. I spent my lunch hour writing up a formal complaint and delivering it to Human Resources. I told them, if they didn't do something about him, they could have my notice, and if they didn't want that, I'd take the sick and vacation pay I had coming, and they could have their job. The rest of the afternoon was a flurry of meetings and discussions about me and my boss. Some of them got pretty heated. A review of my work showed that I was doing my job and doing it well. In the end, though, I was low man on the totem pole, and it was decided we would all be better off, if I applied my skills elsewhere. I was given a letter of recommendation and promised my back pay would be mailed at the next payroll date. For someone who, for all practical purposes, just got canned, I felt great when I cleaned out my desk. Kathy got concerned when she came home and saw the box with my possessions by the door. "What happened?" "I got fired," I said brightly. "Well, 'mutual separation' is what they wrote down in the file." I gave her a blow by blow description of what happened that day with full color commentary. I may have embellished my part a little. "Dave, I'm so proud of you. You did the right thing. I just wish that son of a bitch got what was coming to him." "Not my problem anymore. His file is flagged. He'll get his someday. In the meantime, and for the foreseeable future, you have yourself a little housemaid." "Don't give me ideas. You might look good in a French maid's uniform. I'm just glad you are out of there. Let's go. I'm taking you out to dinner." "Shouldn't we be watching our pennies? I am out of a job now." "We will, but tonight, we celebrate. This is a new beginning." And we did, a great meal, some nice wine, and it didn't end there. We practically ran up to the bedroom, clothes flying as we went. It was the most passionate we had been in quite a while. Afterward, Kathy got me diapered and curled up next to me. "So, what are you going to do with yourself, now that you have all this time on your hands?" "I don't know. I haven't really had a chance to think about it." "You should, you know. Idle hands and all that." "I'm sure I'll think of something." "I hope so. Little boys left on their own can get into all sorts of mischief." She was rubbing the front of my diaper. "I'll be fine." "I hope so. We wouldn't want Mommy to have to spank, would we?" I chuckled. "Would we?" The question wasn't rhetorical. "No." "No, what?" "No… Mommy?" "That's right," she said, rubbing me harder. "You need to be a good boy for Mommy, or Mommy will spank." I moaned, getting my second wind. "Maybe I should get a babysitter to keep you out of trouble. Maybe Auntie Sharon would be available. She could make sure you're a good boy and change you when you are wet. I know you like that. But Auntie Sharon spanks hard; so, you'd better be good." That was it. The diaper came off for round two. I was barely awake when Kathy re-diapered me and kissed me goodnight. The first week as a stay at home husband was great. I cooked, which I enjoyed but never had time for. I did some minor repairs that I had been putting off for a while. I cleaned the house and did the grocery shopping. I didn't enjoy those so much, but they had to be done and weren't as bad as I imagined. Most of all, Kathy was really happy with me and lavished me with praise. The second week was not as good. It was harder to find things to do. Kathy noticed and brought my attention to some things that needed taking care of. By the third week, I was really starting to get bored. Kathy and I were doing some gardening that weekend, when Mrs. Travers, our neighbor across the street, a sweet older lady, came over. I never talked to her much, but she and Kathy were friends. She took Kathy aside, but I couldn't help overhearing their conversation. "I noticed David's been home a lot lately. Is everything alright." "Oh, yes. He's taking some time off, maybe thinking of a second career." "I was just concerned, the economy being the way it is and everything." "No need to worry. We're fine." "Well, if there is anything you need…" "Same here. I'm sure Dave would be happy to help you out, if you need anything." "Well, there are a few odd jobs I need done. I'd pay him, of course." "Nonsense. What are neighbors for? Dave, come here a minute." "Oh, that's all right." "Dave, Travers needs your help. You'll do that, won't you?" "Sure." "What is it you need, Mavis?" "Well, I have a leaky faucet, and the gutters need tending." "No trouble at all Mrs. Travers," I said. "Is tomorrow okay?" "That would be fine, dear, if it's not too much trouble." "No trouble at all. Ten o'clock?" "That sounds fine. Thank you so much." "It's settled then," Kathy said sealing the deal. "He'll be over at ten sharp. You remember to be a good boy for Mrs. Travers, Dave." Mrs. Travers thanked us again but gave us awkward look as she went back to her house. "You didn't need to say that." "I was just having some fun. Can't you take a joke?" I kissed Kathy goodbye the next morning, and she reminded me to be a good boy and be at Mrs. Travers' house at ten. I was there right on time, toolbox and ladder in hand. I decided to start with the gutters, before the day got too hot. They were worse than I imagined, and it took till past noon to get them cleared out. Mrs. Travers insisted on feeding my lunch. The leaky faucet turned out to be a nightmare. It was an old fixture in the guest bath. I don't think anyone had worked on it since before I was born. There was a slow but steady drip that, judging by the calcium deposits on the fixture, had been going on for a long time. It was a chore just turning the shutoff valve and getting the handle off the valve, but when I tried to take out the stem to change the washer, the whole thing snapped. I informed Mrs. Travers and told her I would buy her new hardware. After a bit of an argument, I accepted that she would pay, I insisted on doing the installation. We went to the hardware store together, so she could pick out what she wanted. On the ride she told me all about her children and grandchildren, including the fact that the middle one was still wetting the bed. I set to work on updating the sink. I soon wished that I hadn't offered my assistance. Every nut was frozen. Nothing was easy to reach. The room was so tiny, I couldn't even lie down comfortably to work. As is so often the case with plumbing, I was swearing at it under my breath. Then the wrench slipped. I hit my hand hard against a pipe. I sat up to grab it and bashed my head on the sink. I was loudly cursing a blue streak when Mrs. Travers came to check on me. I was seeing stars and didn't resist when she helped me up. She led me to the kitchen and fixed an icepack for my head. She tended to my wounded hand, applying a Scooby-Doo Band-Aid. "Sorry, dear, that's all I have. I keep them for the grandkids." The room was still spinning when Kathy came over to check on me. I had no idea it had gotten so late. She gasped when she saw me. "It's just a bump on the head, dear, but I think you'd better take him home. He's had a rough day. I'll just call a plumber to finish." "No. I can do it myself." "David, be quiet. Mavis, I'm sorry he was so much trouble for you." "Oh, no trouble. I've tended to more than one skinned knee and bruised ego. But such language!" "David, apologize to Mrs. Travers, right now." "Sorry." "I'm sorry, Mavis. It won't happen again. But please, don't waste your money on a plumber. David will come back tomorrow and finish the job." She turned to me. "And he will watch his language, won't you?" "Yes, ma'am." I meant that for Mrs. Travers, but I don't think either of them took it that way. "Good. I'm sorry. He is usually much better behaved. Please let him come back." "Alright," she said reluctantly. "If it means that much to him. But it's no trouble to get a plumber." "I won't hear of it. David will be back first thing in the morning to finish what he started, and he'll be on his best behavior. If he's not, please tell me. Now, I'd better get him home and put him to bed." I handed back the icepack and stood to leave. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Travers, and thank you for lunch." "It's alright, dear. Get some rest, and you'll feel better in the morning." Kathy took care of the goodbyes, and Mrs. Travers walked us to the door. I hoped she wasn't watching as Kathy gave me an earful crossing the street and landed a couple of hard swats on the seat of my pants. She took me straight upstairs. She got a diaper out and set it on the bed. She got her hairbrush and put it on top. She started undressing me and gave me a real dressing down. "I'm ashamed of you, talking that way in front of a sweet old lady. What were you thinking?" "I'm sorry. I hit my head, and it really hurt." "That's no excuse. You should know better. I have a good mind to wash your mouth out with soap." "You can't do that!" "Try me. If I ever hear something like that again, that's just what I'll do. As for right now, you're getting a good spanking to help you remember." "What? You can't." "You know very well I can. And unless you want me to use your belt on you, you'll get across my lap right now." I remembered the bite of the belt and chose to follow her instructions. She didn't start easy, and she accompanied her task with nonstop scolding. But that was nothing compared to when she started in with the brush. I wouldn't have been surprised if Mrs. Travers heard my cries from across the street. When I was bawling, Kathy told me to get up and marched me to the corner. "You stay there and think about what you did." I kept my face wedged in the corner, not wanting to incur any more of her wrath. I could hear her milling about the room, muttering. Then there was silence. "David, why is your underwear wet?" "What!" "You heard me. Why is your underwear wet?" "What? I didn't." She turned me around and held them where I could see. They were clearly damp. "Did you or did you not wet your pants?" "I don't know." "Of course, you know! Look at these!" "I guess, maybe a little. I don't remember. Maybe when I hit my head?" "That's no excuse. You can't go around wetting your pants during the day. It's bad enough you do that at night." "You said you didn't mind." "You know what I mean. But daytime accidents are a different story. Do you need to be in diapers all the time? Do I need to hire a babysitter? Maybe Mrs. Travers would like the job." "I'm sorry," I cried. "It won't happen again." "It had better not, or I'll have to rethink leaving you home alone. Lie down. You're going to bed right now." "I have to go to the bathroom." "Then go. At least, you remember some of your potty training." I lay in bed thinking about what Kathy said. She wouldn't make me wear diapers in the daytime. It was just that I hit my head. But she did it before. That didn't work out well. Seriously, she couldn't really get a babysitter. I didn't know what to think. Between conking myself and what followed, I was exhausted and didn't last long. I had strange and fitful dreams. I was soaked the next morning. Kathy was laying out clothes when I came back from the shower. "Put these on." She handed me something I didn't recognize. "What are these?" "Training pants." I turned the puffy object over in my hands. "I'm not wearing those." "Yes, you are, unless you'd prefer to wear a diaper. Of course, you'll have to bring a spare, incase Mrs. Travers needs to change you." "You wouldn't." "Would you like to discuss it with Mr. Hairbrush?" "No." "Then get dressed. You have work to do." The disposable underwear wasn't as thick or noisy as a diaper, but I still felt very conspicuous. I was feeling very contrite when Kathy rang Mrs. Travers' doorbell. "Good morning, Mavis. I brought David over to finish his work. He's going to be on his best behavior today and not give you any more trouble. If he does, I'd appreciate it if you told me. And if he needs it, you have my permission to spank him." "I'm sure that won't be necessary, dear," she said with a nervous laugh, no doubt hoping that was a joke. I knew it wasn't and blushed hotly. "Be a good boy, David. I'll see you tonight. And no swearing." It took me all day and another trip to the hardware store for new shutoff valves, but I finally got the sink done. I even managed to keep from swearing out loud. I did end up quietly crying at one point from holding it in. When it was all done, I was quite proud of myself, and Mrs. Travers was pleased. I was finishing the snack she made me, when Kathy came to take me home. "How was he today, Mavis?" "Good as gold, dear. Good as gold. I don't know what you said to him, but it did the trick. And such a good job he did. The new faucets are just beautiful." "I'm so glad to hear that. David, say thank you to Mrs. Travers." "Thank you," I mumbled, my mouth filled with cookie. "David, don't talk with your mouth full." "It's alright, dear. He deserves his reward. If I could borrow him again, I might have some other jobs for him to do?" "Anytime, Mavis. Anytime. I'm happy to have him here where somebody can keep an eye on him. But now I think it's time I get him home and fed, unless he's spoiled his appetite with your cookies." "I only had two," I complained. I saw Mrs. Travers hold up three fingers. "Well, we'll see if we can get some real food in him anyway. David, finish your milk; it's time to go." I downed the half full glass and wiped my mouth with my sleeve. I thanked Mrs. Travers for the cookies, and we headed home. Kathy told me she was proud of me for being a good boy. That made me feel good. But, she warned me, she expected no more bad behavior reports. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. Then she stuck her hands down the front of my pants. "Just checking. Seems a little damp down there. Drop 'em." "I didn't. I swear." "You'd better not swear. Now, let's see those training pants." She unbuckled my belt and dropped my pants to my feet. She pulled the disposable underwear—I preferred the euphemism—inside out and down where she could get a good look. "Hmm. Definitely a little damp, but maybe it's just sweat. You could do a better job wiping though." She pulled them back up and went to make dinner. I was left standing with my pants at my ankles, wondering what just happened. The evening was business as usual. At bedtime, she said her little boy deserved a reward for being so good all day. I got it too, and how. Kathy had another pair of training pants out the next day. "Why do I have to wear these? I stayed dry yesterday." "I think you know why." "No, why?" "Because Mommy says so." She wrapped her arms around me and gave my bottom a squeeze. "And little boys who do what Mommy says get rewarded." She gave me a smack. "And you know what happens to little boys who don't." I quickly put on the paper pants. "Good boy. Get dressed. Mommy has to go to work." I tidied up around the house and puttered in the garden a little. I couldn't help but think about the night before and what Kathy implied that morning. I went to the store and bought a roast, hoping a nice dinner would earn me another of her rewards. With dinner in the oven, I was at a loss for what to do. I sat down to watch some TV and was soon asleep, dreaming of "Mommy." "Oh, David!" I sat straight up. "Get up, quick." I stood up, and that's when I felt it. The training pants were leaking. "Go change. I'll take care of this." I could hear the disappointment and frustration in her voice. I came back to find her laying towel over the cushion. I told her I was sorry. "It wasn't too bad. I think I got it in time. Let's just eat. It smells wonderful." It was good, if I do say so myself. Kathy's praise for it was effusive. Then she turned serious. "David, what we going to do? I know you can't help your bedwetting, and that's alright. It really is, and we're dealing with it. But what are we going to do about this wetting in the daytime? It's obvious the training pants aren't up to the job." "I'm sorry. I wasn't even planning on going to sleep." "That's my point. If you're going to drop off like that, you could end up ruining the furniture." "I'll just stay awake. That's all." "You didn't today." "But now, I know I have to." "David, I don't want to deprive you of your sleep. If you need a nap, you should be able to take one." "I could put a diaper on myself," I suggested. "Yes, I do think we need to teach you to do that. But that's only going to help if you know you are going to sleep. What about days like today, when you just drop off?" "I don't know." "I think there's only solution that's really practical." I didn't like the sound of that. "You're just going to have to have a nap every day. That way, you won't just be nodding off unprotected." "But I don't need a nap every day." "I'm sorry, but I don't see any way around it. Unless you prefer I get a sitter who can make sure you stay awake or gets you diapered?" "No, I don't want that." "Then you'll just have to start taking naps. Do the dishes, and we'll see if we can teach you how to put on a diaper by yourself. And use the potty. We don't need any accidents in the middle of the lesson." That was it; the discussion was closed. I met her upstairs when the dishes were done. She had several diapers stacked up on the bed. "Why so many?" "It might take you a few tries to get it on right, and the tapes on these don't take repositioning well. If you mess up, we'll have to start from scratch. Here, let me help you get undressed." She kissed me while she unbuttoned my shirt. I thought we'd get to the instructions part later, and it showed. No such luck. "Okay. The first thing is to unfold the diaper and lay it out like this." "I could have guessed that." "Don't get smart; just listen. Now you lie down on top. You know how to do that already. Well, go on; I can't very well teach you this while you're standing up. Good. Now, lift your bottom and take the bottom two tapes. That's it. Now, move the diaper so the tapes are at the bend in your hips. No, a little higher. Let me feel. That's it. Good boy. Put your bottom down. Now, pull the front up and put the tapes on, snug as you can without stretching anything. Don't let the diaper move, or you'll have to start again. No, no, don't pull the front over so far; keep it centered. That's it. Good job. Now, tuck in all of the side flaps. That's right; we don't want those sticking out. Now, we do the top tapes, nice and snug. Very good! Stand up and let me check you. My goodness, you did so good, and on your first try! We'll just tuck these parts under to make sure nothing gets out. There, all ready for bed." I don't know what the all the fuss was about. It's not like it was brain surgery. Still, she managed to make me feel proud of myself. I reached to undo the tapes. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm taking it off." "Why? It's on there so nice." "It's early, and I'm not sleepy." "Well, there's no sense in wasting it. If you take it off, we'll just have to throw it away. Just leave it on. Mommy will make it worthwhile," she teased. "Really?" I said hopefully. "Uh huh," she said, unbuttoning her blouse. "Okay." She knew what I liked. She didn't often let me spend much time with her titties, but that night, she let me suck and play with them to my heart's content. Meanwhile, she pleasured herself. "Oh, baby!" she cried out after her third orgasm. "You make Mommy feel so good." She brought my face to hers and kissed me deeply. I was looking forward to the main event. "We'll have to let you nurse more often. That was fantastic. Are you ready to go night-night, or do you want to watch some television?" "Aren't we going to… you know?" "Baby, what did I say about wasting diapers? That's not coming off until morning, unless you need a change before. So, what's if going to be, bed or TV?" I would have wet myself if I could have, but the state she had me in prevented it. "TV, I guess," I said with a pout. "Aw, don't be that way. If you're a good boy, maybe Mommy will let you nurse some more before bed." That cheered me a little. We put on our nightclothes and went downstairs. Even though Kathy picked out a movie that would appeal more to me than to her, I was still a bit sullen. Kathy noticed. "What's the matter, sweetie? Do you still want Mommy's titty? Come here, baby." She had me lie down with my shoulders in her lap. She supported my head with her arm, braced by the arm of the sofa. She pushed her nightgown out of the way. "Be gentle. Mommy's still tender from before." It wasn't what I really wanted, but it was still nice. I had seen the movie several times before. I could see it in my head just from the dialogue. Kathy was idly rubbing my chest and belly. It was very relaxing. I felt a twinge in my bladder and figured, what the heck? It wasn't like she was going to let me go to the bathroom anyway. It took some effort, but I did manage to overcome my resistance and let the liquid flow. Kathy must have noticed a change in me. She stuck her had inside my pajama pants and squeezed my diaper. "Good boy," she murmured, and she continued to rub down there. I was actually getting turned on. I was starting to squirm, trying to get a little more pressure on the front to the diaper. My suckling became more passionate, and I reached up to play with the other breast. I felt a slap on my padded behind. "Mommy said 'gentle.' If you can't be nice, I'm going to put you to bed." That brought about a definite pout from me. "Don't be like that; you were told. Let's get you turned around and you can have the other side for a while, but be nice." "Okay," I sighed. "What was that?" Yes… Mommy." "That's better. You just nurse nicely while we finish the movie. Then Mommy will get you tucked in." I was more on my side this time, and Kathy rubbed my back and bottom. I think I must have drifted off, because Kathy was telling me it was time for bed. I got my bearings and sat up. I didn't think I had been that wet when we switched breasts. Kathy took my hand and led me upstairs. She took off my pajama pants and said she was right; I would need a change before bed. She laid me down and untaped the used but not soggy garment. I asked to use the bathroom. "Really? I wouldn't think you had any more in you right now." "For… the other." "Oh, yes, of course. Go make poopies, and then we'll get you set for night-night." She patted my naked bottom as I went. She didn't really have to put it that way, I thought. I wasn't gone long, but she had a new diaper laid out, as well as some powder. "What's that for?" I asked, pointing at the powder. "It will make you more comfortable, and it will make you smell nice." "It'll make me smell like a baby." "Exactly, is there anything that smells better than a freshly changed baby? Besides, at the moment, you are acting like one. You may as well smell the part." "You know I can't help it. It's the stress. And those pills make me so sleepy, I don't know…" "That's not what I meant. You've been cranky and moody all night. Lie down, so Mommy can get your dipee on." I lay down, but not without telling her I didn't appreciate the baby talk. "You liked it well enough when we were playing here a while ago." She took a wet wipe and ran it up my butt crack. "And if this is the kind of job you do wiping yourself, maybe you are one. Does Mommy have to help you when you make a stinky in the potty?" "Kathy!" I complained. "Okay, okay, I'm kidding… for now, but make sure you do a better job in the future. If I'm going to have to clean your poopy bottom anyway, I may as well keep you in diapers full time." I gasped. "Relax. I didn't say I was going to do it…. I just haven't ruled out the possibility," she said with a grin that was either playful or threatening. I couldn't tell which. She powdered me nicely, but I was disappointed that she stopped when I started to stir. She finished the rest of the process efficiently and soon had me tucked in. She got in beside me and had me face her. "Unless we run into some problems, here are the rules from now on. I want you to lie down every afternoon around one o'clock. A little bit earlier, a little bit later, doesn't matter, as long as it's not past two. Whatever you might be planning that would take longer than that can wait until after you rest. I want you in a diaper when you lie down. You showed me you can do it yourself, and I feel better knowing you are protected. If you wet while you are napping, go ahead and put your pull-ups back on. If you don't, I want you to keep the diaper on until you use it; that way it's not wasted, and I know you aren't cheating. If you don't sleep at naptime, I want you in a diaper until I get home. I can't have you falling asleep without one on. If you have to change once or twice before I get back, that's okay, but no wasting. If I find you aren't taking your naps or you are running around without a diaper when you should have one on, Mommy will spank, understand?" I nodded, wide eyed. For some reason, I was getting aroused. "Say, 'yes, Mommy.'" "Yes, Mommy." "Good boy. And remember, good boys who do what Mommy says get rewards." She kissed me. "Night-night, baby." "Night-night, Mommy," I yawned. I started to plan out my day for tomorrow, but I was off to dreamland. I had finished mowing the lawn, and working on pulling some weeds, when I heard a car pull into the driveway. I wasn't pulling weeds anymore. I was pushing trucks around a sandbox. "Mommy!" I yelled. "There's my little man," Kathy beamed. But her face turned cold. "Davey, just look at you." I looked down. My hands were filthy, and there was sand stuck to the wet front of my little shorts. I looked up surprised. "David, did you take your nap today?" "I wasn't sleepy." "Where's your diaper?" "I forgot," I said sheepishly. "You forgot? What was the last thing I said to you before I left?" "Um…" "I said I wanted you to go down for a nap at one o'clock and to make sure you put your diaper on." "I didn't know it was so late." "Is that so? Did you not know you need to go potty either? "I…" "Davey, I'm very disappointed in you. Get in the house this instant." I ran in the house and was almost through the kitchen. "Stop right there, mister. Take off those filthy clothes. You're not going track sand all through the house." I didn't want to. Getting undressed in the kitchen meant I would have to walk right past the picture window to get upstairs. "But…" "No buts," she said, striding over and pulling my shirt right over my head. She made quick work of my sandals and shorts and left me standing in a drooping pull-up. She shook her head and started pulling it down. She gasped when she saw a small, firm poop inside. She got it off me and balled it up "David, you naughty, naughty boy. Get upstairs right now. You need a bath." She turned me around and planted a stinging slap on my damp bottom. I ran up the stairs, no longer caring if I was seen. Kathy was not far behind. "Sit on the potty and try to go poopy." She started the bath and added some sweet-smelling bubbles. "Honestly, I thought you were a big boy. I thought I could trust you. Did you go?" I shook my head. I was getting teary, because she was mad at me. "Get in the tub. This discussion isn't over, but you're just too filthy to deal with at the moment." I jumped in the tub, hoping compliance would earn me a few points. She scrubbed me from head to toe. "I have no idea how one little boy can get so dirty? How did you get sand in there?" I didn't know either, and I felt bad I was making work for her. She was hardly gentle, and I was glad when she finished. She dried me just as roughly, then ordered me into the bedroom. "What have you got to say for yourself?" she demanded. "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry is not an excuse. Did you deliberately disobey me, or are you too much of a baby to leave on your own? I think I'm going to have to have Mrs. Travers come over and watch you during the day." "I don't need a babysitter," I whined. "I'm a big boy." "Then you are a naughty, disobedient boy, and I know just how to deal with that," she said, snatching up her hairbrush and hauling down across her lap. "I told you what would happen, if you didn't listen to Mommy. You have no one to blame but yourself." "Mommy, no!" My bottom was quickly ablaze. I was screaming out apologies and promising to be good. I was bawling my eyes out and shaking. No, I wasn't shaking. I was being shaken. "David, David, Wake up." I shouted something incoherent. I looked around. It was dark. I saw Kathy. I threw my arms around her. "I'm sorry, Mommy. I'm sorry! I won't wet my pants again. I'll take my nap. I'll wear my diapers. Don't spank me. I'm sorry!" I sobbed and sobbed. Mommy… Kathy held and shushed me. "There, there, baby, it's all over now. It was just a bad dream. Mommy loves you. You're Mommy's good boy; yes, you are. Let's get you changed, so we can go back to sleep." I was soaked, but Kathy took care of it like it was nothing. She made such short work of it; I didn't even become fully conscious. I just followed her instructions, lifting up when she asked, and I was soon dry and nuzzling her. "No, baby. Mommy's sore. Try to go back to sleep. Mommy will see about buying you a baba and a binky tomorrow." That thought didn't register enough to consciously think about it, but it did sink in enough that I dreamt of nursing from a giant bottle. My thumb was wrinkled when I woke up. The night must have been harder on me than I realized. I had no trouble putting on a diaper and taking a nap the next day or the day after. Kathy made me show her the used diapers when she saw I was wearing pull-ups. She praised me for being a good boy. The day after that, try as I might, I just couldn't fall asleep. I went ahead and wet the diaper, so I could show Kathy I hadn't wasted it, but then I put on a pull-up and went about the rest of my afternoon. We sat down to watch TV after dinner. I was nodding off before the first commercial. "David?" "Hmm?" I asked groggily. "David, did you have a nap today?" "Mm-mm," I acknowledged. "Is that a no?" I nodded. "Then where's your diaper?" "Used it." "I know that, but why don't you have one on now?" "Don' need one." "That's not the rule, and you know it. Get up. You're going to bed right now." "Wanna stay up with you." "Nothing doing. You get upstairs right now, unless you want to go to bed with a sore bottom." That woke me up. "But it's early," I whined. "David, I'm warning you for the last time." "Okay, I'm going," I huffed and all but stomped out of the room. "And use the potty. I'll be up in a minute to put your diaper on." I did as I was told; I did have to go. Kathy came in and laid out a diaper while I was getting undressed. Before I knew it, she had me squared away and tucked in. Seemingly out of nowhere, she stuck bottle in my mouth. "Leave that there. I bought it as a joke, but maybe it's appropriate after all. You know the rules, David. It was very naughty of you to break them. I feel like you lied to me. I'm very disappointed in you." That stirred up memories of my nightmare. "We will talk about this in the morning. In the meantime, drink your baba and go to sleep. I expect it to be empty when I come to bed. I'm very upset with you right now." I was upset too, as much with myself as being made to drink from a baby's bottle. Still, I was tired and didn't last long. I woke up briefly to find the bottle being replaced in my mouth and held there. The next thing I remember was Kathy's waking me to get changed and "have a talk." I came back from the bathroom to time a diaper waiting on the bed. Kathy was sitting next to it, hairbrush in hand. I immediately protested. "I get it. I'm sorry. If I don't take a nap, I'll wear a diaper till you say so. You don't have to do this." "You'll get it alright. And I do have to do this, because it seems the only time you listen to me is when you're face down over my lap. Get over here now." I reluctantly went and climbed into position. She didn't waste any time in starting to warm my seat. "You deliberately disobeyed me, and then you pretended like you took a nap. You thought you were real smart, didn't you? Thought you could fool me into thinking you took a nap, didn't you? What do you think would have happened if you fell asleep before I got home? I'll tell you what would have happened; you would have wet your pants and made a royal mess, that's what. You are a naughty, naughty, little boy. Lying to Mommy, Mommy is so angry with you. Are you going to make me have to hire a sitter for you? Is that what I have to do, because Mommy's little boy can't be trusted?" "No! Please, don't! I'll be good. I promise!" She stopped spanking. "Alright, fine, I'll give you one more chance. Get up, and let's get your diaper on. You are in diapers all day, and I do mean all day. I'm going to call you from time to time, and you had better be wearing your diaper, because you are going to send me a picture to prove it, and if you aren't wearing one, or it takes longer than I think it should for you to send it, you won't sit down for a week, and I will find you that sitter. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes." "Excuse me?" "Yes, Mommy. Yes." "Good. Now, get your nose in that corner." She left for a few minutes. "I set up your computer with the webcam on, and I set an alarm. Don't you dare move until the alarm goes off. I may not be able to watch you all the time, but you won't know when I do. So, you'd better be on your best behavior and do exactly as Mommy says, understood?" "Yes, Mommy," I said dejectedly. "I do love you, baby, but you have to be a good boy and do what Mommy says, okay?" "Okay." "That's my good boy." She kissed and hugged me. "Okay, nose back in the corner, and don't move till the alarm goes off. Remember; Mommy's watching." She turned me around and patted my behind. I was left with my thoughts. I hoped not for too long. That hope didn't last. With no frame of reference but my own world, which was defined by the two walls I got to stare at, the seconds ticked slowly. I got to dwell on why I was standing there. Because Mommy, I mean Kathy, was mean. No, she wasn't; I did this to myself. Why couldn't I have handled things better? I could have stood up to my boss. I could have gone to HR sooner. I could have quit. Why didn't I? Because I was afraid. What good would that have done? I'd have just been out of a job sooner. Why did I have to start that again? And why wasn't it stopping. I got rid of the stress. I quit. But I still couldn't keep dry. It's no wonder Kathy treated me like a baby. Why did she do that? Why wouldn't she, when I was in diapers every night. Some Man. But it was kind of nice. It felt good to be snuggled. It felt really good to be suckled. She was actually being really nice… when she wasn't spanking me. Why did she have to do that? And why didn't I stop her? What was I supposed to do, hit her back? I couldn't do that. And it's not like I didn't bring them on myself. I didn't listen. Why should I have to listen? I'm a grown man. But I was acting like a little boy. A little boy who can't keep his pants dry. And so, it went on until the alarm chimed. Less than a minute later, Kathy called. "You stayed in the corner the whole time. Good boy. I knew you could listen when you wanted to. The webcam is still on. Show me your diaper." I positioned myself and the camera so she could look. "Still dry. Good. I have to get back to work now. I'll call and check on you a little later. Be a good boy for Mommy, and get your chores done. I'll talk to you before naptime. I love you, sweetie. Bye-bye." She hung up before could get a word in. There was nothing for it but to get on with my day. I wasn't very hungry, but coffee was welcome. I puttered around, taking care of what I had to, making the bed, doing the laundry and dishes. I wet myself a little; there didn't seem any point in holding it. Kathy called around eleven. "Hi, baby. How's your day going? Are you being a good boy?" "Yes, Mommy. I'm almost done with my chores." "That's my good baby. Speaking of which. Send me a picture of your diaper." I snapped a pic and sent it to her. "Just a little wet. You'll be fine till nap time. Mommy needs to get back to work. I want you to find some more things to do around the house. You're still on punishment; so, no TV or computer till Mommy says so. But make sure the webcam is facing the bed. I may want to check in on you during your nap. Be a good boy. I love you, baby. I'll talk to you later." Now facing a day of boredom, I looked for things to do. I vacuumed the carpets and washed the floors. That kept me busy until lunchtime. I had a sandwich and a soda. By that time, I was looking forward to a change. When the phone rang, I thought it was Kathy. "Hi, Mom…" "David, it's Mrs. Travers across the street. Could you come help me, please?" "I'd be happy to Mrs. Travers, but right now isn't a very good time. May later this afternoon?" It was getting close to one o'clock, and Kathy was going to want me in bed. "I'm sorry, David. It really can't wait. The toilet is backing up, and I can't stop it. Please help." She sounded desperate. I was torn over what to do. "David, are you there?" "Yes," I said stupidly, coming out of my head. "Yes, Mrs. Travers. Let me just grab some tools, and I'll be right over." "Thank you, David. You're a lifesaver." The first order of business was to call Kathy. I needed to tell her what was going on. Her cell went straight to voicemail. I didn't want to just leave a message; so, I called her office. "Ms. Henderson's office. May I help you?" "Hi, Mandy. It's David." "Oh, hi, David. I hear you're taking some time off. That must be so great. I wish I could do that." "Mandy," I broke in. "I need to speak to Kathy. Could you put me through please?" "I'm sorry I can't. She's in a meeting, and she said no interruptions, unless it's life and death. It's not, is it?" "No… um… just have her call me, will you?" "Sure thing. Is everything alright?" "Um… fine. You have her call. Thanks." I put on my baggiest sweats and hoped they'd hide what was under them. I threw my snake, a plunger, some wrenches, and a couple of kinds of pliers in a duffle and headed across the street to Mrs. Travers. "David, hurry, hurry. It's getting worse!" I followed the sound of running water until I saw it. How did she let it get this far? The bathroom was flooded, and it was flowing out into the hallway. I stuck my phone in a pocket of the duffel and set the bag down in a spot near the door that was still dry. "Get me all the towels you can. Clean, dirty, doesn't matter. Quick!" She brought me a couple of kitchen towels. "No, bath towels. The bigger the better. And as many as you can carry." This time, she understood. I tossed them around the room, and they were saturated as soon as they hit the floor. "Have you got more?" She nodded. "Get them. All of them." I squatted beside the toilet and tried to turn the shutoff valve. Nothing. I grabbed a pair of channel locks from my bag and tried to muscle the knob again. Before the valve finally budged, I was afraid the strain would make me poop my pants. I did pee them a little. Thank heaven that didn't happen. I was making some headway, when my phone rang. I had to get the water off; so, I ignored it. Was it really necessary to put so many threads on these stupid valves? The phone rang again. Again, I ignored it. I could hear the flow slowing. I was getting close. Like the sink, this valve was long unused and heavily corroded. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to turn that last little bit without breaking it off. The phone was ringing again. "Mrs. Travers! Could you answer my phone for me? I kind of have my hands full." I could see her looking at it like it was a snake in her hand. "Just slide your finger up the screen. That's it. And hit the button that says 'Answer.'" "David, where the hell are you," I could hear Kathy's voice all the way across the room. "You're not in your bed, and I've been calling and calling. What is going…" "Kathy, dear." Mrs. Travers found her voice and near shouted. "It's Mavis. David can't talk right now…. No, he's fine. It's my toilet. It was flooding the house. David was a godsend, coming over to fix it…. Is he what? Well, yes, he is. There was quite a lot of water on the floor…. Oh…. Oh my…" I didn't hear any more. Mrs. Travers had wandered down the hall. I still needed to get the water shut down. The valve finally did close, and I shouted for Mrs. Travers to let her know. Nothing. I threw the soggy towels into the bathtub and used the last couple of dry ones to make a relatively dry spot to work. I took the lid off the tank to see why it was running like that. The arm on the old ball float had corroded right off. Always when there's a clog, I thought to myself. I got my snake to start working on the clog. It didn't go very far. It hit an obstruction almost immediately. Whatever it was, it was hard. I pulled the snake out, and a fair amount of toilet paper came with it. I went back it and hit the object again. I tried to dislodge it with the snake, but it wouldn't move forward, and I couldn't get the spring to snag it. There was nothing for it but to do it manually. I pushed up my sleeve, knelt down, and plunged my hand into the cold water. I tried really hard not to think about where my hand was or what it might find. I pulled out more toilet paper and gagged a little. In again, I felt the object. There was more paper around it, but I able to get my fingers around it. It was wedge in pretty tight, but it broke free, and the water in the bowl quickly went down. I swished off the paper and found a toy car. "I found the problem," I shouted. No reply. Where did she go? "Mrs. Travers?" I yelled. "I'm going to have to go to the hardware store. You need a new float valve." "You got it fixed. Thank heaven." I must have jumped a foot. I wasn't expecting her to be right there. "Almost," I said, trying to get my heart back where it belonged. "I'm going to need some parts." "Dear, oh dear, look at you. You're soaked to the skin. Come with me. I have some dry things you can change into." "That's okay. I can just run home." "Nonsense. You'll catch your death. Come." She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bedroom. I stopped short, when I got to the door. There, on the bed were some my clothes, and sitting right on top was a diaper. I almost didn't hear Mrs. Travers speaking. "Kathy told me about your little problem, dear. I'm so sorry. And I'm sorry about taking you away from your nap. How about we get you into something dry? Then you can have a snack and a little lie down before you go to the store." Before I knew it, Mrs. Travers pulled my sweats to my feet. "Mrs. Travers!" I shouted. "My, you are soaked to the skin, aren't you? Don't worry. We'll have you fixed up in a jiffy." She was guiding me toward the bed and pushing me down. "What's that you have in your hand? Oh, Matthew, that boy! You can keep that, if you want, Davey. Matthew won't be getting it back. But let's give it a wash first. We know where it's been." She gingerly took the car and set it aside. Then she reached for the tapes on my diaper. "Mrs. Travers, no! I mean, I can do this myself." "No need to fret, dear. Mr. Travers had the same problem toward the end. I'm an old hand at this." "But…" "It's the least I can do, dear. And I told Kathy I'd take good care of you this afternoon. Just lie still, and we'll have you nice and dry in no time." I tried to squirm and push her hands away. She slapped mine. "We'll have none of that nonsense. Kathy gave me permission to spank you the last time you were here. Don't make me have to do it." I looked at her wide-eyed. She gave me a look that said not to tempt her. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend I was someplace, anyplace else. That didn't work very well, since I had to lift while she got everything adjusted. She did make short work of it after that, and she was pulling my shoes, socks and sweats off my feet. I sat there dumbfounded, as she changed my shirt, put socks on my feet and had me step into my pants. "There," she said, satisfied, "all dry. Come on down to the kitchen. You can have some cookies and a nice glass of milk." She thanked me profusely while I ate. She made very good cookies. I reached for another. "Uh-uh," he said, as she took away the plates. "What would Kathy say, if I spoiled your appetite? Finish your milk, and we'll put you down for a nice little nap." "But I need to go to the hardware…" She cut me off, wiping my face with a damp cloth. "Plenty of time for that after your nap. I promised Kathy, and there won't be any more discussion about it. Come along." She took my hand and led me to a different bedroom, one she obviously kept for the grandkids. There was a wide assortment of toys and cartoon bedding. Whether very young, a bit older, girl or boy, whoever stayed in this room would feel comfortable and loved. Mrs. Travers pulled back the covers on the twin bed and told me to get in. I reluctantly did as she asked and immediately noticed the crackle of a waterproof cover. She tucked me in and, out of habit, pulled up a side rail. She tittered realizing what she had done. "Oh, well, better safe than sorry." She kissed my forehead. "You have a nice sleep, and when you get up, maybe Nana Mavis will let you have that cookie. Sleep tight, Davey." With that she was gone. What had I gotten myself into? I wanted to talk to Kathy, but I didn't know where my phone was, and she probably arranged this anyway. How was I going to look Mrs. Travers in the face after today? And what might she tell the other neighbors? I needed to get out of this predicament. I needed to get over this stupid wetting problem and find a new job. At least I'd be away from home more. I yawned. The morning was catching up with me. A little nap wouldn't hurt, and I was kind of stuck for now anyway. "Wakey, wakey," Mrs. Travers sang cheerily. "Time to get up." "Huh?" I tried to get my bearings. Why was I in a child's room? Oh yeah. "Did you have a nice nap?" she asked, letting down the rail. She shocked me by sticking her fingers in the waistband of my diaper. "Not too wet. You should be fine till your Mommy gets home." "I need to get to the store." I needed to get out of there. "That will have to wait. I talked to Kathy, and she should be here soon. You can finish up tomorrow. How about that cookie? It will be our little secret." It turned out not to be a secret. I was biting into a second one, when Kathy came in. For some reason, I felt guilty. "How was he for you today, Mavis? I know how he can be when there's plumbing involved." "A perfect angel, Kathy. Weren't you, Davey? He's just having a little snack as a reward for coming to my rescue." "I'm glad to hear that. I just hope he hasn't spoiled his dinner. A growing boy can't live on milk and cookies." "I expect he'll be fine. I'm sure he worked up quite an appetite." "Well, we'd best be off. I'll send him over in the morning to finish up. You don't mind watching him, do you?" "Not at all dear. He's my good little helper." "Thank you, Mavis. Come on, Dave. Let's go make some supper." "Oh, Davey, don't forget your car. It's all clean now. He can have it, can't he, Kathy?" "Of course. What do you say, David?" "Thank you, Mrs. Travers." I didn't need to be reminded, for gosh sake. "You're welcome, Davey. Maybe tomorrow, we can make some cookies together?" She winked. "Yes, thank you, Mavis. We'll talk to you tomorrow." Kathy took me by the hand and led me home. "That was very nice of you, helping Mrs. Travers like that. I was so worried, when I couldn't find you." "I did call." "I know. I should have checked my messages first. That's my fault. Do you like your toy?" "What? Oh, yeah, I guess," I said, setting it down. "It was very nice of Mrs. Travers to give it to you." "I know. But can you stop talking to me like I'm a child?" "I'm just saying it was nice." "But you told me to say thank you, and you're talking about my working over there like your dropping me off at daycare." "Still a bit cranky after your nap." "I'm not cranky! And I don't need naps. I'm not a baby, damn it." "Don't take that tone with me. And no more potty mouth, unless you want it washed out. How's your diaper holding out, by the way?" "It's fine. Why did you make me wear it all day anyway? Now Mrs. Travers knows, and she'll probably tell everybody. It's not like I don't have enough problems. I don't have a job anymore, and I can't stop wetting the bed, and now everybody's gonna think I'm a big baby, just like you and Mrs. Travers do. It's not fair!" Tears were running down my face. "Why does it have to be like this?" Kathy took me in her arms, and I sobbed. It was all too much. I felt a warm wetness gather around my bottom, and I cried all the harder. "Shh. Shh. I know, baby. I know. It's all overwhelming, isn't it? It's going to be okay. I promise. I had a long talk with Mrs. Travers this afternoon. I explained the whole thing, and she understands. She just wants to help, and she won't tell a soul; I promise. I don't want you to worry about a thing. I know you're not a baby. But you've been through a lot lately, and I want to take care of you. I want you to let all the hurt go. I think that bully of a boss did more damage than you realize. And trying to put up a brave front and hide what it was doing only made it worse. I think you need to let go of everything and let me handle things for a while. Can you be a big, brave boy and trust Mommy to look after you until you're better?" I nodded. "That's my little man. You just let Mommy be in charge for a while, and she'll make it all better. You just be Mommy's little helper, and don't worry about the mean people anymore. You can help Mrs. Travers too. She needs lots of help now that her husband is gone. She doesn't mind that you are having potty problems any more than Mommy does. We know that even big boys have trouble with the potty sometimes. You just do what we ask, and we'll take care of the rest. Can you do that for me, baby? Will you do that for Mommy?" "I guess." I was emotionally drained. I couldn't fight it anymore. "Promise me, baby. Promise me you'll listen to Mommy and Mrs. Travers and let us take care of you." "I promise." "I promise, what?" "I'll listen." "Listen to who, baby?" "Mommy and Nana Mavis." I sat up at hearing that name come out of my mouth. Kathy looked shocked, but her surprise quickly turned into a smile. "That's right, baby. Mommy and Nana will take good care of you. Are you hungry?" I was caught off guard by the question, but I was, in fact. I nodded. Kathy squeezed the front of my diaper. "Then let's get you fed, but first somebody needs a change." Kathy took me upstairs, then made a detour into the bathroom. When she was down to the diaper, she asked if I had made poopies that day. I hadn't. "Sit on the potty, and try to make a boom-boom for Mommy. I'll be right back." I was getting ready to wipe when she came back… naked. She turned on the shower. She took the paper from my hand and told me to stand up. "Good job! Turn around." She bent me over and wiped me. "Okay, get in the shower. You've been playing with toilet water all day and not the good kind. Mommy needs to clean you up." It was nice showering together. It had been a long time since we did that. All that soaping and scrubbing led to other things, and we had to start over. We basked in the afterglow under the water. "I'm confused. One minute, you're wiping me like I'm three years old, the next you're…" I grinned and pulled her closer. "You may need a mommy right now, but you are still my husband, and don't you forget it. I haven't. But now it's time to get the baby dressed and fed. Get out, and Mommy will dry you." I had the best night's sleep in many weeks, wet but restful. Kathy woke me lovingly, and she was laying out my clothes when I came back from the shower. "No diaper?" "Of course not, sweetie. Your punishment is over. It's back to the regular rules. You'll wear your training pants until naptime, unless you'd rather a diaper. It's okay if you do." "No, training pants are good. But what about Mrs. Travers? What if she notices a difference? How am I going to explain why I was wearing a diaper yesterday but not today?" "Don't worry, baby? Mommy already talked to Nana, and she knows all about it. That's the other reason you can go back to wearing training pants. Nana will be there to make sure you don't fall asleep without your diaper on." "Does that mean I have to go back to wearing diapers when I get finished with her bathroom?" "I expect you'll be busy with her all day. We'll just see how it goes. Okay, sweetie?" "Okay," I agreed reluctantly. "Don't pout, honey. You're going to have lots of fun with Nana. I promise." I went to my workshop and got a tubing cutter. I was going to replace that old shutoff valve as well as the float. Kathy was waiting by the door with an overnight bag. "What's that?" I asked. "Just some extra supplies, you never know." We went out, and I started to turn toward the car. "No, baby, this way. Nana will take you to the store." Mrs. Travers was waiting for us. The door opened as we approached. "Why, hello, Davey," she said, a little too brightly. "All ready to get to work?" "Yes, ma'am." "Oh, don't be so glum. You did the hard part yesterday, didn't you? You're such a good helper. You'll have it all fixed in no time, won't you?" "Yes, ma'am." "Now, now. No need to be so formal. We're good friends now, aren't we? What did we agree my name was?" I hadn't agreed to anything, but I knew what was expected. "Nana Mavis." "That's right!" she beamed. "And Nana's going to take very good care of you. And if you're a very good boy, Nana has a big surprise for you later. Won't that be fun?" I looked at Kathy, hoping she would intervene on my behalf. Instead she gave me a small nod and a look that said go along with it. "Yes, Nana." "That's my good boy. Come in. come in. Have you had breakfast yet? Nana can't have you working on an empty stomach." "I'm sorry, Mavis. I didn't have time to feed him this morning. I really am running late." "That's alright, dear. He can eat with Nana. I'm just sorry you can't join us." "Me too, but I do have to run. Here's his bag. It should have anything you might need. David, you be a good boy for Nana today, and I'll see you after work. Thank you again, Mavis." Kathy kissed both me and Nana… Mrs. Travers on the cheek and took her leave. "Well, Davey, we've got a big day ahead of us. I think that calls for pancakes. How about you?" I nodded enthusiastically. "Then have a seat. They'll be coming right up. But first, maybe you should go potty." I blushed and mumbled, "I don't have to right now." "I think you should try anyway. For Nana?" "Alright." I headed off to the sill working guest bath. "That's a good boy. Don't forget to flush and wash your hands." I don't know what Kathy told her, but Mrs. Travers was taking to her role as Nana more enthusiastically than I was comfortable with. I suppose it wasn't hurting anyone, maybe my pride a little bit. On the other hand, she was being really nice. It's not every day I get someone to make pancakes for me, and bacon from the smell of it. I made an honest effort of it, but I didn't have to go. I flushed and washed anyway. "Just in time. I have your plate all ready for you." I half expected it to be already cut up. Instead, she had poured one large and two small circles of batter, making the shape of a famous mouse. I had to smile at that. She set the plate down in front of me, tucked a napkin into my shirt, and kissed me on the forehead. "Be careful with the syrup. Use both hands." That annoyed me a little, but I bit my tongue and used both hands. I don't know if using only one would have made any difference, but the syrup did pour faster than expected, and my pancake was fairly swimming in it. "Oh, somebody has a sweet tooth," she said, setting a large glass of milk in front of me. "Eat up, there's plenty more where that came from." "May I have some coffee, Nana?" "Coffee? Are you sure? Oh, heavens, of course. But drink your milk too. It's good for you." She made excellent pancakes, light, crispy around the edges. I had seconds and bacon and thirds. I had to soak up all that syrup after all. I was stuffed. "Such a good eater," she said, astonished. "Aren't you going to have some?" "Oh, no, dear," I had something earlier. Is your tummy full? Would you like something else?" "No, thank you. I couldn't eat another bite. It was delicious." "You're welcome, sweetheart. It's nice to cook for someone again. I suppose you'll be wanting to go to the hardware store?" "After that meal, not so much. But I do need to get some things to finish fixing the toilet." "I'll go freshen up and then we can go. Do you need to use the potty?" "No, Nana," I sighed. "I'm fine." "Okay," she said uncertainly and went about her business. I poured myself another half cup of coffee. I was wondering what was taking so long, when she came back with her hair a little spruced up and a touch of light make up. "You're sure you don't want to use the potty before we go?" "Yes, Nana," I said, rolling my eyes. "Watch your tone, young man. Alright let's go." Before long, we were back, and I set right to work. I had the old shutoff replaced and the main water turned back on. The corroded float mostly out, when I wished I had used the toilet before starting. I was close to finished; so, I forged on. All parts attached and feeling tight, I opened the shutoff and promptly got sprayed in the face. I turned off the water and had another go at the loose fitting. That did it, tight as a drum. I closed the door and christened the job. I noticed that the training pants were more than a little damp. I flushed and watched all the parts work as they should. I put away my tools and wiped everything down. Proud of myself, I opened the door and shouted, "Nana! I'm done!" "Nice job, Davey! I'm so proud of you. Thank you so much. It's beautiful! Come along. I have a nice lunch and a big piece of cake with your name on it." Lunch was grilled cheese and tomato soup. Again, she stuck the napkin in my shirt. She wasn't kidding about the cake. It was a two-layer yellow cake with gobs of homemade chocolate buttercream and enormous. It was all I could do to finish it. I didn't object the big glass of milk she gave me, even though I would have preferred coffee, and I didn't really need to use two hands, as she insisted. I thanked her with all my heart and said I would be on my way. "Oh, no, David. I have something I want you to do after your nap. Come up stairs and lie down. Nana has a big surprise for you when you get up." "I really should be…" "Now, David, you've been so good all day. Don't start giving Nana trouble now. I told your Mommy I would put you down after lunch, and that's what we're going to do." She took my hand and led me back to the grandkids' room. I think she would have dragged me, if I had put up any resistance. She put the bag Kathy had brought on the bed and pulled out pajamas and a diaper. She did a double take and took something else out of the bag. She turned around and wagged Kathy's hairbrush at me. "Don't make me use this," she warned and put it back. "Let's get you changed, and you'll have a nice nap and be all rested for your surprise." She came over and started unbuttoning my shirt. I backed away. She asked if she needed to get the hairbrush. I let her undress me. If I wasn't nervous before, I certainly was when she had me down to the pull-up. She started to take it down and stopped halfway. "Oh, David, when did that happen? I told you, you should have used the potty before we went to the store. You have to tell Nana when you have to go. Oh, well, I guess that's why we have you in trainers. At least your pants stayed dry. But let's get your diaper and jammies on, so you can go beddy-bye." I was soon tucked in and sulking. "Don't be that way, sweetheart. Nana's not mad. Accidents happen. But I want you to promise me, you'll tell Nana the next time, okay?" "Okay," I sighed. "That's Nana's good boy." She pulled the blankets up under my chin and kissed me on the forehead. "Sweet dreams, Honeybunch. You have a good rest, and then Nana has something really special for you. Ni-night." She shut the door and left me to wonder what it might be. Tucked in and toasty, with a full tummy, I didn't last long. Nana jostled me awake. I knew from the shadows; I had been out for a while. "Wake up, sleepyhead. Time to get up. If you sleep any longer, your Mommy will never get you down at bedtime. Do you want to see what Nana has for you?" I nodded, curious. "Good. Let's just have a check then. Oo, I think Nana shouldn't give you so much milk before naptime. No worries, that's what it's there for." She got the bag and pulled out a diaper and a pair of training pants. She seemed to weigh her options for a moment ad put the diaper back. "We'll try these again, but you have to tell Nana when you need to use the potty, understand?" "Yes, Nana," I said, blushing. "Good boy." She got me changed and was pulling me the hand again. She had the biggest grin on her face. She took me down to the basement. I wondered what she wanted to show me. I had been down there earlier to turn off the main water line and hadn't noticed anything unusual. She turned me off to the left and opened a door. Before me lay the most elaborate train set I had ever seen outside and exhibition like the one we went to at Sharon's house. It wasn't nearly as big, of course, but still. It had everything, tracks winding all over the place, tunnels, trestles, crossing gates, people and animals. I stood there with my mouth hanging open. "Do you like it?" "Do I like it? It's beautiful!" "It was Harold's. He made it for our boys, but he could never get them interested in it. They just wanted to crash the trains. When they discovered girls, even Harold didn't play with it anymore. He never had the heart to get rid of it. I guess he always kept hope. It's been sitting down here all these years." "That's terrible. Something like this should be loved." "It was. It was, but not for a long time. Would you like to play with it?" "Would I? Do you mean it? That would be awesome! Are you sure it's okay? I mean…" "Yes, sweetheart, I mean it. It would do my heart good to know it wasn't down here just gathering dust. I think it would make Harold very happy too." There was a tear in her eye. "Oh, Nana, thank you!" I hugged her so tight. I think I might have lifted her off the floor. I gave her a great big kiss on the cheek and looked back over the display. I approached the layout with reverence, lightly touching it, following the track with my eyes. I found the controls and studied them carefully. I wanted to be sure of what each one did before I went any further. I never laid my hands on anything like this. I was lost in its intricacies when I made the first tentative turn of the transformer knob. An engine came to life and slowly started to move. I felt something placed on my head, then a hug from behind and a kiss on my cheek. I could take my eyes off the train, but I'm sure I felt a little wetness there. I was lost in wonder. I carefully tried each control, only for a second at first, just to make sure it did what I thought it would. After a while, I had two trains going and track switches working. I was thrilled, and I had barely scratched the surface of what it all could do. "Davey, you're Mommy's here." I almost whined for five more minutes. I really wanted to keep playing. Instead, I called back, dejectedly, "Okay." I carefully shut everything down, reversing the order in which I started them. When I stood up, a shiver ran through me. There was wetness on the backs of my thighs. I froze. How was I going to get out of there without them seeing? "David, come on," Kathy called. "It's time to go home and leave Nana in peace." "Coming," I lied. Now she was waiting at the top of the stairs. Was there a back door to this place? "Now, David. Don't make me come down there." There was nothing else for it. I slowly climbed the steps. There may as well have been a gallows at the top. "David! What have you done? I'm ashamed of you. Apologize this instant!" "I'm sorry, Nana." I meant it too. "You and I are going to have a talk about this when I get you home. I'm so sorry, Mavis." "It's alright, dear. I shouldn't have left him alone for so long. I should have known better after this morning." "This morning? You wet your pants twice in the same day? What am I going to do with you?" "Don't be too hard on him, Kathy. It wasn't that bad. I'm sure he couldn't help it. I really should have made him sit on the potty more." "It's not your fault, Mavis. There's no excuse for his wetting himself in the daytime. He should know when he needs to go potty, shouldn't you? If he doesn't, well we'll deal with it. But I think he was just being lazy and not wanting to stop playing. Get your bag and thank Nana. We're going home." "Thank you, Nana, for everything, especially for letting me play with the trains. That was so awesome." "You're welcome, sweetheart. You can play with them anytime you want, as long as your Mommy says it's alright." Kathy took the hat off my head and handed it to Nana. "Thank you, Mavis, but I think he's lost his engineer's license for a while. We'll see if he earns it back. I'll call you later." She pushed me out the door and scolded me all the way across the street and into the house. "Go upstairs, take off your clothes, and sit on the potty. Don't move until I tell you. I'll come up when I'm calm enough to deal with you." I don't know how long I was left to sit there, long enough for my legs to fall asleep. Kathy was calmer when she came in but still visibly upset. She picked up the saturated training pants. "For heaven's sake, David, what is wrong with you? I thought by now, you'd be getting better, but your just getting worse. I so want to spank you right now, but I don't trust myself to do it. Do you have any idea how much you embarrassed me? I've tried to be patient with you, but it's wearing pretty thin. I know you need a mommy right now, and I'm trying really hard to be that for you. I even told you, you could wear diapers all the time, if that's what you wanted. You said you didn't need them. You said you wanted training pants. You wanted to be a big boy. Then you go pissing your pants, not once but twice, the second time, so much you leaked. Well, mister, you listen to me, and you listen good. You want to piss your pants like a baby? Fine. You've got the whole weekend. You're going back into diapers right now, and you can piss and shit yourself to your heart's content. On Monday, if, and I mean if, I think you've learned your lesson, and you still want them, I'll consider letting you have your training pants back. But that's only going to happen if Nana will help with your toilet training. You'll sit on the potty on a schedule, you'll be supervised, your pants will be checked, and if you wet yourself, your going to be spanked, put back in diapers, and we'll start all over again the next time one of us is available to try and teach you to be a big boy. And don't think I'm going to be grounded just because you are being a baby. I have shopping to do this weekend, and you'll be coming with me, diaper bag and all. Do I make myself clear?" I had long since started crying. I sobbed, "I'm sorry." "I didn't ask if you were sorry. I said, do I make myself clear." "Yes, Mommy. Crystal." "Good. Get up and go in the bedroom. I need to get a diaper on you. You can clean up this mess afterward." "I can't," I wailed. "Are you defying me? After what you've done? Why the hell not?" "My legs are asleep." "Then I guess you'll just have to crawl like the baby you are acting like." I slid off the toilet and onto my knees. At first, I could hardly move my legs. Then the blood started to flow back into them, and that was much worse. Pins and needles only begins to describe the electric burning that flared with every movement. Kathy slapped my behind, and I screamed. Halfway to the bedroom, enough feeling had returned that I tried to stand. Kathy told me to stay where I was; she would let me know when I was allowed to walk again. I crawled up on the bed and lay back to be diapered. Kathy told me to roll over. I was sure she was going to take the belt to me, and I started bawling. Instead of fire on my bottom, I felt cold stickiness. She was slathering me with Desitin. It felt like she was using enough for three of me. I heard the rustling of diapers and saw two of them laid open next to me. She told me to roll over, and she applied a layer just as thick to the front. She covered me in a cloud of baby powder. It took her several wet wipes to get her hands reasonably clean. She taped up the double diaper and looked dissatisfied. She went away and came back with a roll of clear packing tape. She told me to stand, and she wrapped the tape around me three times. "That ought to hold you. Get in bed. From what I heard, you had more than enough to eat today. If you're quiet, and I feel like it, I might bring you a bottle later. I do not want to hear a peep out of you. Understand?" "Yes, Mommy," I squeaked. She looked down at me for a long time. Finally, she sat down on the bed. She brushed the tears from my cheeks and the hair away from my forehead. "Sweetheart, I love you. I really do. I know that this has all been hard on you. The thing is, this is all hard on me too. Shh. It's okay. I can deal with it, but you have to deal with it too. You have to decide what is going on and how you are going to handle it. What's happening isn't working. If anything, the situation is getting worse. I need you to think really hard about this. Do you think there is something wrong with you that you are losing control of your bodily functions, something physically wrong? If you do, I'll call Margaret on Monday. We'll get all the tests and specialists we need to make you better." I started to speak, but she put a finger over my lips and shushed me gently. "Don't answer now. I want you to think hard about that over the weekend. I don't know how your body feels inside. Margaret didn't find anything wrong with you before, and I don't think there is now. But you can tell me in a couple of days, after you think about it. As for me, I feel like you are trying to live in two worlds at the same time. A part of you wants to be a little boy and be taken care of. A part of you wants to be a big strong man. Both of those things are fine. But I think trying to both is hurting you. I think it's causing problems for me. I think you have to choose. If you can't handle the responsibility of keeping your pants dry, or just don't want it, you have to tell me. There are things we… I can do to prevent it from being a problem. It would mean some big changes for both of us, but we can deal with it, I promise. But you can't go around just wetting your pants, like you did today. That hurts us both, and it hurt Nana. It's all forgiven now, but you need to make some decisions. "You need to decide if there's something physically wrong with you and if not, which world you want to live in. Do you want to be a grown up, or do you need to be a little boy for now? I want you to take your time and really think about this. It's very important, and you should not make your decision quickly. I want you to take your time, and I won't ask for or listen to your answer until Monday. I'm not going to push you in any direction, and I'll respect any decision you make. But I think, and I hope you agree, that what you did today was not the right way to handle what's happening, and that it deserves some consequences." I was sniffling, but I nodded. "Good. So, until Monday morning, you are going to be in diapers. You will use them when you need to, and you will do what I say. You can learn just what it's like to be Mommy's baby and whether that's right for you. Do not ask to be let out before we discuss your decision. I am not going to change my mind. And if you think this is easy for me, think about what changing one of your dirty diapers is like for me. Now, I want you to get some sleep. It's been a trying day for both of us." She stood up, tucked me in, and kissed me on the forehead. "I love you, my baby-husband, no matter what." She turned out the light and left the room. I tried to think about what she said, but it was just too much, and I drifted off into a less than peaceful sleep. I felt Kathy curl up against me, and I slept better after that. I was suddenly cold and flailing for the blankets. "Wake up, sleepyhead," Kathy sang merrily. I was still in a fog. "Let's check that dipee. Oh, yes, all wet. Let's get you changed." She was cutting through the tape she had wrapped around me before I could fully comprehend where I was, let alone what she was doing. I was more or less awake by the time she taped up the fresh diaper. She told me to put on some pants and come downstairs for breakfast. I was greeted by a spread of pancakes and sausage. This was not unheard of on a Saturday morning, but it was usually me cooking it. I sat down, and Kathy placed a mug of steaming coffee in front of me. I looked at her curiously. "Yes, I know what I said last night about your being Mommy's baby this weekend, but I don't think we have to go overboard. You do need to wear and use your diapers, and you have to do as I tell you, but I'm not going to make you drink from bottles or talk baby talk… unless you want to, that is. Oh, and unless we go out in public, you will call me Mommy, okay? I don't have any plans to go anywhere, but you never know. And public does not include Nana's house." I figured I could live with that, and I was already tucking into my pancakes anyway; so, I nodded. "Oh fay." "Don't talk with your mouth full. Then it's agreed." I'm not ashamed