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As a kid/teen did you do anything that might be considered unusual for your age group?

As a kid/teen did you do anything that might be considered unusual for your age group?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. As a kid/teen did you do anything that might be considered unusual for your age group?

    • Had to wear diapers
    • Used a pacifier
    • Rode in a stroller
    • Rode in a car seat (when other kids my age didn't need to anymore)
    • Still used a highchair
    • Stayed on at school longer than most
    • Other (please explain)

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On 10/26/2023 at 11:03 AM, WBxx said:

Remember my concern when I noticed our Sears catalog tended to automatically open to the incontinence section because I had spent so much time perusing those pages.

Did anybody ever notice that and ask you about it? That would have been embarrasing. When my bedwetting decreased after puberty I used to pee in the bed on purpose so I could keep the rubber sheet on my bed. I used to be careful to make sure my older brother who I shared a room with and my mom never figured it out.

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14 hours ago, rubbersheetmike said:

Did anybody ever notice that and ask you about it? That would have been embarrasing. When my bedwetting decreased after puberty I used to pee in the bed on purpose so I could keep the rubber sheet on my bed. I used to be careful to make sure my older brother who I shared a room with and my mom never figured it out.

As a parent, I would not have thought much about it.   I think that is something the person going to that section all the time notices because it points to what would be a shameful thing in our society.  Like when kids think everyone sees something embarrassing about themselves and really no one notices.

So, when you would pee on the rubber sheet, what was the result of that?  Did you get in trouble, or did your parents forgive you and move on?

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On 10/23/2023 at 6:19 PM, Kawaharu said:

When I was a kid my potty training took a long time because I sat on the potty differently and not like everyone else. Eventually, my folks put me in pull-ups but as it got worse, I was put back into diapers and since then they never attempted potty training on me ever again.

didnt you serve in the military? that must have been an interesting experience for your drill instructor haha🤪

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Used makeshift diapers in secret when I was 12 to 16, then I got real diapers and plastic pants still using in secret. Quit at 18 and for 4 years in the Navy. Then back at it in secret until age 60. 

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Apart from the obvious that I peed my bed and often peed my pants during the day much later than most I also enjoyed playing with toys a bit later and frequently reread some of my childhood books even as a teenager.

19 hours ago, Gejoe said:

Used makeshift diapers in secret when I was 12 to 16, then I got real diapers and plastic pants still using in secret

I also did this from about 14 or 15.

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On 10/28/2023 at 7:09 AM, TellMeAStory said:

As a parent, I would not have thought much about it.   I think that is something the person going to that section all the time notices because it points to what would be a shameful thing in our society.  Like when kids think everyone sees something embarrassing about themselves and really no one notices.

So, when you would pee on the rubber sheet, what was the result of that?  Did you get in trouble, or did your parents forgive you and move on?

My parents didn't realize it or I think they didn't. My mother said that she'd take the rubber sheet off my bed after a certain period of time as long as I had no accidents. She thought it was an incentive for me to stay dry but I wanted the rubber sheet to stay on my bed so I made sure to have enough "accidents" - usually at least one every 4 to 6 weeks - to keep the rubber sheet on the bed. It was like a security blanket for me. I kept it on the bed until I was 17 and then had it removed. By that time my brother had moved out of the room and I was dating and having the rubber sheet on the bed wasn't helpful for getting to second base or better, if you know what I mean.

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Right before middle school, my parents bought a minivan from a family we knew well. Having two older brothers meant I had to sit in the middle seat. It didn’t have a full seat belt so the family who owned it before us had fitted a special harness. I had to wear it from the summer before middle school until sometime into my sophomore year in high school.

It probably doesn’t need saying that none of my friends (or any kids I knew) at that time were in any sort of car seat. I hated having to wear the harness. I also hated being between my brothers, especially when we took long trips. It doesn’t really make any sense to me why I long for that situation again when I hated it so much at time.

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On 10/18/2023 at 4:12 PM, Apache Raccoon said:

Some older kids might still wear diapers, or still use a pacifier or still have a stroller or maybe take longer before being big enough to not need a car seat and stuff like that despite being past the baby/toddler stage of life and I'm curios if anything like that applies to anyone on Daily Diapers since a lot of us are into diapers and age-play ETC.

I mostly had a pretty ordinary childhood.

I was taken out in a stroller a few times and given orange squash in a sippy cup when my child minder (Carol) babysat me when I was about 7-9 years old although she didn't babysit me on a regular occurrence.

I stayed on longer at school than other people my age, and I guess I wore diapers till I was 12 although to be fair adolescent bedwetting isn't that uncommon but that's about it.

Obviously I've done stuff as an AKDL but that's another topic.

What about everyone else? Any experiences you'd like to share?

Well, little Ashy I must say that admittedly I enjoyed pooping in my pants and wetting myself when I was 7, 8, 9. I also enjoyed getting put back in diapers as a kid. Plus the fact that growing up I really had no friends to hang out with. So I was pretty lonely. I was also very much into riding bikes, and playing on the swings, and building sandcastles, and playing on the playground when I was older kid. Even though I couldn't physically do those things due to my disability. So I never grew out of wanting to do those things, especially with you.🙂 And I always wanted to run around and play like the other kids too when I was growing up even as older kid but like I said I couldn't do that.

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30 minutes ago, Baby Helix said:

Well, little Ashy I must say that admittedly I enjoyed pooping in my pants and wetting myself when I was 7, 8, 9. I also enjoyed getting put back in diapers as a kid. Plus the fact that growing up I really had no friends to hang out with. So I was pretty lonely. I was also very much into riding bikes, and playing on the swings, and building sandcastles, and playing on the playground when I was older kid. Even though I couldn't physically do those things due to my disability. So I never grew out of wanting to do those things, especially with you.🙂 And I always wanted to run around and play like the other kids too when I was growing up even as older kid but like I said I couldn't do that.


