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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Little Sherri

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Everything posted by Little Sherri

  1. That is steep. It's part of why I'm not a fan of pull-ups. Also, the ones we can get here mostly look like what you would envision a grandmother's panties to look like - not my, er, style. I don't know how much the Canadian diaper market crosses over with the Australian scene, but I will mention that I have drawn some luck from a rather unusual source; I think I told you before about the mystery box of sample diapers that got delivered to my door a couple of months ago, how it turned out to have been a prank, etc. Anyway, one of the diapers in that package - Prevail 360 Breezers - can be had here for about a dollar a diaper, basically, from a mail-order distributor, if you buy a case at a time. I've found them pretty reliable to about the 75% point, they're comfortable, and they are relatively slim, so I can wear them for daytime use under basically anything I own. They aren't much to look at - just a basic white diaper of the "breathable" variety, but the fasteners are tenacious and seemingly infinitely re-adjustable. They have elasticized wings (like a Pampers Cruiser) and stay snug, and they are quiet. I save my more expensive, bulky premium diapers for the evenings and when I have the house to myself and stealth is not a concern.
  2. This week, my family went away on an extended vacation, and I have the house to myself for about three weeks, so I happily put all my underwear into a bag in the closet, and am operating strictly out of my diaper drawer. I will have to dig out some boxers for the gym, otherwise I'd put them all in the basement or garage. I've been wearing diapers, say 95% X 24 X 7, since the end of March, roughly - I'm definitely past 90 days now. So, really, having a drawer full of underwear was somewhat decorative, primarily for my wife's benefit - she knows I wear diapers later in the evenings, and to bed, and I have been in a diaper in front of her late into the morning sometimes, but I haven't overtly stated or demonstrated that I am, in fact, wearing diapers most of the time. She's usually the one who sorts the laundry, so I am curious as to if she's noted that I am only going through two or three pairs of boxers a week these days. I am looking forward to being able to walk about the house in diapers for the next few weeks - other than in our bedroom, later in the evenings, when the kids are asleep, I typically always have something on over my diaper, but I love the feeling of wearing just a diaper. I am joining my family in their travels through Europe toward the end of the month for about 10 days, and I am contemplating only bringing diapers with me, in terms of underwear. It depends on if I envision ever getting a chance to go to a gym or not. If I'm not going to be working out, I don't need boxers with me, in theory, although in reality, that will take a leap of faith. I have taken some shorter trips already where I only brought diapers with me, but, on those trips, I could bring everything I needed with me, whereas on this trip, I will have to track nappies down locally as I go - there is no way I can carry enough. AND, whereas I know my local brands pretty well, and have found a nearly-perfect diaper to wear under my clothes during the day - one that is both reliable, comfortable, and that conceals well, over there, I will be flying, if you'll excuse the term, by the seat of my pants. What if the only diapers I can find are bulky, or loud, or if the only slim ones available aren't reliable? There are a lot of practical considerations.
  3. That's interesting - it's like your subconscious has now put nappies on the same status as having two feet and two hands - dreams will in all likelihood integrate this infrastructure, and a dream without it would be unusual. I haven't had dreams in which my diapers are just a background feature yet, or, really, any dreams about diapers at all, with one exception: I dreamed last week that I was wetting my diaper in bed, and I had the thought at one point that I better check into if I needed to change it, and then I woke up, but my diaper was dry. So, I dreamed about wetting my diaper, but didn't actually wet it, which is unusual, because, historically, when I was a kid, and even on rare occasions as an adult, if I had a dream that involved going #1 - peeing behind a bush, say, or reliving myself in a toilet after desperately needing to do so, that was a sure sign I had wet the bed. This week, my family went away on vacation, and I have the house to myself for about three weeks, and I happily put all my underwear into a bag in the closet, and am operating strictly out of my diaper drawer. One question for you: I saw the post about wearing a pull-up to the gym - how did that work, other than the failure afterwards? I would banish my underwear to the basement but for the fact that I will be at the gym a couple of times a week, and I have yet to find a diaper that can survive an extended run on the treadmill without either chafing, blowing apart, or both.
