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Everything posted by dogpiss

  1. I did forget about "Rugrats" until all the mentions, but I found Angelica to be INSIPID! One other I totally forgot until all the NickToons mentions: Ren & Stimpy!!! My brother and I still sing the theme to the "Royal Canadian Kilted Yaksmen" I LOVE that song! Sing with me... "Our country wreaks of trees, our yaks are really large, and they smell like rotting beef carcasses..."
  2. I'm addicted to the "Wallace and Gromit" series and found their spin-off "Shaun the Sheep" on "Playhouse Disney." Now, keep in mind, I'm pretty much strictly DL, but I LOVE "Shaun the Sheep" and its spin-off "Timmy Time" (the Aardman claymation folks are AWESOME!) "Pinky and the Brain" and "Animaniacs" are also favourites. And even though not originally meant for kids, I love the classic "Loony Tunes" from the 1930's-1960's. I also find a lot of hidden adult humour in these shows... stuff that kids won't get because it's too subtle or has a suggestion that's not at their level. So are there any kids shows that as an adult you really like?
  3. DDAVP being a hormone is more closely to being brain related than bladder related, oddly enough. Being approved for nighttime use and being written for something else is nothing new, as many drugs have scripts written for off-label use. That being said, a doc REALLY has to know what they are doing and must make the patient fully aware of the risks. Based on both past training and personal experience (disclaimer: not a licensed med. professional) you CAN use it during the daytime for short periods if it works for you. Nasal spray is NOT RECOMMENDED for < 25yo. per USFDA With a link to an article on WebMD. It didn't work really well for me and what little it DID do it made me feel bloated and like a blimp from the water retention, so it was AT BEST a wash for me, but of course YMMV. I CAN tell you you should use AS LITTLE as possible to get positive effect because you're messing with electrolyte balancing hormone. Imbalance is serious stuff and can cause seizures, heart arrhythmia and death in extreme cases. Read the package insert and stay well below the LD50 and you'll be fine... bloated, but fine.
  4. When I played a lot of sport, I wore briefs so my gentleman's bits weren't flopping about everywhere. And not to mention there was so much sweat, no one could tell my leakage (I'd also pour a lot of water on myself to 'flush' and as a mask). Other than that I just go without in the shower, bath or ocean (why you should NEVER RENT A WET SUIT!).
  5. If I got some big event going on (trip, conference, meeting, usw.) I'll go ahead and get a jump on things, otherwise I'll roll over and snooze it! One time my "get up for a trip" strategy failed... I got up a day early and my trip left the airport at like 0600! After I had showered and breakfasted and stuff, I turned on the radio only to realise it was the wrong day.
  6. I've been spoiled by my friends from the American South who make Mac and Cheese from scratch. The typical way is to make the macaroni Al dente finely grate cheddar and bake in a glass or porcelain casserole dish. The kicker is to top it with a little soy sauce (yes, soy sauce... to taste of course!) and it is WONDERFUL. As has been told to me by every good Southern cook, "Good food takes time." Just ask any Southerner about how they like "instant grits"!
  7. I would haunt child molesters and wife beaters all the way to the loony bin! If there was a way I could I'd wail on them from the grave! I know too many victims of that s#!t and have actually thought about this kind of thing. Just what my sister alone has gone through makes me want to kill people (however, thanks to her calming me down I now just want them not to live any longer... not die by my hand). This sub-human scum prey on the most innocent and weak and for that, I'd LOVE to haunt these bastards. I'll stop my rant now, but needless to say, these kinds of scum, wife beaters, child molesters and the lot, I'd love to haunt them and make them feel AT LEAST a fraction of the pain they've caused!
  8. Unfortunately it's come to this... that the even just having something of value makes one suspicious to the government. If I even need to leave, I'll need to go to the playbook my ancestors used to get their wealth away from the Czar. They'd probably cry if they were alive to know I even had to think like this... that's why they ran
  9. Y'all ain't never met none-body what talked so nice as a Southerner and y'all ain't not never gonna will! I love the South (and the Southwest) I think it's about the only place in the US where people speak normally. I can't understand a damned thing up in Boston!
  10. I call your colours and raise you patterns! I'd like some non AB patterns AND colours on Moli's and Abenas and the like (Bambinos too) Along the lines of what tena europe has and lille. I think it just makes things look a little more interesting.
  11. Taking Moogle's cue, I'll post my wallpaper... my desktop looks like an icon factory threw up on top of an even more disorganised icon factory.
  12. Having gone through a hard time or two^(n+1) it really does help to talk about it... even to people on line. A lot of us are real souls behind the keyboard. It's sad and angers me (and I don't even have a dog in this fight!) that someone would exploit ANYONE like this. This is why I started to hate society so much... a person is usually nice, but people are usually mean... I don't know how or why that works. I try to "think about the other guy" before I do something, even when I drive and stuff like that. I wish more people would think of people besides themselves. Please don't let someone's insensitive actions ruin a good childhood memory... if it's one of the few good things you have from back then, you can't let that jerk win by taking its happiness away from you.
  13. If there's anything your on-line friends can do to help, let us know! I for one offer the services of my Army of Evil, my Navy of Dubious Morality and my National Guard of Malicious Intent! (OK, so me and a couple of drunk military buddies... a good chance I'll be drunk too.) But seriously, if you want to talk we're all here for you... don't let the rough spots wear you down and remember there IS/ARE someone/someones who care!