What about going somewhere like this? 

https://morganswonderland.com/#:~:text=Morgan's Wonderland offers 25 Ultra,something for everyone to enjoy!

It's in Texas and designed for people with disabilities and all that stuff.

Looks like fun, I'd be up for going with you to that if you wanted.


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41 minutes ago, Apache Raccoon said:


What about going somewhere like this? 

https://morganswonderland.com/#:~:text=Morgan's Wonderland offers 25 Ultra,something for everyone to enjoy!

It's in Texas and designed for people with disabilities and all that stuff.

Looks like fun, I'd be up for going with you to that if you wanted.


Oh Morgan's wonderland. I think I've actually been there before. I'd love to go with you. Big hugs!♥️😊🤗

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1 minute ago, Apache Raccoon said:

Yay you give awesome snuggles and cuddles to 

I love you so much buddy.♥️ If you could would you ever have a sleepover with me?🤫🤭

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/25/2023 at 7:35 PM, TellMeAStory said:

When our kids were really young, they only got water after dinner.  No wet beds at our house.

Do you think that was the reason for no wet beds? I shared a room with my older brother and we were both overage bedwetters. We had to go through the nothing to drink after dinner except a glass of water (I took meds before bed). We also had to endure the 4 am waking routine for a couple years. Neither strategy seemed to end the bedwetting issue though.

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17 hours ago, rubbersheetmike said:

Do you think that was the reason for no wet beds? I shared a room with my older brother and we were both overage bedwetters. We had to go through the nothing to drink after dinner except a glass of water (I took meds before bed). We also had to endure the 4 am waking routine for a couple years. Neither strategy seemed to end the bedwetting issue though.

Like anything when it comes to kids, nothing is a straight solution for all.  From what you're saying, I think there was more to it than that, but your parents were trying.  What I am saying is that some parents let kids do whatever they want, and then they're surprised or punish the kid when they wet the bed.  Sometimes, kids don't know that drinking lots of fluids before bed is a bad idea.

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5 hours ago, TellMeAStory said:

Like anything when it comes to kids, nothing is a straight solution for all.  From what you're saying, I think there was more to it than that, but your parents were trying.  What I am saying is that some parents let kids do whatever they want, and then they're surprised or punish the kid when they wet the bed.  Sometimes, kids don't know that drinking lots of fluids before bed is a bad idea.

I suspect 'better safe than sorry' is a good approach most of the time. My parents imposed the no liquids after dinner and 4 am waking routines as a response to overage bedwetting that wasnt controlled. They tried other things as well including spanking that didn't work. Eventually, because there was already protection on our mattresses we just had to do our own laundry in the morning once we were old enough to do it which was around 12 or 13.  I think that taking reasonable precautions like limiting liquids after dinner in addition to using disposable overnight products is probably the best approach.

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2 hours ago, rubbersheetmike said:

I suspect 'better safe than sorry' is a good approach most of the time. My parents imposed the no liquids after dinner and 4 am waking routines as a response to overage bedwetting that wasnt controlled. They tried other things as well including spanking that didn't work. Eventually, because there was already protection on our mattresses we just had to do our own laundry in the morning once we were old enough to do it which was around 12 or 13.  I think that taking reasonable precautions like limiting liquids after dinner in addition to using disposable overnight products is probably the best approach.

Curious, when responsible for your own laundry did you have to wash your sheets every time you wet?  Ask because once I got a place of my own I often wet multiple times before cleaning up.  Strange as it sounds, I enjoyed (still do) sleeping in pee stained sheets.

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8 minutes ago, WBxx said:

Curious, when responsible for your own laundry did you have to wash your sheets every time you wet?  Ask because once I got a place of my own I often wet multiple times before cleaning up.  Strange as it sounds, I enjoyed (still do) sleeping in pee stained sheets.

When I was living at home I had to wash my bedding and pjs every time I wet the bed. The only thing I'd get in trouble for was not putting them in the washing machine in the morning. My mother would later transfer them to the dryer. Once I got a place of my own I was much less disciplined about it. My first place I got when I was 19 was a small furnished apartment. I didn't take my rubber sheet from home but should have. I ruined the double bed mattress in a few months. I used plastic garbage bags but should have gone out and bought a waterproof mattress cover. Eventually my landlady who was an older Eastern European lady replaced the mattress and bought a fitted waterproof cover that she put on the mattress right after it was delivered and set up. She never said another word about it to me.

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I was always different. In my teenage years I had a secret stash of depend pullups, a baby bottle, and a baby pacifier. I would use them when my parents were at work, and my sister was with friends. I always felt so embarrassed and thrilled to purchase the pullups from time to time. That was all secret though. 

The major thing I can look back and say, "yep, I was totally different about" and friends kinda knew about was tv shows I watched. When I was in high school I LOVED (and still do) all the PBS tv shows that came on after school. Arthur, Clifford, CyberChase, Dragontales, Caillou and many more. Looking back, my friends had to have known I enjoyed them because they would talk about did you watch such and such show yesterday and I would say, "No, my sister made me watch....." In reality I would be the one yelling at my sister, "Hey!! Hurry up! Dragontales is starting!" Basically like I said before, I was always different, and back then it really sucked, but now, I can look back with fondness. 

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  • 1 month later...

I used to write stories of me using my diaper and getting changed by my caretaker as early as 7 years old

Back before I was independent enough to wear diapers again, my little space was always done through fiction. Mostly me jotting down my fantasies I have if I was still a baby. 

 One day Me and a good friend of mine (we were 11) found one of my stories. I was extremely embarrassed, but to my surprise he asked no questions of it. Although he did tease me about my interest in poopy diapers for a short while afterwards.


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