  4. I experienced a near-disaster today, and actually, I think that advice I got here is probably what saved me. I was trying a diaper for the first time - not a new type, but a new size: I have been wearing size medium Prevail 360's during the day because they conceal well under clothing, they are quiet, the fasteners are relentless, and they hold a fair bit for a relatively slim diaper. I decided to order a package of the large size, just to see how they fit - in a lot of diaper brands, my sizing straddles the line between medium and large. I meet the waist size criteria for "medium" but because of relatively large legs, the bottom tabs won't fasten or the diaper is tight. The Prevail mediums work for me because they have stretch side wings that compensate for my non-conforming anatomy. But I thought I'd give the large a try. I put the new diaper on last night just before bed; they are indeed very large, almost hitting the "bariatric" category in my opinion. Good Lord, how big are the XL's? The LG rose probably a third of the way up my back above my waist, but, the fasteners allowed me to adjust the fit. I also noted that the LG size were blue in the middle, and white at the sides, whereas the Med size were a uniform white - I think this plays into what happened. I pulled them really snug last night in the middle of the night, concerned about leak paths due to looseness - I recall thinking with some amazement that the side wings were close to meeting in the front. Well, this morning, my wife and I had an appointment we had to get to, so I hopped out of bed, and evaluated my nappy - pretty dry, no time for a shower right now, so, how does it look under somewhat baggy cargo shorts? The answer: my diaper wasn't obvious, in my opinion, so I threw a shirt on, and we headed out. Fast-forward a couple of hours, the appointment was concluded, I was sitting in the passenger seat of my wife's car, and it occurred to me that I hadn't been managing the dampness of my pants the way I usually did; I was concentrating on the meeting and had built up a bit of a need for a pee, which is an uncommon feeling for me these days, and I did relax and let the barriers come down, so to speak, but then, I had an ominous thought : how well did I really know this diaper? Did I trust it? The voices of some of you where whispering words of caution in my ear. In theory, it should have been at least as good as the medium size, and I trust that size, but, there had been no field testing. I clenched up and waited until we got home. Once in the house, I went into the washroom, sat on the tile floor, and let myself get into my usual relaxed state, where things almost start on their own. However, before I was finished, I was sitting in a puddle. How did such a large diaper breach containment after a relatively short life? On closer examination, I determined that the white wing components were glued to the blue core in a vertical seam on each side of the diaper, at about the 4 and 8 o'clock position, if my navel represents high noon. My pulling the tabs over until they almost met in the front, in an effort to snug up the diaper, had opened up about a 3 inch gap in this seam on each side, midway up my butt, and that's where the deluge escaped. The diaper hadn't reached capacity, but the breathable waterproof cover was blown. Had I trusted the diaper and let nature take its course in my wife's car, I think I might be asking if anyone has a room for rent right now...
  5. I started using a pacifier at night a couple of years ago. It took a little while to get used to it, but now I love it and I use one every night. I don't think I would sleep very well without it. I added a cute clip-on pacifier tether maybe a year ago, but I don't really need it, I just like the feel - the pacifier never really falls out of my mouth while I sleep. I also keep it clipped to my shirt during the day if I'm working from home and nobody else is here. I have spent an entire afternoon with it in my mouth, working on a presentation or whatever. I have driven a few hours here and there at night on a long trip, with a pacifier in my mouth. I think it might help me avoid snacking! "The Pacifier Diet"... One trick is to make sure your paci is the right size for you - I started out using toddler pacifiers, and they tended to push on my teeth while I slept, making them slightly tender in the morning, and making me concerned that they might change position over time. Once I bought a few proper adult pacifiers, where the "bulb" of the nipple sits properly on my palate, they never came out and they don't impinge on my teeth at all. Don't feel badly about it - it's harmless fun. My wife knows I sleep with a pacifier - it's not a big deal.
  6. I had a chat with my mom about this a while back, because I recalled having been in cloth diapers more than disposables as a bed-wetting kid, and there were a couple of pictures of me in them in her photo box. However, she said that she rarely used the cloth diapers, and had me primarily in Pampers, which were the predominant disposable at the time. I recall wearing the Pampers, and specifically being told that I was not allowed to open the diaper after it was put on, because back then the tapes tore the plastic and were not reusable. A couple of times, I remember my mom repairing a diaper with Scotch tape, if I managed to wake up to go to the washroom - I'd go to the living room, tell her I had to pee, she'd pull off the tape on one side of my diaper, I'd shuffle off to the washroom, then come back, and she'd use Scotch tape to snug it back up. Now, while I like the feel and look of a cloth diaper, I rarely use them, probably for the same reason as my mom - they are a lot of work! Also, there is no way I could conceal a cloth diaper under my clothes when I'm out of the house.
