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  1. An entry for the 4th Kasarberang Story Non-Contest CW: sexual violence, lack of consent, sexual assault, force feeding, lactation, consuming bodily fluids Curtain Call Kyle Mayfield smirked as he took a splash of coffee. It was a light roast, bitter. He enjoyed bitter things. He leaned back in his chair nonchalantly, next to him a black-haired woman in a prim business suit. Across the table, her and her lawyer, some fat chump with a combover. He looked overwhelmed. “You can’t just buy my silence,” she muttered. Kyle cocked his head. She was dressed conservatively today. A high collared dress and a long flowing skirt that did little to show off her body. Of course Kyle didn’t need her to show off her body. He remembered what she looked like. The thought of taking her right now and having her shriek like she did that night was enough to give him a rumble in his belly, and somewhere else. He tipped back in his chair, resting it on two legs so that his bulge was visible. “You’re right, I shouldn’t have insulted you. Add another zero Elizabeth.” The woman called Elizabeth sitting next to him turned her head slightly, “I’ll handle this Kyle. And sit that chair down on the ground.” With a smirk, he complied and let his chair come back to a rest. “There can’t be enough,” the girl on the other side ofd the table replied. “This is going to court.” “We’re prepared to-“ Elizabeth began. Kyle cut her off. “Add another zero.” The girl was still staring at the table but Kyle caught her send a side eye across the table at the sheet in front of Elizabeth. “Still not quite enough? Elizabeth, add another zero.” “This is…” the girl swallowed “Life changing, right?” Kyle winked. “All you have to do is sign the form and its yours. The funds are already in escrow which even a lackwit like your council can verify.” “…ok…” the girl’s voice was small. Her face flushed beat red. Was it shame? Embarrassment? Whatever, the reaction was making Kyle almost as hard as when he’d had her naked ass over a pool table. She’d given in again. “Just sign here please ma’am,” Elizabeth said as she slid the document over to the girl. She continued to stare at the form again, perhaps counting the zeroes on the quoted figure. After a moment she plucked the pen from Elizabeth’s hand and added her signature to the bottom of the page. Elizabeth quickly snapped up the document, slid it neatly into her briefcase, and locked it inside. “You know it’s funny,” Kyle continued smirking. “You’ve been acting so high and mighty about this whole thing, as if you’re a victim somehow. But in the end, you’re just another cheap whore who took money for sex.” She glanced up at him, fury in her face. Hate rocketed from her eyes in a futile attempt to disintegrate him on the spot. Kyle could do nothing but continue smirking. As he stood up, he stole one last look at the girl, “Well, it’s been a pleasure. Call me after you’ve been tested for the clap, ok?” Once they’d dipped into the limo, Kyle made himself comfortable with a drink and promptly slid his hand down Elizabeth’s blouse. She grimaced slightly but her protests ceased quickly. “Call ahead to the airport and have the jet fueled” he whispered into her ear. “I feel like a trip to the Bahamas after that nasty business.” Elizabeth reached up and put her hand around his, trying to lift it. The movement only encouraged him to work his way past her bra and begin to fondle her. This elicited another moan from his lawyer. They always like it. “You’re not trying to tell me no I hope.” “N-no sir…but how can I call ahead if…” “Well, get to it,” Kyle leaned back to give her some space. His had didn’t leave her shirt though. As she dialed her cellphone, his free hand navigated to her skirt. By the time she’d had the pilot on the line to give instructions, Kyle was massaging her in all the places that would make her squeal. “You know,” he chuckled as he continued fondling the woman, “You are cheaper than most of the useless sluts I pick up.” * * * The beachfront villa opened onto a private stretch of beach with only the sound of the waves. In a way Kyle pitied the poors, scrounging away at their pathetic jobs, shacking up in tiny apartments that were probably infested with bugs. Then again, he thought as he took the cocktail in his hands to his lips, if they weren’t utter trash as humans, they wouldn’t have been born poor. Kyle nearly gagged as he downed the cocktail. “Liz, get your ass out here!” His attorney appeared from inside the house. She was wearing a thin, wavy dress that still managed to cover most of her assets. Kyle would have to remind her later that it wasn’t her body to cover. “Yes sir?” “What the hell is this? You’re supposed to balance the alcohol, not double it.” “Oh, I used that Van Winkle 25 Year you picked up last month,” “Tastes like dog shit,” he muttered as he took another pull from the glass. “Why do people buy this rotgut?” “Because it’s rare?” Liz asked as she stepped out onto the deck. The wind had picked up and her dress fluttered ever so slightly around her. Kyle had to admit that he could appreciate watching his attorney’s gown billow around her, hinting at her curves. The sun must have been getting to him. A heat was spreading across his chest. He tilted his head back and drained the glass, stubbornly powering through the bitter tasting alcohol. Kyle wasn’t shallow like so many of his friends, just tossing bad tasting liquor or ugly women aside. He was a consumer. Once he set his mind on consuming something, he did it. “Damn,” he muttered after a moment. The heat was really beginning to bake him. He could feel beads of sweat pouring down his forehead. His chest heaved back and forth painfully. His vision seemed a bit fuzzy. He blinked, trying to clear his sight. His skin seemed pale, rather the opposite of to much sun exposure. “You feeling alright?” Elizabeth sat down in the deck chair next to him, crossing her legs. She had a glass of white wine in one hand. “Not really,” Kyle admitted. “The sun must be getting to me. Can you help me up?” Liz stood up and walked over to him. Kyle reached out to grab her but his arms clumsily flailed against the air. He was aware of her kneeling next to him but his vision was becoming extremely fuzzy. “I wish I could share this moment with all of them” she whispered into his ear. “I’ll have to content myself knowing I got to see it at least. Good bye Kyle.” He barely processed the words. Good Bye…? His vision faded out. * * * Blinding light exploded in Kyle’s vision, stirring him from the stupor he was in. He was lying in the middle of the living room in his villa. Light continued to pour in and he could see palm trees swaying gently in the breeze outside. Glancing down, it appeared that he’d traded his beach shorts and tank top for the suit he’d worn that morning when he’d still been in New York. Odd. “Oh, you’re awake.” That voice! It was her. Kyle honestly couldn’t remember her name. Monica? Marissa? Monique? Something with an M. There were so many girls just like her. She seemed taller somehow, granted he was on the floor and she was standing above him but as his eyes rolled up her legs, he was struck by her raw physique. He had been taller, stronger. He was always taller and stronger, that’s why he always got what he wanted. He stayed away from girls that were tall or muscular themselves. “Mommy,” she said. “Excuse me?” “You were wondering what my name was,” the girl replied. “You can call me mommy.” Kyle snorted as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. “Yeah right, I’ll get right on top of that.” It was somewhat perplexing how she had found out where he lived, or even where he was going, since it had been a spur of the moment thing. In fact, outside of Liz and his pilot, no one should actually have known he was in the Bahamas. Sitting up, it certainly occurred to him something was wrong, Mona, he’d decided that was a good name for her since that’s what she had been doing the last time he’d had his way with her, certainly appeared to have put on some muscle. She had on a floral pinafore dress that exposed her arms and legs, all of which were considerably massive. While she did have heels on, without them she probably would have still stood a head above him. On the plus side, her chest was considerably more buxom then he remembered. Mona’s hand shot out and grabbed his ear. She twisted it sharply and forcefully, which caused him to cry out. It was a cry more of surprise than pain. The pain came when she pulled the ear hard enough to pull him into a standing position. “Excuse me young man, I don’t think I heard you correctly.” Her voice had dropped an octave. It was almost menacing. “What did you call me?” “Oh fuck you,” Kyle snapped as he tried to shove away from her. With considerable alarm he discovered that she was holding him tight. His ear felt like it might rip from his head before her grasp was weakened. Mona twisted his ear again, this time so sharply that he did squeal in pain. “One more chance little boy, what is my name?” “Please,” Kyle snorted. He was trying to put on a face of bravado but it was rather concerning that she was so strong. It couldn’t be the same girl. He had seen her this morning. She had been tiny, weak, pathetic. Money had bought her off. She was a joke. This girl looked like her but was massive. “What are you going to do? Spank me?” “A tempting thought,” she whispered into his ear as she ran her finger over his chest. She ran her hand down to his pants and slowly undid his fly. Kyle couldn’t help but sprout to attention at the handsiness. He had to admit that he didn’t hate the idea of her going to town on him. His manhood easily erupted past his pants. By Kyle’s own estimation, one of just his many admirable qualities was how well endowed he was. Even a Shezilla like this girl would scream in delight. “But a little pecker likes yours,” she whispered, “would probably like that to much.” Her hands brushed against him. He could feel a surge of excitement as the tips of her fingers began to probe around his pants. A sizzle erupted from her touch and rocketed through him. At first it felt wonderful. It was only after he realized he was screaming that he also recognized a pain so overwhelming his mind had gone blank was rocking through his groin. The excitement had gone, he had shriveled up. Something else was wrong though. He could bring his legs together and while it was there, it wasn’t….in a panic, Kyle reached for his belt, unbuckling it, tugging down. He looked. “What the fuck is this?” She smirked as she placed her hand on his exposed thigh, “looks to me like you’re just a baby down there. See, you don’t even have any hair now.” “What the fuck did you do to me?” Kyle tried to push himself up, to shove her away from him. Her hands pushed against his shoulders, pinning him to the ground. He felt caught in a vice grip, as if he was pushing against a boulder. He squirmed under her iron grip, trying to wriggle away from her but he could not move. “Now little boy, if you want up, you’ll have to address me properly,” she said. “What’s my name?” “YOU FUCKING BITCH!” Kyle shrieked. An unrestrained desire to bite, spit, fight, do whatever he could to shove her away flooded his mind. All he could imagine was violently tossing her aside, beating her into submission. Not stopping even after she begged. She simply smiled as he continued to struggle. She smiled and held him against the floor. At some point, his squirming slowed. He was exhausted. His muscles ached from pushing against her, his breath was short from screaming in anger, and his brain had a dull buzz from blanking completely as fury overtook him. “Is your little tantrum over now?” She asked. “Look, what is it you want?” Kyle asked after a minute. He stopped moving, let his head fall to the side. He couldn’t look at her. She disgusted him. Or rather, it wasn’t that she disgusted him. He was disgusted with himself for being afraid of her. “Money? I have plenty of that. Just name your price and get the fuck out of here.” “I told you what I want,” she said. She still had him pinned to the ground. She lifted one hand, grabbed him by the chin, and yanked his head up so that he had to stare into her eyes. They were a faint watery blue, almost silver in hue. She brought her head so close to his that he could see himself reflected in her eyes. The reflection staring back at him was afraid. “I’m not calling you that,” he replied weakly. Her hand slithered down to his throat, wrapping around it, She squeezed softly, just enough to restrict his airflow for a moment, causing him to gag. “You’re not my fucking mom.” The pressure again, this time for longer. A hint of panic welled up in his throat. Was this the end? He could feel an explosive pain in his chest. “Fu…hack!…ck youuuu….” The words were slurred, mixed partly with saliva. She was straddling him now, pinning him from the chest down. “You are such a stubborn little brat, one little word sweetie and the pain stops. Doesn’t that seem like a good idea?” She bent over him, pressing her lips against his forehead. The saliva left behind chilled against the air conditioned room. The f-word was on his lips again, but before he could say it, she swiped her hand across his face, cutting his cheek with her nail. “Or is it that you like pain?” Kyle wasn’t a fool. He knew she was fucking with him in an attempt to break him down. She wanted him to call her that word because it would be as if he was giving into her. But in the end, only I know if I’m giving into her or not. If the pain would stop; if he could get her away; then maybe, just maybe, he could get himself out of this situation. Even as he said the words, he imagined coming back with the Glock he kept in his safe. As his mouth moved, he pictured himself blowing her brains out. He wasn’t giving in, “No….mommy.” She pulled herself up into a sitting position. The satisfied smirk painted across her face was just the look he had predicted she’d show him. She thinks I’m giving in but I am still in control of this situation. “I know that was hard my darling,” Mommy said as she stared down at Kyle, “But didn’t admitting it feel so good?” Not especially. He wondered if he should play it of as if he was already broken or if he should push back against her, as if she had just given him a little nudge. An arrogant girl like this, who thought she was in control, would probably think he was done already. “Y…yes mommy…” There we go, just stutter slightly and have this dumb bitch eating out of my hands. She got off him, dropped her hands to his, and pulled him up. His pants, unbuckled, fell around his ankles but mommy helped him step out of them. “Now that the hard part is over darling, let’s get you dressed more appropriately. Ok?” Sure, whatever. This was some sort of kink game apparently. He’d been set up in some fashion, the only question was how? Where was Liz? She had to have been involved in this somehow. Had she found a lookalike for that dumb girl just to mess with his head? Kyle had to shake his head as he was led into the hallway. When he first looked down the hall, it was distorted and bent. He could not discern an end but an innumerable number of doors seemed to be set on either end of the hall. When he finished shaking his head, the hallway was the hallway in his house. The room he was led into was certainly not one his guest rooms though. Someone had redecorated. Someone had redecorated with a very specific fetish in mind. “Don’t you like it sweetie?” Mommy asked. “Look, I even have baby monitors set up so I can keep an eye on you when you’re playing by yourself!” Sure enough, there were cameras mounted on the ceiling. So that’s it, that’s the game. Get humiliating footage of me in a giant nursery. “Let me help you out of that shirt,” she said, without giving him a chance to respond. Her hands seemed to linger on his muscles as she pulled his shirt off. Kyle made sure to keep himself toned. As her hands ran across his chest and arms, he felt a bit of a warm glow all over his body. Instinctively he turned into her touch and let her explore wherever she wanted. “So much more compliant now,” she whispered as she tugged at his underwear. His alarms should have been going off. He was naked now, in a fetish nursery filled with cameras, but her touch continued to be electric. It would be easier to concentrate if he could get some satisfaction. If she was planning to play with him, he’d be happy to play with her. “Let mommy show you in the mirror. Come here.” There was a floor length mirror on the room. As soon as Kyle glanced into it, he convinced himself it was some sort of funhouse mirror. The reflection staring back at him was skinny, bony almost, with no obvious muscle tone. And while the reflection wore his face, his most prized possession between his legs was laughably small. It certainly wasn’t him in the mirror. Mommy’s hand gently pressed against the back of his head, pushing forward, sending his gaze down. As he looked down, he saw his neck attached to a pasty skinned boney body with no muscles and between his legs, just barely visible… Kyle screamed. * * * At some point he’d been walked to a changing table, which he was now resting on. The plastic mattress was covered by a thin blue sheet. At least his head was resting on a pillow. He still couldn’t believe his new body was his. He wiggled his fingers and his toes. Those worked. ‘Mommy’ was humming as she busied herself gathering up supplies. She had a diaper, powder, lotion. She seemed to take great pleasure in lining each item up for Kyle to see. He should have leapt from the table and fled but his brain simply could not process what was happening. Somehow this giant woman who looked just like the girl that he’d ra-enjoyed and shrunk him and obliterated his muscles with nothing but a touch. It was like a hallucination. But he could remember the iron grip she had pinned him to the floor with. She was definitely stronger than him. The diaper was unfolded. She grasped both his legs and lifted as if he weighed nothing, smoothly sliding the diaper under him with her free hand. As he came to rest on top of the dry, crinkly padding it finally dawned on him what was happening. This woman was planning to put him in a diaper like he was a two year old. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, ready to leap from the table and was immediately thrown back as she rested the palm of her hand on his chest and shoved him back against the mattress. “Ahhh ahhh, going somewhere?” “You can’t do this to me, I won’t let you,” Kyle growled. “Hmm, that’s funny,” Mommy smiled. “What’s funny?” “I didn’t actually think you knew what ‘no’ meant,” she replied. As soon as she moved her hand, he tried to get up again. Fuck you fuck you fuck you. The hate spewed through his brain so quickly that his vision began to tint the world in various shades of red. “Settle down,” she called as she put her hand back. “I need to get this on before you have a little accident.” A plastic nipple appeared in his vision. Mommy was holding a baby bottle. She forced the bottle in between his lips. “Go on now, drink up. It will calm you down.” Well, I’m not nursing from a fucking baby bottle. He glared at her as she reached her free hand around the back of his neck, pushing his head against the nipple. Her other hand still held the bottle in place. “Drink up,” she tapped the bottle again, pushing the nipple further into his throat. “You’re not going to make mommy force you, are you?” Kyle hoped his eyes sufficiently conveyed his response. Mommy sighed, “Such a fussy little boy.” She rocked the bottle back and forth until liquid squeezed out of the nipple on its own, flooding Kyle’s mouth. He nearly gagged as the fluid hit his tastebuds. Far from being creamy, whatever was in the bottle was sticky and salty. “Do you like it?” She asked with a smile. “When mommy helped you downsize between your legs, all of those reserves just had to go somewhere.” With one hand wrapped around his neck and the other firmly holding the bottle in place, Kyle had no choice but to swallow or drown in his own fluids. She continued rocking the bottle back and forth, expelling more and more of the bottle’s contents into his mouth. Bile rose in the back of his throat. The taste was repugnant. His entire mouth felt sticky, like it had a film coating it. Stomach fluids bubbled up his throat, coating the top of his mouth. Still he had to swallow. He had to gag everything back down or choke to death. His throat was on fire and the smell seeping from his mouth made him want to vomit all over again. “Almost done sweetie.” The flat salty taste leaking from the bottle almost came as a relief. The residue still in his mouth made it taste awful of course but with each swallow, his throat seemed to dry out a little bit more. By the time the bottle was empty, it occurred to him that at some point he had begun sucking on the nipple willingly, trying everything to get rid of the horrendous taste. As she pulled the bottle away, Kyle remained in shock. The experience had ended and he breathed in slowly, trying to regain his composure. He was aware that she was doing things to him but he had no energy with which to resist. Just rest for a moment, then I can get away from this crazy bitch, just one moment…he could feel mommy running her hands over his groin, his thighs, and everything there. Her hands were slick, with lotion. She gently massaged the cream into his skin. It felt cool and invigorating. He could feel himself responding but he still hung limply. Even her fingers against that area wasn’t enough to coax him to attention. The lingering feeling of her hands against his skin only began to fade as the scent of fresh powder finally blotted out the stench emanating from his mouth. The diaper, white, with a teddy bear pattern across the front, was brought up between his legs. Only as the front of the padding touched him did he finally spring up. Even as mommy taped the diaper securely to his waist, he could feel himself throbbing against the padding. She smirked as she patted the front of his diaper. “It looks like my little boy likes having his diaper on.” “No, I….” Kyle lifted his head up, trying to catch sight of her. He could see the white plastic of the diaper looming over the top of him. The leg cuffs were digging into him. Every time he shifted his weight, a loud distracting crinkle echoed throughout the room. The absolute worst part? He could not deny how aroused he was. “Hmm,” mommy glanced at him. “I had a cute shirt and short combo for you but I think maybe we’d better get a onesie. I just don’t think I can trust you not to slip your little hand down the front of your diaper and play with yourself the moment my back is turned.” He did have a problem he needed to take care of and just as mommy predicted, the second she turned about, he greedily stuffed a hand down the front of his diaper. The touch sent pulsing waves of pleasure through his body. Kyle could not believe how turned on he was, not by the sight of a girl, not by doing what he wanted to her, but just by having a diaper wrapped around him. Concerns about the fact that there was a camera pointed directly at him vanished as he gave in to the desire flooding his brain. He knew she was watching him as he rubbed. She’d come back into his sight holding a light blue shirt that ended in a snap bottom. His eyes rolled into the back of his head though and he started groaning in pleasure. “I should have known better,” she said. “Wh…what am I doing…?” Kyle was asking himself more than Mommy. He knew what he was doing was wrong but he couldn’t stop. “You’re making stickies in your diapee sweetie,” Mommy offered helpfully. “Can you say that? I’m making stickies.” “I’m…” Kyle huffed. Why was he repeating it? Somehow the chant seemed right. As he spoke, his hand started moving faster. “Making…” the world went black as his brain fogged up with pleasure. He was only aware of the sensation in his diaper. Everything else had vanished. “Stickies!” He screamed the word as his pleasure exploded. He could feel the diaper and his hand splattering. His entire body trembled as the pleasure shook through his body. “There now, don’t you feel better?” Mommy asked. “You better clean your fingers off. Go ahead and stick them in your mouth.” “What?” Kyle blinked. Now that he was coming down from his pleasure high, his brain was starting to operate again. He had just masturbated in a diaper! While a girl watched and laughed at him! He certainly wasn’t going to stick his cum-stained fingers in his… “Stick. Them. In. Your. Mouth.” It was a voice that he had to obey. So he did. The same salty sticky taste flooded his throat again as he slurped on his fingers, trying to wipe away the evidence of what he had just done. “Ahh look at my little boy, slurping his own cum off his fingers after he milked himself.” She leaned in close, running her tongue along his ear. Her hot breath blew against him. “You just love cumming in your diapees don’t you little boy? He did. God he did. “Yes mommy…” * * * Things happened after that but it was almost like a slideshow. It was as if Kyle was on a tram moving through a presentation. Flashes of light, images, memories, none of it made sense. He was unable to recall anything that happened. Yet he had the distinct feeling that time had passed. So finding himself sitting in the living room of his beach house, in a light blue onesie, with a diaper (wet) and playing with alphabet blocks seemed to make perfect sense. Mommy had left him here to play after breakfast. How long had this been going on? Why hadn’t he tried to escape? Wasn’t Liz here? It wasn’t just him and mommy. He knew Liz had been here that morning. Or several mornings ago. Or however long it had been since Mommy had made him make stickies in his diapee. He could remember her ordering him and he hated it. “Make stickies!” She’d say and he’d instantly get hard. Even as he was screaming no, his hands wouldn’t obey him and he could only watch as he abused himself. But something about that didn’t make sense. He could remember doing it clearly the first time, when mommy had put his first diaper on him. He knew he had done it at her command many times since but he couldn’t remember the details of those times. Agh, I just can’t think straight! Fortunately, mommy had attached his pacifier to the collar of his onesie. He grabbed it and stuffed it in his mouth. The gentle sucking cleared some of the gunk from his brain. Which led him back to the big question on his mind: where was Liz? “Sweetie, I have a surprise for you!” Mommy called from the hall. Kyle dropped his blocks on the ground and turned around. It was if he had conjured her! There was Liz standing next to Mommy. But something was… Liz’s hair was braided into two twin tails that hung down behind he head. She wore a pink and white ruffled dress that ended in a skirt so short that her underwear was half visible. And her underwear consisted of a pink and white diaper that had puffed up and was heavily sagging across the middle. She wore frilly white socks and black buckled flats. Her right arm, a stuffed horse wedged between her arm and body, was raised up and her thumb was stuffed in her mouth. “Look Kyle! Your sissy is ready to play with you!” Kyle was having trouble standing but he was able to brace himself against the couch and pull himself up. He stretched his arms out slightly to maintain his balance as he waddled over to mommy and Liz. “Wizzy! Are you ok?” “Yeah…” Liz blushed and glanced down. Her thumb was still in her mouth. “Ummm hiii Kyle” She seemed like she needed a hug so that’s what he did. As he wrapped his arms around her, she fell against him. She was shaking. Kyle could remember what mommy had done to him so he could only imagine what she had done to Liz. Was he actually worried? Maybe. Liz was weak. After all, she let him do whatever he felt like to her. She wasn’t strong like him. “Well, you two have fun. Elizabeth, I just changed you so you’re gonna have to sit in that wet diaper for awhile and think about why piddling right after you get changed is a dumb idea that only useless babies would have.” Kyle helped her over to the play area. In the back of his head it seemed like they should probably sit on the couch but sitting on the playmate seemed like the smartest thing to do. He used his foot to kick the blocks out of the way so Lizzy would have a place to sit and then he sat down next to her. She clutched her horse closer to her chest, drool running between her thumb and lips and coating her chin. “Wizzy?” Lizzy didn’t say anything for a couple of moments, then a light hiccup introduced a stream of tears as she began to bawl. She fell against Kyle’s chest. “Kywle, she did terribwe tings to me!” Kyle didn’t really know what to do. She needed to be comforted, he guessed. She seemed to like the hug earlier but it had made him feel a bit awkward. And now she was crying. What was he supposed to do? “She did stuff to me too,” he finally said clumsily. “No, you dun understand Kywle…she chwanged me…” Lizzy trailed off. He did understand though. She had changed him too. Somehow she’d taken away his physique and his endowment. On the outside, Lizzy looked the same. Kyle couldn’t help but wonder what mommy had changed in her. “Seewiouslwy Wizzy, me too!” He finally said. He tried to flex his arm, “Wook, my muscles.” Lizzy rubbed her hands across her face to wipe away tears. Her thumb finally slipped out of her mouth and she looked at Kyle. After a moment she gasped, “Oh but…thas not as bad as what she did to me…” “Well, what did she do to you?” Kyle asked. Lizzy didn’t say anything. Her cheeks turned deep scarlet and her head fell to the ground. “Umm…uhhh…stuff…” After a moment she picked her head up, “so, umm, did she make you a baby too?” “Huh?” Kyle looked at himself. Well kind of. I’m dressed like one anyway. “Well she made me wear this junk but I’m not baby. And neither are you!” “I twied to tell myself dat…” Lizzy trailed off. “But she made me need my diapees.” “Need ‘em?” “I don’t know when I hafta potty!” Lizzy said. “Im just…wet.” “Well that hasn’t happened to me yet, I…” Kyle didn’t need the diapers. Right? He could remember, he let her put a diaper on him just to get away. Why hadn’t he gotten away yet? Why hadn’t he… “Umm Kywle?” Kyle put his hands over the front of his onesie. He didn’t know why, the cloth hid the diaper at least. And yet he could feel it. He could feel the plastic crinkling and expanding. His thighs were slick with wetness. He hadn’t felt himself peeing but now he could feel the results. He hadn’t wet himself before had he? But he also couldn’t remember how long he’d been wearing diapers. “No!” “Kywle?” “NOOO!” He shouted, banging his hand against the floor. “I’m. Not. A. Baby! I dun care what mommy says!” “Shhhh!” Lizzy put her finger up to her mouth. “Dun yell! Mommy will come back and we’ll be in twouble!” Kyle was mad now. He was mad at this whole stupid situation. And his chest was on fire. Pain seemed to radiate from it. He swore he could feel his heart aching as if it was going to rupture. He couldn’t stand on his own. He couldn’t walk without stretching his arms out like a two year old. Now he couldn’t even choose when to pee. “Wizzy, dis is bullshit!” “Naughty talk!” Lizzy clamped her hands over her ears, her stuffed horse falling into her lap. She began rocking back and forth, “Mommy I didn’t say naughty talk! Mommy I didn’t say naughty talk!” Kyle open his palm, pulled it back, and slapped her as hard as she could. The blow sent her tumbling to the ground. He absolutely could not stand it when women got emotional. “Pull yourself together Wizzy!” Lizzy sat back up. Her bangs hung low over the front of her head but as she tilted up to look into Kyle’s eyes, he gasped. Mommy was staring back at him. “Mo….mmy?” “Kyle sweetie, it wasn’t very nice of you to slap your sissy, was it?” Mommy asked. “But I guess no one ever taught you that hitting was bad, did they?” Kyle scrambled back from her, “What about you? You’ve hit me, scratched me, choked me. You’re no saint mommy!” “No, that’s true,” Mommy agreed as she stood up. Her face was hers but her body was still Lizzy’s: dress diaper, shoes. “I like to think of myself as retribution.” She cleared the distance between herself and Kyle, diaper crinkling as it swung between her legs. “Do you want to see what changes I made to your sissy?” “Wh..what?” Kyle asked. “Changes. I need you to be a good little boy from now on. Your sissy’s going to help with that. You want to see how, don’t you?” Mommy asked. Kyle didn’t but seeing Mommy possess Lizzy was enough to frighten him into near silence. Mommy put Lizzy’s hands to the neckline of the dress and tugged, letting the top fall down around the skirt, exposing her breasts. Mommy/Lizzy’s breasts had grown in size. Kyle found he couldn’t quite break his gaze. He always had enjoyed a nice chest, although he seemed to recall Lizzy’s being a little smaller than his preference. “I know how much you like breasts Kyle,” Lizzy/Mommy spoke. It was as if both women were in the room speaking to him at the same time. He heard one voice made up of both voices. Mommy/Lizzy reached her hand up and gently squeezed her breast. A pearl of milk worked its way out of her nipple and began trickling down her bare skin. Kyle could feel the saliva in his mouth building up. He couldn’t possibly want that. Another change that Lizzy/Mommy had somehow made. “Come here Kyle,” they said as they gestured at Kyle. “You’re hungry, aren’t you?” “No, I….” But Kyle found himself crawling towards them. They sat on the mat, stretching their legs out and be popped right up onto their lap. Their diaper crinkled against the weight of his body as he faced their chest, leaning against it. “Go on,” they encouraged. Kyle’s mouth opened as the exposed nipple got closer and closer. His tongue wrapped around their breast, teasing out droplets of milk. Unlike the bottle feeding this was sweet, creamy, and warm. He lapped at the breast hungrily, eliciting gentle moans from Lizzy. It was just Lizzy now, Mommy was gone. He opened his eyes and looked, mommy’s face had vanished. It was just Lizzy’s face now. Her eyes had rolled up and she continued to make pleasurable chirps as Kyle continued to lick at her breast. As he finished, he moved to the second breast. A gentle hsss erupted between their legs and he could not tell if Liz or himself had wet again. He knew only that she seemed to be loving feeding him as much as he loved being fed. The milk offered clarity. Diapers weren’t so bad. Feeling good wasn’t bad. No! Fuck this! Kyle tried to pull himself away but found his lips locked around Lizzie’s breast. “I’m sowwy…” Lizzy whispered as she ran her hand through Kyle’s hair. He had finished and picked his head up. He couldn’t make out any of the furniture in the room. It seemed as if they were sitting in a white void. “Mommy made you…” “Its ok Wizzy,” he whispered. “I wike it…I tink.” “So mommy isn’t going to hafta force you anymore?” “I don’t think so,” Kyle replied. “Dats da milk…mommy said it would help you tink…” Mind control. That’s what it was. Kyle knew Mommy had been messing with his brain ever since she’d come to his house. There was something in Lizzy’s breastmilk that was making him like this. Making him like everything. Could he keep resisting or should he just give in. The milk had made him like wetting himself. Resisting. He had to keep resisting. He would never accept this. But why was everything white? It was like he was in a void. And the pain in his chest was intensifying. “Lizzie, I don’t feel very good…” He looked up but Lizzy wasn’t there. No one was there. It was just him in the void. “Neither did I,” a voice called out. Kyle twisted his head around. A woman was standing there. He didn’t recognize her immediately. Then a faint recollection occurred to him. She had been the first one. When he’d figured out paying them off meant he could do whatever he wanted. “Neither did I,” a second voice called out. Another woman appeared. And then another. And another. And another. Mona was there too. Not Mommy, just Mona, the scared girl whose silence he had bought. He recognized every woman standing in the void with him. They had all been women he had abused. “Losing your ability to consent must be terrible,” Mona said. “You were responsible for this all along, weren’t you?” Kyle glared at the girl. “Are you looking for an apology? Because even after all of this, I’m not sorry.” “We know you’re not,” Mona said. The women began to disappear. One by one until Kyle was alone. He was still small, the way mommy had made him. “Hello?” He called. “Hello?!” He would have settle for mommy. He would have settled for Lizzy. Anything but being in a white void, alone. Whatever light was illuminating the void began to fade and as his vision grew darker. “Hello?” He screamed into the void for what seemed like ages. At some point the screams turned into cries. No one was talking to him. No one was paying attention to him. Was this the final test? If he just submitted, would mommy show herself to him again. “I….” He trailed off. It was a hard thing to say. “…I consent….mommy.” “Mommy? Don’t leave me alone.” “Mommy…” * * * While electrical activity only lasts for a few minutes after death, brain cells have been known to die slowly over the course of hours or days.
