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Mr. Sea Otter

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  1. Ive seen several posts and long threads asking about, debating about, and generally trying to figure out what exactly it will take for people to be more accepting of adult diapers. Well, IMO, videos like this are a great example of it. Well produced, non-exploitative characterization, not shock based. Great job!
  2. My wife and I have been married for 6 years now, and I've been openly wearing diapers around her the entire time. My bladder control at this point is bad enough that she will insist that I wear a diaper at night. "I don't want you to pee on me again," had been said a couple of times on the rare occasions when I started drifting off without a diaper. As a general concept though, she doesn't participate in anything diaper related, and it certainly isn't a part of our sex life or anything. Her only request has been for me to not wear 'hospital diapers' since she has changed too many of those professionally and really doesn't like me to remind her of a patient or something. All that said, I don't really like changing in front of her. It's happened many times, and she couldn't care less. But it does make me slightly uncomfortable. I do also get a bit nervous occasionally when I try a new brand or design. I recently bought some Rearz Bellas and Princess Pinks, which are very girly. It was still "swamp ass" hot, so I knew she would see them as I really prefer to just wear a tee shirt and a diaper whenever possible during that time of the year. So I was a bit nervous when I first wore them around her, although I don't know why. When she saw the it I think she said something like "Princesses huh? That's uh, very pink." I think I mumbled something about then being on sale. She just shrugged and moved on to whatever else we needed to talk about. She was a bit more intrigued when she saw the Bellas. "What is that thing? A unicorn?" "Uh, I'm not sure. I don't think it has a horn? A flying horse?" "Huh, yea. What's the Greek thing?" "A Pegasus?" "Yea, maybe. Anyways, are you getting a haircut anytime before..."
  3. This may be a bit harsh but.... You have had several opportunities to tell her and you didn't. My own two cents, as somebody who has been there done that (aka having the diaper talk) with several GFs and a now wife and an ex-wife, is that you are being dishonest by not telling the truth. If you want to progress the relationship, you should tell her the truth. And at this point you have made it out to be a big deal. The reality though, is that it doesn't have to be a big deal. Frankly, most of us make this out to be a MUCH bigger deal than it has to be. But that's what can happen to humans who hide deep personal secrets their whole lives.... we turn it into this whole source of stress and anxiety, living in fear of being discovered and rejected. It doesn't have to be like that. As a really great therapist once told me, 'This is a part of you, but it is just a small part.' Bottom line for you here is to decide if you want to be honest with your girlfriend, or if you want to suppress your desires, try to make them go away, or commit to keeping them a secret forever. It's your call and I for one won't judge your either way. Given that this is your first sexual relationship, and the first time you have ever talked to a GF about it, I understand how scary it can be. But lies of omissions are still lies in my book. And I think you can be honest and tell her you don't know exactly what it is or what it means to you. A good person, the spend the rest of our lives together kind of person, should want to help you understand and explore. At least that's how I feel.
  4. I had a pretty close call myself just a couple of weeks ago. I was in the kitchen wearing just a tee shirt and a diaper. My wife and kids were upstairs, theoretically still in bed. Then a loud knock on the front door. I realize it's a neighbor who brought over her kid to play with our kid. They were early! My wife had mentioned they were coming but I thought I had a solid hour before they were going to show up, but apparently the moms had been texting in the morning unbeknownst to me. I heard a second knock and took stock in the situation. The front door has windows, and they have a perfect view of the stairs that go to the second floor where my clothes were, so there was no way I could sneak upstairs to grab something to put on without giving the mom a perfect view of my diapered butt. And the woman was clearly looking through the windows to see if we were coming. Plan B was to just hide in the basement, but I would be trapped there unless my wife could sneak me something to wear after letting them in. I was really starting to get worried when I looked on the floor and saw a full laundry basket with a pair of shorts right on top. I threw them on and answered the door as my wife was coming down the stairs. Later after they left she admitted to wondering if I had any pants on when she heard the knock on the door.
