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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by drynot

  1. I would most likely just say that I have bedwetting episodes and also struggle with incontinence during the day. These days I buy almost exclusively on line so unless my delivery gets misplaced I don't really have to worry about the wrong people finding out.
  2. drynot


    It kinda sucks that you need someone else's permission to wear your diapers. I certainly wouldn't put up with that.
  3. Oh yea. One of my favorite diapers. Its always exciting trying out new diapers.
  4. So excited. That is all.....
  5. A couple of things. Question 2: I've not had any trouble getting my favorite brands at all. They seem to always be in stock when I go to buy. Question 3: Not considered an essential worker and I've been working straight through this whole mess.
  6. Never really got out of them IIRC. Pretty prolific bedwetter up into my 30's. I was fortunate enough to have parents that really didn't stigmatize diapers when I was younger. I suspect my mom just didn't want to deal with wet sheets. I don't wet the bed anymore unless I drink heavily....which I rarely do...but still enjoy wearing diapers. These days I'll often diaper up when running errands or going to the movies. With the Covid stuff, bathroom anxiety is kinda a thing around these parts so wearing diapers eliminates those concerns completely
  7. Well I tend to wholeheartedly agree!!! Diapers work wonders for social distancing. Just go out wearing nothing but a diaper.....no one will go anywhere near you.
  8. I haven't tried the Northshore diapers at all but I use the Abena L4's a lot. I still really like them and will continue to purchase them as long as they remain plastic backed.
  9. My first real 'Adult' diapers were Attends. I can still remember finding them in our local pharmacy. They were still pretty decent back then.
  10. I'm in northern BC so things really didn't change all that much for us folks up here. I was out of work for a bit in April but we've been back at it since then. The only real concern I have right now is the effect of the lockdown on the economy. and how that will relate to my job. Things have opened up again....for the most part. Restaurants are open again with limited seating and social distance protocols. We can travel freely throughout the province and the country for the most part. Can't cross the Canada/US border yet but that won't be forever. Mask wearing is completely optional unless you have to go to the dentist or other medical appointments. Diaper wearing is completely optional too....however I recommend a straight course of 24/7 compliance....just to be sure
  11. I guess corded is old school now. I've got two.....one for home and one for travelling
  12. Meh. Diapers are the only appropriate 'underwear' for any given situation. However....I am willing to admit....I might be slightly biased
  13. I'm quite sure the final numbers will be horrific. What I find interesting during this pandemic is the light it is shining on certain areas of our lives that we tend to take for granted. I hope that, going forward, people realise the importance of having an adequate emergency fund set aside. Perhaps have some emergency rations in the pantry if possible. I'm not saying to go all out prepper or anything like that but just be better prepared. Its also revealed glaring weakness in our supply lines in regards to PPE and manufacturing. Hopefully this pandemic will stabilize those for the future. Less reliance on foreign companies making things we need every day. This pandemic is also revealing just how terrible the conditions are in our old folks home and elder care facilities. Here in Canada, the military was called in to help with understaffed and over stressed nursing homes in Ontario and Quebec. Some of the things they have witnessed over the last few months have been truly heartbreaking. There is already talks in the works to improve conditions and increase training and pay for care workers in these facilities. There is also talks in the works to have every Canadian worker access to 2 weeks of sick pay. This would be a national program I would think. Lastly....it really has revealed just how we, as a people, can influence our environment. In just two short months there has been a drastic reduction of C02 emissions which has improved the air quality in many cities and towns across the globe. I could really see how having a 2 month lockdown annually might be a tool to combat climate change. That might not be the best thing for economies....but I think we need to do something.
  14. Yup. No problem. I do it all the time in fact. I don't know when I first noticed that I could pee while walking but it sure seems to have come easy for me.....
  15. So...not trying to be a smart ass or anything....but if you're a girl and you're wearing a diaper....well....I want to see that. You know what they say....if you see one girl in a diaper....then you want to see the rest of them in diapers
  16. So as time has gone on, my SO"s attitude towards diapers has definitely changed...for the worse. When we first got together I could put her in diapers from time to time and she would diaper me and even change me quite regularly. However...as we got older, her participation dropped off considerably. She'll put me in a diaper but she won't change them at all if I'm wet. I don't mess them so that isn't a big deal. That said....she doesn't mind me wearing them at all. I don't have the best bladder control so it just makes life easier to wear a diaper when I'm out running errands and whatnot. I can wear open and freely around the house and she'll comment about how crinkly they are or how cute the ABDL one's look. My wife knew that I wore diapers when we first got together all those years ago. I was still wetting the bed quite regularly back then so it was impossible to hide that when we became intimate. It never seemed to bother her at all. We're still married so I guess there's that.
  17. I've been using Abena L4s quite a bit lately. They really are my go to diaper when I'm running errands and whatnot. If I want to play around a bit I wear Rearz Little Monsters, Safari's, or Barnayrds...
  18. Nope. Not stuck at home or working from home at all. In fact....I'm going out in a few minutes to run some errands. Life is pretty well normal in my household.....for now.
  19. Fortunately I grew out of bedwetting some times ago. However...if I'm drinking alcohol then I almost always diaper up for bed. It doesn't happen all the time but if I have a few too many then I'm quite likely to wet the bed....
  20. I think the Forsite diapers are pretty impressive. Who knew Staples would get into the adult diaper game
  21. I watch both Supernatural and Evil. I'm really liking Evil and I hope it has a long run.
  22. I'm not really into concerts but I wear diapers to the movies all the time. My wife and I also enjoy stand up comedy so I'm diapered during those shows as well.
  23. Definitely sexy time. Plenty of time for diapers later.
  24. If you're wrapping your used diapers in plastic bags already and still getting odours then you might want to switch out the trash more often if possible.
  25. Its better to be open and honest in a loving relationship. That said....only you can know what your current relationship is really like. If you plan on taking it the distance then honesty is the best policy. If you think that its likely to end anytime soon then you might want to keep the secret.
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