  2. Long time listener, first time caller. My entry to the 4th Kasarberang Non-Contest: Thanks to @kasarberang for the push to take the elaborate tales that I've been creating in my head for decades and finally putting pen to paper. I'll be posting a few chapters a day all week to get everything in before the deadline next weekend. ---------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER ONE "Jack, hurry up. We're going to be late." Julia hated waiting for her husband, but damn if he wasn't always worth the wait. Her toes echoed across the hardwood floors as she tapped her feet in her uncomfortable heels and crossed her arms before giving herself a quick glance in the full length mirror. In her late 30s, age should be starting to take a toll on her but hours in the gym, a great diet, and plenty of self care seemed to hold Father Time away. At least for now. Her honey blonde hair had a slight curl to it in a way that was made to look effortlessly flouncy but actually took a lot of time and mastery to pull off. Her makeup showed a similar attention to detail; understated, while drawing attention to her big blue eyes and full lips. She wore a sleeveless dress that showed off her toned arms and stopped at mid-thigh. She certainly hadn't skipped leg day. A few pieces of designer jewelry and a quick twirl to make sure her ass looked great and she again found herself yelling for her husband. "Jack!" She turned around to see him coming down the stairs. She hated how effortless it was for him. He wore dark blue chinos and a tight fitted button shirt with the top two buttons open. He looked strong and she briefly considered that they should maybe just cancel their plans and head up to the bedroom instead. Oh, the things I would do to him. She sighed and smiled as he walked over to greet her. "Stunning as always." He kissed her deeply. "I'm a lucky man." They shared a long hug and he smiled at her. "Maybe a quick drink before we begin the festivities tonight?" Their sprawling home was gorgeous as Julia kept everything immaculate. Well, her housekeeper kept everything immaculate. I should probably give her a raise. The power couple walked to their home bar and Jack made quick work of their drinks. An old-fashioned for him. Simple, understated, strong. A man's drink. A glass of sparkling red wine for the lady. Classy, with just a bit of bounce. They sipped and stared into each other's eyes for a few moments before they were interrupted by a knock at the door. The couple squeezed hands tightly and Jack smiled and excused himself as he headed helplessly towards his impending fate. He opened the door and was immediately pounced upon by three women dressed in all black. Though he was strong, he was taken by surprise and quickly wrestled to a nearby chair where his arms were bound behind his back and he was gagged with a simple, black ball gag. One of the intruders smiled. He looked classy, even through angry, pleading eyes and a gag. "Jack? Is everything okay?" Julia walked into the room and found herself similarly swarmed by the trio of ladies in black. She was gagged with a pink gag and her hands were cuffed in front of her while she stared wide eyed at her husband and fought to push the gag out of her mouth. Ugh, I hate pink. "Mrs. Purple, can you drop this rope from the top banister for me?" There was an audible sigh. "Are you really doing this shit again, Mrs. Pink? Can't we just do the job and go? Mrs. Black, back me up on this one." Wait...are they really doing the Reservoir Dogs thing? Who are these people? Mrs. Black stared them both down as Jack and Julia both deduced the hierarchy of the trio. She turned her gaze to Mrs. Purple. "Do it, so you and I can get to work." "Ughh...this is ridiculous, Pink. I swear, we're going to find another driver. Why do you do this??" "In your dreams. You keep me here because I'm the best. If you want in and out of a job, you know that there's only one set of perfectly manicured hands that you trust." The rope was dropped from the upper banister and Mrs. Pink tugged on it a few times to make sure it was secure before attaching it to the agitated housewife's cuffed hands and raising them above her head. Who were these people? What did they want with her? Mrs. Pink looked hungrily at her two captives as her two accomplices grabbed their supplies and headed upstairs. Mrs. Pink's golden blonde hair was several shades lighter than Julia's and pulled back in a tight ponytail. She wasn't dressed for a night on the town. She was here to work and everything from her tight ponytail to her un-embellished makeup and black, form fitting clothes stated it in no uncertain terms. "Ok, you two...let's have some fun." CHAPTER TWO Julia recoiled as Mrs. Pink's fingers traced her midsection before pausing to lay her head against her captive's shoulder. She was shorter than Julia but had a commanding presence nonetheless. This was someone that knew what she wanted and knew how to get it. "I think we'll start with...you." She pointed to Jack who struggled against his bonds. "But to do that, you'll need to know that I mean business." Her hand wandered south to Julia's well-toned bottom. SMACK. Julia was no stranger to being spanked. She and Jack liked to play rough sometimes and she could take it as well as dish it out. She stared wide-eyed at Jack as her captor rubbed her butt. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK! Being spanked by your husband during some naughty roleplay was fun. She loved to be his inept secretary or disobedient schoolgirl as his firm hands warmed her bottom before continuing to roam her body until they were both moaning in pleasure. This was not that. She felt cold air on her ass as her dress was raised. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! Despite wanting to appear tough she found herself wincing slightly as Mrs. Pink rubbed her bottom through her black lace panties. They were mesh in the back and Mrs. Pink smiled as she saw the woman's buns slowly starting to change color. Oh, I'm going for have fun with these two. "There's a lot more where that came from and all it takes is a push of this button for the rest of my team to be back here in an instant. But they typically leave me alone for my playtime while they get the job done. You will do as I say or your wife will pay for it." SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. She walked towards Jack, before changing her mind and heading to the front door to grab her supplies. She had two large black duffel bags and what looked to be a portable massage table. Jack continued to struggle as she tousled his short, black hair. She opened her bag and grabbed a black spreader bar that was quickly attached to his ankles, assuring he could do no more than hobble before setting up her table next to him. "Jack, I need you to be a good boy for me, ok? We're going to stand you up and I'm going to bend you over this table so we can have some fun." He stared down his blonde jailer, showing that he was not afraid of her before glancing back to his disheveled wife with her dress still bunched around her hips. They locked eyes as Mrs. Pink reached down to uncuff his left hand. Jack began struggling again as Mrs. Pink stood back and sighed before taking her place behind his wife again. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK! SMACK!! SMACK!! "Ughhhhh!! Nooo....." SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. Julia stomped her foot but it was over as soon as it began. "I can do this all night, Jack. How long can she last?" SMACK! Mrs. Pink winked at Julia as she strolled back to her husband. "Ready to behave for me? I know you're trying to be the big strong man but the sooner we get you to the table, the sooner I can shift my focus to you instead of our hot little piece of ass over there." He turned his gaze to his wife again before looking Mrs. Pink in the eyes and quietly nodding. "Good boy." Jack allowed himself to be uncuffed from the chair and maneuvered to the table. A few awkward moments later and he found himself staring at his wife as the lady in black rubbed his ass through his tight chino pants. He was bent over the table with legs spread and arms stretched out. Mrs. Pink gave a few playful spanks as she continued taunting him and massaging his ass. Her eyes never left Julia's watchful eye. "Much better. Now, Julia wore some extra sexy panties for you tonight, Jack. Did you have a hot date planned? Were you planning on getting some action tonight? Let's see what you're packing under here." She reached underneath to cup his manhood before unbuckling his belt and pants and lowering them to his ankles to reveal tight, silk black boxers. Classic. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK! Jack winced. His ass was also no stranger to a firm hand, but he preferred to be the aggressor. As tough as his outward appearance was, he actually had a pretty low pain tolerance and knew that Julia could take a much tougher beating than he could. Mrs. Pink however, was not privy to their dynamic and was determined to show Jack who was boss. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. SMACK! She continued to eyefuck his wife while giving Jack the hardest spanking he had ever endured. SMACK! SMACK! "..Ugh.." SMACK. SMACK! Jack was determined not to break in front of his wife. He lightly groaned, inaudible over the sound of the stinging spanks. "I think we're getting the point across." She grabbed the waistband of his boxers and he froze. "Let's see who has the redder bottom!" He closed his eyes and bared the indignity as the back of his underpants were pulled upwards and he had his bottom checked like a naughty toddler who couldn't be trusted to keep his pants clean. "Oh, that's a red bottom, Mister!" She let go and let the boxers snap back against his skin as she stalked towards his wife. "And how about your little bottom?" One more firm spank and his wife also had her bottom checked by the lady in black. "Hmmm...I believe it's a tie. I HATE ties." Smack. SMACK. SMACK!! Julia groaned into her gag as she tried to twist away and they both stopped as they heard the commotion from the table behind them. Jack was banging his hands against the padding, desperate to draw the attention back to himself. "Is that our knight in shining armor coming to save the poor defenseless little princess?" Julia pleaded with her eyes as Mrs. Pink again turned her attention to the pantsless man of the house. "Well, let's give you a chance to really prove your valor then." She reached beneath Jack and slowly slid the belt from his pants, popping it together with a loud crack as she folded it in half and looked menacingly at her captive. THWACK! "Arghhh!!!" There was no hiding this one. No trying to be brave. That fucking hurt. THWACK! Jack groaned again and slammed his cuffed hand against the padded table. "Is that it? I thought you came to save the princess? I guess I'll have to give the other 3 to her!" "No!" He met her eye and motioned her back towards him with a head nod as he took a deep breath. She let the belt ride down his back as she slowly patted his sore butt. She pulled the belt away and he braced himself. He felt her hands on his waist again and then felt the cool breeze hit his reddened ass. It was a welcomed change of temperature but he knew it wasn't going to last long. "Awwww, look at that smooth little bottom! I love a man who grooms well and takes care of himself. Princess, you've got quite the catch here!" THWACK. Ok, that one really hurt. THWACK. I'm going to make that bitch regret this. THWACK! "Owww....FUCK!" Mrs. Pink giggled. Some words were unmistakable even when they were gagged. She gave Jack a moment to recover as she strolled over to Julia to lightly caress her bottom as they watched the bare bottomed man breathe heavily with his eyes closed. "He must really love you. That's nice." She looked at him longingly for a moment before clapping her hands together and heading back to Jack. "Now Jack, I'm going to pull you forward with your cuffs and you're going to lie face down on the table for me." She gave him a firm spank with her hand and he winced. "You're going to be a good boy for me, yes?" He put his head down and nodded. She had won. For now. He climbed onto the table as best he could with the spreader bar. "Just scoot a little back for me... A little more... Perfect!" She strapped him down to the table at his shoulders, waist, knees, and ankles. He put up a token struggle but he wasn't going anywhere. Jack's pants and silk boxers were still around his ankles and his shirt was pushed harshly up his torso to allow his red bottom to shine in all of its glory. But that's not what Jack needed to be worried about. Mrs. Pink disappeared from view and he heard her rumbling around under the table. "Ah, there we go!" He suddenly felt cool air on his manhood as it dropped through the table and through the small hole that Mrs. Pink opened in the table. He felt her lightly graze his cock and balls with her manicured nails and twitched. What the hell just happened? She gave a light tug and then stood up to address the class for her Villainess Monologue. "You are not my first couple to play with. Far from it, actually. My two companions put up with my shenanigans because I'm a damn good driver. So they let me have my little...playtime. I keep the couples occupied while they are free to do what they came for." She paced back and forth as she spoke. "The wife I can always handle. And I've got special plans for you princess. But the husband... he's always a problem." She snapped on pink gloves and walked towards Jack to continue. "You see, the husband has his manhood to protect. He needs to be brave and strong. Not just for himself, but also in front of his woman. How silly! Once they are confronted with true power it doesn't take much to have them sniffling before me like little Jacky here." "But a spanking just wasn't doing it. Sure, it tamed them initially but the anger just grew and they always tried to lash out again. So I found something to do with that anger." She reached under the table to stroke Jack again. "I don't know about you, honey, but after I really give it to a man all he wants to do is sleep! The house could be on fire and he would barely move." Jack struggled as she continued to stroke him and he rose to the occasion. "And once we get him all nice and sleepy, then you and me get to play!" He let out a soft moan as she let go and went to her bag. Julia watched her grab a small bag and bring it back to the table. Jack felt a slick hand glide around him again. "A little lube never hurt, right Jack?" Jack moaned. He couldn't help it now. Mrs. Pink toyed with him for a few more minutes as Julia watched on helplessly. One last luxuriously long stroke and she disappeared above the table. "Now, it's important that we don't let our men experience that kind of explosive joy right away. We need to keep them wanting. Desperate." Jack felt a gloved hand at his backdoor. no. not that. He began to thrash but the spreader on his legs made it impossible to get away as Mrs. Pink gently fingered his puckered hole while occasionally reaching underneath to give Little Jack a few tugs. Once he was good and lubed he felt something bigger pushing on his entrance. He groaned and Julia's eyes grew wide. "And there. We. GO." Mrs. Pink grinned to herself as the butt plug popped into place and Jack continued to groan. A few tickles to his dangling manhood was all it took to turn those groans back into moans. And then the vibrations started from deep within as her hands continued to lightly stroke him. She slapped him on the ass as she stood up. "How does that feel? Still the big strong man? Hmm....not quite there yet. Maybe you need a show?" She walked to his field of view and stood directly in front of his bewildered wife. She paused for effect and then began to dance seductively in her tight black activewear. Jack closed his eyes as the vibrations continued to ravage him and he twitched uncontrollably. "No? Not what you're after?" She sighed. "It never is. Let's see if we can find you something else to look at." Julia felt her dress unzip slightly before it was cut from her body leaving her dangling from the ceiling in just her lacy black bra and panties. Bitch. That was a $600 dress. Julia glared at her captor as Mrs. Pink grabbed her by the chin and guided her eyeline to her man who lay moaning and twitching on the table. "You see, we can't beat them by force. Look at his leg muscles twitch. He is just so strong. So much stronger than little ol' me or you." "Sure, spanking is fun but we will never overpower them. We have to drain their power from them. One drop at a time." She let her hands fall slowly and trace Julia's body over her breasts to the front of her panties. "And then you and I get to have some fun. Like Samson, we are going to take away his power and then you are going to be my little plaything. And we are going to have so much fun." She let her fingers linger between Julia's legs. "He's getting close, but not there yet. Let's continue the show." Two quick snips and Julia's bra lay twisted around her ankles and her breasts were exposed. Mrs. Pink traced them slowly, moving towards her hardened nipples. Julia struggled but allowed a small moan that was quickly overshadowed by a long moan from Jack as Mrs. Pink pressed the button in her pocket to dial up the intensity in his butt plug. "Is this what you like, Jack?" She smacked Julia on the ass. "Dance for him. Give him a little show." Julia jumped and stomped her feet in protest as her breasts swayed back and forth. "Maybe you need a little extra motivation? Do you need some fun too? I have just the thing." Mrs. Pink fished around in her bag for a bit and dropped a vibrator into the front of Julia's panties and watched her squirm in sync with her husband. She stood behind her and massaged Julia's small breasts with both of her hands as Julia squeezed her legs together and moaned. "Ugh...Mmmm" The girls were rudely interrupted as Jack's moans increased in both volume and intensity. "See?" She pinched Julia's nipple as she squeezed. "Boys are easy. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere!" She turned both vibrators up a notch as she walked back to Jack and positioned herself under the table and gently stroked Jack's twitching manhood. "Unghhh....Mmmmm....." Jack's mind melted as the deep vibrations combined with Mrs. Pink's gentle strokes and his wife's squirming practically nude body. Jack was beginning to drip as Mrs. Pink increased her speed. "Ok, I think it's time we brought this rousing game to it's natural conclusion." The moans were louder as Julia twisted sensually and Jack began to thrust into the air beneath the table. "Let's see how many strokes you can handle. I'll tell you what. If you can get to ten, I'll let you both go and you and your lovely wife can spank me until my friends are done!" Jack and Julia locked eyes in quiet desperation. ONE. Her hand grasped his manhood and moved up and down. TWO. Another stroke and she lightly tickled his balls. THREE. She reached up to work his plug in and out for a few thrusts. "Unh...unh....uhhh!" Jack was practically screaming now. She smacked him on the ass. "C'mon, you can do better than that! You have no idea what else I have in store for you and my cute little dolly over there. Just hold on and all of this can go away." FOUR. FIVE. Two quick strokes in rapid succession. She held tightly and pushed her hand into his groin. ...and SIX. She gave one more squeeze and his ruined orgasm dripped below him as he continued to thrust and moan. Mrs. Pink gave him a minute and then continued to milk him as he continued breathing heavily and came to a rest on the padded table with a despondent sigh. Both of the vibrators were turned off and she grabbed a baby wipe to clean off Jack's shriveling manhood. "And now for the final coupe de gras." Jack felt something cold and metal around his balls and groaned. He didn't have the energy to fight anymore and looked at his wife in defeat as his manhood was locked away. With one final click, Mrs. Pink held up the key and tucked it into her pocket. "For safe keeping. It's hard for a man to feel manly when I have the key to his junk. Between your little butt buddy.." She turned the vibrator on and off quickly as Jack let out a low moan. "..and this key..." she paused and tickled his balls and watched him groan as his penis hit the front of his chastity cage. "you are going to be a very good boy while I have some fun with your wife, ok?" She paused and he turned his head away, defeated and humbled. A sharp smack on his ass brought him back to the present. "OK?" He turned his head back to his wife. He had failed her. He had an opportunity to save her. To save himself. And he let them both down. Now they would have to play along. Jack nodded and she patted him on the bare bum. "Good Boy". She turned her attention back to Julia and smiled. "How about a little girl time?" CHAPTER THREE Julia studied Mrs. Pink as she made her way around the table, her hands tracing lines over her husband's listless bound body. "Let's just take care of our little boy toy first. You may even find you like him better like this!" Jack was unstrapped and uncuffed from the table and helped to his feet where the spreader bar was also removed. Mrs. Pink quickly stripped him off his shirt and had him step out of his discarded pants until he stood before them completely nude. Except for his stainless steel chastity cage and butt plug. He was walked to the chair where he sat gingerly on his sore ass and plug as his ankles and wrists were strapped back down to the chair. "There. Now you can enjoy the show." She tapped his chastity cage. "But not too much." She moved the table behind Julia and smiled. God, I love this part. The husbands were always entertaining. They amused her. It was fun to watch them squirm and to seize control so that she had the power. But once she had broken them and locked them away it was time for the real fun. "Ok sweetie. Let's see what we're working with." She slowly lowered Julia's panties to the ground, exposing her reddened ass and her well trimmed fuzz to the room. Hmm...we'll have to deal with that soon. Jack stared at his exposed wife and felt his manhood twitch painfully against it's new steel prison. She really was beautiful, even if it was in this heightened vulnerable state. Mrs. Pink circled the nude wife like a lioness stalking her prey. Julia felt her eyes on every inch of her exposed body as she stood there in nothing but her designer heals, willing herself to continue staring straight ahead. First, she grabbed the spreader bar from the table and attached it to Julia's legs leaving her even more exposed and vulnerable. She scooted the table forward until it rested against Julia's roasted backside. Julia watched as her captor reached above her head to unhook her cuffs and considered pushing her over and making a run for it. But then she eyed Jack's cage and knew she wouldn't be able to overpower the girl in this stupid spreader bars, free Jack, and make a run for it. She sighed in resignation and realized that, at least for now, she was completely at the mercy of the woman she only knew as Mrs. Pink. A slight shove and Julia found herself staring up at the ceiling with an 'oof!'. Mrs. Pink worked quickly to fasten the spreader bar to the rope that had previously held the wife's arms before moving to the other end of the table to secure her hands. Julia had never felt so exposed in her life as her arms were held firmly over her head and her legs completely opened up to Mrs. Pink and her husband. She heard her husband groan from across the room. Well, at least someone is enjoying the view. Mrs. Pink grabbed one of her duffle bags and set it in the center room and began pacing as she spoke. "My partners and I have robbed many homes in this town. Always couples and we always do it when the couples are home. Mrs. Black and Mrs. Purple are after your loot. They only care about the money. But I'm the one that actually selects our targets. And I'm in it for far more than your money." Is she really monologuing again? God, this is exhausting.. "I have watched you drive your expensive cars to your dinner parties. Julia, I have seen your fancy shopping sprees. I watched as you left your house vacant to go on extravagant vacations. What have you done to deserve this? What makes you better than me and my friends? The three of us came to the same conclusions and they decided that taking your money was the way to settle the score. But me? I want your pride. I want your dignity. I want to strip you of all of the things that make you who you are, so that we can see who you really are. You, my dear Julia, are just a pampered princess. And I think it's time that you look the part." With this strange assertion, she reached into her bag and held up a giant pink diaper and waved it around to make sure that Jack and Julia could bask in all of it's glory. "For you see, tonight you find yourself in the company of...The Baby Bandits!" "Ugh..noooo!!" Julia whined and was suddenly very aware of who her captor was. They robbed the houses of wealthy couples and then left the couples behind in diapers to wait for the police (or their housekeepers) to show up and set them free. At least, that's how it started. The first couple was found tied to their bed, wearing diapers. It seemed like the Baby Bandits wanted to humiliate them or were just being practical and didn't want to make a mess or have to untie the captives. But then it kept getting weirder. The next couple that was found also had bibs and pacifiers found next to them. Then there were the pacifier gags on the next couple. Sometimes there were empty jars of baby food or empty bottles nearby. Once there were even used diapers balled up near the victims, showing that they had been used and changed. Then they robbed her friend Heather and her husband Matt and it became real. When Julia asked her about it later over drinks, Heather shared the whole story. Matt was tied down and spanked before some crazy lady jacked him off. Then Heather was stripped and shaved before being powdered and diapered. She too was spanked and treated like a baby for an hour or so before she was left in nothing but a wet diaper for her maid to find the next morning. And now it was happening to her. Jack wrestled against the bonds in his chair, not wanting to see his wife turned into a giant toddler in front of him. "Oh, quiet you" Mrs. Pink dismissed him easily and pressed the button to turn on his vibrator. "It's time to pamper your princess!" Julia also wriggled helplessly in her bonds, but it was no use. She was going to become this crazy woman's plaything and there was nothing she could do about it. Mrs. Pink took a small bag from her larger duffel bag and walked towards the exposed girl. Julia felt the woman run her hand through her trimmed pubes. She had spent the better part of an hour carefully grooming herself for a special date with her husband tonight. And in less than 5 minutes all of that hard work was gone. Julia winced as the cool shaving cream hit her mound and was spread liberally from front to back. She was admonished to not move as Mrs. Pink ran the sharp razor over her most intimate parts before grabbing a baby wipe to wash away the last remnant of Julia's adulthood. She smelled the sweet aroma of baby oil before it touched her skin. Mrs. Pink took her time to liberally rub oil into every nook and crevice. She paid special attention to her freshly shorn princess parts and her twitching back door before reaching up to rub her breasts and tweak each nipple. "Now we are starting to look and smell like a real pampered princess! Let's make sure that baby is feeling okay and didn't get too worked up during all the commotion here." Jack watched as their captor reached into her Mary Poppins bag and came out with a large thermometer and some Vaseline. At least I'm not going to be the only one with something in my ass. Julia could not see the bag clearly from her vantage point so did not have the benefit of prior knowledge as she felt the cool intruder knocking at her back door. Ooooh, Heather did NOT mention this! She clenched her fists and took deep breaths as Mrs. Pink took her time, gently twisting the thermometer back and forth in her bottom before popping it out with a smile. "All clear! I give you a clean bill of health to continue!" Julia sighed as the fluffy pink diaper was placed on her belly and she saw baby powder placed on her right side. Mrs. Pink grabbed the diaper and began gently fluffing it, somehow making it even bigger than before. Her bottom was lifted slightly before coming back down on the cushiony cloud. She watched the powder disappear from view and felt its light sprinkle on her freshly shaven loins and red bottom. She braced herself for her final disgrace as the diaper was lifted between her legs and sealed in place, one tape at a time. Mrs. Pink patted her on the front of her diaper, seemingly pleased with her work. "Awww, you look so pretty!" Julia blushed and looked away. "But, we are not done with your makeover. In the beginning, I was happy to leave you spoiled bitches trussed up in your new padded panties and call it a day. But you would not believe the kind of crazy shit you can find online these days!" Mrs. Pink walked over to Julia with her duffel bag, wanting to make sure that she could savor every delicious detail on her face as she presented her humiliating attire one by one. "First, we need to switch out your ball gag with a Pink pacifier. If you're a good girl, we can leave out the pacifier gag and you can just keep it in your mouth for me!" "Next, would you look at these darling mittens and booties!" She held up a pair of locking pink mittens and booties designed to keep her hands completely useless. And adorable. Mrs. Pink showed her the next piece and she racked her brain to try to process exactly what she was seeing. "Is this not the most adorable thing you have ever seen in your entire life?? It's a Teddy Bear onesie! See? It's an adorable shade of pink to match your little booties and pacifier....I kind of have a thing for pink if you haven't noticed...and it has these cute little bear ears on top and....ahhhhhh! You're going to be SO stinking cute!" Julia glared at Mrs. Pink. Fuck this. The diaper was enough but she was not going to be dressed like a fucking care bear in front of her husband. Her husband that was currently sitting in a chastity cage with a vibrating butt plug up his ass. Ugh...so I guess this is happening. She welcomed the removal of the gag and Mrs. Pink graciously gave her a moment to stretch her jaw before replacing it with a pacifier. "Now, you are not allowed to remove this unless it is taken out by Mrs. Pink, ok honey?" Julia resumed her angry glare. But an angry glare behind a pacifier is just an adorable pout. She received a few swats on her diapered behind for that one. It didn't hurt nearly as much as being spanked on the bare ass but the humiliation of being spanked in a diaper in front of her husband while sucking on a pacifier was humbling enough to urge her compliance. She took a page from her husband's notebook and nodded in agreement for her captivated captor. Mrs. Pink next released the spreader bar and replaced Julia's designer heals with some soft pink booties that were locked into place. Her hands were uncuffed and replaced with matching Pink mittens. She sat up on the table and allowed the onesie to be pulled over her head. It seemed a little too long until she remembered that she was a fucking toddler now as Mrs. Pink reached between her legs and snapped her in. "Stand up for me. Let's have a look at you!" Julia sighed and stood on shaky legs as she got used to the cushioned booties on her feet. "Ahhh.....you have to see this! Come! Come!" She held Julia's hand as the pair waddled over to the full length mirror near the front door. Less than an hour ago she had stood in this exact spot waiting on Jack and checking herself out. And now? Her designer heels were gone. She was locked into these oversized pink booties. She held up her hands so that she could take in the matching set. Her perfectly manicured nails dug in slightly to her palms as she clenched her fists in these useless pink balls where her hands used to be. She felt the powder sliding around her forcibly shaved pussy and ass and thought of all the time she had spent making sure everything looked perfect for Jack and she had felt sexy as hell. Had. That bitch had ripped off her expensive dress and left it in shreds. She looked over her shoulder and saw it still crumpled on the ground and sighed. She wasn't sure if she was more pissed off about the dress or this adorable monstrosity she was forced to wear. But she was definitely pissed. She looked to her face and immediately stopped sucking on the pacifier. How long had she been doing that? Her luscious locks that she had spent so much time primping and curling and cutting to look just right were tucked away carelessly into this pink hood that framed her face, stole her peripheral vision, and...were those ears on top?? Muscle memory kicked in and Julia turned around to check out her ass, just as she always did in this mirror before she left her house. Gone was the shapely ass that she worked so hard on every day in the gym. Now it was just a pampered monstrosity. She saw her diaper poking out around the onesie that hugged every curve of her body. She had watched with pity earlier as Jack had his manhood stripped from him and was locked away. And now, as her adulthood was stripped away, she couldn't decide who had it worse.
