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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Wearing to the Office


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Hi there,

I haven't posted. much here but have been leaching for a while.

I have been a DL since I was 7-8 I think and have been wearing ever since. Recently I discussed diaper's with my wife and that I would love to wear them at home whenever possible, going more or less 24/7 except when I have to go to the office.

After wearing diaper night and day for 5 days, three days home-office and the weekend I felt kind of naked and really missing the padded feeling on Monday morning getting dressed to go to work. I have only ever worn to the office a couple of times during lockdown when there was hardly anybody there, but I never arrived fully padded but would check if there was anybody on my floor before sneaking to the toilet and putting on a Tena Super. Sometimes, lately, now that I wear nearly all the time outside of work, I did the same just before leaving the office so I have become used to having a diaper in my laptop bag.

So Yesterday I decided to pack two Tena Super before work and see if I could pick up the courage to wear with colleagues around. The whole day I was feeling I should, so after lunch, later in the afternoon I picked up the courage and sneaked in to the Toilet. The toilets were empty so nobody could perhaps hear the sound of the tapes or question the crinkle of the small plastic bag I use to carry the diaper in.

Once done I took a deep breath and walked in to the office with my diaper hidden under dark jeans. Nobody but me noticed of course, I use the Tena cotton feel diaper version so no chance for diaper crinkle.

It was wonderful, I felt relaxed wearing them, not too self concious, just checking my T-Shirt was pulled down when I got up from my chair.

Letting go in the office was a wonderful feeling.

Encouraged by the previous day I decided to get padded at home before leaving for work.

I was a little nervous when I first walked in to the office wearing my Tena Super but that soon wore off, having lots to do does take your mind of certain distractions.

Being able to just relax and let go is such a good feeling. After lunch I went to the toilet to change my wet diaper, the stall next to me was occupied so I was a little self-concious, I was glad that we didn't exit at the same time. Next time I will use the handicapped toilet I think.

Only problem is that there are no bins where I can dispose of my diaper discreetly so I took it back home.

I'll be back in the office at least one more time this week and will wear again. If it still feels good I might set a goal of spending the whole of October in a diaper.

Let's see where this journey takes me.

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Congrats on breaking down this barrier! I remember the first time I wore a diaper to work; I work from home so I'd been wearing diapers in my office all the time, no big deal, but then I had to do a site visit in a city 4 hours away, so, for the first time, I packed for a business trip taking only diapers with me, and I headed out the night before, and checked into a hotel room. In the morning, I had no option but to change my diaper, get dressed, and go to the meeting. It was stressful at first, but I got through the day with no problems, and in the end, I was so glad that I went for it, and didn't let my reservations stop me. 

Later, I spent stretches of a few days at our head office from time to time, in diapers, and I quickly got to the point where I forgot about my underwear. If you dress intelligently, and practice good hygiene, nobody is going to know or care what you have on under your clothes. One pro tip - I nearly always wear onesies (diaper shirts) that look like t-shirts under my clothes - they eliminate the need to worry about if my shirt is riding up if I get up from a chair or need to bend over or squat. 

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40 minutes ago, iamdaddydave said:

Hi there,

I haven't posted. much here but have been leaching for a while.

I have been a DL since I was 7-8 I think and have been wearing ever since. Recently I discussed diaper's with my wife and that I would love to wear them at home whenever possible, going more or less 24/7 except when I have to go to the office.

After wearing diaper night and day for 5 days, three days home-office and the weekend I felt kind of naked and really missing the padded feeling on Monday morning getting dressed to go to work. I have only ever worn to the office a couple of times during lockdown when there was hardly anybody there, but I never arrived fully padded but would check if there was anybody on my floor before sneaking to the toilet and putting on a Tena Super. Sometimes, lately, now that I wear nearly all the time outside of work, I did the same just before leaving the office so I have become used to having a diaper in my laptop bag.

So Yesterday I decided to pack two Tena Super before work and see if I could pick up the courage to wear with colleagues around. The whole day I was feeling I should, so after lunch, later in the afternoon I picked up the courage and sneaked in to the Toilet. The toilets were empty so nobody could perhaps hear the sound of the tapes or question the crinkle of the small plastic bag I use to carry the diaper in.

Once done I took a deep breath and walked in to the office with my diaper hidden under dark jeans. Nobody but me noticed of course, I use the Tena cotton feel diaper version so no chance for diaper crinkle.

It was wonderful, I felt relaxed wearing them, not too self concious, just checking my T-Shirt was pulled down when I got up from my chair.