  7. Quick update on the "unexpected pitfall" side of the equation - ever had a snow storm in your pants? I woke up this morning and went down for breakfast still wearing my night diaper, which was a somewhat-damp, inexpensive plastic-backed Depends. I don't really like them but I have a stock I am trying to burn through, and they are on the slim side so they serve for wearing out of the house, so long as I am wearing jeans. I find these to be a very loud diaper under PJ's or athletic pants or shorts, but, they go silent under denim. But I digress. My dog was desperate for a walk, and I didn't plan to change my diaper until I'd had a shower, so I clipped on his leash, and went for a brisk stroll up the street and over to a natural area with a pond. I started feeling the strange sensation that there were droplets of water on the back of my legs, but when I felt my pants, they were dry, and the sensation came and went. I didn't put two and two together until I was bending over to pick up after my pooch, and I spied a chunk of fluff with the telltale swollen beads of polymer enmeshed in it - diaper fluff. My diaper had blown a seam and was discharging damp fluff at an alarming rate - as I retraced my steps back to the house, I saw a bunch of it on the ground, and I even picked some up with a dog bag. When I got into the house, I was trailing fluff behind me across the kitchen floor, and I realized I was no more capable of cleaning up after myself then someone who badly cut themselves would be capable of cleaning up the blood while still bleeding. I had to get this diaper off, asap, but I knew that it would likely explode on removal, so I needed to do it in our shower stall, and my wife was in the en-suite washroom off our bedroom. I was left standing stalk-still in front of the bathroom door, in a disintegrating diaper, holding my new diaper, until my wife unlocked the door, whence I rushed past her and into the shower stall to remove the failed garment. Sure enough, it shed most of its filling on removal, which I swept up with a magazine and tossed into the garbage, having no idea what it would do to the drain if I tried to wash it away. Showered, and in a new diaper (NOT a Depends), I then retraced my steps through the house with a bottle of cleaner and some paper towels, moping up my breadcrumb trail of diaper fluff.
  8. Interesting, Stroller - you are living the inverse of the life I was living up until recently - I was wearing only at night, and when the family was out of the house. Over the last 90 days, I have been 24/7 roughly 90%+ of the time, but I have only been open about wearing diapers in the evenings and in bed - my wife doesn't know I wear diapers out of the house during the day, although, as noted above, she has "caught" me wearing diapers late into the morning (when the kids aren't around) and said nothing of it, so I think I may have some license, but I am wary of pushing it. I'm interested in how you came to wear only during the day, and not at night. Did you have an honest conversation about wanting to wear diapers, however she prefers that you sleep without them, or do you just prefer to sleep without them? My diapered status at night, once I revealed it to my spouse a few weeks ago, leaned (and leans) heavily on the "fact" that I have wet the bed here and there, although in reality I am exaggerating the issue - I have indeed wet the bed, but it's like once or twice a year, possibly due to an existing medical condition, although that's mostly a pretense - in reality, I just like wearing diapers. I can't really sleep without them at this point - it's been over two years of wearing them to bed. I also use a pacifier at night, which she knows about, so I sort of assume she's put two and two together and arrived at some kind of answer, but, I haven't actually said, hey, this is how I want to live - no matter what I'm doing or where I am, everything is better in a diaper. How did you arrive at the arrangement you have with your significant other, Stroller?