  3. Hello everyone and welcome to The 4th Kasarberang NON-CONtest! This and all previous Kasarbarang contests have been approved by @DailyDi ahead of time. "The 4th Kasarberang's NON-CONtest" As the name sort of suggests, this will be a story contest for writers new and old. The purpose to create more femdom/non-consensual stories here on DD. We had a few hiccups last year due to complications with my health, but everything did end up getting resolved. Things should run smoother this year. CONTEST THEME: All stories must include this theme or a derivative of it to qualify. Story must also include one or more of the listed kinks. Theme: Forced Into Babyhood Kinks: Lactation Cum Milking Force Feeding (Can be any kind of force feeding, Breastfeeding, Bottlefeeding, etc...) I feel these kinks are nearly as represented as they possibly could be, so this is kind of my way of trying to boost said representation. RULES TO QUALIFY: Please read through the rules carefully so that your story qualifies, if you have any questions or need clarification feel free to ask. 1. Story must fit with the theme and include one or more of the listed kinks. 2. Story must contain and primarily center around a dominant female(s) and submissive (male(s)/female(s)) 3. Story must be new! Previously paid only content made free and stories posted prior to this post do not qualify. 4. Story must be properly tagged based on the stories content and contain "4th kasarberang non-contest" as one of those tags. (You can use my Non-con list to see what other type of tags I'm referring to). 5. The beginning of the post must mention that the story is being created as a part of this contest and include a link to this page, so others can easily find it. 6. All characters depicted must be over the age of 18 years old. All stories must be submitted by or before August 10th 2024 all stories posted afterwards will not be entered. IF YOU WANT TO BE CERTAIN THAT I'VE RECEIVED YOUR STORY SUBMISSION PM ME A LINK TO YOUR STORY WITH THE TITLE "Kasarberang NON-CONtest Story Submission" OR LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS POST WITH A LINK TO YOUR SUBMISSION. Prizes: Prizes may be added closer to the end date, depending on if I can swing it. The first contest had slots added and prizes increased before it was over. (Prize money will not decrease, but may potentially increase.) 1st Place: $300 2nd Place: $100 3rd Place: $50 (Added to accommodate for large number of submissions.) Prizes can be either redeemed as various gift cards (Amazon, Google Play, Apple, Uber, Netflix, Hulu, etc..), sent directly to a PayPal account or as a direct donation in your name to DD. CONTEST DURATION: The contest will begin now and officially end August 10th 2024, this will give people tons of time to write and submit their stories. JUDGING: Judging will begin August 10th 2024 and will aim to end by or before September 10th 2024. I will be judging stories primarily on readability, length, my personal enjoyment of the story and of course how you incorporated/interpreted the theme. Community feedback will not impact the judging, this is to keep veteran members and new writers on a level playing field. Questions & Answers: (This will be updated as questions get asked.) Q: Can SFW Stories be entered A: I will not be accepting SFW entries for this contest. Q: Does the story have to be completed by the deadline? A: No, you can submit a story that is being periodically updated with chapters, but just know I can only judge what is available by the time the contest is over. Q: Is there a minimum or maximum length the story has to be? A: Nope, your story can be as short or as long as you want, but length will be considered when judging. Favoring high-quality stories that do the most with the concept. LIST OF ENTERED STORIES: All entered stories will go here so that people can easily find them. Boss Baby or Boss' Baby? by @Lavellan Curtain Call by @mostlymoisture The Sorority by @willnotwill How To Change A Man by @BoTox Child Custody by @Baby Jemma Robin Crusoe by @CCApril David's Unwilling Regression by @TheLittleWriter A Captive of my Heart's Desire by @justforfun Making it up by @babishfantasies A Change Would Do You Good by @blahblahwriter Gulliver travels: to another adventure by @codsterc10@msn.com Tabula Rasa by @SpiritedPalfrey Without Teeth by @Operational Systems Happy writing.
  4. This is my submission to the 4th kasarberand non-contest. All characters depicted are above 18 years old Part 1 He was completely mystified and estranged by the sight. She looked like an adult woman, kind of attractive actually, sort of chubby, with a cute face and big breasts. Noticing her chest made him feel awkward considering her attire and demeanor. She was dressed with a purple shortall and a white t-shirt with flowers, she also had white high thigh socks. She was sitting on the floor, sucking a pacifier. There was a bulk on her crotch that expanded her shortall, and each time she made a small move a crinkle sound came out from her. It didn’t took a genius to tell what was that, especially considering the smell of baby powder that inundated the living room. He stood looking at her not really knowing what to do now. His wife had already said hi to her the same way she would with a child, and her friend, the caretaker of this person apparently, stood at her side making sure she felt comfortable with these new people that just invaded her comfort zone. After she was properly introduced, and with the “little” girl satisfied with this new woman, both the wife and her friend looked at him, waiting for his reaction. He looked at his wife, expecting some sort of guidance considering how well she had fared so far. “Look Lily, this is my husband Matt. Do you want to say hi to him?” She said while squatting, holding her back and looking at her. Matt didn’t react, so her wife gave him a look, prompting him to react. “Oh, right” he said, approaching the group of women. He stood in front of the girl who was flanked by the two women, awkwardly looking at her and then at his wife, with her giving him encouraging looks each time he looked at her. After a little while of this he stretched his hand and retracted it, tried to squat and stopped, squirmed a bit and finally settled for a fistbump. Lily looks back, unfazed, and begins to retreat to her caretaker. Feeling like the situation it’s kind of spiraling out of control he waves and says “hey. What’s your name?”. “Her name is Lily” says her caretaker, making Matt make a feigned surprise expression. By now Lily is completely latched on her caretaker’s leg, keeping her eyes fixed on the strange man. Matt gets desperate, the silence of the room and the reaction of the girl making him feel even worse. He tries his luck and goes for a pat on the head, but as he sees the girl recoiling and making a desperate squeal he desists, opting for taking a step back with his hands now resting on the pockets of his jeans. The girl is trembling now, her eyes closed, clearly distressed by the whole ordeal. Matt looks at her wife, but she’s focused on the little girl, thinking about a way she could help. The caretaker squats and starts comforting the girl, then she tells her something to her ear and the caretaker excuses herself, taking the girl to one of the bedrooms of the spacious apartment. “Trish, if you need anything just ask” says the wife. “Thanks Pam”, says Trish with a worried look and a smile. When they’re out of sight, Pam approaches Matt and in a lower voice begins to talk to him. “What the fuck was that? Hey, what’s your name? Are you stupid?” “Fuck. I know, ok? Sorry. It’s just that… I just didn’t expected this” “You didn’t expect this? I filled you in before we came here. I explained everything. I sent you a video. Did you watch it?” “I… didn’t had the time, ok?” “It was a 15 minutes video. This is important Matt. She’s an old friend, and a really good one” “I know! It’s just… I mean even if I watched the video this would still be so weird. That’s an adult, Pam. She’s even kind of hot too” “Matt!… I mean yeah, but still. Don’t say it” “But that’s what made me feel so awkward. I look at this cute girl and I’m supposed to treat her like some sort of baby?” Pam scoffs “yes Matt, that’s what you were supposed to do. But instead you flopped it and now we’re going to have to leave. You know how much convincing it took to bring you here? You made me look like an idiot” “Hey, I know I fucked it up, but like come on. This is so weird. Just look at them. What are they? Are they friends? Are they a couple? Is this some sort of fetish thing?” “Wow, now you’re making questions. Incredible. You know where you can find all of those answers? In the fucking video I sent you, that’s where” “Agghhh. Ok, give me a crash course then” “Are you for real? Jesus. Ok, look, Lily it’s a little and she’s functionally a baby, and Trish is her mommy and she takes care of her. They love and trust each other a lot. It’s actually really touching when you get past your prejudices” “Ok, really touching. Noted it. Anything else I should know?” “Well, in case we stay and you have to be here when it happens, she’s fully dependent on her diapers” “Fully dependent?” “Fully dependent” “FULLY. DEPENDENT?” “Yes Matt, she shits and pees them. Also in the video by the way” “What the fuck. I hope she asks us to l-” before he can end the sentence he notices Pam has glassy eyes. She’s clearly distressed and frustrated. “Pam… I’m sorry” “Yeah, you should.” she sniffs and clears her eyes. “We were really close in college, you know? She was always there for me, and so was I. When she left for a work overseas I was devastated, I missed her every day. I would cry because something would happen that I knew she would find funny or sad or touching. We talked over the internet all the time, but after a year of that I could feel we were growing apart. And now that she came back and she’s living here I can finally reconnect and be a part of her life again. So please, please, make an effort.” Matt was already feeling bad for the blunder he made, but now he felt even worse. He was ashamed and sad because of his failure to notice how important this was and how much pain he was causing to her. He thought that this would be a freaky day visiting some old friend of hers with a weird couple, but now it was clear that this was much more than that. Still, he felt there was something odd about this. She had talked before about Trish, but never on this terms. She always made her look like a good friend, but now it felt like there was something more between them. Still, he knew what he had to do. He hugged his wife and said “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I’ll do better, I promise. I’ll try”. After a short silence she just said “thanks” and half assed it in reciprocating the hug. Matt noticed this, and that meant he had fucked it up big time. He will have to go above and beyond if he wants to make it up, so he would have to speedrun it through his prejudice and think about a way to fix this.
  5. Hello! Coming in just at the wire on this, but I hope everyone enjoys it. This story has elements of erotic horror, and my entry for the The 4th Kasarberang NON-CONtest! The name here is inspired by an old story by Tainted Sins, but is in no way related to that one. This story is pure age regression. Without Teeth By Operational Systems Chapter 1 The office was located on the edge of a gated residential subdivision and was built in the fashion of modern design principles, it looked like a mix of a one-part coffee house and one part McMansion. Two stories tall, it was layered in red brick and an abundance of tall windows. In a deceptive twist the building did not give a hint of being a dental office from the outside. If one could ignore the kitsch of oversized plastic molars and colorful posters with inspiring motivations in the kiddy waiting area, the lobby of Szekely Family Dentistry and Periodontics went out of its way to hide any evidence of its true purpose. Gerald stretched his arms and repositioned on the gray, blue sofa, casually dropping his barely read copy of Harper’s Bazaar on the coffee table on a pile of W and Tatler’s. His mouth still hurt. For two hours his teeth and gums had been probed by all manner of medieval instrument, pricked, bled, and finally suctioned as the poor dental assistant tried to bring his mouth to something resembling clean. Gerald carefully pawed his right cheek, feeling dull pain in gums and tooth. No matter how hard he brushed the day before, the dentist always found a way to make him feel inadequate. The moment floss touched his delicate tissue, his mouth would turn red like a cherry drink. Dr. Szekely barely looked at his mouth. Normally she would berate him as he felt her clawing fingers maneuver along what was undeniably his most degrading and disgusting part of his body, but today she was silent, thanking her assistant for the excellent work, and sending Gerald to the lobby to wait while his wife had a similar cleaning. At least she did not mention cavities, or gingivitis, or anything. Not even a recommendation to avoid food or drink for thirty minutes. That had worried him. His wife’s insurance was paying too much money to the doctor to just shrug and do nothing. He glanced at the phone again, it was fifteen past five. His wife always had perfect pearls, she should have been in and out in thirty minutes. The office had already closed, and the sun lingered both blinding and angrily in the western facing windows. The receptionist had already turned off the lobby televisions and sorted the array of toys and magazines in the kiddy area. His wife had been gone for close to an hour. Just as he was about to get up and explore the lobby the dental assistant returned, peeking just her head into the room. “Gerald?” He turned to the long-haired woman, confused why she would ask for him in that questioning manner when he was the only one in the lobby. “Come with me please.” He practically hopped up, almost giddy. Not that he wanted his wife to suffer, but he was starting to put it together. Little Ms. Perfect had a cavity. It was the only explanation. That is what was taking so long, and she now needed him to come get her. Maybe she had even taken some Novocain or Nitrous Oxide and needed him to help get to the car. He was going to hold this over her head forever, but first he would have to be the bigger man. He casually rubbed his fingers, getting the excitement out, before calming down and standing straight, walking tall to save his wife. The assistant led him past rooms with empty dental chairs. Deep into the interior of the office, farther than he had ever gone before, the two came to a closed door. She knocked, and then opened it, letting Gerald through before slinking off without a word. The interior had no signs of dental equipment. No reclining chairs, overhanging lights, sinks, or instruments of torture. On the far side of the room was a shaded window, which had framed degrees on both sides. Closer was a set of two heavy chairs with thin padded back and bottom, one was empty and the other had his wife. Across from her was Doctor Szekely behind a stripped down clean wooden desk. Outside of a small form factor microcomputer and monitor on the edge, the desk was empty of distraction. Melody’s golden hair and bright smile invited her husband to her adjacent seat, patting it as he entered. Gerald hypnotically walked to the chair, and slowly sat down, strong tension building in his arms as he waited. The two women eyed him like a snake on a rabbit. This was not about a cavity; he was not here to rescue his wife. This was an intervention. Melody began the assault, “Gerald, honey, sorry for making you wait, Valorie and I were just talking about the old days.” He tilted his head at his wife, he remembered her mentioning that back in college they had been in a sorority together. He turned from his wife to the dark-haired short woman, her thick glasses hiding her thin face, her short hair was kept up in waves of curls. Gerald felt the need to fill in, “Right, so um, are you ready to go, or?” The women stared through him, and he shrunk two inches in the chair. Valorie started first, “Gerald, I’m going to be honest with you. Since I started practice in this neighborhood, you have the worst teeth of anyone I have ever met.” This neighborhood referred to ‘Arborville Manors by the Lake,’ a gated subdivision where plots started at a quarter million dollars, and most houses were in the seven to eight figure range. Thirty years ago, it would have been plagued by McMansions, but the taste and aesthetics of the new rich had been refined in the new century. Now the houses were designer homes, with bleached sandstone-colored exteriors kept to sensible stubby standards, and with gorgeous mono-white insides. At a minimum one could find two oven kitchens with temperature-controlled glass encased wine pantries, and every bedroom attached to a full bathroom. It was the kind of rich that only focused on what mattered, just having the best of the normal stuff, rather than the gaudy or flashy. Gerald’s wife had some money both from family and by working remotely as a production manager in software development at a firm that was now half owned by Microsoft, but Gerald was the one who bought the house. They had met fifteen years ago, when he was working as an IT employee at a local firm that sold its business to various banks and small businesses in the Tulsa area. Back then he spent ten hours a day driving around town and fixing printers. One day after reading a convincing enough blogpost, he bought a hundred bitcoin at ninety-one cents apiece. Four years later he was day-trading novel crypto coins, and by eight years he never needed to work again. He spent a few hours each day staying on top of things, reading twitter, and playing the markets, but it wasn’t a real job anymore. Gerald understood the implication of what Doctor Szekely was getting at. She serviced a community of some of the richest people in Oklahoma, and out of all of them, he alone had failed. Rich people don’t have bad teeth. Yet here he was, nuovo-rich, unearned in his status, and still having the habits of the below middle-class childhood he had grown up with. Out of all the other rich people, he was the one who had gotten here basically by lottery – being an idiot and investing in invisible sham coins at their low point. His neighbors were surgeons, real estate investors, and presidents of banks. They owned oil fields, restaurants, even golf courses, and their wine cabinets were filled with thousand-dollar bottles. Gerald had converted his wine room into a server rack. Gerald carefully ran his tongue across sore gums, “I um… I heard there was a new bacteria treatment. Maybe I could try that.” Valorie gave a high-pitched chortle, “Ha, homeopathic whim-wham,” Her face turned serious, “Besides you’re well past that point.” “Past?” Gerald was concerned, he eyed his wife, and clenched his teeth hard, in his mind they became brittle, and he consciously let up the crushing. Melody reached over and touched his arm gently. “Unfortunately, you’re at a point I think the best move is to take them out,” his dentist coldly offered. Gerald rejected her solution, “Dentures? No. That’s not going to happen.” Everyone looked at him, giving him the floor, he struggled, “I think that’s a bit far. Can’t I just do better? Brush more? Anything. I don’t need dentures. I’m only thirty-seven.” The doctor gave a soft response, “I understand this is coming as a shock, but your mouth is at stage four, and those teeth are going to be a problem over the next year. We can take them out safely and you’ll be good as new.” Gerald turned and pleaded, “Please, Melody, I get this is your friend, but this is too fast. I think we should get a second opinion.” Melody’s smile took away his doubts, “Look I understand you’re upset, but it’ll be OK. Besides, you don’t have to get dentures. We were just discussing this new treatment.” No dentures? Gerald fell back in his chair, that would be a relief, but what was the alternative to dentures? Doctor Szekely rolled on her chair slightly and grabbed with her short arms the monitor on the edge of her desk, rotating it around for the couple to see, she then fiddled with a hidden mouse. The monitor switched from empty shiny blackness to a bright blue. She began her presentation, “Gerald, I’m going to be as blunt as I can. When’s the last time you saw a fat person in our neighborhood?” The man rotated his head up and thought of it. Everyone had a tall fence, but every morning there were still joggers, bikers, and so forth that ran around the streets or walked pets. Many were old, but none were unfit. It was a strange question and one he hadn’t thought of, he shrugged. “And do you know why?” The doctor lingered on the last word, then without letting him respond, moved to the answer, “Because there’s a shot that costs ten thousand dollars that half the people here are taking” With a click of her mouse, the screen on the desk changed to a power point picture, with an open mouth. “What if I were to tell you, there’s an Ozempic but for teeth.” Gerald looked past her thick glasses into her eyes, “I would say I don’t know what that means.” She clicked again, the screen shifted to a shot going into mouth, and pressing into a gumline, “With my new Dentvive Regrowth Therapy, it is possible to convince your mouth to grow new teeth and replace the old ones.” The scene on the monitor shifted, showing teeth beginning to grow and pop out of the gums. Gerald leaned forward, “This is impossible.” The doctor waived him off, “You did it a couple times before, you just don’t remember the first time. The equipment is still in there, the procedure just convinces your mouth it’s time to grow new teeth. This is also why we need to take your old teeth out, both to get access to the gumline, and to give the new teeth room to come in.” Melody leaned over to him, “Honey, if this works, it’s a billion-dollar idea. She just needs a bit of help in these early stages, just get some of the kinks out, and this is your chance to really fix yourself up.” Gerald’s shoulders fell, Doctor Szekely wasn’t showing this because she believed in the treatment to cure him, she was showing this to him because she wanted him as an investor. He was the first person who was both rich enough to afford the treatment and would understand how life-changing and important it would be. He looked back to his wife, and she was eager to get his approval to help her friend. Four eyes stuck on him, desperately needing him to agree. Gerald resigned himself. This is what it meant to live in the future, not flying cars, but 100 gig internet and biohacking the body. This was just science. He put his trust in it. “OK, let’s do it. What’s the next step, what do you need me to do?” “Well, we can start the surgery as soon as Friday morning if you’re up for it, but I need to program the booster-cells with your genetic tissue. I can collect that sample now if you’re ready.” Gerald started to roll up a sleave on his arm, “What like blood?” The doctor gave another chuckle, “Ha, no I need gametes,” she leaned over and started fiddling with a desk drawer below her. Melody leaned forward and whispered, “That’s your sperm, honey.” Gerald nodded, clenching his swollen teeth again, “Do you want me to get a magazine and go in the bathroom, or…” Melody talked down, “Oh honey, don’t be gross.” The doctor flopped a large cylinder on her desk. It was open on one end and closed with black machinery and cords on the bottom. The doctor smiled while waving over the strange device “We have more practical methods of extraction.” Goosebumps went up Gerald’s arms and his member tightened. He took a long breath before smiling. His teeth rattled. Melody gripped his arm with one hand, “I know going to the dentist is scary, but what if, I just hold onto you for this.” Her other arm reached over towards his belt and jeans. He softly released a groan, “I don’t,” this was going too fast, but before he could complain his jeans were being pulled down. His instrument started to probe his dark cloth boxers in excitement. There were two ladies here, and they wanted him to perform. “I, uh” “You can do it baby, just relax, let us handle everything,” Melody spoke as Doctor Szekley’s short figure came around her desk. Her small breasts were barely contained by her green scrubs, in contrast to Melody’s copious melons. The doctor twirled her strange cylinder like a hypnotist’s watch as she slowly walked towards him, and finally she kneeled before him. Her glasses picked up a strong blur of light from the ceiling, leaving him only to imagine what delight or disgust the woman was showing at presenting herself in such a debasing way. His wife carefully pulled down his boxers around his engorging member. He tried to keep his eyes directly onto her face, rather than on the procedure that was happening below. Melody was calm yet happy, as if this were an everyday occurrence, like checking the mail or cooking dinner. The warm plastic of around the rim of the cylinder pushed into his skin, contrasting with the cold glass surface that bumped into his penis from shaking small hands. A flick of a switch was soon followed by a familiar whir of suction. The same sound he had heard for nearly two hours straight while they cleaned his teeth. Jets of air pulled at his hair, scrotum, and phallus. “Just relax baby, let it out,” Melody scootched closer, letting her hand come down around the base of the cylinder, touching sensitive skin at the base of his member and bottom of his testicles. He was uncomfortable close. He forced himself over the edge. Every muscle contracted and relaxed in order from the top of his head to the bottom of his toes. His hips pushed deep against the cylinder, causing markings where the cup pressed into his skin. “A little more,” the doctor said, white ooze coating what was once a clear container. It was starting to hurt, but it kept going, like he could not turn it off. His eyesight faded to blurs and blackness, while painful pulling continued. Whatever pleasure he had had was transitioning to terrible pain as it felt all the sperm in his balls were being sucked out. After an eternity or ten seconds, Doctor Szekley turned off the pump and lifted away the cylinder. Fishing out a cap from her pocket she closed the precious cargo off. The doctor held up the ugly coated tube before her patient, and with professional detachment spoke to them. “This should be good enough for now. If I need more, I’ll let you know.” Gerald kept quiet on the car ride home, dual pains of his mouth and groin came at every movement of his body. He eyed his wife suspiciously when she stopped the car, lingering at the exit to the dental office. “Now, since you’re getting brand new teeth, you know what that means right?” He mumbled something that sounded close to a response, he just wanted to get home and throw a blanket over his head. Her face tightened, serious and commanding, and the voice shifted lower, “Every day you’re going to be brushing and flossing. Every day and after every meal. We are not doing this procedure again, you hear me?” Chapter 2 There are some nightmares that are universal. Falling from a great height, giving a speech, and standing in front of class naked. Many of these are subject to ethnicity and cultural bias. But there is one that is universal, which all humans can have across time and space. It’s the dream where the teeth fall out. On the evening following his operation Gerald awoke to this nightmare. His tongue flicked across an empty void; his lips were propped up against nothing. His cheeks had plumped up after the operation and he could feel nothing in his face. It was a giant cotton ball. Drool accumulated on his chin. He tried to stand up, but he was locked in, his eyes wandered around an empty dark room. He was not in the master bedroom, he was in the guest room by the garage. “Melody.” He tried, only his mouth could not form sounds right, spewing out something closer to Memmoy. It was slurred too and came out more like a loud gurgle. There was no clock in the darkened room, but he suspected it was not too late. He tried again “Memmoy.” No sounds came from the house. Gerald rotated slightly against the pillows and immediately felt dizzy. He closed his eyes and shouted for Memmoy again, but all that came out was a groan. He could not get up or move without assistance. His heart rate started to rapidly increase and between his legs there was a small but growing concern. He took a large breath through his nose and tried one last time, “Melody!” He stopped and listened, feeling the pressure build. He crossed his legs, and slowly started shuffling them back and forth under the blanket. Today was already one of the worst of his life, but this would elevate it to the worst. “Memmoy! Memmoy!” Sweat built in his underpants. There was nothing to