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Diapers At Work?


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hey was wondering has any one ever been caught wearing diapers while at work and what happened when it got out that you wore... Now in my situation i have a co worker were i work she wears from time to time when she gets diarrhea really bad she has to wear at least a pullup and with us working outdoors and no one really around i can wear mine and she never notices or anything even though she wears some.The ONLY reason i know about it is we have this one room shack with a bathroom for us to use and ive noticed the diaper in the trash can so i figured it was hers since they are a different brand pullup than i wear ............

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My boss knew that I wore diapers but nobody ever bothered me about it. My nasty problem was eliminated by the surgeon's knife 8 years ago. I only wet at night now.

hey was wondering has any one ever been caught wearing diapers while at work and what happened when it got out that you wore... Now in my situation i have a co worker were i work she wears from time to time when she gets diarrhea really bad she has to wear at least a pullup and with us working outdoors and no one really around i can wear mine and she never notices or anything even though she wears some.The ONLY reason i know about it is we have this one room shack with a bathroom for us to use and ive noticed the diaper in the trash can so i figured it was hers since they are a different brand pullup than i wear ............

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My boss knew that I wore diapers but nobody ever bothered me about it. My nasty problem was eliminated by the surgeon's knife 8 years ago. I only wet at night now.

I am a recent ex-employee of target (bad manager and wanted me to work 50 hour weeks even though I'm full time college student) and there were many times I had wished I had worn a diaper to work. Some were because I was always covering people and hardly got bathroom breaks and others were because for some reason, while closing the store at 12am, I got the urge in my intestines and had to use the stalls. <_<

In my next job I will probably be smarter and wear more often, I havn't been able to wear lately because of flat out busy days. :closedeyes: Wearing at work has always been a dream of mine lol!

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Wearing at work has always been a dream of mine lol!

Mine, too. As a flight instructor, sometimes I'm cooped up in the plane without a toilet for longer than a bladder can take it. I try to drink enough water during the day so that comes back to haunt me once in a while. But if I wore at work, I'd have to bring a change and that would be way too obvious.

p.s. I saw a license plate the other day that said DL*88**.

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Yes I Do Wear at Work, as I am 24/7 Out of Desire, & Since Diapers are a Stress Relief for Me, & I Dont Deal With Stress Very Well, Diapers Have been a Tremendous Help. As for Being Found Out, I Recently Changed Jobs, & at my old Job Which I Worked at for about Three Years, I'll Put it this Way: No one Ever Said anything About the Diapers, But I think they Might've Noticed. But I dont let it Bother or Stop Me.

Rockies Fan

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MY job only asked that i dont deliver with a smelly diaper. they told me to do what ever made me happy. i drive for a produce company and i deliver to small mom and pop places and schools and stuff. they known i wear diapers because of a medical problem but they didnt know that I didnt need them all the time just at night but i wear them 24/7 as daipers at my normal everyday thing now. my company also has given me days off when i run out of diapers. i have called my boss saying i ran out and need to buy some so i can go work. they just say if we give you extra time could you pick some up during your day. I say sure and they give me the money to buy what i need to do my job. its kinda cool knowing they are willing to support the needs so i can do my job. as i tell my boss its my problem not yours. and they still say if i need them to work then the company will pay for what i need in order to work.

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MY job only asked that i dont deliver with a smelly diaper. they told me to do what ever made me happy. i drive for a produce company and i deliver to small mom and pop places and schools and stuff. they known i wear diapers because of a medical problem but they didnt know that I didnt need them all the time just at night but i wear them 24/7 as daipers at my normal everyday thing now. my company also has given me days off when i run out of diapers. i have called my boss saying i ran out and need to buy some so i can go work. they just say if we give you extra time could you pick some up during your day. I say sure and they give me the money to buy what i need to do my job. its kinda cool knowing they are willing to support the needs so i can do my job. as i tell my boss its my problem not yours. and they still say if i need them to work then the company will pay for what i need in order to work.

Wow, thats really great that your company is so willing to work with you like that! That's wonderful. Most places don't care nearly that much about their employees. Good for you.

I really admire the fact that you all are so willing to wear in public. I'm too scared to.

