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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by drynot

  1. Just to chime in here. Forsite makes great diapers. Give them a try and I don't think you'll be disappointed.
  2. I think the main threat to plastic backed diapers and whatnot is the serious push to eliminate the use of single use plastic things from our society. Things seem to be trending towards eliminating plastic grocery bags, straws, and other items and replacing them with a more environmentally friendly product. While some folks here would embrace the idea of getting away from plastic backed diapers and going cloth I, for one, would hate that. If that trend was seen then I'd likely stock up heavily on plastic diapers. As long as the market remains robust and the cost and accessibility of the manufacturing stock continues then we will have plastic backed diapers for a while yet.
  3. Bambino's just fit me well. I like wearing them for sure. Sometimes I just want a good fitting diaper that doesn't need to hold a ton but I can waddle around in for a few hours. Bambino's fit that bill to a tee.....
  4. Short answer....yes...of course you could have too many. However....if you use them all the time what's the harm in having more on hand? As long as they're stored properly then diapers will last for years and years. I've got quite a few diapers in my stash right now. I'm not particularly brand loyal but I do wear and use what works. I've got a case of Dry Life slip supers showing up here any time and I'm really eyeballing a bag or two of the new ABU BunnyHopps when they're in stock. The case of Dry life's put me well north of 300 diapers......might be more....I haven't counted lately
  5. For me it all comes down to the fit and performance. I've been using Drylife Slip Super diapers lately and the fit for me has got to be one of the best I've ever tried. They hold quite a bit too. However....sometimes I'm just in the mood for something else. When I'm at home I'll use a Rearz Safari or other high absorbency diaper to lounge around in. So I guess what I'm saying is that the 'perfect; diaper is subjective given the circumstances....
  6. I only get a whiff of baby powder from time to time when I'm walking around in my diaper. If its wet I don't smell anything at all until I take it off. I do tend to take in a lot of fluids during the day so any pee that I do produce is diluted quite a bit. Now if I eat asparagus then all bets are off. That stuff makes my pee smell quite terrible.....
  7. Heh. I can pee while I'm on the go....take that soccer moms!!
  8. I can't say that I'm a fan of saggy diapers. When I'm wearing a wet one and it starts to sag I will put on a pair of underwear to help keep things in place. That way I can wear the diaper for much longer and it tends to stay put much better.
  9. It was about 3 years ago that I was visiting a small town on the BC coast. This little town had its ups and downs but it was quite quaint and right up my alley as far as towns go. I went into the local grocery store and discovered to my amazement some actual plastic backed Pampers still in stock in their diaper aisle. If I hadn't had been there with my friends and in laws then I'd likely would have bought them. I want to go back to that little town someday just to see more of the sights. You can bet your last dollar though that I will be checking out that store again for those diapers.
  10. No can do there good buddy. We might all be a little off......but its a GOOD off......
  11. At least if we do use this stuff the majority of us will be well prepared to deal with the aftermath
  12. I heard that this was the last season as well. Can't wait to see it but kinda sad that it might be ending.
  13. I can imagine that if I make it to the age where I need full time care that one of my biggest complaints is the quality of diapers they choose to put me in. Us ABDL folks are somewhat experts on what works and what doesn't so if I can't use a high quality disposable then I might get a little cross....
  14. I was just thinking yesterday that Rearz Little Monsters are pretty crinkly. I'm sure if I was in a library people around would definitely notice. I haven't worn Depend diapers in quite a while but I do think that they were some of the noisiest diapers out there as well. I'll be going out grocery shopping later today wearing a Rearz Inspire Select. Those aren't very noisy at all but I'm still going to wear a regular pair of underwear over them to muffle the noise they do make.
  15. I'd be more worried about what else this stuff was doing to me if I was just taking it to cause messing.....
  16. I'm not sure I understand the question. My parents were fairly liberal with diapers when I wet the bed. I think it had more to do with less laundry for my mom more than anything. I grew up thinking that wearing diapers due to bedwetting was no big deal really..... I DO recall having a childhood friend who wet his pants somewhat regularly. Looking back on it now I realize his home life was likely very far from pleasant and he was suffering abuse and neglect. Its surprising to me how shitty parents can be to their own children. I remember an incident where he actually pooped his pants and he was deathly afraid of going home. What a terrible childhood that was probably....
  17. Sounds like fun. I love road trips!!
  18. drynot


    I am currently going through a real binge cycle right now so I'm wearing a LOT of the time. Its great just having the freedom to walk around in nothing but a diaper while I'm at home. I'm fortunate to own a bit of property so I can even wear outside if I like. These days when I leave the house I'm usually wearing as well. So much fun.
  19. Honestly...I could really care less about how or what people think. Do what you like. Life is far too short and fragile to get mixed up in worrying about what people think of you.
  20. Yup. All the time in fact. My wife has no problems with me wearing nothing but diapers around the house. She's gotten quite used to it over the years.
  21. My stash is all over the map. A healthy mix of ABDL and Medical type diapers ranging from thick to thin. I've bought a lot over the past year or so but I'm always looking to add to the collection.
  22. Sorry if this comes off as preachy but at least you have the internet. Back when I was struggling with this fetish I thought I was the only one in the world who wanted to wear diapers. I can still recall the first time I discovered other people shared similar interests. That was life changing let me tell you...
  23. I certainly recall those pics from her and her husband Brock I believe. Great shots.
  24. I think I might try and get a hold of some of those Rearz Barnyard diapers. I prefer tapes over hook and loop fasteners but I think I'll give them a go.
  25. I have a bag of the old style Tena Slip Maxi's that I don't think I'll ever open because they're discontinued now. I tend to make my choice of which diaper to wear kinda on the fly depending on activity but current availability certainly plays a role in that decision. Thankfully we have some great brands to choose from which eliminates the need to use up the rare or discontinued ones.
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