be done. He waited an eternity, but no one came. He tried again to slowly stand up, but his body shut down, dragging him back into the bed. Sweat formed on his forehead, and his eyes crushed shut. He was not going to do that. He felt it first as pleasure; hot release of his building tension, but his ears noticed the light sounds of liquid bouncing against cloth. Soon his member was soaked, he could feel the warm liquid falling along the insides of his thighs, creating an acidic warmth that would fade to stickiness. His nostrils picked up the rich odor of fresh urine as the last drops fell through his boxers into the mattress cover. His butt was covered in quickly cooling wetness. “Honey did you need something?” He tried, “I peed myself.” But what came out was more of an Uh Eeh Muh. Wetness was building over his overstuffed face. Within moments she was over him, her nose told her enough. “Oh baby, it’s OK, the doctor said this might happen. Here let me help you to the bath.” She pulled him up and the world was a blur of colors and shapes. His head was somewhere around his feet, but also hanging against her shoulder. “Up we go.” Gerald was unaware of anything other than quickly cooling clothing. His eyes were stuck shut and his head was full of cotton balls. He leaned hard against Melody, and she slowly held him up, bringing his legs to the floor and carefully carrying him on wobbling legs to the door. Gerald was barely aware of the shift in lights, but soon found himself in the guest bathroom. In a minute he was propped up against cool acrylic, as small hands were disrobing his limited clothing, including his soiled underpants. He focused his energies on staying propped against the wall. This was probably the first time this bath had ever been used since they moved into the house four years ago. Between the relaxing bubbles and vapors of warm almond and butter, Gerald found consciousness hard to maintain. He would linger on throbbing sensations along his cheeks and gums between smooth washing from his wife’s cloth. Either between the drugs or her delicate approach, he hardly felt as she moved soap along his sweaty and soiled skin. The motions of the water and her hands, or perhaps the gentle humming she was doing, was enough to cause him to lose consciousness. Not for long, he told himself, just a few seconds, or minutes. It was long enough for Melody to shave his adult hair below the face, and long enough for his hands to shrivel while the bath water turned cold. He awoke hearing the water start to glug into the drain but was unsure of what was happening. His wife’s hands gently guided him up, and upon command he stepped out of the shower. “OK time to get your new jammies on, and you can come join me to bed.” “Careful with my mouth.” He tried, mumbling more like aeul weh ma mouw. A gentle fluffing of a towel patted his shoulders, then stomach, and finally waist and legs, leaving him a shivering mess. He stared briefly at his thin exposed member but his eyes could not focus on the hairless monster. He kept them closed as his wife guided him to the toilet for a seat. Up came the soft front, and around his sides came tight plastic. Gerald heard the soft crinkle of tape on plastic and his balls tucked into new underwear that was fluffier than the toilet paper adjacent to his seat. The delightful garment was pulled tight along his waist and cupped over his equipment protectively. His hand came down just after Melody’s and felt the smooth plastic front. He glanced down to see the bright light green, the color of a shamrock shake. “What is this?” Melody did not know what he said, but answered him all the same, “Your medication is pretty strong baby, just a little bit of a safety net. No more accidents.” “I don’t need this.” Even he knew it was just a blur of unheard words. His eyes were getting heavy, he would have cried if it didn’t hurt his mouth too much. “Just for tonight OK, I promise.” She handed him a thin robe which draped over his shoulders. He did not bother to close or tie it, “I know it’s hard. I know this is the hardest thing you’ve ever done, but just a few weeks and you’ll be better than new. You’ll be perfect. Now, tell me, what’s the first thing you’re going to eat when you get your new teeth?” “Eayg” “Eggs?” She answered confused. “Eaayg” She still did not know what he said, but she came prepared with her own suggestion, “OH, that sounds exciting, but how about an ice cream sandwich?” “Eye eeam” “Hmm, maybe if you’re good we can try some Eye Eam tomorrow.” She smiled, her baby would be eating lots of ice cream, and sauce, and soups, and purées. He had told her to pick up something like what those pilots ate in the spy planes, with the straws and tubes. She had instead stocked the cabinets with jars of something more down to Earth. As far as Gerald was concerned, his stomach did not exist. He knew he should have been hungry; he had not eaten since the middle of last night, but all he wanted was to close his eyes and end the day. He hinted at this to Melody by closing his eyes and nodding his head. She helped him up, letting him lean against her shoulder as she guided him across the house. It was slow getting to the master bedroom, but once there he was easily guided to the bed and laid down on his side. The last thing he remembered was that bright green undergarment, poking out and rustling against the blanket as he fell into a deeper sleep. Chapter 3 The bed was warm and comfortable, and Gerald had been propped up against four pillows, elevating his head and chest. When his bladder woke him throughout the night, he hardly needed to move. He would not remember the specifics in the morning, but the first time, was a tired release, a surrender. He was rewarded with a soft trinkle of warm urine reflecting against absorbent padding, swelling the midsection around his crotch and falling down towards the plastic rear. He would repeat this a second and third time through the night, waking late in the morning to find the spot where his wife slept empty, and a thick plastic spreading his legs apart. Gerald reached down confused looking at the yellow stained green diaper that he had been dressed in, hands reaching down to smooth plastic landing zone, deformed and heavy, but surprisingly light in dampness. He wiggled briefly on the soft padding, before stretching himself to the edge of the bed. Blood seemed to fall quickly from his head and Gerald paused on the edge. To him it felt like two hours he sat there with his eyes closed, but it was not long before Melody came into the room and touched his shoulder. “Hey, I got you setup down in the family room by the television, and I made you some breakfast. Are you ready to try to eat something?” His stomach growled an answer. Gerald reached out his hand and was guided to the kitchen, each step an awkward waddle as the thick expanded padding below distorted his already dazed movement. He crumbled into a kitchen seat, barely registering an odd strap coming around the edges and holding him up. Melody gave him a short smile, brushed his hair aside and another kiss on the forehead before going to the fridge. Gerald wobbled back in forth on his protected bottom, eager for the first meal in over two days. It was white, sloshing in a clear glass container. Melody had even topped it with a yellow-tan rubber nipple. “What’s this?” Gerald hated milk, and this may have been the first time he had seen it this close in years. Soft air bubbles collected sporadically along the edge, and he watched the liquid cautiously like it was a poisoned cauldron. His question was muffled, but Melody understood it. “You promised we would start things off right with your new teeth, and this is starting things off right. You need this, it has everything to grow strong beautiful teeth.” “And the nipple?” An e Nilalah? He needed to point at it to get her understanding. She came in close, “I thought it would help with your gums. Honey, you’re still drooling,” bringing a napkin up to his swollen face. “Tonight, if your stomach is good we can try some food, but just liquids for now.” He nodded and slowly reached out and grasped the bottle. It shook in his hand, and he reached a second to stabilize it, dragging it across the table to before him. His fingers lifted the chilled surface to his face. It was cold, he assumed with his pain meds he would feel nothing, but the chill was delightful. He locked gums on the end and began to suck and pull, letting the silky liquid land on his tongue. It was heavenly, sugary, with the hint of melon, but thinner than he expected. As it poured into his stomach famished singles reached his brain and he felt compelled to keep pouring it into his mouth. Greedily he sucked, drinking, and it assuaged her. She placed two large pills the size of his thumb and encouraged him to swallow the chalky white circles between gulps. He watched Melody wander out of the room and return, bringing first her laptop, and then a large carrying bag. He expected her to explain herself, but she never did. After placing her bag down, she again left him alone in the kitchen. So preoccupied with the drink and her strange actions, he did not notice it until it started. Without pants on the pouring of liquid into his diaper roared in his ears. Gerald froze, trying to stop the stream, which briefly worked before he lost concentration, and his grip let go. He set the bottle down and briefly touched the warm outside of the now ugly green-yellow diaper, the liquid slowly absorbing into the cloth. It felt naughty, and the pleasure of embracing that naughtiness matched the joy from the bottle. He quickly returned to the glass and sucked on it until it was empty. Melody returned, giving an odd sniff, and then scruffed his hair. It was still messy from sleeping on it while wet, and she played with the stray clumps that refused to stay down. “Gerald, honey, I think we should get you changed and then you can see what I setup for you.” She pulled at his hand, leading him out of the kitchen to a wide spot in the living room previously reserved for yoga. A large blanket had been placed on the floor, its light soft blue a contrast to the dark wooden floors. To the side was a set of clothing for him, and a bag of supplies. She pointed, gently pushing him down on the shoulders, “Sit.” He followed, and his now overly large garments rustled loudly as he came down to the floor, the blanket barely softening the hard cold surface below it. She fell to her knees to join him, bringing her hands to his tapes, each pull a sharp contrast to an otherwise quiet room. Soon cold air was washing over his crotch, and she pulled the diaper out and wadded it into a ball to her side. She reached into her bag, before bringing a single wet tissue up for him to see, giving it a slight tug, and then going down to his exposed member. Her hands moved over hairless testicles and penis, cleaning up to his stomach and below his tush. He felt like a king, washed, fed, pampered, and loved. He started reaching over to the shirt she had left, but her hand came up. “Honey, we need to put a second diaper on.” “I don’t need a diaper.” He tried – I on nee a iah er. Close enough she could see it. “You promised just last night.” “I know, I know, but this is just in case, OK? You don’t have to use them. I noticed you leaked a bit at breakfast, that can be a side effect of the pain medicine you’re on.” He nodded defeated. Gerald was soon pampered, a fresh green wrapper as the basis of his outfit for the day. Gym shorts came up next, and a simple white t-shirt on top. She helped him put it over his swollen face and lifted him up, slowly guiding him to the family room, which was located down a set of stairs in the cool basement. There a couch had been setup with a pillow and blanket. She gave him strict instructions, “So, here’s the plan for the day. Sleep and television. That’s it. No work.” His work was not hard, but he could take time off. She had insisted on having him move everything into stable coins just before the surgery – just in case something happened, and he could not get back to it for a long time. He fell onto the couch as he got closer. “Now, I know we had planned for me to be here, but I need to head into work for a few hours.” He blinked confused, “What?” “I know, I know, my boss is coming in and I need to meet him, and we’re interviewing candidates for a new position. It won’t be more than a few hours.” She handed him the remote from the table, “Will you be OK here? I promise to come back soon.” “Phone?” (Oohne) “I’ll drop your phone off before I leave. Now you get some sleep in, those pills are going to do a number on you.” He nodded and closed his eyes, falling into a light sleep. He would awaken an hour later. Gerald turned slightly, drool having built up on his pillow and shirt. On the coffee table was a large one-and-a-half-foot tall ape – a joke gift she had picked up for him at the height of the NFT craze – with chubby strong arms, and dark gray to black fur. It was sitting on his phone. He pushed aside the toy and pulled at the phone, checking the time, and tried to connect to the internet. The phone struggled, before he looked up at the top right. A small symbol <! next to 5G indicated he had no internet in the family room basement. He flicked over to network settings and tried to connect to the wifi. The phone whirled for a bit, before letting him know it was unable to connect, he had an invalid password. “Melody!” He shouted, to no avail. Memmy (Mommy) wasn’t home. He put it back on the table and reached for the TV remote instead. The large sixty-inch television flicked silently to life. He maneuvered around the menu. He clicked on Netflix. Like a guard at the gate the television questioned him, “Who is watching?” Gerald, Melody, and Damien. Melody had watched her sister’s seven-year-old son, Damien, a few times last summer. He would spend hours in the family room, just watching television he could not get at home. Gerald clicked his own name, only to find a password lock. He did not watch Netflix often, and nothing came to mind. He tried a few simple combinations but after three tries he gave up. He found a similar password lock on Melody. Finally, he clicked on Damien. Melody had setup parental controls on the television in an attempt to keep Damien from accessing inappropriate content. The only shows available where cartoons and educational programs. Disappointed, he flicked out of Netflix and tried Amazon, only to find a similar set of locks. Disney and Hulu were also set on kiddie mode. For the first time in ten years, he flicked to basic cable. The cartoon was flat, but clearly made with the help of a computer. A brown striped tiger sporting a red jacket hopped into a car along with his mother. “Open your mouth and do a quiet roar,” the television told him, taunting him at a simple task even he could no longer do. Gerald flipped the channel but was blocked by a channel lock out. He flipped the other way and got the weather. Disappointed, he reached over to his phone and sent a message to his wife. After a minute she responded to his text message. “Oh, sorry honey, the password is in my book at home. I must have locked the TV when Daniel was here and forgot to unlock it. Can you still find something to watch? 😊 😊” With nothing better, he returned to his tiger show, falling asleep within minutes. Hours later he awoke to a rumbling pressure in his stomach, the show had switched to a young girl with sharp white skin, bunny ears, and red overalls. Painfully Gerald brought himself to a straight posture against his pillow, his shorts had bulged slightly in the front, and pulled padded cloth tightly into his butt. The action pulled at his bowels, which had just awoken for the first time in close to three days. “I need to poop” Gerald talked to himself, “You can do this. Get up. Get up.” He leaned over the couch and placed his hands to his side to push himself up, his goal was to walk to the basement bathroom on the other side of the room. Instead, there was a plorp sound from his abdomen. “No!” He wanted to cry. It felt like when he had gone to fart, but a poop had escaped as well. It lingered in the crack of his butt, stuck between the pad and his skin, unable to fall. He shifted angrily, plucking a hand at his back, before falling over back to his pillow. The accident felt like a mountain, and it slowly fell down before getting squished by his posterior. His mind amplified the smell, and wetness came to his face. “Melody!” He tried. Nothing. No response. “Mommy!” He tried again. Again, nothing. He stayed there for an eternity, being judged by the rabbit on the television and his ape, the soul witnesses to how he had messed himself like a pathetic baby. He slapped the monkey off the table and hid himself behind his pillow, eventually falling back to sleep. Melody tried to comfort him later as she changed him. “It’s just the size of a pea. It’s hardly something to get upset about.” Melody understood what to say, to bring him back down. She cleaned and replaced his diaper without a fuss and brought him back to the kitchen for dinner. Her meal was a chopped salad, filled with field greens, zucchini, squash, and mushroom. The avocado and vinaigrette tantalized his senses. For him she presented a purée. “Is this the pilot food? The one I asked you to get?” “Oh sorry, this is something local, I think you’ll like it though,” she said, taking a thin small spoon and mixing the orange color. Carefully she brought the spoon up his mouth, “Mmm.. Mmm.. Smells good, what’s my baby boy going to have?” Gerald’s mouth hurt to stretch but he tried his best. It was unexpectedly grainy, but he picked up the flavor immediately –room temperature sweet potato. There was a hint of squash as well. He wanted to spit it out, but Melody tilted the spoon back and it slimed down his throat. “Good job,” she said, returning to her own salad, and leaving the spoon in the thin bowl in front of him. Hunger forced his hand, and he reached out with shaking hands towards the spoon. With careful movement he slowly brought it up to his mouth. Slime and plastic bounced off his cheeks as he missed. Shaking hands tried again, this time reaching his lips. He sucked slightly on his dinner, before his lips and jaw lost control and dropped the spoon in a drooling mess. Orange and brown liquid smacked the table and splattered across his white shirt. Melody was fast grabbing the spoon before it rolled off the table, “Whoopsie. That’s OK, but it looks like we’ll need a bib in the future. How about I take over spoon duties for you.” Her hands wiped the spoon with a napkin and then restocked it. She brought it up to his mouth. Gerald shook his head. The aftertaste of squash and potato lingered in his mouth. This was too much for even him and he would rather starve than eat anymore of the goop. Melody would not take no for an answer. “Choo choo. Come on honey you can do it. Please, this is important. You need to get something in you, you’ve been on medicine for two days and your stomach can’t handle it. No more pea sized loads.” She shook the spoon before his face “Choo.” Gerald reluctantly opened again and quickly had his mouth stuffed. “Milk?” Gerald asked, hoping for anything to wash out the disgusting taste. “After dinner. If you finish it all, I have a surprise for you.” Melody hinted. When dinner was finished, she took her husband back to the master bedroom, sitting him down on his side, before moving over to hers. She undressed her shirt and bra and propped up a set of pillows, letting her sit vertically against the bed board. She signaled for him to come over and he rolled closer, confused. “I’ve been taking some pills Valorie gave me, can you tell?” She waved over her thin body, but Gerald saw nothing out of the ordinary and said nothing. “They’re getting me all bothered and excited, and I want to try this. This might be the only time I get to try this. Lay yourself on my lap.” She commanded. Her hands gently brought him down, and he stared up at her, his back laying against her thighs. With both arms, she reached around him, and slowly dragged him up. “What are we doing?” He tried. A ah ee oin? She heard. “Just, be careful, and do what feels natural, open wide.” He stared at fleshy fatty orbs as she slowly guided his heavy head to the right one, her left. He was without practice, but eager, and after a couple tries his toothless mouth latched down around the nipple. She winced as the pressure pulled at her fatty orbs, but soon began to draw out the nectar in a fashion more comfortable than when she had used a pump this morning for his breakfast. Gerald could smell the fatty silk. It was different from the morning brew, being room temperature but also fresh, but similar in thin suaveness that had a hint of fruity familiarity. Shivers of joy began to flow through him, as he pressed into the fatty breasts of a woman. He brought one arm up to stabilize himself around her back, and she in turn released her own right arm to massage his diaper. Dull throbbing came through his plastic protection, bringing him to an edge, his penis forced into the partially damp interior. Soon a long shiver ran through his body, and into her nursing breasts. Exhausted by the experience, Gerald’s body fell into a soft slumber, and she cradled her baby for several minutes before setting him gently down on his own side of the bed. Chapter 4 Doctor Szekely held the tablet close to her and smiled as she filtered through his x-rays. The three had retreated to Valorie’s office to review the progress in secret. It had been a week since the surgery, and in that time Gerald’s control below seemed to only worsen. He was grateful the thick diapers his wife has bought were not visible even under his dark shorts; though they were definitely audible when he wiggled in his discomfort on the padded bottoms. “Your new teeth are coming in just fine, here take a look,” She rotated the tablet over for Melody and Gerald to see. Melody pointed to the small bones, “oh they look like little baby teeth. How adorable.” Gerald winced at word baby. He had not been feeling very adult the past few days. “Have you noticed any pain yet? There are some devices I can recommend to help normalize your natural bight.” Valorie threw out casually. Melody answered, “I bought some already. He likes to leave the therapeutic mouth rings in the freezer, gets them all cold and he’ll suck on them for hours.” Gerald shrunk his posture at her mentioning his teething rings. He could use one now. He did not even want to go to the dentist today, he was missing his cartoons. Still he had a question that needed answer. He interrupted their conversation, “What about my incontinence. Why can’t I hold it in anymore.” Valorie tilted her head, not having understood a single word he had said. Melody stepped in to help, “He’s been having potty issues. We thought it was just the medication but he’s been off the pills a couple days now and it’s getting worse.” Behind heavy glasses Valorie seemed to drill into Gerald like he was a cavity to be filled. Gerald shuttered under the pressure and looked down at his slightly bulging shorts. Melody had just changed him before they had left, and his member scratched at the dry padding. Valorie began with a jocular scolding, “You should have told me this was happening!” “Really? Is it bad?” Melody began. “No this is amazing, wonderful. Exactly a sign the treatment is working as intended.” The dentist shook her tablet and brought up a painting tool and started to draw a rudimentary picture. “You see, we put the new stem cells in Gerald’s mouth here. And over time some of them will go into the stomach and digestive tract. Your cells are doing their job, making new baby cells as they go.” Gerald’s mind suddenly flashed with a nightmare image of teeth growing in parts of the body they shouldn’t, a shock image from the early days of the internet. “Am I going to grow teeth in my stomach?” She waved her hand, “Oh no, don’t be ridiculous. The cells got to your bladder and colon and just basically cleaned everything up. You’re getting a brand-new bladder! Isn’t that exciting?” Melody brought up her hands, “Oh that’s wonderful! This is great news.” Gerald shook his head, confused. He did not want a new colon, just new teeth. “What if the cells get into my heart, or my brain?” Melody reached over and pat his thigh comforting. “Don’t worry honey, It’ll be OK, Doctor Szekely is the best.” Gerald nodded, but his concerns were not alleviated. Melody turned to the dentist, “Maybe there’s something you can give him. Like a S – H – O – T.” Gerald turned to his wife, unsure why she thought spelling the word made it unknown to him. Valorie nodded, “Sure, that’s a good idea.” Her voice picked up and directed towards the room’s lone man, “Gerald, I’m going to go get something that will help you feel better, it should keep the cells from doing anything we don’t want them to do. Sound good? You’ll be all better in a few days.” She exited the room and returned with a needle like the kind used for numbing the mouth before a procedure. Melody helped roll up Gerald’s sleeve and hold him, as Valorie poked and dumped the substance into him. There was a brief bit of pain, followed by euphoric numbness. Their meeting concluded; Melody helped Gerald up from his bliss inducing stupor. Below his diaper and shorts had built up some sag but were dwarfed under the length of his oversized shirt. Melody made a note He barely noticed as the two gals led him out that his wife had surpassed him in height by close to two inches. Gerald had to wait near the oversized toothbrush flipping through a Highlights magazine, as Melody scheduled a follow up appointment. A strange signal came to his head as he stared at the colorful images. His eyes lingered on two identical ones, and he struggled to find the differences between the two. His mouth started to throb from a dull pain and he pressed a thumb on the gums to relieve it. Gerald did not even notice as he bent his legs slightly, kneeling closer to the magazine. The man on the left picture had a hat, and the dog on the right picture was pointing the other way, that was only two differences, but the picture insisted there were ten. He carefully moved a finger along the first image, trying to spot more, barely registering as his buttocks expanded pressing outward into a large gaseous mess. The relief caused his eyes to linger upwards before he dragged his attention back to the magazine. She had to pull it out of his hands as they left, he had only found three differences, but he was so close! He started to cry, just like he had the day before when she helped him cash out his digital assets to their shared bank account. A slight whap at his tush was enough to get him back on track. In the car he clung to his monkey angrily, bringing its soft black fur to his lips. The tickling fur offered little comfort to the slight throbbing pain. He would return to the dentist several more times over the coming weeks, but today would be the last time he would sit in the front seat of the car. He had already shrunk half a foot in the first week, and with each follow up shot, more of his body shrunk. By the fourth booster, little Gerald was barely two feet in height. The house quickly changed over the next month, toys littered every room, and Gerald was relegated these days to sleeping in the guest room, now a nursery. She leaned over the heavy white railing of the crib, the wooden bars a straight cage for her baby. Melody easily picked up the sleeping ball laying on his flat mattress, one thumb loosely at his lips. Where a month ago, a grown man had worn green elite briefs, Gerald was now in white parasols, his underpants adorned now with stoic black outlines of bunnies, cats and dogs. He stirred awake and smiled, mouthing the outline of her name without a sound. Melody brought the man over to a rocking chair, carefully undoing her shirt, and pulling down her bra below her engorged breasts. By now Gerald was well practiced and sucked greedily at her tit. There was a knock on the nursery room door, which did not stop the boy, but brought the attention of his new mother. Valorie did not linger at the door, “How’s our little Jerry doing,” she threw out to her partner as she walked across the room. She paused just above the rocking chair, before coming closer to Melody’s face. Gerald paused slightly in the sucking, his wandering eyes pausing on the sight of the two ladies kissing, but this new show of affection was not enough to quell his stomach and he returned to sucking from Melody’s breast. “He’s just the perfect little baby. I think …” her eyes jumped, and she pulled Gerald off her breast in a hurry. “Owe!” She practically yelled. “Are you alright?” Melody turned Gerald’s head, and his gaping milk-soaked mouth yawned widely up at his other mommy. There right on the top of the gum was a brand new piece of pearly stone. “No, the baby bit me!”