  9. That's tough, Oznl - I have experienced a similar phenomenon before, not related to my diapers, but basically the script is the same: concoct a scenario that is disingenuously presented as requiring of you to chose between the strictly binary options of them, or something else. Whereas my preference would be "you, AND something else." But that's not a valid menu choice for them. I suspect that I could face something similar this summer when we are in Europe; I will have to expend some time and effort acquiring diapers while I am there, and transporting them around, and of course, I intend to be wearing them, and whereas up to now, she's only directly been faced with my wearing them openly in the evenings and while sleeping, our close quarters will probably make my diapered status more obvious. We haven't actually discussed my day-wearing at all up to now. She was in my home office for a good part of the day on Tuesday of last week, and I happened to still have my (fairly dry) overnight diaper on, which was a Bambino Magnifico, so truly a puffy, crinkly diaper with a babyish print on it, and I realized that it was standing well above my shorts at the waist at the back while I was seated, and she was sitting behind me, so she had to be seeing it. I rolled with it and didn't try to cover it up, and she didn't say anything about it, which I took as tacit permission to have a diaper on around the house - BUT, that's when the kids aren't around, and we'll also be seeing a number of her relatives while we are away, which I suspect will change the rules, from her perspective. I don't plan to wear big puffy baby diapers, and have them protruding obtrusively, while I'm in Europe, but, I do plan to have a diaper on practically all the time - I am even considering not bringing any other underwear. It depends on if I envision an opportunity to get to a gym or not, basically. So the questions becomes, proceed as though this is the new normal, and see what happens, or discuss it first, and run the very real chance that I will end up being asked essentially the same question you were, possibly with the ensuing waterworks, as well.
  10. Bambino Magnifico and a t-shirt. Comfy diaper!
  11. There is an excellent thread called "Strange Days Indeed' that details the transition to 24/7 for a gentlemen named @oznl . It is both uproariously funny at times, and also an excellent resource. I wore diapers to bed for about 2 years before going over to 24/7 about 90 days ago, and I have gotten some excellent advice from people here. (I would say 95% 24/7 to be accurate, because I still haven't figured out how to wear diapers while running or at the gym). I've detailed my experience following in the footsteps of Oznl and others in a blog called "24/7 unexpected pitfalls". It feels great to be in a diaper, and so far, this immersion project has not caused me to grow tired of it, an outcome I half expected when I started. There are a lot of great tips already in this thread, and lots more on the site in general. A couple of points I would add: for me, onesies have proven invaluable in terms of my comfort in wearing a diaper when I'm at work or out with friends. And, diaper cream is your best friend - I used to use it the odd time mostly because I liked the smell and the feel, but I was never regular about it. Well, I am now - I use it religiously, after chaffing and rashes drove me to my doctor and nearly brought my new lifestyle to a halt after the first four weeks or so. You are probably going to discover that you can basically do anything diapered that you used to do in underpants, as long as you plan a bit, use some common sense, take a deep breath, and go for it. If you are like me, the rewards will be worth the effort. Good luck, and let us know how it's going.
  12. I went shopping this weekend for shorts for the summer; I haven't bought any in about 5 years and the ones I own are starting to look a bit sad. (Keep in mind that where I live, shorts are really only an option for about 1/4 of the year so arguably they have a bit more than one year's mileage on them...). Anyway, I had a diaper on (as I do now pretty much all the time), so I was able to see how they all looked in that state, and it definitely guided my decisions. The store had some "slim-fit" shorts on sale, for example, and I tried a couple of them on; they went into the reject pile right away. Ever heard of visible panty lines? Well, I had visible diaper lines. The relaxed-fit shorts worked best. I was wearing a Prevail 360, which is a pretty slim diaper, so if that came up on the radar, so to speak, it was a sure sign the shorts weren't going to provide any stealth over something bulkier. I also decided to completely dedicate a shelf on my side of our closet to my diapers. I keep bags on the shelf, and then put a selection of diapers into a drawer in my bed-side dresser that I dedicated to diaper use a couple of weeks ago. This will, I'm sure, sound cute to you diaper veterans, but I still get a thrill opening that drawer, and now, seeing that shelf - you could say that my diapers are coming out of the closet, so to speak, by moving into the closet. I put on a Bambino Magnifico after showering last night (I had been in a Prevail since dinner and its time was up). I put just a t-shirt over it, and my wife and I watched a TV show we both enjoy. This was definitely another subtle testing of the waters, because the graphics on the entire diaper exterior feature green, pink and blue baby dinosaurs, themselves wearing diapers, holding the numbers 1, 2, or 3 - so, definitely a cute diaper, not plain or medical-looking like, say, a Tena or a MoliCare. My wife didn't comment or seem to notice, so I think I am clear to wear cuter diapers around the house, when the kids are out or asleep. I have always loved being in just a diaper, whenever possible, so it was nice to relax, and not be fretting about what to cover it with.
  13. One other interesting observation - I have been wearing the Barnyard diapers to bed for the past week, and I noticed last night that my bedding smells faintly like the scent they put in the diapers now. Not at all a bad thing; just amusing.