to admit I was stuffed when I finally put down my fork after my third helping. Okay, maybe a little ashamed, but it was really good. Kathy had long since finished and was tidying up. She brought a wet cloth when she came for my plate. "I know I said you wouldn't have to use a bottle, but maybe a bib might have been in order." I looked down and saw a number of places where syrup had dripped on my shirt. I blushed. Kathy chuckled and wiped them off. Then she wiped my face and my hands. She said I could do the dishes. I thanked her, sarcastically, for the privilege, and she gave me a warning look. I laughed. She checked my diaper, which deflated me a little, even though it was dry, and I took up the task. I don't mind washing dishes, especially when it's not many and somebody else did the cooking. The rest of the day was mostly uneventful, other than the diaper checks and changes, our normal Saturday routine. The first was a little traumatic. I felt the urge to pee coming on while I was washing up from breakfast. All the coffee I drank wanted out, but I didn't want to just stand there and wet myself. Kathy noticed my little dance at the sink. She told me I may as well get it over with, because the diaper wasn't coming off until I needed a change. I did manage to hold off until I finished and got out of her sight, but by that time, I was desperate, and it all came out in a rush, and I ended up with a very noticeable leak. Kathy just shook her head with an "I told you so" expression when I went to her but said nothing more about it when she changed me. After that, I didn't resist so much. Sunday was shaping up to be more of the same. Kathy reminded me over breakfast, just cereal and coffee, that I had a big decision to make the next day and asked whether I had thought about it. I told her I had—I'd thought of little else—but hadn't made any decisions. I puttered around the house and spent some time on the computer. Kathy spent a lot of time on the phone. Then we realized we hadn't anything in the fridge to make for dinner. Somebody was going to have to go to the store. Kathy told me to put on something decent; sweats and a t-shirt were not her idea of appropriate shopping attire. "Do I have to go?" "Of course, you have to go. I can't leave a baby home alone." "Can't I stay with Nana?" "No, we've been imposing on her enough. Just get dressed, and stop whining." "But I don't want to go out like this." "You are going out. No one is going to notice. The only question is whether you are going to go with a sore bottom, because I'm this far from spanking you." "Okay. Okay. I'll go." Kathy was right. Despite the fact that grabbing something for dinner turned into a major shopping trip, nobody seemed to notice my condition. All in all, there were no problems, at least until we were on the way home. That's when not pooping for the last couple of days decided to catch up with me. I was really trying to hold out until Monday, when I was sure I could get Kathy to let me use the toilet. No such luck. We were barely out of the grocery store parking lot when the first cramp hit me, hard. I passed some gas and felt better. Kathy cracked her window, and I apologized. A few blocks later, it happened again. It wasn't long before the cramps started coming in waves. I was holding my own, but now I had to pee. I was very uncomfortable and starting to sweat. The last wave passed about the time we pulled in the driveway, and I felt I was home free, if you'll pardon the expression. I got out of the car, and another cramp hit me so hard I nearly doubled over. I clamped down hard on my back door but forgot about my bladder. I started to pee. Shaken, I tried to stop that and lost control of my bowels. I was standing in the driveway, filling my pants front and back. I was mortified and scanning the neighborhood to see who might be watching. Kathy rushed me into the house. She took me straight to the bathroom and got my shoes and pants off. No damage was done. She asked me if I was finished, and I admitted I wasn't sure. She told me to stay there; she would unload the car. In the eternity that followed, it turned out to be the right thing to do; I wasn't finished. My diaper was a saggy mess by the time Kathy returned. She held me for a long time and shushed away my attempts to apologize. She had me lie on the floor, and she started a bath. She toughed her way through removing the diaper and a cursory cleaning. She told me to soak while she put the groceries away. I think I was starting to doze when she came back and began washing me. The bath was a tender time, and she acted as if nothing was out of the ordinary. I felt better, and Kathy showed me that dirty diapers or not, she was still interested in me as a husband. I was very content, and probably could have used another bath, by the time she was putting a new diaper on me. The evening passed quietly. Kathy asked me if I might want a bottle before bedtime. I told her that depended on what was in it. She smiled and told me to stay put. She came back a few minutes later with a bottle filled with wine. A baby bottle is not the best way to drink wine. It's really too much at one time, especially when one is being encouraged to drink it all up. The nipple doesn't do anything to improve the flavor. But lying with your head in the lap of your lover while getting quickly inebriated certainly makes up for it. I slept very well that night. Morning came way too early for me. The sun was barely up, and I was having a nice dream. "Get up, honey." I moaned and pulled the covers over my head. Kathy pulled them back down. "It's decision day, and I have to be at work in a couple of hours. Let's get you changed." Kathy had me sorted quickly and let me have enough coffee to bring the world into focus before starting our discussion. "Sweetheart, it's time," she started. She seemed as hesitant as I felt. "I guess the first question, and the one that kept me up a lot over the last few days, is: do you feel like something is wrong with your body? I mean with your accident yesterday; I have been really worried." "No," I assured her. "I was just hoping I could make it till today. I didn't want to do that in the diaper. If I had been able to use the bathroom, it wouldn't have been a problem." "So, you held your poopies in until you had a big accident in your diaper anyway." "I guess." "Not very mature, was it?" "I suppose not." "So, you feel like you are healthy? Nothing wrong?" "I don't think so." "Well, that's a relief. The bedwetting is one thing. There are lots of reasons that can happen, and we'll get to the bottom of it eventually. But it doesn't explain your daytime accidents. Are you sure there's nothing going on inside?" "Yes, I'm fine." "Then why have you been peeing your pants? Can you feel when you need to go?" "Yes." "Does it hurt to go? Are you having a hard time going? Can't you hold it?" "No, no, and no. I'm fine, really." "Then why are you wetting your pants?" She didn't seem concerned anymore, more irritated. "I don't know." "Are you just trying to get my attention? Do you feel like I'm neglecting you?" "No, of course not." "Then what is it? Are you just being lazy?" "I… I don't know." "David, we both know that you can't go around wetting your pants all the time." "It's not all the time." "Don't interrupt. The way I see it, you are just being irresponsible. Like I told you before, if you don't want the responsibility, there are ways I can handle it. But if you want to be a big boy, you have to get a grip on this and stop wetting and pooping your pants right now. You've had all weekend to think about this. There are two choices left. You can be a responsible grown up, or you can be a little boy. So, what's it going to be?" "What happens if I choose to be a grown up?" "I'll expect you to act like a grown up. You look for a new job. Until you find one, you'll be expected to take care of the house. And I will not tolerate wet or poopy pants. There will be consequences, if that happens. That might be spanking you the first few times, but I will not put up with it indefinitely." "You'd leave me?" I asked, visibly scared that she might. "I'm not saying that. I don't plan to; I don't want to. I just can't say it's out of the question. I guess it depends on how hard you push me." "Please, please don't. I don't want to lose you. What about the other choice? What if I was a little boy?" "Sweetheart, I don't want to lose you either. I love you, no matter what you decide. But to answer your question, little boys are different. They can't be expected to be responsible all the time. Little boys have accidents in their pants. That's why they can't wear big boy undies. Mommies understand this. But little boys who wet themselves can't really be trusted to change themselves when they need to, can they? That means that they can't be left alone. They need to be watched to make sure they get changed regularly and don't get diaper rash, which means you'll have to stay with Nana while I'm at work. We have already discussed this, and it's all decided. On the other hand, because you can't expect too much from little boys, they get to play a lot more. Sure, they'll have some chores, but not like a grown up." "You mean I'd have to wear diapers all the time? Could I maybe be a little boy and still wear regular underpants?" "Sweetie, we discussed this. I think it's this half in, half out attitude that is causing your problems. I think that, for right now, you need to be a little boy, that it would be good for you, and that it's what you really want too. But I also think you are fighting it, trying to act like a grownup sometimes and not others. I think you are being pulled between what you want and need, on the one hand, and what you think you should be doing, on the other. I think it's that tension that's causing a lot of your problems. For your own sake, if not for mine, you need to pick one or the other, because not choosing is hurting both of us." "But I don't want to wear diapers all the time." "Don't whine, honey. I've thought about this a lot. I think it would be a lot easier if you did, but if you really don't want to, we can try you in training pants during the day. Nighttime is non-negotiable for now; so is naptime. But understand, your wearing training pants comes with a lot more responsibility for everyone. For you, that would mean telling me or Nana when you have to go potty. No, you cannot just go by yourself. Nana and I will each decide whether you need to be supervised, but I want you to tell us when you have to go, so we can keep track. Nana and I would also be telling you, from time to time, that we want you to sit on the potty and try. You said you are not sick; so, there should be no excuses for having accidents in your training pants. If you do, Nana and I will each decide whether it deserves a spanking. I've already given her permission to spank you for this or any other disobedience. You do not want to find out what will happen if you give her any trouble about it. If you have two accidents in one day, you'll go back to diapers until I decide you are ready to try again. If you can live with those rules and promise to try really hard, we'll try you in training pants for the time being. Nana and I will also decide whether you should be in diapers if we have to take you somewhere, and there won't be any arguments, understand?" "Yes." She looked at me expectantly. "Mommy." "Alright. That's one way to go. Your other choice would be to just wear diapers all the time. You wouldn't have to worry about when you had to go potty. We'll check you and change you when you need it. If you want to make poopies in the potty, you can tell us. Let's face it; changing your dirty diapers is not fun. You don't have to, but you can. But we'll decide whether it's convenient to put you on the potty; so, no whining. We may still tell you to try making peepee in the potty, but you are not to ask. If this is the way you want to go, I want you to relax and not be concerned about keeping your pants dry. Let us worry about them. No one will make a fuss over a wet or dirty diaper; that's what they are there for. You can play or do your chores and not worry about wetting your pants. "So, you have a couple of choices to make, and I need you to make them now. There are no wrong answers here. I love you and will support you whatever you decide. I want you to do what you think is best for you. First, do you want to try being a grownup, or do you want to be a little boy?" I tumbled the alternatives in my brain. I had been contemplating it all weekend but didn't have this new information to work with. Kathy waited patiently, but I caught her checking her watch. "Little boy," I finally gave in. "I really think that's for the best. So, diapers or training pants?" "Can we do training pants, please?" I whined. "Are you sure? You know the consequences, if you start having accidents." I hesitated, asking myself whether I was making the right decision. "Uh huh." "Alright then. You had fair warning; so, you had better not abuse the privilege. Now, I need to get to work. Let's check your diaper." She came around and put her hand on the front. "Still dry. That's fine. Just tell Nana when you need the potty, and she'll put you in your training pants. Now, go get dressed, or I'm going to be late." "I don't get them now?" "I told you before, I'm not wasting perfectly good diapers. Now, go get dressed; or would you prefer to discuss it over my lap?" "I'm going," I sighed. By the time I was back downstairs, Kathy was waiting by the door with, what I could only assume, was my diaper bag. She took me by the hand and led me across the street. Nana opened the door as we approached. "There he is," she sang. "That was a very grown up decision you made. But the last one for a while, hmm? We're going to have lots of fun together while you get all better, okay?" I found myself shyly nodding my head and trying to slip behind Kathy. Kathy defended me, saying, "I guess he's feeling a little shy this morning. Here's his diaper bag. He can help you bring more supplies over after he gets settled in, but that should hold you for now. He still has his diaper on from this morning, but we're going to try him in training pants for a while. We've discussed the rules. He can have his pull-ups after he goes potty. I guess that's it for now. I think we discussed everything over the weekend, but if you run into any difficulties, you have my cell." She kissed my cheek. "Be good for Nana. I don't want any bad reports. I love you, sweetie. Have fun today." She took my hand from hers and gave it to Nana. Then she was off. Nana raised my hand and waved it for me. When Kathy's car was headed down the road, Nana took me inside. She asked me if I wanted something to eat. I told her I ate already. She filled a sippy cup with apple juice anyway. "Why don't you just take that and go play with your trains. We can talk when you're a little more awake, okay?" I was relieved to be off the hook for a while and welcomed the chance to be alone with my thoughts. I nodded and headed for the basement. Nana called after me. "Don't forget to come find me when you have to go potty." That caused me to stop and cringe for a second. I guess that was enough acknowledgment for Nana, because she said no more. I blushed and continued on my way. I had planned on brooding over my new life, but once I got started with the trains, all other thoughts left my head. Sometime later, a voice invaded my play. "Davey," it sang. "Davey?" "David! Stop that train." Nana was standing at my shoulder. I cut the power and the train slowed to stop. "You answer when Nana calls you, young man. You've been down here quite a while. I think you had better take a break and sit on the potty, don't you?" Now that she mentioned it, I did, more than I realized. "Uh huh." "Come on then. I'll get you some more juice too." I practically ran up the stairs to the bathroom. She shouted after me to slow down. I was in the bathroom trying to get my pants down when she caught up with me. It was difficult to do while dancing. "Let's get that diaper off." She pushed my hands away and undid the tapes herself. She pulled it from between my legs and pushed me back to sit. A stream hit the water almost immediately. "Just in time, I see. Well, almost in time." There was a small, but not inconsequential wet spot on the diaper. I was mortified. "That's alright. I shouldn't have let you stay down there so long. We won't mention this, okay." I nodded gratefully. "Stay there, and I'll be right back with some dry pants." She wasn't gone long but long enough for me to berate myself for not paying more attention to my bladder. I told her I could dress myself, but she insisted on helping. She suggested we take care of a few chores before lunch. These included going to my house to bring over more supplies. I said I didn't think we needed so many pairs of training pants, and I begged her not to bring the diapers. "Better safe than sorry. Besides, you'll need them for your naps." I didn't plan on taking any naps, but it seemed pointless to argue with her. So, I trudged back across the street with a big cardboard box of what would be my underwear for the foreseeable future. It was lunchtime, and Nana fixed us sandwiches. I was pleased she didn't try to make me wear a bib, but she did insist I use the sippy cup. Afterward, she had more chores for us. True to her word, she frequently asked me if I needed to use the potty, several times insisting that I try. I couldn't tell whether she was smiling or smirking when I produced. Late in the afternoon she suggested I watch TV until my mommy got home. I was happy to oblige. I must have nodded off, because Nana was pulling down my pants. "Shh. Calm down, sweetheart. You're very tired, and I think we should get a diaper on you, just in case." "I'll stay awake, I promise." "Don't worry, honey. It's okay if you don't want to take a nap. Nana will feel much better though, if we put your diaper on. Do you want to use the potty first?" I shook my head. There was no arguing with her. "Alright; if you're sure. We'll just put this on, and you can rest." Safely wrapped up, she let me return to my movie. I didn't see the end. The sun was much lower when I heard Kathy's voice. "I hope he wasn't any trouble today." "Nothing serious dear. I left him to play too long this morning. He mostly made it in the potty. That was my fault, and you shouldn't say anything about it. Otherwise, he was a very good boy, hardly any fuss. He might be a little wet now. He didn't want to use the potty before I put him down for his nap." I stretched, making it known that I was awake and giving me an opportunity to check my pants. I was disappointed to find Nana was right. I was a little wet. "Hi, baby," Kathy beamed, sitting down next to me. "Did you have fun with Nana today?" Other than the trains, I wouldn't have called it fun, but it wasn't bad. "Uh huh." "And were you a good boy for Nana?" I looked up at Mrs. Travers; she was smiling back at me. "Yes, Mommy. I was good." "He sure was. He helped me a lot," Nana praised. I nodded in agreement. "That's my good boy." Kathy hugged me. "But now it's time to get you home and fed. Thank Nana." "Thank you, Nana," I said automatically. I pushed back the blanket she must have covered me with and stood up. Kathy felt my crotch and appeared to come to some decision. She picked up the diaper bag and kissed Nana on the cheek. "Yes, thank you, Mavis. I don't know what I'd do without you. Say bye-bye, Davey." "Bye-bye, Nana. See you tomorrow." "Think nothing of it, Kathy. It's my pleasure. Bye-bye, sweetheart. Maybe we'll make cookies tomorrow. How does that sound?" My face lit up. "Don't get him thinking about cookies. I need to get dinner in him. Thanks again. I'll see you in the morning." Kathy took me home and immediately started to take things out for dinner. I tried to help, but she insisted I sit down and tell her about my day. I did and watched her cook while feeling bad that she had worked all day and was now working again. I told her I was going to wash up and use the potty. I couldn't stop calling it that. "It's alright, honey. Just use your diaper. It's already damp, and I'm going to have to change you for bedtime anyway." I sulked back to the bathroom. I wet myself while washing my hands. Dinner was up to Kathy's usual standards. I would have made a pig of myself, if she'd have let me. She left the washing up to me, which alleviated my guilt. Kathy came back as I was drying the last dish. "Okay, baby, bath time." "Already? I don't want to go to bed yet." "I didn't say you had to go to bed, but if you're getting cranky, maybe you should." "No. Sorry." "That's better. Come on then." Bath time was fun. Kathy had picked up some bath toys. It took some encouragement on her part for me to try them out. After pushing a boat around tentatively, she left me alone. Without an audience, it was easier for me to try playing. I was really getting into it when she came back. I didn't want to stop, but she said I was already pruning up, and she needed to get me clean. Her ministrations were fun too. Dried and back in the bedroom, I saw a large cloth diaper on the bed. "Where did that come from?" "I picked those up today," she said, as if she were talking about a new pair of socks. "The lady at the store said they were much more effective for nighttime, especially for side sleepers. She told me they are very comfortable too." I wasn't at all sure about this. Arguing with Kathy is rarely productive, but maybe I could distract her. "But it's still early. I'm not ready to go to bed yet." "It's not that early. You'll be going to bed soon. You may as well get ready now." "But what if I need to pee?" "Well, we'll just have to take it off. Anyway, you just went, and it's not like it would be the first wet diaper you slept in, would it?" "I guess." "Then lay your butt down, so I can get your diaper on, and we can watch TV for a while. Or would you prefer I give you a spanking and put you to bed right now?" I made the only sensible decision. Instead of closing the diaper up right away, Kathy started smearing sticky, white paste on my bottom. "The clerk said it's important to protect against diaper rash when using cloth." Lots of powder followed. Kathy's rubbing everything in overcame any displeasure I had with the experience. All too soon, Kathy brought the front of the diaper up and pinned it in place. She threaded plastic pants over my feet and had me stand up. The cloth diaper—or diapers I should say; there were obviously several—felt entirely different, the plastic pants even more so. The diaper was pleasantly soft, although it inhibited my movements, much like the double disposables had. The plastic pants were scratchy around the openings. They came up well onto my abdomen and ballooned out. They were somewhat stiff and made a soft, almost crackly sound when I moved. I caught sight of myself in Kathy's chevalier mirror. Let's be clear; there is nothing mature looking about a man in an adult diaper, except perhaps the knowledge that old people wear them. However, there is something vaguely clinical about them, and under the right clothes, they are relative discrete. On the other hand, a thick cloth diaper covered by billowing plastic pants is nothing short of infantile. It would take a lot to overcome the impression that the wearer is a big baby who can't control himself. I stared at my reflection for a long time, pondering what I was becoming. "I think you look adorable," Kathy said, hugging me from behind. "Here, let's put your jammies on, and then we can go watch some TV, okay?" I tore my eyes away from the mirror and let Kathy dress me. I was still stunned and had no will to resist. As I walked down the stairs, I felt I was moving as I looked, like a baby. The swaying of my hips and the rustling of the plastic pants confirmed with each step the road I was on. "What's the matter, baby?" Kathy asked when she saw my tears. "That," I said, pointing at the mirror. "That's what's the matter. I'm turning into a baby. What's wrong with me?" "Oh, honey, there's nothing wrong with you. You're still my big strong man. It's just that you're my adorable little baby too. And I love you so much!" "How can you love me like… this?" "Sweetie, sweetie, I love you like this, or any other way. This is what you need right now. There's nothing wrong with it. You're having a bit of rough patch right now, and we are dealing with it the best way we know how. You're just feeling vulnerable, and that's okay. In fact, it's more than okay; it's attractive." "You find this attractive?" "Yes, I do. You may not realize it, but you have been far more open than you have been in a really long time. I feel I am able to get closer to you than I can remember. You are letting me in on your feelings, where you have been hiding them for years. It feels good to be needed. If what you are wearing helps with all that, I'm more than okay with it. Truth be told, I find the fact that I'm 'in charge' of some things very sexy." As if to prove the point, she snuggled closer and rubbed the front of my pants. She placed my hand on her own crotch, which was noticeably hot and damp. "I love you, baby, and I always will. Now, how about a smile for Mommy? Can you do that? Would you like Mommy's titty? Would that make you feel better?" Let's just say I was feeling much better by the time we went to sleep. Over the next several weeks, after some trial and error, we settled into a routine. Kathy would drop me off at Nana's house. I would have breakfast and some time to wake up with the paper or internet. There'd be some chores to do before lunch. Afterward, I would be put down for a nap. At first, I fought this, but after getting spankings from both Nana and Kathy, I stopped resisting. After my nap, I'd help Nana with whatever she wanted to do. Sometimes, it was chores; other times, it was baking or shopping. Then, I had playtime; that usually meant the trains. The reason I disliked the naps, and why I fought them the way I did, was that Nana and Kathy insisted that I be diapered, just in case. That wouldn't have been so bad, but they also insisted that throwing away a dry diaper was just wasteful. I did not get my training pants back until I was wet. I think that contributed to my increasingly frequent naptime wettings. I mostly enjoyed my time with Nana. She was sweet, always made me feel special, and often gave me treats. I was starting to put on weight. The downside was her approach to "toilet training" me. She made me try to use the potty far more frequently than necessary. I wouldn't have minded so much, but it always seemed to be at an inopportune moment, and she insisted on taking me and helping me with my pants. I told her I could just go myself, but she would have none of it. She said she had to make sure I hadn't had an accident and that I did something in the toilet. If I didn't produce, the look of disappointment on her face was deeply disheartening. If several attempts did not result in anything, she would make be sit there until something happened. She would get very cross and tell me she was not going to let me wet my pants just because I was too lazy or obstinate to use the potty like a big boy. My protests that she was just making me try too often, and that I always made when I asked to use the potty, fell on deaf ears. This poor timing came to a head one day when I was playing with the trains. I had been very wet after my nap, and Nana made me use the potty a couple of times while doing my chores. I didn't need to go when she took me up a while into my playtime. About fifteen minutes after she let me go downstairs, I started to feel the urge. I was sure she would be back to get me soon, as that had become the pattern. She didn't, and I continued play as my bladder became more insistent. I was getting toward the point of desperation when I went to find Nana and tell I needed the potty. I found her on the phone. I stood and watched her until she took notice of me. She excused herself and covered the mouthpiece. She asked me what I wanted, and I told her of my need. "I just took you a few minutes ago." "I didn't need to go then." "If that's true, you shouldn't need to go that badly now. I'll be with you when I'm off the phone. Go play." "Sorry, about that," she said into the receiver. "I'm watching the neighbor's boy, and he wanted my attention. ... He says he needs to go potty, but I just took him five minutes ago.… No, no, I'm sure he can hold it for a couple of minutes. He needs to learn that he can't just go the moment he feels like it.… Yes, boys are always more difficult to train.… Ha, ha, ha, yes, men too. Davey, go play. I'll be with you as soon as I'm off the phone." I ducked back downstairs, muttering to myself that it had been a lot more than five minutes, and she should have just let me go by myself. I tried to play some more, but my need was growing stronger. A few minutes later, I was back upstairs and making gestures to indicate that time was of the essence. She wasn't paying attention. "Nana," I whispered. Nothing. "Nana," I said a little louder. "Nana," I whined, louder still and fearful I would be heard over the phone. "Davey, don't interrupt. I told you I would be right with you. If you can't behave yourself, you can go stand in the corner. Go on, march." Her look left no doubt that she was serious. I stomped my foot and went to the corner the indicated. "I'm sorry. You were saying?" Her conversation went on and on. It wasn't long before I was clutching myself and shifting from foot to foot. "What? Yours too? I guess you had better be going. Goodbye, Debbie. Give my love to Tony." She must have been talking to her daughter-in-law. She hung up the phone and walked up behind me. She gave a hard swat to my behind. That was more than I could take, and a large squirt erupted into my training pants. "David, I'm very disappointed in you. Don't you know it's rude to interrupt when someone is on the phone? I bet you don't interrupt your Mommy when she's on the phone, do you?" "No," I conceded. "But…" "But nothing. Whatever it was could have waited. I told you I wasn't going to be long." "But I had to go potty," I whined. "You're a big boy, you can hold it for a couple of minutes, can't you?" "Yeah," I said tentatively. "Let's get you to the potty then," she sighed. Once in the bathroom, I started to undo my pants. I was really hoping she would go away. Instead, she brushed my hands away and took over. "David! How could you? You said you could hold it. I thought you were a big boy." "I am. I can. But… you spanked me." "That little slap on the tushy? That's your excuse? Well, we'll just see about that. I'll show you what a real spanking is, after you finish on the potty. If there's anything left, that is." She pushed me down firmly onto the seat and, much to my embarrassment, pushed my pee pee down between my legs for me. She would usually leave me alone to do my business, but not this time. She hovered, glaring at me and tapping her foot. I forced myself to overcome my bladder shyness and peed a still considerable amount. I felt the rumblings of a bowel movement coming on, but with Nana standing there, it wasn't going to happen. When she decided it was done, grabbed my wrist, pulled me up, flushed the toilet, and dragged me to her room with my pants still around my ankles. She grabbed a hairbrush off her dresser and sat down on her bed. I was over her knees in a trice. She put the hairbrush to work right away and had me blubbering out excuses, apologies, and promises before I could think. She kept up a steady barrage of scolding. "I just can't believe it, a big boy like you, interrupting me on the phone, peeing his pants, blaming it on one little slap, can't wait a couple of minutes to use the potty. I've known toddlers better behaved. Just wait till your Mommy hears about this. I'm sure she won't be happy. I can tell you this. You' won't be wetting your pants again in my house, not today. You're going right back into diapers where you belong." I'm not sure those were her exact words, but they were the gist of it. I'm not even sure she heard my protests that I tried, and she was a lot longer than a couple of minutes on the phone. I hadn't realized she stopped when she made me stand up and dragged me to the room I napped in. She pushed me down on the bed and got a diaper out. My blazing behind was wrapped up before I knew, and she was telling me I would be staying in bed the rest of the afternoon. "And if I hear one peep out of you, you'll think that spanking was playing pat-a-cake." She left me sobbing, while she muttered about the earful my mommy was going to get later. I willed myself to sleep, anything to avoid thoughts of what Mommy was going to say when she got there. I felt a gentle shaking of my shoulder, drawing me back to the land of the living. I was grateful to escape my troubled dreams, but when I saw Mommy sitting beside me, my eyes began to fill with tears again. I opened my mouth to beg her forgiveness, but she placed a finger over my lips. "Not now, sweetie. We'll talk about it when we get home." She helped me to sit up and put on some pants. "Let's get you home and fed, and we'll have a nice long talk, okay?" She didn't seem mad. That worried me. It wasn't like Kathy to restrain her feelings, and when she did, it usually resulted in a real blowout. She took my hand and led me downstairs. I followed with trepidation. Nana was waiting. She appeared considerably calmer too. I didn't understand, but I was not unhappy when she gave me a warm hug and a kiss on the cheek, with promises to see me tomorrow. Kathy was crossing the street leisurely, but my stress level went up with every step closer to our house. I was sure she would lower the boom as soon as we were behind closed doors. Instead, she pulled me into an embrace and rocked me. Without letting go, she made a quick diaper check and announced I would be fine until after supper. She took me into the kitchen and had me sit, while she prepared our meal. I asked if I could help, but she wouldn't hear of it. It was a simple supper, which I would have enjoyed more if I hadn't been waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Sweetie, about what happened at Nana's today," she began. Here it comes, I thought. "Nana wanted me to apologize for her getting so upset with you. After she put you down and had time to think, she realized that she really was talking for a long time, and she should have listened to you and taken you to the potty sooner." "If she'd just let me go by myself…" "Shh. It's okay. We know you are having trouble making it to the potty in time, and we shouldn't keep you waiting." "But I can," I protested. "Honey, are your pants wet now?" Without thinking, I put my hands to my crotch, and blushed when I felt the squish. "Come here, baby." I stood and walked around to her. She unbuttoned my pants and pushed them down. She squeezed the front of my diaper and looked at me. "Sweetie, you are more wet than when I got you up from your nap. Did you know that?" I didn't, and I felt another cry coming on. "There, there, sweetheart. Don't worry. Mommy's not mad. I know you can't help it. I think your worrying about keeping your pants dry is getting to be too much for you. You're just not ready yet." "I am," I whined. "No, honey, I don't think so. That's why Mommy got you some new diapers today. They're cloth and have Velcro. You'll be able to feel if you wet them, and Nana will be able to get them off in a hurry if she has to. I don't want you to worry about making it to the potty in time. Nana will take you when she thinks you should try, but if you wet your diaper, nobody is going to be mad. No more spankings for wet pants, doesn't that sound good?" Something in her logic felt wrong, but I found myself nodding in agreement. "We can try potty training again after a while, but for right now, I want you to relax and not think about it, okay? You just play and help Nana and Mommy when we ask. Will you do that for Mommy?" Kathy was being so nice about the whole thing, I just sniffled and nodded my ascent. She stood up and drew me into a hug that I could have stayed in forever. "Let's get you a nice tubby and then you can go night-night, okay?" Do I have to? by nautybaby ©2019-2024
  11. The original story is in french. It's just a google translation but hope you like it. First chapter: welcome to maternarchy “What is this horror? » Loni didn't expect much, but calling his favorite image from her little secret collection a "horror" still made his heart ache. Dani was his childhood friend. Well... early childhood. Being only twenty years old, they could not yet quite claim the title of "big boys". They were both boarders at the Nadal 2 mixed university and had, of course, managed to be in the same room. There was only one large bed on which they were lying face down, eyes focused on the screen of a multitasker. They were already washed and in their pajamas, with a thick night diaper around their buttocks. Dani was a model boy: energetic, perky, a little crazy, kind to his classmates and, most of the time, docile with women. He was still a boy who didn't mind when he had the opportunity to do forbidden things without getting caught. Loni was the brain. He had just proven it again by managing to unlock the child lock on his multitask. He had promised Dani to show him images of naked women but, in exchange, he first wanted to show his other forbidden images that fascinated him, starting with an old photo from the very beginning of the digital age of a cross species between a human and a gorilla. “This, my dear and ignorant friend, is a boy of the twenty-first century, or, to put it as it was then, a MAN. _ Well, he’s super ugly. _He was six feet tall. You realize ? We can't even get to his nipples. One hundred and thirteen pounds all muscle! See all those hairs on his chin that look like a second head of hair? It was called a beard and every boy over sixteen had it. Except that many shaved it to highlight their big square jaw. They also had hair all over their bodies but again, some shaved it off to show the muscles underneath. His job was a sport that was half a ball game and half a fighting game. _A sport is not a job. _ At the time yes, when you were really good. And having a sport for a job meant you could train all day. By just training, they were at least as strong as a modern woman who doesn't workout at all. _ Yeah, really useful... that doesn't make up for being ugly enough to scare a louse. _ For you they are ugly, but at the time the ladies were crazy about them! They even sold calendars with naked photos of them. -Speaking of photos and nudes, will you show me these naked women? » Loni sighed inwardly. He had been wrong to think that his friend could understand his interest, when he wasn't even sure he understood it himself. Dani didn't care what made the ladies of the past turn their heads. He only thought about those of today. It was to please them that he still wore full diapers when the training pants would have been enough for him. To please them too, he wore colorful clothes with cute patterns, exaggerated his emotions, did stupid things on purpose, and often asked for help with things he could very well have done himself. Physically, he was average. In the high average perhaps, but it was missing two or three small details to be a real canon. First of all, he was a little too tall, measuring almost six feet. His hands and feet were a little too big. He had a little hair under his arms and around his willy, as well as a little fuzz on his cheeks that his mother still forbade him to shave. He was one of those people who didn't have to worry too much, who would inevitably find a nice mother-wife to take care of them, but who couldn't allow himself to have too many weird ideas or interests. Looking at images of naked ladies, spying on boarding school girls in the shower, having mashed potatoes fights in the canteen or playing ball in the hallway, it was forbidden but it was what was expected of a normal boy. It was even a lot less weird than never disobeying at all. This reassured the girls that we were a boy like any other who wouldn't pose any problems other than those we expected. Loni was different. He was one of the three cutest boys in the class. The girls would have been crazy about him even if he had hyper-maturity syndrome. Very early on, perhaps at twelve years old, Loni had understood that among boys, there were the very cute ones and the others. The really cute ones were the ones whose teacher or boysitters checked their diaper three or four times a day “just to be sure.” Those who were helped to wash and dress themselves even when they knew how to do it on their own and asked nothing. For the same mischief, the other boys had lines to copy or were deprived of recess. For the very cute ones, it was a little spanking. Always the little spanking and always on the bare bottom to get a good eyeful. Loni couldn't even remember the last time he was punished with anything else than a mild bare bottom spanking. “Boys, it’s bedtime! » crooned a voice behind the bedroom door. It was Delphine, a student from their year who, in the evening, watched over boys in her class, eight in all, in exchange for a free room. She knocked on the door and politely waited for permission to enter before opening it. There was no doubt that if the response had waited too long, she would have gone in anyway, suspecting that the boys were doing something forbidden. Fortunately, through practice, Loni only needed a handful of seconds to switch the screen of his machine to a completely innocent animated series. At six feet tall, Delphine had a hard time staying in a boys' room where she had to lower her head to avoid bumping into it. She was rather pretty with her slim figure, her harmonious face neither too round nor too dry, her long, well-kept black hair and her discreet smile, haughty but with a friendly touch. A smile that said: 'I'm the adult, I'm in charge and I wouldn't hesitate to put you back in your place if you make me, but I'd still prefer everything to go smoothly . » Honestly, she wasn't the worst supervisor they'd ever had. Loni even suspected her friend of having a little crush on her. “Here we go, we turn off the screens and get under the sheets. Teeth done? Are the comforters here? GOOD ! Let's see if your little behinds are still dry! » Loni grumbled under her breath: they had put them on the potty and diapered them for the night half an hour ago. How could they have gotten wet in such a short time? It was probably just an excuse to grope them again, especially him. Like every night, she pulled his pajama bottoms just a little lower and trailed her hand a little longer than necessary for a simple check. Dani, for his part, smiled with all his teeth, always happy that a girl takes care of him, especially when she was pleasant to look at. Finally, she tucked them in carefully and gave each of them a big kiss on the forehead.
  12. "Awe, what's wrong little sissy," my mommy asked me as we pulled into the driveway. "I don't want to do this," I replied. "What," Mommy said. "You've been saying for months how much fun it would be to have a sissy play date. Now that I've set one up for you, you want to back down?" "Yes," I answered. "I know I said that, but I meant like watching cartoons and coloring with another person in diapers and dresses. This is a sleepover, and you won't even be there!" "Well too bad sissy. Now get going," Mommy said as she stepped out of the car. "Everything is already set up, and I have plans tonight that I will be late for if you keep dragging your feet. So unless you want to come home to a punishment tomorrow you'll put some pep in your little sissy steps." Mommy took me by the hand and led me up the walk to the house's front door. She rang the doorbell, holding my hand in a vice-like grip. A diaper bag was slung over her other shoulder. The door was answered by an older woman, hair starting to gray. She and Mommy embraced in a warm hug. Mommy then handed her my diaper bag. "Hi Kathleen," Mommy said. "Everything little sissy Brian needs is in there. Sorry he isn't wearing anything. He is nervous about his sleepover with Sam tonight, and was being fussy so I didn't have much time to get him ready. Thank you so much for doing this tonight though." "I don't worry about. You know I love dressing up sissies," Kathleen said. "You didn't need to pack all this though. You know I have plenty of diapers for the two little sissies." "I know, but I didn't want to take advantage. I will be by to pick him up tomorrow at 10:00 though," Mommy said. Turning her attention to me, she said, "now Brian, you be a good sissy tonight and listen to everything Aunty Kathleen tells you. She has my permission to punish you any way she sees fit, and if I hear you needed a punishment, you can bet it will be worse when you get home tomorrow. Now give me a kiss goodbye. " Chastised and blushing, I gave Mommy a kiss before being pulled into the house by Kathleen. Kathleen then closed the door, causing Mommy to disappear from my view. "Now, should we get you properly dressed?" Kathleen asked me. "Yes Ma'am," I replied. Kathleen then took me by the hand, leading me deeper into the house. We headed up a flight of stairs, stopping outside of A soft pink door. Kathleen opened the door, revealing an adult baby nursery that every sissy baby dreamed of having. A crib with a twin sized mattress dominated one corner of the room. A changing table with diapers stacked underneath dominated the opposite corner. Both were covered in restraints that could completely immobilize anyone using the furniture. A large rocking chair occupied a third corner of the room underneath a large window, and sex and baby toys were scattered across the floor of the rest of the room. "Once you are properly dressed you can go play with Sammy. Does that sound fun Brianna?" Kathleen asked me. She started undressing me instantly, so I don't think my answer mattered beyond avoiding punishment for being rude. So I responded, "Yes, Ma'am." Kathleen untied my shoes first, making me rest my hand on her back while she pulled my shoes and socks off my feet. She then unbuttoned my shorts, pulling them and my underwear down in a single smooth motion. Kathleen made me rest my hands on her again for support as I stepped out of the leg holes. I wanted to cover myself with my hands in one last act of modesty, but as my arms moved down Kathleen caught them and lifted them up above my head. Then, she pulled my t-shirt up above my head and I was naked. Once undressed, I was ushered up on top of the changing mat, and Kathleen buckled a single strap across my waist, holding me onto the table. "Your momma would be so upset if something happened to her little sissy, so I need to take extra special care with you, don't I?" This time, I left it as a rhetorical question and didn't respond. Kathleen bent below my eye site for a second, returning with a diaper thicker than any I had ever seen before. Kathleen set it on my chest. So I could stare right at it, while she pulled out the other supplies she needed. I wondered how badly I would be waddling in the diaper until I felt something cold around my balls. The diaper blocked my view, but I could tell that Kathleen was putting my chastity cage on me. Chastity was a kink that my wife and I often indulged in with one another. But having your wife lock away your cock was one thing, and an older woman who had never touched you intimately before was entirely another. Normally, I was hard as a rock and my wife had to use a cold washcloth or another trick to get me into the cage. This time, I was so timid about being locked up by Kathleen that my cage was almost too small for me. "I have no idea why your mommy said I should expect trouble getting your cage on you," Kathleen said as she sealed my dick in with a click. "You have such a well behaved sissy clitty for me." Kathleen then lifted my hips up, slipping the diaper underneath me. A liberal cloud of powder soon coated my chastity cage and butt crack. I turned and twisted on the table as Kathleen rubbed the powder into my diaper area. Sam often had a bruised ass when I hung out with him, so I knew Kathleen wasn't shy about delivering a spanking. Because of this, I tried to stay still, but it was also deeply embarrassing having Kathleen touching my genitals so thoroughly and business-like, as if I were nothing more than a child she was babysitting. Satisfied that my nether regions were thoroughly protected from diaper rash, Kathleen then taped the diaper up with the same efficiency. Kathleen then ran her fingers through the waist and leg bands, checking the fit of the diaper. Satisfied, she slid a pair of plastic locking panties up my legs. Once they covered the diaper, Kathleen released me from the changing table, so she could roll me onto my side to lock the plastic panties on with a click. I wasn’t allowed off of the changing table until she had given the panties a few test pulls to make sure they wouldn't come off. After the diaper and plastic panties were put on me, Kathleen went digging through Sammy's sissy closet for an outfit for me to wear. She was in there for a minute before she popped back out with an armful of clothes. First, Kathleen had me put on a simple white camisole. Then came a very frilly pink dress, with ruffles and frills on both the skirt and shoulders. Kathleen made me raise my arms above my head while she slipped it over my head. She then zipped it up my back. A small click indicated she had locked the dress around my neck when she had fully zipped it up my back. A bright white corset was then wrapped around my torso. Since it was more decorational than for waist shaping, Kathleen only tightened the corset until it was mildly uncomfortable. Next, Kathleen snuck a matching pair of bloomers up my legs and over my diaper. Lastly, two petticoats were slid up my legs and around my waist, adding a nice poof and flair to my outfit. "You make such a lovely little sissy Brianna," Kathleen said. "Now you just need a lovely little wig and something to cover up that unfortunate addition God put on your throat. You be a good sissy and stay right there." Kathleen left the room, leaving me alone. She was gone for a while. At least long enough for me to be bored, and start swishing my skirt and petticoats back and forth, watching them twirl around my waist. Kathleen caught me off guard as she reentered the room. "A sissy and her skirts," she said as she walked back in, a box in her arms. I blushed, embarrassed, while she pulled a blonde, ringlet wig out of the box. "We discovered, Sammy is more of a brunette than a blond, so he doesn't wear this one much." Kathleen placed a wig cap on my head, then slid the wig into place. A few adjustments and a pink headband later she was finished with my hair. To complete my outfit, a pink ribbon was tied around my throat to cover up my Adam's apple. "Now you look like such a darling little sissy," Kathleen said. She didn't let me look at myself in the mirror though. Instead, she took me by the hand, leading me out of the room and back downstairs to her living room. *Part Two* Set up in the center of the room was a large playpen. Another sissy sat in the center of the playpen, half heartedly pushing two teddy bears around in front of them while baby cartoons played quietly on the tv. The sissy in the playpen was Sam, or Sammy, the person I was having a "sleepover" with. They were dressed in a yellow baby party dress, wearing a brunette bob wig with a small bonnet tied around their chin. As Kathleen helped Sammy stand up out of the playpen, I saw his skirt was stiff enough and accompanied by enough petticoats that the bottom of his diaper and plastic pants just peeked out between his legs. It was interesting, seeing Sammy and Kathleen so close together. Unlike my mommy, who was only a few years older than me, Kathleen was older than Sammy by a couple of decades. The marked age difference and between Sammy and Kathleen, and his appearance, truly made Sammy appear to be a child, even though he was only two years younger than I. "Now, doing each other's makeup and nails is a classic sleepover activity for girls. I was thinking you two sissies would love doing that for each other, wouldn't you?" Kathleen said. "Yes mommy," Sammy said. I simultaneously said, "Yes aunt Kathleen." "Alright, both of you be good and sit on the floor, while I go and get the makeup," Kathleen said. Sammy and I knelt on the floor as Kathleen left. We sat there in awkward silence, neither of us sure really how to start a conversation in our present state. Kathleen finally returned, makeup caboodle in one hand and a bag of makeup brushes in the other. Setting the items down, she said, "Ok, which one of you wants to be made up first?" After an awkward silence, I eventually raised my hand. "Good sissy Brian," Kathleen said. She sat on the ground in between Sammy and I, and began unpacking all of the things she had brought down. First, she directed Sammy in applying foundation to my face, then eyeshadow, blush, and lip gloss. Once Kathleen was satisfied with Sammy's work, she had me do the same, following the same steps of dabbing the foundation onto Sammy before gently coloring his eyes in a yellow eyeshadow to match his dress. Then a forced smile so that I could brush foundation onto the apples of his cheeks. Finally, strokes of lipgloss left a pink glittering shimmer on his lips. Kathleen showed us the results of our makeovers in a small hand mirror. Overall, they weren't great. I knew I could have done a better job with my makeup myself, and I knew that I didn't do a great job either on Sammy's makeup. It had been the first time I had put makeup on another person though, and I am sure Sammy was in a similar boat. Painting each other's nails went much better though. This time, Sammy went first. He was much more confident with the nail brush than makeup brushes, painting my fingernails in smooth baby pink streaks. Once my fingernails were coated in the delicate pink lacquer, my toenails received the same treatment. I then had to sit, hands and toes spread while my nails dried. The process was then repeated, as Sammy applied a second coat. When he was finished, my nails were a solid, baby pink color, and, unaccustomed to regularly having my nails painted, the paint gave my fingers an unusual weight. When my nails were finally dry, it was my turn to paint Sammy's nails. Kathleen had me paint his nails in a bright red that stood out when contrasted against his dress. As I finished the first coat, Kathleen had me gently sprinkle a little glitter across his fingernails, so that it got stuck in the nail polish. The second coat then sealed the glitter in, giving his nails a nice sparkle in addition to the red color. As we waited for Sammy's second coat of nail polish to dry, his stomach began to grumble with hunger. "Awe, is someone's tum-tum saying it wants din-dins," Kathleen teased. "Well don't you worry. I'll make a nice dinner for my two little sissy babies. Now I only have one high chair, and since his tummy is growling, I am going to feed Sammy first, is that ok Brian?" "Yes aunty Kathleen," I replied. "Such a helpful little sissy. No wonder you're Mommy never has to punish you. Unlike this one," Kathleen said, pinching Sammy's arm playfully. "Since you are the better behaved sissy, I am going to leave you here while I put Sammy in the high chair. Then I will put you in the bouncer so you can work up an appetite for dinner. Will you be good and sit here quietly while I do that?" "Yes Aunty Kathleen," I said again. She then helped Sammy stand and led him into the kitchen. Kathleen was gone for fifteen minutes before she returned, a padded, harness-like object in her hands. There were two long straps on the thing in her arms, which she connected to two pulleys suspended from the ceiling. I then stepped into the harness, holding my skirts and petticoats up, at Kathleen's command. She then lifted the harness up around my waist, gently tucking my petticoats and skirts intonthe waistband of the harness. A set of straps then went across my chest, holding the harness tight against my diaper, and holding me tight between the two straps connecting me to the ceiling. Kathleen then tightened the straps, so that it was just uncomfortable to stand flat footed on the ground. My wrists were then placed in two cuffs attached to the straps. She then unrolled a black mat, spreading it out underneath me. Two pads were connected to the mat, which she stuck just inside the leg bands of my bloomers. "From what your mommy has told me, you will enjoy this as much as Sammy, even if you won't admit it. It will also make sure you are nice and ready for dinner," Kathleen said as she plugged a cord extending from the mat into an outlet. As soon as the prongs connected, I jumped into the air, feeling an electric shock jolt through my legs. It happened again and again, and without any active effort on my part I was soon bouncing away. Kathleen had a smirk on her face as she left to feed Sammy. It didn’t take too long for me to connect that the pads on my legs and the mat I kept landing on were making a circuit that was providing the shocks. They weren't painful, so much as an unpleasant sensation in my legs. I couldn't tell if it was the sensation, the surprise of the shock, or a reaction from my legs but each shock launched me into the air, keeping me bouncing away. I tried curling my legs underneath me, once, to try avoiding the shocks. All this brilliant idea accomplished was giving me a diaper wedgie that crushed my balls and rammed my chastity cage unpleasantly into my crotch. I had no concept of time while bouncing away, but eventually I was able to collect my thoughts and think about something other than the shocks. The actual bouncing sensation felt rather good, causing my diaper to rub against me in a way that soon had my dick straining against its cage. I could also feel my diaper and the harness putting pressure against my butt. I was eventually wishing I had something inside of my ass, so I could fuck myself to orgasm while I bounced away. When Kathleen finally returned, she was leading Sammy from behind, who, in addition to his previous outfit, was sporting a massive bib covered in baby food and a pacifier bobbing in and out of his mouth. Kathleen unplugged the mat and pads from the wall, letting my feet land and stay on the ground. My legs were shaky as they landed on the ground. I realized that I was panting for breath, exhausted from my constant bouncing. Kathleen released me from the cuffs and harness, and I dropped on the floor, legs wobbly from the bouncer and exhaustion. I stayed on the floor, panting and trying to get the feeling back into my legs, until Kathleen had Sammy strapped into the bouncer. She then led me away into the kitchen while Sammy sucked a pacifier while bouncing away. Kathleen brought me into the kitchen, where a pink polka dot padded high chair with a white plastic tray was set against an island. Water streaks drying on it indicated it had just been thoroughly wiped down. Kathleen pulled the tray off the high chair, and helped me into the seat, fluffing my skirt and petticoats so that they would sit just right and not be ruffled by the tray. She then buckled straps across my shoulders and waist. Two more velcro straps pinned my arms firmly against the sides of the chair. Two final straps, one over my thighs, one over my ankles, bound me firmly to the chair. My legs could do little more than shuffle along the footrest while my arms could only wriggle at my sides. Kathleen then clicked the white tray into place. Kathleen started by affixing a bib, more akin to a hairdresser's cape, around my neck. It was so large it used multiple buttons to secure it around my neck, rather than tying in the back like a normal bib. She then placed two large baby bottles of milk on my tray. Next came a bowl of a thick, white pasty substance. Lastly, Kathleen placed three jars of baby food on the tray. Reading the labels, I could see the contents were peas, squash, and carrots. Kathleen opened each of the cars, stirring them into the bowl with the white substance using a large soup spoon. Kathleen then dipped the spoon into the mushy mixture. Her mouth opened to start making a noise, but before she made a sound I opened my mouth to swallow the heaping spoonful. "Such an obedient sissy," Kathleen said as I wrapped my lips around the spoon. I coughed and sputtered trying to choke it down. It had an unpleasant taste combined with a vile mouth feel. Remembering the mess across Sammy's bib, I guessed that he enjoyed his dinner as much as I did. Kathleen was unphased by my reaction. She giggled to herself as she scooped up another spoonful bringing it to my mouth. I swallowed it, if only because I was determined not to get as messy as Sammy had clearly gotten during his feeding. While I was technically successful in this goal, I still got much more baby food on me than I liked. Kathleen would waste just long enough for me to choke down most of a spoonful, before feeding me the next. This made it inevitable, with each spoonful, that my mouth wouldn't be ready to receive it, and the food would smear onto my face or be scraped off the spoon and down onto my waiting bib. Kathleen didn't let me have any milk until I had eaten all of the bowl of mush. She then held the baby bottles to my lips. While I could control the rate at which I suckled, short air breaks were the only reprieve I had from anything other than drinking down the milk. I felt bloated by the time I had finally finished everything. Thankfully, Kathleen quickly wiped my face off and removed the bib. My Mommy must have shared with Kathleen how much I hated to be dirty and that it would remove me from subspace. Kathleen left me in the high chair while she washed the bowl and baby bottles. She then inserted a paci gag into my mouth, buckling it behind my head. I was then freed from the numerous restraints, and led back into the living room. Once Sammy was freed from the bouncer, Kathleen helped both of us into the playpen, where we were left to color in some coloring books. Part 3 "Wha vas hat groth pace?" I asked Sammy once Kathleen had left the room. "Wice pudding," Sammy gurgled out from behind his pacifier. I noticed he wasn't gagged, just obedient by not removing his pacifier. "Do you eath thath othen?" I continued. "Mothly on weethends. Mommy wets me eath normal fooths on worthdays, buth on weethends iths nether anyfing sowid," Sammy continued. I didn't ask him any more questions after that. The lisping induced by the pacifiers put an unfortunate damper on the ease of conversation. So instead we colored with our crayons in silence. We could hear Kathleen cooking dinner for herself in the kitchen. It smelled far more delectable than our meal. The smells of the kitchen though were replaced by a less pleasant odor as time wore on. I couldn't believe that Sammy had just let loose, messing his diaper like that with me right next to him. I knew toilets would be off limits with Kathleen as our caretaker, but I figured he would at least have tried to go when Kathleen could change him right away. From all of the milk I drank at dinner though, I did wet my diaper fairly well dur8ng our time in the playpen. Around half an hour later she returned to the living room, but didn't even comment on the foul odor that now hung in the room. Instead, she said, "You two have been such good sissy babies for me. How would you like a reward of going out for ice cream?" Sammy said "Yes please mommy," with excitement. I couldn't tell if his enthusiasm was real or fake. I suspected that we would be going out for ice cream dressed as we were, and I could feel my stomach start to rumble. I knew Inwould be soon doing the same action Inhad judged Sammy for about ten minutes earlier. For these reasons, I stupidly said. "No tank you pwease. I don wantha go outhide wike dis." "Oh, and you were being such a good little sissy Brian," Kathleen said, before brusquely yanking me out of the playpen and back up to the nursery. I put up no resistance, partly because I was deep in a submissive space at this point, partly because I was worried all of the walking would make me poop myself sooner. Kathleen sat down in the rocking chair in the nursery, and almost immediately afterwards had me down across her knees and the arms of the chair. Before I had a second to prepare myself, I felt a paddle slapping into my diapers with a loud WHACK. The diapers offered some protection, but soon the pain of the paddle was coming through and I was dancing across Kathleen's lap from the whacks and swats. She was merciless in her punishment, the blows coming hard and fast. Just when I thought my ass could take no more, she switched to my thighs, delivering a series of blows to my left, then right thighs. I doubted I would be sitting at work much Monday after this spanking. "Now, choose your next words carefully, sissy," Kathleen said, her tone adopting an iciness that broke nothing but fear. "Is there something you would like to ask me?" On the verge of tears, I stuttered out around my paci-gag, "Pwease Aunthy Kaffween, can I go outh for ith cream in my pwetty dwess, ethen though I hath been a bad thithy?" Kathleen's tone changed instantly, and she responded in her normal motherly voice, "why of course you and Sammy can go out for ice cream in your pretty dresses, and you haven't been a bad sissy dear." Kathleen then led me back downstairs, me awkwardly waddling in her wake. She slipped a pair of high heels on each of our feet, and fhen asked "Is it ok if Brian sits in the car seat Sammy, since he's our guest?" "Yeth mommy," Sammy responded. The car seat was impressive, and like the bouncer, made my submissive sissy heart do summer saults with glee. In Kathleen's van, one of the seats had been removed and replaced with a car seat that had extra padding, pink of course, with a hard frame that fully enveloped a person from their head to their butt. A five point harness kept them held tight against the chair, while two cuffs prevented anyone from freeing themselves on their own. It took almost no time for Kathleen to have me hooked and bound within the car seat. In fact, it took her a longer time to tie Sammy to his seat in the car, immobilizing him as well. With us two sissies bound and restrained in the back of the car, Kathleen pulled out of the garage and onto the road. She drove for nearly an hour, taking us to a place far outside of town. During the car ride, I messed my diaper several times. Each time, I thought I would be feeling the urge to go soon, but before I could control it, I would feel myself messing my diaper. I suspected that Kathleen put something into our food, since normally it took an abnormal amount of effort for me to mess my diaper. I noticed from a few grunts and moans that Sammy too was continuing to use his diapers. I really did enjoy the bondage of the car seat, but I would have enjoyed it more under different circumstances. My bottom was extra sensitive from the thrashing it had received, and every time I added to my diapers load, either through wetting or messing, it just irritated it more. I spent the majority of the long car ride fighting the restraints trying to find a comfortable position. Nearly an hour later, as it was just growing dark, we pulled into the parking lot of an ice cream stand out in the country. Before freeing Sammy and I, Kathleen went tonthe back of the van, and removed what turned out to be a life size stroller. She then removed the pacifiers from our mouths, and freshened up our lipstick. I was the first one freed, released from the car seat only to be sat in the stroller. It was almost identical to the carseat in terms of restraints and bondage. The only real difference was that my seat was now made of a thick canvas and I was angled at sixty degrees. I had a feeling this was a subtle way of Kathleen preventing me from standing while we got ice cream. With me restrained in the adult stroller, I could do nothing but continue to helplessly fill my diaper in small amounts and feel it smear against my sore bottom. Sammy was prevented from having too much freedom for himself via a collar and leash that were placed around his neck and tied to the stroller, respectively. Kathleen parked us near the van, at one of the farther away picnic tables, before leaving to go order us ice cream. "Does her baby food usually make you mess your diapers like this?" I asked Sammy. "Yeah. That's why I only am fed it on weekends." He replied. "Also, don't worry, Mommy brings me here a lot. The owners are kinksters too, and so are a good majority of the customers. There are a few vanilla customers that discover the place and wanded in, but they only really advertise this place in the kink community as a place you can go for some light public play." "That's good." I said, trying to be nonchalant. Actually, this was a massive relief to me. I was always self conscious about going out as a sissy, even to kink spaces. I had never worn a diaper to a kink party, and outside of a few ageplay events at private homes, had never been a sissy baby in public before. If I wasn't so deep into sub space at the moment, I probably would have been having a mental breakdown. Kathleen returned, carrying two bowls of ice cream and a milkshake for herself. She pulled out two baby spoons from her purse, sticking them into the bowls of ice cream. She then handed one of the bowls to Sammy, who was allowed to feed himself. I had to be slowly fed the ice cream by Kathleen. Normally, I inhaled ice cream. Having to use these small spoons and take such delicate little bites made it take forever to eat the ice cream. About halfway through our bowls of ice cream, a large bear of a man came over. "Is that Kathleen and little baby Sammy I see over here," the man said as he approached. "Why, I barely recognized you in the dark. Oh, and it looks like you have another little sissy. Who is this?" "Hi Robert," Kathleen said. "This is Sissy Brian. He is having a sleepover with baby Sammy tonight. Since they were such good little sissies, I thought I would take them out for ice cream. Sammy, aren't you going to greet Robert?" Sammy sat his ice cream down, then stood up, needing to take a step nearer to me on his heels to not be choked by the collar and leash. Robert obliged Sammy, taking another step as well. Robert would have towered over Sammy, were it not for his heels. These gave Sammy just enough height to kiss Robert on each cheek before giving him a kiss on the lips. "Hello Sir," Sammy then said. Robert then leaned down toward me, his face a few inches from mine. I knew he wanted a greeting from me as well. The welts from my previous paddling were acutely noticeable in my dirty diaper, so I complied, not wanting to receive another punishment. I strained against the restraints of my stroller, reaching up to give him a soft kiss on each cheek before one on his lips, which went longer than I intended. I don't know if that was my subconscious doing or his. "Hello Sir, nice to meet you," I said to Robert. Robert's face was bristly from his beard, and his lips were dry and chapped, whereas I don't think stubble could be felt on my soft face and lips. The contrast between us at that moment truly had me feel like a simpering, pathetic, pantywaist, and my cock was straining against its cage to become hard as a rock. Robert sat down where Sammy had been seated, scooping the sissy up onto his lap. He gave the sissy a few bounces on his knee, making Sammy blush and moan. Then, he struck up a conversation with Kathleen, and began feeding Sammy the rest of his ice cream. I was curious just how familiar Robert was with Kathleen and Sammy, being that he could just start feeding him without asking him, or even Kathleen if they were ok with it. Robert dominated most of the conversation, talking about some recent trip of his to Boston. I didn’t know him, and calling the conversation vanilla would indicate it was more interesting than it was, so I zoned out, losing myself in my own little world of eating small bites of ice cream, feeling a twinge in my stomach, and filling my diaper a little more. I wet my diaper a couple of times as well while eating ice cream, which was a weirdly pleasurable experience. As I sat, I wondered how my diaper was holding up. I never used my diaper this much with my Mommy, and it was safe to say this was the most I had ever filled one. My musings on the structural integrity of my diaper were interrupted by emptying my bowl of ice cream. I was embarrassed to re enter reality, with Kathleen gently rocking me back and forth in the stroller while Sammy was once again being gently bounced up and down on Robert's knee. "It's getting late. This little one almost fell asleep here on us. I better get these sissy babies into their crib for the night," Kathleen said. "Good idea," Robert agreed, setting Sammy on his feet on the ground. "They could also use a bedtime bath too, boy do these sissies reek." Sammy and I turned a crimson shade of red from the comments about the state of our diaper. Robert gave Sammy a goodbye kiss, before giving Kathleen a hug and patting me on the head before heading back to his own car. Kathleen took us back to ours, transferring me once again from the stroller into the carseat, and tying Sammy into his chair, before taking us home. I woke up to Kathleen gently rubbing me awake. Apparently, I had passed out as soon as the car started moving, and was sleeping deeply the entire car ride, despite my bondage and the state of my diaper.