  6. Author's Note: This story will be my submission into Kasarberang's non-con contest! I strongly encourage you to go to his original post to see the rules and get a better summary of the expected content of this story. This is just the start of this story, but I hope to have it finished by the deadline for the contest, if not that, then the majority will be written in accordance with the guidelines. This chapter will only have hints of what is to come, but it is very sexually graphic. Please take this as a warning to those who do not like that kind of thing. It will get worse. Heed all my tags as I will be tagging all the relevant things for this story all at once rather than as the story progresses. Please enjoy! Boss Baby or Boss' Baby? : Chapter 1 “Here you go, Baby,” Miss Tammy said sweetly. Jesse blinked as his focus on his computer was broken and turned to Miss Tammy to see her holding a small plate with two donuts stacked on top. The workday had just started and he’d been sending out a few follow-up emails from the previous day when Miss Tammy approached. Seeing that she had his attention, she continued speaking. “I bought donuts for the office but I wanted to make sure you had some while they were still warm,” She smiled and set the plate down on the edge of his desk. “I also grabbed some milk for you.” She put the small bottle of milk right beside the plate. “Eat up!” Jesse’s eyes lit up. He didn’t often have breakfast in the morning, but he’d devour anything given to him by Miss Tammy. Miss Tammy was the supervisor over the whole department. A woman of 35 (her birthday had just passed– They sang to her with cupcakes in the breakroom.) with a strict standard but soft heart. She could easily portray the tough boss aura, but that disappeared as soon as she slipped on her trademark black cardigan and red reading glasses. Said glasses were perched on top of her head, the stems hooked into locks of blonde hair tied in a bun so that they didn’t fall. She must have left her cardigan in her office, Jesse noted as he stood up to hug her in thanks. He was shorter than her on a good day, but now, with her wearing her standard black heels, she was tall enough to tuck his head under her chin and nearly inappropriately close to her bust. “Thank you, Miss Tammy!” Jesse smiled. “That was really sweet of you!” “Oh hush,” She giggled, squeezing Jesse firmly before letting him go. “You know you’re my favorite.” The wink she followed the statement with had him returning the laugh. It was a running joke in the office that Jesse was her favorite employee because of the way she constantly doted on him. Jesse summed it up to being the youngest worker on the floor at just 21 years old. The next person older was Samantha at 25. It didn’t hurt that he leaned into the presumed special treatment by calling her ‘Miss Tammy’. The name was a bastardization of ‘Tammy’ the nickname the other supervisors called her, and ‘Miss Tamera’ the respectful title used by the rest of the floor. The first time he’d used it was an accident, but the resulting coo and sincere hug encouraged him to keep it up. “Oh! Before I forget,” She snapped, suddenly reminding herself of something. Jesse had since sat down at his desk and paused with half a bite of sugary glazed donut stuck in his mouth. “We are doing drug tests later on today starting after lunch.” The words made Jesse’s stomach drop. “W-What?” He stuttered. Miss Tammy carried on as if she didn’t notice his hesitance. “You know how the janitors found weed stashed in the cleaning supplies closet?” She waited for his nod before speaking, leaning against the wall of his cubicle. “Well, I told John,” John Scott, who was her boss. “That none of my employees would ever bring something like that into the building. I even told him that it was probably one of the new janitors!” That led her to a laugh, head tossed back enough that she had to catch her red reading glasses before they fell from her head. “But he was insistent that everyone on the floor get drug tested. Even IT down the hall is getting it done,” She sighed. “Uh,” He wiped the crumbs from his lip, not feeling so hungry any longer. “What happens if someone…fails?” Miss Tammy’s face took on a sad look. “John says they’re getting fired, but if anyone on the floor tests positive, I’ll make my case for them. I love my team so far, I’d hate to see anyone go.” “Yeah,” Jesse cleared his throat after his voice cracked, taking a sip of milk to rinse his mouth. “That would be bad…” “Mhm,” Miss Tammy spared a distant look at him before coming back to her usual chipper self. “But keep that between us, okay, baby?” The pet name a joke just as his own for her. “It’s supposed to be a surprise.” “I will,” He assured, turning back to his computer. He nearly felt a bead of sweat drip down his forehead. “Thanks again for the donuts…” It’ll be the last donuts he ever receives from her, he’s sure. It wasn’t that he was a smoker. He wasn’t! It was just…a stupid party. That weekend was his brother Travis’ birthday and they’d all taken a camping trip to celebrate. It was a great time with swimming at the lake, roasting marshmallows, and grilling hot dogs that Jesse…well. The blunts were passed around before he could even register it. One ended up in his hand…Travis said he didn’t have to, of course, but the cajoling of his (older than Jesse) friends pressured him into taking a drag. The smoke was awful! Jesse was wheezing and almost felt like he would throw up, much to the amusement of the crowd. When the next blunt came around, he told himself he’d pass it down. But Amber, the friend of Travis’ girlfriend, grabbed him by the chin and shotgunned the smoke in the pantomime of a kiss into his mouth. The hoots and hollers of the crowd spurred him on passed the lesser coughs that came from the lungful. The rest of the night was spent in the company of family and friends alike. And each puff after was like riding a bike. It was the first time Jesse had ever been high…and it was the best weekend of his life so far. But now… He’d be fired! Dread settled so deep in his stomach that he couldn’t work on anything as the office slowly filled with people. Two hours passed, only one more til lunch and then his fate would be sealed. Jesse’s hands were clammy with sweat. Should he just leave? Pretend he was sick and go? That would only delay the inevitable. And Miss Tammy would know he was lying! She’d seen him just this morning. No…He had to tell her before it was too late. Honesty was the key. He wasn’t the one who left the weed in the closet, of course. She would know that! She’d believe his story and she already said she was willing to plead his case to John. Newly emboldened, Jesse shot out of his chair and nearly tripped over his wastebasket on his way to Miss Tammy’s office. He felt the sweat on his face cooling at his quick movements and didn’t even stop to think about what his coworkers would think. A few quick knocks on the cracked door and he barely waited for the “Come in!” before slipping inside and shutting the door behind him. Miss Tammy sat at her desk, glasses perched low on her nose, and her eyes widened when she saw him. “Jesse? Are you alright?” She asked with full concern and turned her full attention to him. “Sit! You look like you’re going to be sick.” Jesse took the seat in front of her desk with slumped shoulders. “Miss Tammy I screwed up,” He said weakly. Tears rushed to his eyes as the events caught up with him. “Baby,” She said softly, her bracelet scratching lightly against the wooden desk as she leaned against it. “Talk to me, what has you all ruffled? Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s okay.” “It’s not!” Jesse gasped. “I’m gonna fail the drug test.” At the admission, he slumped forward with his elbows on his knees and sobbed. “I smoked this weekend. I’m going to fail! I’m so sorry!” “Woah,” She kept her calm tone, the sound of her chair rolling back cut through the air. “Take a breath, baby.” Her advice came soft as she walked around the desk. Jesse could see her bare feet where she’d taken off her heels in the privacy of her office. From the vantage point, he could also see a plastic wastebasket being positioned in front of him. If he finished those donuts, he most definitely would have been using it. A gentle hand rested between his shoulder blades and rubbed in circles soothingly. “Breath for me.” The breaths came shaky, but they helped slow the tears dribbling from his eyes and making dark spots on her grey carpet. Fuck, he was a mess. “I’m sorry,” He whispered again. “Don’t worry, baby,” She said immediately. “I don’t want to get fired!” He looked up finally, casting his blurry vision onto her face, mere inches away from his from where she leaned over. “I- I don’t smoke- It was just one time!” “I know,” She nodded. “I know you don’t smoke. You said it was a party. These things happen-” “I’m so sorry-” “I’m not angry with you,” She said for the first time in a firm tone, her brows furrowed and lips pursed. “I’m not, baby. I’m just worried you’ve worked yourself into this state.” Jesse’s lip quivered again and he watched her reach over her desk for a tissue. His hand reached up to receive it but was ignored in favor of her dabbing at his wet cheeks. His vision cleared up and to avoid meeting her analytic eyes, he stared ahead, only to flinch as he was rewarded with a view of her breasts. The seam of her bra was just visible in her hunched-over position. It felt like too long had passed before he realized he was looking down his boss’ blouse and his head jerked back up to look at her face, expecting disgust. But there was none. She was carefully mopping at his eyes to avoid poking him and pressed the tissue to his nose. “Blow.” Instinct took over and he blew into it, only feeling embarrassment at his own actions after she cleaned up his nose and tossed the tissue into the wastebasket. “Are you calm now?” She asked, positioning her hands on her knees and Jesse had to force himself not to peek back down at her cleavage. “Yes, Ma’am,” He nodded. “Good boy,” She purred. “Now come here.” Jesse found himself standing from his seat and being led around the desk to where Miss Tammy settled down in her own chair. He could see her heels tucked neatly under the desk and traced the path to her bare feet, up her shapely legs, to her her knees where her skirt was rucked almost too far up her thighs, and- Christ. At this angle he was able to see her breasts even better. The hem of her bra definitely peaking from the dip of her shirt now. Meeting her eyes, he blushed, seemingly caught. “You’ve been naughty this weekend,” She said with a sigh, one leg coming up to daintily cross over the other. “We have to figure out what to do about that.” Jesse frowned, worry creeping in. “I’m-” “Uh uh!” She tsked. “I’m talking, you listen. Understood?” “Yes, Ma’am.” Jesse nodded immediately. “Good boy,” The praise lifted his heart from where it seemed to have fallen right to the basement. “So,” She continued. “You were very naughty this weekend. You told me you were going to your brother’s birthday party, correct?” “Yes, Ma’am,” Jesse fought off the urge to elaborate. “And at this party you smoked weed,” Jesse’s eyes ducked to his feet guiltily. “And now I need to find a way to keep John from firing you.” “...Yes, Ma’am.” “Well, it’s a good thing you’re my favorite. Isn’t it, baby?” She chuckled. Hopefully, Jesse met her eyes, seeing a mischievous look peeking up from the rim of her glasses. A few seconds passed and he realized she was waiting for an answer. “Yes, Ma’am.” He found himself meeting that look with a small smile. “Now,” She rotated slightly back and forth in her seat. “I know how to save your job…but about what you can do for me as repayment.” Jesse blinked in surprise. Seconds ago, it felt as though his job hung by a thread. But now here he was with the reassurance he’d keep his job. Only with the added mystery of suddenly being indebted to Miss Tammy. Never did she ask for repayment for things. Whenever he tried to pass her money for the treats and things she’d give him, she always refused. But…he reasoned, she was saving his job. “I’ll do anything.” He swore. “Anything you want.” “Oh baby,” She laughed warmly. “You don’t want to tell me that.” “But I do,” He assured, crouching down, hell, nearly kneeling at her feet just to look up into her eyes. “You’ve done so much for me. You didn’t even have to tell me about the drug tests but you did. And- And,” He stuttered. “You’ve always treated me nicely. I’ll do anything to repay you for saving my job.” Her lips pursed in thought. “Anything?” “Yes! I’ll detail your car! Or pick up your dry cleaning! Hell, I’d scrub the floors of your house with my toothbrush if you asked me to,” He laughed at the image in his brain of him hunched fetal on what he imagined to be her kitchen floor. A flush overtook his face as he thought of her standing right in front of him. Towering and demanding as he worked hard to please her. “Take your pants off,” The words cut through his imagination. “What?” He asked, seeing her strict look once more on her face. “I said,” She spoke clearly but it might as well have been a yell in the quiet office. “Take. Your pants. Off.” Mouth suddenly dry, Jesse stood up. Was this really happening? It was a plot out of a bad porno, he was sure. He was dreaming! No way was his attractive boss demanding he take his pants off in response to her saving his job. “Well,” She quirked a brow and nodded to his belt. “Are you going to do it, or do I need to call John down here to start working on termination paperwork.” Jesse’s hands were on his belt the next second. His fingers shook as they fiddled with the loops and his cock already started to harden in his boxers. “M-Ma’am, Are we going to-” His question was halted as she suddenly shot forward and smacked his hands away from his belt. Her perfectly manicured fingers pulled at the belt until it dangled open. His pants slackened slightly on his hips. She didn’t stop there, unbuttoning his pants and sliding his fly down with ease. The pants pooled on the floor, his tented boxers left to hide his dick from his boss’ view. Her severe look didn’t change as she looked from his crotch to his face. Her legs uncrossed and her thighs parted. The skirt she wore rode higher on her thighs until he could almost see what color panties she wore. “Come here.” Jesse didn’t need to be told twice as he stepped into the space left between her thighs. His cock brushed against her skirt and would have left a smear of pre-cum had it not already been soaked up by his boxers. Jesse ducked his head to meet her lips, but found himself suddenly knocked off balance and turning. His fall was caught by the hard wooden desk and a firm hand came to press down on his spine to keep him from getting back up. “T-Tamera?” He asked in confusion only to feel a sudden sting radiate from his backside that startled a yelp out of him. His knees went weak but his weight was supported by the desk and hand holding him to it. “What did you just call me?” He heard Miss Tammy’s voice seethe in his ear. “Tamera?” Another sting brought out a hiss of pain. “Fuck!” Another SWAT. And he suddenly realized what was happening. He was being spanked! “Don’t you swear at me, boy!” Miss Tammy scolded. “You come into my office and beg me to save your naughty ass, you don’t get to swear at me.” “I’m sorry, Miss Tammy!” He gasped and yelped at another SWAT as it descended. The pain was fierce now. A sharp throb in his ass cheeks as she had been alternating which one she hit. “You’ve lost that privilege to, naughty little boy!” “Please!” He gasped as three spanks rained on his ass. How a hand as gentle and small as hers could create such force, he wasn’t sure. “I’m sorry!” “Tell Mommy how sorry you are,” Miss Tammy sneered. “Tell Mommy!” “I’m so sorry-” Three more spanks and Jesse felt his legs dance in place on the carpet. “Mommy!” The word was startled out of him as quickly as the blows stopped. A whimper tumbled from his lips as he anticipated another that didn’t come. “Say it again,” Miss Tammy’s gentle voice came once more. “Tell Mommy how sorry you are for being a naughty boy.” “I’m so sorry, Mommy,” Jesse’s lip quivered and he found himself dangerously close to tears once more. Air brushed against his red-hot ass and he rushed to continue before the blow came. “I’m sorry for being a naughty boy, Mommy!” “That’s better,” She sighed and the firm hand on his back loosened. He didn’t dare move though. “You like being my good boy, yeah?” “Yes, Mommy,” Jesse nodded, his hot face gaining relief from the cold surface of the desk. The hand on his back lifted and Jesse heard her sit back down. “Come here, baby.” Standing up and turning around, Jesse’s gaze dropped to Miss Tammy’s crotch. He had no idea when she’d taken her skirt off, but it lay on the floor near his pants. Her red lace panties were out on display for him to see. His eyes jumped from her pussy lips peaking from the thin fabric to her eyes staring at him intently. The red of her panties matched the red of her glasses, he realized. “Kneel right here for Mommy,” She pointed right between her legs and Jesse didn’t even register the burn of the carpet on his bare knees as he complied. This close, he could see where he slick was darkening the crotch of her panties. Could practically smell her arousal. His dick, having softened rapidly at the spanking, thickened up despite the residual throbs of his ass. “You took your punishment like a good little boy,” She commented and his eyes darted back up to see her smirking. Her thighs parted just a little more and her back bowed to push her hips closer to the edge of the chair. “Does baby like what he sees?” “Yes, Mommy,” Jesse nodded. Licking his lips. He could count on one hand the number of women he’d been with. And the things he did with them were mounting up to be laughably vanilla in comparison to this roleplay. He couldn’t say it wasn’t exciting even with how confusing it was. “Well,” She sighed and pushed her hips forward again. “Go on.” Needing no other invitation, Jesse found himself devouring the feast right in front of him. He pulled her panties to the side and with what he lacked in experience, he hoped he made up for in eagerness. Miss Tammy’s legs came to rest on his shoulders and her hand tangled in his hair. He didn’t know how long he ate her out, but he did so feverishly, chasing the slick from between her lips to the bud of her clit. Occasionally, he’d secure his lips in a suck around it, earning a sharp tug of his hair and an appreciative moan from Miss Tammy- Mommy. “Mommy’s gonna cum, baby,” She panted. If possible, Jesse redoubled his efforts. Digging his tongue deep into her folds til his chin was covered in her taste, he couldn’t help a mirrored moan with her as she pulled him close through her trembling orgasm. Jesse didn’t stop until the hand in his hair was pulling him away from her twitching cunt instead of closer. Her knees trembled on his shoulders. Rocking his own hips forward, Jesse felt his cock was begging for attention in his boxers. But when his hand reached down from where it rested against the outside of Mommy’s- Miss Tammy’s thigh to stroke himself off, her hand tightened in his hair once more. “Did I give you permission to touch yourself?” She scolded breathlessly. “N-No, Mommy,” Jesse whimpered, hand coming back to rest on her thigh. “That’s right,” She nodded and slowly slid her legs off his shoulder. She reached over and slid open her side desk drawer and pulled out a package of baby wipes. “Bring me my trashcan.” Slowly, Jesse stood up from his kneeled position and retrieved the wastebasket on the other side of the desk. Miss Tammy was using the baby wipes to wipe her pussy lips down and had since slipped her panties off. The panties remained in her hand when she tossed the wipes in the trash and she reached for his boxers. Thinking it was his turn to cum, Jesse helped her by shimmying them off, awkwardly pulling the fabric down past his shoes. He didn’t expect Miss Tammy to hold out her damp panties for him to step into, but when he looked into her eyes, she wasn’t bluffing. As he thought before, a seriously weird roleplay. But he couldn’t deny it was pretty hot. Before the panties were pulled up to his crotch, Jesse gasped as a cold wipe was pressed against his hard-on. “That’s it,” Miss Tammy smirked. “Shrink back down.” It took a few cold wipes before his dick was soft once more, although the thrum of arousal was still present. She pulled her panties up his thigh, his dick actually fitting in the small pocket in the front, although the fabric slid up the crack of his ass uncomfortably. “Put your pants back on.” She demanded. Jesse turned around, receiving a playful swat to his aching backside, and grabbed his pants from the floor. Miss Tammy helped him button and zip his pants and secure his belt once more. “Those will stay on for the rest of the day and you will come to my home instead of yours after work, understood?” “Yes, Ma’am,” Jesse spoke softly. “It’s Mommy whenever it’s just you and I,” She informed. “Understood?” “Yes, Mommy,” Jesse corrected and watched her slip her skirt back on and rebutton her blouse to hide her bra- wait…had she done that on purpose? “You’re free to return to work, baby,” She said in her usual professional tone. “Go on.” Jesse was stunned. That was it? Miss Tammy made a shooing motion with her hand and Jesse slowly shuffled to the door, the fabric of her panties digging into his skin teasingly. “See you tonight…Mommy,” He muttered and dipped out of the room. Taking a detour to the bathroom, not to take off the panties, but to fix his hair and wipe the cum from his lips. Just what did he get himself into?
  7. This is my entry to the 4th Kasarbefang Story Contest ( Jason was happy to be attending college. It was a financial stretch for his family. Nobody before him had ever gone to college. He had busted his butt in high school, getting good grades and going out for sports trying to maximize his chances at a scholarship. He got a small amount, but not enough to pay for everything as he had hoped. He’d worked hard all summer, picking up extra shifts trying to get ahead. Now he had his schoolwork and then did his work-study job at the dining hall, hustling food from the kitchen to the serving lines, hauling away dirty dishes, and whatever else they threw his way. Over the weeks, he’d spotter her. She’d come in to eat, sometimes alone, sometimes with other girls. She was gorgeous, with straight dark hair. She was always neatly dressed. Casual, but not the jeans or sweats most students tended to wear. One day, he was standing behind the servers, having just lugged in a tray of mashed potatoes, and his eyes met hers. She gave him a little smile. “Forget about it, Jason,” he said to himself. “She’s way out of your league. Besides, you don’t have the money or time for a girlfriend between work and studying.” Tonight, he was released from work at eight, and he peeled his apron off and hustled over to the library. He had some reading to do in the reserve room. He got in there only to find someone had already signed the book he wanted. He was just about to give up and return to the dorm when a girl came up carrying the volume he needed and returned it to the desk. “Great,” he said. “That’s the book I need.” Then he realized it was her. “Haven’t I seen you in class,” the girl said. “And you work in the dining hall, too?” “That’s me. Jason,” he said in way of introduction. “Kristin,” she said. Her hair swung as she turned. “Well, see you around.” Jason watched her go and then sat down and tried to read. Still, the vision of the girl stuck in his mind. It took him nearly ten minutes to get to the point where he could parse the words on the page before him. Be careful, boy. You don’t want to jeopardize everything over some girl. The next day in class, he looked around to see if he could spot her but couldn’t find her. He sat there as the lecture droned on, still thinking about her. As the professor wrapped up, he collected his stuff and made his way out of the room. And there she was, walking just a few feet ahead of him. He got up his nerve. “Hi, Kristin.” “Oh. Hi, Jason. I didn’t see you there.” “I don’t have a class next hour. If you don’t, would you like to get some coffee?” he said, hoping not to sound too pathetic. “Sure, I’d like that,” she said with a smile. Jason smiled back. They made their way over to the campus coffee shop. He didn’t go there much. He could have all the coffee he wanted in the dining hall, and he didn’t have money to spare, but still, he needed to be social. Kristin purchased a latte, and he got a regular coffee, and they sat. They did the normal college chit-chat about their majors and where they were from. Then she asked, “Are you going to pledge a frat?” Jason had considered doing so but then decided against it. Frats not only mandated a time commitment but also substantial dues at most of them. “Nah. I’m pretty busy with work and studying, and money is tight.” “I’m trying to get into Delta Phi,” she said. “They’re having an open house tonight. You should come with me. They accept boys, too. You don’t have to pledge. Just see the place. It’s free food, at least.” Jason thought about it. He didn’t need a free meal. He got all he could eat at the dining hall. But, sure, he would love to see more of this girl. He agreed to meet her that evening. That evening, he decided not to wear jeans. He had not seen Kristin dressed in them. He found a pair of Dockers in his closet and wore a button-down shirt. He made his way down to the address Kristin had given him earlier. He saw her standing there in front of the Delta Phi house. She wore a sleek blue dress; he was glad he had dressed. “Ready to go in?” he asked. “Yes,” she said hastily. They made their way up the front steps. A girl manned a small desk off the entrance. Kristin stepped up. “Kristin Wood and Jason Brooks,” she said. Jason was surprised that she knew his last name. He’d not given it to her. The girl slid two name tags to Kristin, told her that the refreshments were in the main hall, and pointed the way. Kristin handed one of the name tags to Jason. His name was already printed on it. “I called this afternoon to tell them you were coming,” she said. Jason nodded. That made sense, but how had she figured out his name? Jason took them into the grand foyer. You could put the entire house he grew up in inside here.. Lush wooden paneling interrupted with hanging tapestries adorned the walls and thick carpet beneath his feet. Well, it’s a nice place to visit, he thought. The dues here were going to be astronomical. They reached a punch bowl, and Jason ladled out a cup for each of them. “Very swanky,” Jason said. “It’s the best house on campus,” Kristin stated. “And quite a history. Many famous Delta Phis out there, like the Vice President, several senators, and even a Supreme Court justice.” They wandered around, looking at things and sipping their punch. A girl came up. She was dressed in an expensive-looking dress as well. “Kristin. So glad you could join us,” she said. “And you must be Jason.” Very good, he thought. Surely, it wouldn’t have been surprising that Kristin was here if they had known he was coming in together. But he made polite responses. The new girl introduced herself as Kathy, one of the ambassadors. She said her job was to show the prospective pledges around and ensure their questions were answered. They were led around the building. A large dining room, a comfortable lounge, and a library rivaled the main one on campus. Downstairs, there were more utilitarian things: a laundry (Jason noted that there were no coin slots on the machines like the ones in the dorm had), an exercise room, and various other places. Kathy returned them to the dining room and left them to meet others. Jason and Kristin alternated snacking on passed appetizers. Was this really caviar on the little toast things, Jason wondered. He’d heard of caviar but had never seen it. Lots of other tasty things he’d never had before. From time to time, other girls who were house members talked to them. They were all very friendly. They also talked to other prospective boys and girls as they moved around the room. “So, what do you think?” Kristin asked. “It’s glorious. No way I could afford to do this,” he said. “I’m hoping I get invited to join.” A while later, Kathy returned and led them to a small office. “What do you think of our house?” she asked. “I heard great things about it,” Kristin began. “But it exceeds what I could imagine.” “And you?” Kathy turned to Jason. “Beyond my wildest dreams,” he said. “Well, Kristin. I’ve been reviewing your application and talking to the other girls. I think you will be in line for an invitation. I can’t guarantee it, but I just wanted to let you know it looks good.” “Thank you very much.” “What about you, Jason? Are you going to apply?” “Well, I hadn’t thought about pledging anywhere,” he stalled. “Here, let me give you an application. You can fill it out now. No strings. I’d like a word with your date.” She pushed a form across to Jason. His date? He hadn’t thought about it that way. Was this a date with Kristin? Perhaps it was. He smiled. “Sure.” He put his information on the form as Kristin and Kathy left the room. There was a lot of stuff on this form, and some was expected as an essay. But what the hell? The girls were gone from the room, and he might as well fill it out. He had just finished when Kathy returned alone. “Have you given more thought to applying?” she asked. “I’ve completed the application. I can tell you, everything looks very nice. But I’m just not sure.” “Kristin tells me you might have financial problems,” Kathy said. Well, there it was. That was the primary concern right now. That and time, juggling his job, study, and whatever social events this place would no doubt consider obligatory, was probably beyond his means. “That’s a major part of it. That and with my job and all, I don’t know how much time I would have.” Kathy smiled. “Let me put your mind at ease. There are no dues here. We operate on an endowment, and we get support from the alumni. We have some very powerful legacies here.” Jason brightened a bit. Maybe. “I should also point out that if you choose residence here, we can get you out of your room and board contract, which would get you some money back. We also have some scholarship funds available for those in need.” Jason’s head began to swim. This was beginning to turn into a fairy tale. Was she going to wave her magic wand and make everything rosy for him? “OK, I’d like to be considered.” “Great, let’s get back to the party.” They went back out to the dining room and continued to mingle. Kristin got him aside at one point. “Well?” she asked. “Well, what?” “Are you going to pledge here?” “If they ask me, I guess. Kathy, at least set my mind at ease about me being able to do it.” Kristin smiled. The next day, he was back to the usual grind. He ate the stuff off the dining hall food line. No caviar today. He went to class, anxious to at least catch a look at Kristin. Work and Study. He forgot all about it until one night, as he readied himself for bed, he heard two sharp raps at his door. “What the fuck?” his roommate said as he rolled out of bed and went to the door. He opened it, standing in his boxers. A trio of girls stood in the hall in long robes. “Jason Brooks?” one said. “I’m Jason,” Jason said, pushing back his roommate. At least he had pajamas on. “Delta Phi,” the girl stated. “Do you accept?” “Huh? What?” Then it occurred to him. They had come to invite him to the frat. “Yeah, sure.” “Come with us.” “What the hell is going on?” his roommate asked. “Frat initiation,” Jason said over his shoulder. “I’ll see you later.” Two of the girls led him down the hall. A car was waiting, taking him to the Delta Phi house in his pajamas. It pulled up to a rear entrance, and he was led inside. Kathy from the rush party, robed like the two who had come for him, was waiting at the desk. “Welcome, Jason. Before proceeding, I want to confirm that you accept membership on our terms. Decide now, one way or the other. If you accept, there’s no going back. Understand that we have many friends in high places, including the dean and president of this university, as well as in industry and public office. If you betray us, we can make things very difficult for you. Getting kicked out of the University would be the least of your worries.” Jason swallowed hard. What was he getting into? Did he want this? Was he doing it to gain favor with Kristin? Was the temptation of free room and board and tuition causing him to make a bad decision? Still, what was the worst that could happen to him? All these powerful people wouldn’t have come out of an institution that did anything criminal or immoral, would they? Besides, knowing powerful people could be useful. He thought for a long second. “I accept.” “Good,” Kristin said with a smile. “Please sign here.” He signed his name, and Kathy signaled to the other two girls. “Get him ready.” The two girls led him to a small, well-lit room. “Please take off those pajamas.” “What are you going to do?” “We’re just going to get you cleaned up for the initiation.” “Which is what?” “Don’t worry. We’re not going to force you to down a bottle of Everclear or make you eat raw liver, or shove a broomstick up your ass. So immature. We have more refined rituals.” “Uh, OK.” Jason stripped off his pajamas. They led him to a chair, leaned him back, and started to wash his hair. After that, they set him up, and one of the girls started cutting his hair. OK, we’re going to look good for what was coming next. They rubbed a small amount of cream on one arm. He was about to ask what it was when the girl applying it said it was a test and they would check it in a minute. They lathered his face and expertly shaved him. He could get used to this level of attention, he thought. They rinsed the cream off his arm. To his surprise, the hair there came off as well. “How does that feel?” the girl asked. “OK, a little warm but not burning.” “Fine.” The two girls then proceeded to take off their robes. Wow, this was getting interesting, he thought. The three proceeded nude into a large shower. The girls then commenced rubbing more cream all over his body, everywhere but his head. After a while, they started wiping and rinsing it off. Soon, he was hairless everywhere but his head. They proceeded to wash him thoroughly. “This next part is a little unpleasant,” they said. “We need to clean you out.” He was about to ask what that meant when he felt something being pushed in his rear. He then started to sense something flowing in. An enema? Why? After a minute, the girl stated, “The toilet is just in there.” Jason clenched his cheeks together, went into the bathroom, and relieved himself. When he was done washing up, he found that the girls had put their robes back on. They then came to him and rubbed every inch of his body with some lotion. He couldn’t place it at first, and then the aroma jarred a memory—baby oil. “Baby oil?” he said. “We want your skin to be nice and soft, and you may be a little irritated from the hair removal.” “Oh,” he said. The girls finished and pronounced him ready. They led him to a small room. “She’ll come for you soon. Have a seat.” He sat down, and the lights were extinguished the rest of the way. He sat there in the dark, wondering what would happen next. A door opened on the opposite side that he had entered. From the light, he could see it was Kristin wearing an elaborate white draped gown. She looked radiant. “Are you ready for your introduction?” Kristin asked with a smile, reaching out her hand. Jason realized he was naked, and Kristin wasn’t, but what choice did he have? He took her hand, and she led him out of the little room. He realized they were now in the massive dining room of the house. The room was filled with women