  14. I have to say that I honestly decided just on the spur of the moment to dive into the deep end on this one, and in retrospect, it probably was a bit reckless, but lucky for me, it worked out. I had been considering opening up to her on the topic for a while, but I was nervous about it - where I am in my relationship with her, with a house, kids, etc, if she had reacted badly, I probably would have put myself into a difficult position, forced to go back to hiding them again, but now hiding them from someone who would likely be on the lookout. I also have to add that I thought she *might* already have been aware of them, since I had been wearing diapers to bed for two years or so, though she said after I opened up to her, that she hadn't been aware of it. Another element to this is the fact that I have a medical condition that could possibly be causing very infrequent episodes of bed wetting - I leaned into that when I started talking about it, because truthfully, I did have to wash the bedding a couple of times prior to when I started wearing diapers to bed. However, I have also been sleeping with a pacifier, which I also brought up in the conversation, and she said she WAS aware of that, and didn't know what it was about. Again, there is a dual explanation for the pacifier - I click my teeth together unconsciously when I fall asleep, even though I use a night guard, and it drove her nuts, which in turn drove me nuts because she would often elbow me just as I was drifting off to sleep, and I would have to wait until she was asleep, to fall asleep myself. So, sleeping with a pacifier solved that nicely, BUT, in truth, I also just enjoy sleeping with a pacifier. So, either she, a) believes that I wear diapers to bed and use a pacifier for entirely practical reasons, and is fine with that, or, b) she has put two and two together and, seemingly, is fine with whatever answer that equation yielded for her. As to how telling her actually went, well, I had a diaper on under my PJ's, and I was going to do my usual slip-the-PJ's off once the lights went out routine, but I needed to get some more diapers up into my room, and would have to plausibly take a bag or something down the the basement, and back up, and sneaking around in my own bedroom was growing tiresome, and in the meantime, her and I had just finished a good conversation about other topics, and the timing just felt right, so I said, I want to talk to you about one more thing, she said "Sure", and I said "Are you aware of this already?" and I pulled my PJ's down part way and showed her my diaper. She said, no, what's that about, and I launched into explaining how I had had accidents in the past, and had been wearing them to bed for close to a couple of years, had been private about it, but had decided that I wanted to just be up front moving forward. She replied that she had in fact been experiencing leakage herself, not at night, but when she sneezed or coughed sometimes, since the kids were born (which I was aware of), basically, and that as far as she was concerned, me wearing a diaper was no different than her wearing protective pads. Then, I took a pacifier out of my bedside table and asked if she had seen them before, and she said yes, she knew I had been sleeping with one for some time now, but she didn't know what it was about or how to bring it up. I asked her if she could recall when the last time she had to awaken me because of the tooth clicking might have been, she said it had been quite a while, and I said, well, this is why. She said, well, if it works, and if I'm comfortable with it, she's fine with it. Since then, once the kids are asleep, and we are up in our room, I have been open about walking around, or watching TV, in a diaper. I started by wearing only plain white diapers in front of her, but lately I have worn a couple of printed ones, and she hasn't brought it up or acted like she's noticed. I think that, to her, a diaper is a diaper. That said, I haven't worn one with a truly infantile print on it. Last night I wore a Rearz Barnyard, for example, but the Bambino Classico, with the print consisting of blocks that spell "Baby" might be a bit much. As to my wearing 24/7, I have not brought that up at all. I am moving the goalposts slowly, by openly staying in my diaper in the morning for a bit (assuming the kids aren't around), and she hasn't commented on that, and at night, shortly after the kids are asleep, my diaper comes out, if circumstances allow. My feeling is that I should be happy to have arrived at where I am as smoothly as I have, so I shouldn't push it further right now, because I could easily lose all the ground I've gained.