  13. This starts in the middle of the story and diapers are really only at the beginning and end but it's a scene I really like and wanted to put it out there more broadly. When Andrew crossed the threshold of his own apartment, a sense of unspoken shame clung to him. The urgency to rid himself of his clothes, particularly the pants and the diaper, was overwhelming. He despised the way the diaper parted his legs, its weight was unnatural, pulling him down. From within his bathroom, Andrew couldn't help but notice the half-moon stains on his pants as he peeled off his clothes. His relief at having taken a towel earlier was now tinged with a bitter realization of necessity. Andrew, for a moment, thought the diaper might just fall to the ground, but he had taped it too tight. He ripped at the tapes simultaneously, the act cathartic in its own right, a small rebellion against his own debasement. The diaper thudded to the floor. The sharp, acrid stench of urine hitting him. He could immediately tell the scen was distinctly not his own, which only deepened the humiliation. In the privacy of his bathroom, under the fluorescent light, Andrew stood exposed, not just in flesh, but in spirit. The evening's events replayed in his mind, each moment a sharp jab to his already fragile sense of self. He longed to wash away not just the physical remnants of the night, but also the haunting echoes of Aria's laughter, the sound of which seemed to linger in the air, a ghostly reminder of his debasement. Andrew's mind whirled with conflicted thoughts as he stood under the scalding stream of the shower. Surely, peeing on him like that was some kind of assault, but what was he going to do, tell the cops a woman peed in his diaper after he accidentally came from her stroking his thigh? And then what? He saves the diaper so they can DNA test it? He’d probably end up being the one arrested, not to mention laughed at. Andrew turned the shower on as hot as he could stand it. When he stepped in, it felt like the dirt and grime of the evening was being burned off of him which was good because the idea of touching his penis where she peed on it was revolting to him. Andrew stayed in the shower until his hands pruned, knowing the reality of his discarded diaper awaited him when he stepped out. It stood as a symbol of a night that had oscillated bewilderingly between deep humiliation and unexpected arousal. As he contemplated this, a troubling thought emerged – maybe he was the problem. For the next few days, Andrew moved through the world like a zombie. He had never been an exemplary bartender, but now his inadequacies were magnified. His tips dwindled, a testimony to his inability to maintain eye contact, his hands shook as he poured drinks and spilled liquor over the bar and sometimes patrons hands. At night, the allure of jacking off was lost to him, replaced by a numbing trance in front of the television, his thoughts a murky swirl of regret and confusion. But as the days melded into each other, he felt a resolve grow within him. The only escape from the haunting image of Aria was to bury her memory under new experiences, new faces. Until she was just one weird date which he would never tell a soul about. It didn’t take him long to find someone new on the dating site he frequented, the same one where he’d met Megan. There, amidst the digital profiles was a figure seemingly carved from the antithesis of Aria. In her pictures she wore wool sweaters and fitting but not too tight jeans. She was a teacher who volunteered at the animal shelter. In her answers to her questions, she clearly wanted to wait to have sex and had few prior romantic partners. All of this was a welcome relief to Andrew. In fact, Andrew felt as though her profile was a love letter to him. She wanted a man who could mix her a strong drink. She liked shorter men, an preference almost unheard of in online dating. She was exactly what Andrew thought he needed. Determined to steer this new encounter rather than let it steer him, Andrew suggested sushi at a familiar, unpretentious restaurant, devoid of any dress code. He even suggested meeting there separately as a buffer against any unforeseen shifts in power dynamics. He arrived early, anchoring himself with a bottle of sake at the table. And he waited. And waited … and waited. Each time the door creaked open, his heart leapt, only to sink again as stranger after stranger entered, none the face he was expecting. He was about to concede that he’d been stood up and ask the waiter for a check when the front door opened once more. His heart froze, not with hope, but with a familiar dread. It was Aria with Megan trailing in her wake. Of course they were both wearing mini skirts, Andrew thought as he tried to shake off a mental image of himself ensnared between Aria's legs. As Andrew reached for the menu, a futile shield against his unfolding nightmare, it was already too late. Aria's voice cut through the ambient chatter of the restaurant. “Andrew!” Aria smiled walking over to him and putting her arms out like she expected him to stand up and give her a big hug. And because he didn’t know what else to do, Andrew did exactly that. "Aria," he murmured, a greeting or a plea, he wasn't sure. Megan, however, offered her hand. “I think we better stick to handshakes there, quickdraw,” she winked like his whole humiliating ordeal was some kind of inside joke. “That’s right! Oh no! Andrew, you didn’t have another accident just now did you?” And she touched the crotch of his pants feeling for wetness, actually going as far as to grip his flaccid penis through his pants. “No padding, you’re living dangerously.” Andrew again found an entire restaurant staring at him. He was pretty sure the patrons hadn’t have fully understood the exchange but he also knew enough about people to know that would just make them more likely to eavesdrop. "I was just leaving," Andrew stammered, desperation tinting his voice as he fumbled for his wallet, seeking an escape. “Leave?” Aria purred, her voice dripping with mock concern. “But you haven’t even eaten yet. Look, your chopsticks are still virginal.” She leaned in, her breath a mix of some subtle, intoxicating perfume and the unspoken promise of chaos. For a moment, Andrew wanted to drown in that scent, to lose himself in the familiar yet dangerous allure. He felt an unwelcome stiffening, his body betraying him after weeks of numb detachment. He recoiled, the ghost of past humiliations flashing in his mind. “You’re drunk,” she taunted, her nose almost grazing his. “I can smell the sake on you.” “I’m not…” His protest was weak, lost in the sudden invasion of his personal space as Aria's hands darted into his pockets, swift and predatory. She emerged victorious with his keys. “My keys!” He lunged clumsily, but she danced back with a cruel laugh, leaving him to stagger and nearly fall. That’s when he noticed the other patron, a mountain of a man, rising from his chair. “Sir,” the man said, stepping into the fray and blocking Andrew's view of Aria as he completely misinterpreted the scene. “I’m a police officer,” he flashed his badge under his sport jacket “and you’re about to make a very public mistake. Touch these women, and I’ll have you in cuffs faster than you can say 'sake bomb.' Sit down, sober up, and maybe thank them for saving you from a DUI.” The officer’s presence was like an eclipse, his shadow swallowing Andrew whole. With a defeated raise of his hands, Andrew retreated to his seat, feeling the weight of every eye in the place. “Thank you,” he mumbled, the words tasting like ash. The gratitude was forced, the humiliation real, but it seemed to appease the mountain who retreated back to his seat after a stoic nod to Aria and Megan who could barely contain their glee. The restaurant erupted in applause for the officer, a symphony of claps steeped in schadenfreude. Andrew could feel the collective scorn of the patrons, their disdain for his supposed drunken intent to drive. Maybe he was buzzed, more than he realized. He sat as Aria and Megan commandeered chairs at his table. “Look, Megan, there’s a setting for a ghost,” Aria quipped, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she signaled the waiter for a third setting. “Andrew, were you playing host to an invisible date?” Andrew opened his mouth, a lie teetering on the tip of his tongue. But Aria was faster. “Do not lie to me, little boy. I’ve got a sixth sense for bullshit.” Silenced, he merely nodded, the truth lodged in his throat like a bitter pill. Megan leaned in, her voice laced with mock curiosity. “Was it a date? Were you going to ditch her before she even graced us with her presence?” The unused setting became Andrew's focal point, an island of emptiness in a sea of judgment. “No, Megan. I don’t think that’s it.” Aria said, her eyes locking onto Andrew’s with a predatory glint. Her gaze was unyielding, dissecting his every hesitation. “Tell us what happened, Andrew,” she commanded, her tone a blend of mock maternal concern and a razor-sharp challenge, as if she were coaxing a dark secret from a wayward child. His gaze flickered between them, their eyes like twin spotlights in an interrogation room. He glanced at the door, half-hoping, half-dreading the arrival of his phantom date. Exhaling a defeated breath, he admitted, “My date stood me up.” The words hung in the air, a banner of his latest defeat, as Aria and Megan exchanged knowing glances, their expressions a cocktail of amusement and pity. The two women enveloped him in exaggerated sympathy. "Such a shame to be stood up," they cooed as they poured his sake in their glasses. "Consider us your upgrades for the night," they teased, their laughter tinged with the unspoken reminder of earlier humiliations. "But let’s keep it PG, shall we? After all, you’re flying without a safety net tonight." And they both glanced down as if they could see his groin through the table. When the waiter reappeared again, Aria took command, orchestrating a feast of exotic sushi. She ventured into culinary no-man's-land, even ordering the tiny octopus, which Andrew had never had the courage or money to try. While they waited for their food, Megan and Aria weaved a lively tapestry of recent theater escapades and high school drama class reminiscences. They spun tales of sets and scenes, high school affairs and high-stakes escapades. They quizzed Andrew about his own thespian inclinations. "Were you ever a theater nerd, Andrew?" they prodded playfully as they filled his empty glass with more sake. Andrew, who had always been more audience than actor, found himself swept up in their stories, his earlier discomfort fading into the background. For once, his anatomy was left out of the conversation. In their company, with their easy banter and laughter echoing around him, Andrew discovered an unexpected truth – these two women, these agents of chaos, were actually quite delightful. The sushi arrived, an elaborate spread that promised a reprieve from the evening's earlier tensions. Andrew, caught in a moment of ease, clumsily picked up a roll with his chopsticks and bit into it, halving it as the rest of the roll unravelled and fell to his plate. Aria's voice pierced the casual air. "What are you doing?!" Her eyes widened theatrically, scanning the room as if witnessing a grave faux pas. "You don't bite sushi in half! It's a one-bite affair." Embarrassed, Andrew glanced around. True enough, other patrons were deftly popping whole pieces into their mouths. "But these rolls, they’re monstrous," he mumbled, feeling suddenly clumsy and uncultured. At that, Aria got up and walked around the table, sliding into the seat next to him, her proximity sending a jolt through Andrew’s body. He stiffened, a deer in headlights. "Relax," she laughed, her tone a strange blend of mockery and reassurance. "I’m not going to pee on you again." Her laughter was joined by his, a nervous, shaky sound. But relaxation was far from Andrew's reach. "Open your mouth," Aria commanded, her chopsticks poised with the tiny octopus. The way she held it, it looked like if she dropped it in water, it might swim away. All eight tentacles hung below the chopsticks and its body hovered like a thick piece of meat above it. It made Andrew nauseous to look. Andrew’s head shook in silent refusal, his mouth sealed shut. The idea of ingesting the creature whole was too much. "I’m doing you a favor," Aria insisted. "What if your date had shown up? You would have humiliated yourself by not eating sushi correctly. I’m teaching you. Now don’t be a baby, open your mouth.” With a sense of dread, Andrew relented slightly, parting his lips just a fraction. It was enough for Aria. She deftly shoved the octopus into his mouth, the sauce smearing across his lips as she pushed. Every instinct inside of him was saying to spit it out. The soft, mushy body and crispier tentacles creating an unbearable contrast in textures. But Aria’s hand was firm against the back of his head, her other hand over his mouth, sealing it shut. Desperately, Andrew scanned the room for the officer, but he was nowhere to be seen, likely gone to the bathroom. With no avenue for escape, Andrew had no choice but to chew, the octopus’ juices spilling into his mouth. Aria's grip remained unyielding. "Keep it in," she instructed firmly. It felt like an eternity, but eventually, the octopus was consumed. "Good boy," Aria praised him, selecting a more standard piece of sushi.“This will be easy now.” Andrew caught Megan's eye, only to realize she had been filming the entire episode. Aria, oblivious or indifferent to his discomfort, popped another octopus into her mouth with ease and returned to her seat. "Now you're sushi-savvy for your next date," she declared with a smirk. Andrew sat there, the weight of the evening's events heavy upon him. He knew one thing for certain — this restaurant, now a stage for his latest humiliation, was a place he could never visit again. The meal evolved from there into a saga of sake and laughter, with Aria and Megan matching Andrew drink for drink. Aria had gone back to her side of the table, smirking each time she suggested Andrews eat another bite of sushi from one of larger rolls. Andrew wasn’t sure if he had been too drunk to drive when they arrived but he certainly was now. Andrew, initially intent on a hasty retreat as soon as the cop vanished, found himself unexpectedly anchored to the moment, enjoying their company. Even the way Aria had touched him, octopus aside, had felt jovial, none of it laced with the degradation of their last date. The trio delved into desserts, more sake, and then even more, as the hours slipped by unnoticed. It was only when the waiter, with a polite but firm demeanor, informed them of the restaurant's impending closure, that the spell of the evening began to wane. He laid the check down on the table. Andrew wasn’t sure if it was the sake or the dollar amount, but he suddenly needed to vomit. He stood up, his movement less graceful than he intended. The room swayed slightly, a clear testament to his inebriated state. He had known he was drunk, but sitting their in his chair, he hadn’t realized how much. He was certain he had never been this drunk before. He reached for the table, his hand grasping for stability. This simple act, so revealing of his condition, sent Aria and Megan into fits of laughter. Their hysterics echoed in the now-empty restaurant, a soundtrack to the night's unexpected turn from despair to reckless abandon. "You're both drunk, too" Andrew managed to say, his words laced with laughter as he watched Aria and Megan dissolve into giggles. "Not as drunk as you," Megan retorted with a grin. It was true. Aria was quickly paying the bill, a relief that made him relieved and embarrassed. All the while she was stacking plates to make life easier on the bus boy. Megan had an arm around him, helping him find his feet. They flanked him as they left, each taking a side to support him towards the door. "How are you not toppling over?" he slurred, genuinely puzzled. "I guess we're just better at handling ourselves," Aria quipped, a sly smile playing on her lips. Then, just as they stepped outside and without warning, Aria's giggle turned mischievous as she squeezed one of his love handles. Andrew, caught off guard and extraordinarily ticklish, doubled over with laughter. It took a moment for him to realize what had just happened. The tickling had triggered an unexpected and uncontrollable release. Warmth spread down his legs, his pants clinging uncomfortably to his skin. His heart sank as he understood the extent of his predicament. "Holy shit," Megan exclaimed, her voice echoing across the empty parking lot. "Did you just piss yourself?!" He looked up to her, she had clearly started recording again. Aria was in hysterics, her laughter uncontrolled and merciless. "Can't hold your liquor, your cum, your piss!" Andrew stood frozen, a sense of surreal disbelief washing over him as the reality of the situation sank in. He was peeing his pants, unable to stop, the stream relentless. The shock of not having felt the urge earlier compounded his humiliation. His shoes, his dignity, all seemingly ruined in that moment. Panic set in. How would he get home? Would an Uber even allow him in this state? And what about Aria and Megan? Would they spread this story, broadcasting his shame to anyone who would listen? The questions swirled in his head, a whirlpool of anxiety and embarrassment. The Uber's arrival was almost theatrical in its timing, coming just as Aria and Megan's laughter began to subside. Their amusement faded into concern as they realized no driver would willingly accept a passenger in Andrew's state. "We can't just leave him like this," Megan remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of responsibility. "I've got an idea," Aria said, a new scheme brewing in her eyes. She approached the Uber driver, leaning into his window with a practiced charm. "Hi," she began, pausing just long enough for the driver to take in her allure. "So, this is awkward, but my little brother..." she gestured towards Andrew, letting the insinuation hang heavily in the air, "he's a bit... slow. He's usually in diapers, but we've been trying to potty train him. He had an accident. Can we still ride?" Andrew, lost in his own thoughts, missed the entire exchange. It was only when Aria stepped back, and the driver's eyes met his wet pants, that the reality of the situation hit him. The driver's expression shifted from surprise to understanding. "I thought you meant a child," the driver said, somewhat taken aback. "He's...kind of like one," Aria responded, her voice laced with feigned empathy. The driver, now out of his car, rummaged in the trunk. "I have a dog blanket. He can sit on that." "Thank you so much," Aria said, her voice a blend of gratitude and manipulation. "I'll make sure to tip you." Relief washed over Andrew as he was guided into the Uber. He offered no resistance, too grateful for the ride to care about Aria's condescending remarks or her pretending he needed to be buckled in like a child. He slumped against her, his head resting on her shoulder, while she whispered empty reassurances no doubt to keep up the rouse for the driver. The Uber ride, ordered on Andrew's phone, was a surreal journey back to his place. Gone were the prospects of flirtatious banter or romantic anticipation. Instead, the conversation revolved around getting into dry clothes and the need for diapers. She told him, again for the benefit of the driver, that maybe he could try potty training again a few months. The Uber pulled up to the curb, its headlights cutting through the dark street. Aria and Megan carefully guided a heavily inebriated Andrew out of the back seat. Aria, with an arm wrapped firmly around Andrew's waist, held him upright as Megan quickly darted off towards the nearby drug store. Under the dim glow of the streetlamp, Aria supported Andrew, his head bobbing weakly. He was vaguely aware of the cool night air, the sounds of the city around him, the snicker of a couple walking by who could see the dark discoloration around his groin in the labmp light. And then there was the firm grip of Aria's hand, a grip he was both grateful for and resented but at the moment more grateful as he truly didn’t know how he could even get into his apartment without her help. Moments later, Megan reappeared, her mission accomplished. In her hands, she held a package of adult diapers and a pack of baby wipes. "Got the essentials," she announced, a smirk on her face. With Andrew between them, they made their way into his apartment building. The elevator ride to his floor was a silent one, save for the occasional muffled sound from Andrew and the beep of the elevator. Once inside Andrew's apartment, the women guided him down on the living room floor. The room spun around him as he lay there, the ceiling lights blurring into halos above. Aria and Megan set about their task with a strange blend of clinical efficiency and sensual touch. Their hands lingered just a moment longer than necessary as they undressed him, removing his soiled clothes and leaving them in a heap. Andrew's senses were dulled, but he was faintly aware of the cool air against his bare skin and the sound of the diaper package being opened. The crinkle of the diaper filled the room as they unfolded it. Aria lifted Andrew's legs, much like one would with a child, exposing him in his most vulnerable state. Megan, holding the baby wipes, began to clean him with methodical strokes, her actions gentle yet impersonal. As they positioned the diaper under him, Megan couldn't help but comment, a cruel edge to her voice. "Look at that, it's almost fitting how well he suits these diapers, especially considering what little there is to cover. Toddler underwear for a toddler sized dick." They secured the diaper around him, the tapes fastening. It was snug, the padding enveloping him. Aria and Megan stood up, surveying their handiwork. Andrew lay there, diapered and diminished. The women gathered his clothes, leaving them folded neatly on a chair, but took the remaining diapers and wipes with them as they left. The door clicked shut behind them, leaving Andrew alone on the floor in his diaper. The night's events swirled in his half-conscious mind, a jumbled mix of sensation, humiliation, and the distant echoes of Aria and Megan's laughter. patreon.com/user?u=7664738
  14. Contest link This is my entry to the contest. I'm working on defining this world a bit more. This would be the first story in its universe that I've posted. I like the non fantastical side of things. I want someone to be able to read it like it could actually happen to them. Anyway I hope people like it, whether it gets anywhere or not is not that big to me. How did I end up here?-Non Contest How did I end up here? Seriously?!?! Her hand on my padded rear, My head cradled in her arm. Laying across her lap with her boob in my mouth. Warm milk going down my throat. my mind wandered and i began to think on how I got here. —------------- My sign read "Don't report, just give me a buck, I'll be fine in a month." It wasn't so neat or so precise. It had been scrawled with a marker and some cardboard. I had written it a month ago. Best laid plans often go awry if you don't have ways to handle the unknowns in life. That's exactly what had led me to this moment. Maybe I should have seen it coming but well, I hadn't cared to be honest. A job was just a job, and if I lost one I'd just get another, I had done it 10, 15? I'd lost count how many times I had switched careers. This time the office had sent a LoGger to check on me. She had come in, done her due diligence and decided I wasn't worth her time. Maybe I just smooth talked my way out of it, maybe she was disgusted, who knew? More so who cared? In hindsight, I think she may have done something though. My newest job hunt went down the pooper. Job after job had just turned me away with no excuses. With the government and economy the way they were a job was almost guaranteed, so it had been troubling when the bills came in and I eventually got evicted. Now I was on the roadside begging for anything, dodging LoGgers as best I could. In the end they had found me, it was the same one that had been in my apartment. You could only hide so long in this city. It was one of the founding cities. They didn't have a uniform and couldn't always be easily seen coming. "You can leave the sign, let's go get you a warm meal and we will go from there." Was all the brunette had offered when she walked up. Her tight business skirt and loose blouse said she meant business. I knew I'd been caught, but maybe, just maybe I could talk my way out of it. After the meal, that is, I hadn't eaten in 2 days. She had taken me to a large apartment complex. Then to a special elevator which required a key. It had only one button. I knew then I was in trouble, but there was no running away now. When we arrived on the floor the elevator went to, the doors opened to a doctor's office waiting room. "Wait here, I'll have an escort get you cleaned up, in the meantime I'll get you a nice hot meal." My stomach was growling at the prospect. She left through one of the side doors and soon another plain Jane woman came back through. "All right, the orders are; all clean, shirt and shorts. Are you ready?" She held a hand out for me like she might a child. Expectantly waiting for me she smiled in a kind way. "I'm guessing she doesn't want a dirty companion for lunch? Why are you being so nice?" Taking my hand, "I'll answer all your questions as we walk. Firstly, you need a shower, you do stink. You've been on the streets for a month and 3 days now. Secondly, we like to be nice, it's when you aren't nice, we become the 'monsters' you all make us out to be." She was guiding me into another doorway. As we walked through it I continued to ask questions, "that's an oddly specific amount of time. How do you know that?" She never broke her stride. "Do you think we stopped watching you? You were already on a downward slope. The Lady that brought you in, well let's just say, she takes her time. She is very good at what she does and always gets her mark but she is not the fastest. Lucky for you though, she has taken special interest in you." I didn't feel very lucky, but I knew to keep my mouth out of it. Any negative emotions could likely ruin everything. We ended up in a room with a shower and a toilet, there were a few cabinets that had locks on them. It was tile on the floor and walls, a soft grayish blue hint to them that left you feeling sterile. It wasn't a comfortable place, it had an obvious purpose, clean those the Ladies of Guidance had decided needed guidance. "First let's get those clothes off. And get you in the shower. Arms up!" I was too stunned to stop her as she hauled my shirt over my head. "Well done! Such a good boy!" That was a little condescending, I expected as much from a LoGger though. "Now don't fight me on the pants, it's time for a shower." She never hesitated and dropped my drawers before I could even resist her. I had lost enough weight that my pants were falling off anyway, so they simply slipped off, underwear and all. "H H HEY, wait a second!" She only looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Remember I'm only nice as long as you are, and bets are with your weakend state I could take you physically. I know you haven't eaten in 2 days. Let's be quick so you can get to that meal." As much as I hated it, she was probably right. My stomach was agreeing with her as well. It seemed like everyone and everything was arguing against me. I swore to myself I wasn't going to end up in her care. That LoGger was going to have to deal with missing one goal. Holding one hand over my unmentionables I stood there with my pants around my ankles. "I've seen enough of those that you shouldn't worry about it. Also, not half bad." The compliment served to make me blush to my ears. I felt like a child at the same time a piece of meat. "Don't worry I don't date boys, only men.' "That's not helping." I said it before I had really thought about it. "Oh, is the cute stinky boy embarrassed? You are so adorable! Let's get you cleaned up." She started the shower and I felt the warmth from it almost immediately. I had to admit it was going to feel good. "Leave the pants. You won't need them anymore." She stated it like I was never going to wear them again. She collected them and put them in a cabinet. "Shy boys are only cute until they stop listening, let's go, your food will get cold. I just got the notice that it was being delivered soon." She was trying to entice me to obey. Right now I was motivated but it was drawing me closer to the dreaded conclusion. I was going to have to be fast when the time came. Smart and crafty too. Stepping under the water it was hot at the touch but began to feel good almost immediately, "now let me work and you'll get a minute to just enjoy ok?" Not waiting for permission once again, she went at my skin with a soapy rag. It felt like it was made of sandpaper, each scrub took a layer of my skin off. It took a second to realize that each swipe also took off every bit of hair. She was down to my mid section when I rebelled. "Hey, that's not ok!" She was expecting it I guessed and pushed me to the tile wall. A hard swat to my butt cheek quieted me. "You will not argue with me anymore. Do you understand me?" "B..but I" SMACK "Do you understand me?" "Yes." SMACK, apparently being submissive wasn't enough. "Yes what?" My thoughts raced to find a proper answer. SMACK, what did she want from me! I took 5 swats for my brain to catch on. "Yes ma'am, YES MA'AM!" "Very good! I'm proud of you, if she hadn't claimed your rehabilitation I would be all over it." That didn't sound good. They had a plan for me. She finished her job, cleaning every inch of me. The shower had lost its allure though and when she said I could stay in for a minute I just walked out. Sitting on the toilet naked and violated. "I gave you a reward and you turned it down?" I just sat on the lid of the toilet without responding. "I guess you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him enjoy it. Anyway," she dug in a cabinet and pulled out a white t-shirt and white shorts, they looked more like boxers than anything else, "put these on, and I'll deliver you. Your food is waiting. I dressed hurriedly, I wasn't looking for another spanking. The shorts were comfortable and the shirt was a bit big but close enough to not be a bother. We left the room and I was marched down a long hallway. A couple women came to the doorways along the hall, smiling. A few offered encouragement like "atta boy" or "That's a good boy." I felt my face heat up again. They didn't know I was going to get out of this. They were planning on me being taken in. As soon as I had that free meal that is. And now apparently my clothes too. Maybe without the clothes would be ok. I could figure it out. We reached the end of the hall to a door that said "For intake only, all others keep out." That's not good, not good at all. I had to find a way to do this away from this room. "Aren't we going to a kitchen or a dining room or something? I thought you said my food was here." She knocked on the door, "it is waiting on you in here. I promise, have I given you a reason to mistrust me?" My mouth once again moved without my brain telling it to, "You're a LoGger that's a reason in itself." Damnit! That was stupid! They hate that name, they only refer to themselves as Ladies. I knew better! Her face darkened as the door opened. The brunette that had brought me here stood in the doorway. She was dressed like she had been. "Oh? Did I interrupt something?" She was holding a plate with a steak, potatoes, broccoli and a piece of cake on it. My eyes focused on it, my mind blanked, I was so hungry I missed them saying "He decided to be rude a half a second before you opened the door." "How so?" "He referred to us as LoGgers." "I will ensure he understands the best way to talk to those helping him. It seems he has a need first, but rest assured I WILL handle it." Then to me grabbing my hand, "come inside, now." I followed like one of those cartoon characters that had been enticed by the vapors from a cooling pie in the window. I couldn't focus on anything. She placed the tray on the table and told me to sit and eat. I did, and with abandon. My whole mind focused on how fast I could cram food in my mouth. "Slow down,"She said gently. I never even heard her, nor did I see the stick she pulled from her pocket. It extended right into my thigh. When it connected, my world erupted into electric shock and fire. "Ahhhhh" I was thrown back by muscles reacting to the pain. Spitting the food in my mouth out like a projectile. "Do you think wolfing your food down like an animal is polite? Or do you think it's kind to someone who spent so much energy on making it just for you? Do you think it's OK to ignore me when I speak?" She hadnt said it in anger, just questioning me on proper behavior. I looked at her blankly, I wasn't sure how to respond. The pain in my thigh was beginning to dim but the memory was still there. "You will slow down, you will enjoy the food, and you will listen to me. The stick was a simple reminder, as it's your first offense I don't expect you to be perfect, however, polite and kind are things you should be already." Her stern voice was like a mother bringing her boy under control. I felt stupid. She was right and I needed to control myself if I was getting out of here without the dreaded destiny she had in mind for me. She handed a cloth napkin to me, at least I knew the answer here and placed it upon my lap. "Very good boy! I'm proud of you, now here's your knife and fork back. I'm going to go change clothes and freshen up. You eat slowly, and I'll be back. Don't want you getting sick now do we?" She stood up and I started to eat again. Slower this time. I distantly heard a door close and water running. I ate without a thought in my mind. When I had finished everything using my finger to get the cake crumbs to my mouth I surveyed the room. I was in trouble, one wall held a bed, another a door to wherever the brunette had gone. A third held a shelf a small refrigerator and a window, the shelf held every manner, color and size of diaper that existed in the hand of the LoGgers. This wasn't good. They had gotten me this far, it wasn't likely I'd talk my way out now. I bolted for the door. It should have been obvious, locked! There wasn't a key hole or anything. The knob just wouldn't turn or open. The window wasn't much more help, we were on the 5th floor or higher. I wasn't getting out easily and even with food in me I wasn't up to full strength so scaling a building wasn't going to happen. Not that I could when I was at full strength. I began searching the room frantically, I was once again so focused I never heard the door open. "There isn't a key." It shook me out of my reverie. She was leaning against the door frame, her clothes a red latex get up, skirt that went a little past her mid thigh, skin tight top. It looked like she had been watching me for a minute or two. I swallowed audibly. For one that was a hot getup and I was failing miserably to stop my freshly shaven private parts from engorging. The boxer type shorts not doing anything to hide it either. It also served as a prophetic moment for what was to come. The style suggested she wanted to play and I was goingbto be the toy. "I see you like it. Well those few that see it usually do. But they usually don't get to the softer side of it. Most of you fight until the bitter end. You however won't get a bitter end, you will be coming with me when we leave tonight. You see with no place to stay or way of caring for yourself I have invoked caregiver rights." I had never heard that before. No one had ever said anything about it. Never mentioned on the internet. My face obviously reflected my confusion and possibly revulsion to the idea. "We will talk about it more later. As for now, I see you've finished eating, would you like to use the toilet? It will be your last chance, quite probably ever." I needed to think. I needed time to plan an escape. Time to play dumb. "Uhhh, I have been using the toilet since I was 2. Why would I not be able to now?" Her attitude changed, "I am a patient person. So much so that I can wait a month or more for someone to get so low they walk themselves into my hands." The thought left me embarrassed, she crossed the room and produced a loop of metal. It came open at her touch and she placed it around my wrist. When it closed the clasp or whatever it was, vanished. "You won't get it off, and if you try you will likely hurt yourself." She stood close and asked again, "would you like to use the toilet one last time? It often helps you boys to say goodbye." I weighed my options, how long could I take? Maybe I could find a way out. "Sure." Trying to sound defeated. I turned to go in and she blocked my way. "I'm waiting, so remember that, and be polite." Her voice conveyed a threat but sounded gentle. Her eyes seemed to be motherly and I wanted to run. She moved only after I nodded. I shut the door, no lock on the handle. Probably only locked the same way the main door did. Similar to the room I'd been showered in. All the cabinets were locked, I sat on the toilet emptying myself, never knew if she could check for that or not. It would be better not to risk it. I was going to have to rely on wit and sheer luck to get out of this. I stood up pulling the white boxers as I went. Time to pour on the charm. The door opened before I even could push it open. "You took too long, let's go." She was no nonsense. "Can we talk first? I don't even know your name. Maybe some water?" "There are only 2 ways to address me right now, ma'am and Lia. Nothing else. If you are good you will not have long to wait on getting water or some juice. On the bed, on your back please." She picked up a blue diaper from the shelf and turned to see I hadn't moved. "That's one. On the bed, on your back please." "But, I haven't done anything wrong." "That's two. On the bed on your back please." Her tone never wavered as she crossed the room back to me. She tossed the diaper on the bed and looked up at me from about 6 or 7 inches below me. "I really don't see why…" that was as far as I got. I never even saw where it came from, the stick tapped my thigh again and I fell to the floor clutching my leg. It seemed to have hurt worse this time. "That's three. You won't always get 3 warnings, but for today I will, simply because you're a boy and in need of learning how to behave." She walked over to the bed and placed hand on the far side. "Now will you submit, get on the bed on your back?" I wasn't getting out of this, not right now. That stick hurt like the Dickens. I wasn't strong enough to fight her right now either. I delayed by getting up slowly. When I didn't move immediately she sighed heavily and tapped a button on her watch. "That's four, we will do it the hard way." The cuff on my arm moved of its own accord, I was dragged four or five feet to the bed, where my wrist was held fast. It wouldn't budge. What the hell was this thing? She plopped the rectangular plastic diaper in front of me, "It's an electromagnet, the tech is pretty neat huh?" Neat?! How is pinning me to the bed neat. " Where I touch, you go. Pretty simple in execution but it goes way beyond my understanding. Now we will begin. I'm going to paddle you, I want you to understand it will not stop until I think you are truly willing to obey me. So when you think you are ready for me to put you in that diaper, just say so." The way the cuff had dragged me I was laid over the bed exposed on my backside. There was no defense. She ripped the white boxers off my rear. "Can't even wipe correctly. You need a lot of help, my boy. You left streaks in the clothes you borrowed from us. That's disgusting." The first hit stung like a thousand bees stinging my ass. I couldn't see what she was using but it felt thin and hard. I wasn't going to dignify it with a yelp. Maybe if I could outlast her… She began working my cheeks over, I lost count around 15 or so. I started to yelp and do sharp breaths. She started to vary the pattern, sometimes slower, sometimes faster. I couldn't prepare for it, couldn't brace myself. Sometimes it felt like she was done, others it felt like she was just starting. I realized tears had formed in my eyes. She was never going to let me go, I was going to be in diapers, I was going to be her puppet. Like any male before me caught doing things they didn't want or deemed inappropriate. The first sob came like the sound of an old car starting up. Rough and forced. The caning kept going. Each time it felt like a hammer on my backside. I had lost all pretense and was just heaving and crying. "Please, pleeeeassse!" I cried, no response except the cane hit. A few more convinced me to try again. "I'm begging PLEEEEEASE! I'll do whatever you say, anything! I mean it." I was rambling and pleading my case. The cane kept falling. "I'll take the diaper, I will, please, I want it, please!" She paused for a second. "Now we are finally getting somewhere." Her voice sounded excited, almost erotically so. The caning started again. "No! Please, stop, I don't care, I'll do it, I'll even put it on myself!" She never reacted. The cane fell again and again. From the point where my butt met my back to mid thigh was on fire. It felt like someone had removed the skin. I collapsed into sobs not able to make coherent words anymore. Without warning the beating stopped. I could hear her barefoot hitting the floor as she walked around the bed. It didn't matter to me, I was broken, I layed on the bed sobbing, I could feel a puddle of tears that had formed under my head. When she reached me she bent down and kissed the top of my head. "I don't want to ever have to do that again, I probably will have to, You boys are stubborn, I much prefer to get my jollies in other ways. You need to understand I'm willing to do what is necessary to make you a good boy." She retrieved the diaper and walked back behind me. My sobs never abated. I felt a cool cream go onto my backside. It brought the pain back instantly. I jerked away from her hand, moaning in between my heaves as I tried to bring control back to my breathing. "I know, I know, shhhhhh, I know. This will make it feel better though." She shushed me as she worked. "Let's let that sit for a minute then we will get you properly dressed so we can go home." I was going to be in diapers. As she moved around the room she hummed and sang to herself. It reminded me of a serial killer I had once heard about. I was going to be in diapers. The thought kept ringing in my head. It was all I could think, but I had no will left to fight. It was a consuming thought. Everything I had done to avoid this moment and yet here I was. I was going to be in diapers. "All right, that should be good now, let's rollover and get you in your first diaper." I was going to be in diapers. It wasn't fair, it wasn't ok, but I complied. My tears returning. She was putting me in diapers. "Oh baby, don't worry, I'm going to take good care of you. You'll never be on the street again, ok?" I knew I needed to respond this time, "yes, ma'am" I choked out between sobs. The pain in my rear grew again as pressure came from being rolled onto my back. My legs were lifted, Lia used her shoulder to hold me off the bed enough to slide the diaper underneath. She laid me down gently, and began to rub in oil all over my groin. "You're such a good boy for me." After that came baby powder. "I bet that feels nice, even in such a state you like it don't you? Getting the little boy all excited!" She talked down to me like a child the whole time. "But it's not fun time, no no no. We have to get him tucked away all nice and cozy." With that she pulled the thick padding up between my legs, I fought back the heaving sobs again. I succeeded but a few tears still escaped. She expertly taped me in place. I wondered how many she had done this to. "Why?" Was all I asked. "Oh baby." She tapped her watch and I felt my arm go free. She pulled me onto the bed in the correct way, pulling my head to her chest. "Oh baby, you need to understand, I don't like seeing you the way you were this morning. I don't ever want to see you struggling like that. Remember how hungry you were? How dirty? How lonely? You walked in here KNOWING that this would end here. You were so miserable you came in here willingly just for a hot meal. I did this so you will never be that desperate again." She kissed my head lovingly. "Sometimes we have to be broken to be made into something better. I will do what I must." Laying in a diaper on her chest still heaving with the occasional tear I wanted to push her away, but I needed the soft touch right then. Even if it was from her. "Now let's get something soft on those legs and we will go home. Eat a nice dinner and get some good sleep." —------------- That at least, explains how I ended up here, you know diapered, how I ended up in Lia's care. I suckled more, her milk was usually sweet. The fruit she ate kept it that way. I had learned not to use my teeth or to pull too hard. This wasn't normal though. At least for my situation. I found myself here again because I had earned it. A bit of gas escaped to my diaper, it wouldn't be long now. The pressure was building in my abdomen. Breastmilk had its effects on me. My thoughts wandered off again, why was I here? —------------- "You want to act like a baby, you will be treated like one." I had avoided using the diapers for 2 days now. Instead I had walked out to the garden pretending to want to be in the yard and hid behind a bush there. It worked, mostly. At least until Lia had found out. The diaper still around my ankles, she activated my wrist cuff. I was dragged across the yard over the pool decking and slid into the wall by the door where the hidden magnet pad was. She had a few of them around the house. The one in the yard had been particularly embarrassing, she had left me there one day in nothing but a diaper. It had been 4 hours. My side, clothes and the diaper were destroyed in the process of being dragged across the yard. So there I lay bleeding from the road rash I had just received, mostly naked, completely embarrassed and horribly terrified. She was not happy. She hauled me up by my ear and took me to my room where she all but threw me on the changing table. "We use our diapers, little boy. I expect better from you. Did you think I wouldn't find out? What were you going to say when I checked you and you stayed dry for 3 days?" She was angry, and that was the understatement of the year. "This is ridiculous. You know better." She began cleaning out the roadrash, it was like she was using sandpaper. My sharp intake of air was enough to calm her a bit. She liked to know I was not enjoying my punishment. This was obviously a good punishment I thought. Maybe she'd leave it at that. Last time I'd been rude I'd had to use a pacifier for 24 hours. If she couldn't hear me suckling it she would swat my thigh. My jaw was aching by the end of the 24 hours. One time she caught me awake and out of bed, I had a week of nap times. Her brand of punishment was usually on the bizarre side of babyhood. "Don't think that this is going to be the end of it either." There went that hope. "This was beyond dumb." She laid a cloth against my leg for a minute. Then pulled it off and bandaged my leg. She put me in a new diaper and dragged me up off the table. A new pair of pants was added over top of the diaper, they had a lock on them. Before she locked them on though a hand went down the backside of my diaper and a finger pushed something in. "If you push that out there'll be a spanking and you'll get another one of them" The lock was fastened and I was brought to the living so "I could be watched." It didn't take long to realize she had put in a suppository and locked me in. I was about to uncontrollably poop myself. She watched with a glass of wine in hand. I began to struggle against the wave of contractions. I had always been allowed privacy until now. I got up to walk away, but was stopped. "Uh uh, get back here and sit on the carpet facing me." I didn't argue the spankings were worse than the babying. I knelt in front of her and she pulled me closer. Putting my head in her lap, she rubbed my hair, seeming to savor every second of my discomfort. Right as a new wave was coming, I began to brace myself to fight it. She pulled my head up to look in her eyes. She looked so sophisticated at that moment. Red dress, glass of wine in hand, and my head in her other hand, it made me feel dumpy and unrefined. The climax of the contractions came on and I closed my eyes fighting the good fight. Every fiber of my being was put into stopping the medicines from d I ung their job. Without warning my mouth was invaded by a tongue. My eyes flew open to see Lia kissing me. My concentration shot, the warm mush filled the seat of the diaper. The kiss didn't end immediately though, she held on until she finished with whatever she had wanted. I just sat there filling my pants completely stunned. "That's my good baby boy, from now on during punishments you will only refer to me as mommy." Was all the explanation she said or offered. I sat in that mess for a few hours, easily developing a rash. This was the extent of the punishment, not the accident, but the embarrassment and the rash as a reminder. When she changed me she did something very odd. She only did three tapes instead of the four. "Lay on the bed." She'd commanded. Doing as I was told, confused but obedient. She threw a rag very similar to the one she had used on my leg earlier. "Masturbate" "What?" I had been put in mittens for 3 days for touching myself last time. It made me timid to do so even if she was standing there telling me to do it. "Mast- ur - bate, now. I'm not going to tell you again. I need to collect several samples to make sure you are chemically balanced. Your constant bad behavior suggests there's an issue. I need to make sure there isn't." "Like, with you watching? I can't do that." "If you don't do it I'll spank you until you orgasm. Now chop chop, I still have to make dinner." It was said so nonchalantly it left me uncomfortable. I tried, I really did. After about 10 minutes of just trying to get going nothing was happening. "Boys and their toys, turn over and get on all fours." I did as expected. I felt the ever invasive hand go into my fresh diaper. She retrieved my member and began massaging me. It felt good, but I rejected it nonetheless, "this is so weird." "It is? Then tell me why you're already getting hard?" It felt Really good, it had been a long time since anyone had touched me like that. Once I had grown stiff she pulled it from the diaper through the leg hole. "I think you want to be my boy, look at how quickly you reacted to my touch. You're going to explode aren't you? I know you need the release, you haven't had one since you've come to me." She was full steam ahead. My cock harder than I had ever remembered. "Oooooh" the moan escaped my lips without my consent. "My boy, you can finish." She leaned down to my ear and whispered "you want it so bad, go ahead, diaper boy." That was it, all she wrote. I exploded, she held the rag in place and caught everything. "You CAN be a good boy, lay down please." The afterglow left me wanting to just fall asleep right there. I rolled over as instructed, she tucked me away in the diaper and taped it back snuggly. I had never wanted to be in a diaper less than that moment. Disgusted with myself I wanted to just disappear. She had gained so much power over me in that one moment. "You're not out of the woods yet." Was the only warning she gave me. —------------ Knowing why I was here was easy enough, her hand had been patting my rump. It was strangely comforting. She dimmed the lights. It had a nice effect. My head cradled at her breast, I kept nursing. If I stopped for too long she would assume I was finished or just being lazy. So I had to go long enough to satisfy her. "I think the baby needs both tonight." She announced in an almost whisper. I whined at her breast. This always gave me digestive issues. "Oh? Is the baby too tired? I guess after his punishment it'll be bedtime and not play time." I moaned again. "Mmm, then baby should drink all the milk he can. That way he has strength for play time. Mommy may let him out of that awful waffle diaper if he eats well tonight." The great thing about punishments is when they were over they were over, she didn't let it linger or hold it over my head. "You know baby, mommy finally got your tests back from the lab. They don't show any imbalances. All your levels are just right. That leaves me wondering something. If you don't have a reason to behave poorly, do you just want to be my baby?" Her hand brushing my hair back. I never responded to her. My face turned red as her hand moved from bum, down the front of my diaper. She didn't even really have to make contact to get me going, but she did, lightly at first. I responded to her touch by pushing forward. "My my, are we needy tonight? I think you should slow down and prove to mommy you can be a good boy first." She made me switch sides so I could drain her other breast. In the months since we had been together she had taught me a lot. Most of all she had taught me to not always be a good boy. It led her to want long nights of fun. Mostly because she got to "punish" me. Those times were her favorite. Oh how she enjoyed them. Not that I was complaining, the diapers still sucked but she would let me atleast "hang out" for our fun times. In the end I wasn't going to escape. I had tried, it hadn't worked. But that is a story for another day. Why? Well, it didn't have anything to do with how I got here…
  15. The following story was created for 'The 3rd Kasarberang's NON-CONtest'. ______________________________________________________________________________________ “This will be the last time I stop by Leah… I miss you so, so much. But I need to go now.” “I… Hope that wherever you’ve gone is a better place.” “It’s just that my heart breaks at the thought that place is not with me-” “-and that I may never join you.” ~~~ A Succubus is said to be a feminine demon or supernatural entity that appears in the dreams of men to drain them of their ‘vitality’ to survive. At least, from a classic interpretation. Modern depictions tend to paint them as less demonic. Fun loving creatures looking to spread sin for sin’s sake. Popularized and made friendly for audiences of popular culture. The truth is that for as long as humanity has existed on this vast expanse of rock, so too have we. Our lustful physiques birthed from their mental energies, emotions, and desires. And unless we continue to consume the forces that gave us being, we will perish. We find ourselves in an evolution arms race against humanity to better feed off them. In more conservative eras and locales, Succubi would be born to cater to the demographic. Perhaps a Succubi dedicated to classical taboos; adultery, provocative clothing, or even (location depending) homosexual relations. In the modern era with the advent of fast convenient travel and the internet, Succubi are born even more specialized. Catering to specific niche interests, kinks, and fetishes which the spread of ideas has proliferated across the globe. Ours is a hierarchical society. Succubi born of kinks more mainstream or known throughout history are well respected and powerful, as they have general appeal. Those on the other end of the spectrum can have it rough. I would know. My specialization is ABDL. I am a Mommy-Dom. It was in the latter half of the 20th century that I came to be. Thrown into a cold and unforgiving world when enough humans had developed this kink. And while the appeal continues to grow with the internet, it is not mainstream enough to grant me the power or respect others wield. … It’s time to put this little self-reflection aside. There are more important things to focus on. Like finding a human. One to hold. To adore. To feed from and have feed from me. I’ve moped around like a lost puppy for a year and I’m more than a little starved. My leathery, black wings carry me through the warm nighttime sky of the mid-western United States. Perhaps I’ve picked a bad direction to head in… Or perhaps I’ve flown in circles. Despite having flown for what must have been half a day there’s still nothing in sight. Just the occasional house separating vast fields of corn and beans. Hmm... What I need is a… Aha! Off in the distance the first sparkles of city light reflect in my eyes. I zip down to the edge of the city. A quiet, desolate location to work on my appearance. Using the glass of an abandoned storefront I take inventory of my reflection. Obscuring much of my 6ft tall frame is a black dress that ends just above my knees. It’s strapless, so it shows off not only my toned tan legs, but also my arms and shoulders. The girls, my leaky 36DD breasts, rest secured in their lacy black strapless maternity bra. My black hair runs straight and down to my shoulders, bangs swept to the right. Eyes, currently a very dark brown. Of course, the dress has no back allowing my wings to come and go as I please. Below the dress my long, thin tail pokes out. It ends with a triangular point. And perhaps least impressively, my black and white tennis shoes. If anyone were to guess by looking at me, my age could range between mid-20’s to early 30’s. … Needing to look my best I smooth my hair over. Ensuring not a strand is out of place. A deep breath in, and then an exhale. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be. With a quick hop, I’m back in the air. Going slow to avoid undoing my work. This time aiming for the city’s downtown. Flying through the city proper, I spot signs of another Succubus’ presence. Namely marked humans and buildings, signs that only we can see. It would seem a powerful one has claimed damn near the whole city as her territory. Following the signs leads me to an alleyway. The location she greets visitors. I land, gracefully, and step inside the dark hall. Wrapping my tail around my right leg and tucking my wings back as a submissive gesture. My shoes squelch on the damp pavement. The skittering sounds of pests in the trash and distant city noise my only company. I’m alerted by the sound of rustling chains. No longer am I alone. In the shadows I sense they’re ready to ensnare me at a moment’s notice. “For what purpose and with what tidings have you come here. To my domain.” A cold, unwelcoming voice calls out from above. With difficulty I can make out her form hovering silently in the overhead darkness. She’s shorter but far stronger than I. Inherently I can tell her specialty is Masochism. She’s a Sadist. S&M is a genesis kink; for as long as humans have existed so too have they found pleasure in pain. There’s is no telling how old the Succubus before me truly is. It could range in the thousands or greater. “Greetings, your grace. I am but a humble wanderer captivated by your city. Truly its sight is second only to you.” I stifle the dread and fear and pressure her presence instills. Then I take a respectful, slight bow and speak confidently with a silver tongue. She pauses. I feel her eyes burrow into the top of my head. “Hmph. You have manners on you. How long do you intend stay, wanderer.” Another question spoken in an unquestioning way. “Truthfully, I had given it no thought. If the sight of one such as I displeases you… I can be on my way.” “I see.” Her gaze pulls away as she mulls my response over. A breath I’d been holding escapes. Nearly a minute passes before she resumes speaking. “Your stay is permitted so long as you adhere to my rule and keep from my targets.” She doesn’t view me as a threat. One of the perks of not embodying a more popular kink. Or maybe one with power such as her can afford to feel pity or generosity, however slight. “I thank you wholeheartedly, your grace.” She was gone before I’d finished. Doubtless to partake in her definition of fun or defend what she’s deemed hers from less compliant Succubi. I exit the alley mightily pleased that ‘negotiations’ didn’t break down. Negative vibes shed from my mind now that the difficult part is over. Now is the time for shopping. ~~~ A quick peruse to get the lay of the land has made it quite clear that my darling host has picked clean the best this city has to offer. Her picking of all potential Masochists in the city has left me without easy targets. ABDL in some respects can be related to the humiliation aspects of Masochism, therefore allowing me an easy ‘in’. But it’s fine. It’s fine! I’ll still make this work, and hey, besides… I say cracking the egg is the most fun part of making the omelet. I just need the right person… The right egg… A beefy man? No. I prefer ladies and a meathead is no fun. A married woman? No, not my wheelhouse. A college student? Hm… There’s potential, but their schedules can put a damper on things. An older person? It could work but there’s an energy concern… And our time together would be rather short… While I observe the passersby on the street and rule them out, the ideal human starts taking shape in my mind. An adult woman ideally under 40, already established in a career with no relationship, preferably homosexual or bi. Most importantly she must not have already been selected by the city’s Succubus. My heart and breast ache in tandem at the thought of this perfect, mystery human. The mental image of them suckling and consuming a part of me as it goes to work inside them. Binding us together… … Focus. With a blink of my eyes my perception of vision shifts. The mental signatures of humans capable of fulfilling my criteria float about in a trail that will lead me right to them. I spot nine potential threads leading off in different directions throughout the city. ~~~ The four closest leads took me to apartments and a hotel where I could quickly gather information on the occupant. I am particularly picky, so none received passing marks. It may not be in Succubus nature, but I prefer to bond for life when able. Having exhausted the residential options in close proximity, the next lead takes me a bit aways to a long lane of businesses and eateries. Specifically, into an upscale Italian restaurant. That’s where I spot her. 5ft tall. In her late twenties. Long dark brown hair tied up into a ponytail. Glasses over her green eyes. Average build on the thinner side with a smaller albeit noticeable bust. She looks like she just got off work, wearing a tailored dark grey suit with slacks and loafers. Seems business oriented. Probably working in management. The read I get on her mental energies is very mature and adult. However, there’s something buried beneath. A certain lost sadness. And a string to unravel. The kind of thing I love to see in a target so seemingly mature. She’s perfect. Physically the spitting image of my type. Mentally something to work with, something to nurture. She needs me. I am enthralled. With my inherent presence masking I walk in undetected and stand close to her. It’s all I can do to not place a hand on her shoulder. Instead, I listen in on her mind, grasping at her active thoughts as they spill forth. [Another wasted Friday night… Hopefully they bring the check soon.] My fixation on her breaks and for the first time I look at the table. She’s on a date. A man seated directly opposed to her prattles on excitedly. Snatching glimpses at her barely exposed bosom. Glimpses she clearly takes note of. [Going to need a smoke before I catch a ride home.] Ooh an oral fixation. And a convenient chance to catch up with her... My how the stars align! The date ends without much fuss or flair. She nods her head and smiles lightly when appropriate. He offers to pay for their meal, but she firmly pays her own way. While she informs him that she had a lovely time she dodges the attempt at a hug before departing. Alone, purse in hand. I watch as she walks down to the end of the street where she stands near an ashtray at a designated smoking area. Needing to prepare, I stop by the alley next to the restaurant. Quickly I become visible, hide the tail and wings, manifest a large purse (my diaper bag), and exit. Now heading in her direction. As I draw closer, I feel her attention shift from her cigarette to me. Her eyes lingering around my bust and thighs which peek out above and below my outfit. [Damn. I wish I’d gone out with her instead.] The stray thought pulls a smirk out of me. We can make that want a reality. Now within earshot I call out to her in a playfully sarcastic tone. “No one ever told you that smoking is bad for pretty little things like you?” Her eyes widen slightly in surprise as she plucks the cigarette from her mouth and knocks ashes into the tray’s sand. “I suppose I didn’t hear it enough. You work with kids?” A question directed at me; she’s interested. Taking notice of the large pastel pink bag around my shoulder and attributing my words to my profession. “You could say that. I actually just got off the clock doing some late nannying. What about yourself?” “I manage the marketing team for the city’s tourism initiatives. Got off late and had a bit of a dinner thing.” Aha, I knew she looked the managerial type. “Wow, really? I’m new ‘round here. Perhaps sometime you could show me around or give me a recommendation on a place to grab a drink.” She takes a long drag of her cigarette. Thinking. [Should I invite her out now? Wasn’t going to do much but maybe drink at home anyway.] Hearing this little conflicted thought I continue and give her a slight nudge. “Actually, I’m feeling a little thirsty now…” I say, adding a slightly sultry tone to my voice. A powerful hint that is not lost on her. Her nearly spent cigarette gets extinguished into the ashtray’s sand. And she blows a plume of smoke away from us. “You know what? I could go for something too. Want to join me Ms…” She trails off. Her cheeks tinge red at the realization that we’ve yet to exchange names. I chuckle and answer. “My name is Lilith.” She smiles and puts out a hand that I shake. “You can call me Eve.” ~~~ “Myyy god, you’re shhooo good at drinking!” “Oh, I don’t know about that. Good company helps it go down quicker.” We’ve been knocking back drinks for more than an hour now. Shots, beer, mixed drinks. A bit of everything. She’s pushed herself to match me drink for drink. I can taste it. However, I couldn’t feel a buzz if I tried. Eve on the other hand… She’s told me a fair bit about herself as her inhibitions have weakened. Both in conversation and in mind. · She’s alone in an apartment [her ex moved out three years ago]. · She really likes this bar [the drinks are cheap]. · Her work is going well [personal life not so much; hard time finding friends or ‘good’ dates]. · From age 10 she all but raised her younger siblings [she doesn’t see her family much anymore]. · She complimented my dress [she enjoys the view of my tits]. While the last point made me happy to hear… The second to last point piqued my interest. It must be the ‘something extra’ buried in her. My instincts were on the money, she’s the one for me. Polishing off the last of her amber drink, Eve places the glass down and calls it. Wincing at the burn as it slides down her throat. “I thinkkkk I’m good to go. Come with?” [Please let her come!] “Of course. We’ll go back to yours.” My hand moves from our table and lightly rests on her thigh. Tracing up her leg and ending at her lower body. Her face flushes pink. While she’s aroused, I detect a hint of dissatisfaction that she didn’t take initiative. “I-I’ll get our tab.” Eve’s already digging around her purse for her card. I stand and carefully pull her chair from the table. Then I bend at the waist and whisper into her ear. “Already paid dear, lets head out.” Shuddering despite herself she stands up quickly. Now adding embarrassment on top of arousal. I drink the feelings up. Making her feel small is helping tune it to something more filling for me. Eve takes the lead. Grabbing my hand and leading us out of the bar. “My apartmench’s jus a few blocks away. S’ not a bad walk.” While the woman’s speech contains the occasional drunken slur of her words, her motor skills seem no worse for wear. As we parade on to her abode, I am treated to the turbulent thoughts in her head. [What was with that smooth move she pulled?] [No one’s ever done anything like that to me…] My mouth contorts into a slight smile as we walk. It’s all I’m able to manage without it taking up my entire face. Despite her conflicted thoughts she’s able to play it cool externally. Pointing out some of the other establishments she frequents on the street and what businesses the tourism initiative places emphasis upon. We arrive at a large complex with multiple gated entrances. From her purse Eve produces a key fob which she places onto a thick albeit fancy metal gate. She swings it open, holding the door for me. We’re basically in an alley, with apartment doors on the left and right. I’m led three doors down on the left where she takes a key on the same ring as the fob and unlocks the door. We place our shoes on a rack, and I get a good look at the place. It’s a one-bedroom apartment with the kitchen being the first area you enter. It has an island with stools and all other modern amenities. Next to the entryway door is a large glass sliding door, behind which is a washer and dryer with related supplies. There’s a long L-shaped couch with its back to the kitchen facing a coffee table and a TV. To the left of the couch, taking up both living room and kitchen space, is a small 4-person dining table. There’s a door at the far end of the room next to the TV. True to her earlier thoughts, I see no evidence of her family on the walls. In fact, the apartment is devoid of personal belongings. “Don’t mind the mess, I wasn’t expecting anyone.” “What, it’s spotless!” I say incredulously. Not a spec of dirt in the entryway, a crumb in the kitchen, or a pillow out of place in the living room. She does live here… Right??? “How about I show you to the bed…” Once more my hand is in hers as she pulls me through the apartment to the door on the other side of the room. Her bedroom consists of a king-sized bed, a sliding door closet, a night table with lamp on one side, and a dresser with 4 shelves and a mirror on top directly opposite the bed. There’s another open door to the left that leads to a bathroom. We’re barely in the room before Eve’s stripping away her clothing. Leaving herself in just a set of light grey cotton panties and sports bra as she sits seductively on the bed. I place my diaper bag on the floor. As I sit on the edge of the bed, she pounces on me. I allow myself to be pinned down. One of her hands is supporting her upper body while the other fondles my breasts. Her knee is pressed between my legs. And her mouth is pressed against mine in a deep kiss. For a petit girl, she’s full of energy. [Oh fuck! Oh god~] Our lips separate as she sits up to catch her breath before going in for more. I stop her, my hands on her shoulder. She’s had a taste, but now it’s time to work. “Before we continue Eve, do you need to use the potty?” My tone of voice deathly serious. She looks at me incredulously. “Hah, no I don’t need to ‘use the potty’.” “Okay, just thought I’d make sure before we start.” Eve shrugs, quickly putting my strange question aside, and presses her body into mine. My hand cups her cheek, my mouth just inches from hers. I speak again. “Sleep.” Her body goes limp at my command. Her head falling fully into my hand. Carefully I pick her up off me and place her onto the bed. Many other Succubi would take this opportunity to make her into whatever they want. Perhaps mind control into thinking she’s always wanted whatever they’d planned for her. But that’s no fun and unnecessary. She is the one I want. Not a mindless puppet. I yank my dress down enough to reveal my strapless maternity bra in its entirety. The outer layer of the bra’s left cup pulls down revealing bare breast. A bead of milk from my swollen nipple drips onto the bed. Carefully I maneuver her such that I’m cradling her torso in my arms. It only takes a little toying with her slumbering, susceptible mind before she’s dreaming that she’s puffing away on a cigarette. Her lips pucker in response. Holding her close to the nipple is all it takes for her to begin sucking away. My warm milk entering her little tummy and getting to work. Fuck it feels so good. Her warmth in my arms. The warm little breaths from her nose on my breasts. The sensation of her mouth around my areola and tongue on my nipple. How I’d missed this so. Looking down I can’t help but admire how utterly adorable she is… Gone is the adult I’d entertained just minutes prior… She’s a baby. My baby. And soon enough she’ll come to know it as well. If I have my way her ass is going to be calling me Mommy before the weekend is through. She’ll be draining both breasts every night. She needs this. I know she does. Just as much as I do. I feel myself grow wet at my own racing thoughts. My breath quickens. My entire body feels electrically charged. … A glimpse of what sight reflects in the mirror opposite the bed stops me in my tracks. My transformation’s undone. My wings are arched back in ecstasy and my tail is winding down her arm. I need to calm down. It’s been a while since the last time, but I need to stop. I won’t lose against these starving, instinctual urges. I will not hurt her. Having regained control my physical Succubus traits recede. The overpowering Mommy Dom haze retreats to the edges of my mind. Any more milk and the effect will be too strong too soon. She needs to build up a tolerance otherwise I’ll baby brain her. The last thing I want. With an audible pop I pull her away. A string of transparent-white milk mixed spittle runs from my nipple to her lips. With a chuckle I wipe it away. She only took a few gulps. But it’s all that’s needed for my milk to start doing its job. She’s marked and we’re connected now, Eve and me. Our bond aside, the milk will make her a little malleable and compliant tomorrow, but not overly so. Just enough to ease her into things. And… A slight hiss and trickle sound fills the quiet room. Her panties go dark as urine spills out past the thin cotton and onto the bed sheets. “Tsk tsk, I thought you said you didn’t have to use the potty…” I say aloud to no one, all the while smiling to myself. Once off the bed I bend down to the floor and grab the diaper bag. I reach a hand in and grab exactly what I need. An adorable pair of brightly colored training pants. Purple all over with pink, red, and blue flowers decorating the front and back with fade-when-wet designs along the legs. Unceremoniously I de-panty the soaked girl. Using powder and wipes, also from the bag, to clean her up for beddy time. My hand gestures up and the girl floats a few inches above the bed. Enough room for me to strip the bed of its sheets. Those go in the washer. With a little digging in her closet, I find a spare blanket to wrap around the two of us. With all business tended to; I pull the outer layer of my left cup back up, readjust my dress, and lay down next to her for the night. I pull her smaller body into mine. With much glee I give her bottom a crinkly pat before wrapping the arm around her. ~~~ Needless to say, I didn’t sleep a wink… Not that I need to. My excitement for the morning and her reaction was high all night. At 9am I finally got my wish as the smaller girl I’ve been spooning began to rustle around in my arms. “Aaahhnn…” “Good morning sleepy head.” In response to her yawn, I offer a playful greeting. “Good morning, I uh hope I didn’t keep you from getting up.” “It’s no problem, I like to lay about on weekend mornings anyway.” Eve nods her head in understanding. I lift the arm still draped over her and she rolls out of my grasp. With this newfound freedom she stretches, and her body audibly creaks and cracks in places. As she moves and shifts her legs a confused expression takes shape on her face. She tosses the blanket aside and stares down at the garment I changed her into last night. “Wh… What!? What the hell am I wearing!?” [Is that a diaper!?] “Sweetie, do you remember what happened last night?” I speak in a concerned and apologetic tone. Her head swivels to me. She opens her mouth about to retort but stops, thinking. “No… I remember the kiss and then nothing.” “Well sometime last night after sex, I woke up to you having a little accident. You were out of it, so I cleaned you up and put you in one of the spare pull-ups from my bag just to be safe.” “You’re kidding, I-I’ve never done anything like that! There’s no way! I… I-” Her voice rises slightly. The emotions she’s giving off are a mix of embarrassment, denial, and anger. I breath them in deeply. All part of the process. Then I place a reassuring hand atop hers. “Baby, baby, it’s okay, shhh… You just had a lil too much to drink, it happens to big girls all the time.” “I… Uh… W-Where did you put the sheets…?” My words and tone help a little. Her emotions cool down; still there but just lessened. Her reaction fills me with joy. She’s too frazzled to object to being talked to like a child that had one bad night of potty training. “In the washer, I didn’t start it since it was too late for the noise.” Quickly she hops off the bed and scurries into the other room. My eyes home in on her adorably padded rear as it moves with her steps. I notice something right away that she’s yet to realize. Following her I see she’s thrown open the washer. A frown on her face and her brow crinkled. [Oh my god… It does smell like piss. What the fuck…] Acting as though she wasn’t confirming the state of her sheets, she pulls out a detergent pod from a shelf and gets the laundry started. I sneak up behind her and just as the laundry starts, I place a hand near the rear of her training pants. Almost between her legs. My hand cups the cloth-esque garment with a slight squish rather than a crinkle. The flowers are mostly faded from the design. “Eep!” She squeaks, jumping forward, before turning back to face me with a surprised look. I point down to her disposable underwear and fill my voice with faux sympathy. “Oh Eve, I think it was more than just the one accident last night.” Her hand shoots down to the crotch of her pull-up. Feeling the sodden garment for herself. Her face burns red in embarrassment. [I-I-I am not wearing a p-pissy pull-up in front of a date!] She stands quiet and still, shocked by the revelation. I act fast and push her along through the apartment by her shoulders. “Here, how about you take a nice hot shower and get cleaned up. Hm?” I lean down and whisper gently into her ears. Rubbing her shoulders gently as we go. Her body melts in my grip. And a feeling of relief crosses my nose. “Y… Yeah. Thanks, Lilith.” I drop her off at the bathroom and close the door behind her. Shortly after the water comes on, I get to work. A Mommy’s work is never done after all. I’ve got to put together an outfit for her. Out of my bag comes another flowery pull-up. I throw open her closet and start digging through her muted color wardrobe. Dress pants, jeans, khakis, etc. It isn’t until buried and hidden near the end of the rack, that I find a black knee-length skirt. Bingo. That goes next to the pull-up. Just in time because the sound of water ceases. Eve’s quick shower has come to an end. She steps out of the bathroom and seems almost shocked to see me sitting on the bed. “Oh, I... I thought you’d have left.” [Who would want to stick around for a grown woman that pisses herself after drinking too much?] “I’ve seen worse than this at work, silly girl. Besides you promised we’d hang this weekend and go out today!” I speak cheerily and excitedly at the prospect. It’s important to put her at ease that I’m unbothered by her lapse in control. This is the start of a precedent that should repeat several times today as the milk wrecks her potty training. Eve seems momentarily confused, clearly not remembering this fictitious promise. Her mind fills the gaps and ultimately, she accepts my words as truth. “Uh, okay. We can do that if you’re still interested then… Let me just get dressed first.” “I’ll let you get to it then! Though, Eve, I didn’t want to say anything but… I think you should wear another one of my pull-ups out today.” “Wait, what!? What are you talking about, I’m not going out in a fucking diaper!” With her tone raised she looks at me as though I’ve just grown a second head. I pick up the garment and hold it outstretched, putting it on display. “Oh Eve, it’s not a diaper, it’s a pull-up. And I wouldn’t have brought this up except you did have two accidents last night.” “I-I no! It wasn’t my fault!” “I know sweetie, I know. Maybe you had a bad reaction to a drink last night and you’re still processing it. Shouldn’t we plan ahead for that?” We stand in silence for a moment. I can see her process my words. Her eyes shifting from me to the childish padded panties in my hand. Ultimately, she shakes her head in defeat, giving in. “Yeah. Maybe it was all just something I drank… Okay. Alright, you win…” In these situations, I tend to. “I’ll leave you to it!” Cheerfully I place her pull-up into her waiting hands and step out into the living room. Closing the door behind me. While sitting on the couch I enjoy the thoughts Eve puts out. [Christ this is so much thicker than panties.] [Maybe I can get away with a pair of jeans…] [Fuck, you can totally tell I’m wearing training pants!] [Ugh, I really don’t want to wear the skirt…] Despite the groaning, moments later she steps out wearing the skirt and a dark grey polo. “That skirt really shows off your legs!” “I’m not a big fan of skirts. I don’t consider myself the type, I guess.” “Well, I think you look wonderful. How about some breakfast?” “I… Sounds good, there’s a pancake place around the corner. We can walk.” ~~~ Our long breakfast concluded with no major incident. I did take several opportunities to treat her rather childishly. Wiping her face with a napkin. Asking what she was going to get and then ordering for her. Discreetly asking if she needed the potty on our way out, she claimed not to [because she is an adult and doesn’t need a reminder]. Each time she would blush in the most adorable manner and look away to keep me from noticing all the while saying that I didn’t need to do that. The earlier outburst over her underwear aside, my milk seems to have been effective. It’s just before noon and Eve has called an Uber to take us to a botanical garden she enjoys. It turned out to be a short 10-minute drive out of the city. As we step out the car, I must admit that I’m quite impressed. Right next to the parking lot is a massive wood and stone building. To the right of that is a large pond, between the two is a walkway. A group of 5 geese peck about the grass nearby. “That’s the visitor center, they used to hold environmental talks and events there.” Eve gestures to the building I had noticed as we walk past into the park proper. “Ooh that sounds fun, I’d loved to have gone.” “And keep your eyes peeled around the edge of the pond.” “Hm? What do you- Oh!” Just as I had begun to ask, I spotted movement in the water at the edge of the pond. A massive koi fish. No, several. All in color mixtures ranging from white, red, and brown. “Aren’t they amazing? There are 2 other ponds here, but this is the only one with koi.” “They really are! I’m so lucky to have such an amazing and cute tour guide.” While speaking I quickly snatch up her hand and pull her body into mine teasingly. She blushes and pulls away… But continues to hold my hand. The second pond links up diagonally to the one near the entrance. Bushes blooming beautiful purple flowers dot the entrance to a bridge leading over the small patch of grass separating the ponds. “Look, turtles!” Eve points excitedly. A few feet away from the bridge, on an artificial log, are a group of 5 turtles. Sunning themselves in the warm weather. “They certainly look cozy. Maybe we should grab a log and see what the fuss is about.” “Ha, I think we should leave it to the turtles.” Past the bridge, further up the path we reach a crossroads. Eve pulls me to the right. “The last lake is in the other direction, but we should go this way first. I’m a bit thirsty and there’s a fountain.” True to her word off in the distance I see a set of water fountains in front of a brick building (bathroom) to the right of the path. There’s a tall, short, and even a pet fountain. On the left I see a gazebo surrounded by tall bushes with hanging baskets and vines surrounding it. The trail continues into the woods. Dropping my hand, she walks to the fountain and takes a long drink. I partake as well though just for appearances and to enjoy the sensation. “Come over here.” Eve says, after finishing her drink. She ushers me forward towards the gazebo. The shade of which offers respite from the glaring summer sun. Aside from the entrances on either side, it is a rather private. The plants offering coverage from anyone away from the entrance. I take a seat next to her on the bench that runs along the walls. After placing a hand on hers I speak genuinely. “This may be one of the nicest parks I’ve seen. Thanks for showing me.” “I’m glad you like it! It’s… You’re actually the first person I’ve brought here.” [Not even my ex came here.] “Wow you really know how to make a girl feel special!” “I don’t know… You just… It’s weird…” Eve stammers, as if not knowing where she’s going with this. Her mind is a bit of a jumble as well, her inner thoughts are just as choppy. Since we’ve sat down her knees have been bouncing, and her legs shifting between crossed and un-crossed. The girl is unconsciously antsy, but not from the words she’s yet to say. The movement stops and I’m certain of the reason. “Sorry to interrupt but you’ve been doing the potty dance, Eve. Do you need the potty?” “No, Lilith! Why do you keep asking like I’m some kind of-of… Oh! I-Yes!” She stands up quickly and carefully. Holding herself as she exits the gazebo and walks towards the bathroom across the path. There are 3 doors each with a sign. Men, woman, family. Before she can move to the Woman’s room, I steer her towards the family bathroom and open the door for her. I step inside and lock the door behind us. Eve hikes her skirt up to pull her training pants down. Unveiling the soaked garment to me. All patterns faded, and hanging down as far as it can stretch from the weight. A wonder it’d not been visible from under her skirt. Looking very much the role of a toddler that made it to the potty too late. In a way that warms my heart and pleases me. “Oh dear, you’re absolutely soaked…” I say in a voice full of sympathy. “What!? I haven’t even-“ Just as her retort began, it ended. Her eyes go wide and her body still. The familiar sound of trickling liquid fills the bathroom. And while perhaps her drenched padding could handle some more, it clearly could not handle the coming flood. Her pee dribbles out past the leak guards, running down her legs and into her socks and shoes. Mortified, her accident continued for half a minute, dumping the last of her morning’s beverages past her pull-up onto her lower half. [W-What did I… Again? In front of Lilith!?] Sniff. Sniff. Her small body shakes pitifully and wracks with silent sobs as she tries to hold back tears. Despite being part of the plan and energizing me, my heart aches at the sight. I rush forward. Embracing the girl in a tight hug. She attempts to push away and shouts in surprise, momentarily forgetting her misery. “N-No, don’t! You’ll get it on you!” “That’s not for you to worry about, Eve. Everything is going to be okay. Just let Lilith take care of everything.” She again willingly cedes control to me. Now rather than decide a course of action for her it’s to physically take care of the problem itself. I gently lower her down onto a changing pad from my diaper bag. Carefully to create as little mess as possible, I remove the bottom half of her outfit including her padded panties. Immediately her hands hover over her exposed bits. An attempt to obscure my view. I detect shame amongst her largely embarrassed feelings. I chuckle a bit and speak softly, intending to put the girl at ease. “Nothing I haven’t seen before. Move those hands up sweetie.” At my prompting she slowly raises her hands to cover her eyes. The wipes come out of the bag, and I get to work cleaning her private area. Adding some pleasurable maneuvers into the mix. She quickly becomes wet in a different sense, and the way she bites her lip as she attempts to ignore the pleasure is not lost on me. [O-Oh, not there! Not l-like that! It-It feeels sho…] Teasing aside, I finish up and work on the lower bits. A fresh wipe for each leg and her feet. Then I stand her back up. I kneel on the floor and dig in the bag a final time. Out comes a plastic bag to store her ruined clothing, a pull-up, clean skirt, and sandals all sized for her. “Left leg sweetie.” I hold the pull-up open and wait in front of the small girl. She grabs my shoulder for balance and lifts a leg as requested. With ease I thread it through the proper hole. “Last but not least, the right.” The other leg is up and through the hole in record time. As I rise off the ground, I slowly bring the training pant up her legs with me. Before it’s snugly wrapped around her bottom. I pass her the skirt and shoes before getting to work bagging her old outfit and cleaning up the floor where pee droplets fell. By the time I finish she’s dressed and flushed in embarrassment and arousal from my playing. But along with that are hints of gratefulness and affection. The negativity she felt at the start of the accident is a thing of the past. All in all, I’d say the first successful public change of many to come. Not that she needed to know that right now. “See, that wasn’t too bad, was it?” “N-No, I.. I can’t thank you enough… You didn’t have to…” “You’re more than welcome and it was no trouble! Now how about we sit back down, and we continue where we left off?” She nods gratefully in agreement, and we exit the bathroom. Leaving it as we entered albeit with a heaver trash bag. We sit back at the gazebo and Eve speaks more certainly than when she left off. Now feeling more certain and less distracted by her bodily needs. “It might be weird to say this but… So far, this weekend has been one of the best I’ve had in a long time.” [Even if I’ve pissed myself more than ever in my adult life.] She thinks the quiet part out loud. “Aw, I’m glad you’re having a good time because I am as well.” “Really it just feels so easy to talk to you. Like I’ve known you forever despite it only being like a day and a half... You… Have this way about you. I feel safe…” My left arm wraps around her shoulder and gives her other side a gentle pat. While I’d suspected and hoped that she’d begun to feel this way, hearing it aloud fills my heart with joy. “You deserve that, everyone does.” “Thanks for saying that but I probably haven’t felt this way since I was a little girl…” “Why is that, Eve? You’re more than welcome to tell me more about yourself, but I understand if it’s too painful a subject.” I want her to talk about it, but when the subject came up she started putting out a knot of tangled emotions. If I pull too hard on this she could close off. And I care too much to do that to her. “Mom, Dad, and I visited this place all the time when I was young. When it was just us. We… We were happy. The park… And you remind me of better times.” “And then you got a lot of responsibility when you were ten.” I say recalling our bar conversation from last night. She nods. “My first sibling came when I was five, but then twins came when I was eight. It was hectic, my parents couldn’t really afford a babysitter, so eventually I was put in charge while they worked all day into the late evening. Then to save money we moved away from the city... So, I couldn’t come here anymore.” “I’m so sorry sweetie… That’s a lot of responsibility to drop on someone so young.” “Yeah… And I haven’t really forgiven them yet. I guess that makes me a bit of a bad person, huh?” “No, of course not! You were hurt and you lost a very important time of your life. Nothing you’re feeling is wrong.” [That’s what the therapists have said… But it feels more validating coming from her…] Eve leans into my side hug. Resting her head against my breast. “That means a lot, thank you.” We sit in silence looking at nothing in particular. Me rhythmically rubbing her arm. Her listening in on the beat of my heart. I want this moment to last forever, and I believe she feels the same. As I’m struck with this feeling so too does melancholy creep in. The sensations and feelings, while overwhelmingly pleasant and amazing, act as reminders. How I’d felt this like this before, three times now. Perhaps it shows on my face, because Eve speaks again. As she peers up from her spot next to me. “I want to know more about you too, and if something’s bothering you… The least I can do is hear you out after dumping so much on you today.” I couldn’t possibly. “I… It’s been about a year since I lost something of my own. A someone.” But it comes out anyway. “Oh. Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Lilith. You’ve done a lot for me already, if there’s anything I can do…” She’s sweet. I made the right choice with her that much is clear. “Thank you, sweetie, but I’m alright. Something about today just dredging up memories.” “Yeah… I know what you mean.” The silence resumes, somehow more comfortable than the last. As we enjoy each other’s physical presence in calming comfort. ~~~ “I don’t know about this…” “Come on, you’re going to look adorable! And I promise nobody is going to judge you for anything you wear.” Picking up the mood, I’ve dragged Eve along to the mall. Our next and final date location of the day. On the car ride over I was able to convince her into trying on some clothes outside her typical style as a form of retail therapy. A way to reclaim or experience the youth she’d never truly had. Standing in front of the changing room now, it seems that some second thoughts are creeping in. However, her trust in me outweighs her concerns. And she doesn’t know it, but I’ve used a little Succubus trick to reduce our perception at the changing room. Nothing will seem out of place to any potential watchers. “Okay, fine! But you better not give me anything too weird!” “Of course, sweetie. I’ll keep it only a little weird as requested.” An overly exaggerated groan is her only reply. I start off easy on her. Handing over t-shirts and pants in colors not seen in her drab collection. An easy way to initially break her out of her overly adult style. [Honestly it does look kind of cute… Maybe she’s right.] It only takes a little praise and encouragement before such thought fill her head as she’s trying on more colorful clothing. And looking absolutely adorable all the while if I may add. While spinning to get the full view of the outfit it was quite easy to see the waistband of her padded undies peeking over top of whatever pants she tried on. Easy outfits down, it’s time to start upping the ante. Now with outfits from the diaper bag, not the store. “Here, try this.” She takes the pile I pass in exchange for the last few she’d finished showing off. Once more her arms disappear behind the changing room’s door. I’m pleasantly surprised by a lack of vocal or mental grumbling. And eventually the curtain opens to unveil a blushing Eve in a frilly pink miniskirt and matching pink camisole. “Um, I don’t think I could wear this outside… But what do you think…?” “I think you’re the cutest woman in the mall and it’s not even a contest!” Her blush spreads at the praise as she spins around. With the skirt being so small I’m granted a perfect view of her pull-up. A few stars are missing. In my expert opinion she’s dry enough for now. The door closes and it’s not long before it opens again with Eve in the next outfit of the ‘advanced pile’. This time her small frame is covered by a pair of pastel purple overall-shorts and a white shirt with a series of pastel flowers sewn onto the left breast. “I don’t know… I think I like it but… You can definitely see something’s off with my butt.” She’s thrown a glance over her shoulder to the mirror on the wall behind. Her hand rubbing her puffy posterior inquisitively. “You mean it’s really good at showing off your assets! No one would suspect that you’re wearing protection and it’s not even noticeable.” [You know what, she’s right. My ass looks great in these.] A small white lie, it’s very noticeable. But she doesn’t seem to realize or care. Rather she’s emboldened by my words. “I think there’s two more left, but then we should get back to my place. We could order pizza or something.” “That sounds lovely!” With a smile she closes the door and begins stripping and throwing on the next outfit. My own excitement begins to rise at the knowledge of the last outfit. With how simple it is to put on the next outfit I didn’t have to wait long for the door to open and Eve to display herself. This time she’s in a grey cat themed footed sleeper. Due to its baggy nature her underwear is for the moment safe from prying eyes. “Meow!” She lifts her hands in a mock cat pose, smiling to herself. “What a pretty little kitty, lets make her even more catlike…” Stepping close I reach to the back of her neck where the hood’s bunched up. Once it’s in hand I flip it over her head revealing the outfit’s cat ears. She turns to face the mirror and laughs. The sound of which is music to my ears. “I can’t believe the store even had this!” Well, it didn’t. But she doesn’t need to know that. “Alrighty, one more to go and then we’ll go ourselves.” Eve disappears back into the changing room and the door closes behind her. It isn’t long before I start to pick up her confused thoughts along with some quiet muttering. [How does this work? I can’t get the buttons right…] My fist gently knocks on the door as I call out to her. “Sounds like there’s a little trouble in there. Need some help?” “Uh… Yeah, come on in.” With that only slightly hesitant invitation I enter the changing room and shut the door behind me. Eve’s standing in the corner outside line of sight from anyone looking through the door while it opened. She has the pastel yellow snap-crotch onesie on, but the buttons are horribly mismatched. “I think I see the problem.” “It’s a really cute bodysuit, I love the daisy and bee pattern! The buttons are a bit inconvenient though…” Uh huh, a bodysuit. She’s too precious. “It’s for a better fit, it can be a bit easier to have a lil help with them.” That said I kneel down and unsnap all the buttons. I lift up the front flap and get a close look at the state of her pull-up. Much damper than even a few outfits ago. She should make it back home, but she’ll need a change then. With practiced ease I thread the two flaps between her legs and snap the buttons into their appropriate match. As I stand back up I give the front panel of her training pants a quick pat over the onesie as a finishing flourish. As Eve inspects herself in the mirror I step behind and rest my hands on her shoulders. She relaxes back into my grasp as she runs a hand around the fabric that clings well to her body. [It’s comfortable, I feel nice.] “This was a good pick, Lilith. Though I kind of think I’d need pants with this, haha.” “Of course, I think the overall shorts would work great. Let’s try that.” Taking my advice, she allows me to assist her into the overalls. She’s cute as a button. And somehow the pastel purple of the shorts matches rather well with the pastel yellow of the onesie. It’s the kind of color pattern you’d see on a little girl like her. “Alright, it’s your turn now!” “Hm?” Rather than admire herself in the mirror, Eve instead gives me a mischievous look. “I’ve tried on so many clothes, I want you to try something I pick out for you at least once before we go!” “Sneaky girl, I bet the buttons were just a ploy to get me in here.” “Yeah, now you wait here, and I’ll be right back!” [I’d have figured them out eventually.] She bolts out of the changing room, leaving me alone. I’m not left waiting long however, because a few short minutes later a satisfied looking Eve reenters the room. Perhaps she saw whatever it was that she grabbed when we entered the store. “Here you go, I think you’re going to look great in this!” “Thanks, I can’t wait to see what you picked out for me.” Once the clothing is in hand, I give it a once over. Baggy ripped jeans and a baggy t-shirt with a wide neckline. Sort of a grunge look; must be a style she enjoys on others. Without waiting for her to leave I begin to wiggle out of my strapless dress in a seductive manner. As the dress pulls down it takes my bra down with it just far enough to give the currently captivated Eve a look at my leaking nipples. [Oh… Oh my god! Is-Is that…] Not caring to cover my breasts I step into the pants one leg at a time. While bent over in Eve’s direction I give her a good show as I slowly pull the jeans up to my hips. Her eyes hardly leave my boobs. Her mind is a mess of thoughts. So much so that I can’t grasp a single one. But the emotions she’s putting out are an overwhelming amount of arousal. By the time I readjust ‘the girls’ and get the shirt on Eve is bright red. I give the final outfit a quick look in the mirror. It’s honestly not bad, she picked out a pretty good one. The holes in the jeans are substantial enough around the knee to show off a good amount of leg. And the wide neckline of the shirt shows a tasteful amount of cleavage. Finished admiring myself I turn to Eve and ask her opinion. “What do you think?” “I-I think you’re beautiful! Holy shit…” “Aw you’re too sweet, you picked out a really good outfit!” “Thanks, I knew it’d suit you perfectly.” “How about we wear our outfits out.” “Oh? Um… Yeah, sure!” A flicker of hesitation crosses her, but a quick gaze at my figure stops any naysaying thoughts. “And don’t worry about paying for yours because I’ve already bought em’. I knew you’d be too cute in them to put them back.” “You didn’t have to do that! Thank you, Lilith, seriously.” Overflowing with sincere gratitude the girl wraps her arms around me in a hug that I eagerly reciprocate. One hand around her back while the other cups her puffy bottom. “It’s nothing sweetie, now how about we get back to yours and enjoy the evening.” ~~~ Leaving our long day out behind us we step back into Eve’s apartment. Well, I step in. She more waddles in. Her pull-up is no doubt close to bursting and with the onesie and overalls pulling the garment closer to her body, it’s forcing her into a wider gait. “Want to wait a bit on that pizza? Maybe chill on the couch and watch some shows?” Made all the more adorable by the fact that she doesn’t seem to notice or care in the slightest. “That sounds good to me, lets get you fixed up first.” “Fixed up? What do you mean?” She looks at me confused. In response I bend down and cup the crotch of her pants. Throughout the day she’s only grown more comfortable with my motherly actions, in no small part due to her ‘drink’ last night and our bonding today. It’s now culminated in her not even batting an eye at this. From my position I give a slight squeeze and through the fabric of her overalls and onesie an audible squelch can be heard that even Eve notices. Her cheeks grow pink at what it implies. “You’re very wet, we need to get your little soggy bottom changed.” “O-Oh, okay. I… Uh guess.” [I guess the training pants aren’t too bad, but it’s going to be nice to get into panties after this] As I lead her over to the living room, I chuckle to myself at her thoughts regarding her predicament. The only panties she’s going to be seeing for the foreseeable future are my own. I help her down to the floor and take my place by her feet. “Upsie daisy.” At my prompting she lifts her bottom off the floor so I can slide the changing pad under her rear and take off her overalls. Once the onesie is unbuttoned and flipped away, the perforated sides of the pull-up rip with ease. The thoroughly used garment goes into a plastic bag for disposal. Once we get her a diaper genie this will be so much simpler and convenient. Gently I wipe down Eve’s most intimate area. Going into every nook and cranny of her private parts. Despite her best efforts a slight moan escapes her throat. Her eyes gaze at me hungrily as she watches me work between her legs. Right on the cusp of completion I pull back, depositing the used wipes into the used pull-up bag. “Mmm!” A groan of complaint. The poor baby. I reach into the bag and pull out an adult diaper and powder. The diaper is a Little Kings to be specific. My personal favorite diaper to come out of the community. Looks just like a real baby diaper. My how we’ve come! Nothing like this existed when I first came to be. “Upsie daisy.” Again, I prompt her to lift her bottom. She complies on auto pilot. While she’s lifted, I unfold the diaper, give it a quick fluff, and place it beneath her. Gently I push on her lower tummy and ease her onto the thick padding. “Wait, huh?” Confused by the sensation on her bottom she lifts her torso off the ground, supporting herself with her arms. She looks at what I’ve done so far and gasps. “What the fuck!? That’s a diaper! What do you think you’re doing!?” “Woah sweetie, I think you need to calm down.” “Calm down!? You’re trying to put me in a diaper like I’m some kind of baby!” Apparently, she’s got a little fight left in her. But the setup I’ve done is doing wonders for me. Her arguing about her adult status in such a losing position is offering me quite the meal. Every emotion, all the energy, she gives off goes right to me where it’s charging me better than anything this weekend thus far. I’ve eased her into it so far. But this is the moment where it all comes together. “And?” “What do you mean ‘and’? I’m a grown u- an adult! I don’t need diapers and I certainly don’t need you putting me in one!” As Eve starts to push herself off the floor and stand, I grab her wrist. Keeping her from moving. Then I speak, with my most stern mother-like voice. “Are you a ‘big girl’? You’ve been pissing yourself aalll day, young lady.” “I-Wh… Fuck you! It’s whatever I had last night, it’s not my fault!” Uncertainty, embarrassment, and anger at being called out like that. Still rebellious but she’s feeling smaller. The small instinctual part of me, in the recesses of my mind, wants her to fight me like this forever. Harvest these powerful negative emotions. “You matched me drink for drink. If something was bad then where’s my wet pants, hm?” Her eyes go wide. She’d not yet put that together. I see the gears start to turn in her head. Internally she’s reaching for any excuse within grasp, and she gets one. Realization dawns on her face. “Y-You must’ve spiked my shit! You come over and I start pissing myself like a toddler and wearing pull-ups! Why else would you have so much baby shit that can fit an adult!?” It would make a reasonable point. If I wasn’t already prepared for such an accusation. “Now you’re really acting like a child. You were with me at the bar the entire night, I could not have done anything like that. And I told you I’m a nanny. Not all my clients are child sized.” I roll my eyes and throw her behavior back in her face. My delivery must’ve been impeccable because the wind visibly deflates from her sails. Before she says anything else I continue the offense, drunk on power. “And because I sometimes deal in adult toddlers I have a knack for telling when pretend big girls like you are full of it.” “N-No! You’re wrong! I-I am a big girl!” “Are you? Because I haven’t been out with a ‘big girl’ today. I’ll tell you who I was on a date with. A baby. A big baby girl. Someone putting on an adult front because she got hurt.” “No!” Her body tenses up, struggling to remove her arm from my grasp. The words are hitting home, I can see them impact her like physical blows. “Someone that allowed themselves to be treated like a baby because she enjoyed how it made her feel in her time of need.” “You’re…” The struggle stops momentarily. Eve’s body grows still as a slight look of concentration crosses her face. As fast as it came, it left. I smirk, with that she’s given me all the ammo I need to seal the deal. “Now if you’re done throwing a tantrum, I am putting you in this diaper, baby girl. Because you’re already dribbling onto the floor.” With a point from my free hand, I direct her attention to the floor where a small puddle is quickly growing beneath her on the wooden floor. She feels so incredibly small. So embarrassed. So stupid. The monster in me roars with satisfaction, high on the way she’s making me feel right now. “I… O-Oh…” [Maybe… Maybe I am…] All fight leaves her as she crumples in on herself. Still holding her wrist, I pull her forward onto the waiting diaper and away from the mess. While she sits quietly on the dry padding, I quickly wipe the puddle up with a hand towel. I lay her back onto the floor and touch her up again with the wipes. Then I powder her up and rub it into her skin. She gives no reaction. The front panel of her diaper lifts up and covers her belly button. I pull the left side up first, affixing the bottom tape. Then the bottom tape of the right panel. Finally, the top two tapes. With each index finger I run down the length of the padding’s leg holes, pulling at the gathers for maximum protection. And that’s it, her first actual diaper since infancy is on. I pat the front panel and speak up in a tone someone might take with a disobedient child. “See, is this so bad? What was all that fuss about?” “…” [It isn’t the worst but…] A mopey sounding thought is my only reply. Leaning forward I grab onto her limp arms and pull her into a sitting position. She looks everywhere but in my direction. Eyes red and puffy, she’d started silently crying during the change. [Why’s she being so mean…] Everything she’s poured into me during this struggle for domination has amped me up. I’m not only full but at my strongest. That said… Even through the fog of power and the temptations buzzing around at the back of my mind... That thought and the sight of her so sad and despondent cuts deep. The last thing I want is for her to feel like this. I don’t want to be this to her. As much as my instincts cry for it. This isn’t the way I want to be. It’s why it’s so important to drive home how much she needs this… Needs me. So we can both be happy together. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry I had to be a meanie… But everything is going to be okay.” As the words leave my mouth, I pull her onto my lap and cradle her in my arms. Left arm cradling her head while the right rubs her shoulder and back. She buries her head into my shirt. I feel a few loose tears soak into the fabric as she lets out a long shuddering breath she’d held in. [I’m pathetic… If this is what I am what does she even see in me…] “All this may seem a bit sudden… But I knew from the moment I saw you that you were a sweet little lady.” “…” “The other ‘adults’ I’ve worked with are a lot like you. Missing out on a part of their life. Compensating too much. Tiring themselves out. And like you, stifling that sweet little lady inside.” “M-Maybe… But why me… I can’t even make it to the potty…” I give the girl in my arms a gentle smile. She’s too cute. “I’ll change a billion of your diapers if you need me to.” “I… I don’t know what it means to really be myself.” “We’ll figure that out together.” “… Okay…” Just one small thing left. “Alright baby, lets make a quick trip to the bedroom before we order dinner.” “Eep!” I wrap my right arm under her rear and stand up. In sudden panic she wraps her arms around my chest. Once we’re in the bedroom I stand her up on her two feet. “We need to change your outfit, you got it a little wet…” Speaking gently, I point out the onesie flap that has a wet patch on it from her dribbly accident moments ago. “O-Oh… Um sorry…” “You don’t have to apologize, that’s why I’ve got you protected.” I give the top of her head a quick ruffle before I strip the onesie off her. Taking care to avoid touching her with the wet patch. It goes in her dirty clothes bin. She’s left mostly naked, wearing just her bra and Little Kings. While she looks down at herself, cheeks burning, I sit on the bed. “Come over here, Eve.” I pat the space next to me on my right. She waddles to the bed hesitantly, unused to the thick padding between her legs. As she crawls over me to get to my right side, I lightly pat her swinging bottom. I’m rewarded with a delightful crinkle and adorable ‘eep’ of surprise from the little one. As she plops down, I swing her down into a cradle. Exactly as I had done our first night while she slept. Her upper body supported by the crook of my left arm while her legs rest on the bed. [I kind of like this position… She’s so cozy.] While she stares up from her position in my arms I carefully remove the baggy shirt I’d worn out of the mall. The outer layer of the left cup of my maternity bra folds down. Like before in the changing room, her eyes go wide. Staring entranced at my breasts. I give her a second to appreciate the view and become used to it. Before springing the news on her. “Alright sweetie, I want you to have a little drink before dinner.” “I-I, woah! This might… Is too far, Lilith! There’s no way I could…” “Shhh… Don’t worry about a thing baby, just let go and relax in my arms. There’s no judgement. No fear. No worries. Just me and you.” Slowly I edge her upper body closer and closer to the waiting nipple. A bead of milk drops, landing on her meager chest. She’s barely resisting my gentle pushes. “N-No I…” Taking the chance, I pop the nipple into her open mouth. We sit like this for a short while. My breast in her mouth. Her doing everything in her power to not suck. Eyes closed. And most importantly, not biting. I didn’t even have to give her a warning. To break the deadlock, I take my right hand and massage my left breast around the nipple encased by Eve’s mouth. I feel a squirt of breast milk escape and enter the girl’s mouth. Her closed eyes shoot open in surprise. Her throat constricts and contracts, swallowing the milk on instinct. [I didn’t… I did not just drink that!] [What the fuck…] [W-Wait… It’s… Not that bad…] One after the other her racing thoughts come forth. Somewhat emboldened she gives a few tentative suckles. It’s not a great attempt because she’s trying too hard. Unlike the night prior when she was sleep-sucking on instinct and habit. However, she is rewarded with a good trickle of milk. [Oh my god… It… It’s… It’s amazing!] Of course. Outside of the regressive effects (both mental and potty training), my milk mimics the drinker’s most favorite flavors and tastes. It would be no lie to say it is the most delicious thing she’s ever had. And it shows. She loses herself in my breast. Desperately sucking away with her improper form. Her messy eating leaving small rivers of milk-spittle running down the sides of her mouth. I rub encouraging circles on her back with the arm holding her up. My right arm snakes down to the front of her diaper. The noisy sounds her suckling creates are soon joined by the sweet melody of her first accident in proper protection. A beautiful symphony to my ears and a lovely warmth against my hand. Looking down, I once again can’t help but admire the view. This beautiful, small girl. Wearing nothing but a small cloth around her chest and yellowed padding around her waist. Greedily drinking from me. With feelings of love, physical and emotional need, and happiness flowing off her and into me. Before I get too lost in the motherly sauce, I need to stop her from drinking too much. Gotta wean her onto it. I estimate that she probably drank just a touch more than last night. So perfect stopping point. Gently I pull her away with a ‘pop’. She looks up at me, momentarily confused as if wanting to know why I ruined a good time. I chuckle as I wipe her mouth and upper body clean with the shirt I’d removed. “Can’t have you getting too full now silly girl, we’re getting pizza after all.” “Ah… Um… Yeah…” As she pulls back out of the milk haze her face gains a slight blush as embarrassment sets in. With her still in my arms, I get off the bed. This time, holding her to my chest with her legs and arms wrapped around my body. Supporting her soggy bottom with a hand. I turn my head to the mirror opposite the bed. The motion grabs Eve’s attention and she looks as well. We’re quite the odd couple. Half and mostly naked. A boob popped out. Yellowed diaper. My amused face and hers content. Conflicted emotions run across her face as she soaks it in. [I really do look like…] She leaves the thought unfinished. But then again, she doesn’t need to finish it. In that moment I feel her energy and emotions shift. Like a puzzle piece popping into place. Acceptance. Of herself, of me, of this. I’m so proud of her. She’s taken this difficult day in stride and come out better than ever. Her body relaxes into mine. She lets out a long-exhausted sigh. Clearly tired from the struggle we’ve been in since arriving back at her apartment. [This feels right.] The hand on her bottom feels a sudden spurt of warmth. “You’re already almost soaked again kiddo! What am I going to do with you?” She replies without missing a beat, her voice only a little muffled from her face being planted in my shoulder. “I’d like a change and plenty of hugs and kisses.” ~~~ Half a year's passed since the weekend I met and 'adopted' my little Eve. She's come a long way into her second infancy, I'm so very proud of her. Can’t say it enough no matter how blushy it makes her. That Monday she called me Mommy for the first time. It was said on accident while she was half asleep. She was very embarrassed, and I was thrilled. Maybe I was a little off when I said it would happen by Sunday... But you can’t rush these things. The first couple of weeks Eve would get upset whenever we noticed that she'd had an accident in her diapers. But that was nothing that a little love couldn't fix. Usually, it only took a little reminder that I wasn't going anywhere, and that her new underwear did their job. Complaining and resisting over her 'feeding times' (however slight) only lasted half a week. She obviously loves the taste, but more than that she adores the intimacy. She's fully inoculated against its effect (though her potty training is shot), so I let her suck me dry every day. I’m just thankful we were able to swap her cigarette dependency easy enough for a little breastfeeding. Her other 'little' habits have come in gradually as we uncovered that side of herself. Thumb/paci sucking. Childish speech. Obsession with a particular stuffed animal. Enjoying media for tots. Cute clothing. And other little things that are very much her. That isn't to say that Eve's big girl days are numbered. Heaven's no. She's enjoying her big girl life now more than ever. It was 3 months ago that we decided it would be best if she quit her management job. It wasn't making her happy, it was stressing her out, and it's not what she really wanted to do with her life. Instead, she really wanted to work at the park. The same one she took me to on that fateful weekend. Help make it a special place for others to visit, like it was and is to her. And I'm again proud to say that she got the gig. Five days a week she's at the park doing all sorts of things. Giving tours, taking calls, working with the plants, feeding the fish, etc. Hell, she's even working on getting the old events and talks she once loved up and running again. I’m at the park now. Standing at the edge of the starting path, looking on as she plants a rainbow of colorful flowers into the beds around the main building. Visiting my hard-working baby on the job. Since diapers are her underwear of necessity, she's accepted skirts and dresses as her normal attire with help from a little prompting and praise from me. Today she's wearing a brown dress long enough to hide her babyishly printed pampers. The colors helping to disguise the dirt that is almost certainly going to end up on her as she happily scoops away with her trowel. The familiar sound of chains and a powerful presence breaks me from my reverie. She's behind me, the Sadist. While my guard is still up, I do not feel the same sense of dread I had in our last encounter. She's intentionally holding it back. Taking the lead in the conversation and turning around to face her, I speak. "To what do I owe-" At least, I try to. She has the appearance of a woman in her early 20's, 5.5ft tall, with small breasts. The outfit that adorns her is simple; a long white lace dress that's almost see-through and sandals. Her flesh is pale, almost white. Long white hair flows straight down, reaching well onto the ground. Pristine despite touching dirt. Facial features are mathematically perfect, flawless and dainty. Peach lipstick. Nail polish on pointed nails that match her lips. If it weren’t for her Succubus features, she’d look like a model. White feathered wings jut from her back. White horns grow from her upper forehead on each temple from between her bangs. They run 4-inches up and then bend into a curve going clockwise 'round her head. The curve of her right horn ends where the left begins in front of her head, and the curve of her left horn ends where the right begins behind her head. Giving the appearance of a crown, or rather, a halo. Contrasting her almost angelic appearance is her eyes. The iris and pupil blend together seamlessly into swirling black vortexes devoid of feeling or life. Pools of darkness that threaten to swallow me whole even as she holds back her power. Perhaps noticing the effect she’s having on me, the Sadist shifts her eyes away from mine. After the break in contact, I take a deep breath. Suddenly conscious that I had not since meeting her gaze. "I come with an offer." "I’m afraid I don’t understand." “I’ve watched you.” “…” “You have talent. And I find it a waste to allow such a thing wither out.” “I can’t help but feel I’m being overestimated.” The unnatural stillness she’d maintained ends as her head tilts to the side. “Few starving Succubi would be able to restrain themselves to your degree. Even less could have drawn out a human’s latent potential such as you have with that girl. That you believe I’ve overestimated you so indicates that you find it a simple task.” She finishes her analysis and pauses to give me room to respond. “I wouldn’t say it’s ‘simple’. I just… Push it all back.” “From time immemorial I’ve crossed paths with only a handful of your type. You all talk about yourselves in much the same way.” “My type?” "Those who bond for life. Prioritizing deep connection over instinctual consumption. Say, how many humans have you eaten from?" "She's the third." The Sadist nods her head. As if she'd expected an answer of that caliber. "Then you must be aware. Succubi that bond for life do not last. It is too heavy an existence." She pauses, clearly waiting for some form of acknowledgement. I can’t deny and nod in agreement. When I lost Beth and Leah I’d felt as though I’d lost a piece of myself. I’m under no illusion that Eve's passing won’t result in the same heartbreak. Getting the acknowledgement she sought, the Sadist continues. “To the offer at hand. I wish to make you like me. Reborn and free of the burden you bear." She's headhunting me... That said, the ability to overwrite a Succubus’ kink is a feat spoken only of in hushed rumors. The power she wields is unfathomable to me. "I... I thank you for the offer..." What exactly she offers is a role change. Unshackled from ABDL with no more maternal instincts, urges, and thoughts to bind me down to a single human. I’d join her as a Sadist. Like her I’d be free of heartache and emotion. Living an eternal life based solely around consumption and fulfilling only my own selfish desires. Such a thing is a dream of greed. And scarily enough… I could almost see myself living it. It fills me with a sense of unease. Joyous laughter tickles my ears. I cast a quick glance to the source behind me. Eve, working in the garden and adorably doing her best. The sight and sound of her fills my breast with a warmth beyond description. It washes away the unease of the Sadists' offer. It's all the answer I need. "... However, I'm afraid I'm right where I belong." I won't regret it. Even when I’ve someday burnt out and disappeared from this world... I know this feeling of love can't be wrong. She stares at me with an indiscernible, blank expression. Finally betraying a hint of emotion, she sighs. "Foolish... But commendable. Perhaps one day I’ll succeed in swaying one of you.” “I’m sorry that today isn’t that day.” I mean it too. Though hers is an existence I cannot wrap my head around… I get the feeling that in her own strange and twisted way she worries for me. And that in her mind what she offers is salvation. “As a Succubus of Sadism, I pray you find pleasure in the pain of inevitable parting." Mirroring our initial encounter, she bows slightly. Something I’d never expect from someone such as her. Having been rejected in her offer and satisfying her curiosity, she turns around to leave. Wings flexing, feathers licking the wind. "Have you felt love?" Before she could go, the words left my lips impulsively. It was a question I suddenly found myself wanting more than anything to know the answer to. Maybe a paltry attempt at connecting with this being that feels so foreign and far from me… She pauses, her head tilting to the side. And without turning around she answers. "I think so. A long time ago." Without waiting for a reply, she’d disappeared. Gone with the blink of an eye. Not seeing the look, the emotion that she wore on her face in answering that question will certainly be a regret that I carry for the rest of my days. I turn back to Eve who is still hard at work, not having witnessed anything that had transpired just a few feet in front of her. Needing some Eve time after that experience I make myself noticeable again. She notices me while brushing some stray hairs out of her face with her forearm. Her bright smile fills me with all the energy I'd ever need. "I heard that there was a little lady here hard at work, do you think I could meet her?" Eve giggles, a habit that's become more common over the months. She leans in closer from her spot on the ground and speaks quietly. Trying to keep any potential strangers from listening in. "Mommy you're embarrassing me! I'm very hard at work right now, don't these flowers look beautiful here?" "They’re second only to you sweetie. Here, you have a little something here." She blushes as I pull a clean hand towel from her little garden cart and wipe away some dirt on her forehead. "Thank you..." [Work is great and all but I can't wait to go home!] It's my turn to smile. But before I get out of her hair there's one important thing... "How's your diaper kiddo? Before I let you go do you think you can make it?" Her face scrunches up in concentration. Her thighs shift together as she attempts to get an assessment of the state of her padding without touching herself indecently in public. "I... Think it’s better to be safe than sorry.” "Such a smart girl you are, come along, I'll get you sorted out." I pull her up from her sitting position, take her by the hand, and lead her to the closest family bathroom. ~~~ "I am... Home!" Eve shouts triumphantly, depositing her shoes on the rack. "Welcome home, dinner is ready whenever you are." She rushes over, and eagerly embraces me in a tight hug which I return enthusiastically. No signs of dirt anywhere. She must’ve showered in the employee bathrooms to keep from bringing work home. "Actually... Could I pretty please have milkies first?" Still embraced, she looks up at me with puppy dog eyes. Who could say no to that face? "Okay, okay. But there's another important detail to take care of my silly girl." My hand reaches down between her legs, flipping up her dress, and cupping the crotch of her post work to home emergency pull-ups. "I'm not that wet! Come on!" "Soaked, my little fountain. This won't take long." "Ughhhhhh..." Defeated, she allows herself to be picked up. Her legs wrap around my torso and arms wrap around my neck as she rests her head on my shoulder. With her in arm we get to the bedroom where I toss her a few inches onto the bed. She lands, giggling. I strip her of her dress, leaving her in just her birthday suit and ruined training pants. Turning away from my adorable charge, I stop by the dresser and pop open the former underwear drawer for supplies. Baby powder, wipes, and a thick nighttime diaper adorned with cute pictures of moons and stars. Atop the dresser I grab her pacifier, another tool to combat her oral fixation. Seeing my choice of padding in the mirror, Eve groans. "Mommy! It's so early for the nighttime diaper! How am I supposed to walk in that the rest of the evening!?" "You'll find a way, you always do. Plus, it should last you till morning… Though you’re very good at not lasting long.” She blushes brightly at the implication and crosses her arms adorably. I laugh while pulling her bottom onto a waterproof plastic changing pad. Near the pillows I grab her favorite stuffed bear and tuck it into her crossed arms. The paci goes in as well. Beneath the paci she grumbles but squeezes her bear tightly. The perforated sides of her pull-up tears away with ease. I leave the sodden garment under her bottom to protect the pad and get to work rubbing her down with the baby wipes. I take extra care to be both gentle and fun on her vagina. The grumbling becomes a moan of pleasure. Her pelvis bucks forward with each pass of the wipe. Eventually I reach her bottom and roll up her used pull-up before pitching it in her diaper genie. However, she's clean and the fun ends premature. "Noooooo..." Eve's whines from behind the paci. Ignoring her sentiment for the time being, I liberally apply powder and massage it firmly but gently into her skin. She enjoys this; I see it in her eyes. But that ends too soon for my poor baby as well. The diaper gets fluffed out and placed beneath her. The front panel goes up and the excess gets tucked under her sides. Back bottom tapes go on first, pulled across the front panel. Then the top tapes, the job is done. The changing pad goes back under the bed for the next, inevitable change. I sit near the pillows at the headboard. With ease my strapless dress pulls down, and the flap of my left maternity bra's cup pulls down unveiling my breast. Happily, I open my arms wide. "Come to Mommy, sweetpea!" The sexually frustrated girl perks up at my command. Rolling over onto her front she crosses the short distance in a bow-legged crawl. When she's close enough I snatch her up and manipulate her body such that she's resting in a position similar to the first night I had her feed from me. The night that would spell the end of her old life, and the beginning of something new and good. I pluck the pacifier from her sucking mouth and quickly replace it with my left breast. Eagerly she gets to work. Over the months her form has improved significantly. She can drain a breast like a champ in record time. Though on occasion she likes to make slow work of it. Enjoying the feeling of being connected to me. [Mmm so good...] Hearing her enjoy the milk never gets old. My right arm snakes down the front of her diaper where my fingers get to work. Playing her princess parts like an instrument. Her muffled moans leak out from behind my breast. Little dribbles of milk leave her mouth, running down her neck and onto her cute little boobies. It seems I forgot her bib again, when will I learn? While sucking she bucks her hips to the rhythm of my massage. The warmth of my milk entering her tummy and warmth of my fingers on her most intimate parts. Her body presses into my own. All that she feels in this moment is a beautiful whirlwind which flows into me like water down a drain. A few short minutes of our song and dance and the flow of milk from the first teat is at an end. [Oh fuck, oh Mommy, o-oh I'm-I'm gonna c-!] The wriggling girl in my arms squeals in pleasure; her pelvis bucking one final time into my waiting hand. With no time to lose, I pull my hand out of her pamper and pat the front gently as she comes down from her high. She floods her diaper, its padding greedily soaking up the warm mixture of cummies and urine. Spent, the girl flops down in my arm. Twitching in post orgasm bliss as her body of its own volition rids itself of its liquid waste. “Oh my, someone is Mommy’s lil messy girl tonight. I’m going to have to clean you up before bed!” Tired and content she allows me to shift her body to the other side where she slowly gets to work on the other breast. Left hand massages her back from behind while supporting her. Right remaining gently on her squishy padding as a comforting reminder. While the experience was in a sense orgasmic for me as well, more than that I am filled with an intense feeling of love and care for the darling girl in my arms. I rest my head on the headboard behind me, closing my eyes. Grainy images flash and drift behind my closed lids. Playing like an old movie. Two girls, much like Eve but different and unique in their own ways. All the times I’d held them exactly in this way. And the love I still felt but could no longer feel from them. "Lilith, you alright?" A small voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I look down to Eve, she's looking up at me concerned. At some point she’d stopped nursing. Her hand lifts and wipes away something wet from my face, tears. "It's alright. I'm fine... Just memories." From her position she cuddles into my stomach, wrapping both arms around my midsection in a tight squeeze. "I love you Mommy… Whatever’s wrong I want you to know that I’m here for you." [I hope this is enough, I wish I could do more...] Oh… please don’t think that sweetie. You’ve no idea how much you’ve done for me. "I love you too baby. And I’ll be here for you as well, forever." ______________________________________________________________________________________ Huge shoutout to Kasarberang for hosting the competition. And to my friend, Melunnia, on Twitter for another wonderful art piece. I hope that you, the reader, have enjoyed reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it.
  16. The experimental school. We had all been called to a large assembly, not too uncommon since it was the 3rd day of school. Then again what was common in this school? Walking along in the crowded hall, I longed for my days before this school. So simple, hang out with friends, go bowling or to a movie, or just hang out at the park. Things were so much simpler then. And then I signed that stupid contract. I didn't have the money for a good college, I had the grades to get in but not good enough to get a ride on. I never really played sports, what I did have was a head for creativity and original things. That's what they had said got me not only accepted but desired here. Nothing about it added up. Why would you expect more out of middle level students? I'd get my degree but I had to stay at the school until graduating. Oh I got some time off campus but not much. Isolation was key, they said. No outside interference. They even restricted the TV and social media coming in. They had made their own social media platform as well. But now, I have almost graduated from this hell hole, everything I think about it my heart jumps. I was so close, one more year. I could see them trying to control me past graduation though. This place didn't let go of people. Some people had tried to quit or drop out. Each time they tried to leave without permission, they'd just turn up again on campus. Same excuse every time too. "I changed my mind, so I came back." I had asked a friend once, he gave me the same answer but when I asked why he said he wasn't sure why he changed his mind. This school was going to try and reach into my life beyond the gate. I could feel it. Whatever, it wasn't in my contract, I'd figure it out once I was free, that contract only went as far as the gates. I entered the large auditorium which doubled as a theater. It had about 500 seats in it and a stage. Long black curtains that sat at the back of the stage. On a projector screen was a welcome message that cheerily read "A time to change, and a time to be changed!" The picture in the background had students smiling and laughing. Only girls would have had the nerve to use that dumb of a slogan for the year. I knew better than to voice that opinion out loud. A girl might hear and that would definitely invoke her privileges. Probably means something about bettering yourself and others and the school or some such nonsense. Completely stupid. Last year was "Better school, better you, better world." It wasn't getting better… On the stage sat the student council, the ruling body of the school. They enacted all policies, procedures, disciplinary rules and punishments for those enrolled. Get bad grades? Then you ended up cleaning the floors. Get in a fight? Well, let's just say that wasn't happening anymore. The list of rules and consequences was quite extensive, it wasn't something one could memorize. The list was probably so long that it couldn't be memorized on purpose. If you couldn't memorize it, they could get away with whatever they decided was inappropriate. I wasn't much of a stand out, mischief maker so I rarely got into trouble. Though it had happened. I found a seat near a large group of other guys, I wasn't really in the mood to mingle and this school put a huge damper on dating, it was not a rule mind you, just not what most guys wanted to deal with. In the end, the mood for romance was kind of dead when you were not able to really have much of a say in any relationship. At least when the other side had won. Oddly enough when his side had won, I had found a girlfriend relatively easily. I tried a couple times but it just never worked out. Supposedly your "personal life" was exempt from the rules but how did that work when you were a society separated from the world and it was governed by a certain group. We lived and breathed in this school, there was no escaping it while you were in the walls that surrounded the campus. It was filling up in the auditorium and the school student secretary stepped up to the mic. "Hello, everyone!" She started cheerfully. "I know we are all anxious to start so let's hurry and find our seats. We need to start on time or we will be late for the rest of the day." She was in charge of time keeping and she was very passionate about it. She was the quintessential nerdy girl, goggle glasses and all. There were only about 300 people in this school. Its numbers kept small by the sheer fact every student had been hand picked to come here. You had to have the right personality, be willing to take a leap of faith, be creative, the list went on and on. It was more about personality than anything else, or so it seemed. Some of the students here were among the lowest scoring students in their respective high schools. I had a few friends that shouldn't have been able to get into college let alone anything prestigious. Hopefully this will be short and sweet, I thought, we can just get it over with. Boring speeches were not my thing. I waited impatiently fiddling with a pencil, we had not been allowed to bring anything with us including phones. They always cited "we should pay attention instead of playing with a phone." Like we were some kind of kindergarteners. Weren't we supposed to be self governing? That one only went as far as they wanted it to. About 5 minutes later the vice president got up and called the meeting to order. "Welcome to a new year at the Complete School of Forward Thinking." A cheer went up among the students, mostly from the girls. "I am Sarah Glockins, I will be your vice president again this year." Another pause and another shriek from the girls. She was not as bad as the others but she was still on the wrong side of the fence. "On behalf of your returning body of student leadership I'd like to welcome our new students AND our returning students to our great halls again for another year of learning and growing. Well, maybe just learning for some of us." She giggled and I caught the cryptic sense she had something up her sleeve. This wasn't good. Not in this school, surprises tended to leave you in a bad place. It never ended well, especially when the girls were in charge. I had learned the hard way that anything cryptic like that meant trouble for me. I was truly done with this school, if I wasn't so close I'd have found a way out of here. This year was going to be hell, I knew it too. Truth was, things had been getting progressively more intense over the last 2 years that the vote had gone to the girls. I was two seats from the aisle, only a little bit from the door. Girls were standing guard there. They wore something on their hip, it seemed too small to be a weapon or a stun gun. The fire escape seemed to be unguarded, but it'd probably be locked until an actual fire alarm. State of the art alarm systems would stay locked now until the alarm went off. Everything in this damnable school was state of the art too. Everything was brand new all the time. They really did have a limitless budget around here. I guess if you were doing an experiment you had to do it the best way possible. Plus, if the scope of the experiment was true we were designing a new form of government to implement in the real world, then "no expense spared" was a good slogan. Sarah rambled on about the new year and the slogan, the guy sitting next to me leaned in, "I can't believe they won again, after last year you'd have thought it was a shoe in for them to lose." I nodded. They had incorporated a few punishments that went above and beyond the normal and no one had stopped them. It seemed like the approval rating would have dropped after that. The voting system was complex and required everyone to put in a visible and tangible token. This made cheating literally impossible. It had been a landslide win again. The count wasn't even needed. The girls' tokens had filled the tube while the guys remained half empty. Of Course you never had any idea who voted for what. You were alone when you voted. Granted that had been the terms of the experiment. The students were self governing for the most part. The teachers stayed out of it and allowed those on the winning side to lead as they saw fit. The only real rules were no permanent harm or ejection from the school were allowed. In short, You had to solve issues and not just shove them aside or destroy the problem. My thoughts returned to my escape route. Best option would be to go through the stage, likely the way they wouldn't think anyone would go. Why put guards up there? Everyone would see where you were going. Applause erupted around the room as Sarah finished her monotonous deluge of annoying words. She was not one I cared to be around or listen to talk. The woman had a bad tendency to squawk when she laughed, worse she was an incessant gossip. Apparently she had introduced the lone male on the stage. He was just there to represent the losing party. "Welcome everyone, I'm Blake Townsend," he paused. "Sorry gents, we lost." Holding his hands out in mock surrender. A couple girls whistled and cheered. "But we will make do and make sure we get the better of it next year. Anyway, I'll keep it short. Keep your heads up and make the best of it. I promise it'll get better this year!" Some cheers went up from the boys, they were half hearted but still some guys were still hopeful. "We can still make it a good year. If you feel like there's any unfair treatment just let me know. I'll make sure our voices are still heard." His speech was determined. "With that I give you the devil herself, student body president, Julie Buttkiss. Oops I mean Butterkiss" He was going to pay for that. From across the stage Julie stood up. Her eyes looked amused but in a dangerous way. Her look said it all, she would return the favor and she already knew how. She was the devil though, a picture perfect one, if anyone was honest. She belonged on magazine covers. It was Likely that that was how she got the position in the first place. Too many males with hard ons that would never get anything more than Blake was getting right now. She had enacted all the policies last year that had made life a living hell for anyone who was male. "Thanks Blake, and I'm sure you didn't mean it. After all, we girls have made this experiment incredibly successful." She started, her smooth voice captured everyone's ears. It almost was transe-like. "This school was founded to change the way society works. This experiment was made so that we could develop a new form of government and social structure. Why? The old way is failing, and we have young minds that are not conformed to old ideas, we can generate a new life that is fresh and will reinvigorate our world. In the beginning we were set up clean without entanglements. Given an opportunity to change ourselves, and then change others." There it was, that stupid logo that was on the screen, I zoned out as she launched into the history of this demon infested place. If you'd been here for 3 days you'd have heard this speech 3 times. We were called because we were intelligent, could add to a constructive society, we were the creative ones that could redesign the world. And now that you've signed on the dotted line you belong to us for 4 years. I tuned back into our regularly scheduled broadcast as she went back to recapping the last few years. "In the past 2 years we have raised the average grade to almost 90%. A full ten point increase. We have seen a 60% drop in disciplinary needs." She paused as cheers went up, again mostly girls. "When this school was founded, the idea was to find out who was best at running society, who would produce the best results, and even more so, who society wanted to run society. The first 2 years it was the boys. Boys," her voice dropped to an almost conspiratorial tone, "you failed us all. In those 2 years it was chaos, and not a good learning environment. Drugs, sex, you name it, it was in our halls." I had only come here three years ago, it had been a bit rougher then, even I could admit that, but things had gone the exact opposite direction once the girls took over. "With each year that we ladies have been in charge this school has improved a hundred fold." I wondered how she was measuring that. "Since this school's founding, we have risen up from the ashes quite a bit. Last year was phenomenal, our policies brought the remaining outliers back under control. For that exact reason the polices: Feminine Judgment, Retaliation Restriction, and Corporal Punishment will remain." My jaw dropped, how could the admins not stop this? Feminine Judgment meant a girl could decide a boy or girl was misbehaving. While worded carefully to avoid sex1sm, it was definitely in favor of the girls. The result was always a disciplinary panel. They decided your fate. They were always female. Retaliation Restriction, if you were called out for negatively responding to anything educational or disciplinary you were in for it. The panel was skipped and you were basically hung where you stood. Corporal Punishment spoke for itself. It was the default now. Almost everything ended up with you bent over getting your backside tanned. It had only happened to me once but I was one of the more crafty boys. Julie continued her evidence from the damned, "70% of boys received 2 spankings last year. That's a lot for you math challenged folks." She joked, not many laughed. " 96% received one. While only 10% of the girls received one, you know who you are and we ladies expect better from you this year. In the end the measures have brought this school to being the highest functioning school in all but 2 measured metrics nationwide. Isn't that wonderful?"She never paused for a cheer or acknowledgement. "And so we will be continuing our march to bring this school to the top!" She almost shouted the last words. The top of what? The heap of annoying me? I doubted it could get much worse. The girls went wild. "Ladies calm down now. We have a new policy to enact this year. It'll be the final thing we need to push us over the top on every scale that is measured in this nation. The numbers have shown that our male counterparts are not to be trusted, that they routinely step out of line, have lower test scores and final scores than us ladies. That is to say until they've been put on a better path. Today we announce the Better Boys Behavior Beneficiance.This will allow you Ladies to properly care for and love our boys. They need a good Maternal and nurturing influence to truly thrive. Her tone was serious now, my heart was racing, and I could see a few other male faces echoing my thoughts. "Upon entering, ladies, you were given a bag and told to leave it sealed until the time came. It's not that time yet. However, we need to discuss the contents inside. First you will find a card stock paper that says "your rules" on it. You will need to read it carefully at the end of the commencement. The next is 5 sheets of regular paper, on it says "their rules." My heart was in full fight or flight now. The adrenaline in my system said "GO NOW!" but if I moved I knew nothing good would come of it yet. "These will need to be given to each of your targets today. Now I want you to know, you will not likely have 5 targets. This is just in case." TARGETS!!?! What were they going to throw at us? Bad, bad, bad! "There is a bottle you will need, please use it today. I'm begging you. Not doing so could leave you in violation of your rules and lead to corporal punishment or worse." This was getting crazy, if the girls would be held accountable like this then it had to be massive. I was already gathering myself to run. I wasn't really sure where. The contract guaranteed a free college ride but it also guaranteed you stayed put until you graduated. Once the year started you never left campus. Some families had a home here and lived with students but mostly the students stayed in dorms. The really hard part was the 15 foot wall that ran around the campus. We were told it was security but the barbs on the top were aimed to keep people in not out. Not that anyone tried to get in. "There are some other things in there including a paddle, if you need it today, and a couple other supplies for routine maintenance. The last thing in there is very important. It is the reason we all came together. It's also what you will need most today. Ladies when I say this I want you all to remain calm. Show your maturity. You see, the goal is to give boys a good example to grow into. You need to be that example, this is also not retribution but a lesson. They need to be controlled for both our good and theirs. I know you're excited ladies, but contain yourselves. If you open that bag too early it will ruin the surprise. Boys, I'm begging you, make it easy on us ladies. Please do not fight this. I promise rewards to those that are good boys. BIG rewards." That was not setting me at ease. Some other guys had already given in, just dreading it all, you could see the defeat in their eyes. Heads buried in hands. It didn't take long to be ground down if you didn't go with the flow but they had decided it was better to not be dust. Some girlfriends trying to console boyfriends, the smiles on their faces were not helping. "Those that try to resist will be punished severely." Of course they would, so far that was the only part I believed. "Now ladies, the last item in your bag is five… big… fluffy…white…crinkly… DIAPERS!" Her voice was so excited, she seemed like she was about to jump the podium. Her face was the image of a psychiatric ward patient who had been given the freedom they had wanted since being confined years ago. Everyone in the room went silent except one, his expletive echoed across the room. "What the f@*$?" He wasn't getting the "rewards" for sure. My mind latched on to that last word. She couldn't be implying the girls would be putting boys in diapers. There was no way they were that crazy. No one would allow that. As if she was reading his mind "I know ladies you are confused. I assure you this is for the best. You will be diapering the boys today. The boys have proven to be a large part of the problems here and are in need of a bit of feminine touch. Remember to treat them as well as they are behaved, they are not meat, but they are to be wrapped up today, be as loving but firm as a mother would be. Now in good faith, I will be taking care of our good boy Blake here who chose some inappropriate things to say to me. So," Reaching beneath the podium she pulled out a large rectangular white thing. I immediately assumed it was one of these diapers, "ladies, shall we begin the great diapering? You may open your bags now!" Without another word she whirled on Blake whose face had gone sheet white. I could only hear zippers from bags being opened as he protested from his seat. She went straight to work on his belt and zipper. He gave an attempt at stopping her but he wasn't fighting or running as much as he should have been. Maybe he knew something I didn't, but I wasn't going to find out. I snapped out of the horror show and looked around, girls were reading their cards, most of the guys were in a state of despair, they had just given up and were going to allow whatever happened to them happen. Being grabbed by a girl they just followed orders. A bunch were fighting back, the group around me was backed together trying to stop the feminine onslaught, the girls outnumbered the boys by a good bit and the group was being grabbed one by one and overpowered. One fool just dropped his pants and laid down grinning. Not sure what was with him. No one had even come for him yet. Some cried in defeat. Being in the center of the group of guys I wasn't in any immediate threat. I watched as girls laid boyfriends down and padded rears, each taking time to use powder, some began to administer punishments to ensure obedience, it only took a few swings to start eliciting yelps from some. The process was insane. Even outnumbered, it was taking time to work through them all. It gave me a minute to think. I needed to start my escape plan, I began to work towards a weak spot in the line trying to dissect the group around me. "John Belinger!" My name echoed from the mic. "I see you, do not move! You belong to me." That psycho, Tammy Garland. Unfortunately, she was also the treasurer. She likely had already known about this and had planned to make him hers. She'd had a crush on me for a year. My only spanking had come from her, unjustly I might add. She was intent on ruining my life. I thought I'd shaken her off last year by hitting her with a giant water balloon filled with a rancid smelling liquid we had found near a dumpster. Tammy had never given up, asking me out multiple times, I wasn't even being polite about turning her down anymore. Knowing her, She probably had a diaper labeled with my name from the very start. Seriously, the dumb girl labeled everything. I scanned around the door, the guards were still there. They had a device in hand that looked like it was designed for a medical purpose instead of anything else. I hadn't seen it used on anyone so I wasn't completely sure what it was yet. All around me boys were being diapered. Some whose pants were already at their ankles, some protesting and promising, even begging. It saved none of them. A couple girls had already diapered males sitting next to them smiling with joy. Feeling it up and down as they were inspected. Why were they so happy about this? There only seemed to be a few girls who thought this was not a good idea. They sat off to the side judging and pointing, one stifled a laugh as she watched a boy getting a beating. I could even see a woman teacher closing in on a male teacher. She was smiling from ear to ear and beckoning him with one finger and a diaper in hand. When she reached him she didn't hesitate, his pants dropped to the floor as she stripped him. She hooked his leg as he tried to back away, tripping him to the floor. His legs went up and she placed the diaper under him. I could hear a bit of his protests. "I'm a teacher not a student, we are not a part of this experiment." She, oblivious to his objections, went to work. He was powdered thoroughly and properly covered. I watched long enough to see it pulled between his legs. That psycho was probably getting close, the stage was empty aside from Blake and Julie who had finished her work and was inspecting Blake's rather puffy butt. The line of girls around me had thinned to the point where there were gaps. They had snagged enough males I could get to the edge easily. It was that moment I decided I was not going to join Blake. I'd find a new university, who cared. There was no amount of debt I was not willing to go through to get out of this. I bolted to the side of the room breaking through the girls there, and ran toward the stage. Up the stairs and toward the curtains at the back. "JOHN!" The president's voice interrupted my run. "You won't get out. We are in lock down, now be a good boy like Blake here. Tammy is going to take care of you, I promise." Her smooth voice dulled my desire to run for just a moment. She sounded sincere, calm and genuine. Blake took that moment to warn me, "John, get out, she said they will never let us out of these things, GO!" I heard him yelp as Julie leveled a slap to his thighs. "You be quiet." That was all I needed. I took off out the back. I managed to use a door in the back that led to a dressing room. Another guy was on his back here, he seemed to be enjoying the moment, at least from the state of his arousal he was. The girl simply looked me up and down "looks like you won't be getting the rewards promised." I didn't care what that meant. In the hall, I was greeted with 2 girls yelling at me to "wait where I was," yeah right. They held the same devices I'd seen on other guards. I ran on never slowing down until I was sure I was out of sight. I began checking exterior doors, one after another, all locked. I began to despair at the idea I'd get out of the school itself. I'd deal with the fence once I was free of the building. Every door and window was sealed magnetically. I would need to find a window I could break. Most of them had webbing in them that stopped being broken easily. The second floor would probably have the opportunity I needed, no one was concerned about someone breaking in up there. Maybe a fire escape, I could trigger the alarm and get out. As I ran I saw a small outlet with the a fire alarm pull. I half slid half fell and scrambled back down the hall. This had to work. I broke the glass cover and yanked on the alarm…. Nothing. Maybe it was a silent alarm. I shouldn't have been surprised, but the door wouldn't budge. I didn't wait too long to mourn the failure. I shot off like a rocket again. "There!!" A voice rang out behind me. It was male! What the hell? I was already around the corner but my surprise almost tripped me up. I recovered and flew into a stairwell. My lungs were burning as I wound my way up a flight of stairs. Into the hallway, I needed a place to hide. I had to catch my breath and get enough time to form a plan. If they'd just give me 10 seconds…. As I went down the hall I opened all the doors around corners and into new halls. I doubled back about a third of the way down a hall and went into the second to the last door I'd opened, checking to make sure they were not in sight. Hopefully that would throw them off my scent. I ducked into the dark lecture hall, there were chairs and desks in a normal row pattern. I hid myself among them. Hopefully, if they did come in they would still miss me. "He came down this hall, someone stay here, if he makes a break for it we will know. Everyone else, let's start searching classrooms." My heart froze. I could hear the click of women's heels on the hard floor in the hall. They were getting closer and closer. *click* *click* They stopped seemingly at the door. "I'll check the next one." I didn't recognize the voice. "OK, I'll check this one then." A new voice announced, I hadn't heard footsteps of two people. Then There were at least three of them and one was probably a dude. Was I screwed or what? How was I getting out of this? "John?" the new voice asked. "John, if you are in here, I promise if you are a good boy, I'll make sure you get rewarded still." I could barely breathe. My hands felt numb. "John, we want what's best for you. I promise it won't hurt at all." I saw movement, it was the teacher that had pampered another teacher. Her ankle length flowery dress seemed to be taunting me as she moved through the room checking the few hiding places. My hiding spot under the desk should keep me relatively unseen due to it being dark in the room, but she would find me eventually. "John I'll make sure you get taken good care of, even if I have to do it myself." Her voice was motherly. "John, I know you're scared, that's pretty normal, and that bloodbath in the auditorium didn't help." She seemed for all the world a sheep in wolves clothes. She sounded like the devil, everything sounded good but wrapped up a deadly intent. "But don't worry this can be good. You won't avoid it but you can enjoy it. It's up to you, John." She kept using my name, it was unnerving. If I attacked her who knew what would happen, I'd rather not deal with the aftermath of that. "Come out John, stop hiding, you can't get out. The school is locked down, the doors locked, windows are sealed, John." She was moving between the desks now, I would have to make a break for it soon. "Tammy is here too, John. She is going to be your guardian. John, she is so excited to help you. You don't understand how lucky you are. John, you need to come out." I saw her dress round the corner as far from the door as she was ever going to get again. It was the best chance I had. I chose that moment to bolt. "John stop!" The teacher yelled. She Didn't bother to run after me. It should have been a warning, but my path was already set. I Was almost through the door. I was definitely not stopping. As I passed the door, without warning I was tackled. We went to the floor of the hallway. "Just take it easy man, this'll be over soon." Was all he said. "Who are you? What kind of traitor are you? Get off of me!" I shouted and struggled. I twisted violently; it was enough to get a better view of the traitor. I didn't know him, he was blonde with a chiseled face. He was strong enough to hold me but with effort I could probably get out. "You're not seeing the bigger picture John. We males were ruining this place, they are fixing it. I sided with them to help us get better." His voice strained as he tried to keep me from freeing myself. "John, I'm going to help you accept what we are doing here." It was Tammy, my efforts doubled, the adrenaline coursing through me seemed to double as well. She held one of those devices the guards had in the auditorium. "Leave me the hell alone you b!+(#" I growled at her. I twisted the traitor off of me and sat up. It was at that point I noticed he didn't have pants on, and in full display was one of those diapers they had put on all the other guys. My mind rebelled at the thought, I tried to hurl myself away from him, but that momentary pause was all it took. I felt something pressed to my back and a sharp pain. It only lasted a second and a wave of intense numbness started to form. I didn't wait to figure it out, or atleast I tried not to wait. I made it 3 steps before whatever had been injected into me took effect. My legs stopped working all together. I dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes. What nightmare is this? I began to try and army crawl away. I had to get away. What had she done to me? "Don't worry it's temporary, John." Tammy said coming up behind me, she rubbed my back, shushing me. I was just trying to escape. Not that an army crawl was going to get me out of here. I was never getting away now and I realised it. I collapsed on the floor and rolled away my legs limp and trailing behind me. I batted at Tammy to get her to leave me alone. "John, this won't last long so we need to get you in your diapers before that ends, I don't want to have to inject you twice." I laid my head back and began to sob, never responding to her. She didn't deserve a response. I was hauled back into the lecture hall and onto the professor's desk. "Don't be so intolerant, man, they are actually pretty comfortable, soft and you won't need a toilet anymore." The traitor went on. "Who brainwashed you? Or are you just this pathetic?" I yelled through the tears. "What kind of person just allows themselves to be made into a baby?" Tammy moved between my knees interrupting my tirade. She unbuttoned my pants and grabbed the sides of my underwear and shorts yanked them off. "You're being such a good boy now. John, I'm glad you're letting me do this. It's better this way, you'll see." I realized I wasn't fighting back anymore and my hands had been released. What did it matter? I couldn't run. "John, I'm going to put this on you now." Patting another white rectangle that I had become way too familiar with. "You don't know all the rules yet, and that's ok, but my rules are that your care and schooling are now my responsibility. Once I tape you in, I am your guardian." "Guardian?" I squawked, "what's that supposed to mean?" She sounded crazy.``Remember the day when you signed your paperwork so you could come here free of charge and get a degree. You were promised that degree, in exchange You also promised to follow the rules of the school no matter how they evolved?" I did remember that line but it hadn't been framed that way. "Remember this school is an experiment on how society could be. We are shaping the future of our nation, and maybe the world." For the first time, something touched my mind. They may be crazy but it could follow me wherever I go, it could infect the world. "You're all sick." I spat at her. "John, you boys are dangerous, always in trouble. The only time you are not is when you are in the care of your mothers. When you are under a good motherly love. That is when a boy is at his best behavior. We are going to put you boys back where you belong, at your 'mother's' skirts. Now be a good boy." She sighed, this was the behavior of someone who was insane, but she didn't seem crazy, she was calm and put together. "I know it's no secret that I like you." She leaned down and gave a slight peck on my cheek.``this could be so much better, if only you'd just let me do this one thing" "It's not just one thing, you want to ruin me. You're a wh0r3 like the rest of them." "John, you're so angry. It'll be ok, you'll see. Your perspective is the only thing making this bad." I knew I wasn't getting out of this, in my core I was trapped. Giving up the fight I layed still and just accepted the inevitable. "Whatever." I muttered. Tammy laid her head on my chest as if she was hugging me. I could smell her soap. It was nice. Gentle like a flower but strong enough not to be missed. My legs may be paralyzed but my arms weren't, I pushed with all I had, "Don't touch me." At least I would have this memory, the one of her surprised face falling onto her rear. My hands were immediately held in place by the teacher and the other guy. They weren't letting go anymore. I was effectively immobilized now. It took her a second to recover. "John, I'm going to let that one go, because I know how traumatic this day has been. However, anymore outbursts and I'll give you the second spank you've gotten from me." She seemed to consider something for a second. "Maybe reading your rules would help you to understand better. Maybe reading both our rules would help. Hmm? What do you think?" "That's a good boy", she produced 2 pieces of cardstock paper. Holding one up she read it like you would to a small child. "Rule one, you will wear diapers at all times, the only approved time without one is bathtime and when being changed. Rule two, the boys bathrooms are now boys changing stations, until all toilets are removed they are off limits, once they are removed they will be off limits unless you are with your guardian. Rule three, you will use your diaper at all times, if you refuse, the incontinence injection will be used. This will render you without control for a time, after 5 shots it will be permanent. Rule four, your guardian, the one who taped you into your first diaper, is in charge, what she says, goes. Rule five, if you fail in these things there is an acceptable list of punishments she may use. Rule 6, pants are to only be worn when weather requires it, your guardian needs to have access to you at all times, she will also make the decision on pants." Tammy leaned down and looked in my eyes. She did have a prettiness to her. Not like a girl who was just in it to be a "hot chick." It was more subtle, more real. She was a psycho though. So no matter what, she was a no fly zone. Placing a hand on my chest, "I have wanted to reward you for a long time, will you let me now? Will you be my good boy?" Placing the diaper on my thigh she slid her hand to my groin. "I promise this will be worth it" My curiosity never even engaged. Blake's words came back to me, and I just laid there not even sobbing or acknowledging her. My pants around my knees, Tammy turned and grabbed her bag. "These diaper bags are great, so many pockets." Producing a bottle of baby powder she went to work, rubbing it in. Making sure to hit everything, she went on for a long time, trying to get me going. "Nothing huh?" The disappointment in her voice was not very satisfying. At least not as much as I wanted it to be. "You really don't get how much I hate you." She pulled something from her bag that I didn't get to see well. She Never paused, she plunged it into my belly below my belly button. I felt the pressure of the injection, and screamed as the pain hit. I felt it burning my insides. All the sudden it was like a knot I didn't know was there just released. As fast as it started it ended. "What did you do to me?" Tammy smiled, caressing my face, "I'd say there are about 5 seconds before you find out. You're going to be a good boy. Since diapers are not a punishment but me educating you, I have levied a punishment for your negative behavior." I felt the need to pee and tried to clamp down on my muscles. Tammy quickly unfolded a diaper and laid it over me. At that moment I realized she had destroyed my continence. I had about half a second to come to terms with it before I made the first mess of my adult life. "Oh no, I guess you will need me. For at least the time being, the first time should last a week or so. The second injection is about 20 days, the third about 2 months. Number four will last close to a year, and well, number 5 will have you gloriously fluffy for life." She chuckled at that. My depression grew bigger, it was like a void opening below me that I fell into. She wouldn't have time to make it permanent but she could definitely do some damage. "Calm down," Tammy had gone back to that crazy tone where she seemed emotionless. "I have the fix for you too, a nice fluffy diaper. Now let's get you taken care of. "I hate you." I said "But I love you, and I'll make you a good boy." She smiled an almost sad smile. "I understand your anger but for now, before you make another mess, let's diaper you, my good boy." The diaper was raised between my legs as I felt a final dribble escape and trickle into the padding. It was gone as fast as it leaked out. She slowly taped me in. Chatting about her rules the whole time, I wasn't listening, I was mourning my life, I would never survive this no matter how I struggled, I'd be ground to dust if I tried… _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ I had not planned on continuing this but I have a few ideas, if it gets enough support to keep it going, I'll be motivated if not it'll die here lol. BB
  17. Hello everyone, this is a new story I'm writing, picking some suggestions from a previous topic I made and of course some personal details. I want to try to do something new and try writing with Points of View characters, I want to check out if I'm capable of giving different inner voices to different personalities. I'll be starting with two, might add more in the future. Some details. 1 - My stories feature Mini-Giantess and extremely short men, so if you don't like that please feel free to ignore this thread. 2 - This story is set in a world similar to Earth but just not it, just to avoid me the struggle of being consistent with education laws of a specific country. I know nobody would care about that but I would ENJOY! NOEMI I She couldn't believe she was finally out of that stinkhole of a place its inhabitants call a town. She was entering University, and in a large city at that! Finally no more meeting the same 3 people everyday, finally she could go dancing, she could go to the theatre, she could go to concerts, ANYTHING. Hell, if she wanted she cou- THOMPH! "Wa-was I hit by a truck?" Noemi wasn't a small gal. Not even for girls standards. Yes, women were indeed usually a 2 or 3 feet taller than men, but standing at 7'9 she was ESPECIALLY tall, even more so for someone who was 18. Most women don't stop growing until they are 30, but have a severe deceleration at 25; doctors have however predicted her probably not to stop before reaching 9 feet at the very least, making her one of the tallest women in the world. She looked down at the man who she hit. He was probably around her age or a bit older. It was always hard to say with men, considering their facial features don't change much after reaching the age of 20 and keep being basically the same until their late 40s. She helped him getting up, he was quite chubby and about average in height, not taller than 3'7. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, I was just marveling at this place! It's huge!" he scraffled the dust away from his own body and then talked. "No worries, mate. It was my fault to pass in the women's corridor, I was kinda in a hurry and well..." "Noemi." she said firmly, shaking his hand. "George!" "Nice to meet you George! You said a WOMEN's corridor?" "Ay! It's for men's safe to have them separated, to avoid specifically what has just happened to us ahah!" "Yes. That's correct. And you should have known better, Mister." a deep womanly voice came from behind's Noemi's shoulders. It was an older woman, probably around 28 or 30, quite short for a gal, around 6'8, but the authoritative composure, the way she was dressed, accompanied by her frowning made her look twice as large. Noemi had seen her face when online when she was applying to the University. She was one of the assistant of one of her professors. "S-sorry Mrs. Flennigan, it-it won't happen anymore." he excused himself sheepishly, looking down. "I'm sure it won't. Or else." <Quite stern.> Noemi thought, but realized that probably men had been trampled over before this ruling was established. <Poor George.> "So... I'm going to my place. See you around I guess. Try not to die?" she said as she was leaving. Why the hell did she say that!? It was so unnecessary! Well, what was done was done. She walked off throughout the immense chambers of the University. What George said was true. She noticed there were a dark red path, burgundy coloured and a baby blue one, each going to different directions, but both reaching the various classes. The burgundy one was the one that was made for women, and it was noticeable. While the classrooms were common for everyone, there was no necessity for men's roofs to be as tall as those for women, so the baby blue corridors were much less high in order to save money to construct the building. Noemi had read that many Universities were built like that ever since they started allowing both men and women studying together. She kinda wanted to sneak in into the baby blue corridor, seeing all the little guys together was kinda cute and she wanted to steal them, but it was not something you want to do on your first day. Eventually, she reached her room. As she entered, she saw her roommate. And more. "Hey gal! Woah you're gorgeous! You must be my new sister in arms, uh? Welcome to my coven, babe! How tall are you? Woah!" this woman was already way more energetic than she expected to find, but she didn't mind. In fact, she liked it. If there was one thing that Noemi didn't like in people was unfriendliness, and at least on a surface level this woman didn't seem to have that in her. "I'm tall... a lot ahah! I'm 7'9, but I'm aiming for the stars! I'm Noemi! Nice to meet you and... your friends?" she had three men sleeping in her bed with her. All cozed up around her body, they looked like puppies trying to heat themselves up around their mama-dog. "Laura, and yeah, those are my friends. I swear nothing indecent happened here. We just were watching a film together and they fell asleep, aren't they the cutest?" "I wouldn't have minded, y'all adults and free to do what you please." "Nono, we are just friends, I swear, but hey! I feel the same!" "Good, 'cause I'm planning to get some for myself ahahah!" Noemi wasn't the shiest person herself. She wasn't a nymphomaniac by any means, but she liked having erotic activities. Especially lactation. Ever since she started lactating it had become a huge kink for her. Her breasts were immense even for someone her size, and became even more engorged now that they were filled with milk. "Won't they get mad if you take men in your room though?" "Nah, as long as you're the one carrying them around, people don't really mind. So..." Laura gently got up and tidied her friends under the sheets, making sure not to wake them up. Now that she was standing, Noemi noticed that she was pretty big herself. She was 7'3 at the very least, but also very bulky; she definitely was in a fighting sport. "Let's get out of here; I wanna show you around."