in robes similar to those worn by those who prepared him. This must be all the frat and then some. Only Kristen and he were dressed differently. “The Omicron Tau chapter of Delta Phi is proud to introduce our newest sister, Kristin Wood, and baby Jason Brooks,” someone announced. The room erupted into applause. Kristin nodded in acknowledgment and then led Jason to a table in the center of the room. Did they say, “baby Jason?” “Lie down on this,” she whispered in his ear. Jason was confused, but he did as instructed. Kristin pulled something under his legs. “Raise your butt a second,” she said, and as he did, she slid something underneath. He dropped down on it, and she pulled it up between his legs. Soft cloth of some sort. Kristin worked pin through the fabric, pulling it tight. He realized he’d just been diapered. Baby Jason, indeed. She worked something up his legs, and he realized they were plastic pants. He raised again so she could pull them in place. “There,” she said, offering her hand again. “You’re not so exposed now.” She led him around to the front of the table, where a broad, overstuffed chair was. She sat down in the chair and then started to pull him down. He allowed her to position him as she wanted. Odd, he was facing her, not the other girls. She shrugged the gown off one shoulder, exposing her breast. His eyes opened wide. She guided his face to the nipple. “Nurse,” she whispered into his ear. He was getting extremely aroused. It was a good thing the diaper was covering that area. He took her nipple in his mouth and started to suck. Nothing happened at first, but then he gently squeezed with his teeth, tried again, and started to get the warm, sweet milk. He got a partial mouthful and swallowed. Again, the crowd broke into applause. He pulled back. “Don’t worry. You can finish later.” She pulled her gown back into position and let him sit beside her. One by one, the girls came by to welcome Kristin. Some welcomed him as well. Others just patted his head or even gave him kisses on the cheek. Some initiation ceremony. After completing the welcomes, Kristin got up and led Jason to a side room. She removed the gown she was wearing. She was nude before him. He’d never seen her like this, and he was again quite aroused. She picked up a gown off the table and put it on. She now was dressed like the other fraternity members. Kristin held up a similar gown for him to put on. They returned to the main dining room. A few minutes later, another girl in a gown like Kristin had been wearing led another naked form into the room. This time, it was a nude girl, and a similar diapering and nursing ritual was followed. “Delta Phi is proud to announce our newest sister, Valentina Pallas, and baby Suzi Beam.” Again, the members filed past the new inductees. Jason didn’t know what to do, so he offered to shake their hands. The new pair headed to the side room, and while they were changing, glasses of sparkling wine were distributed. The pair emerged robed and were given glasses. “To our new members,” someone announced. There were murmurs of assent, and people started to drink. Jason had never had champagne before, but he liked it. They got together the new inductees. There were six of them. The first couple preceded Jason and Kristin in the induction ceremony. Pictures were taken of all of them, and the group mingled and talked. Snacks and more champagne were served. Jason was having a good time, even forgetting that he was hairless and wearing a diaper under the robe he had on. By the time the event broke up, he was a little tipsy from several glasses of bubbly. Kristin took him by the hand. “Where are we going now?” Jason asked. “Up to our room.” “Our room?” Jason said. “Yes, we’ll be sharing a room.” This, indeed, was interesting. He had come to this house to get closer to Kristin, but he had never imagined being that close. And he had just sucked from her tit. It was amazing. They reached a door, and Kristin pushed inside. The room had a small sofa, two desks, and two chairs. Bookcases spanned the space between the desks. Jason realized that all his textbooks were on one of the shelves. Kristin continued through a door that led to the bedroom. “Unzip me,” she said. Jason did so, and she let the gown fall. She was naked again in front of him. She unzipped his robe and pulled it down. She reached down, pulled off the plastic pants, and carefully unpinned the diaper. His penis sprang fully erect when it was freed from the cloth. Kristin backed onto the bed and pulled him down on top of her. “Oh, my,” Jason thought as he entered her. He had hoped it would come to this but hadn’t expected it to be tonight. He did his best, and they climaxed near together. He rolled off her but remained at her side. “That was wonderful,” Kristin said. “Yes, tonight has been unbelievable,” he said. She kissed him and added, “I’m tired. Let’s try to sleep a bit.” She snuggled into Jason, and they fell asleep. A while later, Jason stirred. Where was he? Then he felt Kristin next to him, and he remembered and smiled. He had to pee. There had to be a bathroom around. He got out of bed and started looking around. He headed out into the main room and saw another door. Maybe that’s it. He opened it and found a room that sported a giant crib. Kristin came up behind him. “What’s up?” she asked. “I was looking for the bathroom,” he said, turning around. She was still nude. He smiled. “Let me put a diaper on you,” she said. This confused him, but he didn’t say anything. His curiosity about this room was greater. “What’s this for?” Jason asked. “This is where you’ll sleep. At least part of the time,” Kristin said. “This was my bed we were in. I suspect we’ll be doing a lot of co-sleeping?” Co-sleeping? That was a strange way of describing their time in the bed. Rachel disappeared and returned with the diaper he had worn during the initiation. She patted a table on one side of the room. “Hop up on the changing table,” she said. “Changing table?” he said confused. “You’ll need to have your diaper changed. You can’t stay in a wet one.” “Wet one? What do you mean?” “You’re going to be wearing diapers from now on. Don’t worry. I’ll change you when you’re wet or poopy.” “You’ve got to be kidding?” Jason said incredulously. She stared him down. Again, she patted the table. He got up on it. She refastened the diaper and pulled up the plastic pants. “Let’s sit down a minute,” Kristin said. She led him back to the sofa, and they sat. “I need to explain to you how this is going to work. I know it will sound strange, and you probably don’t want to do it, but I’m sure Kathy explained to you what happens if you don’t.” Jason thought back to his earlier conversation with Kathy. She had told him that being kicked out of school would be the least of his worries. “From now on, you will be my baby. I’ll take care of you. You will be wearing and using diapers. You’ll be sleeping in the crib. You’ll be doing other things as well. I think you liked being breastfed.” He had to admit that he did like that. “All the time? I thought this was just some initiation thing.” “All the time. Outside the house, you’ll be wearing regular clothes and behaving normally, but you will have a diaper on underneath, and you’ll need to use it.” “Wha, wha, why?” “It’s how the sorority works. Every sister has to have a baby to care for. You’re mine.” “I thought maybe you just liked me. Did you pick me to get into the Delta Phi?” Jason asked. “I do like you. That’s why I chose you. I knew I wanted you, needed you, from the first time I saw you. I think you want me, too. At least that’s what I got from last night’s sex.” He let all this sink in. “What about the boys here? I thought this was coed.” “They are more of the babies.” “All of the babies are boys?” “No, not all. But all the boys that are members are babies.” He thought about the girl initiated right after him. She was a baby. “And all of these people sit around messing diapers just so their…” He searched for a word to describe the relationship. “Mommies,” Rachel inserted. “So that their mommies,” He said with disdain. “Can get into the fraternity.” “It’s not like that. At least, not with me. I wanted in Delta Phi, but I wanted an intimate relationship with you. I think it will be wonderful for both of us. Didn’t you get that feeling from last night’s post-initiation activity?” She leaned forward and kissed him. She then pulled him into a hug. He felt her bare breasts against his now hairless chest. Gosh, he did want her. But playing baby for the next four years? He started to cry. “There, there,” she said, patting his back. “Don’t cry. It will be alright, I promise. Are you hungry?” She guided him to her nipple again. With trepidation, he started to nurse while she stroked his hair. He calmed down. He’d have to give it a try. What choice did he have? He still had to pee. “So, there’s no chance I can use the bathroom?” “I’m afraid not. Even if you had found it, it is locked.” Jason thought about it. “What the hell?” he thought to himself. He closed his eyes and tried to pee. Years of toilet training prevented him from doing it. He closed his eyes and tried to envision himself at a urinal. He got the flow going. When he was fully relieved, he opened his eyes. Rachel was staring at him. “Finished?” she asked. “Yes.” “Let’s get you changed.” She led him back to the changing table. She removed the diaper and then used some wipes to clean him up. He was erect again. She climbed on the table and lowered herself down on him. They had sex again. “OK, maybe being changed isn’t that bad,” he said as she lay there on top of him. After a minute, she climbed down, cleaned him up again, and put a diaper on him. “I better get dressed,” she said. Just then, her phone rang. She talked for a second. “That was Cathy. She says she has some paperwork for you when we finish breakfast.” With that, she started looking through the drawers. She pulled out an article of clothing and held it up to Jason. He slid it on over his head and stood up. She reached down and snapped it between his legs. “What’s this?” he asked. “A bubble romper. It looks cute on you. You can wear it around the house.” He looked at himself in the mirror. Indeed, he was a giant toddler. Rachel disappeared into her room for a second and came out wearing a casual dress. She was brushing her hair. Gosh, even with clothes on, she was lovely. They went down, and Rachel explained they’d eat in the common room. “It’s less formal than the dining room upstairs,” she explained. They grabbed coffee from the urn near the entrance. There were some things available on a buffet on one side. “You can have them make you an omelet or whatever. I’m just going to have a yogurt and some fruit.” Jason decided to have cereal, and they sat down and ate. Looking around, he saw the other couple from the previous night, Valentina and Suzi. After a short time, Valentina exposed a breast, and Suzi started nursing. “We can breastfeed in private areas of the house,” Rachel explained as Jason turned away, embarrassed that he was watching. Then he noticed Rachel was pulling down the strap of her dress and exposing a tit. “When in Rome…” Jason thought and started to nurse. After breakfast, they headed up to the office and met with Cathy. “This is your agreement to reside here. I can submit this to the housing office to get your board money refunded.” Jason signed it. “I also called food services and submitted your resignation.” “You did?” Jason said, a little taken aback. “We can’t have Delta Phi members working jobs like that. We can try to place you elsewhere, but we’ve got you a stipend pending your scholarship coming through later this month.” She slid forward an envelope. “This will get you through until then, I suspect.” He looked inside. There was a check that was more than double what he could have expected to earn. “They’ll also send your final paycheck over soon.” Jason’s head swam. Would he not have to work anymore? Working the job, studying, and taking classes had been a major hassle. She also slid forward a book. “Rachel already has one of these, but this is for you. We’d like you to keep it confidential.” It was entitled “A Handbook for Mommies and Babies” and subtitled “Life in Delta Phi.” “Welcome, again, to Delta Phi,” Cathy said with a smile.
  8. This is my own submission to the 4th Kasarberang Non-Contest. It’s been well over a decade since I’ve written anything, and coincidentally, the story I wanted to write fit well into the contest. Also, it seemed like fun to add someone else’s rules to my own idea. Unfortunately, writing doesn’t seem to be quite like riding a bike and I didn’t complete nearly as much as I would have liked. Still, I’ll post the few chapters I did write over the next few days as I rewrite them. I hope you all enjoy it, and I plan on continuing after the contest is over. Chapter 1 Margaret sighed, her trembling hand guiding the key into its lock with a mix of dread and resolve. Her heart was pounding in her chest, each beat echoing the gravity of the moment. The weight of Bridget’s presence beside her only heightened her anxiety. “This is what I’ve been trying to explain,” Margaret said, pressing against the door as beer cans rattled on the other side. A heavy, putrid stench enveloped both women as they entered the apartment. They waded through channels carved through stacks of molding pizza boxes and crumpled beer caps. The sticky squelch of the floor muffled the thud of Bridget’s ankle boots as she carefully stepped over yellowing, brittle Kleenex strewn across the floor surrounding a deeply stained couch. They followed the path to the other side of the room. “He’s-” her voice cut off by the foul air assaulting her senses. She turned to face Bridget, clenched her fists, and persevered through the distressing feeling. “He’s not a bad person, he’s just…” Her tone dwindled as she fought the urge to swallow the horrid air. “Lost.” Bridget, her face masked with stoicism, nodded. “I understand Margaret,“ she stated, her voice maintaining an impressive composure against the chaos surrounding them. “Some people just need a guiding hand to set them on the correct track.” Turning to the next door, a soft smile briefly graced Margaret’s face, grateful for the glimmer of hope Bridget’s reassurance provided. However, as she prepared to open it, a twinge of guilt returned, mixing with her embarrassment. The thought of showing Bridget the state of Ethan’s bedroom weighed heavily on her conscience. Opening the door was like witnessing the aftermath of a homeless camp exploding. Dirty, wrinkled clothing piled over a dresser, desk, and chair, spilling onto the floor. The air carried a familiar heavy acidic smell mixed with sweat and desperation. Sheets of cardboard stapled to the window trim blocked out the light, keeping the room dark enough for its inhabitant to sleep through the day. Other than the light bleeding through the open door, the only light source in the room was a glowing phone next to a passed-out, face-down man snoring in a drunken stupor. Careful to avoid the half-drank cans of beer, Bridget approached the bed and knelt, her eyes scanning over the naked form before her, she confirmed what the state of his apartment already told her. Without his mother’s constant care, he lost all semblance of healthy habits. The pads of his feet had turned grayish and blackened from trampling the layers of filth. His belly protruded from nearly four years of surviving off nothing but beer and takeout. His overgrown chestnut hair clung to his face, slick with sweat and grease. His skin, likely last washed when his mother had last ordered him to while he still lived with her, had developed an oily crust around the armpits and crotch. Turning her attention to the phone at Margaret’s son’s side, Bridget’s face contorted at the sight on screen. A man raising a cat o’ nine tails style whip above his head. Ready to strike a sobbing woman strapped to a bench. Her fair skin was shredded by a level of abuse far beyond any limit Bridget would even dare consider. Swiping the video off the screen, Bridget scrolled through the list of videos saved onto the phone. As she read the list a knot in her stomach twisted with disgust. Each title contained one or multiple combinations of slut, anal, whipping, BDSM, crying, whore, extreme, and cruel. A sudden gasp snapped Bridget’s attention back to Margaret, who now hovered over her shoulder. Margaret’s fists were clenched in rage, tears streaking her makeup after witnessing the list of videos her son had saved for his pleasure. Her mouth was open as if she were silently screaming at him, desperately pleading for answers less horrifying than the grim truth before her. Margaret reached out with a trembling hand, slowly uncurling her fist and gently resting it on his back. It was as if this distraught mother were trying to heal the blight that had taken hold of the man she had raised. Comforting someone in such distress did not come naturally to Bridget. Her usual methods would be wholly inappropriate in this situation. Yet, she felt the weight of the moment pressing deeply into her heart as she watched Margaret, who was quietly sobbing as if mourning a son already beyond saving. Rising from her kneeling position, Bridget extended a steady hand to Margaret’s trembling shoulder. Her tone was soft and reassuring as she said, “Come with me, Margaret. We’ll find somewhere nice to talk, okay?” Margaret looked up, her eyes red and swollen, as Bridget guided her away from the chaotic nest her son lived in. As they stepped out onto the open street, both women inhaled deeply, savoring the fresh air as if emerging from drowning underwater. The city’s sounds, car horns blaring, people chatting, and a distant dog barking, felt almost melodic compared to the clattering of beer cans and crunch of pizza boxes that came with navigating the filth her son had amassed. Needing to air out the cloud of dirt that haunted them from the apartment, both women walked until they found a small park a few blocks away—they made their way to a secluded bench shaded by the yellowing leaves of a large oak tree—a perfect place to hold a conversation unfit for the public ear. Margaret’s focus drifted from Bridget, latching onto a young couple walking hand in hand in the distance. The mother, waddling along in the late stages of pregnancy, her face glowing with anticipation. Her husband, smiling down at her, overjoyed with the endless possibilities the future holds for their budding family. Both poised to welcome a blank slate to the world for them to impress upon. Both completely unaware of how horrible the result could become. “It must be nice.” Bridget followed Margaret’s gaze to the couple before asking, “What must be nice?” The silence was all that Margaret answered with, instead her grim expression conveying an internal dialogue that Bridget could only guess at. When Margaret’s eyebrows lifted, Bridget wondered if someone had made a surprising statement or a valid point. As the surprise turned into a frown, it seemed an argument had been defeated. The gentle lines on her face turned to a scowl as the conversation grew heated. Then, finally rested on a more neutral but determined expression as her eyes flickered with a burning passion. “I don’t want Ethan to treat some poor girl like that… Pig.” Margaret’s tone was blunt, emphasizing that word, Pig. He didn’t deserve a name; a pig is all he is, “But maybe Ethan is worse.” “I see why you called me,” Bridget stated with a sign. When Margaret first called Bridget had expected screaming or threats, looking for someone to blame other than her husband. Instead, Margaret had seemed almost apologetic, as if she were somehow the one in the wrong. Still, Bridget wouldn’t have ever considered meeting Margaret again after their first encounter, but when Margaret offered more money than Bridget had earned in the last decade, she reconsidered. “At first I assumed you were exaggerating,” Bridget turned to Margaret. “But it does seem like he needs an extreme shift in direction.” “You know, it’s almost funny,” Margaret whispered, fighting back another wave of tears. “Over the last year that Pig started to act like a decent husband. He started trying to be better and treat me better. Listen to me, noticing and complimenting my efforts. Even being more mindful of my needs. Little did I know it was you… helping.” Bridget sat quietly, she was used to hearing David, Margaret’s husband, speak about her. How proud of himself he was, almost laughing as he explained the mind games he’d play. Deliberately ignoring Margaret’s attempts to be more appealing to him. Even going as far as verbally slapping her with back-handed compliments. When she would indulge in salon treatments he would question why she never put effort into her looks. If she cooked him a meal, he would immediately ask if she had ever considered taking classes. Men proudly mistreating their wives wasn’t new to Bridget, but this was the first time she witnessed the other side of it all. To see firsthand how their victim suffered and how slowly working that out of these men only satisfied her own desire and still contributed to the destruction of these women’s lives. “That Pig infected him. Corrupted my baby.” Margaret said through clenched teeth, her rage obvious. Finally, turning to Bridget directly she asked, “Can you do it? Can you help him?” Bridget recognized the glare Margaret’s face carried immediately. It was the same as the night they first met. David had confessed to calling Margaret a bitch that week, a word that Bridget had planned to remove from David’s lexicon completely when the hotel room door burst open. But it wasn’t the blind rage Margaret initially wore when she first witnessed the two together. It was the swirl of confusion that mixed into that fury when she came to understand the position her husband was in–on his hands and knees, dressed in a plaid miniskirt, with his pink satin panties pulled down to his knees. Then came the horror as Margaret watched Bridget slowly pull all eight inches of her strap-on from the depths of Margaret’s husband. With a long sigh, Bridget’s eyes softened as she met Margaret’s gaze. “Usually when…” Bridget paused, choosing her words carefully. Giving her best effort to be delicate in addressing what her clients paid for and not to remind Margaret too much of that night. While she certainly didn’t respect those men, she didn’t want to add to the suffering she already caused. “Usually when clients meet with me. It’s for a specific type of experience. It is always consensual. Just, over time, they learn to be more respectful and to appreciate the kind of fun that I feel they deserve.” Training someone who hadn’t sought her out originally was not Bridget’s normal approach. She wouldn’t have ever considered attempting it if it wasn’t for some strange debt she felt to Margaret. On top of that, if Ethan had adopted and exacerbated some of his father’s most appalling traits, it seemed prudent to address these issues before he harms another woman. “I’ll help you, but first,” Bridget had always assumed she could keep her own emotions out of her chosen profession. With clients like the aptly named Pig, it was easy, but here she felt she owed Margaret. “We’ll proceed on my terms, with no room for negotiation.” “Whatever I need to do,” Margaret quickly replied. “Good, then we’ll get both of their behaviors corrected.” Chapter 2 Margaret had exhausted every conventional approach. Despite hiring therapists, offering larger financial incentives, and even engaging a motivational speaker, her efforts to encourage her son remained fruitless. The only forward momentum came from a desperate measure when she threatened to terminate the lease on Ethan’s apartment if he didn’t agree to at least start college. Yet, she remained wholly unconvinced in his devotion to bettering himself. Adding to her mounting stress, Margaret had been receiving increasingly urgent complaints from the apartment management. The stench emanating from Ethan’s apartment had become a serious issue. Each complaint came with a warning that eviction was imminent if the situation wasn’t addressed. Desperate to avoid her son’s eviction, Margaret found herself paying more and more to the management in the hopes of buying additional time and preserving Ethan’s living situation. Still, his lack of enthusiasm was evident in every interaction. When she texted about what Ethan needed for his classes, she often received no reply. On the rare occasions, she managed to get him on the phone, he would brush off questions about his courses or his intended degree. This persistent disengagement deepened Margaret’s frustration and despair, leaving her feeling as though her efforts were being callously ignored. Now, with only a few days until college started, she turned to the only woman who had made meaningful changes to her husband’s behavior. Hoping that the same type of intervention could be applied to her own son. Bridget, with her ever-stoic demeanor, suggested that he required a more stringent path. Transitioning from his current static, careless lifestyle to one filled with schedules and assessments would prove extremely difficult for someone severely lacking discipline. It wouldn’t be as simple as guiding Ethan through the acclimation process to his new life. He first needed his current attitude towards his future dismantled so that it could be rebuilt from the ground up. Her methods were unorthodox at the best of times and when necessary, brutal. But they were effective. However, Bridget explained that the key was to make these men believe they wanted to improve their behavior, motivated by the promise of rewards for good conduct and punishments for missteps. The real art was subtly persuading them that it was their own idea to seek more intense pleasures and accept increasingly severe consequences. But this process took months, even years, and time wasn’t a luxury she’d have with Ethan. For him it would need to be instantaneous, it would be an all-or-nothing situation and she was confident that her experience, combined with improvisational skills, were fit for the job. Margaret, feeling both a flicker of hope and a pang of apprehension, nodded slowly. She knew Bridget’s approach was radical, but her own efforts thus far had led nowhere. If anyone could break through to Ethan, it was Bridget. “Thank you, Bridget,” Margaret said softly. “I trust you.” Bridget gave a curt nod, “We’ll start immediately.” Coming to a final agreement, both women rose as the sun dipped beyond the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. Margaret’s heart was heavy with apprehension, but she could now look to Bridget, whose calm, resolute expression provided a sliver of reassurance. Despite the uncertainty, for the first time, Margaret felt she may have found the solution to her son’s stagnation. As the sun set, casting long shadows across the park, Bridget and Margaret walked back towards the apartment. The faint chirps of crickets filled the cooling air, amplifying the silence that returned to the two women as they walked. Margaret’s mind raced with thoughts of the upcoming days. She felt an uneasy mix of relief and fear. A part of Bridget's plan required Margaret to stay completely separated from Ethan until Bridget deemed it safe for him to see her again. The idea of such a drastic separation was daunting, but Bridget’s confidence sparked a fragile hope that maybe this time would be different. The reality of their situation pressed heavily on her shoulders; it was clear that Ethan’s transformation needed to be as swift as it was profound. When they arrived at his door, Margaret hesitated, looking back to Bridget. Then, after receiving an affirming nod, gathered her courage and knocked at the door. From inside came the sounds of beer cans rattling beyond the door, and then after a few muffled obscenities, the door creaked open. Ethan, disheveled and bleary-eyed, clearly just woken up despite the late hour, peeked through the crack. “Mom?” Ethan mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “What the fuck do you want?” “Ethan… This is a friend of mine,” Margaret stated, motioning towards the woman at her side. “Could we please come in?” The eye beyond the door narrowed when its blurry gaze met Bridget’s. “I don’t need another one of your doctors. I told you I’d go back to school.” With a forceful bang, the door slammed shut in Margaret’s face. Margaret stood in stunned silence, reaching her trembling hand out as if to knock again. Before she managed to bang on the door Bridget placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry Margaret,” Bridget’s voice was steady and comforting. “I was hoping he’d at least talk to you for a bit, but I think it’s time for me to take over. Hand me the keys and wait out here.” Quickly retrieving the keys from her purse, Margaret handed them to Bridget. “Just… please be gentle with him,” Bridget gave her a reassuring nod, though it did little to ease Margaret’s worry as she watched the woman disappear into the apartment. But Margaret had no idea that for Bridget, domming was like jazz-it’s just as much about the beatings you don’t give as much as the ones you do. Furious at the sound of his apartment door opening behind him, Ethan spun around and barked, “Mom! Get the fu–” his words cut short by the sight of the unexpected mystery woman approaching him. Standing tall and confident, Bridget commands attention the moment she enters a room. Her long, raven black hair cascaded in glossy waves down her back, contrasting starkly against her glowing porcelain skin. With high cheekbones and a sharp jawline framing her striking features, she drew focus to her piercing, ice-blue eyes that bore through anyone they rested upon. Bridget took in Ethan’s appearance with both amusement and relief. This time, he stood shirtless in his living room, wearing stretched-out pajama pants that hung loosely around his hips. It was hardly an improvement to her first encounter with the naked him, but at least it was some effort at decency. Regardless of how minimal the effort was. “Ethan, your mother cared about you. That’s why she hired me to help you.” her voice carried a subtle, dominating undertone, perfected in her years of experience dealing with men who didn’t yet know they needed to be stripped of their own volition. “Look, I don’t know what she told you, but I don’t need help.” The snapping tone Ethan freely took with his mother had disappeared. Reduced by the humiliation of this woman, for what he believed to be the first time, witnessing the squalor he dwelled in. “Everyone needs a little help, Sweetheart,” Bridget stated, her tone softening just enough to convey understanding without losing its edge. “And accepting that is just the first step to progress. Ethan shifted uncomfortably, unsure how to respond. Normally, he met these therapists in their offices, where they had never fully seen the extent of filth he wallowed in. Instead, he watched as the woman’s toned legs glided her toward him. He admired the dark-washed jeans that hugged her curves perfectly. Her deep green blouse was made of soft, luxurious fabric, draped elegantly, hinting at the shape beneath without revealing all her secrets. Her full lips, painted in a bold, seductive red, curved into a knowing smile. Unbeknownst to Ethan, everything about her appearance, down to the simple yet elegant leather belt cinched around her waist, was a deliberate show for his benefit. Bridget, much like a spider hanging in its web, only needed to wait for her prey to be fully entangled before taking a bite. “I want you to relax.” Bridget’s warm breath poured over his ear. Her perfumed hand brushed an unwashed, greasy lock from Ethan’s face. Caught in the intensity of the moment, Ethan fought to swallow the lump building in his throat. His heart raced; he was out of his depth face to face with a real, non-pixelated woman. One who he still mistakenly believed to be a therapist, and he struggled to reconcile her commanding presence with the more professional yet less personal approaches of those who had tried before to worm their way into his life. “It’s okay to be vulnerable.” Her silken voice brushed past his ear as she dragged her fingers down his cheek. “I’m here to help you.” Ethan’s breaths were shallow, his chest rising and falling unevenly. The intoxicating blend of deep, exotic spices and velvety florals of her perfume filled his nostrils. His gaze shifted from the pristine, composed figure before him to the familiar chaos of his surroundings. The stark contrast made him momentarily uneasy. The disarray echoed the unsettled thoughts stirring within him, hinting at a reality he had long ignored. “Starting college is a good time to… restart,” she said, taking a moment to appreciate her foreshadowing of the journey they would both soon embark upon. Bridget’s light but deliberate touch continued to trace down to Ethan’s bare chest. “But finding that motivation can be so difficult.” “For some, it’s all about the reward,” she continued, her hand moving to the edge of his pajama pants. “The carrot, so to speak,” she explained, her hand trailing down his thigh. “But for others, well, they need a different kind of incentive.” The back of her hand purposefully grazed against his clothed cock to punctuate her statement. “For others, it’s the stick.” As her hand brushed against him, Ethan’s face flushed with excitement. Igniting every nerve ending with a jolt of electricity, his heart raced, struggling to maintain composure against the strange methods this unknown woman employed. “And that motivation is key,” Bridget whispered, her voice maintaining the command that came naturally to her. “Change can be difficult, but I can be a wonderful motivator.” His mind churned with resistance. The familiarity of his lifestyle, unambitious as it was, provided a unique comfort. The idea of leeching off his family’s wealth as he drifted through life was infinitely more enticing than confronting his issues and cleaning up his act. Still, he found this woman irresistible, the rush of her touch and what he believed to be promises of rewards drew him closer. Sensing his wavering conviction, Bridget capitalized with another step towards him, pressing her body against his. “I could make your time in college so much more… exciting.” The words hissed as her mouth closed the gap until her lips tickled his ear and cupped his genitals in her hand through the pajamas. Once his cock began to swell, Bridget’s hand quickly withdrew. “But I’m a lady. I can’t live in this.” Gesturing to the grotesque state of Ethan’s home with the same hand. “However, if I returned tomorrow and it was cleaner…” Her hand returned to his crotch. Wrapping her fingers around the bulging fabric. “Cleaner? I can do that.” Ethan blurted out. His mind was so clouded with lust that he felt he was prepared to agree to almost anything. However, almost anything paled in comparison to everything she planned to take from him. With that, Ethan watched as the enigmatic woman left his apartment with the same swift grace with which she had arrived. Her long, flowing hair cascaded like a dark wave with each confident stride, creating a striking contrast to the turmoil she left in her wake. In the hall, Bridget found Margaret, leaning to the side as she stole a glance of her son through the closing door, expecting to find him bruised and collapsed on the floor. Margaret breathed a sigh of relief when she saw him simply unharmed at the center of his chaotic apartment. “Thank goodness he’s okay,” she murmured with the first real relief she had felt all day. “How did it go?” “As well as could be expected. I gave him a day while I retrieve some things from storage and prepared my own home for his stay.” Bridget replied, “Also, as a bonus. I may have convinced him to clean up a bit. Maybe it’ll save you some money on whoever you have clear out that nest.”
