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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Rani

  1. Congratulations. I nearly bought one the last time (I liked the 'feel' of it), but alas, the purse wouldn't allow it . Enjoy
  2. A big hello from me too. I have to say, I admire your honesty. It can't be easy with multiple "me's" in there, I find it hard enough with just me sometimes! I hope you are comfortable here and look forward to reading some of those stories. Take care and have a great evening.
  3. Ok bend over. *slap* x10 for starters. Welcome. Take care.
  4. Hello there Mr Export sir You are among friends here. We accept each other for what we are and what we can give. Mind you, if you've been here for as long as you say then you'll know that already. It's about time you 'booked in'!! (only joking) You'll find the bar to the left and I do believe there's even chocolate chip cookies giving away today Have a great night and don't be a stranger. Take care.
  5. No baskets here either but there is a new pink teddy in the house .
  6. Ouch, poor you. Any possibility of running around naked for an hour or two to let the air dry your skin out a bit? A bit of medicated talc might help too if you have or can get any. Other than that I'll leave to someone else to suggest something. Hope it heals quickly for you.
  7. When the little darlings aren't at home like they have been for sooooooo long now (when do they go back to school?) I've only got about seven hours alone so nope, plenty of time for me . I can wait. Can we send them back to school now? Please? Pretty please!
  8. Rani

    Late New Post

    I know exactly what you mean. It's an inner torment that even though you know you're not involving anyone else and just pleasing yourself, you still feel as though it's wrong. I guess it's all down to the way we were raised. Parents can't wait to get their little ones out of diapers (I know I was the same with mine) and so we paint a bad picture of diapers and that stays with us. I have found that by lurking around the boards and reading what others have put here, I am beginning to accept myself and the way that I am, even to the point that there is more emerging than I ever expected. I was thinking yesterday about it and I can only liken it to Pandora's Box (in a nice way), once opened, an awful lot spills out! I would also say that with your direction in life, you might see yourself as a protector and possibly one of the 'tough guys' and wearing diapers doesn't exactly fit in with that whole image. Pah, image isn't all it's cracked up to be! So don't feel bad. You are you and holding back how you feel and what you like might do more damage than good. Who knows for sure though? I wish you well with your chosen career too. It's not something I could do so hats off to you for that . Now then, dive on in, the water's lovely (pun intended). Hope we can all help each other.
  9. He obviously didn't deserve you in the first place. As for questions, go by the way I work; it's better to look daft for a few minutes and ask a 'dumb' question than to look dumb for the rest of your life not knowing the answer. You also never know how many other people out there will be glad you asked as they were too afraid to do so.
  10. We are all adults here and assume that we can use common sense (not too sure about myself though ). As in everyday life we all say and do stupid things that annoy others from time to time. Some more than others but that's life . Glad it all worked out for you and I certainly hope she was pleased.
  11. I feel like this has been a momentous occasion what with all the build up. How about a party to celebrate? . Glad you enjoyed it. I'm so pleased for you. .
  12. I love Jack Frost and have it on dvd to watch whenever I want City of Angels makes me tear up and What Dreams May Come is one I watch when there's no one around as the tissues are always needed for that one!
  13. I've never been to one but from what experience I have had with my doctor they know exactly what to ask to get information out of you and to help you. They'll probably start off gently and let you get to know them a little too so that you can trust them. Relax, I know it's not an easy thing to do but I'm sure it'll all work out fine. Asking for help is a big step to start with and I really hope it gives you the answers you feel you need. Hugs.
  14. Snap!! I'm a chronic quilter too though I'm not reading the same book as you. I have also recently started to read all of the old children's classics. Heidi by Johanna Spyri is the one by my bed at the moment though I haven't had much time to read lately.
  15. When a person has only recently rediscovered this side of themselves then they may well spring it on the other half somewhat later in a relationship. I've been married for nearly eighteen years and have just found out that I like to wear. Sometimes you're so wrapped up in putting 100% into your family that you put your own needs back, so that it's later in life that you figure out what you really like yourself. Not too sure if I could tell my hubby just yet when I still struggle with the whole concept myself. How can I explain it to him when I don't know why I like them so much and why I'm like I am? All I can do is to come to terms with it in my own time and then maybe share my thoughts with him. It's not a problem for me, it'll just take time and maybe then I still won't reveal all. It's good to know there's someone we can turn to if we feel there's a need and I thank you for that.
  16. Ooooo you're going straight to the bathroom for that one!!! And vegetables are divine, especially green ones.
  17. I do get lonely sometimes and I agree with you, those times are tough. My friends work so when I'm lonely I can't turn to them for comfort. If I called my family up (parents and siblings) and admitted to needing some company then I wouldn't get any peace for weeks so I simply don't call them. The way I personally see my loneliness, is that it's temporary and although difficult at the time, I know I'll be back to normal in a few days and just keep myself busy. Another thing I do when I'm lonely is to go somewhere where there are people. Even that little "weather's good today" chat in a queue can help. I got together with a friend through shared interests. We both liked cycling so I asked if she'd like to go out for a ride one day. We rarely cycle these days and shop and chat (usually includes a 'get it off your chest' grumble or two) over coffee instead. Maybe the overall difference is that I know there are people around me if I really need them. I think you're feeling as though there's no one there at all for you (I may be far off the mark there and I'm sorry if I offend as it's not my intention). Telling your parents was an amazingly brave thing to do, there's no way I could tell mine! Perhaps also in a way, and again I may be wrong, the distance between you and your parents is in your mind. If I did have the courage to tell anyone then I'd prepare myself for total rejection, so afterwards I might still be feeling a little of that lingering preparation. Give your Mum one of those fantastic hugs and see what happens. Other than that I'm here if you want a chat, even though I'm an icky girl . Hugs.
  18. Haven't tried anything other than Tena so I couldn't pick one until I'd tried the others.
  19. Nobody knows about this side of me so I don't leave the house wearing. If my husband did know, then as Jason says, it would have to be little steps to see how far I'd be willing to take things. The fewer people around at the time the better too.
  20. Brussels Sprout for me. I like my greens
  21. I've pretty much been a loner all my life too. I spend all day on my own in the house while the others are at work or at school and then in the evening they like to do their own thing so I'm alone again. There's a big difference between being alone and being lonely though, and even though I'm alone a lot, I'm rarely lonely. I have friends and neighbours and we all know we're there for each other if need be, but we don't live in each others pockets which is nice. I tend to get stressed if there are people around me a lot and find that I need time on my own. Guess I'm just not a people person Interesting question.
  22. Rose Garden by Lynn Anderson. Course I remember the Pinky and Perky version better but this is just as good . They played it on the radio this morning and the memories came flooding back. So a trip down memory lane with You Tube was in order, just wish they had Pinky and Perky's version .
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