  14. Peace and the best of wishes in "whatever comes next" for our lost restlessfox. I believe that mental torment is the norm rather than the exception. A soul without trouble seems as real as a plastic banana to me. I have to admit a long time ago I thought about self-termination. And the seemingly stupidest of things pulled me back from the edge. What if I were to miss something really good on the tele? A couple of shows I was really into had some cliffhangers and I wouldn't know how they ended/continued if I ended it all. Also I got to thinking about films and books... what about the Harry Potter or next Stephen King novel? I still had at least one Dan Dare I wanted to read. I would have missed Michael Jackson finish his transformation into a white woman from a black man (he was still that sort of off-beige you paint a guest bedroom at the time)... I'd realised this kind of thing in an instant. It seems silly, but it made me stop and think for a moment and sometimes, thinking about what you'll miss, no matter how trivial, is all it takes... even if things seem really bad at the moment. The "don't do it" sounds so cliche' but how about this: there are so many better things to do, and things will be better in the future. Remember that then will be now, soon.
  15. I have to say I was disappointed with ATN's... they didn't work well for me. Went back to molicare super plus or abena x-plus. Again YMMV.
  16. AWESOME! Quote of the week right there! That's going to have to go on my all time best quotes board. Thanks
  17. I can vouch for never having worn one The closest thing I've seen is a woman rubbing leather treatment into a horse's headgear with a soft patterned white cloth. That would mean she was using a BRIDLE diaper... but that's the closest I've got
  18. I tried them as a "cloth-like" backed that I might like but no dice. I have to agree with Darkfinn on pretty much all counts except I felt like they never held as much as the standard plastic backed. Cloth-like aren't my bag in general, but this pretty much seals the deal, for me it's got to be plastic if this is the best cloth-like gets (and xplus air plus are about as good as it gets from all I can find!). To quote Mr. McGuire from the movie "The Graduate": "I just want to say one word to you... just one word... are you listening? PLASTICS!"
  19. We've all had some embarrassing moments when it comes to diapers (and for those who haven't I'm IMPRESSED!) and I wanted to see if anyone want to share stories. Being the topic starter, I'll go first: I was trying to sleep in bed with a girlfriend at the time. She was accepting of my diaper needs but was not into "playing along." Anyway, after she had just dozed off, I had a massive sneeze and FLOODED an already somewhat wet diaper (I wasn't being careful on my fluid consumption that day... oops!). Well I thought everything was OK, but a minute or two later she woke up making an "ewwww" like sound. Then she jumped out of the bed and "calmly" said the bed is wet, you should help me do something. So, I changed me, she tried to change the bed, but told me we had no more clean sheets so had to sleep with beach towels and a winter blanket. I was embarrassed that a romantic night had turned into a mess (well at least a wet)... especially since I had told her with the diapers I had everything under control. I almost NEVER had leaks at that point at home, but for some reason my luck was consistently bad when away.
  20. I've always preferred a really tight fit when it comes to diapers and it's more enjoyable for me when I have a good tight fit. Does anyone like a loose(looser) fit? Also I only use for wetting so this may have something to do with my preference. Just wondering as to how others roll.
  21. I'm convinced my bladder is the size of a walnut anyway, but yeah, if I quit "trying to fight" for a while, I notice that what little continence I do have greatly decreases in as little as a week, but again YMMV.
  22. Sometimes in more urban areas in southern cities, I've heard "baby pampers" (but said like it's all just one word). I've had my docs ask about "absorbent garments." During the prostate exam (for this I envy the women... I'm just not into a$$play... especially like that!) I warned the doc to be gentle or we'd get to use that mysterious covered drain in the middle of the floor. We both got a good laugh out of it.
  23. Hey, don't talk about my mum that way! My mum being one, Radical feminists just have their own idea of what they deem oppressive. A white person might take offense at being called a 'nilla. So you change the the spelling or something as to not make it give you angst. Different strokes for different folks that's all. No matter what you think of radical feminists or "the feminist agendae" it's an accepted, although not common alternate spelling. Life's to short and all to get upset over someone swapping one letter or getting all nasty. It's one thing if someone is correcting you every time you spell/say something and want you to do it their way, but if you do it your way and they do it theirs, hey, live and let live. Besides there are more important things to argue about: -Is Bruce Willis sexier bald? -When will the Nikkei undergo the next self-correction (or is it now!)? -Where are we going to get a penguin and a hose at this hour? -Are pixie sticks good candy, or just a cheap sugar high with a token attempt at flavour? -How come every thing I buy from Ikea requires some stupid looking wrench the fell to earth presumably from outer space an that no one out side of Sweden has ever seen?
  24. I concluded mine had boat payments... I fired him when he started comparing me to Hitler's mother. Yes, you read that right! I thought the guy was on crack for a minute... then I realised that the thoughts of the new boat must have been making him delusional. Being on a boat can do that. (search youtube for "I'm on a boat" and you'll see what I mean)
  25. I figured as much, but not knowing how it works and seeing how seemingly how complicated those dresses are, my mind goes with what it knows. I could never be a woman or a t-girl... the clothing is just too complicated for me. When I see some of the garments some women wear I think that someone would need an aerospace degree and credentials from NASA just to put the thing on (and that's just some of the bras and underwear!)
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