  5. It comes with time and experience. I remember one doctor appointment where my wife and my doctor were both discussing the degree to which my spine is curved (not all that much) as I was bent over with no shirt on and my ABDL diaper 100% visible. They were both behind me and my doctor was showing my wife the curve by tracing it with her finger which she eventually ran all the way down to the diaper. This probably sounds like BS, but it isn't. My wife is a nurse practitioner and she works for the same employer as my doctor. And my doctor has known that I wear diapers, by choice, since my first appointment with her 10 plus years ago. So my thought when this was happening wasn't shame or even excitement.... I thought it was hilarious in the 'I can't believe this is real' sense. I think telling people you wear diapers is a critical step to True acceptance. You certainly don't need to tell everyone... most of my friends don't know. But people with a 'need to know', like doctors, chiropractors, therapists, a masseuse etc I let them all know that I wear diapers. When I fill out medical forms, I always check the OAB and urinary incontinence boxes. It just makes everything easier because I'm not trying to hide or deceive anyone. I long ago learned that nobody really cares that I wear a diaper. We make such a big deal out of it in our heads, but it's really not. For me, telling people, being open and honest about, really showed me that it isn't anything to worry about or stress over.
  6. My wife won't let me sleep without a diaper at this point, which is more than fine by me. In the summer I wear just a diaper and nothing else. In the winter, I'll wear pajama bottoms over the diaper, or if it is really cold I'll put on my footie PJ's. About the only exception I can really think of is if we have visitors spending the night. My in-laws were with us for a few weeks recently, so I did wear a pair of boxers over the diaper at night. We have a newborn and I was getting up at any moment and walking around, so it made sense.
  7. I'm only familiar with one person around here who successfully (un)trained and became a bed wetter and then (years later) wanted to go back to being dry and was unable to do so. The person has posted about it several times. I don't know the person in real life, so take it for what it is worth this being the internet and all. It seems far more likely that becoming a bed wetter is really difficult and that most people have only marginal success even after years of trying. I don't think 'going back' to being dry would be all that hard unless there was some other medical problems going on.
  8. I'd never heard of it before, but looks cool. Very sad to hear about the owner though.
  9. Marriage is just a different word for compromise. Or well, successful marriage is at least. My first wife knew all about diapers and stuff before we got married. Then one day she decided she didn't want to be with an ABDL. Granted she was having an affair. Like the chicken and the egg, which came first I'll never known. She left though, and that was that. My current wife also knew all about diapers before we got married. But like Rosalie said, the AB drive continues and things progressed. She was pretty good about things for a really long time. She didn't really ever participate, but let me do what I wanted to do. Over the years things progressed. She didn't really complain when actual bed wetting and daytime accidents started happening more and more. But she drew a hard line in the sand at messing. I'd decided to try it during the lockdown / stay at home thing and had managed to stay under the radar for a week or two. Eventually I told her, hoping she wouldn't care or would accept it. But she did. She was really upset when she found out. It wasn't something she was going to compromise on. So it was my turn to compromise. It was hard, I was in a bad place to begin with with everything going on in the world and it had given me something to distract myself with. But I stopped, because that was what I had to do. And it was the right call for sure.
  10. I use two spots. Well, maybe 2 and 1/2. 1- A large dresser drawer in my bedroom. These are all my ready to use diapers and are where I go when I need to change. It holds, maybe 30 to 40 diapers or so and I have lots of different styles and absorbancy levels in there. 2- An IKEA cabinet that my wife and I picked out for the sole purpose of storing diapers. The cabinet lives in a closet in our finished attic. This is where I keep most of the diapers I have on hand and it holds a case or so worth of diapers. I take the diapers our of the bag they come in before they go in there. https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/brusali-cabinet-with-doors-white-70439752/ 2 1/2 - I do have a large box in the attic closet with the main diaper cabinet. I use that box to store any unopened packs of diapers that don't fit in the IKEA cabinet.
  11. Keep parroting it! So many people could really benefit from professional help.for mental health issues. I'm happy to hear you are finding it helpful and are brave enough to share that.
  12. I wear a suit to the office every day. Nobody has ever said anything to me.... I don't think you have anything to worry about at a cos play event.
  13. Finding balance can be tricky. If you are really struggling, talking to a therapist is a much better idea than any tips you will find here. If it's not that severe and you just wants some ideas on how to take your mind off of it, I'd suggest exercising and physical activity as my best advice. After that, just spending time with other people is a good second option.
  14. I keep a stash in one of my dresser drawers in the bedroom for easy access. The bulk of them live on shelves in a mini wardrobe in a closet in the attic, or in a cardboard box if the wardrobe is full.
  15. I stopped worrying about this many years ago. Like many others, I do try to be discreet. I dont put a diaper on in the locker room in front of everyone or anything like that. But I don't try as hard as I could to make sure nobody ever sees anything because I just don't care. If there is ever a need, I just wear a onesie... like if I know I'm gonna be bent over fixing a sink at my rental property and the tenants are home. But normally, I make no more effort to hide it than any adult male makes to hide their underwear.
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