  9. How To Change A Man - An entry in the 4th Kasarberang Story Contest by Bo Tox Chapter 1 Brian stared off into the distance. His terminal's cursor was blinking at him. He could not focus any more and lately his mind wandered all the time. He looked at the picture of his wife, Nadia. She was the adorable light in his otherwise dull, dreary existence. This was his favorite shot of her. The photo had been taken when they vacationed in Hawaii a few years ago. Her light brown hair was tousled and sun-streaked. A satin finished stainless necklace with an Egyptian Shenu hung between her tanned breasts. His name was engraved in the middle of the ancient symbol. She claimed it was for protection of his soul. She was kind of into that sort of thing and it seemed harmless enough. He was a lucky man. It was clear that he married up. She could have had any man she wanted but she had shot him a smile that fateful evening at the pub almost five years ago. The college hangout where she was the weekend bartender. What she saw in him was a mystery but she knew what she wanted. Brian started to think about how they met. He was a bit shy and awkward. When he placed the order for his friends, she slipped him a note under the drinks. He almost didn’t see it until he was handing out drinks to his mates. One of them spied and started to look at it when Brian snatched it out of his hand. “Dude, did you get the hot chick’s number” asked a buddy. Brian looked at it, “Maybe, it’s never happened before.” That got a laugh from the table but Brian put the slip of paper in his pocket and continued to drink his beer. It was someone else’s turn to buy a round and they returned without a slip of paper. The next round was bought and still no number. “I can’t believe she gave you her number, Brian,” said a drinking buddy. By the time it was Brian’s turn to buy the next round, he was more than a little tipsy. He stumbled to the bar and slurred his order. She looked at him sideways as she placed foaming glasses of beer on a platter for him. “You aren’t going to spill those are you?” she asked. “NOPE!” said Brian too loud. He made his way back to the table where they continued to drink and talk about the game on the TV across from them. When the game was over, they all started to filter out. Brian was very much drunk and had difficulty standing. Nadia came over to his table, the only person still at their table. She asked, “Did your friends leave you?” He looked up with his puppy dog eyes and nodded, “I think so.” She took his arm and helped him up, “Well, my shift is over. Can you walk a girl home?” Brian stood, a touch wobbly but answered, “Yes, ma’am. At your service.” He didn’t remember anything else about that night. The next morning, he awoke with a screaming headache. When he could finally open an eye, he found a note he couldn’t focus to read but it was next to a glass of water and a bottle aspirin. He popped two of them and drank some water. An hour later, he felt a little better and was able to read the note. It was in a woman’s handwriting and said, “I hope you are feeling better. This should help. Thanks for almost walking me home.” Some recollection of the beautiful girl that slipped him her number returned. He fished in his pocket and found the note. It had her name, Nadia, and her number. He texted her a thank you and a wink emoji. She sent back a smile. Back in the present, Brian’s mind wandered into a daydream. Brian had been at work nearly three hours with nothing to show for it. None of his budget spreadsheets had a single number changed since yesterday when he shut down for the night. He imagined Nadia in a black satin thong that framed her hips and disappeared between her thighs. A leather corset pushed her firm breasts into a well defined bosom. The garter straps on the corset held up her fish net stockings. He loved how the straps traced the outline of her lovely bottom, especially when she walked sexily away from him. Brian suddenly became aware of his own reaction to his daydream. He looked around to see if anyone was near him. The cubes around him were quiet. He looked at his watch and realized why, it was a few minutes after noon. All his co-workers were out, thankfully. His heartbeat slowed and his blood pressure dropped to normal levels. His condition was in remission. Brian mindlessly went through the motions as he walked to the sandwich shop across the street, ate his meal and returned to his tiny cubicle and hard chair. His thoughts again turned to Nadia. She was still at work herself, an assistant to some big wheel at a big-deal accounting firm uptown. It paid well, than Brian's own job and with much better benefits. Nadia told him he should give notice if he hated it so much but he didn't have the nerve. That was his plight, insecure and insignificant. Today, though, Brian had resolved to do something to make a change. He was determined to go through with one stinking thing in his life, even if it was wrong. He typed up his resignation and left it on his boss’s desk. His boss was surprised but didn’t really try to talk him out of it. He accepted the resignation and his two weeks notice had begun. Brian wasn’t sure what was going to happen next but the wheels were in motion and change was coming. The day mercifully ended and Brian decided to walk home. It was only a half dozen blocks and the cool air would help him clear his mind. As he walked up the stairs to his and Nadia’s apartment, he realized he’d made a huge decision without consulting her. He started to regret his hasty action. Brian’s key slid into the lock and he entered the apartment. Nadia wasn’t home yet so he started dinner. They had chicken thawing and he put that on to simmer while he washed the lettuce and put a frozen bag of mixed vegetables in the microwave. He was almost done preparing dinner and had set the plates on the table when he heard a key in the door start to open. Nadia walked in, beaming a smile that wiped all his fears and cares out of his mind. She walked over and kissed him. She sniffed the aroma of seasoning on chicken and asked, “How long have you been home?” Brian answered, “A little bit. I figured it was my turn to cook. Are you hungry?” “Yes, it smells good,” she said, “Want some wine?” He nodded, “Yes, and I have some news.” Nadia opened the bottle and poured a couple of glasses, “So, tell me your news!” Brian cleared his throat, “I turned in my two weeks notice today.”
  10. This story was written for @kasarberang's 4th story non-con-test. I do have to say that this is fantasy. It was written specifically to the terms of the contest, and contains actions, themes, and ideas that I in no way support, condone, or suggest in real life. Read at your own risk. "In the embrace of stillness, I find myself tethered to this sacred ground, a captive of my own heart's desire. Here I remain, suspended in time, waiting for the gentle touch of fate to guide my true love to me. Until she arrives, illuminating the shadows of my soul and revealing the depths that lie within, I cannot take flight. It is her presence alone that can set me free, transforming my quiet longing into a vibrant reality; I belong to her, and she shall claim me as her own, entwining our destinies as one." Oh. Shit. The garage door was opening. I pulled at my wrist, but I knew the ice lock had at least another hour. Shit shit shit. I kept pulling, trying to think of a way to escape the bondage that I had put myself in, but I had been pretty thorough. The cuffs were locked to the straps, and I couldn’t release the cuff itself with my hand in it. The cuffs on my wrists and ankles held fast, and until that ice lock melted I couldn’t release the cuffs on my wrists. I heard the door downstairs open, and close. I heard her call from downstairs. “Honey, are you there?” Maybe she had just forgotten something, and if I was quiet she’d assume I was out exercising or something, grab what she needed, and then leave. Maybe. I tried to use my restrained hand to pull some of the top sheet, which was off to the side, over me. Maybe I could at least cover the diaper I was wearing. I could barely reach the sheet, though, and efforts to pull it were fruitless. I was still just laying there, my choice of the last Princess Pink diaper from the sample pack I had coming back to haunt me in a big way. I tried to sit up and could see the suitcase open on the other side of the room, the items I had hidden away mockingly highlighted in a beam of sun through a window. “Honey?” I could hear her coming up the stairs. “My sister is here! Are you in the shower?” Her sister was here? My mind froze. The worst case had gone from embarrassment in front of my wife to far, far worse. Her sister didn’t like me. No, it was way beyond, “didn’t like”. Her sister despised me. Her sister thought that my wife could have done much, much better than me, and did everything she could to point out all my weaknesses, faults, and misdeeds as loudly and often as she could to anyone who would listen, seemingly ignoring the fact that my wife and I have been married for five years and are very happy together. She was, frankly, a bitch, and her consistent criticism of me had definitely driven a wedge between the siblings. So why was she here now? If her sister came in and saw me like this, it was game over. I needed to try to minimize the damage. And minimizing the damage meant that only my wife saw me like this. “Ah, Jenn? Could you come into the bedroom? Just you?” “You’re in the bedroom, Greg?” “Yeah. Please come in. Just you.” The door opened.
  11. We have all heard the stories of Gulliver travels, but this story is a bit different and more crazy. It all started one summer day, Gulliver got a strange letter in the mail. Gulliver thought to ignore it, but he decided to read it. As Gulliver was reading it, the letter was talking about traveling to a new island. Gulliver thought to him self not again. Gulliver loved to travel, but after of dealing with little tiny people and dealing with king giants, he thought maybe this letter was a scam. In the letter there was a ticket for his very own boat to travel to the island. The nexts day after of Gulliver doing some thinking on it, he decided to give this island a chance and what could happen. When Gulliver got to the docks in Bermuda, he saw his boat and it was a speed boat. After a few days of open ocean water, Gulliver was getting impatient. Gulliver still thought it was a scam, until he saw the island right ahead of him. When Gulliver finally got to the island and docked his boat, he decided to see what letter he got was talking about. When Gulliver out of the boat, he saw a very big city and a sign that said " if I was you I would turn back." Gulliver didn't believe any of that. When Gulliver got to the city he saw a building that said information center of the city. Gulliver walked into the building and saw a guy at the front desk and asked him. " where am I ?" Gulliver asked. The guy said " you are in amazonian city." Gulliver thought great now I am back with giants again. Things are not always what they appear to be. Gulliver asked what are amazonian? The information guy said "well amazonian are big giantess woman and they are not good people, there are also giant men as well, but don't piss them off." Gulliver didn't know what to say, but he said back " thank you and have a great day." As Gulliver left the building, he decided to continue down the street. Then suddenly Gulliver bumped right into the legs of a giantess woman. Gulliver looked up and said "I am so sorry I was not looking where I was going." The giantess looked down and said "well well well, look what we got here a small human, what are you doing here in this city little guy?" Gulliver said "Hi names Gulliver, I come from a small town in the USA, nice to meet you. I am so sorry for bumping into you and I am not a little guy. The giantess just laughed and thought it was so cute and strange. Giantess said" well it is nice to meet you as well. You are so cute and small, plus you only come up to my knees in hight. Do you have a mommy or a daddy"? Gulliver didn't like this one bit, then he saw the giantess got down on her knees to get a closer look. Gulliver said" no I don't need a mommy or a daddy. I came here on a speed boat." Giantess said" no mommy or a daddy you poor thing. Well your in luck little cutie." Then suddenly Gulliver saw the giantess start to pick him up. Gulliver said" look lady put me down now!" The giantess didn't even say a word. She ignored Gulliver and carried him on her shouldered and off to her place. Gulliver started to kick and scream, but no luck in that. The giantess looked at her soon to be baby, and said "We are going to have so much fun my little baby. You going to love living with me and judging by you size you should fit right into a baby newborn diaper. They are so cute and small just like you, but don't worry I am not going to treat you like a newborn baby." Gulliver couldn't believe on all of this. After hearing the words newborn baby diapers, Gulliver decided to tell this lady that he was not a baby. After what felt like a while to Gulliver, the giantess and Gulliver they both got to her place. The house on the outside was big like everything else on this island. It was a one floor house. When they got insided the house it was a normal place except for the giant baby stuff in the living room. In the living room there was a playpen right in front of the couch and the TV. Suddenly Gulliver saw the giantess turned around to lock the door. Gulliver thought now I am doomed, how will I get out of here alive and back to the speed boat to get back home. Then the giantess took Gulliver on a tour of the house. After the tour the giantess took Gulliver down a hallway and into a room and it was a nursery, with a crib and a changing table, a TV, a playpen, and a huge closet. Suddenly the giantess layed Gulliver on the changing table. Once the giantess had Gulliver naked, she bent down and picked up a package of newborn baby diapers. After the diapering was done and over with, the giantess went over to the closet and picked out a outfit. Gulliver was feeling super weird in the newborn diaper. Then suddenly Gulliver saw that the closet was filled with different baby clothes plus lots of diapers. Gulliver thought that this giantess is baby crazy and looks like she's has been wanting a baby forever and never got a chance to have a baby until now. Then Gulliver saw the giantess has found a outfit. The outfit was a pajamas with mittens and booties sword into it as well and it was pink and blue and a word saying mommy's baby on it. The giantess said" you are going to look so cute in this outfit. I am so glad that I have a baby of my own, to take care of." Gulliver thought this is so embarrassing. All I have to do is be patient and find a way to escape. Giantess said" now my sweet baby I bet your hungry yes you are, yes you are." Once Gulliver was dressed the giantess pick him up and took him out of the nursery and down the hallway to the dining room table. Then suddenly Gulliver saw at the table was a pink bib and a pink high chair. After Gulliver was deposited into the high chair and secured in place, the tray was pulled down and locked in place. Gulliver felt so stupid, but then the giantess put the pink faded bib on him. Giantess said" that bib my baby was the bib I had when I was a baby. After I feed you dinner, I have a surprise for you." Gulliver thought what surprise is she talking about. Just wait until I escape you stupid amazonian woman. Then Gulliver saw the giantess go into the kitchen. Suddenly Gulliver thought she is now distracted nows my chance to get out of this high chair. Gulliver tryed to get the buckles to unlatch, but no luck. Then suddenly Gulliver saw the giantess with a bowl and spoon in one hand and in the other a pair of clippers and a bowl. Gulliver thought what is the bowl and the clippers for, but he thought that it could not be the surprise she was talking about. Gullivers hair was long, but didn't need a haircut. Then the giantess put the clippers and empty bowl on the table and put his dinner on the high chair tray. Suddenly Gulliver saw the giantess turned to face him and sat down in front of him. Gulliver looked at the food in front of him and he could smell the food was bad. Giantess said "this my sweet baby is super good. This is cereal and your going to eat it all like a good baby and then after you eat, I have a surprise for you." Then suddenly Gulliver got a kiss on the forehead after she said all of that. Gulliver hated cereal. The cereal in the bowl looked just like back home. Giantess said " now open wide my sweet? Here comes the Choo Choo train." After the baby talks Gulliver kept his mouth closed. Gulliver was not going to give in to her. Suddenly Gulliver saw the giantess start to tickle him. Once the food got into Gulliver mouth it tasted weird, but then Gulliver spitted the food right out on to her shirt. Gulliver felt victory, but victory was short lived. Gulliver the giantess was not very happy camper about that. The giantess said" baby that was not a very naughty thing to do, but I am not going to let you out of this high chair until you have that bowl empty. Plus after your surprise I am going to give you a spanking and then you are going down for a nap in your playpen, and then bed time in you crib." Gulliver didn't like this one bit. After dinner was over and the food was off this face, Gulliver got his surprise. Giantess said" so my baby I noticed your hair was long and I have decided to give you a haircut, but not just any haircut it is one of my favorites a bowlcut, but since you decided to spit your dinner in my face, I have decided to cancel that option and shave your head bald. After that I have a teddy bear bonnet for you to wear." Suddenly the giantess was back behind the high chair with a shaver and the clippers. Gulliver thought this was insane. Plus he didn't want his hair to be gone. After the haircut was done and the bonnet was put on top of his head. The giantess showed Gulliver in a hand mirror of the finished work. Gulliver looked at him self and he looked like a complete baby. Suddenly Gulliver saw the giantess come in front of him and unbuckled him for the high chair. Once Gulliver was out of the high chair and carried in her arms, he asked the giantess " so mommy I guess? Are you still going to spank me?" The giantess looked at him and said "No my baby your bald haircut was the punishment, but I am going to put you down for a little quiet time in your playpen, so mommy can clean the kitchen up and when I get done I am putting you to bed." Gulliver felt well at least I am not getting a spanking. Suddenly Gulliver felt the giantess stop at the playpen and she deposited Gulliver down into it. The playpen was like the one in rugrats that you had to use a screw driver to get out. Gulliver was getting so sick and tired of all of this babying. After a while of planing different was to escape. Gulliver saw a teddy bear with a tool belt on his waist. Gulliver thought yes finally I am out of here, and then I have to crawl to the front door and get the front door unlocked. After Gulliver got the playpen gate opened, he checked to make sure it was clear and it was, he could hear the giantess still in the kitchen. Once Gulliver crawled as fast as he could to the front door, he thought how do babies just go with all of this. He thought babies had it easy, but he was wrong. After Gulliver got to the door he saw a chair right nexts to it and pushed the chair in front of the door to get it unlocked, but then Gulliver felt horrible in his stomach and it felt weird. Gulliver then farted and felt a huge mush fall right into his diaper. Gulliver felt so embarrassed and couldn't believe that he pooped right in a baby newborn diaper, but the worst was yet to come. Gulliver saw a shadow above him and he turned around and the giantess was back. Giantess said" well well well look what we got here. I smell a dirty diaper and I see my baby at the front door. Naughty, very very very naughty baby." "Now you need a spanking and a diaper change before bed." Suddenly Gulliver got picked up and bought over to a chair and she gave Gulliver 12 spankings for trying to escape. After the spankings was done the giantess carried Gulliver to the nursery for a diaper change. Once in the nursery the giantess layed Gulliver on the changing table and got out another newborn pamper. Giantess said" what a smelly baby you are, yes you are, yes you are. I hope you learned your lesson in trying to escape, that was a very very very naughty thing to do and dangerous, you could of fell and got hurt." After the giantess got Gulliver all diapered again she picked Gulliver up and carried him to the crib. Once Gulliver was deposited into the crib, Gulliver saw the giantess bring up the rails and locked it. Once the crib was locked Gulliver standed up and looked at the giantess and said" look lady I am getting sick and tired of you treating me like this now let me out. I am not going to sleep in this crib." Giantess said" first of all I am mommy and you will call me that. Second you are my baby and I love you. Finally third you are going to sleep, so night night my baby, tomorrow is going to be fun. After I feed you breakfast and then we are going to the park to play." Gulliver thought this was crazy and insane, bit he got a idea. There was a playground right nexts to the information center and the water was not that far away, Second chance to escape. Before the giantess left the room, Gulliver saw she grab something off the changing table. The giantess walked up to the crib and said" I have a gift for you my baby, this pacifier was my pacifier when I was a baby and now it is yours." Gulliver looked up and thought gross. The giantess showed Gulliver the front of it and I had a word on it that said girl. Gulliver felt a yawn and before he could react the giantess shoved the pacifier right into his mouth. Gulliver tryed to spit it out, but it was no use. It was like it was glued to his mouth, but with it being giant sized it was no use to spit it out. After the giantess felt victory she turned out the lights and walked out of the nursery. Gulliver was so pissed off now a girl pacifier, what nexts a pink dress? The nexts morning Gulliver felt something wet and smelly, he couldn't believe that he pissed right in a diaper and at night know less. Then suddenly Gulliver saw the giantess come right into the nursery with a bottle of milk. Giantess said" good morning my baby how did you sleep? I smell someone wet there diaper?" Then suddenly Gulliver saw the giantess unlock the crib and the rail went down. Then Gulliver got picked up and taken to the rocking chair. The giantess took the pacifier out of Gullivers mouth. Giantess said" now before I change you and get you ready for the park. I need you to open up this is your breakfast." Gulliver was then cradled in her arms and felt the tit of the bottle get put into his mouth. Gulliver was not a fan of milk. The milk was OK it tasted interesting. Giantess said "is that good baby? I hope you love it. It is good for a growing baby like you, but unfortunately you won't be growing up, you will be staying a baby forever, because you see that closet that is filled with diapers? Well I have a secret for you my little baby. I am not going to potty train you. You are going to be in diapers forever and ever. Isn't that great?" Gulliver felt sick to his stomach after hearing all of that while being nursed. Once Gulliver was done with the bottle. Gulliver got picked back up and put over the giantess shoulder to be burped. Gulliver thought what the hell is she doing. Then suddenly Gulliver felt the giantess pat his back and Gulliver delivered a big burp. Gulliver felt so stupid and embarrassed. Once the giantess was very happy she carried Gulliver to the changing table to get dressed. When Gulliver was layed on the changing table the giantess got him out of the pajamas and put him into a new diaper. Suddenly the giantess went to the closet to pick a outfit for the park. The giantess picked up a pink dress with Mary Jane shoes and picked up the the pacifier as well. Suddenly Gulliver saw the giantess return to the changing table with the pink dress. Gulliver hook his had and said" hell no, I am not wearing a dress I am not a girl and that is final lady." Giantess said" don't call my lady, you know my name is mommy and Second I think you would be super cute in the dress. Plus you looked super cute with my pacifier in your mouth last night. Speaking of that look what I have? Now open up it is pacifier time." Before Gulliver could react the giantess put it in his mouth again. After of struggling to get dressed the giantess had him looking super cute. Once the pink dress was on and mary Jane shoes was put on, Gulliver felt very pissed off now, but then the giantess walked back to the closet and brought out a pink and blue stroller. Giantess said" you look super cute I could just eat you up. Now my baby it is time to take a stroll to the park." Suddenly Gulliver was picked up off the changing table and into the stroller. Before Gulliver could react the giantess was right in front of the stroller and got him buckled up. Gulliver tryed to get out, but no use. Then Gulliver saw the giantess grab a diaper bag, Gulliver couldn't believe this. After they got out of the nursery and down to the front door, the giantess unlocked the door and the she wheeled the stroller outside. After a few minutes of strolling down the street Gulliver felt the stroller stop and he thought that we must be at the park and we was at the park. Gulliver could hear different kids screaming and playing. Then suddenly Gulliver saw the giantess step right in front of the stroller looking down and said " is my baby ready to have some fun? Yes he is, yes he is. Suddenly Gulliver got was getting unbuckled and taken out of the stroller. Gulliver saw that the park was very nice place, but he had a plan to get escape. The giantess carried Gulliver to a sandbox with different sand toys to play with. Gulliver thought this was stupid. Giantess said "now baby you stay right here and play I will be over at the bench if you need me. Then in a while it will be time for a nap." Gulliver said" I will be fine and I don't need a nap mommy." After the giantess left Gulliver saw she grab a book out of stroller that said first time mommies on the cover. After of playing in the sand Gulliver looked over at the bench and with the book she was distracted. Gulliver got out of the sandbox and on to the grass. Once Gulliver got on the grass he thought, this is now my chance to get out of here. Gulliver wadded as fast as he could out of the park and on to the side walk. Then suddenly Gulliver heard wear is my baby? Gulliver thought this is not good, if I don't get away now I will be stuck in diapers forever. Then Gulliver saw the dock and the water right in front of him. Then Gulliver turned around and saw the giantess running to him. Gulliver thought I am doomed it is now or never. Suddenly the information guy came out to see what is going on and said " go get away from here, I will distract her go. Nice dress and diaper by the way." Gulliver said" thank you I should have listened to you. She is crazy you do the same say away from her." Once Gulliver got down to the boat, he thought I can't believe my boat is still here and in one piece. Plus I feel bad for the information guy thanks to him I can finally get off this island and out of this baby clothes and this diaper. Once Gulliver got on the boat, the boat started right up and Gulliver could hear loud crying. It serves her right for what she did to me now I am free. Once Gulliver was on the water again it was finally time to go home and for get about this place. Gulliver stopped the boat and got out of the baby clothes and the stupid baby newborn diaper. Once Gulliver was dressed he stated sailing of again back to Bermuda and safely back home or so he thought! After of sailing again he finally made it back to the Bermuda docks again, and got all of his things and headed back to his apartment and back to his home town. Suddenly Gulliver bumped right into jewels vern. Jewels vern said"gulliver so nice to see you again. I hope you are doing good." Gulliver thought good ya right. Gulliver said" I am far from doing good sir. I have a new story for you and it will blow your mind." Jewels vern looked at him and said" I would love to hear it Gulliver. I am in a rut and need a new story, let's take a walk to my office and chat." Gulliver was so happy to be back with normal people again. Warning don't trust scams or scammers. The end.