  15. I haven't set up a standing order yet - still experimenting with brands and sizes. But setting up an account and placing an order was definitely a paradigm shift, and having that giant box of diapers sitting on a shelf in the basement, not hidden, was another. A third such shift occurred when I dedicated a drawer in one of my dressers in our room to my diapers. I was in a conversation with my wife last night when I went into the drawer to fetch a diaper, and then I was holding the diaper for another couple of minutes while we finished chatting - it just seemed natural, not at all "furtive". Ironically, the sample pack of 5 different diaper brands that a friend sent me as a prank (not knowing about my diapered status) has served me well, and the case order I placed was through the company that sent the samples. The diaper selection available through companies like this is vastly superior to what can be had in supermarkets and drug stores. I thought that I might grow bored by my experiment, and that it could take the fun out of wearing diapers, but that has not happened - wearing a diaper still feels great. Even a bad day feels a bit better in a diaper. When I have to take a diaper off in order to exercise, I can't wait to get back into one. I can honestly say that other than exercise, there have not been any circumstances over the last few weeks that I have not been able to traverse in a diaper. Onesies definitely help. I have become less aware of being wet, for sure. I have found myself doing my own "diaper checks" by checking the feel by hand, to make sure I don't overload my diaper. I think this has to do with buying decent products, too - a good diaper doesn't feel very wet until it IS very wet. I'm probably burning through more diapers than I need to, but I'm not adventurous when it comes to possible leaks - I'd rather be early than late on a change. Wetting doesn't happen accidentally, but when I get into the groove of more frequent small wetting incidents, I do find that I barely have to think about it - it's like some of the gates are open, and I only have to open one more for it to happen. If I get busy and stop paying attention, I experience urinary urgency a quite bit sooner than I used to, as well. Not that I couldn't clench up and go for a few hours if I had to, but, it feels better not to do that, inarguably.
  16. Hi, folks. I have worn diapers to bed for about the last two years, and I have been wearing them 24/7 for almost 8 weeks now. I have taken some short work trips and have always brought enough diapers with me to last a couple of days, but this summer, I am going to be in Europe for a couple of weeks, based out of France. I don't think it's practical to pack that many diapers, so I have two questions: 1) Can you get decent diapers in stores in Europe? 2) I have worn diapers on planes before but I always leave it in my carry-on until after I have cleared security, then put it on. Have some of you worn diapers through security screening, and if so, what has your experience been? I don't care in particular if the security people know I have a diaper on, I just don't want to end up having to go off somewhere in private for a more thorough examination, because they think I might be using it for some reason other than not wanting to dampen the seat on 7 hour flight. Thanks for your thoughts.
  17. So, the experiment progresses. I have been in diapers 95% of the time since the beginning of April, basically, and over the last couple of days I ordered two cases of diapers, which I have never done before, always buying them in bags. I ordered a case of 6 bags of slim Prevail's (96 diapers!) that I can wear under clothing. These have a stretchy side panel and they feel like Pampers Cruisers, basically, although they have no print on them. They are a very comfortable diaper that is easy to conceal. On the opposite end of the spectrum, I also got a case of Rearz Barnyard diapers that I've wanted to try. The case has three bags in it, I believe around 36 diapers in total. The Barnyards are huge and I won't be wearing them in public, I reckon, but they are very cute and very bulky and I'm sure they will be a high-performance diaper. So far, the only time I don't wear diapers is when I am exercising. I have worn everywhere else I go, basically. I've been enjoying hanging out in my room with my wife, after the kids go to bed, wearing just a diaper and a t-shirt. I went for about a week wearing pretty plain diapers - Tena and Depends and MoliCare and the like, but I have added in a couple of Play Dayz diapers which have a printed front panel with butterflies and unicorns and things like that, and she hasn't seemed to notice or care about the print, so I think I may be able to wear some cuter diapers more openly moving forward.
  18. Impressive testimonial. I just got a case of these. Like you, I am kind of in between sizes. At Rearz's recommendation, I bought the large, but I find them huge. I am going to get a sample of the Medium at some point and try those. Because these are so large, these will definitely have to be overnight and around the house diapers - I will change into something slimmer when I have to go out in public. But they feel great so far, bulk aside.
  19. Just got a case of Rearz Barnyard's size LG. They are enormous! Definitely a diaper for around the house primarily, or overnight. Going out, I would have to change into slimmer diaper. Seems like a great diaper so far, though, bulk aside.
  20. Onzl, the above update is one of the funniest things I have read in a long while. You have a talent. I could picture your situation precisely. Thank you for sharing!