  18. This story was written as part of The 3rd Kasarberang's NON-CONtest. Hi guys! The story won the second price of 100$, which has already been received. Thanks to Kasarberang and all of you for the support! A Husband's Regression Oliver sat on the floor surrounded by his baby jail, or as mommy called it, playpen. His diaper, as always, was wet; a pacifier in his mouth and a ridiculous bonnet attached to his head. It would be impossible for anyone to confuse him with the successful businessman he had been a few months ago. No one would even think this pathetic man had once been a husband, a father, a respected man. And yet, in Oliver's mind, those memories were as fresh as if it had been a day ago. Memories of driving his luxurious car. Memories of fucking his sexy wife. Memories of everything he lost. "Why don't we have a glass of wine, and you tell me everything that happened between you and," said Julia, pausing to glare at Oliver's predicament, "Well, Oliver." She was a pretty lady, a couple of years younger than Oliver. Nothing special. Not like his wife or, eh, mommy. He couldn't call her any other way anymore. Not unless he wanted to spend the evening on her lap. Claudia was a beautiful woman, thirty-five and still looking radiant. Even with her pregnant belly, she was by far the most beautiful woman Oliver's ever seen. "Oh, it all happened so fast for little Oli. I don't think he realized it until it was over," said Claudia, receiving a glass of wine from her friend. "What happened to him?" "Little Oli here made Mommy angry. Do you remember it, Oli?" Oliver tried to look away, but he knew Mommy wouldn't like that. He hated it whenever she talked about his downfall. It had been such a stupid thing. An office party, and it wasn't really his fault. She came onto him, his assistant. Claudia knew it. But she still got angry. Yeah, it's true he had been flirty with Sophia before, but it was all platonic. The girl was almost twenty years younger than him. Any sane man would've flirted a little bit, even if it led to nothing. Though now Oliver wished it had led to nothing. It would've changed everything. "So he had an affair?" Asked Julia, pouring even more wine into her glass. "He did. The little stinker claims he never even touched her, but Sophia confessed. If you think Oliver's fate was bad, you should see her." "What did you do to her?" Oliver knew now about what had happened. Claudia's plan had been flawless, but if there was anything he regretted the most was what happened to Sophia. Sighing, he moved enough to allow himself to pee his diaper more comfortably. "That I'll show you later. For now, why don't we focus on Oli?" Claudia asked. Julia nodded enthusiastically. She had never been fond of Oliver. In fact, she had even argued against him when Claudia announced their marriage. The good old days. "So, what happened when you found out about the affair?" "My husband had cheated on me, and I wanted payback. But more than anything, I wanted to humiliate him. Divorcing him wouldn't have been enough, so…" "So he agreed to be put back in diapers just because?" Claudia giggled, "No. Not immediately. It was a bit more complex than just forcing him to wear them and act like a baby. I got the idea from a bizarre story I found once." "I think someone's filling his diaper for Mommy. What time is it?" "Uhm, almost two. Why?" Asked Julia, now a bit tipsy. "Oliver's meal. My breasts are screaming for release." "Release? Your breasts? What?" Oliver knew what she meant. Sitting in his baby prison, his lips were working against him. They wanted something he despised, something he hated. And yet, part of him craved the sweet nectar of his wife's breasts. He would never forget the first time he tasted them. That very first night, he had been forced to suck on her nipples while diapered. He had not eaten anything for an entire day, and he would not eat anything unless he did what Claudia wanted, and she wanted to breastfeed him. And so he did, with tears in his eyes he did, and what was worst, he didn't completely hate it. "You'll see in a few minutes. I try to feed him at the same time every day, it creates a sense of stability, and that's important for babies. Anyway, where were we?" Claudia asked, pausing for a second to glare at the man that was once her husband, "Oh, right. How did we get here?" "Wait, wait. Do you breastfeed him? How do you produce milk?" "It took some work, but there are some treatments you can get to induce milk production. It's a bit expensive and medical. Worth it, though." "If you say so," said Julia, looking a bit disgusted but too engaged in the story to leave it there, "So, how did you get him to accept all of this?" "Easy. I made him think he needed it." "Made him think he needed to be traded like a baby?" Claudia took a sip of her glass of wine, and with a devilish smile, she winked at her former husband. "Remember the accidents, honey?" Asked Claudia about the baby that was once her husband. Oliver looked away. He remembered everything that led to his downfall. It began a couple of months before. One night Claudia surprised him with a glass of wine when he came back from work. A glass turned into two, then four. The next morning he woke up soaked. Claudia wasn't pleased, but she didn't make a big fuss out of it. Instead, she treated him better that morning. Better than she had in a while. However, it wasn't the end of it. That very same night, she gave him a beer while they ate. Nothing fancy, but it was a nice gesture. He didn't think twice. But the next morning, he woke up with a wet bed again. And once again, Claudia seemed fine with it. Somehow, she seemed happier about it. And when it happened again and again, Oliver began to worry about his health. "And then it happened during the day. Your first accident during the day, and it was public. Wasn't it, Oli?" Asked Claudia with that devilish smile he hated. Oliver looked down. It had been a busy day at work. Kendall, his assistant, a young and ambitious man, had given him a glass of water right before an important meeting. Nothing odd about it. It was the way he liked to start his meetings, hydrated. But he didn't know back then what he knew now. And so he drank and went straight to present the reports for that semester. Twenty minutes in, he felt a slight tinkle in his penis, something warm against his crotch, and then a liquid sensation running down his legs. It was over in a matter of seconds, and everyone in the room went silent. And it remained silent until Oliver realized what had happened and rushed out of the room, leaving a puddle of his urine behind. "He wet himself at work?" Asked Julia. "He did," said Claudia as tears began forming in Oliver's eyes. "How? How did you get him to pee himself at night and in front of his colleagues?" "A combination of loop diuretics." "Loop what?" Asked Julia. "Drugs, honey. Drugs that make it impossible for the body to absorb certain minerals, so they just passed straight through the body." Their eyes turned to Oliver, who was now sobbing because he knew what happened after. And because he now knew why it happened. He took the week off after his accident to make sure there were no health issues, but the doctor had simply said that there wasn't a physical problem with him. If he was having accidents, then it must be phycological. And he was dragged to a therapist by his wife, though, surprisingly, she seemed sympathetic to the whole thing. Their marriage had been paying through a rocky spot, and yet, here they were, together like a couple dealing with a problem. Perhaps it wouldn't be that bad. But Oliver didn't know better back then. "What did the therapist say? And how did you get the doctor to miss the drugs in his system?" "Money," said Claudia, matter-of-factly, "Buying yourself a doctor is just as easy as getting a new car. And, of course, little Oli here left us with quite a large amount of money." "So, what happened next?" "Well, the therapist we went to was a friend of mine. She knew what I wanted and why, and she was more than happy to help." "How did she help? What did you do? Stop being so vague," said Julia, giggling as she raised her four glass of wine. "Her name's Clara, and she planted the little bug in Oli's head. She said that there was no real reason why a man his age should be having potty accidents, and she said potty to make a clear point. So, Oli was having them because, subconsciously, he wanted." "Did he fall for that?" Claudia shook her head, "Not right away. Of course, I acted shocked and disgusted. But I let Clara take charge at that moment. She simply stated that Oli might be burned out with all the stress of a high-profile job. I mean, it's not like he didn't have terrible neck and shoulder pain already. And as she kept explaining why she thought that, Oli's expression shifted from anger and distrust to looking more like a beaten puppy. And that's when she suggested a new and revolutionary treatment. Regression. Or, in other words, being treated like a baby for a while." "And he accepted?" "Being a baby? Not quite. Not yet, but that's how I planned it. You see, Oli needed one last push into complete babyhood. Something that would make him understand he wasn't an adult anymore, or at least, he didn't want to be one." "What did you do?" "Well, Oli already had an accident in public. But that was contained, and his colleagues just thought he had some sickness or something. Now it was time to push him further. And by further, I mean stepping up the game from number one to…" Oliver tried to block her words, but he could do nothing to block his memories. Even now, just thinking about it was traumatic. He sighed behind his pacifier. "Number two? You mean," Julia paused, a look of disgust on her face," Oh, my." Claudia nodded. And if it had been just one day ago, the image of that day came rushing into Oliver's mind. A beautiful day, sunny and breeze. Perfect for a 4th of July BBQ. Oliver's son, Eric, and his girlfriend, Linda, were part of the crowd that included neighbors, friends, family, and some employees, like Kendall. All of them celebrate and drink and smoke, and enjoy. Even Oliver had stopped thinking about his accidents and diagnosis for a moment, just being present and happy. And that changed quickly after eating. It began like a little rumble in his stomach, which soon turned into a terrible pain and cold shivers that could only mean one thing. "I've heard about it!" Said Julia, "But I thought they were joking or exaggerating." "It probably was as bad, if not worst, than what you might have heard." It was, though, Oliver, and a familiar feeling in his tummy and bowels rushed through him without any objection. A loud fart echoed in the room, a wet one. Julia giggled, but Claudia looked at him with pride in her eyes. What followed was a minute of Oliver squatting right where he was, pushing with little effort, to then feel the warm and soft yes spreading through his crotch. Then he sat right on it as it reached his most private area. There was no fighting it. There was no reason to fight it. If he did, all he would earn was discomfort. And once it was done, he could do nothing but cry. "Did he just…" "He did," said Claudia, chuckling, "Just like how it happened that day. Minus the attire. Though the crying is spot on." "Eww." She was right, though. Oliver had not made it to the bathroom that fateful 4th of July. He stood up, walked a couple of feet, and froze right there in front of his son and daughter-in-law-to-be and in front of everyone that held him in any esteem. And like a toddler, he soiled himself. And like a toddler, he couldn't do anything but cry. And that was it. After what happened, he couldn't really argue the diagnosis. Did he really want to be a baby? Of course not. But he didn't know it had all been Claudia's fault back then. No. He actually believed his subconscious was fucking with him. Claudia grabbed him by the wrist and led him back home, leaving behind the astonished crowd. Oliver just allowed himself to be cleaned by his wife, not even trying to justify his accident. And there was no reason to. Claudia seemed to be okay with what had happened. She even kissed him gently on the forehead, reassuring him that if he truly wanted to be a baby, he needed to decide. She just couldn't handle the whole accident stuff anymore. Either he took the decision to be a baby, or she would take it for him. "And he said yes?" Claudia nodded. "So, what happened after?" Oliver didn't need to hear Claudia's answer. He had experienced it firsthand. That very same day, he was put on his first diaper by his loving wife. It didn't occur to him why she already had diapers ready to go, but he was too shocked to argue anything. So he said nothing when she put a onesie on him, mittens on his hands, and knitted booties on his feet. It wasn't until she said people were waiting for him to see if he was doing better that Oliver returned to reality. "No, please. Don't let them see me," he tried to argue, but there was nothing to argue about. Claudia led him downstairs and to a full room that included every person from the BBQ. His son Eric was the first to see him, and the look of disappointment and disgust in his eyes still haunts Oliver to this day. Linda laughed just as he stepped into the living room, and everyone joined her. And Oliver could do nothing but cry. "I wish I could've been there," said Julia. "I have it on tape." "Really?" "Kendall helped me with it. He had known about the entire plan for a while, and well, not only did he get me, but he's now also Oliver's replacement. So I think everything worked out the way we planned it." "And when did Oliver, I mean, Oli, find out you were behind everything that happened?" Claudia giggled, "That was very recent, actually. You see, he already accepted that he subconsciously wanted to be a baby. But I couldn't just drop the truth on him just yet. I needed him to actually enjoy his time as a baby first." "Enjoy it?" "Well. Let's just say little Oli here might be looking for his diaper change. Aren't you, Oli?" Oliver looked away, still sobbing but nodding at the same time. He knew what it meant to be changed. Ever since that fateful day, whenever she or anyone changed him, he got something in return. The mere thought of it made him blush. Of course, he didn't like to admit to himself. But after he had a wet accident for the first time in his diaper, Claudia took him to their bed, and carefully, gently, she began massaging around his little butthole while her other hand played with his minuscule penis. It didn't take long for him to cum. That process was repeated with every change. Though whenever he had a stinky, she would use a magic wand vibrator to achieve his climax. "Eww, he comes from shitting and peeing himself?" Claudia chuckled and nodded. Standing up, Claudia reached for Oliver's playpen, moving around the massive breasts and long legs she possessed. "I think someone's hungry." Oliver blushed. She managed to carry him off the playpen. It would have been a considerable feat had it not been because, after months of barely moving, Oliver was mostly fat and had no muscle. Julia said nothing as the proud wife sat next to her again with the pathetic husband on her lap. "You're getting stronger." "Got into weights a few months ago. And Oliver's not that tall or heavy." "Are you going to feed him now?" Claudia nodded and, wasting no time, she opened her shirt and bra, revealing gorgeous breasts. A surprising feature for someone her age, but Claudia was the epitome of a well-preserved woman in her forties. "Should I come back later?" Asked Julia. "Not at all. Stay, we haven't finished the tale of little Oli." And without hesitation, Oliver latched onto his wife's nipple, sucking and receiving the tasteful liquid her wife had produced for him. A month ago, he would've fought it back, and he did fight back during that first week. But fighting back meant not release, and it meant a torturous spank given to him by his wife's new boyfriend. His former assistant. The man he knew had to call Daddy. No. Oliver wouldn't fight back anymore. No matter who was around them, he would feed, whether it was a stranger or his daughter-in-law, or his very own son. "How do you make milk?" "Hormones. I started the treatment right around the time I decided to regress Oliver. It worked quite well and right on time." "So, what's left to be said about Oli?" "Well, you know about Sophia now. Do you remember what I told you?" "That she got a fate worst than Oliver?" Claudia nodded, making an expression of pain, "Suck softer, Oli, there's plenty of milk for you." But Oliver couldn't. His heartbeat raced whenever Claudia mentioned Sophia. He wished he could've spared her the punishment her wife had decided for her. But he didn't. And had he tried, he would've accomplished nothing. "What's worst than being regressed the way you did with Oliver?" "Oli here is just Oliver being treated like a baby. He thinks like a man still; that's part of his punishment. But if he ever wanted to leave me, he could just do so. The possibility of getting a normal life is still there." "What do you mean? He can decide to stop it?" Claudia nodded, "He's here because he wants to. Well, of course, if he ever left, he would have to start from zero. No money, no car, no house, no wife, no son. Nothing. I actually gave him that choice a few weeks ago." It had been one night after being milked by his wife. Oli was in his playpen pretending to play as he did most of the time when the doorbell rang. Claudia opened the door to reveal his son, Eric, and his wife, Linda. They had an announcement to make. Linda was finally pregnant. It was a time for celebration, but obviously, Oli wasn't allowed to celebrate with them. "You will have someone to have playdates with," said Claudia. "That's gonna be so cute!" Said Linda, "Imagine, your grandchild will be potty trained long before you ever get out of diapers." "If he ever gets out," said Eric, still disgusted at his father's state. "Well, that can be arranged," said Claudia, "Do you want to be allowed to grow back, Oli?" Oliver nodded enthusiastically. "Wait a second. You need to understand what it would mean. I think it's time I'm honest with you. It's more than you deserve, but it was bound to happen." "Honest?" Asked Oliver, still with a pacifier in his mouth, which just made him sound pathetic. "Well, you see. I know all about Sophia." Oliver froze right there. "Don't worry. I've already dealt with her. But I've known for a while now," said Claudia, and she explained everything to Oliver, from the drugs to the doctor and her therapist friend, everything, including Kendall's involvement. He couldn't believe it. Oliver turned to see his son and daughter-in-law but neither moved nor acted surprised. "What?" Asked Eric, "You thought we didn't know? I don't know why Mom didn't just dump your disgusting ass at once, but I guess this works too. Real, don't cheat, Dad. Or, I guess, baby brother." "You have a decision to make. You can have your old life back. Minus me, your son, the house, your job, or any possession. If already ensure of that." Oliver said nothing, looking up at his wife and son, feeling smaller now than he had ever felt. "Or you can stay like this for as long as I please. Let's be honest; it's more natural, isn't it? You were never much of a man anyway. What do you say?" Oliver's breathing was hard, and his vision was slightly blurry. "Anything?" Asked Claudia with her devilish smile. It was just too much for him to deal with. His little mind kinda broke, and his body decided to answer for him. A loud wet fart echoed through the room, followed by the biggest, most stinky mess he had ever done in his life. One that spread all through his crotch in a matter of seconds. "I made oopsies, Mommy." Everyone laughed. Back in the present, Oliver opened his eyes; he was still attached to his wife's nipple. Claudia and Julia were still giggling about his downfall. And his diaper was still full of his own shit. It was a surprise to him that it had not leaked yet. "I think it's time to change him. And it's also time to show you what happened to little Sophia." Julia stood up with difficulty after her fifth glass of wine, "This I have to see." A few minutes later, they were inside a large room in the house. A nursery, for all intents and purposes, with two large cribs inside and a giant changing table. Why two? Well, that was answered as soon as they got close enough to see what lay inside. A young woman, no older than twenty-five, was sleeping in her crib. Her diaper was also full, almost leaking, and she was sucking on her thumb even though she had a pacifier right next to her. "Is that…Wait. Is that the mistress?" Asked Julia, slightly bit tipsy. "Indeed." Oliver looked away. He hated looking at Sophia now, even though he had loved to do so before. She was gone, though. The pretty girl everyone wanted that he actually got. What remained was not even a shell of her former self. Sophia was now no more than a toddler, newborn, for that matter. He couldn't think about anything else but cooking on her thumb while she drooled. And she had no memory of being an accomplished young woman. No memory of the time they shared together. There was nothing left of Sophia. "When are you going to tell me what happened with her?" "Maybe another day," said Claudia, placing Oliver over the changing table, "Right now, it's time for Oli to make some cummies. Right, Oli?" Oliver blushed, nodding and sucking on his pacifier. He surrendered. Sophia had not chosen her fate, but he was more than willing to play along with it. Maybe they were right. It was just natural to him. Maybe, just maybe, being a baby wasn't the worst possible punishment. And he smiled as he felt the hard vibration of her wife's milking device against his padded crotch. And he closed his eyes in pleasure, forgetting everything else. ............................................. Hey guys! This story is free for everyone because of the contest. If you want to read more stories with similar themes or you prefer female regression, including mothers, teachers, and older sisters, you can subscribe to my website: The Padded Playground
  19. “I am not going to be their flower girl,” I shouted at my Mistress. We had been arguing off and on since last night, when our closest friends revealed the part they wanted me to play in their kink wedding. Our friends were having two weddings actually. A traditional, normal, wedding for all of their friends and family. Then a second wedding, to share with their friends in the kink community to celebrate “their true selves,” and where everyone could celebrate as “their true selves.” I had known for months that I was a groomsman for their traditional wedding. I assumed that I was going to be one as well for their kink wedding, but instead, they told me last night that they wanted me to be the flower girl for their kinky wedding the next day. Mistress and I had been arguing ever since on whether I would be doing it or not. “Yes, you are sissy,” Mistress replied. "They said that for this wedding they wanted a diapered sissy flower girl and that means you." "I don't care," I said. "I don't want to be a flower girl, I don't want to wear a dress, and I don't want to wear diapers in front of everyone. There's nothing you can say or do to make me!" "Oh, we will see about that," Mistress said grabbing a hairbrush from the dresser. Immediately she began swinging it wildy at my thighs, not caring what part of me she hit. The few blows that landed mercifully hit the outside of my thighs, but they stung like hell. The inflicted pain, and the fear of catching the hairbrush in the head or nuts, soon had me running from the bedroom, and Mistress was able to herd me with the hairbrush into our playroom. A well aimed strike from her landed hard and fast on my ass. I cried out in pain, and this gave Mistress all the opening she needed to manhandle me onto our spanking bench. She must have planned to do this, because impossibly fast a strap is around my waist pinning me to the bench. I made the mistake of flailing my arms around trying to find and undo the buckle, but this just made it easier for Mistress to grab my arms and force them into the cuffs attached to the table. Soon I was helplessly immobilized while Mistress searched through our impact toys, selecting a few that she thought would persuade me to see things from her point of view. After a few minutes of terrified anticipation, I felt our narrow, rubber paddle caressing my ass cheeks. That was a relief, because this was the toy Mistress used as a warm up before one of our impact sessions. If she had wanted me to be miserable, she would have grabbed a wooden paddle. Not to say Mistress’s first strikes didn’t sting, and the strikes quickly went from a sting to full blown pain quickly. After five minutes, I was squirming as much as I could in my bound position. After another five minutes, Mistress switched from the rubber paddle to a flogger. Each heavy thump of the flogger across my shoulders, ass, or legs dropped me a little bit deeper and a little bit deeper into subspace. Mistress kept this up for fifteen minutes as my body sank into a numb pain from the strikes of the flogger. Then, to ensure my complete descent into an obedient subspace, Mistress pulled out a riding crop. She struck at any strip of flesh on my shoulders, ass, or thighs that was still pale. Once she finished, I was nothing more than a quivering, submissive mass lost deep in a haze from pain and subspace. “Now,” Mistress said, setting the riding crop down and cupping my chin in her hand, lifting it up so I was looking at her, “are you going to be a good little diapered sissy flower girl this afternoon?” I could only gently nod my head yes in her hand, non-verbal and still dazed from the impact play session. Mistress responded with a smile, then worked her way around the spanking bench, undoing the restraints holding me in place. Once the last strap had fallen away Mistress helped me to my feet, guiding me up onto the massage table in our playroom. She then disappeared, leaving me to return to coherent thought. Mistress returned about five minutes later, a large, filled enema bag in her hand. I tried to protest, but a gentle finger to my lips and a reminder that the riding crop was still out was enough to silence my protests. Soon the enema bag was secured to a hook above me, and I felt a gloved finger gently fingering and lubricating my asshole. Once Mistress felt I was ready the finger disappeared and was replaced with the cool tip of the enema nozzle. It slipped inside of me easily, and then I began feeling a building pressure as Mistress inflated the balloon tip. She didn't stop squeezing air into the plug until I started begging, crying out that the plug was ripping my ass apart. Mistress then unceremoniously opened the valve on the enema hose, letting the warm water flood my rectum. She then left me alone while the bag's contents flowed into me, knowing I was too tired and submissive to stop the enema. Mistress returned about ten minutes after the bag had fully emptied into my stomach, and I was writhing in pain on the table from cramping and the pain of the inflatable plug. Without saying a word she helped me off of the massage table, and led me back to our bathroom. Once I was seated on the toilet the sound of rushing air was followed by a pop which was followed by a cry of pain as Mistress unceremoniously deflated the enema plug and yanked it out of my ass. While I released the enema, Mistress began preparing a bath for me, filling the tub with warm water and bubbles. Once everything had been expelled from me, I was gently ushered into the soothing waters of the bathtub. Mistress let me enjoy the warm waters and play in the tub for a while, gently pushing mountains of bubbles across the water, before she began washing me. As always, it was pure heaven. I usually only had my hair cut twice a year, and it had been some time since I had last sat in a chair at the salon. This meant I got quite the long and luxurious head massage as Mistress worked the fragrant shampoo into my hair, her gentle fingers rubbing my scalp as she turned the gel into a lather. Occasionally, she stroked my earlobes, knowing that it relaxed and seduced me. Once she was satisfied, Mistress gently ran warm water through my hair, cleaning the foamy shampoo out of it. She then repeated the massage, this time working conditioner into my hair. She then took a small brush, lathered up the bristles, and began washing the sweat and grime off of my body. The bristles provided a pleasurable, scratching sensation as they worked their way across every surface of my body. Mistress was firm enough that the sensation couldn’t be ignored, but gentle enough to not be uncomfortable. The overall effect was quite arousing, which Mistress took advantage of, giggling in delight at the expressions that played across my face as she washed my erection with the brush. The bristles were not as pleasurable of a pain on the head of my penis as they were on my forehead or armpits. Once I was a muling mess, begging for respite from the bristles on my intimate areas, Mistress coincidently decided that I was now a clean little sissy baby. She then used warm water to again clean the soap and conditioner off my body and hair, and began draining the water out of the bathtub. I wasn’t allowed out of the tub though. Instead, Mistress retrieved some shaving cream and a razor, and began coating me in the shaving cream. She covered every part of my body except the hair on my head in the white foam. She then waited nearly ten minutes, letting the shaving cream soften my body hair, before she began shaving me. After a lot of work, and several more applications of shaving cream, there was not a single hair anywhere on my body from my face to my armpits to my balls. The only hair that remained was the hair on my head. She then washed any leftover shaving cream off of my body, and helped me up out of the tub. She then made me lift my arms up above my head, before wrapping me in a large pink fluffy towel. "I need my little sissy baby all dry and cozy for their diaper," she said as she dried me off. She spent extra time dabbing my crotch and butt crack off with the towel. After five minutes of stroking and patting me with the towel, Mistress decided that I was ready to be dressed. Naked, she led me back into our playroom, and helped me back onto the massage table. She laid me down on my back, then pulled a thick white diaper out from a storage container underneath the table. "Your outfit is going to cover your diapers up, so my little sissy doesn't need one of her pretty diapers," Mistress said, grabbing my ankles to lift them up in order to slide the diaper underneath. She then placed two stuffers in the diaper for extra thickness. Mistress then grabbed the baby powder, sprinkling quite a generous amount over my crotch, before rubbing it in with her hands. This was Mistress’s favorite part of diapering me, slowly rubbing her hands all across my cock, balls, taint, and ass in order to make sure every part of my diaper area was coated in the sweet smelling powder. She especially loved rubbing the powder across my cock, feeling it expand and grow in her hand as her gentle ministrations elicited a massive erection from me. “Now I am trusting you to be a good little sissy and not make any cummies like a bad little baby at the wedding,” she said, finishing powdering me and rubbing the excess free from her hands, “If your a bad little sissy, I won’t hesitate to pull down your diapers, spank you, and lock your cock up in front of everyone for the next three months. Now, before we tape this diaper up you need one last thing.” Mistress walked over to the dresser that contained all of our sex toys, and returned with a bottle of lube and one of our favorite toys. It was a vibrating, inflatable, remotely controlled buttplug. It had been an expensive indulgence, but the number of mind-shattering, leg-shaking orgasms it had produced in the both of us made it worth every cent. Without saying a word Mistress put on a latex glove, before lubing up a finger and sliding it in and out of my asshole in order to get it ready for the plug. This only took a minute to do, as the prior enema with the inflatable nozzle had left my ass loose. She then poured some lube on the plug and slid it in, before inflating it until she was sure it would be stuck there for the rest of the day. “There. That way no one will have to worry about smelling any messy diapers at the wedding,” Mistress said as she pulled the glove off of her hand and threw it into the trash. She then repositioned the diaper underneath me, spread a bit more baby powder into my ass crack to absorb the excess lube, and pulled the front of the diaper up and over my crotch. With swift, decisive actions she fastened the tapes, and the diaper firmly and comfortably cocooned my cock, balls, ass and buttplug. “Now, sit here while I get the rest of your outfit,” Mistress said, helping me up into a seated position before wandering off to collect all of the raiments I was going to have to wear today. The first garment put on me was a pair of locking plastic panties, “to help me be a good little sissy who doesn’t touch her diapers, and to make sure I don’t ruin any of the nice clothes Mistress bought me,” she said as she slid them up my legs and into place. Next a pair of sheer white tights were rolled onto my feet and up my legs. Next came one of my personal favorite pieces of clothing. It was a white onesie, with a thick petticoat sewn into the waist. I loved it because of how locked into my sissyish outfit it made me feel. I lifted my arms up so Mistress could slide it over my head and down my chest, then squatting and spreading my legs slightly to make it easier for her to snap up the buttons between my legs. She then slid a couple more short petticoats up my legs to set them underneath the one sewn into the onesie. Mistress then pulled a small corset and pair of panties from the wardrobe. The panties were a pair of slightly padded, pink rhumba panties with lace sewn across the leg cuffs and rump, with “Sissy” embroidered into the front. The corset was a simple pink band designed to cinch in the waist and be worn under clothes. “Are those really necessary Mistress,” I whined. I already couldn’t comfortably bring my legs together, and the panties would give me a pronounced waddle, in addition to dying shame if anyone saw them. The waist cincher would make it an even longer and more uncomfortable day. “Oh yes of course,” Mistress responded, ignoring my whining tone, kneeling down to slide the panties up my leg. “You want to have a pretty, tiny waist instead of that ugly beer belly of your’s, don’t you sissy?” I cried out “Yes Mistress” when she pinched my leg after I didn’t respond. “And people will be expecting to see something pretty when they flip up your pretty skirt. You don’t want to disappoint people, do you sissy?” “No Mistress,” I responded promptly this time as she finished adjusting the panties around my waist so that none of the lacy ruffles were tucked into the panties. Satisfied, she had my lean against the massage table to put the waist cincher around my belly. I had to stand with my legs splayed, the layers of diapers and clothing preventing me from being able to close my legs. Leaning against the massage table, I shrunk my belly as much as possible for Mistress, letting out a deep breath while sucking in my chest. Mistress then wrapped the cincher as tight as she possibly could around my waist, securing the hooks to hold it temporarily before properly tying it up. When she was finished it felt tight across my stomach, but not painful thanks to the fabric of the onesie preventing it from digging too tightly into my stomach. “Oh, you already look absolutely adorable. You are going to be absolutely adorable in your flower girl dress,” Mistress said, stepping into the hall to grab my dress. She returned a minute later with a dress that made my legs buckle, my cock grow hard, and the sissy inside of me squeal in delight. The dress was a soft pale blue. The skirt was layer upon layer of ruffly lace in the shape of flower petals. On the chest was a massive fabric rose, with the stem embroidered down the center and the fabric petals protruding out from the chest just below the neckline. Completing the dress were puffball sleeves and ribbons to tie into a massive bow in the back. Mistress unzipped the dress, and lifted it over my head, sliding it down my waist and over the layers of petticoats. I let out a sigh as I felt the dress tighten across my body while Mistress zipped up the back. I really shouldn't have been surprised when I heard the small click of the padlock as Mistress locked the dress shut until she was ready to release me. She then drew the ribbons back tightly and tied them into a massive, girly bow behind my back. Finally, Mistress pulled out a pair of white leather pump heels and helped guide my feet into them. "You look absolutely adorable, baby. The absolute image of sissy perfection. You're going to have to be the model of good behavior today dear or there will be no shortage of Doms wanting to pull your frilly little butt over their laps and go to town until your crying," Mistress said. I tried to get a peek of myself in the mirror, but Mistress dragged me out of the room before I could see how I looked. "That better not happen, though. If it does, I will spank you again for ruining all of the pretty makeup I am about to put on you. Mistress led me back into the master bedroom, where she had already set up a padded stool next to the dresser with all of the makeup spread across it. Once again I tried to get a glimpse of how the full outfit looked, but I still wasn't able to see myself in any mirrors. Mistress began by rubbing moisturizer into my face. She then took a small brush to apply various shades of concealer, hiding the usual under eye circles, blemishes, and most importantly, the last vestiges of my facial hair. Satisfied that all these imperfections would disappear under a layer of foundation, Mistress squirted some of my foundation onto the back of her hand before dabbing it onto my face with a sponge. The foundation felt cool as it was softly applied to my face before drying onto my face. The foundation left a feeling, not quite a weight, but definitely noticeable. I sort of enjoyed the feeling. It gave me a sensation to focus on, one that helped distract me from my normal day to day thoughts and fall into my sissified state. Satisfied with my foundation, Mistress then began working on my eyes. First she covered my eyelid and eyebrow in a white eyeshadow to serve as a base. Next, she applied a small amount of eyeliner to my top and bottom lashline. I tried not to squirm while she traced the lines, but I always hated the feeling of the tip so close to my eyeballs. While I always enjoyed how it looked when it was finished, it was a step of my makeup that I was always happy when Mistress left out. Thankfully, Mistress only applied a small amount of eyeliner to help accentuate my eyelashes, so this part was over quickly. Next a soft powder blue eyeshadow was applied to my eyelids and the crease of my eyes, then blended with the white eyeliner. Finally a brighter, sparkling blue eyeshadow was placed on my eyelid. To finish my eyes, Mistress applied a first coating of mascara to my eyelashes. Next came a set of false eyelashes. They felt heavy on my eyelids as they solidified into place. Finally, a couple quick presses of an eyelash curler and another coating of mascara were applied to blend my real and false eyelashes together. Highlighter and bronzer were applied next, turning my brow, nose, and cheeks from masculine, broad surfaces to feminine, angular ones. Next a fluffy brush was packed with blush before Mistress brushed it into the apples of my cheeks. This left me cheeks so rosy and glowing Santa would be jealous. Last a large powder buff was patted against my face several times, setting all the powders in place for the next several hours. Mistress then applied a pink lipstick, and several coats of lip gloss to finish my lipstick. "There," Mistress said as she applied the last coat of lip gloss, "you can kiss all the pretty boys and girls and not have to worry about constantly fixing your makeup sissy." My face flushed a bright red at the thought, though it was hidden under all of my makeup. Making me ask others for a kiss was one of Mistress's favorite things to do when I was out in public as a sissy. "Now," Mistress said, cupping my face in her hands, " i don't think we will go with a wig today. That will be too hot. Plus we want to show how pretty your natural hair is, right sissy?" "Yes Mistress," I responded. My hair was fairly short, not leaving Mistress much to manipulate, but soon I felt a brush passing through my hair. This was followed by several liberal douses of hair spray, and ended with what felt like a heavy hairbow being clipped into my hair. "There, I think my sissy is all ready for the wedding," Mistress said. “Would my sissy finally like to see how I’ve dressed her?” “Yes please Mistress,” I begged, trying to sound as pleading as possible. “Ok sissy, stand up and come to the mirror,” Mistress said, helping me up off of the stool and leading me over to the mirror. My cock twitched painfully hard in my chastity cage and my knees nearly buckled as I looked at myself in the mirror. Looking back at me was a frilly, delicate boy, and I had never felt more feminine in my life. My hair and makeup made me feel soft and girlish, while the lacy dress swishing around and revealing my frilly panties made me feel like helpless, simpering sissy ready to do as told. “You look absolutely gorgeous sissy,” Mistress said, holding me from behind as I continued to gaze at myself in the mirror. “I am going to have to keep my eyes on you the whole night to make sure no one tries to kidnap you and take you home for themselves. And to make sure you don't ruin your beautiful outfit.” Mistress tied my large, frilly bib with the phrase “Mommy’s Sissy Boy” embroidered on the front around my neck. “We don’t want you getting anything on your pretty dress, do we sissy?” “No Mistress,” I replied obediently, worried how long the embarrassing bib would remain around my neck. “Good sissy,” Mistress said, “now, why don’t you sit on the couch and watch some cartoons while I finish getting ready?” Mistress led me downstairs to the living room, where she sat me on the couch. “Now you be a good little boy, watch cartoons, and don’t move a muscle from this spot.” “Can I watch Bluey Mistress,” I asked, hoping I would be allowed to watch the show. It may have been one of my favorite shows, even as an adult. “No sissy, not today,” Mistress said. “You turn into a cheeky toddler when you watch Bluey, and we want you to be a well behaved sissy boy today. You can watch something else instead.” Mistress turned a different, more babyish cartoon on for me instead, handed me a sippy cup of water to drink, and headed back upstairs to finish getting dressed. As she walked up the stairs, she reiterated, “I don’t want you to move a single inch from that spot baby, got it?” “Yes Mistress,” I called after her as she left. It felt like it took ages for Mistress to finish getting ready herself. Though the wait may have felt longer due to the mind numbing boredom of the children's show she had put on for me, or the humiliating and wonderful way I was dressed, and the growing sensation of needing to pee as I continued to suckle on my baby bottle. Mistress eventually returned though, looking absolutely stunning. She was wearing a white dress with blue flowers spread across it. Her long hair, normally worn up in a loose bun for work, was down. Her hair framed both sides of her face and flowed down her back. She had also done her makeup. While my makeup was girly and cute to emphasize my sissyness, her makeup was refined and made her look ravishing. "Good sissy, you didn't move at all, just like you were told. You only need to sit there a few more minutes while I pack your diaper bag. Do you need more water before we go sissy?" Mistress didn't wait for a reply, snatching my baby bottle and refilling it in the kitchen before giving it back to me. She then scurried around the house for a few minutes packing a massive diaper bag meant to last me through the day. Once it was finally packed, mostly with extra diapers and a few more baby bottles, Mistress helped me up off of the couch and led me to the car. She buckled me into the backseat of her car, clipped a pacifier to my bib, and then sat behind the wheel of the car, driving us to the wedding. "Now sissy, we don't know how hectic it will be once we get to the wedding, so I want that bottle drained by the time we arrive. Also, if you aren't sucking on a bottle, I don't want that pacifier out of your mouth without permission. Got it?" Mistress said as we drove down the road. "Yes Mistress," I said, before slipping the nipple of the bottle in my mouth. The car ride to the wedding was a long, internal struggle for me in many senses. Traffic was heavy, so I did my best to stay low and out of site of the other motorists as I sucked my baby bottle down as rapidly as I could. As the car ride continued though, my need to pee became excruciating. I was trying to hold it as long as possible, since I didn’t know when I would actually get a diaper change. Eventually, I gave in, and let out a moan as warm pee flooded my diaper, spreading around my crotch before being sucked into the thirsty padding. I caught Mistress looking back at me in the mirror as I filled my diaper, a smile on her face, knowing what I had just done. I finished my bottle well before we reached our friends' wedding. So naturally, I had to pee again as we pulled into the parking lot. Mistress had trained me well, so I sat patiently in the car waiting for Mistress to undo my seat belt. Before undoing my seatbelt, Mistress stuck her hand up my skirts, trying to feel the state of my diaper through the layers of fabric. I peed into my diaper again as Mistress checked me. A smile lit up on her face upon feeling the diaper warming up as she touched it. She squeezed what fabric she could in her hand until I had finished. "I think your diaper can hold on longer before you need another change," Mistress said, unbuckling my seatbelt and helping me out of the car. She held my pacifier up before my face, reminding me that it was supposed to be in my mouth, before plopping it between my lips. "Come on, let's let them know we are here and see what we can do to help," Mistress said, leading me in search of our friends. We entered the event hall. The wedding and reception were to be held outside, so the hall was mostly deserted and it took some searching to find who we were looking for. This search was unpleasant for me. I had never worn an outfit so prissy, sissy, or embarrassing out in public before. Additionally, my now well soaked diapers spread my legs out further, giving me a very pronounced waddle as we walked. Eventually, we found the groom, Dave, and another mutual friend of ours, Karen. Karen was helping to organize the wedding. "You look beautiful," Karen said to my wife. To me she said, "I know I've seen photos on fetlife, but what a darling little sissy baby you make. You will be just adorable simpering down the aisle." My cheeks burned a bright shade of red as I muttered out a "Thank you, ma'am," around my pacifier. It was only for a moment, but I saw a look of approval on Mistress's face. That was the only thing I said during the conversation. Mistress, Karen, and Dave conducted the rest of the conversation as if I wasn't there. They discussed the schedule, guest count, and what they wanted me to do during the wedding all in front of me as if I were a small child. Mistress finished the conversation by saying, "all right, just let me change the little sissy and I will leave him with you Karen." Karen replied though, "If you are comfortable with it, I don't mind changing the little sissy's diaper so you can go help Maria get ready sooner. I will keep them so they don't miss their cue for the wedding." Mistress looked at me for a moment, thinking about the offer. I pleaded with my face as best I could to not let Karen change my diaper. Whether my pleading eyes had the opposite effect, or if she simply ignored me, I don't know. "That's a great idea, thank you," Mistress said, handing my diaper bag over to Karen with a smile. Karen and Mistress made me curtsy goodbye to Dave, and then Karen took me by the hand and led Mistress and I away. Karen led us down a hallway, stopping at a set of wooden double doors. "Maria is in here getting dressed. I am sure she will appreciate your help getting dressed. It's really special." Mistress thanked her for taking care of me before disappearing behind the doors. Karen then tightened her grip on my hand, leading me further down the hallway until we reached the restrooms. Karen ushered me into the family bathroom, and spread my changing mat on the floor. She then beckoned me down onto the mat, and began sorting through the layers of fabric and ruffles to uncover my diaper. I wished I could somehow sink into the floor as this woman changed my diaper. We have seen each other naked before, but that was at play parties. This was different. This was far more intimate. I had never been dressed as A diaper sissy before in front of her or anyone but Mistress. Now she was working my plastic panties down my legs. During my diaper change, I had to hold up the numerous layers of skirts, which gave me something to hide my face behind, and not have to watch. That was very helpful. Not having to watch, I could somewhat lose myself in the sensations to get over my embarrassment. First there was the cold air as my diaper was untaped and unfurled, exposing my wet skin to the air. An even colder sensation followed as Karen used baby wipes to clean the stale powder and pee off of my crotch. Next she covered my entire crotch in a cream of some sort. It was hard to tell if it was baby lotion or diaper rash cream without sight. But I guessed it was lotion based on how she was rubbing it into my skin. This was the most embarrassing part of my diaper change, because it was at this point that she found the butt plug stuffed in my ass. "Oh, what's this?," Karen said aloud. I could hear the smirk in her voice, as she pressed the button, turning the vibrator in the buttplug on. A liberal amount of powder was then spread across my penis, balls, and ass before a new diaper was slid underneath me and then taped snug across my waist. While I lay there, losing my mind to the vibrations in my ass, sucking on my pacifier, Karen pulled my plastic panties and tights up over my diaper before redoing the snaps on my onesie. As she helped me to my feet, she said, "I was hoping I would get to put you in one of the cute baby print diapers I see you in all the time on your fetlife profile. It makes sense with all these layers and frills that your mommy would pack such plain diapers for you, but I'm still disappointed. I guess I will have to ask your mommy if I can babysit you sometime, so I can see what a little cutie you are in nothing but a diaper and bib. I can lock you in a highchair and feed you all the nummy foods like mashed bananas and pureed peas and carrots." I silently sucked on my pacifier as my cheeks glowed a bright red. Karen then packed up my changing supplies while I stood there sucking on the binky that filled my mouth. When she finished cleaning up and disposing of my used diaper, Karen said "you were such a well behaved sissy during your diaper change. I will be sure to let your mommy know." "Tank you Miss aren," I mumbled around my pacifier, knowing that that was the response she wanted. "You're welcome little sissy," Karen replied. We then left the bathroom and headed down the hall some more, stopping in a parlor. It was a simple white room with two open windows overlooking the gardens that would hold the ceremony. There was also a table, some cushioned chairs, and a tv that was turned off. Karen sat me in one of the chairs around the table. As my body sank into the cushioning of the chair, the added pressure multiplied the vibrations of the plug. I let out a grunt around my pacifier, trying to adjust to the increased sensations of the plug. "Don't start getting fussy now," Karen said as she set out a coloring book and some crayons for me, as well as an empty adult baby bottle from my diaper bag. "You start coloring a nice pretty picture while I get you something to drink and snack on." She gave my bib a little flick as she walked off. I opened the coloring book and began looking for an uncolored page. Finding one, I got to work coloring. Because this room was so close to where the ceremony would be, it was a little embarrassing whenever someone came into the room. Despite these occasional embarrassing interruptions, I became engrossed in my coloring. It was the most mentally stimulating activity I had done all day, and the only so far in which I had any sort of volition. Plus it helped draw my focus away from the plug in my ass. I was coloring my second page when Karen returned, this time accompanied by another woman a very short, black latex dress. I didn’t know her name, but I thought I recognized her from play parties before. She had a plate of cut up fruit and the baby bottle looked like it was filled with milk. I went to set my crayons down, but Karen said, “Oh you don’t need to do that baby. Valeria will feed you while you color. I told your mommy I would take care of you, and I don’t want to be blamed if you make a mess, even if it is just on your cute little bib. Unfortunately, I have to help again with the wedding, but thankfully Valeria’s master happily volunteered her to help feed you.” Directing her attention to Valeria, Karen said, “Now be sure that the drinks all of his bottle and that you feed them all of the fruit. They are a bad little baby that won’t eat it unless you make them. Also don’t make a mess. If the sissy doesn’t eat his snack or gets anything on their dress, you can be sure his mistress and I will punish you, before letting Sir Tom know. Understood?” “Yes Madam,” Valeria said quickly, letting out a nervous gulp as she finished. With that, Karen smiled and left Valeria and I alone. Valeria turned my chair slightly, then pulled up a chair so that we were angled to where she could easily feed me my snack. She picked up a slice of strawberry, and I obediently spit out my pacifier and opened my mouth as Valeria slipped it into my mouth. As I chewed, I tried to remember who Sir Tom was. I know I had seen his name on a few other events I had rsvp’d too on fetlife, but I couldn’t put a face to the name. The name Sir Tom also jogged my memory of seeing someone named HisValerianSlut rsvp’d to some events I had as well. I was guessing that this is who that was, and she used Valeria as a more usable scene name. I didn’t want to confirm my suspicions though. It was embarrassing, being fed by this woman that I barely knew. I wondered if Mistress had somehow planned my humiliation, or if this was all just serendipitous shame. I also couldn’t tell whether Valeira was a willing participant in this interaction. As soon as I finished chewing one piece of fruit, Valeria had another at my lips. I really didn’t like fruit, so it felt awful to me having to consume piece after piece so rapidly. It didn’t seem like Valeria was doing it to be cruel or sadistic though. She never said anything, and her face remained passive the entire time, so it felt like she just wanted the task to be over as soon as possible. Once she had fed me all of the fruit, the final pieces being nearly forced into my mouth, Valeria picked up the baby bottle, and brought it to my lips with the same vigor. The first few suckles at the nipple washed any remaining bits of fruit down my throat. It replaced the mixed tastes of strawberry, grapes, watermelon, and apples, and replaced it with a bland, unpalatable flavor I couldn't quite decipher. Initially, Valeria tried to get me to consume the baby bottle as quickly as possible practically shoving the bottle into my mouth. Thankfully, after a brief struggle to free the nipple from my mouth so I could have a breath of air, she slowed the pace. The baby bottle was still drained quickly though, and I didn't feel super great as I sucked the last few drops out of the bottle. Unfortunately, that's when Karen reappeared. She came over and smiled, seeing that all of the fruit was gone and the baby bottle was empty. "Thank you so much for your help Valeria," she said, patting Valeria on the head. Valeria smiled at the praise. “Why don’t you go find Sir Tom? I think he is ready to go find a seat for the ceremony, and I have everything in hand now.” Valeria practically bolted out of the seat, stammering out a quick, "No problem, happy to help," before disappearing out the door. Karen giggled a little at the speed with which Valeria made her exit before turning her attention towards me. "Alright sissy, ready for your big role?" I nodded my head obediently, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. My stomach was a mess from a combination of nerves and my forced feeding. Also, the butt plug had been buzzing in my ass for forty five minutes. My cock was rock hard in my diapers and I had leaked enough precum to create a noticeable slickness in my diaper. I had to steady myself as I stood up. Basically being horny all day from my outfit, and then having the vibrator, I was on the verge of exploding, and just the brush of my diaper against my penis as I stood had felt like ecstasy. Karen removed my bib, and the attached pacifier, placing them in my diaper bag. Next, she touched up my lipstick. Then, she handed me a basket filled with flower petals, before guiding me out of the parlor and outside to a small waiting area underneath an awning. “Alright sissy,” Karen began explaining to me, “We will be ready for you in about five minutes. You will just have to walk down the aisle, throwing the flower petals. Make sure the basket is empty by the time that you reach the end of the aisle. We can’t have you getting a spanking in front of all these guests for wasting flower petals, can we? Now, when you reach the end of the aisle, there is a small cushion set up next to John’s feet. We thought it would be just darling for you to kneel at his feet during the ceremony. It will really emphasize your femininity, and John’s masculinity. Plus it will give a nice symmetry, since your mistress will be on the bride’s side. Now, I just have to go make sure the bride is ready, and then I will be back to send you down the aisle. Understand sissy?” “Yes madam,” I replied, before Karen left me to stand under the awning by myself. I could see that John was already at the end of the aisle, standing on a small platform that had been put up in front of all of the seats. I could tell from the facial expressions of him and the man next to him, who I only knew as Ogre, were comfortably joking with one another. Ogre was the owner and dungeon master of the dungeon that Mistress and I attended regularly, and he had been asked to serve as the officiant for this ceremony. Looking out over the crowd, most of the spots for the wedding were now occupied. It seemed that every outfit imaginable could be found in the crowd. There were some wearing more traditional wedding outfits such as suits, nice shirts or blouses, and summer dresses. Others were far more kinkier. A few people were wearing leather or latex outfits that must have been sweltering in the heat. There were a few pets and ponies sitting in the grass at their owner’s sides, and I spotted some sissies in the crowd. Some slaves were even wearing rucksacks or nothing at all for the wedding. Before getting the chance to examine the crowd too closely, though, Karen reappeared. With barely a word she gave my diapered butt a firm shove and set me off, walking down the aisle. As I began my march down the aisle, I started taking stock of my situation. Has any of this been my choice? No. Was I completely miserable? No, not really. There were things I hadn't liked today, but on the whole, I was actually enjoying myself. I really liked my dress. My bath and Mistress readying me this morning had felt great. I was also the horniest I had been in a long time, and every step felt magnificent as my dick brushed against the inside of my diaper. Maybe I decided to stop fighting against the current determined to humiliate me. Maybe my arousal was strong enough to overthrow my inhibitions. Maybe it is simply that I am just such a big sissy at heart that I couldn't resist being the prissiest, most feminine thing I could be in front of a crowd. Whatever the cause, as soon as I reached the first row of seats my stride changed from a normal gait to prissy, mincing steps. Guests sitting next to the aisle were showered in petals as I tossed them in exaggerated throws that caused my petticoats to swish about me. Trying to maintain dainty steps while dramatically throwing the flowers actually took a lot of concentration. Which was good, because otherwise I would have immediately bolted down the aisle. I was soon beat red proceeding down the aisle from listening to the guests comments about my sissified state. Some recognized me, remarking that they didn't know I was a sissy. Most said nice things about how cute I looked. A few quests pondered if I had panties or diapers on underneath my petticoats, and I heard two men discussing how since there weren't any bridesmaids they wouldn't mind me sucking and fucking them at the reception. When I reached John and Ogre at the end of the aisle, I only had a few flower petals left. I sprinkled them around the platform, before kneeling on the pink satin cushion at John's feet. As it should be, the true belle of the wedding was the bride. Her parents obviously weren't invited to this particular ceremony, so Mistress was giving away the bride. The Bride's outfit was truly something. Her stomach and breasts were covered in a tight, intricate corset. The skirt fanned out behind her in rows of ruffles, but the front was shorter than a miniskirt, prominently displaying her frilly bridal panties. Silk stockings and garters peeked out above ballet boots as Mistress helped the bride hobble down the aisle. A silk blindfold replaced the traditional veil, and a bright white ball gag protruded between ruby red lips. Mistress held the Bride's Bouquet in one hand, and a white lead attached to a leather collar around the Bride's neck in the other. The Bride was incapable of holding her own flowers because of the arm binder restraining her hands behind her back. Every item the bride wore, from her panties to the ball gag was in the traditional white. Every guest was enamored by her incredible outfit. It took Mistress several minutes to lead the bride down the aisle. When they finally reached us, Mistress handed the bride's leash to the groom, but still stood next to the bride to help support her. I don't remember much of the ceremony. Truth be told, all I really remembered was the I do's. The groom said his, and then removed the ball gag from the bride's mouth. She then said I do as quickly as she could before locking her lips with the groom's in a passionate kiss. I couldn't remember much more than that because my buttplug had become slightly dislodged during my walk down the aisle. The long time inserted and all of the steps had caused it to slide out a little. Sitting on my knees on the cushion pushed my diaper into the plug, causing it to send vibrations throughout my diaper. I did my best to hold out, trying not to suffer the ignominy of orgasming in front of all the wedding attendees, but I lost that battle about a minute into Ogre's speech. It was one of the hardest orgasms I had ever had in my life. I tried maintaining my composure as much as possible, to not let everyone notice what I had just done. That left me in a stupor though, using all the power my post orgasm brain had to maintain a straight face. I was so lost, I only vaguely remembered the post orgasm piss warmly washing over my crotch. When I finally regained my senses, the bride and groom were exchanging their I do's and having their first kiss as husband and wife, owner and slave. The ceremony ended soon after that, with John carrying his bride and now permanently collared slave Maria down the aisle, followed by Mistress and I arm in arm, with Ogre bringing up the rear. The wedding party headed back to the parlor, where I had been sat to color earlier in the day, for a quick breather and some private refreshment. Once again, I was sat in a chair and left to myself as John and Ogre lavished over Maria's stunning outfit. Mistress was part of that conversation too, describing how much effort she and Maria put into getting Maria to look just right. After a while, the bridal party, I was not given a say, was ready to join the wedding guests at the cocktail hour. Mistress and I were the slowest to leave the parlor. When we were a distance away from everyone else, Mistress whispered into my ear, "Don't think I didn't see what you did sissy. Such a naughty little baby slut, making cummies in front of everyone. Did they feel good sissy?" "Yes, Mistress," I whispered back to her, burying my face in her shoulder from my shame. "It felt so good." "Awe, poor sissy," Mistress responded with mock sympathy. "Maybe we should give you public cummies more often?" I didn't verbally respond, instead burying myself deeper into her shoulder. The cocktail hour passed quite pleasantly for me. Mistress put my bib back on me, but she fed me some of the finger foods that were passed around. I was even allowed to have some wine, but I had to drink it from my sippy cup. Many of the guests came up to me and complemented Mistress for turning me into such an adorable little sissy. The only real embarrassment I suffered was when the mistress of another sissy came up to ask whether I was wearing diapers or panties. "Oh little sissy tinkles here could never go as long as that ceremony without having to potty. She's very thickly diapered under her dress," Mistress answered far louder than I thought necessary. Worse though, it was embarrassing as I wet my diaper two more times during the cocktail hour. During the cocktail hour, Mistress also made me go up to John and Maria, giving them deep curtsy to the point my rhumba panties showed from underneath my dress, before thanking them for letting me be the flower girl at their wedding. John patted me on the head, saying, "any time diaper butt." Maria gave me a long hug and a quick peck on the cheek, saying "I almost think you deserve a spanking for looking nearly as cute as me on my special day. We need to see you look this pretty more often." I gave a small curtsy again before walking away, trying not to show how embarrassed and warmed I was at Maria's words. When the guests started making their way from the cocktail hour to the dinner reception, Mistress took me to the family bathroom that I had been changed in earlier that day. Mistress gave my diaper a single poke before deciding that I was in dire need of a change. It took quite a while to undo all of the layers, but once again my face was buried in layers of ruffles as my diaper was opened and my crotch was exposed to the cool air. I think I orgasmed a second time as with a whoosh and a pop the air was released from the buttplug and Mistress pulled it from my rectum. "Did it feel good pooping out that big mean plug sissy?" Mistress teasingly asked as she thoroughly wiped every part of my diaper area. She spent a particularly long time with a baby wipe wrapped around her finger, delicately swapping my rectum with it. She had to wipe my cock off again as she had milked out the last few drops of cum inside my balls by cleaning my ass so thoroughly. Finally clean, a thorough amount of diaper rash cream was again spread over my loins. Then my nethers were coated in an excessive amount of baby powder before a new diaper was slid under my bottom and taped snugly around my waist. With more effort I was in a fresh pair of plastic panties, my onesie was resnapped, tights and panties around my waist, and skirts and petticoats in their proper place. Mistress and I then found our seats for dinner. The bride and groom had a sweetheart table, so Mistress and I sat with Karen and a few others who had helped to put on this version of the wedding. They were all mutual friends of ours and the bride and groom. I don't know if that made dinner better or worse, since I had my big, frilly bib on the entire time. Mistress also didn't let me feed myself. We took the longest to eat of anyone at our entire table, because Mistress insisted on feeding me my food. She would take a couple bites of her salmon, before carving dainty chunks of my steak off feeding them to me. She did the same with the mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and asparagus. I was glad she fed me the wedding cake like this though. Usually she made me eat cake with my hands like a baby whenever I was wearing a diaper, and I hate doing that. Of course, everything I drank was sucked out of a baby bottle as well. Once all of the guests had had their fill, the bride was carried out on to the dancefloor by the groom for their first dance. Because she was still in her ballet boots, most of their dance was the groom carrying her in time with the music, but everyone still watched with rapt attention and applauded when the couple finished. Then the dance floor opened up to everyone. I was surprised that someone wanted to dance with me on the second song. An acquaintance of ours, Alex, said a word to the DJ before asking Mistress if "he could have a dance with her little sissy." Before I even had a chance to process the request Mistress enthusiastically agreed and Alex was pulling me onto the dance floor. Alex had asked the DJ for a fast paced swing song, and when the music started he proceeded to have the time of his life twirling me around the dance floor. With every twirl and open break my petticoats went flying, giving the crowd a glimpse of my rhumba panties. I had always considered myself to be an ok dancer, having taken lessons with Mistress for quite some time now, but I had always led. This time, I was the girl, and the thick diapers between my legs forced them unnaturally apart. This combination made me feel like a toddler, waddling about the dance floor trying to keep pace while Alex gracefully twirled me this way and that. As the song ended Alex twirled me out and back in one more time, deftly sliding his hand underneath my skirts and slapping it against my diapered bottom, before raising my skirts up to reveal my panties to the entire crowd. There were quite a few applause and hollers from this finale. Mistress strode out on to the dance floor at this point. "What do you say, sissy?" Mistress said as she reached us. "Thank you for the nice dance sir," I said, curtsying for Alex. "Is that all a sissy does to say thank you?" Mistress continued. I whined, but nonetheless gave Alex a quick peck on the cheek. Satisfied, Mistress then took me by hand, letting me lead her in a waltz. It felt like I spent most of my time on the dance floor, only getting two songs max to rest before being swept onto the dance floor once again. Most men, and a few women who asked for a dance led me around the floor. Some women, and half of the other sissies at the wedding who asked for a dance, let me lead though. One of the women who let me lead them on the dance floor was Valeria. We danced a slow waltz, mostly making a circle with the box step while talking. She wanted to apologize if she had made me feel weird, or if there had been any uncomfortableness in the afternoon when she had fed me my snack. Valeria explained that they had run into Karen when they arrived, and had asked if Karen needed any help. She had mentioned needing to feed me, but was feeling a little time crunched. Valeria had told Sir Tom the night before that she was interested in trying to be more dominant, so when Karen said this Tom had suggested that Valeria be the one to feed me to try getting some experience as the top in situations. Valeria continued on though that, when push came to shove, she had panicked. I told her it was alright. She had done a fine job, just to go slower the next time. At that our dance came to an end. As we walked back to the tables and chairs she said, "Maybe I will have to see if you need a babysitter sometime while your Mistress does grown up things. Then there can be a next time for sure." By the end of the night I was a hot sweaty mess. I was so tired, and had already been so thoroughly exposed to the crowd as a diapered sissy, that I let go of my inhibitions and toddled around the dance floor in my wet diaper without a care in the world. One dance had been awkward. A leather daddy led me in an argentine tango, keeping his hand cupped on my diapered ass the entire time. Otherwise, I had a wonderful time twirling around the dance floor in the arms of the wedding guests. As the night drew to a close we said our goodbyes to Karen, Maria, and John, before making our way back home. Mistress let me ride beside her in the passenger seat on the way home. This time I didn't bother ducking as other cars drove beside or past us. I was too tired and happy to bother caring if anyone saw me. When we arrived back home, I hoped Mistress would let me go straight to bed. She had other ideas in mind though. She made me kneel facing the couch while she undressed. She then sat naked on the couch in front of me, legs spread. I knew what to do, and stuck my head between her legs. "I've been waiting for this all day," Mistress said as I licked her clitoris and pussy. It didn't take long to bring her to orgasm, her legs tightening, wrapping themselves around my head in a stranglehold until the waves of pleasure subsided. As she lay on the couch, petting my head as I lay on the floor underneath her, she said, "You know, today has had me thinking. Maybe we should renew our vows. Only this time, you can wear the dress."
  20. This story is written for the 3rd kasarberang non-contest. That Escalated Quickly By Bo Tox Chapter 1 Well, I suppose I have no one to blame but myself but the damned genie didn’t have to be so vindictive about it. Let my mistakes be a warning: Don’t make the three wishes. It never ends well. I was minding my own business while metal detecting at the beach. That day I found a fake high-end watch, a wedding ring and lots of trash. I was loading my gear into my backpack. The metal detector was still on and I sat it down near the dunes. It went off with the sound of something strong. The spot it indicated was above the high tide line so whatever was in the sand wasn’t new unless someone purposefully buried it. The sand was easy to dig in and I found a handle. Once pulled, the handle was attached to a pot. When I had it fully out of the ground, it resembled an old teapot. The teapot was a dull metal, maybe brass. It certainly didn’t look like it had a lot of value but if it were old enough, it might bring something. I tossed it in with the rest of my booty and finished preparing to leave. My diaper was pretty wet so it was definitely time to go. About the diaper, it is for convenience. If I’m making good progress while prospecting, I don’t want to stop to find a toilet. The facilities at the beach are often poorly maintained and borderline disgusting. With everything loaded in the car, it was good to get back into an air-conditioned car. Twenty minutes later, the car was in the garage and the day’s treasure was in the laundry room sink, getting rinsed off. While that stuff soaked, it was time to get something to eat, rehydrate and change my diaper. Full disclosure, diapers aren’t just for convenience. I might actually like to wear them. There’s nothing wrong with that. Lots of people do it. The microwave was spinning a pizza and half a bottle of water sat on the table while I went to get into a dry diaper. The microwave beeped on the way back to the kitchen. A fresh diaper is always a nice feeling. After eating and drinking enough to feel full, I went to the sink to start inspecting my finds a little more thoroughly. The teapot was rinsed off and put aside to dry. The other items needed another rinse. I towel-dried the teapot. It looked better cleaned up. A little shine might make it nice. A little metal polish and some elbow grease would do wonders. I squirted the polish into the cloth and started rubbing the teapot. I wasn’t paying much attention. When I looked at the lamp, it was brilliant with smoke coming out of the spout. The lights flickered a few times and the smoke grew thicker. I had no idea what was going on so I sat the teapot on the counter and backed away. A booming voice announced, “WHO HAS FREED ME?” I was shaking and might have even peed my diaper a little bit but answered, “I did, James.” “I am the genie of the lamp,” said the voice as the smoke coalesced into a head and flowed down to arms and a torso. The lower part remained a smoky haze. “Lamp? I thought this was a teapot,” I said. The arms of the genie spread and she smiled, “I was imprisoned in the lamp for 100 years. You have freed me and I will grant you three wishes and only three wishes. Choose wisely, James.” I scratched my ear and looked at the genie, “Three wishes. I’ll have to think about that a minute.” The genie looked at me with a wry smile, “Don’t take too long.”