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In my real life I am a profoundly bladder incontinent adult woman, and have been since 1985. Starting in 1976 I was an adolescent with secondary nocturnal enuresis, a fancy way of saying I reverted to bedwetting. No, I am not a DL. Since 1990 I have used AB as a coping strategy.

Even when I was 12 my Mom taught me to consider a diaper as another form of ordinary undies. To be discreet I sould not show off a diaper anymore than I would big girl panties. However, I also should not try to keep my diapers a huge deep secret. First of all diapers cannot be kept a total secret. It is when such a secret is exposed embarrassing trouble starts. I was lucky that I never needed to wear a diaper to class from middle school until I graduated from pre-law university. That summer while moving to law school I lost my day control and have needed diapers 24/4 since then.

Given that I change diapers in court house ladies rooms at least once every weekday I am sure most of the other female attorneys in Los Angeles, CA know I wear. None of the other attorneys or my clients care. After 32 years disguising diapers under other garments I have become discreet. Chances are good that in the USA if found diapered at work all you need do is mention the Americans with Disabilities Act, although actually federal court rulings are in conflict.

My experience is even my middle school friends did not care. For sure in university and post-grad students care only about their own grades.

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I have worn a few times at work. My job is great because I am out by myself in a truck. I usually wet itg during the middle of the day and take it off. I have not actually changed myself at work, but who knows maybe one day. I just got some abenas for the first time. Maybe I can take those for a change.

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Guest AllenABDL

i have worn to work only a few times and one of my mangers know about it. he is wanting to try it lol cause he has a pee fetish. and i have not been caught wearing them at work though i have come close to someone finding out. it just depends on who i work with. if its someone i hate then i dont want them to find out. u know but i have worn a few times to my work and i work at a fast food place. so it helps when we have a "rush" and i cant use the restroom.

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I've worn to work a few times in the past, but I'm always hyper-sensitive about what people see, hear, etc. when I do. I'm very private about my wearing interests, and I'm sure that my coworkers or managers have known. They've never said anything to me though. I haven't worn at work since I started teaching overseas, as I don't know what the work environment would be like if I did and I dont want to risk it. But once I get back home, I'm probably going to be wearing more and more often anyway, so that will have to include at work.

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I have worn diapers to work a few times...until I ran out of diapers :( I am an IT technician and the only one working from my department on the weekends. Of course a few months ago I moved in with my fiance so I haven't been able to wear in a long time. :(


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  • 6 months later...

I haven't worn to work but could very easily. Where I work there are times I spend 7-12 hrs in the building by myself, so I could very easily wear diapers to work. The only problem areas would be when I need to change, where to dispose of the used diapers, and to manage to get through the shift change without anyone noticing that I have a diaper on. Not quite sure if I want to chance that yet. :blush::whistling:

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I work for my dad. And as I've mentone in other topics, my folks are rabidly anti-diaper. Wearing to work would cause me untold problems, likely including having to find a new job...

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I've worn a diaper to work a few times. It's amazing what a pair of khakis will hide. As an engineer in a test lab, I was fairly isolated. If I knew I was getting company, I would turn a machine on. It almost backfired on me though. A couple of designers, concept engineer and project manager paid me a visit and we worked in very close quarters for about an hour and I was soaked. I didn't think the diaper was going to make it.

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Most every day I wear to work. For awhile I had to wear double-bambinos but since the release of the bambino soakers I've slimmed down a little. I was only called out once on my diapers and when I said "Yes. Yes I am, wearing a diaper." Nothing more was said...

Possibly because I'm the only capable software-man in the shop. :lol:

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I've been 24/7 for over a year now, so obviously I wear everywhere. A few of my co-workers know I wear. I haven't exactly been up front about the why of my wearing... but I don't see that as a necessary thing to tell.

I come in on time, work my arse off, and am generally liked by everyone, nodoby cares about my diapers... sometimes the people that do know even crack jokes about diapers with me. We all have a laugh... it's not a bad thing.

I don't go around flaunting my diapers... but I don't really try to hide them either. I bring my changing bag in every morning and take it with me every evening... I also keep a few spares in my file cabinet just incase.

I have found that as long as I act like a relatively "normal" person and go about my business nobody really cares that I'm diapered.

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