  21. So I've had a bit of a breakthrough with my wife a couple of nights ago that I thought people might find interesting. If you recall, I've been wearing diapers to bed almost without exception for about two years now, and, essentially following in some of your footsteps, I've been wearing 24/7 about 80% of the time over the last month. I haven't figured out what or how to wear when I'm exercising or participating in martial arts. Other than that, I try to wear in every situation, and so far I have been pretty successful. But back to the breakthrough - wearing at night in secret, wondering "Does she know? Does she not?", taking my shorts off under the cover of darkness so I could sleep in just a t-shirt and a diaper, which is how I am most comfortable, was growing tiresome. It reminded me of the shame and embarrassment I felt as an older kid wearing diapers to bed, and I think this comes with realizing I'm not getting any younger - I just felt that it was time to take the plunge. Reading Oznl's story and some others was also definitely influential. So, after we had had a particularly good chat on another topic on the weekend, I steeled myself, and I raised the first topic I wanted to touch on - my use of a pacifier at night. I knew she knew about that, BUT, it had never been spoken of out loud. I asked her if she had noticed, and she said she had, and I asked if she knew why, and she said no. I asked her if she recalled how she used to elbow me in the middle of the night four or five times a week because my mouth guard was making clicking noises, to which she said yes, and I said, well, has that happened at all in recent memory? She said no, and I said, truthfully, that's because of the pacifiers. She said, well, if that's what it takes, she welcomes it. Then, I took a deep breath, and I said do you know about this... and I pulled down one side of my sweatpants and showed her part of my diaper. She said no, what's that about? And I told her about having occasionally wet the bed over the past couple of years, and being tired of having to wash the bedding in secret, but also about my childhood experience wearing diapers to bed, and that I had decided a couple of years ago that I just slept better in a diaper, it was less stressful for me, and what did she think of that? I held my breath, basically. But, ever practical, she immediately told me she was using "Poise" pads herself - essentially more robust sanitary pads that are designed to catch moderate urine output. Ever since the kids were born, she said, she's had issues with leakage when she sneezes or coughs, and as far as she's concerned, we're not getting any younger, and if we can't talk to each other about these things, who can we talk to? She said if I feel that I need to wear diapers at night, she's glad that I felt I could talk to her about it, and it doesn't bother her. I can't describe the relief I felt in that moment. I have no idea what I would have done if it had gone in a different direction - I don't think I would be willing to blow up my household over this, granted, deep-seated desire to be in diapers. I still haven't broached the topic of wearing during the day, but, for the first time in my adult life, over the last couple of nights, I wore a diaper openly, uncovered, and we watched TV in bed and chatted and carried on like everything was normal, which, essentially, it was, other than the pacifier on my night stand and my being in a diaper. I know that I have to be careful not to push this on her too rapidly, but these early, ahem, baby steps, seem to have gone well.
  22. Hi, Oz - I had a bit of a breakthrough with my wife a couple of nights ago that I thought you might find interesting. If you recall, I've been wearing diapers to bed almost without exception for about two years now, and, essentially following in your footsteps, I've been wearing 24/7 about 80% of the time over the last month. I haven't figured out what or how to wear when I'm exercising or participating in martial arts. Other than that, I try to wear in every situation, and so far I have been pretty successful. But back to the breakthrough - wearing at night in secret, wondering "Does she know? Does she not?", taking my shorts off under the cover of darkness so I could sleep in just a t-shirt and a diaper, which is how I am most comfortable, was growing tiresome. It reminded me of the shame and embarrassment I felt as an older kid wearing diapers to bed, and I think this comes with realizing I'm not getting any younger - I just felt that it was time to take the plunge. Reading your story and some others was also definitely influential. So, after we had had a particularly good chat on another topic on the weekend, I steeled myself, and I raised the first topic I wanted to touch on - my use of a pacifier at night. I knew she knew about that, BUT, it had never been spoken of out loud. I asked her if she had noticed, and she said she had, and I asked if she knew why, and she said no. I asked her if she recalled how she used to elbow me in the middle of the night four or five times a week because my mouth guard was making clicking noises, to which she said yes, and I said, well, has that happened at all in recent memory? She said no, and I said, truthfully, that's because of the pacifiers. She said, well, if that's what it takes, she welcomes it. Then, I took a deep breath, and I said do you know about this... and I pulled down one side of my sweatpants and showed her part of my diaper. She said no, what's that about? And I told her about having occasionally wet the bed over the past couple of years, and being tired of having to wash the bedding in secret, but also about my childhood experience wearing diapers to bed, and that I had decided a couple of years ago that I just slept better in a diaper, it was less stressful for me, and what did she think of that? I held my breath, basically. But, ever practical, she immediately told me she was using "Poise" pads herself - essentially more robust sanitary pads that are designed to catch moderate urine output. Ever since the kids were born, she said, she's had issues with leakage when she sneezes or coughs, and as far as she's concerned, we're not getting any younger, and if we can't talk to each other about these things, who can we talk to? She said if I feel that I need to wear diapers at night, she's glad that I felt I could talk to her about it, and it doesn't bother her. I can't describe the relief I felt in that moment. I have no idea what I would have done if it had gone in a different direction - I don't think I would be willing to blow up my household over this, granted, deep-seated desire to be in diapers. I still haven't broached the topic of wearing during the day, but, for the first time in my adult life, over the last couple of nights, I wore a diaper openly, uncovered, and we watched TV in bed and chatted and carried on like everything was normal, which, essentially, it was, other than the pacifier on my night stand and my being in a diaper. I know that I have to be careful not to push this on her too rapidly, but these early, ahem, "baby steps", seem to have gone well.
