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How to unblock a chat user?

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It's easy to block a chat user, even accidentally, but seemingly impossible to unblock the user. Once a chat user is blocked, it's impossible to find the user by using the chat search feature. Fortunately, a blocked chat user is still reachable in the mail tool. I've been told there's a "Manage Block List" in Settings, but I haven't been able to find it. How can I unblock a user, especially one with whom I've had an extended conversation and never blocked intentionally? Really, there should be an easy way to unblock, and even more important, a confirmation pop-up to make sure that the user intended to block the person.

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To Unblock a user, Enter Chat as normal.  You will see the list of people that are online that you can Private message (Note that we are talking about the LEFT panel):

1.  Click the Circle that has your Avatar Picture there, and then Click "Manage Block List"

2.  Click the down arrow to expand the list of blocked users.  When you see the username of the person you want to unblock, highlight the user in your list , and hit the BLUE "Unblock" Button, and it will unblock it.

Note that, unfortunately, you CANNOT (to my knowledge) block a user WITHOUT them being online at the time you want to block them! You can't block them without them being online. However, you CAN unblock them regardless of online status :)

I am not sure if an admin like @DailyDi or @spoonchickencan block users if they are NOT in chat first, but the way I describe above should work.

Good Luck!


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@~Brian~ Brian, I had forgotten that I had to click on my avatar in the upper left pane of the Chat window in order to find the "Manae bge block list" menu item. Thanks very much for reminding me of this very non-intuitive fact. I've now unblocked the people that I had accidentally blocked somehow.

There should be a confirmation that blocking is intended before the block is put into effect!

Here's your reward: to block *any* user, online or not, enter their username in the Chat window's "Search for a friend" text box in that same upper left pane. Then click on their username in the Users Online column, bringing up their chat history with you. Finally, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of their chat history and click "Block User".

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8 minutes ago, gobphus said:

Brian, I had forgotten that I had to click on my avatar in the upper left pane of the Chat window in order to find the "Manae bge block list" menu item. Thanks very much for reminding me of this fact. I've now unblocked the people that I had accidentally blocked somehow.


No problem:  Sometimes, I think people forget that the left hand box, which has all of the people that are available to private message has the little avatar picture that you CAN click on to manage the settings.  I was always under the impression that you could NOT block someone who was NOT in the chat, and if you can do that with and by your instructions, that would OPTIMUM:  one thing I have learned being a server OP, which is the equivalent of  what @DailyDi, @spoonchicken@smarti, and others that show "Administrators" when they are logged in, is that you should always try to stay out of the dramas, and if that becomes IMPOSSIBLE, *then* you throw the server ban (/kill <user> [REASON]), and you could do that as many times as you needed to, but the LAST thing I was taught to do was to K-line someone in the config file.  that is why people that use the Block list are FAR less likely to get into arguments:  in Florida, we had to ask the server admin to allow Operators to be able to /ignore - Operators are there to keep order, and sometimes, you needed to stop people from "threatening you" :)

I am glad that on DD, that the admins don't mess around:  because of my experience, if someone PM's me, most times, I will tell them that they shouldn't do that, cause others COULD ban you first time out, but most times, I've been able to deal with anything that happens.  If I have to PM an admin, then there is a darn good reason!  ;)

27 minutes ago, gobphus said:

Here's your reward: to block *any* user, online or not, enter their username in the Chat window's "Search for a friend" text box in that same upper left pane. Then click on their username in the Users Online column, bringing up their chat history with you. Finally, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of their chat history and click "Block User"

Thanks!  I didn't even KNOW you could do that hehehehe :)


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