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Everything posted by Skywolf

  1. I've worn outside plenty of times under clothes, even to work and school (years ago now for school). Most daring things I have done though is probably when I drove from my ex-mother-in-laws (where I was dogsitting) to my house to grab more diapers. It was at night so I just grabbed my keys and wallet, and drove in just a diaper. I have also let my dog out to do its business at night before bed wearing just a diaper, standing in the doorway -Sky
  2. small, pretends to be big, hunting country type, snow, trees -Sky
  3. I think its safe to say we have all pretty much been in your position. Over time, you will start to relax more about it, and discover that with a good pair of pants, no one will ever notice, and you will have no worries. -Sky
  4. God, are you even real? Thats what I would ask. Then I wouldn't have to be agnostic anymore -Sky
  5. Ok, I didn't read every single post, as I am limited on time right now, but I will put my view on things from what I DID read. First off: I noticed at least one person talked negatively about forcing children to do things. WTF?!?!? This is exactly the kind of attitude that got us in the shit we are into today. Parents are supposed to raise their children, which means instilling (usually by force) things into their children. 100 years ago, it was commonly accepted that physically disciplining children was alright, even 50 years ago. In the past 50 years, more specifically the last 30, parents have done less and less for their children. They don't force children to realize that there are differences between movies/video games and real life, they don't force their kids to go outside and play, they don't force their children to show respect. What has happened due to the lack of force by the parents? School shootings, massive obesity, kids/teenagers who are downright pricks. Is this what you want to see? If you think forcing your kids to do things is wrong, well I have one suggestion for you: DON'T HAVE ANY! Second: Most areas in the United States have rules/laws stating that children can't attend school (or preschool) until they are potty trained. Obviously there are a few exceptions, like if the kid is retarded or is physically disabled. But for the fact of just not being potty trained? Hell no. And I totally agree with this. Third: Yes, with the world as it is today, where both parents usually have to work their asses off, they don't see a lot of their kids as a result. With that in mind, they should instill values and potty training into the time they have. There are ways to positively (and fun) ways to do this. Fourth: I read somewhere in this topic that some have had traumatic experiences in the bathroom. Care to elaborate? This can mean a wide array of things, although for some I can get a general idea. And yes, some probably have had traumatic experiences which can hinder them in potty training and other things, but those are usually secluded cases. I guarantee they have nothing to do with this topic, where kids are going to school in diapers. That rests pretty much fully on the parents laziness. Closing Statement: If you can't or won't raise your kids how they should be raised, then don't have kids. This planet is overpopulated the way it is. Don't bring kids into this world if you won't raise them to be a higher citizen than most are today -Sky
  6. No offense, but if Native Americans want respect, most of them should actually put some effort forth to get it. This is the only "tragedy" about it. I've been to a few "reservations" and even have one less than 15 miles from me. Most could give two sh*ts about anything. Most live like pigs in the housing they have, and don't do anything to better their community or the surrounding communities. And before you start ranting at me about this, I said most, not all. I know there are some very good Native Americans who actually put forth effort, and I commend them. I just wish more would follow their lead. And the whole "they live on reservations" thing? Yes, I know the land set apart for reservations is crappy land, but no one is making them stay there. They can move to better areas, but usually don't. They usually don't have to pay for housing on the reservation, the government gives them money, etc. If this makes me sound like an ass, then so be it. This is all from my personal experience. If you want respect you have to earn it -Sky I'm more of a fan of the 4th of July than Halloween, btw
  7. Hi! Welcome to the site Sorry for the delay in posting lol -Sky
  8. SilverSnowLeopardess and I are in the Upper Peninsula -Sky
  9. SilverSnowLeopardess and I are from the Upper Peninsula -Sky
  10. I think trying to confine people to one or the other is wrong. Same thing with all these sites and media who only ask "are you voting democrat or republican?" I am a libertarian/Constitutionalist, which doesn't fit either of those categories. Trying to put politics on a flat line doesn't work either. This is a much more revealing method: -Sky
  11. I know this is old, but I wanted to add my 2 cents in. As a former card dealer, I can say that diapers for gamblers is a great thing. Many Asians (been a few years so I can't remember which nationality in particular, so I do apologize) will actually wet or defecate at the tables or machines, so they don't miss anything. It is quite nasty. Many of them are banned from playing table games, or sometimes from the casino's altogether. Can you imagine being the poor janitor who has to come and clean all that stuff up? I certainly wouldn't want to. I do apologize to all the responsible Asians out there who don't do this, but many do. I believe it was Koreans or Vietnamese, I can't remember -Sky
  12. I'm not really picky. As long as they keep me dry and are comfortable. The only big thing is they have to be disposable. I don't like cloth. Now..if only molicare would make their diapers white lol -Sky
  13. Towards the question about why diapers seem to be a modern thing: Yes, this fetish has been around for a long time, even before the 1950's, but my view on it is in the past 80 years, the pace of the world has increased dramatically. Stress is overly abundant. Diapers are a way to let go of that stress. Prior to the 20th century, most people lived much more slower lives. We are rushed with everything nowadays. Do you remember when you were little, and you had all the time in the world? The days would last forever, as well as the summers. Now, at 24, I find the days aren't long enough to get everything done, the year passes by at about the rate that 1 month did when I was little. Diapers are a way to relax and slow things down a bit, help you remember those days. People 100 years ago didn't need it that much as their lives were much slower. This is just my 2 cents -Sky
  14. Lol WH stands for Wolfhome. its a 2D avatar chat (originally made for Were's, not furries. Although furries are allowed hehe) And thanks everyone ^^ -Sky
  15. Hi Sweetie!!! <3333 luvemthick: We are from the Upper Peninsula -Sky
  16. Hey all, Sky here. Been lurking around DD for years. I don't seem to have the ability to post a lot like some people do, so if you want to know anything, just ask. Been into diapers for years. Started out as bedwetting, and grew from there. I'm 24 and I have a wonderful girlfriend who shares my interests. I am an Admin on WH. I will only leave it as WH, and if you know what it stands for, then great! lol Feel free to ask more questions! -Sky
  17. Well hai there Ruddy. Nice to see another WH'er hehe. Welcome! Catch me on WH sometime lol -Sky
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