  12. Hi guys! Here's my story for the The 4th Kasarberang Story Contest! The NON-CONtest #4 The story follows Emily, a young and chaotic woman who had recently began to work in a tech company. There, she meets David, the head of Software Development. He's cute and shy and lonely. Everything Emily's been looking for in a man...well, in her future adult baby. The story contains unwilling/forced regression, breastfedding, messy accidents, cum milking, and more. Hope you enjoy! PS: The story is already been completed. But I leave the ending open in case I might want to revisit the character for a sequel. David's Unwilling Regression Emily couldn’t stop looking through the window. The view from the Human Resources office was impressive, with skyscrapers rising almost as tall as the one she found herself in. Why had Sarah called her in? At twenty-four, Emily had never really gotten in trouble before. She had a sweet face, the kind that made people feel comfortable around her. With her bubbly disposition and pinkish hair, she was able to charm her way out of most situations. Many would describe Emily as wholesome if only they knew. The door opened suddenly. "Emily Andrews, right?" asked a stern female voice. Emily turned. Sarah was looking at her through thick-rimmed glasses, her short blonde hair perfectly styled, her navy-blue blazer impeccably tailored. Although she was over twenty years older than Emily, Sarah didn't look older than thirty-five even if she was closer to fifty. "That's right," Emily said, “Morning, ma’am.” There was a moment of silence before Sarah spoke. "Please take a seat," said Sarah with an air of superiority in her voice. If there was something Emily hated the most, it was pretentious people who thought they were better than her. "Do you know why you were called here?" asked Sarah, once again, in a tone of superiority that Emily couldn’t stand. At that moment, the young woman made a mental note. After David, she would help Sarah rediscover her babyhood. The thought of them sleeping together in a crib was exciting. "I assume it is about David," said Emily. "Indeed." “David Carter was our head of software development. That’s an important position in a tech company.” “Excuse me, ma’am. But can you be more straightforward? I don’t need to be told about David’s…I mean…Mr. Carter’s resume,” Emily said, knowing quite well now why she was there. It wasn't every day that the head of Human Resources had to deal with an employee's potty accident. It had only taken Emily a month to turn David from a shy boss to a cute diapered boy, and she couldn’t be more proud of herself. From the very first moment she saw him, Emily knew it was meant to be. There he was, walking with his perfectly ironed suit and tie, trying hard to command respect. She had started working at the company as the new social media manager that week. Twenty-four and ambitious, she couldn't help but notice David's boyish look. Although he was well in his thirties, David still had that baby fat around his cheeks that made him look so cute. She had never told anyone, but ever since she could remember, she had imagined herself as someone's Mommy. It clicked then, when she first saw David, that he was perfect for the role. "Apparently these bathroom accidents…" Sarah paused and Emily had to force herself not to chuckle, "...started when you began working here. That's what his co-workers assume. Of course, no one in their right mind would think you had anything to do with it, right?" Emily smirked, "I might've been an enabler. But it was not my doing." "Enabler?" "You see, David, he had never really liked the idea of being an adult." "Excuse me, can you repeat that?" "Well, when we started talking, it came out that he had a thing for feeling small. If you know what I mean..." "Feeling small?" asked Sarah incredulously. "You see, David seems to like to be treated like, well, like a baby. And I'm afraid I may have encouraged that." "You mean..." "Diapers, onesies, bottles. You know, that sort." "How? How did you encourage something like that?" asked Sarah, and Emily could see genuine curiosity behind her eyes. Emily smiled with mischief behind her eyes. Chapter One During Emily's first day at her new job, she had noticed a man in his thirties often alone. He was cute and she couldn't stop thinking about him wearing a diaper and begging for Mommy's breasts. So one day, she sat at the same table where David was eating a burger and fries. The poor man was so confused when Emily smiled at him and asked him about his day. It was as if something lit up behind his eyes. Boys, after all, felt lonely most of the time. Emily hated that. In her mind, if she could diaper them all and make them feel special, she would. They talked about his work, and when that was over, she turned the conversation to video games and movies. It was so cute to see him so happy about his PS5 and his computer, which he had built himself, mind you... After that first day, Emily would sit with David every day for lunch, and they would talk the entire time. Once she had his trust and attention, Emily decided she needed to begin the next stage of her plan. “So, David,” she told him with a flirtatious smile, “I’ve noticed you don’t drink enough water throughout the day.” David blushed, “I’m not a big fan of water.” “But it’s so important to remain hydrated.” “I know, but…” She placed her hands on his, “Look, we are friends, right?” David nodded. "Then let me help you." David's eyes lit up. Of course, this little boy would feel special with Mommy's gentle touch. Even if he didn't know Emily was his Mommy yet. Perhaps it had been a long time since someone showed him this kind of attention. “I don’t know…” “Our offices are not that far, right? Tell you what, I’ll be dropping by every now and then with water for you.” “You will?” “And I swear it’s not just an excuse to visit you, silly.” She gave him a wink. True to her word, Emily would visit David's office every day with a bottle of water. Sometimes, she would even go twice a day. Of course, she knew there was no way David would have a potty accident just by drinking lots of water. But thanks to this new routine, she spotted him rushing to the bathroom more often. It was time for the next phase of her plan. A simple, yet strong diuretic in David’s water was all she needed. “So, how have you been?” asked Emily that day, entering David’s office. “Oh, hi Emily. Just had a lot of work, I’m sorry I can’t give you much time today. There’s a big meeting in thirty minutes.” “No worries. I just came to make sure you keep yourself hydrated and wish you luck.” “You can leave the water over my desk.” “No Mr. I ain’t leaving until I see you drink it. You know the drill.” “It’s really not a good time…” “No buts.” “Emily, please. I don’t want to be rude.” But Emily wasn’t going to accept a no for an answer. She pressed and pressed until David agreed. He drank as much water as he could just to send Emily away. “See you at lunch?” asked Emily. David nodded and went back to his work, feeling a bit overwhelmed by Emily's insistence but also touched by her concern. Emily left shortly after, but her eyes were glued to David’s office. It would be a stroke of luck if his first potty accident was in front of everyone. One by one, people entered the office. That must’ve been the meeting David was talking about and a sadistic smile formed on her face. She waited patiently for a minute, then ten, then almost thirty minutes when the door broke open, and David rushed out in desperation. Of course, Emily followed him. A sobbing little mess welcomed her in the bathroom. Emily had to act as if it had been a surprise. “David? Is that you? What happened?” David didn’t answer. "David?" He just kept sobbing, overwhelmed with humiliation and shame. Emily had to fight a smile as she saw just how wet David was. She kneeled next to him, “Look, it’s an accident. It can happen to anyone.” “But I’m an adult,” said David in between sobs. He couldn't believe this was happening to him. “Adults can have accidents too. Why don’t you leave work early today? Go back to your place and get yourself clean. How’s that sound?” Patience was key, and even if she wanted to get him clean herself, she knew she couldn't. She couldn’t just take him by the hand and diaper him just yet. Not yet… “But my meeting…” “I’ll make an excuse for you. Just get to your car. Okay?” David nodded, feeling grateful for Emily's understanding. “But how am I going to get to the parking lot like this?” “Your pants are dark enough that it shouldn’t notice too much. Just walk fast and don’t stop, alright?” David nodded again. After that first incident, Emily just needed to be consistent. It happened again, and again. To the point that she started carrying new pants and underwear for David in case he had an accident. Finally, when it happened for the tenth time, she made her move. “Listen, David…” she started as she walked into his office, closing the door behind her, “I think we should have a talk…” “About?” “About your little issue…” David blushed. He had tried everything to stop these accidents, but nothing seemed to work. “Oh. I’m sorry about that. But the doctor told me there’s nothing wrong with me, so it might be just stress. That’s why I’ve been meditating and doing yoga and…” “That’s wonderful, but I don’t think it’s healthy for you to be peeing yourself all the time. And don’t get me wrong, you’re a great guy and I don’t mind helping you when it happens. But you’re a boss here, and if people find out…” David blushed even redder, “They can’t...” "And they won't. I promise. But we need to do something." "I don't know what else to do." "Well, have you thought about protection?" Emily thought David couldn't go any redder. She was wrong. "What do you mean by protection?" Emily explained her idea, and of course, David hated it at first. But that's why patience pays off. She simply had to point out every accident he had had in the last few weeks and just how difficult it had gotten to keep it a secret from everyone in the company. "But diapers are for babies..." "Then why do they make adult diapers?" asked Emily and David had no answer for that question. There was a moment of silence before he agreed to it. "Great," said Emily, closing the door to David's office so that no one could come in or see what would happen inside. "Let's start now. Okay?" "Now now?" "Yes..." said Emily, and she pulled a large white diaper from her backpack. "I don't know your size, but I think this one should do the trick." David blushed. "What are you doing?!" he asked when Emily stripped him of his pants and underwear. "Shhh," she said, "Or people will get suspicious." "But..." "Do you know how to put one yourself?" she asked, now getting impatient. And perhaps David felt that shift in her energy because he simply shook his head and looked down. Gently, Emily laid David over a changing mat she had procured from her backpack. The poor boss didn't know what to say or how to resist, so he just went along with it. Emily took the diaper and opened it, placing the soft, white padding against David's skin. For David, the whole process felt peculiar, but not unpleasant. He was too overwhelmed to express himself, and Emily noticed it. "We'll take it one step at a time," she told him, "Is that okay?" David nodded. "Good, now put your pants on. And if you need a change, just come to me..." "A change?" "Well, it's bound to happen. And I don't trust you to change yourself, Mr. Potty Pants. Besides, we want to avoid leaks, right?" David blushed and Emily smiled inside. It had begun, and David's regression would not stop. Soon, she will have him incontinent and docile. He would beg her to move in with him and then that would be it, David would be hers forever. Chapter Two David's first week back in diapers was full of surprises. The very first moment the thick padding touched his skin had been full of emotions he couldn't understand. Yes, there was shame in the mix, but also a sense of comfort he hadn't known before. It was strange, and Emily was strange. What had begun as mere friendship had turned into a bizarre dynamic he both hated and craved. Emily would come to his office at least twice a day to check his diaper. Often, she would do it when there was no one. One time, however, Emily did it right in front of David's assistant, Madeline. Cute girl a bit older than Emily herself. David turned as red as a tomato as he felt Emily's fingers against the waistband of his diaper. "All dry," said Emily, "Good job." "What's going on?" asked Madeline, fighting a giggle, "Boss?" "It's just a joke we have," said David, blushing. "Yeah," said Emily, chuckling, "Just a joke." Madeline didn't seem convinced, but she didn't press the matter. David could feel her eyes on him as he returned to his work, but the week continued with no other incidents until his second meeting on a Friday afternoon. He couldn't concentrate on anything but a strange, unsettling sensation that had begun to build in the pit of his stomach. It wasn't long before he found himself making excuses to leave the conference room and rush to the bathroom. The shame of pooping himself while everyone around him was discussing financial projections was overwhelming. It made him feel like a little boy in kindergarten instead of the big boss he really was. He made it to the bathroom... But it was too late by the time he pulled his pants down. Right there, his bowels let loose, filling every inch of his diaper. Speechless, David couldn't do anything but move around to allow the mess to spread equally. The sensation was even stronger than whenever he peed himself; when it was over, he couldn't help but sob a little as he realized what he had done. Those shameful tears were met with Emily’s gentle hand stroking his arm. "Shh, it's okay," she said softly. "Now tell me, what's that smell?" David wrinkled his nose, knowing quite well what that smell was. "I... I had an accident." He felt so tiny under Emily's watchful gaze, and the fact that she saw him in this vulnerable state made him squirm. Yet, instead of scolding him or making a snide remark, Emily gently patted his arm as if to comfort him. "Shh, it's okay," she whispered soothingly, "That's why diapers are so perfect for you. As soon as I change you into a fresh one, we will forget this ever happened." For a second, David's shame faded. Was Emily for real? Did she truly didn't care about the mess he had just made? He didn't need an answer. The young woman locked the bathroom door and procured a changing mat, changing supplies, and another diaper from her bag. "Don't worry. I'm here for you..." said Emily as David tried to complain. "But I'm not a baby..." If he wasn't one, he sure made a good impression of a toddler in need of his Mommy. Emily cleaned him thoroughly before applying some baby powder all over his private parts and locking him back in a diaper. "See? All clean and ready to keep going with your day." She tap-tapped his fresh diaper with a satisfied smile. "You know I've been thinking...maybe we can hang out outside of this work environment one day. you could show me your video games if you want." David gulped, his heart racing at the thought of having a girl over. It had not happened in a while, and he wasn't sure if it would be a good idea. But Emily had been so caring and understanding...the least he could do was accept. "Great! I'll see you after work later." "You mean tonight?" "Of course, you silly." As Emily walked out of the bathroom, she chuckled to herself. It would happen soon. She only needed to push a few more boundaries and David would become hers. He didn't know it, but with his first messy accident, David had practically sealed his fate. No protests. No nothing. He had allowed her to take full control and it was all due to patience. That night, they met in the parking lot and used David's car to get to his home. Emily, ever-assertive, insisted on driving despite David's attempt to take the wheel. It was a beautiful summer evening, and their destination, David's spacious modern apartment, was only a few miles away. "Before we start, are you in need of a change?" Blushing, David shook his head. "Well, I'm not sure you can be trusted with that, though. Why don't you remove your pants?" "What?! "You heard me..." "I'm not doing that." "I'm not starting the car until you do." "But..." "I can't believe it," said Emily, playing her part masterfully, "After everything I've done for you..." She opened the door of the car and was about ready to leave when David stopped her. "Wait...I'll do it." "Really?" He nodded. "No one will see. But it will help know when you need a change." David blushed as he removed his pants. The drive to David's home was fast. Emily could barely focus on anything besides the sight of the growing bulge in David's diaper. She felt an inexplicable mix of excitement and awe. It was obvious to her that David couldn't think about anything else but his current situation. He even peed himself a little and blushed when he did because Emily saw the entire thing happen. "Ow, that's okay. That's what diapers are for." David blushed and looked away. "I don't mind. I don't mind at all." "But why? I'm an adult. I'm older than you. I shouldn't be..." he paused, "But you are, and I don't mind. Isn't that enough?" He blushed once more, looking so cute Emily couldn't think of anything but grab his wet diapered crotch and kiss him. "Do you really like me?" "More than you think." Once they arrived, Emily parked the car in an underground garage and led David to the elevator. David followed her silently, wondering what Emily had in store for him. He was already nervous, but her mere presence made him feel oddly tranquil as though everything would be fine. When they reached his apartment, she walked directly to the living room and placed her bag on the coffee table. She looked around and did a quick scan of the room. It was done in neutral colors with a sofa and an armchair in front of a TV stand that seemed almost too big for the room. "Sit with me," said Emily, pulling David over her lap. She unbuttoned his dress shirt slowly, exposing his smooth, pale skin. For a moment, it felt like she was peeling away a layer that had kept him hidden for far too long. Her fingers traced the ridges of his spine down to his lower back, and she gently tugged on the waistband of his diaper. "Emily... I don't think..." David trailed off. He wanted to resist, to stand up and take control. But he didn't... Here he was, an adult, sitting over a young woman's lap while he wore nothing but a used diaper. It would be a humiliating moment, if not for the fact that Emily didn't seem to be bothered by it. If anything, she was quite interested in touching his diaper whenever possible. That's why David did nothing when she first touched his padded crotch. He didn't even flinch as Emily'd soft fingertips caressed the barrier between his legs, tracing the contours of his diaper. "Wait..." "Shhh..." said Emily as with her free hand, she placed her thumb inside his mouth. "Suck on this." David hesitated for a moment but did as he was told. He sucked as Emily rubbed the front of his wet padding, and as he increased the rhythm of his sucking, Emily rubbed faster. It didn't take much longer for David to cum inside his wet prison as he did, he began sobbing. "Good boy," she whispered, kissing him gently. "That's okay. You did okay." The shame of what he did combined with the pleasure of it all broke him for a minute. And when he came back to reality, Emily had already changed him into a fresh new diaper. She gave him a small smile and a reassuring pat on the backside before helping him stand up. He blushed as he did. Emily chuckled at his embarrassment but didn't say anything. Instead, she walked over to his kitchen a poured herself a glass of wine. "I think we should have a little talk..." said Emily. David didn't know what to say, so he said nothing. "I've been thinking for a while now. It doesn't really seem like you are getting better with your potty accidents." she paused to notice David blushing when she called her incident potty accidents, "Don't get me wrong. Don't panic. I truly don't care. In fact, I kinda enjoy changing your stinky diaper today. So I've been thinking that you and I should date. What do you think? Do you want to be my boyfriend?" David was confused. The conversation had turned out to be something he wasn't expecting at all. He wondered if he had misheard her, but Emily's gaze was earnest. She sat there, waiting for his answer, so he swallowed the lump in his throat and slowly nodded. "But Emily, I'm an incontinent almost-middle-aged man in diapers. Why me?" Emily chuckled softly. "Because I like you, you silly baby. I don't mind changing your diapers. However, there's one thing I want from you if we start dating." "What's that?" "I'm the one that changes your diapers, that puts me in charge of you. So, I want to be fully in charge." "What do you mean?" "As long as we are together, I wear the pants in the relationship; you, well, you wear the diapers." David blushed. "So, what do you say?" asked Emily, "Would you like to be my baby boyfriend?" Chapter Three Emily had made it clear that David wasn't in charge anymore at least not outside his role in the company. So when David accepted her offer and became her boyfriend, things changed rather quickly. It started with small things, like choosing his wardrobe for the day or deciding what he would eat; even how much time he had for playing video games after work. She had even taken over the spare room, "I'm only doing a minor remodeling. It will be a surprise," she told him one day. As for David, he was completely under her control at home and in the office. "Now, who needs a change?" Emily would ask every single time and David would blush and answer, "Me." That was his favorite part, diaper changes. It had become a ritual for the two of them. Every time, Emily would gently clean every inch of his diaper area, and when she was over, she would give her baby boy a treat. With her gentle fingers, she would often massage David's prostate, milking him into submission. It was all part of her plan, though. Soon David would associate diapers and Emily with sexual pleasure. It had all worked out, and David was ready for the final stage of her plan. The moment when he would choose to be a diapered baby instead of a man. One morning, after getting David ready for work, Emily gave her baby boy a bottle of milk with something extra. A subtle yet powerful laxative. David didn't protest or argue, he simply drank the bottle full of milk and they were on their way to work. It was an important day for David, he was to make a presentation for the CEO and he was ready and determined to show his skills and talents. Emily found it cute and wholesome, and she would tease him about it. "Well, good luck. And if you need me to change you after your presentation, I'll be in your office." David blushed and said, "Thanks..." Soon, David found himself in the conference room. A fresh diaper under his suit made him feel secure that he would nail that presentation. But as he faced the CEO and his coworkers, David felt a mix of anxiety and horror when his tummy let out a loud grumble. The women present giggled at it, which only served to make David blush. "We are waiting for you, David," said the CEO, a woman of his age with a kind face but David knew she was anything but kind. "Right..." he stuttered. David felt the pressure building in his abdomen as he tried to keep his composure. He couldn't focus on his presentation, and instead of giving his best, he was just trying to keep it all together. The CEO cleared his throat, and David felt his heart race. With trembling hands, he continued his presentation, but the pressure in his abdomen only increased. It was impossible to ignore the sensation as his stomach rumbled again. This time, the women in the room couldn't hold back their laughter, and it took every ounce of restraint for David not to run out of the room. "Are you alright, David?" asked the CEO, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm just a little nervous," David replied, trying to regain control of the situation. "Pull it together. Jesus Christ, you're a man. If you need to use the restroom just go." said the CEO, glaring at David. But just as he was about to continue, his stomach rumbled one last time. As far as he was concerned, that was it. David stood there as he filled his diaper with the most explosive diarrhea ever. It was a forceful release that made him blush from head to toe. Then...silence...and all of a sudden laughter, echoing through every corner of the room. The CEO's eyes widened, and she covered her face with her hand. Heat surged through David's cheeks as he felt every ounce of his dignity and authority draining away. Looks Like the Baby's Made a Messy. Someone Clena Him, it Stinks In Here. Pathetic. And those were just some of the words David could hear as he remained speechless and immobile. "Fuck's sake. Who thought you were a good fit for this company?" asked the CEO with a harsh and severe tone. "Get the fuck out of my sight." David nodded, but as he moved, his pants gave away, falling to the ground, revealing his completely messed diaper. Now even the CEO was laughing, and David started sobbing, craving for the comfort of Emily's arms. It was the most humiliated he had ever been... Something broke inside David that day. After Emily found him, she took him back home in his messy diaper and shirt, exposing him further to everyone in the office as they walked to the parking lot. David was sobbing and looking down, allowing himself to be dragged by his younger girlfriend. As they walked, people muttered and whispered and pointed and laughed. For David, it was the worst moment in his life. For Emily, it was the beginning of the life she had always wanted. Back at home, Emily cleaned her adult baby boy. "Honey, I think you're not ready to be an adult yet...." she said, and David didn't argue. "From now on, I'm taking care of your every need. Understood?" David said nothing. "Good. Let's put you for a nap. You must be exhausted from this horrible experience." She took him to the spare bedroom, where she had already set up a changing table, a crib big enough for him, and downs of other baby items. Once again, David said nothing. He just allowed Emily to place him inside the crib as she kissed him goodnight and gave him a pacifier. That was it for David. He never recovered from the humiliation. Emily insisted he should forget about work and stay with her. That she could provide for the two of them and he didn't need any more responsibilities. David never again spoke and he would often find himself zoning out as he played with toys and watched cartoons. It was a few days later that Emily was called to the Human Resources office. Sarah was speechless as Emily told her the lie about how David had asked, even begged, to be put in diapers. How she had found it cute back then and agreed, and then she said, He now lives a very happy life. I can show you some pictures," “I don’t think that would be appropriate,” said Sarah, who for some reason, couldn’t look at Emily in the eyes. “I must assume that he won’t be coming back to work.” “I mean, I could bring him here. But he gets bored very easily now and the office doesn’t offer a nursery area or babysitters. But if you really are worried, why don’t you come with me? I bet he would love to see a friendly face.” Emily said to Sarah, planning, even then, for a baby sister for her baby boy. Sarah blushed, "Really?" Emily smiled at Sarah with malice behind her eyes. Unknown to the older woman, Emily had already started her plan to regress her from the Head of Human Resources to a babbling baby in need of her Mommy. Emily wondered if she could break her record and turn Sarah into a baby in less than a few weeks. "It would be fun. Think about it," said Emily with a sweet and reassuring tone.
  13. Well, this is my first ever story for a contest - in particular, this is for Kasarberang's fourth contest, and I'll post the link at the bottom. Anyway, without further ado, welcome to the show! - Chapter One: Sentencing - Ferne Beliveau had presented her closing arguments this Sunday of the capital murder trial with confidence, poise, and the expertise of a long-time professional - which was shocking, since she was the youngest (and newest) District Attorney in the history of Louisiana (all of Louisiana, not just New Orleans, her district) at the tender age of twenty-nine, having been in law school since she was seventeen. She was certain the man before her would be convicted by the jury, who had finished deliberations and were standing before the judge. “Have you reached a verdict?” Judge Anderson, a tired old man with little shock-white hair remaining on his nearly bald head, asked. “We have, Your Honor,” the forewoman said. “What say you?” “We the jury, in the case of the State of Louisiana vs. Hedges, find the defendant unanimously guilty on the charges of capital murder and armed robbery in the first degree.” Ferne looked at Tevin Hedges, a Black teenager, who mouthed, “I ain’t done nothin’,” in disbelief, tears pouring from his eyes, the defense attorneys bowing their heads in shock and guilt. She loved every moment of it. Crushing the hopes and dreams of these men was sweet nectar and ambrosia to her. So what if they were innocent? It looked good on her record. Besides, they deserve nothing less for being criminal scum. “Thank you, Jury, for your service today. Court is adjourned.” Ferne left with the various legal documents in her hands, a bounce in her step, her heels clicking on the floor, as she strode towards the exits. She had almost reached it before she was bumped into, a foul-smelling liquid spilling on her expensive white pantsuit. “Watch where you’re going!” she spat at the offending party: a tall middle-aged woman with long straw-blonde hair and green eyes that were glaring at her coldly. “Perhaps you should be more careful, young lady,” the older woman said in a dialect that was clearly Irish, the glare not leaving her eyes, a familiar look. Ferne huffed a bit, ignoring the woman (had she seen her before? No matter; she had more important things to worry about.) as she went to the restroom to clean up. Whatever liquid (probably liquor) was spilled on her had absorbed itself into her skin, and yet…it wasn’t wet. Definitely going to shower after this, she thought furiously, as she washed her hands, peering into the mirror to see her beautiful light brunette hair smartly tucked in a bun, her twinkling ice-blue eyes, the smug look on her face like the cat who ate the canary. The only thing she hated about her appearance was her size: she was barely 4’10” with a small bust to match. “Hello, Ferne,” a voice said next to her. She was joined by her, well, nobody was exactly a rival to her, but her closest competitor, Taneka Stevens, her ebony complexion, long braids, and still-heavyset figure and giant bust from a very recent childbirth contrasting sharply with Ferne’s toned alabaster skin. The other woman was already washing her hands. “Well, hello, Tannypack,” Ferne replied snootily. “Glad I could have your help on the Hedges case, for what little you did.” Stevens didn’t back down, annoying the younger woman. She was the only one who didn’t back down from her “Bitch-mode” amongst her subordinates - something she was going to have to change. “You know the kid was innocent, right?” Stevens said with a sigh. “We’re not the ones to decide guilt; that’s the job of the jury,” Ferne chided. “Maybe having a kid sapped a bit of your brain in the process?” “Why are you the way you are?” She brushed off the question, ignoring how much it hurt inwardly. “You mean a successful head District Attorney in Louisiana’s biggest parish? Maybe you should try it sometime, Tannypack; it might make you less stupid.” “Never mind. I see how you’re choosing to act.” Stevens left, leaving Ferne to her thoughts. What a stupid whore, choosing to get knocked up over the opportunity of being District Attorney. Her phone buzzed in the pocket of her ruined pantsuit, and she looked at the text. Her stupid ex, Mae Jung-Sook, was the guilty party. Hey, I need you to come to court for child services. Urgent, much love! She rolled her eyes and responded. Did you drink bleach? We’re both women, and there was no child. Fuck off. The next text quickly showed up. It’s about guardianship, power-of-attorney. If you back out now, they’ll assume the child isn’t old enough to be their own legal guardian and POA falls into my hands. Please, dear, last chance to back out. Ferne rolled her eyes. Classic manipulation tactic. You can do whatever the fuck you want with your brat, bitch. For the last time, fuck off! It’s over! In fact, I don’t think there ever was anything between us! Goodbye! She blocked the number on her phone. If Mae was going to be manipulative, she didn’t need her in her life. What a fucking day… Ferne decided to go back home to change; she couldn’t exactly go out for a night on the town in a dirty pantsuit. She saw the Irish woman standing outside the bathroom, her stare making the DA feel a bit uncomfortable, and once again, she had the strangest feeling she had seen her before. Doesn’t matter where I saw her. She’s not my type, anyway. She strode confidently into the parking lot, heedless and uncaring of the other people who were in her way, no matter who they were, as she got out her keys. Her Lexus was ready to go, the front door automatically opening for her (thank God for the money from her job). Ferne sidled in and closed the door, opening her purse that she had hidden in the backseat. It would be the biggest mistake of her life. She checked the open purse, making sure everything was there, seeing an odd canister spewing an odorless gas, barely feeling her eyes droop before everything went black. - Well, here's the link, as promised. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter:
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