  21. Klein woke up and ripped the headphones off his ears. To his disappointment, when he reached down to grab his diaper, he found it completely and utterly dry. “Come on!” he cried. In frustration, Klein banged his fists on the bed and tilted his head back in anguish. Another failed tape, another failed night, another dry diaper. Klein had been into diapers for as long as he could remember. He had started out small of course, sneaking depends from the grocery store and the usual stuff you hear about from people. He had then evolved into buying from sample stores and then from the larger companies like Tykables and Northshore. But as long as he could remember, he had one specific fantasy, one specific state of mind he wanted to be in. Klein dreamed of being a bedwetter. There was something delicious about completely losing control completely unable to control yourself and waking up with a soaked wet diaper, squishy and warm - the ultimate sign of regression. This is why, for the past several years, Klein had gone to every single hypnosis vendor he could think of to make his vision a reality. The journey was difficult of course. No one wants to admit to themselves that they want to return to bedwetting like a child. And many people offered hypnosis files. Klein had gotten used to the process by now. He’d receive the file on his alternate email address, download it to his phone and eagerly go to bed at night waiting for the magic to happen. Sometimes, a male's voice would remind him in soft tones that he needed diapers. In other recordings, it would be an aggressive woman telling him just to “relax” and “let go” because his diapers would protect him. But each time Klein would wake up dry. Utterly dry. Completely dry. Granted, Klein had tried drinking a ton of water before bed, so much water he’d feel it sloshing around inside his stomach every time he turned over in bed. He’d pull the diaper tapes tight and fall asleep on his back, his legs spread out slightly, willing himself to wet. But each time, he’d just wake up with pain in his abdomen a dry diaper, and an extremely hard erection. Klein had even tried taking a sleeping pill, willing himself to just sleep through the wetting at night. But this tactic only resulted in him falling deep into sleep and the next morning waking up in a dry diaper and a painfully full bladder. Klein would then proceed to flood that diaper when awake, which defeated the point. Anyone can pee when they wake up in the morning, Klein would think bitterly. Klein had bought books on the subject, reading them during breaks at work. The books were from people claiming they knew the secret to losing control overnight. Just loosen up your bladder during the day, train yourself to just use your diaper, the books all said after collecting his $9.99. But Klein wanted to be careful. Despite what many people said online, he had no interest in losing control during the day. Klein just wanted it at night. Klein wanted this his way. Besides, no one actually wanted to be incontinent. *** It had been a few months since Klein had dragged himself out of his dry bed again, disappointed that he had not wet the bed. And now, at CAPCon, the annual convention of those who liked to wear diapers and have fun in those diapers, he was browsing the vendor tables. The stuffy, medium-sized room had all sorts of vendors he had seen before. Clothing shops, furniture shops, and even writers who wrote mediocre ABDL fiction that told the same story repeatedly. After buying a pack of diapers from a vendor, a small table caught his attention. The table simply said Stella’s Sleepys. It caught his eye because not only was “sleepies” misspelled, but there was a kind, fit-looking woman sitting behind the table reading a book. Klein took a step closer and noticed she was wearing round glasses with dark brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders. The woman, whose name was no doubt Stella (it wasn’t Sleepies… that’s for sure) was wearing a simple army green tank top and a pair of dark blue jeans. At a glance, Klein noticed the book she was reading was a book on philosophy. What was unusual was the table was completely empty, save for an envelope that just sat there bearing the number one. “What does Stella’s Sleepys sell?” Klein asked casually, approaching the table and doing his best to sound nonchalant. “This isn’t for you,” the woman said without looking up from her book. She pushed her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. “Move along.” Klein laughed a little bit. “Oh, come on, What’s in the envelope?” The woman laughed. “It’s not for you.” Stella turned the page in her book. Klein grabbed the envelope and the woman protested as he pulled it open. Inside was a piece of paper with a code on it. Klein made a mental note of the random URL right before Stella grabbed the envelope from him. But Klein shivered when he caught the words: Bedwetter Files. Klein’s heart skipped a beat. Bedwetter Files? “Is this a hypnosis file?” Klein demanded. Stella closed her book and placed the envelope into her book as a bookmark. “Yes, it is.” “Do you make them, is that was Stella’s Sleepy’s makes?” “Yes, but it’s probably best if you move on. You don’t look like the type of person who wants this.” Stella did Klein a once over with her eyes and pushed her book into her bag. “Hold on a second…” Klein held his hands up and gestured around to the convention around here. “Everyone here wants this.” Stella stood up and leaned over the table, and looked closely at Klein. “That’s presumptuous.” Stella then walked around the table and leaned on it while looking Klein in the eye. She spoke quietly as if they might be overheard at any second. “Every year, there’s one person at CAPCon who thinks they want what's on this tape, but the reality is they don’t.” “Hold on a second.” But Stella continued speaking in an even tone, bulldozing over Klein’s protest. “Different types of people too. Sometimes it’s guys and girls like you dressed in sweatpants and (Stella’s voice hovered over unapproving) t-shirts, other times, it’s the people in full onesies and thick diapers with pacifiers hanging around their necks. Each time they show up, tell me they want to lose complete control and before you know it before the weekend is over, they are begging me to help them get it back.” Stella blinked and studied Klein’s face. But Klein was insistent. “They clearly don’t know what they want.” Klein was breathless as he tried his best to remember the URL in his head. “Trust me, I want this.” Stella shook her head. “No, you don’t.” And with that, she picked up her bag, shoved her book inside and walked away. *** Klein closed his eyes for a second, thought deeply, and proceeded to type in the URL and code from the envelope into his web browser. He was rewarded with the proper website meaning his concentration had paid off. A warning popped up on his phone warning him that this hypnosis file was designed for people who wanted to lose complete control and that once losing that control, it would be difficult to regain it. There was more text that talked about how the creator bared no responsibility for what happens, blah, blah, blah. Klein had seen all of this before. Had Klein been honest with himself, he didn’t expect this hypnosis file to work. They never worked. But Stella’s performance earlier had him shaking with anticipation. Klein clicked to accept and noticed there were three levels of recordings on the screen. They seemed to be ranked from low to intense. The file marked intense had another warning next to it that claimed it was for “experienced users only.” Klein snorted. At this point, he had tried every file out there and knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to wake up the next morning with his diaper soaked and no memory of wetting. Klein wanted to have to use a booster every night in fear that he’d overflood his diaper and soak his bed. He wanted the erotic feeling of being unable to put his legs together as he lay helplessly on his back at night. Klein wanted to be a real bedwetter. For a moment, Klein bought into the idea that this could work for him. So Klein clicked the “experienced users only” file and downloaded the file to his phone. For some reason, the file was a little over a gigabyte large and came with another warning. Klein ignored the third warning of the week and climbed into bed. Right before pulling the covers over his head, he double-checked to make sure his diaper was on tight and that the leak guards were standing up and clicked play. Instantly, every center of his brain came alive. First, there was a dark low vibrating pulse that was nearly covered by soft angelic waves that crashed over the melody of the track. If the ocean had come alive and made music, this is what it would sound like. The pulse seemed to propel his body forward repeatedly, pushing his mind deeper and deeper into the track. While Klein knew he was falling asleep, he felt as if he were moving in real-time. Before Klein knew it, the waves crashed over him again, the soft electric tones urging him to relax and surrender to the waves. The waves were moving his body for him. But when his mind probed deeper into the musical tones, he heard the voice. The voice was soft as if it was speaking directly into his consciousness, his very being. It was as if the voice weren’t hers, it was coming from beneath his very heartbeat. Klein’s mind focused on the voice and willed itself to listen closely to the soft delicate flow that hovered directly beneath the ocean. The voice was speaking directly to the innermost part of his soul. “You need your diapers… you only feel safe in your diapers… you need to wet your diapers… your diapers are a part of who you are… Every night you wet your diapers uncontrollably…” Klein’s brain dove deeper into the voice followed the voice through the passageways and tunnels in his mind and willed himself to believe. Klein wanted to believe that this could work. He wanted to believe that he could become a bedwetter, and the voice told him he could. “You can’t control your bladder…” the voice said softly. “You need to mess your diapers during the day….” Wait a second… Klein’s mind stirred against the waves. I don’t want that. Hold on. But the voice and the waves pushed him forward, demanding he follow its lead. Klein fought for a moment, gasped, and woke up. *** Thanks to all of you who have provided support on Patreon. There are more stories there about people trapped in their diaper fantasies. Be sure to check them out. http://patreon.com/kyleshouse
  22. I'm writing this for the 3rd kasarberang non-contest. Chapter 1 I finished the block of code I was working on and started the unit tests. As the project built, I turned to the Web browser on my second monitor and started scrolling through the videos, trying to find one I hadn't already watched. I finally found one. The title was promising. "Slut takes 3 dicks." The thumbnail showed a wide-eyed woman with her lips wrapped around the shaft of an impressively thick cock. The balls resting on her chin. I glanced back at my work. There were a few green ticks indicating that the first tests had completed successfully but there were many more remaining. I had plenty of time so I started the video so I unzipped my pants. Enjoying porn on company time was just one of the many benefits of working from home. I was just getting into a rhythm when my phone began ringing. Without pausing, I looked down at it on the desk. The caller was identified as Melanie Baker. She was the wife of Brad, a friend of mine. I was actually rather envious of Brad, Melanie was hot. I ignored the ringing and kept going. I was already imagining Melanie in place of the star of the video and myself in the place of each of the men penetrating her. My climax came long before that of the video and I fell back into my chair panting, my cock still hanging out. My phone started ringing once more. It was Melanie again. This time I answered it. “Hi Melanie.” “Robert.” She said urgently. “I need your help.” “Huh?” I couldn’t imagine what problem she could have that would need my help specifically. Surely she had her own friends to call. “Brad was working on a story. He was obsessed with it. Something about a bunch of disappearances being connected.” Brad was a freelance journalist. “He told me he was getting close but then he didn’t come home. I’m really worried.” “So what can I do?” I asked. “All of Brad’s research is in his computer. There must be some clue where he was going there.” She explained. “But I don’t know his password. You know about computers. I thought maybe you could figure out how to get in.” “Yeah probably.” I agreed, seeing the potential to spend time alone with Melanie and with her in such an emotionally vulnerable state. “I’ll be right over.” When I arrived at Brad and Melanie’s apartment, Melanie answered the door with tears in her eyes and greeted me with a tight hug. “Oh Robert. Thankyou for coming.” “It’s no problem, really.” I hoped she wouldn’t notice my growing arousal. “Where’s Brad’s computer?” “In his office.” She released me and led me to a small room with a laptop sitting on a desk, surrounded by piles of paper. I moved the mouse and the black monitor came to life, showing the login screen. After clicking around a bit and finding no obvious way around it, I pulled out a USB stick from my pocket and plugged it in before restarting the machine. The computer booted into my pre-prepared Linux environment. This gave me access to the laptop’s harddrive. “Okay.” I declared. “Here’s his documents folder. And luckily he hasn’t encrypted anything.” “Can you find the research he was working on?” Melanie moved closer, placing a hand on my back. “Yeah. I think so.” I found and opened the most likely file. “I think this is it.” It contained chunks of an unfinished article interspersed with notes, documenting interviews and contact details. Brad had apparently found connections and patterns in the disappearances of a number of people, all but twol were women. Tthe men were each married to one of the women and disappeared at the same time as her. Most of the women were scientists, engineers and doctors, many with impressive achievements in their fields. He had concluded that they had not been murdered or abducted. They had chosen to leave. Brad had been particularly interested in Rachel Harbourne, one of the women who had disappeared. She wasn’t an engineer or a scientist. She was the ex-wife of the founder of some tech company and had left the marriage with over a billion dollars of his money. Brad had dug into her investments and had found a remote property that she owned indirectly through a convoluted network of shell companies. He was convinced that he would find the missing women there. “That has to be where he was going.” Melanie exclaimed. “It’s only about an hour away from here too. You’re my hero Robert.” She kissed me on the cheek. “What do we do now?” I wondered. “We go there.” She seemed uncertain. "Right now." “It would be too dark when we got there. We'll go first thing tomorrow." I said then saw an opportunity and added “I’ll stay here tonight so you don’t have to be alone.” "No.” She must have heard the enthusiasm in my voice because all doubt was gone. “We need to go tonight. Brad might be in trouble.” So I soon found myself driving down a deserted, unlit road with Melanie in the passenger seat. There was no address, only coordinates to put into the GPS, that gave us a marker which was at least a kilometre from any road on the map. As we got closer it wasn’t clear how we could actually get to the property. “Was that a road?” Melanie suddenly asked. “Back there on the left.” I checked the screen in the dashboard. “There’s nothing on the map.” “We have to go back and check.” She insisted. “That might be it.” I slowed down and did a U-turn. She was right, it was a road, well more a dirt track. We followed it and soon had confirmation that we were in the right place. “That’s Brad’s car.” Melanie pointed excitedly. I pulled up behind it and Melanie was out before I’d even come to a complete stop. “It’s locked.” She informed me when I joined her. “He must have decided it was better to go on foot from here.” I suggested, then noticed something through the trees. “Look. There’s some lights over there.” “Let’s go.” She took off in that direction. I chased her and saw that the light was coming from the window of a large building. As we got closer, I could see it was just one of many buildings but the only one with light in the windows. “What the fuck?” Melanie said as she reached the window. I joined her looking into the building. There was Brad, totally naked, on all fours on a table. A blonde woman was standing, fully clothed, beside him with a hand around his cock. There were two other naked men, in similar positions. Women stood around the room in small groups watching. "He's joined a bloody sex cult." I tried not to sound too happy. If anything was going to get me into Melanie's panties this was it. Maybe she'd come to me for comfort or maybe for revenge. It didn't matter if it got her into bed. The blonde woman moved her hand up and down Brad’s member. Initially, he just held his position, looking down at the table beneath him but soon he started moving back and forth with the rhythm. I absent-mindedly rubbed my growing erection through my pants as I watched. "Enjoying the show?" I heard a woman's voice behind me. Melanie and I both turned away from the window to see two women, armed with strange looking guns. After taking a moment to consider my options, I ran for it. I didn't get far before feeling a sharp pain in my right butt cheek. My legs started to feel weak as I felt for the source of the pain. I found a small dart and pulled it out as everything went black. I woke up surrounded by wooden bars. I could feel that I was naked except for some weirdly thick underwear. I ran my hands over this strange garment. It was covered in soft plastic and fastened at the front with tapes. With some effort, I sat up to examine it, confirming my fear. I was wearing a diaper. a ridiculously huge puffy disposable diaper, decorated with cartoon teddy bears in various pastel colours. I tried to take it off but the lingering effects of the tranquiliser left me too weak and uncoordinated. A door opened and a light turned on. "Looks like someone is finished with his nap." A woman's face, with olive skin and framed by long black hair, appeared, looking down over the bars. I suddenly realised what the bars were. I was in a giant cot. "Who are you?" I demanded. "And why am I wearing a diaper?" "You can call me Dr. Patel." She answered. "And the diaper is so you don't make a mess on the floor." "Where am I?" I continued my questions. "What have you done with Melanie?" "Patience. Everything will be explained in good time." She lowered one side of the cot. "But right now you only have to worry about finishing your bottle." "Bottle?" I asked, confused as she took my hand and led me to a long sofa. I tried to pull away but found I wasn't strong enough. She sat me in the middle of the sofa then picked up a large baby bottle full of a white liquid and sat at one end. "Just lay down and Dr. Patel will feed you." I made a feeble attempt to resist as she guided me to lay down across the sofa with my head in her lap. She smiled down at me as she brought the large nipple of the bottle to my lips. Even though I tried to clamp my mouth shut, she easily forced it in. The nipple filled my mouth. I tried to push it back out with my tongue but that only caused the liquid inside to squirt I to my mouth. In that position, I had no choice but to swallow it. "See." Dr. Patel said. "It doesn't taste so bad." She was right but it wasn't the taste I objected to. It was laying there in a diaper being fed like an infant. I wanted to ask why she was doing this to me but trying to talk only caused my mouth to fill with more of the liquid. "Good boy." She cooed. "Drink it all up." Whatever her reasons, it was clear she wasn't going to take that nipple out of my mouth until I had drunk the whole bottle so, resigned to this, I got to work. I had finished about half of it when my stomach started feeling uncomfortable. I kept going but a little while later it started cramping. "Is your tummy feeling yucky?" Dr. Patel must have noticed my discomfort. "Don't worry. It's just the laxatives starting to work. The muscle relaxants should kick in soon and then you'll feel much better." Now realising the purpose of the diaper, I started struggling against her again. She easily held me in place and kept the nipple in my mouth. I only succeeded in filling my mouth with more of the laxatives, muscle relaxants and who knows what else. "All done." She finally declared, pulling the bottle out of my mouth. "It won't be long now." She released me and I stood up. As promised, the muscle relaxants had muted the cramps but I could still feel what was coming. I had to find a toilet fast. On unsteady legs, I made my way to the door but I found that the doorknob was too much of a challenge for my hands. I knew that what was coming was inevitable but I still tried to fight it. I ordered my butthole to squeeze tightly shut and, for a while, it obeyed. With all of my attention on not shifting myself, my bladder took the opportunity to release, flooding the diaper. I felt the pee pool between my legs before being absorbed by the paddling. Dr. Patel didn’t move from her spot on the sofa. She just sat there, watching me with a patient smile. "Just let it happen." She suggested. "Don't worry. I won't leave you in a messy diaper. I'll get you cleaned up as soon as you're done. Her encouragement was unnecessary. At that moment, I finally lost the battle and the mess filled the seat of my diaper. It kept coming, squeezing up the back and the front. When it was finished, the diaper seemed ready to burst but, despite sagging heavily, it held on. "That's some laxative isn't it?" Dr. Patel laughed as she finally stood up. "It cleans you out completely, much more thoroughly than an enema." Too ashamed to offer any response, I meekly allowed her to lead me into the next room. With each step, I felt the mess against my skin. This room was far more clinical than the first. In the centre was what looked like a gynaecologist's examination chair. At least that's what they looked like in the fetish videos I'd watched. Dr. Patel led me straight to the chair. "Sit here and I'll get you cleaned up." I desperately wanted to be out of that diaper so I did as I was told. I didn't protest as she guided my feet onto the stirrups and strapped them in place or when she fastened a belt across my stomach. A large mirror took up most of the wall I was facing. As I looked at myself in that bulging diaper I had a terrible feeling it was actually a one-way viewing window. She pressed a button and the back of the chair lowered, pulling me back into a lying position, as the stirrups lifted my legs above me and spread them apart. “Okay. Now for the yucky bit.” She undid the tapes open and let my diaper fall open. She pulled a face but got to work, cleaning me with baby wipes. Working methodically, Dr. Patel started just under my stomach and then moved down to the base of my cock. I couldn’t help growing a little hard as she began to wipe the shaft. “Enjoying the attention?” She giggled and moved on to my balls, which did nothing to reduce my arrousal. Continuing to work her way down, she cleaned the mess off my bottom then wiped through my crack. She lingered on my butthole, pressing gently until it yielded to her fingers. I let out an involuntary moan of pleasure and my cock grew even harder. “I see you like that.” She smiled, removing her fingers from my arse and wiping the rest of my crack. “You’re going to love the procedure then.” “What procedure?” I did not like the sound of that. “What are you going to do to me?” “You’ll find out in just a moment.” She wiped my lower back and after inspecting her work declared. “There. All clean.” Leaving me strapped in place, She threw the used diaper and wipes into a nearby bin and moved to a sink to wash her hands. She took her time, either being very thorough or just deliberately making me wait, helpless with my bare bottom presented to that mirror. . Finally, Dr.Patel opened a cabinet, from which she removed a metallic cylinder. She carried it over to me and smiled at me from between my raised legs. “This is why we had to make sure your bottom was cleaned out.” She held up the cylinder, confirming my fears. “And the muscle relaxants will help it go in without hurting you.” I heard a clink as she put the device aside, then felt her fingers penetrating my butthole again but this time they were cold and slimy. “Just some lubrication to help it go in.” She explained, spreading the gel. I started to grow hard again in spite of my fear of what was coming next. Dr. Patel withdrew her fingers. A moment later I felt the smooth rounded end of the metal device replace them. “Just relax.” She said gently as she pushed it inside me. I gasped as I felt it slide deeper inside me. Precum started dribbling from the end of my rock-hard cock. “I knew you’d enjoy it.” She slid the device out a little. Then back in, slightly deeper than before. “Now I just have to find the right spot.” She moved it in and out a couple more times then said. “There.” I yelped as I felt a brief stinging pain inside me. I lasted less than a second but it seemed it was enough to make my erection disappear as Dr. Patel pulled the device out of my bottom. “What did you do to me?” I asked. “I’ve just installed your prostate chip.” She put the device down and returned to the sink to wash her hands again. When she returned, she stood at my side. “Now let’s test it.” She gently stroked my, now limp, cock. It felt good but I didn’t start to get hard again. “Good.” She began tapping on a bracelet on her left wrist and my cock became fully erect. “Excellent.” She tapped a couple more times and suddenly I began to squirt cum onto my stomach and chest. Weirdly, I didn’t feel any pleasure from this orgasm. “What did you do to my cock?” I demanded. “The chip is connected to the nerves in your bottom and groin.” She took out more baby wipes and cleaned the cum off of me. “Among other things, it lets us control your erections and ejaculations. Men have proven they can’t be trusted to control their penises so the chip gives that control to someone more responsible.” “What sort of feminist bullshit is this?” I demanded. “You bitches need a good…” I stopped and screamed as I suddenly felt a pain just like getting kicked in the balls. “That’s one of the other things it does.” She tapped her bracelet and the pain was instantly gone. “Behave yourself and you won’t have to feel that too often.” She took out a tissue and wiped up the tears running down the sides of my face. “You’re going to be a good boy for me aren’t you?” I wanted to tell her to go fuck herself but I didn’t ever want to feel that pain again. I remained silent and turned my head away from her. I heard her moving around then heard a plastic crinkling sound and turned to find her back between my legs, unfolding another big diaper. I was too afraid to say anything so I just laid there pouting silently as she slid it under my bottom. Once she had me taped into my new diaper, she moved the chair back up into the sitting position. “Don’t you touch that diaper.” She warned as she released me from the straps. “Now let’s introduce you to Ms. Harbourne.” She led the way out of the room. I hesitated. “Like this? In just a diaper?” “Of course. That’s how all of the boys dress.” She held the door open. “Now hurry up if you don’t want to get in trouble.” She motioned toward her bracelet. I quickly followed her out of the room into a hallway. At the other end, Dr. Patel knocked on a door. “Yes?” came a woman’s voice. “Come in.” She pushed the door open and led me into the room where a well-dressed woman sat behind a large ornate desk. She was middle-aged but still in great shape. “Rachel.” Dr. Patel greeted the woman. “I’ve installed Robert’s prostate chip and it is working properly.” “Thankyou Inika.” The woman ignored me for a moment and addressed Dr. Patel . “Good night.” “Goodnight.” Dr. Patel left me alone with the woman. “Hello Robert.” She smiled at me. “You may call me Ms. Harbourne.” When I didn’t respond, she said. “Don’t be rude Robert. I’m sure Dr. Patel warned you what happens to boys who are rude.” I looked at her wrist. She wore a bracelet just like Dr. Patel’s. “Hello Ms Harbourne.” I said, feeling like a schoolboy greeting his teacher. “Good boy. You can sit down.” She indicated a chair in front of her desk and sat on it. “I’m sure you’re very confused right now.” She went on. “You are in a little town I have founded as a model for a new society, one where women are in charge. I was sick of being mistreated by men and after the divorce settlement I had the resources to do something about it. I made contact with talented women who shared my feelings and together we built all of this.” “So, you’re punishing me for being a man?” I asked, hoping that maybe there was some way to talk my way out of the bizarre situation I had found myself in. “Oh no honey. This isn’t a punishment.” She said with genuine sweetness. “We don’t hate men. We understand that you can’t control yourselves. It’s not your fault. I promise that you are safe and we will take good care of you. If you accept your new position I’m sure you can be very happy here.” “And If I’m not happy here?” I asked. “Can I leave?” “No. I’m sorry but I can’t let you do that.” She said, “You would tell people what we are doing before we were ready and they would come and ruin everything.” I sighed. It was worth a try. “Okay but what about the diapers?” "Men have always needed women to take care of them like you are babies and we are your mommies." She explained. “Keeping you in diapers just makes that explicit.” "I thought you said it wasn't a punishment." Maybe I could at least negotiate a less humiliating outfit. "It isn't. It is just a reminder of your dependence on us, to keep your ego under control. When a man's ego gets too big it only creates problems for himself and everyone else." She explained patiently, as though she was speaking to a small child. "I know this feels like a punishment right now because you think it is humiliating. That's just your ego creating a problem for you. Let it go, accept your dependence and you will be quite comfortable in your diapers." Without thinking, I rolled my eyes at this. “Bullshit.” I realised my mistake a moment too late. “Robert.” Ms Harbourne rose from her seat and her tone became suddenly stern. “I will not accept rude language from you.” “I’m sorry.” I said. I was about to burst into tears as I anticipated the pain from the device they put in my butt. However, as she made her way around the desk, she didn’t reach for her bracelet. “I understand that you’re cranky. It is past your bedtime but next time you use bad language you will be punished.” Her voice was already softening again. “Do you understand?” “Yes.” I nodded quickly. “Yes, Ms Harbourne.” “Good Boy.” She was smiling again. “Now, I’d better get you to bed.” Ms Harbourne held out her hand. I hesitated for a moment but knew she could force me if she wanted to so I got to my feet and took it. She led me out of her office and back through the building to an entryway with double glass doors looking out into the dark night. “It’s a bit chilly outside.” She took some neatly folded baby blue fabric from a nearby shelf. “Let's get you into this.” She let part of the fabric hang down, a pair of blue fuzzy legs. “Step in.” She held it out for me. Eager to finally have my diaper hidden, I did as I was told. The material was soft and warm. The feet were closed and had rubber soles built in. Ms Harbourne pulled the rest of the material up my body and guided my arms in before pulling up a long zip which ran all the way from my left foot up to my neck. I realised that I’d just been dressed in a footed bodysuit like a baby but I didn’t mind. It felt snug and comforting. Outside, I tried to get my bearings. As Ms Harbourne led me along a footpath, I looked for the big building where Melanie and I had found Brad. If I could identify that, I could figure out how to get back to my car. “This is my house.” She indicates the building we were walking toward. “You’ll stay with me until we decide who will adopt you.” I rolled my eyes at the idea of being adopted. Fortunately, she wasn’t looking at me. Then I spotted the building I was looking for. From where I was, I could see the entrance and, above it, a sign which read “Milking Shed.” I was about to make a break for it when I remembered that I didn’t have my keys. With a sigh, I followed Ms Harbourne into the house. As soon as we were inside, she unzipped my bodysuit. Reluctantly, I allowed her to remove it, leaving me in just my diaper again. I wasn’t cold, It seemed that the buildings here were kept at a comfortable temperature for walking around naked. From the entrance, she led me into the living room. Two long white leather sofas and a large marble coffee table were in the centre of the room, leaving plenty of space on every side. An enormous television took up most of one wall. The other walls were decorated with paintings. “Now, I do need to get you into bed.” She said, “But, before that, are you hungry?” My stomach had settled down since the laxatives and was now feeling very empty. “Yes.” “I thought you might be.” She sat at the end of one of the sofas. “Come and sit with me.” She patted the cushion next to her. I didn’t understand what was going on but I didn’t want to get in trouble so I joined her. As I did, she began unbuttoning her blouse. She pulled it open and, with absolutely no hesitation, undid a clip at the front of her bra, releasing her breasts. From my position, next to her on the sofa, I could just see the smooth pink skin behind her open blouse and the large, dark nipple protruding from that. I nearly got up for a better view but that wasn't necessary because she turned to face me, showing me everything. She then began massaging her breasts, one in each hand, kneading the soft flesh. I didn't know what was going on but I was afraid that if I asked she might stop. Out of habit, my hand found its way down to my groin and started rubbing my cock through my diaper. However it remained totally limp, apparently unimpressed by the show. “What’s the matter?” Ms Harbourne teased gently. “Is your diaper wet?” I blushed and moved my hand away but kept watching her play with her breasts. Soon drops of liquid began to form on the nipples. She looked down and smiled. "Okay. I think they are ready for you.” “Huh?” I was confused. “Ready for what?” “To nurse, silly.” She collected some of the liquid on her finger and transferred it to my lips. It tasted sweet. “This will be your food from now on.” I had mixed feelings about that. I certainly liked the idea of putting her breasts in my mouth. However, drinking her milk, especially while dressed like a giant baby, wasn’t appealing at all. “Don’t be shy.” Her hands moved to gently guide my head down into position. Frozen by indecision, I neither cooperated nor resisted and she pulled my face against her chest. I felt her firm, wet nipple pressed against my lips, demanding entrance to my mouth. Part of me wanted to open wide and get a mouthful of breast but I couldn’t bring myself to surrender to this babyish treatment. “Open up.” Mr Harbourne said, her tone as sweet as the milk I could already taste dribbling into my mouth. Resting my head against one arm, she took hold of her breast with the opposite hand and rubbed her nipple back and forth over my lips. “Come on. All men love boobies.” She wiggled a finger in between my lips and used it to force my mouth open. “Just another way you never really grow up.” I considered biting her finger but I was sure that would not end well for me. She soon managed to pry my mouth open enough to force her breast in. “There you go.” I tried to protest but intelligible speech was impossible with my lips wrapped around her nipple and the movement just made her milk squirt into my mouth. I swallowed it and the action squeezed more out, it was a vicious cycle and I soon realised the only way out would be to nurse until the milk was finished. Luckily, it actually tasted pretty good. She let out a sigh of pleasure as I settled into a rhythm “See. It’s not so bad.” She was clearly enjoying this. “We know you boys never grow out of needing to breastfeed. It’s why you’re obsessed with our breasts. You turn it into something crass but that’s just because you can’t admit what you really need.” Unable to argue, I just continued sucking and swallowing. She held me firmly against her body. “We’ve developed a way to make our breast milk a complete and balanced diet for an adult. You’ll never need to eat anything else.” Her breathing and little involuntary movements told me she was enjoying this. When the milk from that breast stopped, she moved me to the other one. She stroked my naked back, running her hand down to the waistband of my diaper and back up. “Good boy. Drink it all up.” Finally, I finished and Ms Harbourne released me. “Okay. Now let’s get you to bed.” Not bothering to refasten her bra or blouse, she stood and led me deeper into the house. “This will be your nursery for now.” She pushed open a door, revealing a bedroom furnished with an adult-sized cot and change table. Under the change table were stacks of diapers just like the one I was wearing. “Do you need a diaper change before bed?” Without waiting for a response, she patted the seat of my diaper and then gave my groin a little squeeze. “Nope. Still clean.” She lowered the side of the cot. “In you go.” When I hesitated her voice once again took on a stern edge. “Do I need to remind you what happens to naughty boys?” She didn’t need to remind me. I climbed into the cage and she pulled the side back up, clicking it into place. “Good night.” The edge was gone as quickly as it had appeared. “There’s a baby monitor.” She pointed at a baby blue plastic device mounted high on the wall. It had a camera pointed down into the cot. “So I can check on you. If there’s anything wrong, just call out and I’ll hear you.” With that, she turned off the light and left, closing the door behind her. Now alone, I considered ripping off the diaper. However, that would leave me naked. My next thought was climbing out of the cot. The bars weren’t too high. I could easily pull myself over them but then I considered the camera. I had no way to know if Ms Harbourne was watching. I decided that she’d just glance at the video occasionally and the chances she was watching right then were slim. I’d have to risk it. I pulled myself up and threw one leg over the rail. Suddenly, the pain hit me again. I let go, instinctively moving my hands to protect my groin. As I fell backward, I wet myself from the shock and pain. I hit the mattress and the pain stopped. “Crazy bitch!” I said, angrily. Moments later, the door opened and Ms Harbourne stepped inside. “I warned you about using bad language.” She turned on the light and crossed the room to the cot. I was so afraid that I wet myself again as she lowered the side. “Come here.” She held out a hand. Reluctantly, I took it and let her help me out of the cot. She led me to a chair where she sat. "Lay here." She patted her lap. "What?" I didn't understand. "Boys who say bad words get spanked." She explained. "No way." I backed away. "I am not letting you spank me." She made an exaggerated motion toward her bracelet. "Be careful, Robert." I got the message and positioned myself across her lap. She hooked he fingers over the back waistband of my diaper and pulled it down just far enough to expose my butt cheeks. Whack. Her palm came down on my bare bottom, making me yelp in pain. It stung far more than I had expected. "Why does it hurt so much?" I whined, pathetically. Whack. She gave me another smack before explaining. "Your prostate chip lets me adjust your sensitivity down there. I have turned it up to help you learn your lesson." Whack. "I've learned it." Whack.I wet myself once again as the next impact landed. Whack. The pain and humiliation were too much and I started to sob. "I'm sorry." I flinched as her hand came back down to rest gently on my tender bottom. "It's okay. It's finished." She left her hand there for a moment then said. "Go get up on the change table and I'll get you into a dry diaper." I stood up, still crying and waddled over to the change table with my soggy diaper hanging off my throbbing bottom. I climbed up on the table and laid down on the soft towelling on top.. Ms Harbourne came over to the table and untaped the diaper. “You’ve really soaked this one.” She rolled it up and dropped it into the bin with a heavy thud.. “I think I’m going to need to keep you in thicker diapers at night.” I just laid there trying to get my sobbing under control as she wiped my privates clean. The gentle, caring attention was soothing and by the time she slid the new diaper under my bottom, I had calmed down. The padding definitely felt thicker than my previous diaper and as she pulled it up between my legs, it forced them apart. I looked as she stuck the tapes in place. The shiny plastic bulged out ridiculously from my crotch. The print on this one was stars, all with friendly little faces. “Almost done. Just need to make sure the leak guards are right” Ms Harbourne announced, inserting a finger into each leg hole. It tickled but in a not-entirely unpleasant way. “Otherwise all the padding in the world won’t save your bed.“ I squirmed as she ran her fingers around my thighs. Clearly she’d left my bottom extra-sensitive. “Okay. Down you get and back into your cot.” I climbed down, moving awkwardly in the puffy diaper. With my knees forced apart, I couldn’t walk normally and waddled back to the cot. “You look adorable.” Mr Harbourne giggled as she followed me. “I might need to keep you in these overnight diapers full-time.” As I climbed back onto the mattress, she encouraged me with a gentle pat on my thickly padded bottom. “Now don’t try to get out again. I probably should have warned you that the cot has sensors which automatically trigger your chip if you get out.” She raised the bars back into place. “The same thing will happen if you get too far from one of these.” She held up her bracelet. “Goodnight Robert.” She once again turned off the light and left the room. Even sleeping was awkward in the enormous overnight diaper. I couldn’t lay on my side with the bulk between my thighs. I tried my back but the padding under my bottom made that uncomfortable. Finally I settled on sleeping on my stomach, of course this meant my diapered butt was sticking up in the air. I tried not to think about how babyish I looked.
  23. Hi. I wrote this as an entry in "Kasarberang's NON-CONtest" It's my first attempt at writing an ABDL story. It's only the first part of something longer I had planned but the story got away from me and it grew too long to write the whole thing in time for the contest. If people like it I'll try to write the rest at some point. Mommy-In-Law: Week 1 PRELUDE "No." Stephen insisted. "I'm sure I'll find a job soon." "It has been 3 months." Amanda reminded him. "We are burning through our savings. We won’t be able to pay rent next month." Stephen pouted. He knew his wife was right but what she was suggesting was humiliating. "It's not like we are begging. It was Mom's idea. She wants us there." "Yeah but…" Stephen didn't believe that last part. He never really got along with Amanda's mother. "Her house is big enough." Amanda continues. " And now that Tanya has moved out, Mom is all alone there." Stephen wanted to argue but he knew that the matter was already settled. They had no other options. They would be moving back to Amanda's hometown to live with her mother. Far too soon, they arrived at their new home. “Amanda!” Her mother greeted her at the door with a tight hug. “Welcome home.” “Thanks Mom.” Amanda returned the hug. Stephen interjected “Hi Janet.” He was unsurprised but still annoyed by her apparent indifference to his presence. Janet released her daughter. “Let’s get you settled in.” She then finally acknowledged his presence “Stephen can get the bags.” Rolling his eyes, Stephen retrieved their luggage. By the time he returned to the front door, the women were already waiting in Amanda’s old bedroom. Amanda had been a very girly girl. She was still extremely feminine but in a more mature way. There was nothing mature about this room. Almost everything was a pastel pink and frilly and the shelves were lined with shelves of dolls and teddy bears. Of course, Stephen had seen this room before. He’d frequently teased Amanda over keeping her room like a little girl’s until she moved out. However, until that moment it did not really register that it would be his room now. Then he noticed another problem. “Um…Where are we going to sleep?” he said, pointing at the single bed, decorated with large pink hearts. “That’s okay.” Janet didn’t seem concerned. “It has a trundle bed which Amanda’s friends used on sleepovers.” She pulled it out to demonstrate. Amanda could tell Stephen wanted to say more but she spoke up before he had a chance. “Thanks Mom. We’ll figure it out from here.” “Let me know if you need anything else.” Janet turned to leave then turned back with a sigh. “It’s so good to have you home again.” After allowing time for Janet to bet out of earshot, He blurted out “A sleepover? I’m your husband.” Amanda tried to placate him. ”Calm down. When one of us finds work we can buy a bigger bed.” “I told you she didn’t like me.” Stephen didn’t seem to hear her. “She thinks I’m not good enough for you.” “It’s not you. She’s had an issue with men since she divorced my father.” “That really doesn’t make me feel any better.” They unpacked and then had lunch with Janet. While Amanda chatted happily, catching up with her mother, Stephen ate in awkward silence planning to retreat to the bedroom as soon as possible. Just as he was about to make his escape, the doorbell rang. Amanda put down her fork and was about to get up when Janet stopped her. “Let Stephen get the door. He’s finished eating.” Stephen got up and went to answer the door. At least it got him away from the table. “Oh. Hi Stephen.” It was Amanda’s sister, Tanya. “Where’s Amanda?” Stephen pointed toward the kitchen. “She’s having lunch with your mother.” Without another word, Tanya went to see her sister. Stephen didn’t mind. She was very similar to her mother and he got along with her just as badly. Stephen heard their excited greetings as he passed the kitchen on his way back to the bedroom. As he was almost out of earshot, he heard Tanya ask “Why are you still married to him?” He moved closer to listen to Amanda’s response. “What are you talking about?” “He’s useless. You had to move back here because he can’t keep a job.” “The company went out of business. It wasn’t his fault.” “Well he had plenty of time to find another one. Instead he’s here, mooching off Mom.” Stephen couldn’t take any more. He returned to the room wondering if Tanya was right. What sort of a man was he? He couldn’t even provide for himself and his wife. That night, Stephen laid awake on the trundle bed. “Are you alright?” Amanda asked from her bed. “I heard Tanya talking about me.” “Oh.” Amanada immediately realised what he was talking about. “Don’t take that too seriously. She doesn’t understand.” “I will find a job.” “I know you will honey.” Soon he heard Amanda’s breathing change and he knew she had fallen asleep. It took him far longer. Stephen woke up late the next day. Amanda was already gone. He sat on the bed, browsing job advertisements on his laptop until the need to use the toilet motivated him to leave the room and wash up for the day. He had barely returned from the shower when he heard Janet’s voice. "Stephen. Can you come here please." She sounded like she was addressing a misbehaving child. He quickly put on some clothes and followed the sound out of the room and found Janet standing at the door to the toilet. "What?" "See for yourself." She pointed at the tiles. Stephen looked where she was pointing and saw the drops of pee. "Sorry." There was no point denying he was responsible as he was the only man using the toilet. "I'll clean it up." "Yes you will." She said, then added "And, if we keep having this problem, I’ll need to potty train you from scratch." Stephen blushed as he stormed off to get the cleaning supplies. As he was cleaning the floor, he heard the doorbell ring and Amanda answer it. “Hi Greg.” Amanda greeted the guest. “Wow. It’s been so long.” “Tanya told me you had moved home.” A man’s voice replied. “I had to see you.” That set off alarm bells for Stephen who quickly finished his task and washed his hands. He joined them in the living room. “Oh there you are. This is Greg. We dated in highschool” Amanda introduced them. “Greg, this is my husband, Stephen.” “Hi” Stephen offered his hand politely. An ex-boyfriend sniffing around was the last thing he needed right now. “Hey.” Greg took hold of his hand, a little too firmly, and shook it. “I hear you’re having trouble finding work.” “Well we just got here.” Stephen said, releasing Greg’s hand. “I’m sure I’ll find something soon.” “I might be able to help you out.” Greg offered. “I run an accounting firm.” “Thanks.” Stephen tried to sound as sincere as possible but he couldn’t stomach the thought of working for Amanda’s ex. “But I’m not an accountant.” “I know but there’s other jobs. There’s currently an opening in the mail room.” Stephen nearly swore at Greg for suggesting he take such a menial job. Amanda sensed this and quickly changed the subject. “So. Are you seeing someone at the moment Greg?” “No.” He replied. “I haven’t met anyone who compares to you.” “Aww. you’re so sweet. I’m sure you’ll meet someone. You’re a great guy.” Stephen didn’t want to be around this guy any longer but there was no way he was going to leave him alone with Amanda.. By the time Greg left, a few hours later, Stephen was furious. He also desperately needed to pee. He’d been holding on, not wanting to leave Greg unsupervised with his wife. He locked himself in the toilet and released the stream. As he was focussed on other things, quite a lot of it missed the bowl. He finished and looked at the mess he’d made. Recalling Janet’s reaction last time, he knew he should clean it up but he was too angry. “Fuck it.” he declared, flushing the toilet and leaving, not even bothering to put the seat down. It didn’t take long for Janet to find his mess. “Stephen!” This time Stephen knew exactly what it was about. He remained in the bedroom, staring at his laptop. Hiding here wouldn’t save him but there was no way he was going to her. He braced himself, expecting her to burst into the room at any moment. She didn’t. Instead he heard her talking to Amanda. He couldn’t make out what was being said but he was sure that she was complaining about the state he left the toilet in. A few minutes later, he heard the front door close and everything was quiet again. Eventually, he worked up the courage to stick his head out of the room. Janet and Amanda were gone. His pee was still on the toilet floor. Now that his anger had passed, and considering what Amanda must be thinking of him, he was embarrassed about leaving it like. He cleaned it up and then returned to the bedroom to figure out how to explain himself and apologise to Amanda and her mother. He had made very little progress on that when he heard them return. Moments later, Amanda followed her mother into the bedroom. They were both carrying bulging shopping bags. “I’m really sorry.” Stephen started. “It’s too late for that.” Janet stopped him. “I warned you what I would do if you made a mess in the toilet again.” “Huh?” Stephen was confused. “We are going to repeat your potty training.” Janet reached into one of the shopping bags and retrieved what looked like a stack of white towels. “I thought you were joking.” Stephen watched, confused as she took the top one from the stack and unfolds it onto his bed. Unlike a towel, it was square. “You clearly don’t know how to use a toilet properly. So I’m going to teach you and we are going to start from scratch” She began folding the mysterious white square and Stephen finally realised what she meant. “No way.” Stephen shook his head. “I am not wearing diapers.” “Stephen. Please.” Amanda took his hand. “Just do what she says.” “You’re on her side?” Stephen pulled his hand away. “How can you agree with this?” “We have no choice. We can’t afford to move out. We have to follow Mom’s rules.” Once again. Stephen knew she was right. He was trapped. “Fine.” “Get undressed and lay down on the diaper.” Janet directs him. “You want me to undress in front of you?” “You might as well get used to it. I’m going to be changing your diapers.” With a resigned sigh, Stephen pulled off his t-shirt and then his shorts. “Underpants too.” Janet directed. “You’re not going to be needing those for a while.” He pulled his underpants down and stepped out of them. Completely naked, he moved to the bed and laid down on the diaper. Janet pulled the thick material up between his legs and, as she fastened it with safety pins, he thought to himself that he could not possibly be more embarrassed and emasculated. He soon discovered that he was wrong. Janet went back to the shopping bags and returned with a huge pair of pink plastic pants with ruffles on the seat. “But those are for a girl.” Stephen protested. “Yes.” Janet explained as she slid the plastic panties up his legs and stretched them over his diapered bottom. “I’m going to potty train you as a girl. I have experience with girls and if you learn to use the toilet like a girl then I won’t have to worry about you missing anymore.” Janet and Amanda helped him stand up from the bed. The diaper felt very thick between his thighs. He couldn’t look either of them in the eye. The humiliating outfit was completed with a t-shirt, too short to even reach the waistband of his plastic panties and pink to match them. “Come out to the living room and we can go over the rules.” Janet instructed as she left the room. “It’s going to be okay.” Amanda hugged him tightly. “Just play along and get through this.” Stephen caught his reflection in Amanda’s full-length mirror. “I look ridiculous.” “I think you look adorable.” For some reason. This made Stephen want to cry. He managed to hold himself together as Amanda led him by the hand to join her mother in the living room. “You can sit there” Janet said to Stephen, indicating a soft pink blanket she had spread on the floor between the sofa and the TV. Stephen sat cross-legged on the blanket as the women took their places on the sofa. “Good girl.” Janet praises him. “If you keep doing as you are told this will be much easier for all of us.” Stephen shifted uncomfortably in his diaper, making his plastic panties crinkle. “From now until I decide your potty training is complete you are a little girl.” Janet began explaining the rules. “We will call you Stephanie and you will call me Mommy. Amanda isn’t your wife. She is your big sister.” “I’ll move into Tanya’s old room. You can keep mine.” Amanda explained. “You always said it looked like a little girl’s room.” Stephen knew she wasn’t trying to be cruel but still glared at her for the comment. “We are going to be starting your potty training from scratch.” Janet continued. “That means that you’re going to get used to using your diapers first. The toilet is off-limits.” “For how long?” Stephen finally spoke. “Until I am convinced that you aren’t even thinking about using the toilet, that you’re going in your diapers as soon as you feel the urge, no matter where you are.” Stephen suddenly realised that this wasn’t going to be over in a day or two. He had been thinking that Janet was just going to make her point by embarrassing him and then things would go back to normal. No. This was going to last weeks, maybe even months. “But I need to find a job.” He complained. “I can’t go to interviews in diapers.” “Silly Stephanie. You’re just a toddler. You don’t need to worry about grownup things like jobs. Mommy will take care of everything.” Janet reassured him. “You aren’t going to do anything for yourself. You will always be supervised, usually by me or your big sister but you will have a babysitter if we are both busy.” That was when Stephen realised that other people would be seeing him like this. It was bad enough with just Amanada and her mother. He felt like crying and buried his face in his hands. Seeing his distress, Amanda moved to sit on the blanket next to him and guided his head down onto her lap. “It’ll be okay honey.” She began stroking his hair. She thought her mother was going too far but didn’t dare argue. They needed somewhere to live and they had no money. Also, she was enjoying seeing him like this. It really was very cute. She was resisting the urge to pat his padded bottom. “You won’t be dressing yourself, bathing yourself or changing your own diapers.” Janet went on, leaving it to Amanda to manage Stephen’s distress. “You will need a grownup to do that for you. If you need a diaper change you can tell us or you can wait for one of us to check you.” Stephen had his eyes closed and was enjoying the attention from Amanda. Maybe being babied by her wouldn’t be so bad. “Do you understand?” Janet wanted to be sure he was still listening. “Yes.” He just wanted Amanda to keep doing what she was doing. “Yes who?” “Yes Mommy.” “Good. Because if you break any of those rules or you are rude to a grownup, you will be punished.” Janet stood up. “Amanda, I’m going to get Stephanie’s dinner ready. Are you okay to watch her?” “Yes Mom.” Amanda said. Stepen stayed there with his head on Amanda’s lap until Janet called out “Stepanie’s dinner is ready. Could you check her diaper and bring her to the table please?” “Do you need a diaper change?” Amanda asked Stephen. Stephen shook his head. He felt strangely conflicting emotions about being asked that. It was of course embarrassing but the caring way she asked made him feel safe and loved. “Okay.” Amanda helped him up. “Let’s go.” She led him to the dining table where a bowl of macaroni cheese was waiting for him. Next to it was a pink sippy-cup. He took his seat and reached for the fork but Janet got to if first. She poked it through some pasta and brought it up to his mouth. “Here comes the airplane.” Stephen just sighed, resigned to the latest humiliation and opened his mouth. As Janet fed him, he noticed the clock on the wall. It was just after 5. Janet was serious about treating him like a toddler. “You’re got food all over her” Amanda giggled as Janet fed Stephen the last few pieces of macaroni. She left and quickly returned with a damp washcloth which she gently cleaned his face with. “We are going to have to get you a bib.” “I’m going to give her a bath now anyway.” Janet says, standing up. Stephen gave Amanda a pleading look. The idea of Janet giving him a bath was too much right now. She didn’t need much convincing. “I’ll take care of that Mom.” Amanda led him to the bathroom and started filling the tub. “This is ridiculous.” Stephen complained when he was confident Janet wouldn’t hear him. “Can’t you talk her out of this?” “I tried.” Amanda insisted. “Just make the best of it.” “The best of it?” He said, angrily. “It’s like a holiday. A holiday from being an adult” She suggested. “You can just relax and let Mom and me take care of you.” “What about when someone else sees me like this?” Stephen demanded. “Nobody else in this town knows you.” Amanda reassured him as she tested the water.. “And if anyone is mean to my baby sister they will have to answer to me.” He just glared at her for that last comment. “Now let's get you into the tub.” She directed him. “Arms up.” She pulled his t-shirt up over his head then pulled down his plastic panties and unpinned his diaper. She held his hand and helped him sit down in the bathtub, surrounded by bubbles. He closed his eyes and relaxed as she washed him all over. Maybe she was right. This part wasn’t so bad at least. When Amanda was satisfied that he was clean, she helped him up out of the bath and wrapped him in a large fluffy pink towel to rub him dry. Then she led him to the bedroom and sat him on the bed while she tried to fold a new diaper for him. “This is tricky.” Amanda laughed as she failed for the second time. “Do you need some help?” Janet asked, letting herself into the room. “I think I need you to show me how to do this one more time.” Amada replied. Janet talked Amanda through the folds then said. “Now we need the baby.” Amanda removed Stehpen’s towel and laid him down with his bottom on the diaper. “Pull the front part up between her legs.” Janet directed. “And make sure it’s firm. You don’t want a saggy diaper.” Amanda followed her instructions. “Now pull the sides up to meet in the middle.” Janet continued. “And be careful with the safety pins. You don’t want to poke her.” Amanda very carefully fastened the diaper with the pins. “Good work.” Janet praised her. “Now you need to get some plastic panties on her so she doesn’t leak.” Amanda retrieved a pair of translucent pink plastic panties and pulled them over Stephen’s diaper. “Thanks Mom.” Amanda said “I think I’ve got it now.” Janet left the room and Amanda looked through the shopping bags before finally declaring “Here it is” She pulled out a short pink nightdress with a teddy bear printed on the chest. She helped him into it. The nightdress barely covered his diaper. He knew it would flash his plastic panties if he bent over at all. He reasoned that at least that was better than the t-shirt.he’d been dressed in earlier. As Stephen reluctantly allowed Amanda to lead him back out to the living room, he became increasingly aware of something he had been trying to ignore for a while. He needed to pee. He knew he was going to have to use his diaper sooner or later and the quicker he got used to doing so the quicker this would all be over. Still, wetting himself, being in a wet diaper and then having Amanda, or worse Janet, change him was not something he was eager to try. Amanda sat him on the blanket, where Janet had placed a few dolls and baby toys. He looked them over but nothing seemed interesting. “I’ll watch Stephanie while you move your things into Tanya’s old room.” Janet told Amanda, turning on the TV and settling down on the sofa. “You don’t want to disturb her moving things after we put her to bed.” Stephen had reached the point where holding on meant fidgeting around. He didn’t want Janet to see him doing the potty dance and know he was about to use his diaper. Once again he knew he didn’t have a choice. He relaxed and released his bladder. He could feel the padding against his bottom become warm and damp. When he was finished he looked at Janet to see if she had any idea what he had just done. She was focussed on the TV and seemed unaware that he had just wet himself. Unfortunately now he had to sit in this soggy diaper. There was certainly no way he was going to tell her he needed a diaper change. Eventually Amanda returned and joined her mother on the sofa until Janet declared “Okay Stephanie. Bed time.” “I can tuck her in.” Amanda offered. “I’ll do it this time.” Janet stood up. “I am her mommy.” Janet helped Stephen up off the floor. His soggy diaper sagged heavily and she quickly noticed. “Looks like someone needs a diaper change. But we can take care of that after we brush your teeth” So she led him to the bathroom and he stood there in his sodden diaper while Janet brushed his teeth for him. She then took him to his bedroom and unfolded a plastic changing mat onto the trundle bed. “I guess we can use this as a changing table for now.” She laid him down on the mat and pulled his plastic panties off, dropping them into a nearby bucket which served as a diaper pail. Next she unpinned the wet diaper and pulled it away from him, dropping it into the bucket too. The air was cold on his wet skin and the wipes Janet used to clean him felt even colder but it felt good to be out of the wet diaper. He looked away, too embarrassed to look at her as she ran the baby wipes all over his privates and bottom. Janet took out and folded another diaper and laid it out next to him on the bed. She slit it under his bottom then took out some baby powder and applied it liberally to his groin before using her hands to rub it over his bottom. “You’re not going to be changed again for a long time.” She explained. “This should help keep you comfortable.” The smell made him feel even more babyish. She pinned him into the diaper and said “Into bed now Stephanie. I’m just going to wash my hands and then I’ll tuck you in and read you a bedtime story.” She took the bucket with the wet diaper and plastic panties with her. Stephen climbed into Amanda’s old bed and tried to get comfortable. It was difficult with the unfamiliar bulk between his legs.. Janet soon returned, carrying a picture book and an empty diaper pail. She sat on the side of the bed and read it to him. “Once upon a time there was a princess.” She turned the book to show Stephen and point. “See. There’s the princess and here is her castle.” Stephen dutifully listened. Not sure why she was doing this. It didn’t seem intended to embarrass him like most of the treatment she had been giving him. She just seemed to want to read him a bedtime story because that’s what mommies do for their little girls. When she finished the book, Janet looked at the teddy bears displayed along the shelves before choosing a fluffy white one. “This is Felicity. Amanda slept with her every night when she was a little girl. I don’t think she will mind sharing her.” She tucked the bear in next to Stephen. Stephen smiled despite himself. “Thank you, Mommy.” Janet being nice to him, even in such a weird way, gave him a warm tingly feeling. Janet smiled down at him. “Goodnight Stephanie.” She kissed him on the forehead. “Goodnight, Mommy.” Janet turned off the light and left, closing the door behind her. He laid there awake. It was far too early for him to sleep and he was not accustomed to sleeping on his back. He thought about how Janet’s treatment at bedtime had made him feel. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. Yes it was embarrassing but, for the first time, it felt like Janet wanted him here. He hugged Felicity tightly, feeling the same warm feeling he’d had when Janet gave her to him. Eventually, he fell asleep, still clutching Felicity, but he woke up in the middle of the night, needing to pee again. It didn’t sound like anyone was awake. For a moment, he considered sneaking out to use the toilet but he realised that it wouldn’t help him get out of diapers any sooner and he really didn’t want to upset Janet. He relaxed and soaked his diaper before falling asleep again. MONDAY When Stephen woke up again, light was streaming in through the pink lacy curtains. He felt very well rested but his diaper was now extremely uncomfortable. The only thing to do was find someone to change him. He got out of bed and waddled out of the room. He found Amanda in the living room. “Good morning Stephanie.” Amanda greets him. “I see you’ve made friends with Felicity.” Stephen hadn’t even noticed but he’d still been holding the teddy bear. He blushed deeply at his childishness but didn’t put it down. “Good morning.” He replied. “Um… could you change my diaper please.” “Of course.” Amanda took him back to his bedroom and laid him on the changing mat. She pulled down his plastic panties and removed his diaper, dropping it into the diaper pail. She wiped him clean before folding a new diaper and pinning him into it. Once he had his plastic panties on they emerged from the room. This time he made a point of leaving Felicity on the bed. They ran into Janet in the hallway. “Good morning, Stephanie.” She greeted him with a genuinely warm hug. “Good morning, Mommy.” He returned the hug. “Do you need a diaper change?” “I just changed her.” Amanda informed her.. “Isn’t Amanda a good big sister?” Janet suggested. “Yes, Mommy.” Stephen agreed. “Don’t forget to take the dirty diapers to the laundry.” Janet reminds her daughter. “You don’t want to make Stephanie’s room smelly.” “Oh sorry Mom.” Amanda returned to the room to retrieve the diaper pail. “Come have some breakfast Stephanie.” Janet led him to the kitchen where she poured him a bowl of cereal. Once again, she sat next to him and spoon-fed him, regularly praising him for how cooperative he was. Despite doing his best to earn her praise, Stephen still ended up with cereal on his chin and nightdress. Janet didn’t seem to mind. After breakfast, Janet cleaned him up and left him the blanket in the living room to play. Looking over the toys again, spotting some large blocks he tried to entertain himself building things from them. It wasn’t long before he felt a familiar discomfort in his stomach. He needed to poop. He got up and went to find Janet. “Mommy.” He said, nervously. “What is it Stephanie?” Janet asked. “I need to use the toilet.” “I told you. You don’t use the toilet. That is what your diaper is for.” “But I have to do a poo.” “Your diaper is for that too, silly.” Stephen returned to the blanket. He was going to mess himself. There was no escaping it. Either then or sometime soon when he couldn’t hold on any longer. At least at that moment there were no witnesses. Squatting, he forced the mess out into his diaper. He felt it spread against his bottom. Now finished, and feeling more like a toddler than ever, he was afraid to move because every movement spread the poo further. Amanda soon found him, still frozen in place like that. The smell told her what the problem was. “Someone has a messy diaper.” “It feels so gross.” Stephen whined. “I don’t want to move.” “I’ll get Mom.” Then instead of going to find her Amanda calls out. “Mom. Stephanie has a messy diaper.” The surprise and embarrassment made Stephen lose his balance in his awkward stance and he fell on his bottom, squashing the mess all over the inside of his diaper. He felt like crying. Janet soon appeared. “You can change her if you like.” Amanda shook her head. “No. You’re her mommy.” “Fine.” Janet took Stephen’s hand and helped him up. “But you should watch so you know what to do. If I’m out when she messes you can’t just leave her in it until I get home. She’ll get a rash.” Stephen followed them back to his bedroom, every step reminding him of the state of his diaper. Once again, Stephen laid on the bed as Janet removed his plastic pants and unpinned his diaper. The smell got worse as she pulled it open. He saw Amanada watching, grossed out, as her mother took wipes and got to work. He could feel that he had poo everywhere. Could Amanda look at him the same way after seeing him like this? When she was finally done she threw the diaper in the waiting bucket and then asked Amanda. “Could you get a disposable? We are going out this morning” “Going out?” Stephen panicked. “Where are we going?” “We are going to visit Mommy’s friend.” Janet said as Amanda passed her the adult diaper. “It’s alright. She already knows all about you and is excited to meet my new baby girl” Janet unfolded the white disposable diaper and slid it under Stephen’s bottom. It was thinner than the cloth diapers. Stephen was thankful for that as he was taped into it. “I’m going to deal with this..” Janet told Amanda, picking up the diaper pail. “Can you please get Stephanie dressed.” “No problem.” Amanda opened the wardrobe. Her clothes were gone, so were his. In their place were a few items which she and her mother had bought on their shopping trip the previous day. She took out some denim skirtalls and a red t-shirt, laying them on the bed before going to the drawers and finding some red tights to match and a pair of shiny black Mary Janes. She gathered up the tights and guided Stephen’s feet into them, stretching them up his legs and over his diaper. Next she pulled the t-shirt on over his head. The skirtalls followed. Finally she completed the outfit by sliding his feet into the shoes and doing up their buckles. “Totally adorable.” she declared. “Now let’s do something with that hair.” Stephen had been neglecting haircuts since losing his job. It wasn’t that long but it did give Amanda something to work with. She sat him in front of her old dressing table and brushed it and then strategically added some clips with red bows. Janet returned with a large bag. “I’ll just pack the diaper bag and we’re ready to go.” She gathered some changing supplies into the bag along with other bits and pieces she thought they might need, and, after a final check, zipped it up. “Time to go Stephanie.” “Bye Stephanie.” Amanda said, giving him a hug. “Have fun.” “Wait.” Stephen said. “You’re not coming?” He had only convinced himself he could cope with going out like this because he thought Amanda would be there, holding his hand. “I have a job interview.” She explained. “But don’t worry. Mommy will take care of you.” Janet led him out to her car and buckled him into the back seat. “I expect you to be on your best behavior.” She warned him as they drove. “Yes Mommy.” He replied. They soon parked in the driveway of another house. Janet got out and then helped Stephen out of the car and led him to the front door. He looked around nervously, feeling very exposed out there as Janet rang the doorbell and they waited. A woman, about Janet’s age, answered the door. “Hello Janet.” She then looked at Stephen, smiling warmly. “And this must be little Stephanie.” “Hello Rachel.” Janet greeted her friend. “Stephanie. This is Miss Walker. Say Hello.” “Hello, Miss Walker.” Stephen said, feeling ridiculous. “Come in.” The woman directed them. “Would you like some tea?” “That would be lovely.” Janet followed her inside with Stephen in tow. “I have some books with different options for you to look through on the coffee table.” Miss Walker said as she showed them into her lounge room. “The patterns will be all toddler sizes of course but I can still work from them to make something to fit Stephanie.” On the table, Stephen saw a stack of books with sewing patterns for little girls’ clothes and realised why they were here. “I’ll just go put up the tea.” Miss Walker excused herself. Janet picked up one of the books and sat on the sofa. Unsure what to do with himself, Stephen sat on the other end. “The sofa is for grownups.” Janet told him. “You can play on the carpet.” Stephen obediently moved to the floor and Janet took a doll out of the diaper bag and handed it to him to play with. With nothing else to do, he examined the doll, turning it over in his hands. It was a baby doll and it was wearing an outfit embarrassingly similar to his own. While it had no tights, it was wearing skirtalls and a t-shirt just like him. Also like him, it was wearing a disposable diaper under its skirt. Miss Walker returned with the tea. "Can I get anything for Stephanie?" "Thank you but I wouldn't want her spilling anything on your carpet." Janet responded. "I brought her a bottle." She reached into the diaper bag. For a moment, Stephen was afraid she would pull out a baby bottle but it was just a children's water bottle with a straw. Stephen accepted the bottle and looked at it. It was definitely designed for a little girl. Printed around it's sides were teddy bears, wearing pink tutus in various ballet poses. "That is a very pretty bottle you have." Miss Walker told Stephen. "Do you do ballet?" Stephen shook his head. "Stephanie. Be polite and use words." Janet corrected him. "No, Miss Walker." "Would you like to?" Miss Walker asked. "I used to teach ballet." "No. Thank you, Miss Walker." Stephen did his best to refuse politely. "Would you really teach her ballet?" Janet ignored his refusal. "Absolutely. I taught your other daughters." Miss Walker responded. "And Stephanie will look so sweet in a tutu." "I told you." Stephen snapped. "I don't want to do ballet." "Stephanie." Janet said sternly. "Come here." Stephen immediately realised his mistake. All he could do now is try to appease her. He got up and moved to her side. "Lay across my lap." She directed him. He did as he was told. Janet lifted his skirt and then pulled down the back of his tights and diaper, exposing his bare bottom to Miss Walker. As she started the spanking, Janet said “That was very rude. You do not speak to grownups like that.” At first, the spanking was more embarrassing than painful but after a while his bottom started to sting. Stephen begged “Please stop. I won’t be rude again.” Janet wasn’t satisfied that he had learned his lesson. She kept going until the pain and humiliation were too much and Stephen began to sob. “I am sorry that you had to see this.” She apologised to Miss Walker as she helped Stephen to stand up. “It’s quite alright.” her friend replied. “Little girls need discipline.” Janet pulled Stephen’s diaper and tights up over his red bottom and instructed him. “Now say sorry to Miss Walker.” “I’m sorry, Miss Walker.” Stephen said, tears still running down his cheeks. “We all make mistakes dear. Just try to be the good little girl I know you can be.” Miss Walker stood up and hugged him tightly. “And don’t worry. I’ll still teach you ballet.” “Thank you, Miss Walker.” He tried to sound happy. The women returned to discussing what they might dress him up in and he returned to his spot on the carpet, happy for the cushioning of his diaper between his sore bottom and the floor. With little else to do, he sipped water from his bottle and soon emptied it. Miss Walker helpfully refilled it and he finished it again. It wasn’t long before all that water made its way to his bladder, demanding to be let out. He wondered if he could hold on long enough to get home. Not that it would make much difference, he’d still be going in a diaper but it would be more private. When Miss Walker brought out sandwiches for lunch it was clear they wouldn’t be leaving any time soon. With a sigh, he let go and soaked the diaper. It felt different to wetting his cloth diapers. The padding quickly pulled the liquid away from his skin but in doing so, it expanded and grew stiffer. It was still uncomfortable, just in a different way to his cloth diapers. Eventually, Janet had made her choices and Miss Walker declared “I just need to take some measurements from Stephanie.” Taking a measuring tape, she stood up and offered Stephen her hand. “Stand up sweetie.” Stephen accepted her help and stood up. Miss Walker started taking measurements, starting with his neck and arms and working down to his waist. Then she got to his leg. Holding one end of the measuring tape as his ankle, she ran the measuring tape up the inside of his leg to his groin, feeling the swollen padding between his legs. “I think Stephanie needs a diaper change.” “Do you mind if I change her here?” Janet asked. “Go ahead.” Miss Walker noted the last measurement. “I’m finished.” Janet took the necessary supplies out of the diaper bag and spread a changing mat on the floor. Stephen didn’t want to be changed in front of this woman but he knew that refusing would earn him another spanking so he laid down on the mat without being asked. Janet got to work, pulling down his tights to his ankles and then untaping his diaper and pulling it open between his legs, exposing his privates. Miss Walker didn’t react at all. She continued her conversation with Janet as though this was all perfectly normal. “I have all of the fabric I need for the first couple of outfits and they should be ready in a few days.” Stephen found this made him feel very small. She should at least giggle at a grown man having his diaper changed on her lounge room floor. Instead she reacted as though he really was just a toddler. “Thank you so much Rachel.” Janet said, wiping him clean. “I can’t wait to see them on her.” “When would you like to start her ballet lessons?” Miss Walker asked as Janet rolled up the used diaper and replaced it with a clean one. “I can do it first thing tomorrow if you like. How is 9 o’clock?” “That would be great.” Janet taped Stephen into his new diaper and helped him to his feet so she could pull his tights back up. “I’ll organise a tutu for her.” Miss Walker says happily. Janet packed up the changing supplies and disposed of the old diaper before saying “I’d better get Stephanie home. She is overdue for a nap.” The women said their goodbyes and Janet drove Stephen home. They found Amanda waiting for them. “How did the job interview go?” Janet asked her daughter. “I think it was mostly a formality.” Amanda replied. “I’m pretty sure I already had the job.” “I’ll just put Stephanie down for her nap and you can tell me all about it.” Janet took Stephen to his bedroom. There she removed the clips from his hair and stripped him down to his t-shirt and diaper. She stuck two fingers into the leg elastic to check if it was wet. “Still dry.” She found Felicity and handed the teddy bear to him. “Into bed.” As she was tucking him in, they heard the doorbell ring. Amanda answered it. “Hi Greg. Are the flowers for me?” “I just wanted to give you the good news personally.” Greg replied. “You’ve got the job. I couldn't tell you at the interview because it would look like I was playing favorites.” “Thank you, Greg. This is a huge help.” Janet kissed Stephen on the forehead. “Have a good nap.” She then left the room to join Amanda and Greg. “This is great news.” She said. “But please keep your voices down. I just put Stephanie down for a nap.” After that, Stephen could hear them talking but they weren’t loud enough to make out what they were saying. He couldn’t believe that Amanda would be working for her ex-boyfriend and he was sure Janet was explaining exactly who “Stephanie” was. He wanted to go out there and confront them but that would mean doing so in just a t-shirt and diaper. It would also probably mean a spanking in front of Greg for getting out of bed before his nap was over. So he laid there, imagining them laughing at him, imagining Greg making moves on Amanda. Fortunately Greg wasn’t there for long but, even after Stehpen heard him leave, he couldn’t stop thinking about it. How would he prevent Greg from stealing Amanda while he was stuck in diapers? It wasn’t long before he needed to use his diaper again. He didn’t want to do it. Especially now. He wanted to be a man. A man who could tell Greg to back off. However he also knew that holding on wouldn’t do him any good and it wouldn’t get him any closer to getting out of diapers. So he flooded his diaper and laid there feeling like a toddler until Janet returned. “Did you have a good nap?” Once again, she checked his diaper by sticking her fingers in through the leg hole. “Get on the changing table pumpkin and mommy will change your diaper.” Stephen moved to the changing mat on the trundle bed and laid there while Janet cleaned him up and replaced his disposable diaper with a cloth one and plastic panties. She helped him up and they went out to find Amanda in the living room. The flowers from Greg were displayed on the coffee table. “I have some good news Stephanie.” Amanda told him. “I have a job. I start tomorrow.” There was a lot that Stephen wanted to say but this morning’s spanking was still fresh in his mind so he didn’t respond. “What’s wrong?” Amanda asked. “I think she’s sad that her big sister won’t be here to give her attention during the day?” Janet suggested “I’ll be home on the weekends.” Amanda reassured him. “And I’m here now. What would you like to do?” What he wanted most was to get her away from Janet so they could talk like adults. “Let’s play in my room.” “Okay.” Amanda smiled and led him to his bedroom. Once they were both inside, he shut the door. “I can’t believe you took a job working for Greg.” This threw Amanda a little off balance. She had genuinely been expecting to spend the afternoon playing with her baby sister, not arguing with her husband. “When I told him you wouldn’t be able to work for him he asked me to come in and have an interview instead. He knows we need the money.” “He’s your ex-boyfriend.” Stephen reminded her. “And it’s obvious he’s still interested in you.” “No. He’s just a friend. He wants to help.” “I shouldn’t be stuck here in diapers.” He felt like he was about to start crying for the second time today. “I’m a man. I’m your husband. I should be out there finding a job right now.” “Shh. It’s alright.” Amanda pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back. “There’s a TV in my room. Let’s go watch a movie.” Stephen let himself be led across the hallway to her bedroom. “Get comfortable and I’ll find us a DVD.” Stephen sat on the bed and waited for her to return. He looked around the room. It had been Tanya’s. While it was still undeniably feminine, it was far more mature than his. There were no dolls or stuffed toys and there was a TV mounted on the wall opposite the double bed.. “I can’t believe Mom still has this.” Amanda returned holding a DVD case. “This was my favorite movie when I was a little girl.” The pastel color scheme of the cover told Stephen everything he needed to know about this movie. He didn’t even need to see the cartoon princess and fairies prominently displayed on the front. He didn’t complain though. This was something Amanda wanted to share with him and he needed to keep their bond strong in whatever way he could. Amanda started the movie and snuggled in next to Stephen. She reached her arm around behind him and placed her hand on his padded hip, using it to pull him close to her. Stephen relaxed against her, breathing in her perfume. The movie wasn’t that bad. It was definitely for little girls but Stephen found that he didn’t mind. Or maybe he could have enjoyed watching anything while being held by Amanda. When the credits started, Amanda moved to get up and take the DVD out but Stephen held onto her. He wanted to stay in her arms. Amanda smiled and this time didn’t resist the urge to pat his diapered bottom. They stayed like that until they heard the doorbell. “That will be Tanya.” Amanda said. “She is going to babysit you tonight.” “What?” Stephen sat up. “Mom and I are going out to celebrate my new job.” “I don’t want your sister to see me like this.” “Come on.” Amanda stood up and took his hand. “I’ll be with you.” He reluctantly followed her out into the living room where Tanya and Janet were waiting. Tanya immediately burst out laughing. “Oh my God! He’s really wearing a diaper.” Stephen gripped Amanda’s hand tightly. He wanted to stand up to her but what could he say while dressed like that. “She.” Janet reminded her daughter. “Until She is potty trained again she is your little sister Stephanie.” “Does h…” Tanya corrected herself “Does she really use her diapers?” “Yes.” Janet says. “And you had better not leave her sitting in a dirty diaper. I don’t want her getting a rash.” At this, Tanya started laughing again. “Maybe this is a bad idea.” Amanda said. “Nonsense.” Janet says. “Tanya has babysat before. She knows what she’s doing.” “Yeah. Don’t worry.” Tanya gave Stephen a smile which made him want to hide behind Amanda.. “Stephanie and I are going to have lots of fun together.” “Good.” Janet started toward her room. “Amanda and I need to get ready. Could you please check Stephanie’s diaper and then give her dinner. It’s already on the table.” “No problem Mom.” Tanya held back her laughter. Amanda struggled to free her hand from Stephen’s “It will be okay.” She was trying to convince herself as much as Stephen. She took one more concerned look back as she went into her own room. Now alone with Stephen, Tanya circled behind him. “Any poopies in your diaper?” She giggled, pulling back the plastic panties and diaper to look down his bottom. “No. Good girl. Let’s keep it that way. I don’t want to change any messy diapers tonight.” Moving around to face him, she squeezed his groin. “Nope. Not wet either.” She led him to the table where they found a plate of chicken nuggets and vegetables cut into sticks. Next to it sat his sippy cup. “No high chair?” Tanya teased. “You are a big girl aren’t you?” Stephen was just thankful that it was finger food and he didn’t have to suffer the indignity of Tanya feeding him. When he was finished eating, they returned to the living room where they waited for Janet and Amanda to be ready. “Did Stephanie eat all of her dinner?” Janet asked when she returned. “Yes Mom.” Tanya told her. “Good.” Janet said. “Her bedtime is seven thirty and she will need a bath before then.” “I’ll take care of it.” Amanda emerged. Stephen thought she looked stunning and wished he was going with her. “Ready to go?” Janet did a last check of her handbag. “Yes.” Amanda replied. Janet hugged Stephen and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “Good night Stephanie. Be a good girl for Tanya.” Amanda hugged him tightly, whispering. “It’s only a couple of hours.” Then they were gone and Stephen was alone with Tanya. “You’re even more pathetic than I thought.” With Janet and Amanda gone, she could say what she really thought. “A real man would never have let his mother in law turn him into a baby girl.” Stephen didn’t know what to do. He found no words to defend himself and just stood there frozen. “I guess you never were a man.” She continued. “Maybe you always were a little girl.” She took out her phone and started snapping photos of Stephen. “What are you doing?” Stephen tried and failed to hide his diaper from the camera. “Stop that!” “I don’t have any photos of my baby sister.” Tanya ignored his protests. “What if I want to show you off to my friends?” “No.” He insisted. “Please don’t” “Or maybe I could send them to your friends, show them the real you.” She threatened. “I’m sure I could find your phone to get their numbers.” “Please.” He begged. “Don’t do that.” “I won’t if you are a good little girl and do whatever I say.” “Okay.” He was trapped. “Good.” She smiled evilly. “Now babies don’t walk. For the rest of the night I want you to crawl.” Stephen got down on his hands and knees. Tanya laughed at how prominent this made his padded bottom. She took the opportunity to get more photos. “Go on.” Tanya ordered “Crawl around like the baby you are.” As Stephen complied he noticed pressure on his bladder again. He wondered if he could hold on until after Tanya put him to bed. Of course then he would be in a wet diaper all night but that would be better than having Tanya change him. "Now lay on the blanket and play with your dolly." Tanya took more photos until her phone rang. "Hi Susan." She answered it, giving Stephen a very welcome break. "No. I am babysitting tonight." "You aren't going to believe this." "It's my brother in law." "No he doesn't have a kid. I'm babysitting him. Mom decided to treat him like a baby girl and the loser just went along with it." "Yeah. Diapers and everything. He is laying in front of me playing with a doll right now." This went on for quite a while. Stephen tried not to listen or think about the gossip which would soon be all over town. “Do you need a diaper change yet?” Tanya asked when her phone call was finally finished. She was hoping for some even more embarrassing photos. The ones she had so far might be explained away as being from a costume party or something but if she had proof of him using his diaper he would have no excuse. Stephen shook his head but felt the pressure growing. Soon enough Tanya noticed his potty dance and smiled. It would not be long. However, she was also aware of the time. It was getting closer to seven and she still needed to give him a bath before bed. She soon decided that she couldn’t wait any longer. “Stand up.” She ordered. Stephen got up off the floor. “Now wet your diaper.” She said. “Unless you want me to share those photos.” Stephen blushed as he released his bladder. Tanya laughed as she watched the crotch grow darker and begin to sag. She took another photo. “Are you all done?” Stephen nodded. “You deserve to sit in it you loser.” She said. “But it’s almost your bedtime and I need to give you a bath. Crawl to your bedroom.” Stephen got back down to the floor and made his way to his room. The soggy diaper hanging heavily between his legs. Tanya followed, documenting it with her phone. He reached his room and climbed up on the change mat. “Suck on your thumb while I deal with this.” Stephen stuck his thumb into his mouth. It was strangely comforting. Tanya removed his plastic panties and giggled at the dark wet, yellow stain on his diaper. She quickly snapped a photo. There would be no denying what had happened in this one. She unpinned the diaper and pulled it open. “Look at that little dick.” She snapped a photo. “Does it get any bigger?” She teased him with her fingers until he grew hard. “I guess not. Poor Amanda.” She took another photo. “I hear Greg’s is huge though.” She threw the soggy diaper into the bucket then directed him "Now get to the bath.” Wearing nothing but his t-shirt, Stephen crawled to the bathroom. Tanya followed, watching his penis swinging from side to side as he moved. When they reached the bathroom, she ordered "Sit there while I fill the tub." He obeyed. The tiles felt cold against his naked skin and he felt very exposed in front of Tanya and covered his erection with his hands, surprised to find that he missed the security of his diapers. “Stop playing with yourself.” Tanya snapped at him. “That’s very unladylike.” Stephen stared at the floor and tried to ignore her. “Move your hands away.” She ordered. “Put them on your head.” He reluctantly removed his hands to his head, leaving him exposed again. He sat like that until Tanya pulled his t-shirt up over his head and told him “Get in.” He climbed in. relieved to be concealed by the bubbles. Tanya had no interest in actually washing him so she threw a washcloth in for him to do it himself. He didn’t mind being allowed that little bit of maturity but it did feel a bit awkward with her watching, especially when it got to his privates. “Are you all clean?” She asked when he finished. “Show me your bottom so I can make sure you have done it properly.” Stephen stood up, thankful that his dick was no longer hard, and turned so she could see his bottom. “Bend over and pull your cheeks apart so I can see properly.” He obeyed, furious at this deliberate humiliation but totally powerless to do anything about it. “No. That’s nowhere near clean enough.” She picked up the washcloth from the water and stuck her index finger in the middle of it. She ran her covered finger down his crack. She then ran it back up to his butthole, penetrating him just enough to let him know just how much power she had over him. He felt himself starting to grow hard again but Tanya quickly withdrew her finger. “Much better.” She dropped the washcloth back into the bathtub. “Get out and dry yourself off.” He stepped out of the tub and dried himself with his pink towel. “Now put the towel back and crawl to your bedroom.” Stephen hung the towel back on the towel rail and got down on the floor. He crawled back to his room totally naked. Tanya watched his bare bottom sway from side to side and couldn’t resist giving it a hard smack. He finally reached his room and climbed onto the changing mat. Tanya picked up a cloth diaper. “What the hell am I meant to do with this?” Without bothering to even try folding it, she slid it under his bottom and pulled it up between his legs before fastening it at the sides with safety pins. It didn’t feel right to Stephen. It was very loose and there was nowhere near enough padding against his bottom and between his legs. However he didn’t dare say anything. She pulled a pair of plastic panties up his legs and stuffed the diaper inside them. This felt even worse. It was bulky in all the wrong places and bits of the material stuck out of the elastic of the plastic panties. Tanya pulled a nightdress on over his head and then checked her watch. “Ten past seven. Close enough. Get into bed.” Without even waiting for him to do it, she turned off the light and left. Stephen crawled over into his bed and found Felicity. He hugged her tight and fought the urge to suck his thumb and told himself that Tanya’s torment was over now. Some time later, Tanya let herself back into the room and turned on the light. “I just wanted you to know that I found your phone.” She waved it in front of him to prove it. “If Mom hears that I was anything other than a perfect babysitter, I’m sending those photos to your entire contact list.” She turned the light back off and left. Janet and Amanda returned home not long after that. Stephen could hear them talking to Tanya for a little while but couldn’t make out what was being said. He heard Tanya leave and then outside his door Janet said “I’m just going to check on Stephanie.” She quietly opened the door. Stephen watched her as she approached the bed, very happy to be back in her care after Tanya. “Why are you still awake?” She whispered gently. He reached up and hugged her. “Did you miss Mommy?” She asked, returning the hug. He nodded against her shoulder. She released him and tucked him back up in bed, smiling warmly at him. TUESDAY He awoke the next morning, needing to pee, and used his diaper. Unfortunately, Tanya had done such a bad job of diapering him that it leaked all over his bed. “Good morning. I just wanted to see you before I left for work.” Amanda came in then saw his bed. “Oh dear. What happened. Did you leak?” Janet heard her daughter and came in too. “What’s wrong?” “Stephanie’s diaper leaked.” Amanda informed her. “I’ll deal with it.” Janet told her. “You have to get to work.” “Sorry.” She kissed Stephen on the forehead. “I really do have to go” On the way out she called back “Bye Mom. Bye Stephanie.” “Bye Amanda.” Janet called after her. “Good luck.” She approached the bed and pulled back the covers to inspect the damage. “Don’t worry, Pumpkin. I’ll get this cleaned up.” She removed his wet nightdress and pulled off his plastic panties. She saw his diaper. “Tanya did your diaper all wrong. That’s why it leaked. We will have to teach her how to do it properly won’t we?” Not waiting for an answer, she unpinned the diaper and helped him up. “Get into the bathroom.” Wet and naked, he did as she said. She ran him a bath and helped him in. “We have to get ready quickly today.” She said, scrubbing him clean with no concern for his modesty. “It’s your first ballet lesson this morning.” She helped him up and wrapped him in his towel. “There. Isn’t that better?” “Yes.” He said and meant it. “Thank you, Mommy.” She took him back to his room and laid him on the change mat. There she took out a disposable diaper and slid it under his bottom before taping him into it. He felt much more secure being back in a properly fastened diaper and caught himself smiling up at Janet. She smiled back before going to his wardrobe to decide what to dress him in. Stephen stood up and Janet returned with a yellow sundress with white flowers. “What do you think?” She held it up for him to see. It was certainly cute. He wouldn't mind seeing it on Amanda but that didn’t mean he wanted to wear it himself. Still, he didn’t want to disappoint Janet so he responded with a big smile. “I thought you would like it.” She pulled it on over his head. The dress reached just below the crotch of his diaper. If he had been wearing a cloth one it would certainly be showing. Janet finished his outfit with shoes and a yellow headband then said. “I’m just going to get these wet things into the wash and then we’d better get going.” Soon enough he was reluctantly following her out of the privacy of the house. He let her strap him into the back seat of her car. “You’d better have some breakfast.” She unscrewed the cap from a children’s yogurt pouch and handed it to him. Stephen finished it on the short drive and, as he usually did after breakfast, started to feel the need to poop. He hoped he could hold on until they got back home. At Miss Walker’s house he once again waited nervously at her front door, holding down his dress afraid that the wind might catch it and flash his diaper. “Hello Janet. Hello Stephanie.” Miss Walker opened the door and greeted them with a warm smile. She was wearing a black leotard with a simple wrap-around skirt. “Come in.” She led them back into her lounge room. There was a pink ballet outfit laid out on the sofa. It consisted of a pair of tights and what looked like girls’ one-piece bathers with a stiff skirt sticking out from the waist. Sitting on the floor were a pair of matching ballet shoes. “Wow. Is that tutu for Stephanie?” Janet asked, knowing the answer. “Yes.” Miss Walker replied. “I had a few spare ones laying around. That should be her size.” “Let’s try it on.” Janet was already removing his shoes. Next she took off his headband and pulled his dress off over his head, leaving him standing there in just his diaper. She picked up the tights and gathered up the legs before holding them out for Stephen to step into. She stretched them up his legs and over his diaper. Then came the tutu. She held it out for him to put one foot through each leghole and then pulled it up for him to put his arms though. Finally, she slipped the shoes onto his feet. “Such a pretty ballerina.” She declared, stepping back to look at him. “Do you like your tutu, Stephanie.” “Yes Mommy.” Stephen gave her the answer he knew she wanted. “You can keep it.” Miss Walker declared. Stephen knew that Janet would prompt him to respond to her. He preempted her. "Thank you Miss Walker." "You have very good manners." Miss Walker smiled at her. Janet beamed proudly. Stephen was quickly learning to be a respectful little girl. Earning the approval of these two women made Stephen feel surprisingly good. He hoped it was something he would repeat frequently. "Let's get started." Miss Walker led Stepehn to an empty part of the room and sat down. "First we have to stretch." She demonstrated a stretch and Stephen did his best to copy her. "Good work Stephanie." Miss she rewarded his efforts with more praise before demonstrating the next stretch. As Stephen stretched, he felt the need to poop increasing. All of this bending was not making it easy to avoid missing his diaper. "Okay. Up we get." Miss Walker stood up and Stephen followed. "This is First Position." She demonstrated and he copied, Earning more praise. Stephen kept following Miss Walker's directions, forgetting that he was meant to be a grown man. He was totally absorbed in being a little girl learning ballet and it was wonderful. He was brought back to reality when the pressure was finally too much and, in the middle of a plié, he filled his diaper. From where she sat, Janet could see it happen. She watched as the seat of his diaper expanded with the mess. “I think you’d better take a break.” She told Miss Walker. “Stephanie needs a diaper change.” “Okay.” Miss Walker looked at her watch. “We went longer than I had planned anyway. Stephanie was just such a good student.” Stephen couldn’t help smiling at her but he was embarrassed. Of course he was embarrassed about messing himself but he was more embarrassed that, for a while, he felt like a real little girl and loved it. Janet unpacked the changing supplies and then had to completely undress Stephen to get to his diaper. Stripped down to his diaper, Stephen laid on the changing mat. “You did very well at your first ballet lesson.” Janet untapped the diaper. “Mommy is very proud of you.” She thoroughly cleaned his bottom before sealing the diaper and wipes into a plastic bag. When he was taped into a clean diaper, Stephen said “Thank you, Mommy.” “Such a polite little girl.” Miss Walker observed. “You are doing such a good job raising her, Janet.” This made both Janet and Stephen feel great. “Rachel, would you mind getting her dressed while I throw this out?” Janet asked, holding up the dirty diaper. “Of course not.” Miss Walker replied, picking up Stephen’s sundress. Janet left to dispose of the diaper and wash her hands. “Thank you.” “Come here sweetie.” Miss Waker held up the dress and waited for Stephen. He moved closer to her and helpfully raised his arms so that she could put the dress on him. She put his headband back on and then helped him into his shoes. “Thank you, Miss Walker.” He said, ”You are very welcome, Stephanie.” When Janet returned, Miss Walker offered "Will you have some tea?" "Yes." Janet replied. "I think we have time." "I'll put the kettle on." Miss Walker left. While they waited for her to return, Janet took out Stephen's water bottle and gave it to him. "You must be thirsty too." He finished the bottle by the time Miss Walker had poured the tea. He had nothing else to do while the women chatted so he stood up and started practicing the moves Miss Walker had taught him. Janet and Miss Walker smiled. They tried not to make it too obvious that they were watching him. They didn't want him to get embarrassed and stop. As he danced, he gradually felt more and more like a real little girl again. His self-consciousness was gone along with all of his adult concerns. Before he completely lost himself, he was interrupted by Janet. "Time to go home, Stephanie." "Okay Mommy." As he realised that he really needed to pee. He soaked his diaper on the drive home. "Do you need a diaper change?" Janet asked once they were inside. "Yes Mommy." She took him to his room and changed him into a cloth diaper. As he had expected, his dress was not long enough to cover his diaper. “I have to hang out the wash.” She informed him. “You can play in the backyard.” She let him out through the laundry door. She could keep an eye on him from there while she unloaded the washing machine. Stephen stepped out into the backyard. The fences looked very low to him. A neighbour could peer over into the yard at any moment. The backyard hadn’t changed since Amanda and Tanya were children. It had a sandpit, a swing and a cubby house. These had gone unused for over a decade but Janet had kept them in good condition in case she had grandchildren. Stephen opted for the privacy of the cubby house. It was, fortunately, large enough for him to move around comfortably inside. It was currently used mostly as storage for outdoors toys, like buckets and spades for the sandpit. He sat on a chair which was a bit too small for him and watched the backyard through a window. Soon Janet emerged from the house with the washing. She put down the basket and waved to Stephen. Not wanting to disappoint her, he waved back. Janet started pulling things out of the washing basket. Stephen’s sheets from the morning were in there but it was mostly his diapers and plastic panties. His diapers being on display made Stephen feel exposed despite being hidden in the cubby house. “Hello Janet.” Stephen’s fears were realised as a woman called out over the fence. “Hello Kate.” Janet waved back. “It looks like you have a baby in the house again.” The woman observed but then she noticed something strange. “Those are some very big plastic panties.” Janet laughed. “Yes they are.” She turned to the cubby house and signalled Stephen to come to her. “Stephanie. Come out and meet Mrs Thompson.” Stephen hesitated. “Come out Stephanie.” Janed repeated. “You know what happens when you are rude to grownups.” The warning drew Stephen out of his hiding spot. Mrs Thompson hid her mouth behind her hands when she saw him but it was obvious that she was giggling. “Say hello to Mrs Thompson.” Janet prompted him. “Hello, Mrs Thompson.” He did as he was told. “Stephanie here was Amanda’s husband. They have come to stay with me.” Janet explained. “She had some trouble aiming when he used my toilet as a man so now she is a little girl in diapers. When she is ready, I will potty train her.” Stephen could only stand there, turning red. “Maybe I should try that with Peter.” Mrs Thompson said, recalling her long-running frustration with her husband’s toilet habits. Janet smiled at the idea. “I’m sure Stephanie would love to have another little girl to play with.” “I am impressed that you decided to cloth diaper her.” Mrs Thompson says. “That must be a lot more work.” “It’s not that bad. I cloth diapered Amanda and Tanya too. Babies go through a lot of diapers.” Janet explained, motioning toward the clothes line. “It’s just more economical. Plus cloth diapers make their little bottoms so cute.” Mrs Thompson giggled again. “They certainly do.” “Well I’d better give Stephanie some lunch” Janet hung the last diaper on the line. “It’s almost time for her nap.” “If you ever need a break, feel free to leave Stephanie at my place.” She offered. “My Sarah is studying child care and I’m sure she would love to help.” “Thank you, Kate.” Janet said. “I’ll keep it in mind.” It was a quiet afternoon. After Stephen’s nap time, Janet left him to play in the living room, checking on him occasionally as she did various chores around the house. “Mommy, Can I help.” Stephen asked at one point, mostly because he was getting rather bored of the baby toys. Janet appreciated the offer but replied “When you are a bit bigger.” Janet was feeding him his dinner when Amanda finally returned home. “Hi Mom.” She greeted them both with a kiss, her mother on the cheek and Stephen on the forehead. “Hi Stephanie.” “How was your first day?” Janet asked as she brought a spoonful of peas to Stephen’s mouth. “It’s a bit boring honestly. I’m overqualified to be a secretary.” She complained. “But it’s better than nothing.” “Stephanie had her first ballet lesson this morning.” Janet informed her. “Was that fun?” Amanda asked Stephen. “Did you get to wear a tutu?” Stephen could only answer with nods as Janet made sure that his mouth was never empty. “She is a very good ballerina.” Janet commented. “Just like her big sister.” “Will you show me?” Amanda asked Stephen. He shook his head. “I’m sure she will.” Janet insisted. “When she is feeling less shy.” That evening, after Janet had given Stephen a bath, she took him to his room and took out two cloth diapers. She laid them out next to him on the bed. “I think I’ll make your diapers extra thick for bed. We don’t want you to leak again.” She folded the diapers and slid them under his bottom. He could feel the extra thickness already with just his bottom resting on it. She powdered him and pulled the double diaper up between his legs, forcing them apart. Once his diapers were pinned on and covered with another pair of plastic panties, Stephen stood up awkwardly. It was almost impossible to walk with this much padding between his legs. One he was in his nightdress, they joined Amanda in the living room where she was watching the news. When it was finished, Janet suggested. “Maybe Stephanie can show us her ballet now.” Stephen again shook his head. “Please.” Amanda begged. “I really want to see.” With a sigh, he got up off the floor. Janet turned off the TV and started some music. Stephen started going through the moves which Miss Walker had taught him. He felt very self-conscious and awkward in his bulky diapers but Amanda and Janet smiled and clapped for him. While attempting one of the moves, he lost his balance and fell on his padded bottom. Amanda couldn’t help giggling. Stephen pouted which only made the scene even cuter to her. This made her giggle even more. Stephen didn’t want to dance anymore. He returned to his spot on the blanket and stayed there until Janet declared “It’s Stephanie’s bed-time.” “Goodnight Stephanie.” Amanda gave him a hug. “Goodnight Amanda.” Janet led him to the bathroom, where she brushed his teeth, and then took him to his room. “Are you wet?” She asked, feeling his diapers. “No. Still dry.” Stephen climbed into bed and hugged Felicity. Janet sat on the bed next to him and started reading his bedtime story. Stephen closed his eyes and listened. It was so much nicer being put to bed by Janet than by Tanya. Without thinking, he snuggled in close to her, smiling contentedly. He was asleep before Janet finished the story. WEDNESDAY Stephen woke up early enough to eat breakfast with Amanda before she left for work. Then, after he messed his diaper, Janet changed him into a disposable. "Where are we going?" He knew what a disposable diaper meant. "Mommy has a few errands to run today." Janet explained, helping him into pink leggings. Next came a white t-shirt with a large pink heart on the front, white sneakers and a pink bow for his hair. As Stephen looked at his reflection, the thought of being in public like this filled him with dread. The waistband of his diaper stuck out the top of the leggings and the short t-shirt did nothing to cover it. Not that it would have done him any good. The tight leggings left no doubt what was underneath. Janet restocked the diaper bag and they were on their way. Stephen watched nervously from the back seat. He wondered where they were going but wasn’t sure he wanted to know. It was worse than he feared. Janet turned into the carpark of a shopping mall. People were streaming in and out of the entrance. There were so many people who would see him the moment he got out of the car and even more once they got inside. Janet got out of the car with the diaper bag, opened Stephen’s door and unclipped his seatbelt. “Come on.” Stephen shook his head. “I can’t go out there like this.” “Don’t be silly. Get out of this car right now.” “No!” He gripped the seat. “Fine.” Janet put his seatbelt back on. “Have it your way.” She drove him home without another word. As soon as they were inside, she led him to the sofa. She sat down. “Get across my lap.“ Did as he was told, hoping that obedience would mitigate her wrath. “Yes Mommy.” She pulled down the back of his diaper and leggings. “It was very naughty to disobey Mommy.” Her hand came down hard on his bare bottom. “Especially when we are out in public.” “Ow.” He said. “I’m sorry but I can’t let all of those people see me in diapers.” She spanked him again. “You are a toddler.” And again. “Toddlers wear diapers.” And again. “But after.” He endured another smack. “When I’m a grownup again. How will I face them?” “That is a grownup worry.” Janet stops the spanking. “You don’t even need to worry about potty training yet, Pumpkin.” As if to punctuate that statement, she pulled his diaper back up and padded his bottom through it. She then helped him stand up and then fixed his leggings. Stephen thought that the punishment was over. He was wrong. Janet dragged a footstool over into an empty corner of the room. “This is the naughty seat.” She explained. “Sit here facing the wall. You are in timeout. ” Stephen obeyed. He felt so childish sitting there, staring at the corner. He prefered the spanking. “We still need to go to the mall today.” Janet said from behind him. “People will see that you are a little diapered girl. Use your time on the naughty seat to find a way to accept that.” And so he sat there, processing the fact that very soon he would be walking through a shopping mall, very visibly diapered. He imagined it. How would people look at him? What would they say? Many would certainly laugh. He felt the embarrassment as though he was already there. When he felt the need to pee, it was a welcome distraction. He held on, more as something else to focus on than to avoid using his diaper. Eventually that became tedious too and he wet the diaper. Still he had to sit there in his soggy diaper, anticipating his diapered excursion. Eventually he reached a point where he just wanted to get it over with. He just couldn’t stand the anticipation any more. Finally Janet came back and asked. “Are you ready to go to the mall now?” “Yes Mommy.” he replied, sadly. “Good girl.” She helped him up and turned him around so she could give him a tight hug. “Mommy loves you.” She genuinely meant it and Stephen felt that. He returned the hug. She released him and stepped back. Do you need a diaper change before we go?” “Yes Mommy.” Janet changed Stephen into a clean disposable and soon they were back in the mall parking lot. Once again, Janet got out with the diaper bag, opened Stephen’s door and released his seatbelt. She offered him her hand. “Come on, Pumpkin.” Stephen’s heart was pounding but he took Janet’s hand. Somehow holding her hand made him feel better. He was still scared but found the courage to leave the car. “Good girl.” Janet smiled at him as she led him to the entrance. Most people were minding their own business and didn’t even glance at Stephen but a few did notice. They pointed him out and whispered to their companions. Stephen heard a few laughs and gripped Janet’s hand tighter. Their first stop was the hair salon. The young woman at the counter just smirked as she looked Stephen up and down. “Hi Janet. We are just about ready for you. Please take a seat.” Janet led Stephen to the waiting area. Part of it was fenced off and had a basket of toys for young children. The purpose was obvious. It was a playpen where mothers could leave their small children while they had their hair done. That is exactly what Janet planned to do with Stephen. She opened the childproof gate. “In you go.” Stephen reluctantly released her hand and stepped in. The back of the playpen was glass, looking out into the mall. As Janet closed the gate, Stephen realised he was on display to everyone walking past. He turned his back to the window. Realising that this gave the people outside a view of his padded bottom, he sat down. They would still see the waistband of his diaper but this was the best he could do. Meanwhile Janet selected a magazine and took a seat to wait for her turn. It didn’t take long before she was called over to a chair and the stylist got to work. People stopped and stared at Stephen through the window, Some tapped the glass, hoping to get a better look at him but he didn’t turn around. To Stephen, Janet’s haircut took agonizingly long. This was worse than his timeout. At least he didn’t have people gawking at him on the naughty seat. When Janet was finally finished, Stephen watched her pay the young woman at the counter then return to open the playpen. He rushed to hug her. In her arms, he could ignore the people outside staring at his padded bottom. Janet looked at her watch. “Oh dear. We are running late. I’d better get you some lunch.” Stephen held tight to Janet’s hand as she let him deeper into the mall. People were still looking but he ignored them, focussing only on the feeling of his hand in hers. Janet spotted the sign for the toilets and stopped for a moment. “Do you need a diaper change before lunch?” Stephen shook his head, blushing at being asked that so loudly in public. They reached a cafe and found a table. Stephen felt a little more comfortable here. The customers and staff could still see him but he was protected from the crowds outside. Janet looked over the menu and chose meals for both of them without consulting Stephen. She left him at the table as she went to place the order. Stephen made the mistake of looking around. The other customers were all looking at him. Most were being subtle about it but some were blatantly staring. Fortunately, Janet did not take long and was soon sitting across from him again. He could just focus on her and ignore everyone else. “I think you are going to miss your nap today.” Janet worried. “I still have to go to the bank and do the grocery shopping.” While Stephen wasn’t concerned about missing his nap, he didn’t like hearing that they still had things to do at the mall. As they waited for their lunch, he also realised that he needed to pee. He wondered if he would be able to hold on until Janet finished her errands. He wondered if the people watching him would be able to tell if he wet himself. Then he realised that if Janet knew he had wet himself she would likely change him at the mall. While he was worrying about this, a waitress brought their food over. “The kids’ meal must be for you.” Smiling, she placed a plate in front of Stephen. It held some little ham and cheese sandwiches with the crusts cut off two slices of fairy bread. Next to it, she placed a juice box. Stephen knew that Janet would want him to use good manners. “Thank you.” Janet smiled proudly at him and, in spite of his embarrassment, he was happy to have made her happy. “You are welcome.” The waitress failed to keep a straight face but kept up the pretense that Stephen was actually a little girl. “Would you like to do some colouring when you are finished?” “That would be very nice.” Janet answered for him. The waitress retrieved some crayons and a colouring-in picture of a unicorn and placed them in the middle of the table. “Thankyou” Stephen said again. “You are such a polite little girl.” She said. “What’s your name?” “Stephanie.” “That is a pretty name.” She continued. “And how old are you Stephanie?” “Twenty Six” He answered without thinking. The waitress laughed. “Isn’t that a little too old to still be in diapers?” Janet laughed and corrected him. “Stephanie is two.” “Don’t worry.”The waitress teased him. “I’m sure you’ll learn numbers soon.” With that, she left to serve other tables. “Don’t wait for mommy.” Janet told him. “You can start eating.” He did and was almost finished when her lunch arrived. After eating the last piece of fairy bread, he pulled the crayons and coloring picture toward him. It was something to focus on as he tried to ignore the people watching him and the increasing likelihood that he would have to use his diaper in front of them.. He was just finishing off the picture when Janet ate the last few bites of her meal. “That’s very pretty.” She told him. “You are such a good artist.” It was a patronizing complement but a complement nonetheless. “Thank you, Mommy.” Janet folded the picture neatly and placed it in her handbag before once more taking Stephen’s hand and leading him back out to the mall. The next stop was the bank. Janet and Stephen joined the queue. As everyone in front of them was focused on moving forward, none of them noticed Stephen but the man who arrived behind them certainly did. “Is this a dare?” He joked. “Or did you lose a bet?” “Stephanie. You are being rude.” Janet insisted. “The nice man asked you a question.” “It’s a punishment.” Stephen reluctantly turned to face the man. “I missed the toilet and didn’t clean up so Mommy said I have to be potty trained as a girl.” “You’re his mother?” The man asked Janet. “I’m his mother in law.” She explained. “But until Stephanie’s potty training is finished she is a little girl and I’m her mommy.” “Wow.” The man felt sorry for Stephen. “Why are you letting her do this to you?” “My wife and I are living with her because I lost my job.” Stephen admitted. “I don’t have a choice.” “My name is Kevin Brown.” He handed Janet a business card. “I’m a freelance reporter and I’d like to interview you and... Stephanie... for an article.” Stephen shook his head. “Don’t want everyone to know about this.” “Hundreds of people have been seeing you walking around the mall today.” Kevin said. ”They are all wondering why you are dressed like that.” “It would save us from explaining it to everyone.” Janet reasoned. “Good.” Kevin took that as a yes. “Would you be available to do the interview later today?” “I think so. I just need to visit the supermarket after this.” Janet told him.”I will call you when we are home.” By then, Stephen’s need to pee was getting urgent. He was trying to subtly shift his weight from one leg to another to keep it under control without Kevin noticing. Kevin did notice but he didn’t say anything. He just watched, curious about whether Stephen would actually use his diaper. Before they reached the front of the line, Stephen gave up and flooded his diaper. Kevin noticed that he had stopped fidgeting and realised what had just happened. Janet noticed too and once they were finished at the bank, she told Stephen. “Let’s go change your diaper.” He meekly let her lead him back to the toilets. She pushed open the door to the ladies' room And pulled him inside. Luckily, they found the room empty. Janet pulled the baby change table down. "There is no way you are going to fit on that" she decided. After looking around the room and finding no suitable surfaces she shrugged and just pulled Stephen's leggings down where he stood. Just as Janet put the diaper bag down on the counter, the door swung inward. Two women entered the room. their conversation abruptly stopped as they saw him standing there with his leggings around his ankles and his wet diaper on display. "What the hell?" one of them blurted out. “Is she really changing his diaper?” “Oh my God!.” The other declared, heading back out the door.. “I’m getting security.” “Don’t leave me with these weirdos.” The first followed her. Janet ignored them and opened the bag to collect the necessary supplies. She returned to Stephen and had just undone the tapes on his diaper when there was a knock on the door. “This is mall security.” A man’s voice came from the other side of the door. “I’m coming in.” Janet quickly stuck the tapes back in place and pulled Stephen’s leggings back up before the uniformed man let himself in. The man tried to remain serious but couldn’t help smiling at the ridiculousness of what he found. “Both of you will need to come with me.” “Fine.” Janet said, putting the baby wipes and clean diaper back into the bag. “But my daughter needs her diaper changed.” This made him crack and start laughing. “Whatever. Just follow me.” Janet held Stephen’s hand and followed the man through the mall. Stephen’s diaper moved around awkwardly as he walked. In her rush, Janet had not done a very good job of taping it back up and the tapes did not handle being re-stuck very well. They soon gave up, leaving the task of holding Stephen’s diaper in place entirely up to his leggings. The leggings sagged and the damp padding bounced against his bottom with every step. The guard led them through a door marked “Staff Only.” and showed them into an unoccupied office. “Take a seat and wait here.” He told them. On the near side of the simple desk were two chairs. Janet and Stephen sat there and waited. “Great.” Stephen despaired. “Now I’m going to be arrested, dressed like this.” “Watch your tone, Stephanie.” Janet told him sternly. “And don’t worry. I will explain everything.” “Janet?” A middle-aged man recognised her as he entered the room. “Hello Peter.” Janet stood to greet him. “I’m sorry about this misunderstanding.” “It’s quite alright.” He responded. “And this must be Stephanie. My wife told me all about you.” “Stephanie. Say hello to Mr Thompson.” Janet said. “He is our neighbour. You met Mrs Thompson yesterday.” “Hello, Mr Thompson.” Stephen said obediently. “I understand you were trying to change Stephanie’s diaper in the middle of the ladies’ room” He said. “You gave some other shoppers a bit of a shock.” “Yes.” Janet confirmed. “She is too big for the baby change table.” “There’s a spare office next to mine.” Mr Thompson pulled a key, attached to an orange tag, from his drawer. “You can have some privacy in there. Here’s a key.” “Thank you, Peter.” Janet accepted the key. “Thank you, Mr Thompson.” Stephen added without being prompted. Mr Thompson led them to the next office. “I’ll leave you to change Stephanie now. She looks like she’s getting rather uncomfortable in that diaper.” he pointed at another door further down the hall. “You can use the staff bathroom to wash up.” Janet took Stephen into the office. Its furniture was arranged like Mr Thompsons and had a few boxes stacked in one corner but was otherwise empty. “Lay down on the desk Pumpkin.” Stephen did as he was told. His legs dangled off the end. Janet once again pulled his leggings down to his ankles. This time his diaper went with them. “Oh dear.” Janet took the used diaper and rolled it up. “It’s lucky you didn’t wet again. You would have leaked all over.” She took the baby wipes out of the diaper bag and cleaned his privates. “There. All clean again. Isn’t that better?” “Yes, Mommy.” He agreed. Next, she took out the new diaper and unfolded it. “Lift up your bottom a little please, Pumpkin.” He had to place his feet on the edge of the desk to do this. “Thankyou.” She slid the diaper under him and gave him a gentle pat on the side of his bottom. He understood the signal and lowered himself onto the padding. Janet pulled the diaper up firmly between his legs and taped him into it. Stephen felt good to be back in a dry, properly fastened diaper. “Thank you, Mommy.” “You are welcome, Pumpkin.” She smiled as she helped him up and then pulled his leggings back over his padded bottom. Janet disposed of the old diaper, washed her hands and then took Stephen back out into the mall. Their last stop was the supermarket. Janet took a trolley and considered the baby seat. “No. I think your bottom is a bit too big to fit in that.” Stephen sighed with relief. “I want you to keep one hand on the trolley at all times.” Janet directed. “So you don’t get lost.” Stephen held the side of the trolley and kept pace with Janet as she went up and down the aisles, finding what she needed. By then, Stephen had grown accustomed to the stares and comments of the other shoppers. It felt like they had been at this mall forever. Janet had soon gathered everything on her list and took them through the checkout. “Hello Janet.” The young woman at the checkout recognised her.. “Hello Sarah. We were just talking to your father.” “Yes he told me you were in the mall today.” Sarah started scanning the groceries. “Hello Stephanie. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Sarah.” Stephen knew he had to be polite. “Hello Sarah.” “Stephanie. You need to speak to grown ups respectfully.” Janet corrected him. “You must call her Miss Thompson.” “Sorry, Miss Thompson.” This made her giggle. “Mom said you might come to my house to play.” She spoke to Stephen as though she believed he was a real little girl. “Would you like that?” Stephen didn’t think he was allowed to say no. “Yes, Miss Thompson.” “I’m home all day tomorrow.” She addressed Janet. “You can drop her over in the morning and have a break.” “That sounds lovely.” Janet agreed. “Stephanie and I will see you tomorrow.” Janet phoned Kevin Brown on their way back to the car. She told him they would be home soon and gave him the address. By the time the doorbell rang Janet had changed Stephen back into a cloth diaper and plastic panties. The leggings had no chance of stretching over the much thicker padding so he was in just his t-shirt, diaper and plastic panties. He was laying on his pink blanket, watching an educational cartoon for toddlers. Janet let Kevin in and led him to the sofa. “Can I get you some tea or coffee?” “Coffee. Thank you.” Kevin replied, watching Stephen unsuccessfully try to find a way to sit which hid his ballooning pink plastic panties. Janet left him with Stephen and went to the kitchen. The reporter recognised that he might be able to get more honest answers out of Stephen with Janet not listening. “How do you feel about living like a little girl?” “How do you think I feel?” Stephen answered. “It’s humiliating. I spent the day being paraded around the mall in diapers.” “What does your wife think about this?” “Amanda says we have no choice but I think she’s enjoying seeing me like this. She says it’s cute.” “Do you feel cute?” “Um… Sometimes.” Stephen admitted. “Sometimes when I play along I get into the role and feel like a real little girl.” “Do you like that feeling?’ “In the moment, yes. I just feel free and safe.” Stephen found himself opening up more than he had expected. “Like I’m not even embarrassed about the diapers. It just feels natural.” “And you use your diapers.” That wasn’t a question. Kevin already knew he did. “Do you just wet them or do you poop in them too?” “I…” Stephen didn’t really want to say. “I’m not allowed to use the toilet at all.” “What is it like, using your diapers?” “It’s embarrassing. It’s like I’m proving that I need to wear them.” Stephen paused before adding “But when I’m not worried about people watching me it’s also kind of… I don’t know, relaxing. It’s like I don’t have to worry about anything. Even wetting myself.” “And your mother in law changes you?” “Mostly. Amanda has and so has Tanya, her sister.” Stephen stared at the floor. “That’s the most humiliating part of this. Being changed like a baby.” “Is there anything you like about it?” Kevin knew he was holding back something. “Um…” Stephen blushed. He didn’t want to admit this part, even to himself. “Sometimes, it can feel nice being taken care of in such a… an intimate way.” Janet returned with a tray. On it wa Kevn’s coffee, a small pot of tea and teacup for herself. A sippy cup full of water for Stephen and a plate of assorted biscuits to share. She passed the sippy cup to Stephen. “Thank you, Mommy.” Stephen accepted it. “You are welcome. Pumpkin.” She smiled, proud that he was showing good manners in front of her guest. “Thanks.” Kevin picked up his coffee and took a sip before returning to his questions. “How long has Stephanie been… um Stephanie?” “Since Sunday evening.” Janet answered. “I warned her that if she missed the toilet and didn’t clean up again that I would need to potty train her again. She didn’t think I was serious but I was.” She motioned toward Stephen. “Wasn’t I. Stephanie?” “Yes, Mommy.” “So you’re potty training her?” Kevin continued his questions. “Not yet. First she has to get used to using her diapers so she can start from scratch.” Janet explained. “When she has forgotten how to use the toilet like a boy I will teach her to use it like a girl.” “Why are you going to teach her to use the toilet like a girl?” “Because girls don’t miss the toilet. They sit down to make their tinkles.” “How do you feel about changing your son in law’s diapers?” “I don’t really think about it that way.” Janet told him. “She is living as my little girl and that is how I see her. I’m her mommy and I change her diapers like I did for my other two daughters.” It made Stephen feel warm and tingly to hear her say it. “How has this experience affected your relationship with each other?” “We weren’t particularly close before.” Janet didn’t think it was necessary to express just how much she disliked Stephen before he became her little girl. “But I think we have developed a real connection this week.” “Do you feel that way too?” Kevin directed the question to Stephen. “Yes.” Stephen answered genuinely. “I feel a lot closer to her now.” Kevin finished his coffee and thanked Janet and Stephen for their time. He said his goodbyes and promised to let Janet know if his story was going to be published. Because Stehpen had missed his nap, Janet put him to bed early that evening. He was already tucked in when he heard Amanda return home from work. THURSDAY The next morning, Stephen woke up before anyone else. He had wet his diaper during the night and it now felt very uncomfortable. He waddled out to the living room and, with nothing else to do, played with the toys on his blanket. By the time Amanda emerged, he had wet his already-soaked diaper again. “Good morning, Stephanie.” “Good morning.” He replied. “Um... Could you change me please? I’ve been in this wet diaper for ages.” “Okay.” He waddled awkwardly back to his room. Amanda tried not to giggle as she followed. Stephen laid down on the changing mat and waited. He helpfully lifted his hips as Amanda pulled his plastic panties down. Amanda smiled down at him, happy that he seemed to have relaxed into his new position as a toddler. She unpinned his soggy double diapers and pulled them open, exposing his privates. It felt strange to see a penis there. It felt out of place somehow. She told herself that this was a silly thought and got to work cleaning the stale pee off of his groin and bottom. “Your skin is getting a little red.” she noted as she threw the wet diaper into the bucket. “I think you might be getting diaper rash.” She went to the drawers where Stephen’s changing supplies were kept and examined a few tubs, tubes and bottles before finding the right one. She returned with a tube of diaper rash cream and squeezed a little of it out onto her fingers. Starting above his dick she spread the cold ointment all over his diaper area. The intimate touch from his wife made him start to grow hard as she moved down to the skin around his balls. Stephen was ashamed to be visibly aroused by this treatment and tried to think of other things so his erection might go away. It didn’t work. Amanda just tried to ignore it as she moved down to his bottom. She spread it all over his cheeks and then through his crack. This left him throbbing and desperate to cum. While Amanda was usually the person to help him with such a problem she had no intention of doing so then. Instead, she took out a clean cloth diaper and folded it as Janet had taught her. She slid it under his bottom and pulled it up between his legs. Normally his penis would be pointing down but there was no chance of that in his current state. She had no option but to pin him into his diaper with his erect penis pressed tight against his hip. She found herself relieved that she no longer had to look at it as she pulled a clean pair of plastic panties up over his diaper. She helped him up and led him back out to the living room. With each step, the thick fabric rubbed against his dick. It wasn’t enough stimulation to make him cum but it kept him hard. Once he was back on his blanket, Amanda left him alone so she could get ready for work. He tried to rub himself through the diaper but the padding was too thick and he couldn’t get enough sensation through it. He looked around to check that he was still alone and slid his hand down through the elastic waistband of his plastic panties and into the diaper. He grabbed his dick and started moving his hand up and down its length. He closed his eyes and laid back, enjoying the feeling. It had been too long since he’d had any sexual release. He recalled Tanya touching him and sticking her finger inside him. He came almost immediately but just as he did he heard Janet’s voice. “Stephanie. Get your hand out of your diaper.” Still feeling waves of pleasure through his body, he opened his eyes and looked up to see her standing over him. He quickly removed his hand. Janet knew exactly what he was doing and from the way he was moving she was pretty sure he had cum. This somewhat damaged her image of him as her little girl. For a moment she once again saw him as the man who was unworthy of her daughter. “Come with me.” He could hear the disappointment in her voice. “You need to wash your hands.” “I’m sorry, Mommy.” He followed her to the bathroom. Hearing that was all it took for him to be her little girl again. “I know you are Stephanie. You are still learning to be a good little girl. Just don’t do it again.” “I won’t Mommy.” He really meant it. He didn’t want Janet to be disappointed in him like that again. After washing his hands, she took him to the change mat. She removed his plastic panties and diaper and wiped the semen off of his skin. When Janet taped him into a disposable he remembered that she had agreed to leave him next door, in the care of Mrs Thompson and her daughter today. He didn't like the idea but he didn’t argue. There was no point. Soon he was dressed in his yellow sundress and standing, with Janet, at the neighbours’ front door. “Hello Janet.” Mr Thompson answered the door. “Hello Stephanie. Come in.” “Thank you.” Janet let Stephen into the house. “Sarah.” Mr Thompson called out to his daughter. “Stephanie is here.” Sarah rushed out and greeted Stephen energetically. “Hello Stephanie. We are going to have so much fun today.” “Hello Miss Thompson.” Stephen replied, unprompted. “Has she eaten breakfast?” Sarah asked Janet. “No.” Janet replied, handing her the diaper bag. “Your mother said you should have practice changing a messy diaper and she usually does her poos after breakfast .” Stephen was horrified by the thought of this young woman, who was only a couple of years out of highschool, changing his messy diaper. “That’s very thoughtful of her.” Sarah replied, sarcastically. “Don’t worry I’ll give her breakfast.” “Thank you.” Janet said. “And I caught her putting her hand in her diaper this morning.” Stephen started at the floor, embarrassed by Janet revealing that. “I wouldn’t worry about that.” Sarah reassured her. “It’s normal for toddlers to explore like that but I’ll keep an eye out for it.” Janet gave Stephen a tight hug then kissed him on her forehead. “Mommy has to go now but Miss Thompson will take good care of you. Be a good girl for her.” “I will.” Stephen said. “Bye, Mommy.” “Good bye, Pumpkin.” Janet moved toward the door. “I’ll see you this evening.” “Come this way, Stephanie” Sarah led Stephen deeper into the house.”I’ve set up the spare room as a daycare.” Sarah had borrowed resources from her college and dug out bits and pieces which had been packed away when she outgrew them as a child. These were set up around the room. There was a shelf of oversized picture books for reading to a group of children and a child-sized table with 2 chairs. On the floor, in one corner was a futon mattress. In another was a padded changing mat. Scattered around the room were various educational toys. “Oh Hello, Stephanie.” Mrs Thompson came past the door. “Would you like some breakfast?” “No thank you, Mrs Thompson.” Stephen thought that maybe if he didn’t eat he could avoid messing his diaper and having Sarah change it. “Yes please Mom. She hasn’t had anything yet.” Sarah overruled him. “I’ll bring some porridge.” Her mother said, leaving. ”I’d better check your diaper before we give you food.” Sarah circled behind Stephen and pulled up the skirt of his dress, revealing his diaper. She checked the seat of the diaper with a pat. Finding it empty, she moved to the front and pressed her hand firmly against the groin to feel if it was wet. Satisfied that Stephen’s diaper was still clean, she let the skirt fall. “We can have story time while we wait.” Sarah selected one of the books and sat on the only adult-sized chair in the room. “Come and sit on the carpet.” Stephen sat cross-legged on the floor facing her and Sarah turned the cover of the book to face him. “Frogs Can’t Yodel.” She read out the title and then opened the book. She read the text to him with the patronising enthusiasm teachers use with small children. Something about being spoken to like that made him feel more like a little girl than his diaper did. He once again started forgetting his adult self and feeling like a real little girl. The story finished as Mrs Thompson arrived with a purple plastic bowl full of porridge. She placed it on the little table. “Here you go, Stephanie.” “Thank you. Mrs Thompson.” Stephen got up and moved to the little chair in front of the bowl. “You are very welcome.” Mrs Thompson left. Sarah found Stephen’s water bottle in the diaper bag and placed it on the table next to his bowl. “Thank you, Miss Thompson.” Stephen said, picking up the purple plastic spoon which was sticking out of the porridge and beginning to eat. It was lukewarm but he was hungry and quickly finished the bowl. Sarah moved him back to the carpet where she started teaching him counting. Of course he already knew how to count and very proudly showed off how clever he was, earning a lot of praise from Sarah. It didn’t take long for Stephen to begin to feel the familiar discomfort in his tummy. He knew an easy solution though. Moving into a squat, he filled the seat of his diaper. Sarah watched, having little doubt about what he was doing. She was a little surprised at how little using his diaper in front of her seemed to bother him. When she was sure he was finished, she asked as sweetly as she could manage while concealing a strange mixture of amusement and disgust. “Do you need a diaper change?” “Yes, Miss Thompson.” Stephen said matter-of-factly. “Go lay down on the changing mat.” She directed. As he did so, she gathered the necessary supplies from the diaper bag. She then joined him on the floor where she lifted his dress out of the way, exposing his messy diaper. “Someone is a stinky girl.” Stephen giggled as she untapped his diaper and carefully pulled it open. As professionally as she was able to manage, Sarah cleaned him with baby wipes and then re-diapered him. “Thank you, Miss Thompson.” Stephen said as he got up from the mat. Sarah stuck her head out of the door and called out. “Mom. Could you please come watch Stephanie for a minute.” Mrs Thompson soon arrived. “Thanks Mom.” Sarah explained as she left. “I just need to throw this messy diaper out and wash my hands.” “Are you having fun at daycare, Stephanie?” Mrs Thompson asked. “Yes.” Stephen said with a big smile. “Miss Thompson is nice.” Mrs Thompson wondered why Stephen wasn’t more embarrassed that a college girl had just changed his messy diaper. In fact he seemed far more comfortable overall than when he arrived. “What have you been learning?” She asked. “Counting. I’m really good at it.” Then unprompted he showed off just how good he was. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight….” She realised that he was genuinely proud of this. It was as though he had started to believe he really was a little girl. He was still counting when Sarah returned. “One hundred and thirty two, one hundred and thirty three, one hundred and thirty four…” “Wow Stephanie.” Sarah interrupted. “Did you count past 100?” “Yes.” Stephen beamed. “You are a very clever little girl.” She praised him, getting an even bigger smile. “Would you like to do some art?” “Yes.” Stephen nodded excitedly. Sarah took out some blank paper, a glue stick and a tub of various bits and pieces to glue on. “I want you to make a picture of your family.” Stephen got to work, finding just the right part from the tub. As they watched him, Sarah’s mother pulled her aside and whispered “Have you noticed that he really seems to think he is a little girl?” “He was totally unashamed messing himself in front of me.” Sarah replied. “It was like he thought it was completely normal.” “Do we try to snap him out of it?” Mrs Thompson worried. “What if he stays that way?” “He looks so happy.” Sarah argued. “I’m sure he’ll snap out of it himself in a few hours.” “Okay.” Mrs Thompson said, leaving. “But I’d better mention it to Janet.” Stephen worked away on his picture. When he was finished, he held it up proudly. “Good work, Stephanie.” Sarah said, looking at the picture. The picture was clearly two women with a small girl, dressed in pink between them, holding hands with both. “Is this you?” She asked, pointing to the figure in the middle. “Yes.” He said, happy that Sarah had recognised him in his picture. “I’m a ballerina.” “And is this your mommy?” She pointed to the largest figure. “Yes.” He said. “And this is my big sister, Amanda.” He pointed to the last figure. “I think this deserves a gold star.” Sarah said and placed a sticker on the corner of the picture. “Are you ready for lunch?” Mrs Thompson returned to the room. “Yes. Thanks Mom.” Sarah said. She turned to Stephen. “Time to check your diaper again.” Mrs Thompson left to prepare lunch and Sarah lifted Stephen’s dress again. The crotch was yellowed and sagging. It was obviously soaked. To avoid any surprises, she moved behind him and pulled out the waistband of his diaper. Relieved to find there was no poop this time, she took Stephen back to the plastic mat and changed him into a clean diaper. After lunch Sarah declared “It’s nap time.” She closed the blinds and turned off the light. Being the middle of the day, there was still quite a lot of light but it was the best she could do. She guided Stephen to the futon and started some simple instrumental music. When Stephen woke he was disoriented for a moment. This wasn’t his bedroom. Then it came back to him. He remembered not only where he was but how he had behaved all morning. He cringed as he recalled messing himself in front of Sarah and then having her change him. How could he look her in the eye after that. However, he also recalled the feelings. The feelings that came from being praised and cared for, of being innocent and carefree and mostly of being cute. Yes he was embarrassed but mostly he was sad it was over again. Sarah soon came in to check on him. She noticed the change immediately. “What’s wrong, Stephanie?” “Nothing.” He stared at the ground as she turned the light back on and opened the blinds. “You’re not Stephanie any more are you?” Sarah asked. Stephen couldn’t help looking at her. He knew exactly what she meant but still asked. “What?” “I mean, you’re still you.” Sarah clarified. “But this morning you were really a little girl. Weren't you?” Stephen nodded sadly. “And now you’ve remembered that you’re really a man wearing diapers and a dress?” “Yeah.” He was surprised how much she understood. “Does that happen often?” Sarah asked. “Forgetting that you’re not really a little girl?” “It’s happened before.” He admitted. “But not for that long.” “Do you like it?” Sarah asked. “Feeling like a real little girl.” “Yes.” He looked away, once again ashamed. “I liked Stephanie too.” Sarah reassured him. “It was fun taking care of her this morning.” Hearing that gave Stephen a warm feeling. “Would you like to be her again?” Sarah asked, gently. He nodded. “Good.” Sarah was genuinely pleased. “How did we do it before?” “I’m not sure.” Stephen thought. “You were reading to me and your voice… It just sounded like you were talking to a real little girl.” “Okay. Let’s try it.” Sarah selected another book from the shelf and sat on her chair. Stephen took his place on the floor in front of her. Once again, Sarah turned the giant picture book so that he could see the cover and read the title. “Princess Hippo.” Stephen felt her voice wash over him and before she was halfway through the short book he was Stephanie again. Sarah watched the change happen. Stephen’s face lit up and he leaned in, excited to see what happened next in the story. She continued the story, happy that she had the real Stephanie back to play with. Stephen spent the afternoon happily learning about shapes,colours and letters, interrupted only by a couple of diaper changes. Far too soon, Amanda arrived. “Hello Sarah.” Amanda came into the room. “Mom sent me to collect Stephanie.” “Amanda.” Stephen shouted excitedly and ran over to hug her. She was a little shocked by his childish reaction but returned the hug before picking up the diaper bag. “Come on. Let’s go have dinner.” He looked back at Sarah, not wanting to leave. “It’s okay Stephanie.” Sarah reassured him. “You can come back another day.” “Okay.” He accepted that his time with Sarah was over and gave her a tight hug. “Bye, Miss Thompson.” Amanada took his hand and led him home. He confused her more by skipping from the Thompsons’ front door to their own. She wondered if she should be worried about him but he seemed so happy, happier than he had been in a long time. “Hello Stephanie.” Janet greeted him when they got inside. Stephen rushed to her in the same childish way he had greeted Amanda and held her. “Hello Mommy.” “Did you have fun at daycare, Pumpkin?” “Yes.” He said. “Can I go again tomorrow?” “Not tomorrow but soon.” Janet was less shocked by this behavior than Amanda. Mrs Thomspon had visited earlier to discuss it. It was still different to see it in person. “Do you need a diaper change?” Stephen shook his head but she confirmed for herself anyway. “Okay. Come to the table.” She said. “Your dinner is ready.” Stephen followed her to the table and happily let her feed him mashed potato with peas and corn. She marveled at how completely he had slipped into this role and wondered how long it would last. She doubted that it would be permanent but she also didn’t mind if it was. She liked having another baby girl to take care of. “Time for your bath.” Janet told Stephen, wiping his face. “Okay Mommy.” He followed her to the bathroom and let her undress him and put him in the tub. He splashed and played as Janet scrubbed him. He giggled when she playfully splashed him back. Soon she had him back in his cloth diapers and plastic panties and dressed for bed. He ran out ahead of her to get to the blanket and play with his dolls. Amanda watched him, fascinated, totally ignoring the TV. She saw no sign of her husband, just a little girl who somehow looked a bit like him. Stephen started to feel a little tired. He had played for long enough. Now he wanted his mommy. He moved closer to Janet and leaned against her legs, knowing he wasn’t allowed up on the sofa. Janet looked down at him. She had banned him from the sofa so that he would know his place. It seemed that, right now at least, he knew it. Right now he just wanted her affection. She patted the cushion next to her. “Come up here, Pumpkin.” He climbed up and rested his head on her chest. Janet put her arm around him and held him close. He felt safe and loved. He could have stayed like that forever but, eventually, Janet reluctantly declared. “Time for bed.” She brushed his teeth and led him back to his room. Then she checked his diaper and tucked him in with Felicity. He fell asleep halfway through his bedtime story. FRIDAY Stephen woke up feeling great. He was himself again but the feelings from the previous night lingered. He smiled to himself as he remembered snuggling up with Janet. He wet his diaper and found that he liked how small it made him feel. He felt like he could almost slip into being Stephanie again. “Good morning Stephanie.” Janet let herself into the room. “Good Morning, Mommy.” Stephen responded. Janet could tell that he wasn’t thinking like her little girl anymore. He was happy to see her but his affection was self-conscious and slightly hesitant. Still she smiled and hugged him. “How is your diaper?” “It’s wet, Mommy.” He admitted. “Okay, Pumpkin. Move to the change mat.” She changed his diaper and put him in a lavender t-shirt and matching plastic panties. Soon She fed him breakfast and, soon after that, she changed his morning messy diaper. He was expecting Janet to put him into a disposable for another embarrassing outing. When she folded another cloth diaper he was relieved. His relief didn’t last long. He was playing on the living room floor when the doorbell rang. Janet answered the door. “Hello Samantha. Come in.” Janet led her friend to the sofa. “Stephanie. This is Mommy’s friend Ms Campbell.” Stephen blushed but greeted the woman as he knew Janet expected. “Hello, Ms Campbell.” “Hello Stephanie.” Ms Campbell replied, sitting down. “I’ve heard a lot about you.” “I’ll put on the tea.” Janet excused herself. “The others will be here soon.” Ms Campbell stared at Stephen. Janet had told her all about him and his punishment but she still couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. It was absurd. A grown man dressed like a baby girl, playing on the floor in front of her. The tension was broken by the doorbell ringing again. “I’ll get it.” Ms Campbell called out to Janet and answered the door. “Hello Hannah.” She greeted the next woman with a hug. “Janet is just making the tea.” “Hello Samantha.” The woman stepped into the living room and spotted Stephen. “Oh my God. Is that him?” “I think Janet wants us to say her.” Ms Campbell corrected her. “Sorry.” giggled the woman and approached Stephen. “Hello Stephanie. I’m Mrs Miller.” “Hello Mrs Miller.” Stephen dutifully responded. “Oh. My. God!” She squealed, pinching his cheek. “He’s… I mean She’s adorable.” Stephen found himself wishing he could slip into being Stephanie again. Then he wouldn’t be embarrassed by this attention. He might even enjoy it. “Oh hello Hannah.” Janet returned carrying a tray with a teapot, four cups and a plate of biscuits. She placed the tray on the coffee table and started pouring. The sound made Stephen realise that he needed to pee. He considered just going but was uncomfortable with the idea with these women watching him. The doorbell rang once again and Janet answered it. “Hello Rachel. Everyone’s here.” Miss Walker stepped in. She was carrying a very bulky bag. “Hello Stephanie.” She headed straight over to hug him. “How is my little ballerina?” “I’m good, Miss Walker.” He returned the hug. “You’re teaching her ballet?” Mrs Miller asked. “Yes.” Miss Walker confirmed. “And she is very good.” “That’s so cute.” Mrs Miller gushed. “Does she have a tutu?” “Yes.” Janet answered. “And she is so pretty in it.” “You should put on a concert for us.” Ms Campbell laughed. “Just like Amanda and Tanya did.” Mrs Miller added. “I think that’s a marvelous idea.” Miss Walker agreed. “We will start practicing at her next lesson.” “Stephanie.” Janet addressed him. “I think Miss Walker has some presents for you.” “Oh yes.” Miss Walker remembered. “I’ve finished some of your new clothes.” She reached into the bag and pulled out a red and white gingham romper. It had no legs, instead ending in poppers that close at the crotch. It had a skirt but it was completely decorative, it didn’t even cover the bottom. “She’s going to try it on now. Right?” Mrs Miller asked excitedly. “Well I do want to check that everything fits her properly.” Miss Walker agreed. Janet took the romper and moved to Stephen. “Stand up, Pumpkin.” Stephen did and she pulled his t-shirt off before pulling the romper down over his head. “I made the bottom extra roomy.” Miss Walker explained as Janet fastened the crotch. “So it should fit even when you double diaper her.” Janet adjusted the outfit a little and stepped back to look at him. “It’s perfect.” “Do you like it?” Miss Walker asked him. “Yes.” He knew he had to say yes but he actually did. He felt very cute in the outfit. “Thank you, Miss Walker.” “Can I take a photo?” Miss Walker asked. “I like to keep photos of all my work.” “Of course.” Janet answered. Miss Walker pointed her mobile phone at Stephen. “Smile.” The pressure on Stephen’s bladder had built surprisingly fast and in order to stand still enough to pose for the photo he had to release it. As he smiled awkwardly for the photo, he secretly soaked his diaper. “I’ve also finished this one.” Miss Walker reached into the bag again and withdrew a short pink dress. It was decorated with white ribbon and bows and had a frilly collar. “And it has a matching diaper cover and bonnet.” She laid the dress down and pulled these out to show them. The diaper cover had rows of frills across the seat. “That is the sweetest thing ever.” Ms Collins gushed, her initial awkwardness about this forgotten. “Let’s see it on her.” Janet undid the crotch of Stehpen’s romper and pulled it up over his head. “I think someone needs a diaper change.” She commented as she saw his wet diaper. “I can change her.” Mrs Miller volunteered. “I’ll help.” Ms Collins didn’t want to miss that. “Thankyou.” Janet accepted the offer as she neatly folded the romper and placed it aside. “All of her changing supplies are in her bedroom. It’s Amanda’s old room.” “Come on Stephanie.” Ms Collins took Stephen’s hand and led her to the bedroom. Mrs Miller followed close behind. “Is that where your mommy changes you?” Ms Collins asked, pointing at the changing mat. Stephen nodded shyly, not looking forward to being changed by two women he had just met. “Okay lay down Stephanie.” Mrs Miller giggled at the absurdity of what they were doing. Stephen did as he was told and she pulled his plastic panties off and dropped them in the diaper pail. Next she unpinned the diaper and dropped it on top of them. This left Stephen completely exposed to the two women. “Do you want to wipe her?” Mrs Miller offered. Ms Collins blushed at the thought and shook her head. Mrs Miller took some wipes and went to work while Stephen covered his face with his hands. “Now we need a clean diaper.” Mrs Miller said, looking around the room. “Where does Mummy keep your diapers?” Stephen had to move a hand away from his face to point to the drawer. Ms Collins pulled it open, finding stacks of clean cloth diapers and plastic panties. She took out a diaper and a clear pair of plastic panties and brought them to Mrs Miller. “Now hopefully I remember how to fold these.” Mrs Miller commented as she spread the terrycloth square out next to Stephen. “Wow. These are huge.” After a couple of attempts she thought she had it right. “Lift up your bottom.” She slid it under him and then pulled it up between his legs. Stephen was happy to have his privates covered again but it didn’t last. “No. I think this isn’t right.” Mrs Miller commented. “What do you think?” Ms Collins came closer. “What if you pull it this way.” She pulled the front of the diaper away, exposing Stephen again and tried to shift it lower. “But then it won’t cover her bottom.” Mrs Miller shows her. “I’ve folded it wrong. It’s too short.” She pulled the diaper away and refolded it. Fortunately she got it right this time and finally pinned him into it and pulled the plastic panties over it. “There. All done.” “Thank you, Mrs Miller.” Stephen said, knowing Janet would be unhappy if she found out he was rude. “Thank you, Ms Collins.” “You are welcome.” Mrs Miller replied. “Such a polite little girl.” Ms Collins commented. Ms Collins led Stephen back to the living room while Mrs Miller washed her hands. “Let’s get you dressed.” Janet held out the pink diaper cover for him to step into. It was a very snug fit over his cloth diapers but it did fit. Next she pulled the dress over his head and finally fastened the bonnet. “Oh my God!” Mrs Miller rejoined the group. “She is so cute.” “I just want to keep her like that forever.” Janet agreed. “You do amazing work Rachel.” “Thank you.” Mrs Walker picked up her mobile phone again and pointed it at Stephen. “Smile.” Stephen posed and did his best to smile. “Get one of her playing with her dolly.” Ms Collins suggested. “Oh and one of her crawling to show off the ruffles on her bottom.” Mrs Miller added. The women made him pose in all sorts of different ways. Squealing as Miss Walker snapped photos. This went on until Janet checked the time. “We’d better have lunch. It’s almost Stephanie’s nap time.” “That reminds me.” Miss Walker went to the bag. “I made you some bibs as well. We don’t want to get her pretty dress all dirty.” She pulled out one which was the same pink as the dress. Embroidered on it were the words “Mommy’s little girl.” Janet fastened the bib around his neck and more photos were taken before they all moved to the dining table where Janet served everyone quiche and salad. “Can I feed Stephanie?” Ms Collins asked. “If you like.” Janet replied. Ms Collins sat next to Stephen and immediately began cutting up his quiche and bringing it to his mouth. He cooperated. As embarrassing as all this was it was better when everyone was happy with him. After lunch, Janet removed his bib and said. “I’m just going to put her down for her nap.” She turned to Stephen. “Say goodbye to everyone. Pumpkin.” “Goodbye everyone.” He said. “Not like that.” Janet told him. “Go say it nicely to each of them.” He went up to Miss Walker. “Goodbye, Miss Walker. Thank you for my new clothes.” Miss Walker hugged him. “You are welcome Stephanie. Goodbye.” “Goodbye Ms Collins.” He went to the next woman. “Goodbye Stephanie.” She replied. “It was lovely meeting you.” “Goodbye, Mrs Miller.” He told the last woman. “Goodbye.” She made him bend down slightly so she could kiss him on the forehead. “We’ll come and see you again soon.” Janet took him back to his room and checked his diaper before removing his bonet and tucking him in. From his bed, he listened to the muffled sounds of the women talking. He was sure they were still talking about him. He felt the urge to pee again and just wet his diaper immediately. In the privacy of his room, he allowed himself to enjoy feeling babyish. He did feel very small in his new dress. When Janet returned, the guests had left. She changed his diaper and put his bonnet back on. Back out to the living room she let him watch some educational cartoons while she did housework. He was laying on the floor, watching the TV, with his ruffle-covered bottom facing the door when Amanda returned home. She smiled at the sight. “Hello Stephanie.” Stephen turned to face her, blushing as he remembered how he was dressed. “Hello Amanda.” She could tell that he was himself again. He wasn’t as comfortable being a little girl as he had been last night. That should have been reassuring, that her husband was still there but it wasn’t. He was so much happier as Stephanie. “Um…” She wasn’t sure how to raise this. “You were acting a little… different yesterday evening.” “Oh… Yeah.” He tried to explain. “Something weird has happened to me a few times. I sort of get caught up in the role and forget that I’m not really a little girl.” “You seemed really happy.” She said. “Do you like being Stephanie?” “I…” He was clearly ashamed to admit this.. “It feels nice when it happens.” “It’s alright.” She reassured him. “It was nice to see you happy.” “But I’m not meant to like being a little girl.” He sighed. “I’m meant to be a man. I’m meant to be your husband.” She just smiled and hugged him tightly “It’s alright.” She didn’t want to worry him with the fact she was struggling to think of him as her husband. She thought she should say more to comfort him but didn’t know what. Fortunately, Janet called them for dinner. They had no more opportunity to talk as Stephen was fed, bathed and dressed for bed. As usual, he was left to play on the floor while Janet and Amanda watched TV. He looked at Janet and recalled the feeling of cuddling with her the previous night. He wanted that again but that was when he was Stephanie. It came naturally. Could he really do that as Stephen? He considered crawling over and snuggling up against her legs in the hope she would invite him up onto the sofa again. He wanted to but in the end he remained on his blanket until bedtime. After Janet had read his bedtime story and tucked him in, he laid awake, hugging Felicity. He was angry at himself for wanting to cuddle with Janet and angry with himself for not doing it. He wanted to be a man, He wanted to be Amanda’s husband but he also wanted to be Janet’s little girl. SATURDAY “Good morning Stephanie.” Stephen was woken by the sound of Tanya’s voice. “Did you miss me?” He opened his eyes to see her smiling wickedly at him. He sat up, feeling the soggy fabric of the diapers he’d wet before falling asleep. “What are you doing here?” “Watch your manners little girl.” She snapped. “Mom said you leaked after I changed your diaper last time. So she’s going to teach me how to do it properly. I’m going to be changing your diapers all day. Aren’t I a good big sister?” He now felt even more uncomfortable in his wet diaper, knowing that Tanya would be changing it. He laid back down and groaned. He did not want to face the day. “Up you get sleepyhead.” Tanya yanked the covers off of him. “Looks like you already need a diaper change. I’ll get Mom.” She left, giving Stephen a few moments of peace to prepare himself mentally for what was sure to be another humiliating day. She soon returned with Janet. “Good morning, Stephanie.” Janet greeted him. “Good morning, Mommy.” He was embarrassed about talking like that in front of Tanya but the spanking he would get for being disrespectful if he didn’t would be even even worse. “Tanya is going to be changing your diapers today.” She said. “As practice for the next time she babysits.” Stephen didn't need to be told what to do. He moved on to the changing mat and waited. Janet supervised while Tanya removed his plastic panties and soggy diaper. As she wiped the stale pee off of his groin and bottom, he realised that while this was certainly humiliating, it wasn’t as bad as he had thought it would be. With Janet watching, Tanya couldn’t be mean to him. Janet talked Tanya through correctly folding a new cloth diaper. She had to step in and demonstrate the correct folds a couple of times. Then Tanya slid it under his bottom and pinned it on. Janet checked the fit before letting Tanya put a clean pair of plastic panties on him. Janet changed him into his pink t-shirt and led him out of the room to give him breakfast. Amanda was waiting for them at the table and Tanya soon joined them. After breakfast, Stephen stuck close to Amanda. With his early bedtime he had barely seen her since she started her job. He also wanted her to protect him from Tanya. Amanda thought it was cute. He followed her around like Tanya did when she was a little girl. She tried to remember what she did with Tanya when they were children. “Do you want to build a blanket fort?” Stephen was insulted by the suggestion but the truth was that did sound like fun. “Umm…” “Come on.” She took that as a yes. “We’ll take some chairs from the dining table to your room and I’ll get some spare blankets.” Tanya rolled her eyes at them and, realising she wasn’t going to be able to get Stephen alone and torment him, she settled down on the Sofa and turned on the TV. She barely watched it though, as she immediately took out her phone and dialed one of her friends to gossip with. In Stephen’s room, Amanda positioned the chairs and draped blankets over them. She was surprised by how much fun she was having. Stephen did not seem to be having as much fun. He was too self-conscious. “I think you’d be having more fun if you were Stephanie.” She commented. “Maybe.” He agreed but he didn’t want to spend his time with Amanda as a little girl. He didn’t really like her seeing him that way either. “You could try it?” She suggested. “I’m not sure how it works.” It wasn’t really a lie but it wasn’t the whole truth. “Okay.” Amanda could tell he was uncomfortable and backed off for now. As they crawled into the completed blanket fort, Stephen became aware that he would need to mess his diaper soon. He didn’t want to do that in front of Amanda. He also remembered that it would be Tanya changing him. It was inevitable but he was in no rush so he held on. Amanda led the game, pretending that the fort was a magical castle and they were fairy princesses. Stephen barely joined in and Amanda wished Stephen could have just been Stephanie again and had fun. Eventually it became impossible to hold on any more. In an attempt to get a little distance between himself and Amanda, he crawled out of the fort but the movement caused him to fill his diaper while he was half-way out. Amanda watched the seat of the diaper expand and did her best to hide her giggle. “I think you need a diaper change.” She crawled out of the fort another way. “I’ll tell Mom and Tanya.” “Please don’t. I don’t want tanya changing my messy diaper.” He begged. “Could you do it and not tell them?” “Sorry.” Amanda felt bad for him. Although, she was happy that this diaper was someone else’s problem. “Mom said Tanya has to change all of your diapers today and she would know you messed when she washes them.” She left the room before he could argue. “Ewww. Gross.” He heard Tanya’s voice all the way from the living room. “I’m not changing his shitty diaper.” “I told you Tanya.” Janet responded calmly. “You will change all of Stephanie’s diapers today so that I am confident you know how to take care of her.” “But…” Tanya started to argue. “No buts. You will change her diapers or you’ll end up in diapers yourself.” Janet threatened. “Like I’d let you do that to me.” Tanya spat back. “I’m not a loser like him.” “You may not be living under my roof but I know your secrets. Remember....” Janet’s voice went too quiet for Stephen to hear. Moments later Tanya came into the room looking angry. “Get on the changing mat.” She ordered. “Don’t be mean to your baby sister.” Janet followed her daughter into the room. “Stephanie. Could you please lay down on the changing mat for Tanya.” Stephen complied and Tanya pulled his plastic panties down. The smell immediately became worse and Tanya scrunched up her nose. She cautiously unpinned the diaper and pulled it open. “This is so gross.” She complained, taking a handful of wipes and going to work. “I had to do this for you.” Janet told her. “I might have to do it for you again if you don’t improve your attitude.” Tanya stopped complaining and kept wiping. Stephen just stared at the ceiling hoping this would be over soon. “Clean enough?” Tanya asked. “You have to go right up in her bottom.” Janet told her. “If you don’t get it all she’ll get a rash.” “That would be terrible.” Tanya said sarcastically as she took more wipes and ran them down between his cheeks. She threw the dirty diaper into the diaper pail and began folding a new one. Janet still had to correct her folding a couple of times before it was ready to be pinned on to him. After everyone had cleaned up it was time to lunch then the blanket fort had to be dismantled so Stephen could have his nap. Amanda had an idea. While Stephen was in bed, she walked next door. “Hello Amanda.” Mrs Thompson greeted her. “Hello Mrs Tompson.” Amanda replied. “Could I speak to Sarah?” “Of course. Come in.” She led Amanda to the sofa and called out. “Sarah. Amanda is here to see you.” “Hi Amanda.” Sarah emerged. “What’s up?” “I wanted to talk to you about Stephen.” Amanda explained. “You were playing with him yesterday and something happened.” “He forgot he was a grownup and just enjoyed being Stephanie.” Sarah knew immediately what she was talking about. “Are you worried about him?” “No. I mean it’s weird but...” Amanda wasn’t sure how to say it. “He’s so happy like that?” Sarah finished her thought. “Yeah.” Amanda agreed. “Do you know how to help him do it again?” “I think so.” Sarah told her. “It happened twice when he was here. Both times I was reading a book to him.” “Just reading a book?” Amanda didn’t believe her. “Well I was doing it as though I was reading to very small children.” Sarah explained. “I can show you.” Sarah led Amanda into the spare room. It was still set up like a daycare. She picked up Frogs Can’t Yodel and sat on her chair. “Sit with your legs crossed in front of me.” Amanda sat where she was told and watched Sarah read the story. There was something about the way she read. It did make Amanda feel small. She was worried for a moment that she would forget her adult self like Stephen had. It didn’t happen but she could see how it might happen for someone open to it and primed with all of the babyish treatment Stephen had received. “Thank you.” Amanda said. “I think I understand now.” At the end of Stephen’s naptime, Janet led Tanya into his room. “After her nap you need to check her diaper.” Janet explained. Tanya pulled the covers away from Stephen and saw that he was definitely wet. “I just hope you haven't messed again.” She changed him again. This time Janet only had to correct her folding once. After his change, Stephen went to find Amanda. She was in her room. “Hi Stephanie. Did you have a good nap.” “I wasn’t tired.” He complained. “I spoke to Miss Thompson.” She said. “And she taught me how to help you become Stephanie again.” Stephen had very mixed feelings about that. “Can we try it?” She asked. “I would really like to build a blanket fort with Stephanie.” “I…” He was going to argue but Amanda seemed so excited. “Okay.” “Good.” She picked up a picture book which she had already selected. “Sit on the floor like you’re at daycare with Miss Thompson.” Stephen sat cross-legged in front of her as she positioned herself on the edge of the bed. “Princess Stephanie’s Tea Party.” Amanda deliberately misread the title. It was Princess Amanda’s Tea Party, a book which had been personalised for her when she was a little girl. Stephen listented. Amanda wasn’t as good at the voice as Sarah. He did feel warm and tingly and relaxed but he was still himself at the end of the book. “It didn’t work. Did it?” Amanda asked. Stephen shook his head. Despite his previous reluctance. He found he was disappointed. Amanda thought about how Sarah’s voice had made her feel. Was there some other way she could create that feeling for Stephen? After pondering for a moment, she remembered something that her mother had picked up when they went out to buy Stephen’s diapers. “I have an idea. Wait here.” She left Stephen in her room and prepared what she needed. A few minutes later, she returned carrying a baby bottle full of warm milk. “A bottle?” he asked. “Just try it.” She said, sitting on her bed and patting her lap. “Put your head here.” He laid on her bed with his head resting on her lap. Whether it worked or not it felt great. Amanda held the bottle to his lips and he took the nipple into his mouth.She stroked his hair as he began to suck on the bottle. It didn’t work very well. After a few squirts it stopped working. When he released it from his mouth, air rushed in and it worked again for a few squirts before stopping again. This was a rather frustrating way to drink. “What’s wrong?” Amanda noticed his frustration. “This bottle doesn’t work.” He complained. “I don’t think you’re meant to just suck on it.” She reasoned. “It’s meant to work like a mother’s breast.” Looking up at Amanda's breasts, he imagined that it was her nipple in his mouth. The thought made him grow a little hard in his diaper. Instead of sucking, he squeezed it with his tongue. Milk dribbled out and it refilled. Having figured out how to drink from the bottle he relaxed and enjoyed Amanda’s attention. As he drank the milk he again began to feel small again and her breasts were no longer erotic to him they were comforting and nothing more. By the time he finished the bottle, he was Stephanie again. “Do you want to build a blanket fort again?” Amanda asked as she placed the empty bottle aside. Stephen nodded so they returned to his room and rebuilt the fort and played as fairy princesses. Again, Amanda took the lead, telling Stephen what was happening in their role play, but he played his part enthusiastically and they played and giggled until they were interrupted. “Mom said I need to check Stephanie’s diaper before she has dinner.” Tanya said, peering into the blanket fort. Stephen shook his head. “No.” He knew he was soaked but he didn’t want to stop playing. He was having too much fun with Amanda. “Come on Princess Stephanie.” Amanda said. “Let Tanya change your diaper.” “Okay Princess Amanda.” He giggled as he left the fort and laid on the changing mat, smiling up at Tanya.. As she pulled his plastic panties off she was confused. Stephen wasn’t embarrassed at all. “Are you actually enjoying this?” She asked. “You weirdo!” That snapped Stephen back to reality. He blushed and covered his face. Amanda watched the change with disappointment. It was fun playing with Stephanie. Under Amanda’s supervision, Tanya changed Stephen into a clean diaper and new plastic panties. When Tanya was gone Amanda asked. “Are you okay?” “Yeah.” He said a little sadly. “I was having a good time playing with you.” “Me too.” Amanda said, hugging him. “You make a great little sister.” After Stephen had finished his dinner, Janet gave him a bath and then called Tanya to his room to diaper him for bed. He laid naked on his changing mat while Tanya folded his diapers. She needed a bit more guidance to get the double diapers right but Janet was happy with her effort. Tanya slid the bulky diapers under his bottom then Janet passed her the bottle of baby powder. “You have to put some powder on her because she will be in these diapers all night.” She directed. Tanya turned the bottle upside down and squeezed. A puff of baby powder covered Stephen’s groin and most of his stomach. “Make sure you get her bottom.” Janet reminded Tanya. Tanya glared at Stephen as she spread the powder across his bottom with her hand. Once he was pinned into his diapers and dressed for bed, Janet took him to the living room. Tanya washed her hands and then joined them. “I’m going home. I think I’ve changed enough diapers today.” Janet and Amanda said goodbye to her and then settled down on the sofa. Stephen felt much more comfortable with her gone. Once again, he looked at Janet and thought about cuddling up with her. He asked himself what would be so bad if he did. She is treating him like a little girl. Why couldn’t he play along? He had already done it as Stephanie. His mind made up, he crawled over to Janet’s legs and rested his head against them. Janet was surprised. He hadn’t been acting like Stephanie that evening. He was definitely his usual embarrassed self while Tanya was diapering him after his bath. Still, she was happy that he wanted her affection. It was somehow even more meaningful when he remembered he wasn’t meant to. She smiled down at him and played with his hair for a moment before telling him. “Come up here, Stephanie.” He tried not to move too eagerly and he got up onto the sofa. Janet guided his head down onto her chest and put an arm around him. He smiled contently and closed his eyes. He stayed like that until Janet took him to bed. SUNDAY Stephen emerged from his room the next morning and waddled out to the living room. His diapers were totally soaked. There was nothing he could do about that until Janet or Amanda got up so he did his best to ignore the sagging wet fabric. He entertained himself with the toys until Amanda joined him. “Good morning, Stephanie.” “Good morning.” He replied. “Do you need a diaper change?” She asked, pretty sure he did. “Yes.” It was getting easier to admit it. “Come on then.” Amanada took him back to his room and changed him into a dry diaper. Amanda washed her hands and then prepared breakfast for them both. She spoon-fed him his cereal between mouthfuls of her own. Janet soon joined them. “Good morning, girls.” “Good morning, Mom.” Amanda replied. “Good morning, Mommy.” Stephen said just before Amanda put another spoonful of cereal into his mouth. “I thought we might go on a picnic today.” Janet suggested as she poured her own cereal. Stephen didn’t like the sound of that but he knew he had no say. “That’s a great idea.” Amanda said. “We haven’t had a picnic since Tanya and I were little girls.” “I should call Tanya and see if she wants to come too.” Janet realised. Hearing that made Stephen feel even worse about the idea but arguing would only mean a spanking. As soon as she had finished eating, Janet dialed Tanya. “Hi Mom.” Tanya answered. “What’s up?” “Amanda and I are taking Stephanie on a picnic today.” Janet explained. “We thought you might like to join us.” “I changed enough diapers yesterday.” Tanya complained. “And I told my friends I’d hang out with them today.” “You can invite them too.” Janet promised. “And don’t worry. I won’t make you change Stephanie.” “Fine.” Tanya agreed. It would at least be fun to embarrass Stephen by showing him off to her friends. “I’ll come.” “Great.” Janet said. “Meet us at the lake at 11. I’ll bring all the food.” Stephen was now dreading the picnic. Not only was Tanya coming, she was bringing friends. “Could you watch Stephanie for a little while?” Janet asked Amanda. “I’ll need to pop out to the shops.” “No problem Mom.” Amanda smiled. Left alone with Amanda, Stephen complained. “I don’t want to go on a picnic like this. Especially not with Tanya and her friends.” “It will be fun.” Amanda reassured him. “Do you want me to feed you a bottle before? Stephen knew she was asking if he wanted to go as Stephanie so he wouldn’t be worried about being out in public in diapers again. The idea was certainly appealing but he shook his head. He was worried about how he might behave in front of everyone. “Okay.” Amanda accepted his answer. “Let me know if you change your mind.” Janet turned the TV on and sat on the sofa. Stephen sat on his blanket and watched from there. It wasn’t long before Stephen felt the urge to poop. He was relieved that it came while they were still at home. He considered moving somewhere more private so Amanda wouldn’t watch him do it but she had seen it yesterday and, as Janet wasn’t home, she was going to be the one changing him anyway. There was no dignity to preserve. He shifted into a more comfortable position for the deed and filled his diaper. It concerned him a little how natural it felt after only a week. “I guess you need another change.” Amanda said with a sigh. “Come on. I knew I was going to have to change a poopy diaper eventually.” He followed her to his room. The feeling of the poop in his diaper concerned him far less that it had the first time. He knew he would soon be in a clean diaper. He laid down on the changing mat and Amanda pulled his plastic panties off and dropped them into the diaper pail. “Okay. Here we go.” She reluctantly unpinned the diaper and pulled it open. “Wow. That is a lot of poop.” “I’m sorry.” Stephen looked away from her. “No. It’s not your fault.” She took some wipes and prepared herself for the next step. “You don’t have any choice.” As she wiped around his dick and balls she considered how strange it was that these were once sexual to her. She wondered if she would ever be able to look at him that way again after this. Of course, she could not share any of those thoughts with him. Once Amanda had Stephen rediapered she put these thoughts out of her mind. When his manhood was safely hidden inside the thick padding she could easily forget it was there at all. Janet soon arrived home and they left Stephen to play on his blanket while they prepared the food for the picnic. As the time drew closer, Stephen grew increasingly nervous. He wondered if he should have taken up Amanda’s offer to feed him a bottle. It didn’t matter. The opportunity was gone as she was busy with Janet. When the food was ready, Janet and Amanda got themselves freshened up and dressed for the outing then Janet took Stephen to his room to get him ready. His heart sank when she pulled out the gingham romper Miss Walker had made for him and laid it on his bed. “Let’s get you into a disposable diaper.” Janet said. Resigned to his fate, he laid down and let her remove his plastic panties and cloth diaper. He helpfully lifted his bottom so she could position the disposable under him. He held out his arms to let her pull the romper down over his head and then stood with his legs apart so she could fasten it at the crotch. The outfit was completed with a pair of red sandals. “Just adorable.” Janet stepped back to look at him. That made Stephen feel good and he turned to smile at himself in the mirror. For a moment he forgot that he was about to be taken outside like this and just appreciated that the romper was really cute. Now that they were all ready, Janet and Amanda took him out to Janet’s car. Amanda sat in the front passenger seat while Janet put Stephen into the back and fastened his seatbelt. Janet and Amanda mostly ignored him on the drive. They spoke to each other as he stared out the window. He was imagining all of the indignities he might face when they reached their destination. “Look at the horsies, Stephanie” Janet interrupted his thoughts. They had left the suburbs and were passing hobby farms. When they eventually arrived at a small parking lot, there was only one other car. Amanda recognised it. “Looks like Tanya is already here.” Janet and Amanda left Stephen buckled up while they unloaded things from the back of the car. When they let him out, Amanda had his diaper bag and Janet carried a blanket. Janet pulled a floppy red hat onto his head then she and Amanda each held one of his hands and led him onto a grassy area next to a playground. Tanya was waiting with her friends. There were two men and one other woman. They were in the shade of a large tree near the edge of the water. Janet and Amanda led him right up to the group. The men were laughing uncontrollably by the time Stephen reached them. Tanya was just smiling evilly. “Hi Mom. Hi Amanda.” “Hello Tanya.” Janet and Amanda said in unison and released Stephen to hug her. “Hello Baby Sis.” Tanya turned to Stephen.”I like your romper.” “Are you going to introduce us?” The other woman asked. “Stephanie. This is my friend Melanie.” Tanya said. “This is her boyfriend Brad.” She indicated the man next to Melanie. “And this is my boyfriend Robbie.” She put her arm around the other man. “When you’re bigger you might have a boyfriend.” “Hello.” Stephen mumbled timidly, looking down to hide his face behind the brim of his hat. “Stephanie.” Tanya told him off. “Don’t be rude to my friends. Look at them when you speak to them.” “Hello.” He looked up. The two men went back to laughing but Melanie greeted him with a genuine smile. “Hello Stephanie. It is very nice to meet you.” She turned to Janet. “Could I take her to the playground while you set up?” “Let me put some sunscreen on her first.” Janet found the sunscreen in the diaper bag and squirted some onto her fingers before gently applying it to his face, being very careful around his eyes. She continued down his neck. The romper left his arms and legs completely exposed so Janet had to rub sunscreen all the way along his arms and down his legs from his hips to his ankles. “All done. Now be good for Melanie.” “Yes, Mommy.” Stephen replied. Melanie took his hand. “Come on Stephanie. I’ll push you on the swing.” She excitedly pulled him toward the playground. Tanya and the men followed, wondering what Melanie was planning. Melanie and Stephen reached the swings and he sat on one of them, looking back at the picnic spot. Janet and Amanda had spread out the picnic blanket and were on their way back to the car to collect everything else. Melanie started pushing him. “Let me know if you go too high. I don’t want you to get scared.” Tanya caught up with them “What are you doing?” “What does it look like?” Melanie replied.“I’m pushing your little sister on the swing.” Tanya rolled her eyes. “He’s not my sister. He’s my loser brother in law.” “Don’t be mean to her.” Melanie said. “It’s fun to pretend. I think she’s cute.” “You wouldn’t think he was so cute if you had to change his poopy diapers.” Tanya insisted. “You changed his diapers?” Robbie asked. “You mean you touched his dick?” “My mother made me do it.” Tanya replied. “Are you jealous?” Melanie asked Robbie. “We can put you in diapers and Tanya can change you too.” “Eww. No.” Tanya laughed. “If you start shitting yourself I’m dumping you. Brad can wipe your ass.” “No way.” Brad laughed. “You’re on your own there.” “Don’t worry Robbie.” Melanie joked. “I’ll change your poopy diapers.” “Whatever.” Robbie didn’t have any comebacks. “Let’s go for a walk Tanya.” Tanya sighed and followed Robbie. There would be plenty of time to tease Stephen later. Brad sat on the other swing to stay near Melanie. He told himself that he didn’t have much to worry about from a guy dressed up like a diapered little girl but he wasn’t sure. Melanie was giving Stephen a lot of attention. “If you want me to push you too, you’re going to have to make yourself a lot cuter.” Melanie teased. “I’ll manage by myself. Thank you.” Brad replied. Stephen knew that Tanya had led the others to the swing with the intention of teasing him. He was impressed with how easily Melanie had defused that. Janet and Amanda returned to the blanket with the picnic basket and a few other bags. Stephen watched as they set up a portable cot. He had no doubt that it was intended for him. As Melanie pushed him on the swing he felt pressure on his bladder. He held on for a while, reluctant to wet himself in front of Brad. His old instincts told him to maintain his dignity, what little remained, in front of other men. However, the movement of the swing made it difficult and soon he was forced to release his bladder into the diaper. Of course nobody could tell and he smiled, feeling strangely proud of himself for getting away with it. “Do you smell pee?” Brad asked after a while. “Did you wet yourself?” Melanie asked him. “Ha. No.” He replied. “It must be Stephanie then.” She stopped pushing the swing and let it come to a stop before offering Stephen her hand. “Come on. Let’s go get your diaper changed.” Stephen accepted her hand and allowed her to lead him back to Janet and Amanda. Brad followed, staying behind so that Melanie could not see the look of disgust on his face.. “Did you have fun on the swing, Pumpkin?” Janet asked. “Yes, Mommy.” He replied. “I think her diaper is wet.” Melanie informed her. “I can change her if you like.” “Thank you.” Janet accepted the offer. “Everything you need is in her diaper bag.” She indicated the bag next to the cot. “You’re going to change her?” Brad didn’t like the idea. “If you’re going to get jealous like Robbie, I will diaper you too.” She warned him. He shut up but stayed close. Melanie opened up the diaper bag and looked through the supplies. “Wow. These are really big diapers.” She pulled out one of the disposable diapers and unfolded it. Placing it to one side, she found the wipes and the changing mat. She placed the mat on the grass. “Lay down here please, Stephanie.” Stephen did as he was told and Melanie opened the crotch of his romper and pulled it up to expose his wet diaper. She untapped the diaper and pulled it open. He had already been changed by women he had just met this week but being changed out in the open was new. He felt extremely vulnerable but Melanie smiling down at him as she began to wipe his privates made him feel safe. He smiled up at her and blocked out the rest of the world. He even forgot to be embarrassed about this pretty lady changing his diaper. For a moment, he thought he was attracted to her but that wasn’t it. He realised that he didn’t want to sleep with her. He wanted her to take care of him exactly like she was. The realisation concerned him. He could dismiss it if he had been Stephanie but he was himself. He shouldn’t have been thinking like that. Melanie soon had him taped into a clean disposable and refastend his romper. “All done.” She gave him a playful patt on his padded bottom to let him know he could get up. “Thank you, Melanie.” He got back to his feet. As he did, he realised that Tanya and Robbie had returned and were laughing at him. “Ignore them, Stephanie.” Melanie gave him a hug and glared at Brad for joining in. “I think it’s time to eat.” Janet decided. Everyone found a spot on the blanket. Stephen wanted to sit with Melanie but felt he should sit with Amanda. He told himself that Melanie probably wanted to sit with her friends anyway. He Positioned himself next to Amanda and was pleasantly surprised that Melanie sat on the other side of him. Brad sat next to her, still not comfortable with his girlfriend’s interest in this guy, even if he seemed to be nothing but a baby to her. Tanya had been getting bored. She’d hoped to get some entertainment out of embarrassing Stephen in front of her friends but Melanie had ruined everything. Not only was she being nice to the loser, she’d managed to shame the guys into silence. She did have one trick up her sleeve though. She took Stephens’ ballerina bottle out of the diaper bag and when she was sure she wasn’t being watched, quickly unscrewed the lid and added the flavourless laxatives she had brought. Surely even Melanie would stop thinking this was cute after he shit himself. She passed the bottle to Stephen with a smile. “Here’s your bottle, Stephanie.” “What a pretty bottle.” Melanie commented. “Look at the ballerina teddy bears.” Lunch was mostly finger food. Stephen found that he was disappointed that this meant Melanie wouldn’t be feeding him. He tried to put the thought out of his mind. Why would he want the humiliation of being spoon-fed in front of Tanya and the two guys? Before long, Stephen’s stomach began to feel funny. He decided that he had better stop eating. Something was not agreeing with him. Janet noticed that he was finished eating and declared. “I think it’s time for Stephanie’s nap.” This drew more laughter from Janet and Robbie. Melanie squeezed Brad’s arm to warn him against joining in. “Let me check your diaper.” Janet helped Stephen up and pulled his romper aside. “Still dry.” She led him to the portable cot and held his hand as he climbed in and sat down. The cot wasn’t big enough for him to stretch out in but he could comfortably curl up on his side. With his stomach starting to cramp, it’s how he would have been laying even if he’d had more room. He watched the others through the mesh wall of the cot as the leisurely finished their lunches. He quickly lost any hope of getting home or even back to the car before he would be forced to fill his diaper. Still, he thought that maybe Tanya and her friends would go for a walk after they finished eating and give him just a little privacy. Of course, Tanya knew what was going to happen and wanted her friends to be there when it did. They weren’t going anywhere. “I’d like to go for a walk.” Janet stood up after she’d finished eating. “Could one of you please stay and watch Stephanie?” “We’ll stay here.” Tanya quickly volunteered. “You can go too Amanda. If you’d like.” “Thanks.” Amanda joined her mother, leaving Stephen in the care of Tanya and her friends. Stephen’s discomfort grew and he let out a fart loud enough to draw the attention of Janet and the others. “Ewww Stephen.” Tanya stood over him. “That’s gross.” Stephen groaned. “Are you okay?” Melanie asked with genuine concern. “I think I ate something which disagreed with me.” He explained. “He’s going to shit his diaper.” Tanya told the others. “Just watch.” “Gross.” Robbie complained but got up to look anyway. Stephen felt another cramp and lost control. He noisily filled his diaper. The others knew exactly what had just happened. Janet and Robbie started laughing. Brad knew better than to join in. “So are you going to change him now?” Robbie asked. “Not a chance.” Janet laughed. “He can sit in it. Unless Melanie wants to do it.” “I don’t mind.” Melanie moved between Janet and the cot. “Come on Stephanie. I’ll get you cleaned up.” Stephen carefully stood up but another wave of cramps hit him and he doubled over, forcing even more poop into his diaper. “I’m sorry.” “It’s okay.” Melanie took his hand. “It’s what your diapers are for.” Stephen let her lead him over to the changing mat. She gathered the necessary supplies from the diaper bag and came back to him. Once again, Stephen watched her face and was able to block out everything else. Janet and her boyfriend’s taunting didn’t matter. She untapped his diaper and pulled it open, revealing the embarrassing mess to everyone present. Melanie's face didn’t change and Stephen didn’t look at the others to see their expressions of disgust. Melanie got to work cleaning him up. She got into every nook and cranny with the baby wipes. When she was satisfied that his bottom was clean, she rolled up the wipes in the old diaper and tied it up in a plastic bag. “Could you get her into a clean diaper?” She asked Brad, looking around for a bin. “I’m going to throw this out and wash my hands.” “You want me to put a diaper on him?” Brad asked. “Her.” Melanie corrected him. “I’ve done the hard part.” She held up the soiled diaper. “And don’t let the others be mean to her. I’ll be checking with her when I get back.” She turned and left before he could argue. With a sigh, Brad picked up the clean diaper Melanie had taken out. He unfolded it and turned it around in his hands to understand how it was meant to go on. “Are you actually going to do it?” Robbie asked, laughing. “You’ll be wiping his bum next.” “Shut up, Rob.” Brad said, kneeling down. “Um. Could you lift up a bit?” He asked Stephen. No longer in the protective bubble of Melanie’s care, Stephen heard the taunts from Janet and Robbie loud and clear. He blushed deeply as he lifted his hips to let Brad slide the diaper under his bottom. “Maybe you and Melanie can adopt him.” Janet teased. “You can be his Daddy.” “Are you going to spank him when he’s naughty?” Robbie added. “Guys. Cut it out.” He demanded as he pulled the diaper up to finally cover Stephen’s privates. “You want me to have a fight with Melanie?” “You don’t have to worry about that.” Janet informs him. “I’ve got photos of him that I’ll send to all of his friends back home if he ever tells anyone I’m not the best big sister in the world. He’s not going to say anything.” Brad considered for a moment as he fastened the tapes. He looked down at Stephen. He seemed so pathetic in his diaper and romper. He felt silly for feeling threatened by the attention Melanie gave him. Stephen wasn’t a man to her. Picking on him didn’t seem fair or fun. Brad even started to feel a little protective on Melanie’s behalf. “No. Just leave her alone.” “Why would you stand up for this loser?” Robbie demanded. “I’m warning you.” Brad finished fastening Stephen’s romper and stood up. “Just drop it.” “I guess you are his daddy.” Robbie continued. “One big happy pervert family” Brad charged at Robbie and knocked him to the ground. Robbie got up and dusted himself off. “Let’s get out of here, Tanya.” “But Melanie and Brad came in my car.” Tanya reminded him. “How will they get home?” “They can get a ride with their baby.” Robbie said, already moving to the car park. “Come on.” Brad watched them go just to make sure Robbie didn’t change his mind and come back for a fight then helped Stephen up off the ground. “Thank you.” Stephen said. “You didn’t have to do that.” “Yeah I did.” He replied. “You haven’t seen Melanie angry.” Stephen smiled at that. Soon Melanie rejoined them. “Where are Tanya and Robbie?” “We had a disagreement.” Brad explained. “They left.” “He stood up for me.” Stephen added. “My hero.” Melanie put her arms around Brad and kissed him. “Tanya is blackmailing him.” Brad informed Melanie. “What?” Melanie was shocked. “Please don’t tell anyone.” Stephen begged. “If Mommy… I mean Janet finds out then Tanya will send photos of me like this to everyone I know.” “Have you told Amanda?” Melanie asked. “She might be able to help.” “No.” He admitted. The discussion ended abruptly as they saw Janet and Amanda returning. “Where did Tanya and Robbie go?” Janet asked. “Robbie wasn’t feeling well and Tanya took him home.” Melanie lied. “Would it be okay if we got a ride back with you?” “Of course it would.” Janet replied. “Have you been good for Melanie?” Janet asked Stephen. “Yes, Mommy.” He replied. Janet looked to Melanie for confirmation. Melanie smiled and nodded. “Amanda, I thought I might take Stephanie back to the playground.” Melanie said. “Would you like to join us.” “Sure.” She was a bit confused by the invitation but accepted. “I’ll help pack up.” Brad volunteered. With Melanie holding one of Stephen’s hands and Amanda holding the other, they walked back toward the playground. When they were far enough away to not be heard, Melanie said. “Tanya is blackmailing Stephanie with photos of her.” “What?” Amanda was immediately angry. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “I’m sorry.” Stephen said. “She said she would send them to every contact on my phone if I told anyone.” “I’m not angry at you, Honey.” Amanda said. “But there’s something you should know.” “What?” He asked, concerned. “That story about you in the local paper.” Amanda explained. “It got shared online, along with some of the photos people at the mall took.” “What?” He repeated, although he already knew where this was going. “Everyone back home already knows.” She said.”I’ve been getting calls and messages about it since yesterday.” “No!” Stephen felt like crying. “It’s okay.” Melanie tried to reassure him. “You live here now. You don’t have to go back there.” Amanda held him in a tight hug. “And now Tanya doesn’t have anything to threaten you with.” “That’s right.” Melanie said. “We should tell your mommy right now.” They turned around and made their way back to where Janet and Brad were packing up the picnic. “You changed your mind about the playground?” Janet asked. “Mom. We need to tell you something about Tanya.” Anger was obvious in Amanda’s voice. “She has been blackmailing Stephanie with photos.” “What photos?” Janet asked. “She took photos of me the night she babysat.” Stephen explained. “She threatened to send them to everyone I knew if I told you how mean she was to me.” “It’s true.” Brad confirmed. “Tanya told me herself.” “I’ll deal with her.” Janet said menacingly. They soon had everything packed and They squeezed into the car. Amanda sat in front with Janet and Stephen sat between Melanie and Brad. .Melanie could tell Stephen was tense. ”Are you alright?” She squeezed his hand. “I don’t know what to do.” He told her. “How can I ever face my friends now that they know I’m living like this?” “If they are really your friends, it won’t bother them.” Melanie told him and he almost believed her. “What if it does?” He felt like he was about to cry. “Then you have real friends here.” Melanie said. “Who?” “Me.” She smiled at him. “And Brad.” she shot Brad a look to tell him he’d better agree. “Yeah.” Brad confirmed. “We are your friends.” Part of Stephen was certain that they were just saying that to be nice but he ignored that and let himself feel comforted by their reassurance. Janet dropped Melanie and Brad off at Melane’s place before finally going home. Stephen had wet during the long drive and Janet asked Amanda to change him while she called Tanya. Amanda took Stephen to his room and changed him out of his wet disposable and into a cloth diaper and plastic panties. When they emerged, Janet had finished her call. “Tanya is on her way.” She informed them. Half an hour later, Tanya arrived. “Come with me to Stephanie’s room.” Janet said. “Everyone.” Tanya was confused but went with her mother. Amanda and Stephen followed behind into the room. There was a cloth diaper folded on the change mat. Next to it was a pair of baby blue plastic panties and a matching t-shirt. “You called me here to change his diaper?” Tanya asked. “No. That’s your diaper.” Janet explained. “I know you’ve been blackmailing Stephanie. This is your punishment.” “What makes you think I’ll let you put me in diapers?” Tanya demanded. “I moved out. You can’t punish me.” “If you don’t do as you are told then Robbie will find out about the guys you cheated on him with.” Janet threatened. “For how long?” Tanya knew she had to play along. “One week.” Janet said. “Longer if you misbehave.” “But I have to go to work.” Tanya almost whined. “You can wear disposable diapers under your work clothes.” Janet told her. “I’ll come by and change you during your lunch break.” Tanya wanted to argue more but she knew nothing would get her out of this. “Whatever.” “Get undressed and lay down on the diaper.” Janet directed her. “With them watching?” Tanya indicated Stephen and Amanda. “You don’t need to be shy.” Janet told her. “Stephanie is a little girl like you and Amanda is going to be helping me change you this week.” With a sigh, Tanya turned away from them and stripped down to her bra and panties. “Underwear too.” Janet told her. Tanya reached back and unclipped her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Finally she pulled her panties down and stepped out of them. Avoiding everyone’s eyes, she laid down on the thick material, with her arms crossed across her chest, and stared at the ceiling. She couldn’t believe she was letting herself be humiliated like Amanda’s loser husband. Amanda and Stephen watched as Janet wrapped the diaper snugly around Tanya and pinned it in place. Next, Janet put Tanya’s feet through the plastic panties and pulled them up her legs and over her padded bottom. Finally, Janet helped Tanya off the bed and pulled the t-shirt on over her head. Tanya didn’t look at anyone. Instead, despite knowing she didn’t want to see it, she checked her reflection in the mirror. She looked as ridiculous as she felt. “How am I going to explain this to Robbie?” She asked herself more than anyone else. “Can you watch the girls for me?” Janet asked Amanda. “I need to go pick up Tanya’s work clothes from her place because she’s going to be sleeping over here this week.”. “No problem, Mom” Amanda smiled, looking at her two baby sisters. “Should we go to the park?” “No!” Tanya’s eyes went wide in panic. “You can’t take me outside like this.” Amanda laughed. “Fine. We can play in the backyard.” Tanya didn’t like the idea but it was better than the park. Amanada led them outside, Tanya waddled awkwardly in her thick diapers while Stephen had mastered walking with the padding between his legs. She sat them down in the sandpit. “Now play nicely you two.” She told them, getting them the buckets and spades from the cubby house before, finding a comfortable chair to watch them from. “I can’t believe I’m stuck in diapers with you.” Tanya complained. Stephen ignored her and focussed on building a sand castle. “I am definitely sending those photos to all of your friends now.” She said. “Go ahead.” It felt good to finally stand up to her.. “They already know everything.” “Smile!” Amanda called out from her chair. She had her phone pointing at them. “No.” Tanya Panicked. “Don’t!” Stephen just smiled for the photo. “Adorable.” Amanda, looked at the photo. “Maybe we can get that one framed.” Tanya pouted, hoping Amanda was joking. By the time Janet got back, Tanya already needed to pee. She held on, hoping that she would get a chance to sneak away and use the toilet. When Janet called her and Stephen for dinner she had still not found such an opportunity and she was absolutely bursting. It was obvious to the others but nobody said anything. They just waited for the inevitable. Next to each of their plates was a bib. A blue one for Tanya and a red one for Stephen. Amanda sat in with Stephen and fastened his bib. “Thank you, Amanda.” Stephen said as she started feeding him. Janet did the same for Tanya but got no thanks. Stephen cooperated with Amanda, happily letting her shove spoonfuls of food into his mouth. It was too embarrassing for Tanya. She kept her mouth clamped shut, causing Janet to smear food across her face. Stephen smiled as he chewed between mouthfuls. He remembered when he had been that difficult. He was much happier being a good little girl. By the time their dinner was finished, Tanya had lost the battle with her bladder and soaked her diaper. Janet took them both to the bathroom. She started filling the tub then undressed Stephen. Once he was stripped completely naked, she reached for Tanya’s t-shirt. “Wait.” Tanya stepped away from her. “You’re putting us in the bath together?” “Yes.” Janet stepped closer and pulled Tanya’s t-shirt off. “I put you and Amanda in the bath together when you were little.” “But...” Tanya had no argument and let her mother pull her plastic panties down and unpin her diaper. The soggy diaper fell heavily to the tiled floor. The yellow stains left no doubt what she had done. Despite her embarrassment, it felt good to no longer have the wet fabric against her skin. Janet helped them both into the bath, first Stephen at one end, then Tanya at the other. Tanya crossed her arms over her breasts and they both awkwardly avoided looking at each other. Janet washed Stephen first. He was now accustomed to the routine and helpfully moved when needed to let her scrub him all over. Tanya was less cooperative. She held her arms firmly across her chest. “Move your arms please.” Janet asked when she got to Tanya’s chest. “I don’t want him to see my boobs.” Tanya complained. “Don’t be silly. You’re just a little girl. You don’t have breasts.” Janet said. “Now move your arms or you’ll get a spanking.” Tanya reluctantly moved her arms away from her chest while still trying to block Stephen’s view. It was good enough for Janet and she finished washing her daughter. She then helped both of them out of the tub and wrapped them in towels before leading them to Stehpen’s room. She folded Tanya’s bedtime double diapers and then pulled the towel away from her. “Lay down.” Tanya did as she was told and her mother powdered her and pinned her into the extra-thick diapers then dressed her in yellow plastic panties and a short yellow nightdress. “You can go watch TV with Amanda.” She told Tanya as she started folding Stephen’s diapers. Tanya waddled out to find Amanda on the sofa. Amanda managed to stop herself from laughing but couldn’t hide her smile when she saw her sister in that state. Tanya went to sit on the far end of the sofa. “The sofa is for grownups.” Amanda pointed at Stehpen’s blanket. “Babies sit on the floor.” Tanya glared at her but sat where she was told. It felt weird. It was like she was carrying a cushion stuck to her bottom. Janet and Stephen soon joined them. Stephen was in a pink nightdress, in the same style as Tanya’s, and matching pink plastic panties. Janet sat down on the sofa near Amana and Stephen joined Tanya on the blanket. He played with the toys for a little while but grew tired of that. He looked back at Janet and she smiled at him. She knew what he wanted. “Come cuddle with Mommy.” She patted the cushion next to her. He eagerly left Tanya and climbed onto the sofa to cuddle with Janet. “Seriously?” Tanya rolled her eyes at him but he didn’t care. Too soon, Janet declared “It’s bedtime for Stephanie and Tanya.” Stephen sighed but got up to follow her. Tanya wanted to complain but being in bed was probably better than sitting out in the living room with her diapers on display. She followed behind Stephen. In Stephen’s room, Janet checked both of their diapers then pulled back the covers of Stephen’s bed. Stephen climbed in and clutched Felicity. “Where am I going to sleep?” Tanya stood with her hands on her hips but, dressed as she was, it only made her look like a pouty toddler. “You can share with Stephanie.” Janet said. “Her bed is more than big enough for two little girls.” “No!” Tanya stamped her foot. “I’m not sleeping with him!” “That’s it.” Janet sat on the edge of the bed. “Get across my lap.” “No way.” Tanya insisted. “I’m not letting you spank me.” “Then I’ll just call Robbie right now.” Janet threatened. “Okay.” Tanya tried to negotiate. “I’ll share the bed.” “I know you will.” Janet said, patting her lap. “But you need to be punished for talking back.” Resigned to her fate, Tanya bent across her mother’s lap. Janet pulled down the back of Tanya’s plastic panties and diapers. Stephen couldn’t see her bare bottom from where he was but he could see her face. She glared angrily at him but her expressions turned to shock when Janet’s hand came down hard on her bottom. Tanya’s bottom grew more sensitive with each blow and soon it was stinging. “Please stop.” She begged. Janet kept going until Tanya was sobbing. Stephen watched the tears streaming down her cheeks. Recalling his own spankings, he couldn't help feeling a little sorry for her. When the spanking finally finished, Janet pulled Tanya’s diapers and plastic panties back up and gave her a hug. Tanya submissively allowed herself to be tucked in next to Stehpen. While the bed was big enough to fit both of them, it didn’t give them much personal space. Their bulky diapers were squashed against each other. Janet handed Tanya her old teddy bear. “You remember Penelope?” She read them a bedtime story and then kissed them each on the forehead. “Good night, Mommy.” Stephen said. “Good Night, Stephanie.” Janet replied. “Good night, Tanya.” Tanya didn’t reply. “I think I’m going to have to work on your manners this week.” Janet told her daughter as she turned off the light. Stephen had nothing to say to Tanya and she was too ashamed after crying in front of him to say anything to him so they laid there in silence until they eventually fell asleep, wondering what the next week would bring.
  24. Hey everyone! So this is my first story. I am actually a barely popular ABDL artist and I post most of my art content here: Hottogurugan (Comms Open) (@hottogurugan) / Twitter I usually do normal ABDL art, and I've only recently gotten anywhere close to good, and I rarely post new stuff but I'm working on getting more output. I am also collabing on an abdl game with another artist. But that's not why I'm here. Though I mainly draw diaper girls, I have a huge soft spot for Md/Lb and femdom dynamics involving diapers. Women putting boys in their pampered place etc. etc. I just have never had an idea that struck me as something I wanted to draw. So as a fun experiment, and after brainstorming with some fellow ABDL/MDLB writers on tumblr, I decided to write down a story idea that has been sifting around in my head for at least two years or so. The idea is not entirely original. There is a CYOA on Writing.com called 'The Colony'. The premise was that a Communist Matriarchy had been established on some space station. The women ruled the station and kept all men in diapers. No man was allowed to be potty trained and all had to obey female authority. One of the story avenues let you be a young man who was headed off to college in this strange matriarchal society. Needless to say, I fell in love with the premise, and I even tried to contribute to it myself. However, I did not like how the collaborative CYOA provided zero narrative control to any individual author. I was fascinated with exploring the idea of this society, and following a young man as he broke out from his parents only to eventually find himself ensnared in the matriarchy's web and succumbing to the authority of a new 'mommy'. Some of the writing was of....... subpar quality. Some of the story routes had entries that seemed like purposeful derailments by trolls, one literally ends with an entry that simply reads, "??????????". Can't exactly go from there without disrupting the flow. The story is sporadically updated, but individual authors never seem to contribute more than once. I have tried to get in touch with the original author, but after two attempts at contact, and four years of no reply, I assume he has abandoned his account and the story itself. As such, I have decided that I would take the premise and write my own story based on it. In order to avoid plagiarism, I am completely changing the names of characters, places, and even making some of the few plot points presented in the original CYOA differently. I am only taking the premise, and my own rendition of the first part of one of the story avenues presented originally, beyond that, this is my own work. I simply wanted a creative avenue that was under my control in which I could explore the world set by such a premise, the people who live in it, and the ideology of the ruling matriarchy. I hope you all can enjoy my take on this premise, and I hope you all come along and follow me for what may be the first of possibly many stories. Disclaimer: The author of this work does not follow or endorse any of the ideologies described in this work of fiction. All mentions or opinions expressed in this work do not reflect the authors own opinions. The opinions of characters in the work do not reflect the author's, and only serve as vehicles to further the plot or help in characterization of the characters involved. This is erotic fiction first and foremost, none of the ideas represented are meant to be taken seriously or advocated for in the real world. Our story follows Raymond, a young man who finds himself attending university in a strange society where matriarchy is the ruling ideology. In this society, men are kept as partially infantilized adults with the legal rights of toddlers as they are cared for and commanded by an all-female elite. Raymond must navigate his way through this strange culture until he completes his pilots' certification, and he is determined to escape the society with his dignity and continence intact before the female web of the matriarchy fully ensnares him? Things become even more complicated when he meets the love of his life in this strange place. Will our hero escape or be made into a loyal pamper-packer at the behest of female authority? A Radical Equality Chapter 1: Arrival “I am not wearing that!” “You have no choice, it’s the law.” In the room stood three figures. Two women and one man. The man, an average student in his mid-20s, sat on a medical table in a brightly lit backroom resembling an examination room. A traveling case and a backpack lay at his feet. With his arms crossed, he glared defiantly at the two women who stood just barely above him. The two women were of different professions, both at least a decade older than the man. One was dressed as an office professional, her blouse had an emblem stitched to her left breast, with the word “IMMIGRATION AND CUSTOMS” embroidered just above. On the right breast, an ID card hung from a clip in her breast pocket. The other woman was a law officer, her faded navy-blue uniform barely disguised the silhouette of a Kevlar vest. The tools of her trade were clasped onto her duty belt. Her left boot tap-tapping in an annoyed cadence. Even those both women were physically smaller and less intimidating than the man, they stood as if they were the authorities. They gave off the impression of two stern schoolteachers trying to subdue an unruly toddler. In their minds, that was exactly what they were doing. “Listen, you can either be mature and wear the diaper or we can arrest you and have you deported.” Said the immigration woman. “Oh, and if you do decide on arrest, you’ll still get diapered. Prisoners don’t have potty privileges.” “But that’s ridiculous! I was never told I’d need to wear…. one of those.” The man replied. “The diapers? You said you were here on a student visa, right? Did you not read the rules required of males living on this planet?” In truth, the man had read the rule sheet, but he thought it was a joke. He also didn't even bother to do much research on where he was headed, otherwise, he would have known of the strange rules he would be subjected to, and the puffy garments that would replace his normal boxers. “I…. I read the rules.” He said, “I just thought it was a joke? Like, you can’t seriously require all men to wear those things, right?” “Diapers, and we do. It's one of the foundational pillars that our society rests on, and I am simply asking you to respect it, young sir." “Stop talking to me like I’m a kid!” “Stop acting like one then!” “I’m 21…” "That doesn't mean anything. Here, you're legally a child still. And with that attitude, you might as well be one!” The room fell to silence for a moment. She was right. He knew she was. He felt childish, being told by two authoritative women that he needed to put on a diaper. His cheeks were flushed red from the emotions he was feeling. Anger and embarrassment. Angry that he was so stupid to not take the pamphlet seriously and embarrassed at having to go through the ordeal. He found himself in this situation because he had no other choice. No other university accepted his application. He was intelligent, but a terrible student, and as such his grades were lackluster. He originally tried to make it as a dockworker on Earth's Intergalactic Trade Station, but after two years of that, he decided it wasn't the type of career he wanted. But being exposed to the spacecraft he unloaded cargo from, he got the idea that maybe being a space pilot might be a fun job to take. So, he decided to try his hand at one of the many credentialing institutions in Human space. The issue was, that only a select handful of institutions offered classes. Spacecraft piloting was necessary and high-in-demand profession, but companies were always particular about who could become a pilot, and a certification in a specific space quadrant meant where you got certified is where you would work. But none of the larger and well-known institutions would take him in on account of his lazy performance in high school. Until one day when he received a strange email from a university, he had never heard about. He didn’t remember much of the email, nor did he even try to pay much attention when he was reading it. All he remembered was something about “communist matriarchy”, “a particular way of life, and "revolutionary culture'. But he mostly paid attention to the "reduced board and tuition for off-planet male students" and the “Spacecraft license classes offered”. That’s what got him here, a college degree and at a cheaper cost somewhere away from his parents? He couldn’t pass it up. If only he had known, he might have held out for somewhere else before submitting his application. “I am going to ask you one more time.” Chimed in the office lady, breaking the silence. “Will you submit to a diapering, or will you continue to be fussy and require us to send you home?” The woman crossed her arms and looked at him with a stern expression, awaiting an answer. The policewoman’s tap-tapping increased in rhythm. The young man paused for a second, he wanted to say ‘just send me home! I’m going back to Earth.’ But his subconscious stopped him, he knew deep down that if he went back, he might not get another chance to get a certificate and license. Maybe, just maybe, he could cram courses as much as he could and get out as soon as possible. Maybe wearing diapers for a year or two wouldn't be so bad, was it? He didn't necessarily have to use said diapers, and this station was built from a prefab, so there had to be a men's room somewhere hidden away he could use. This was his chance, he had to take it. He took a deep breath and let his arms fall to his side. “Alright, I’ll wear the diaper.” He said, “I guess when in Rome.” The office woman’s expression changed from stern disapproval to a pleased smile. She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out some items before returning to the medical bench. “I’m glad to hear that you’re big enough to take the easy way, I was worried Miss Roland here was going to have to cuff you.” “I would prefer not to, makes my job easier when they behave.” Said the policewoman. "Oh, I bet it does. Alright, young man lay down on the bench and I'll get you changed." “Whoa, hold on. I can change myself just fine!” The stern and disappointed expression returned to the woman’s face. "I'm sorry, but in addition to having to wear diapers, you are also not allowed to change them yourself. Lay down on the medical bench and I’ll get you into your diaper.” “No way lady! That’s weird! I can put it on myself.” “Officer Roland please restrain him.” The man found himself being pushed down by the officer with more force than she had been able to use. She must be on enhancers. "What the- “he retorted as he fell back on the bench. Cop lady quickly restrained his left hand with a medical cuff, and the office woman quickly went around the other side and cuffed his right. They were quick from lots of practice with this exact scenario. With only his legs free, the young man began to squirm and lightly kick them about. “Hey, get me out of this! You can’t- “ “If you don’t stop moving your legs, we will have to restrain those too. Calm down and just let me change you!” “No! Let me out you bitch!” he cried back. “Suit yourself.” Immediately the women set about restraining his legs. The police officer had no issues restraining his leg, but the immigration lady needed help. But after a short struggle, his legs were restrained as well. He was about to let out another expletive but was interrupted by a soft, rubbery object being forcefully inserted into his mouth. “Spit that out and I’ll have to tie that around your head.” He wanted to spit it out but decided against further restraint. It was also somewhat soothing to have in. What was it exactly? The office woman began to make her way back to the cabinet while Officer Roland stared over the young man like a hawk. The Office lady returns with a pair of razor-scissors. “I’m sorry but since we had to restrain your legs, the only way to get your pants off for a diaper change is by cutting them up.” She then gave a quick snip-snip with the scissors. The young man didn’t want his pants cut up, but this was the fate he chose. He squirmed up until the point of the woman removing his belt and readying the scissors. He knew better than to be unsteady around those things. It took several cuts to get both sides of his pants undone. No longer held together with thread, the woman slid the pants out from underneath him, leaving him mostly exposed except for his underwear. The woman held up the scissors with a disgusted face after seeing his gray boxers. As if she were offended by being subjected to seeing them. She positioned the scissors to begin cutting the undergarment. “Now hold still, otherwise there will be a bad accident.” Saying that, she began to cut the boxers, both ends now lie open. She removes the underwear from underneath the young man, whose face goes beet red. Holding the underwear out, somewhat in disgust and curiosity. “Why do you off-world boys even wear these? They don’t offer any protection and they don’t look comfortable. If I left my boys in these, they’d make a mess all over my carpet.” She tosses the cut-up garment into a trash bin. “You won’t need those anymore mister.” She turns around to face her charge, with a wide grin on her face. “Are you ready for your first diaper mister grumpypants?” The tone of her voice and mood noticeably changed, as if a switch had been flipped in her hand. Or maybe to try and signal to him that he is now in her good graces. She wanted him in those diapers, not his big boy undies. She pulled out a bottle with lotion inside and squirted it onto her hands before rubbing them together. She went for his crotch, and he began to squirm in reaction to this strange lady rubbing his groin. “Stop squirming little guy, it’ll go faster if you stay still.” The woman was surprisingly professional about rubbing lotion on all of a man’s junk. The young man on the other hand was flustered as one could be. This was the first time a woman had ever given him the attention of this sort, and it was while he was restrained and trying to put him in a diaper. By the end of the lotion rubbing, he was a blushing, embarrassed mess and could barely come up with a thought. The woman retracted her hands and turned around to grab something else. Turning back to face the man she holds up a thick white object, which the man immediately recognized to be an unfolded diaper. The woman’s smile beamed at him, it was a happy smile, but he still found himself intimidated. “Time for your first diapering little boy!” Beamed the woman before unfolding the diaper. The unfolded diaper surprised the boy in just how large it was, it had to be as long as the woman’s torso, and it couldn’t have been less than half a foot wide in the middle. She slid the enormous underwear beneath him and adjusted its position under him. She pulled the front of the diaper over his crotch. “Shh, such a good boy for keeping still. I’m proud of you.” The woman cooed at him as if he were a toddler while she pulled the diaper's wings over the front. The tapes made a distinctive sound as they were secured onto the landing strip. The woman pulled back after the diaper was fastened onto the man. “All done! Good job for calming down, I bet you feel much happier now that you’re properly padded up, huh?” Cooed the woman, the cop on the other side of the bench gave a quick chuckle at the sight. The young man just sat in silence, too flustered from the events to react to anything. To him, the diaper felt bulky and soft, if tightly secured. It was surprisingly comfortable for what it was, felt almost like a pillow between his thighs. Both women began undoing his restraints, once his arms and legs were free the office woman helped him sit up on the bench and the police lady sat next to him. "Now I know you must be flustered by what occurred and feel like you've been punished enough. But your behavior from earlier is simply unacceptable. Around here you are to respect and obey female authorities, your little outburst is simply something you'll need to learn to control. I understand this is your first time on our planet, but you simply must learn to follow our rules if you wish to stay here. As such, to help you learn, Officer Roland here will administer a light spanking to you.” Her words were practiced and professional, she does this routinely. The young man was taken aback by her threat of a spanking. But before he could reply Officer Roland grabbed his hands and forced him over her lap. His thickly padded behind was now exposed prominently to the air. He popped the pacifier out of his mouth and yelled. “Let go of me!” He now couldn’t see the woman who had been administering his defeat for the past hour, but he could hear her tone change in her voice. “Sigh You just don’t learn to stay quiet, do you? Officer, how many spankings do you think are in order?" “I’d say at least 20 ma’am.” “Make it 30.” The young man began squirming and yelling in protest. 'This is an injustice!' he thought to himself. And he continued to writhe about. He felt another pacifier being inserted into his mouth and a strap tightening around his head. He could no longer vocalize his distaste for the actions being done to him. He feels a hand grab his chin and rotate his head. The office woman rotated his head, so their eyes meet. “Welcome to Estrea little boy.”
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