  23. I was over at my parents' place the other day, and they were watching one of the TLC shows following the lives of people who have multiple babies, and in the show, the camera panned across a shelf in their garage with about 10 boxes of various diapers on it. I hadn't intended to start a conversation with my parents about diapers, but the show kind of lead into it, so I thought, why not? Now, understand that I haven't and would not speak to my mom about my own diaper status - what I asked about was my diaper history. Background: I was out of diapers during the day when I was around age 3, which is a pretty common timeline for potty training. However, I was a prolific bed wetter until I was about 9 years old, and this was in the pre-pull up era, so I wore diapers to bed, and when we went on long car rides - anytime I might fall asleep, basically. I think that had a lot to do with my life-long fascination with diapers. My question for my mom was, what kind of diapers did I usually wear? For disposables, I had always vaguely assumed they must have been Pampers, since this was in the late 70's and early 80's, and there were not hundreds of brands of diaper brands around yet. But I also recalled wearing cloth diapers on occasion, and I actually thought that I had worn cloth diapers at least 50% of the time, or maybe more, SO, I was curious as to why they went with cloth sometimes - was it because of the cost of disposables, or because I eventually outgrew even the largest Pampers? However, to my surprise, my mom said that she much preferred disposables, and that she did indeed have a few cloth diapers, but she only really ever used them if she couldn't get disposables big enough, and they were in a pinch for a day or two here and there. She said that I wore disposables overnight- and confirmed they were mostly Pampers - probably 95% of the time, which is interesting to me, because evidently the cloth diapers made a big impression on me - enough so that I recalled wearing them much more often than I did. History is repeating itself, because currently, while I have a couple of cloth diapers and some plastic pants, and while I like the way they feel, I wear still wear disposables most of the time - they are WAY easier to hide under clothing, and vastly more convenient if one is going to be away from the house, and even around the house, who likes washing diapers...? I also asked my mom how she fit me into Pampers in the later years, when I was 7 - 9, and she said the answer was "barely" - that by the time I stopped wetting every night, the tapes were only reaching the outside edges of the wings, and that sometimes she put Scotch tape over the diaper tapes to make sure that they held. As soon as she said that, I immediately remembered her using the Scotch tape, but up until that moment, I had completely forgotten about it. Childhood memories are a funny thing. Has anyone else ever had a conversation with their parents about the diapers they used as kids? Do you think your childhood diaper experiences influenced your current diaper preferences, and/or paved the way for your current fascination with them?
  24. 90% of the time, I am in a disposable. Cloth has a nice feel and the bulk and uniform dampness definitely has its appeal, but I find them a lot of work, and impossible to hide under anything, so they are impractical for me. During the day, I tend to wear slim, less expensive (and less effective) store-brand diapers like Tena or Depends. At night, on weekends, and particularly if I have a stretch of time to myself, I prefer a babyish diaper - bigger, cuter prints, crinkly. As to plastic versus cloth backing for disposables, I like both. Plastic diapers feel and look like the diapers I wore as a child, but the cloth-backed ones are quieter if I need to wear them when I might be in public or with other people, and they feel more like modern Pampers.
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