Letting go in the office was a wonderful feeling.

Encouraged by the previous day I decided to get padded at home before leaving for work.

I was a little nervous when I first walked in to the office wearing my Tena Super but that soon wore off, having lots to do does take your mind of certain distractions.

Being able to just relax and let go is such a good feeling. After lunch I went to the toilet to change my wet diaper, the stall next to me was occupied so I was a little self-concious, I was glad that we didn't exit at the same time. Next time I will use the handicapped toilet I think.

Only problem is that there are no bins where I can dispose of my diaper discreetly so I took it back home.

I'll be back in the office at least one more time this week and will wear again. If it still feels good I might set a goal of spending the whole of October in a diaper.

Let's see where this journey takes me.


It seems to me that you may be moving to be more of an AB than a DL. It is understandable that you like the feeling of being padded - you spent the best part of 2 years padded, and that was one of your familiar zones as a baby - the thick padding between your legs. The time you spent at home wearing almost constantly reminded a part of your mind what this is like. Therefore, it is understandable that you missed the feeling of padding when you went back to the office. It is almost as if the padding is a long lost friend / plushie that you can't go anywhere without.

The second part, wetting same is so natural to you due to that being accepted behaviour when you did wear diapers as a baby. This is a part of you that you reawakened, maybe by accident. 

I don't know where you want this journey to take you, but I suggest that you find your plushie, paci and blankie and enjoy this part of you. You can choose to fight it if you want, but I suspect that like most ABs, this will send you down the spiral of binge / purge until you make the decision in your own mind.

Best of luck in which ever path you choose.

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8 hours ago, iamdaddydave said:

Hi there,

I haven't posted. much here but have been leaching for a while.

I have been a DL since I was 7-8 I think and have been wearing ever since. Recently I discussed diaper's with my wife and that I would love to wear them at home whenever possible, going more or less 24/7 except when I have to go to the office.

After wearing diaper night and day for 5 days, three days home-office and the weekend I felt kind of naked and really missing the padded feeling on Monday morning getting dressed to go to work. I have only ever worn to the office a couple of times during lockdown when there was hardly anybody there, but I never arrived fully padded but would check if there was anybody on my floor before sneaking to the toilet and putting on a Tena Super. Sometimes, lately, now that I wear nearly all the time outside of work, I did the same just before leaving the office so I have become used to having a diaper in my laptop bag.

So Yesterday I decided to pack two Tena Super before work and see if I could pick up the courage to wear with colleagues around. The whole day I was feeling I should, so after lunch, later in the afternoon I picked up the courage and sneaked in to the Toilet. The toilets were empty so nobody could perhaps hear the sound of the tapes or question the crinkle of the small plastic bag I use to carry the diaper in.

Once done I took a deep breath and walked in to the office with my diaper hidden under dark jeans. Nobody but me noticed of course, I use the Tena cotton feel diaper version so no chance for diaper crinkle.

It was wonderful, I felt relaxed wearing them, not too self concious, just checking my T-Shirt was pulled down when I got up from my chair.

Letting go in the office was a wonderful feeling.

Encouraged by the previous day I decided to get padded at home before leaving for work.

I was a little nervous when I first walked in to the office wearing my Tena Super but that soon wore off, having lots to do does take your mind of certain distractions.

Being able to just relax and let go is such a good feeling. After lunch I went to the toilet to change my wet diaper, the stall next to me was occupied so I was a little self-concious, I was glad that we didn't exit at the same time. Next time I will use the handicapped toilet I think.

Only problem is that there are no bins where I can dispose of my diaper discreetly so I took it back home.

I'll be back in the office at least one more time this week and will wear again. If it still feels good I might set a goal of spending the whole of October in a diaper.

Let's see where this journey takes me.


Congrats! Sad there are no bins. That's BS, but with a backback you can carry them out. Would get heavy for me though!

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5 hours ago, Little Sherri said:

Congrats on breaking down this barrier! I remember the first time I wore a diaper to work; I work from home so I'd been wearing diapers in my office all the time, no big deal, but then I had to do a site visit in a city 4 hours away, so, for the first time, I packed for a business trip taking only diapers with me, and I headed out the night before, and checked into a hotel room. In the morning, I had no option but to change my diaper, get dressed, and go to the meeting. It was stressful at first, but I got through the day with no problems, and in the end, I was so glad that I went for it, and didn't let my reservations stop me. 

Later, I spent stretches of a few days at our head office from time to time, in diapers, and I quickly got to the point where I forgot about my underwear. If you dress intelligently, and practice good hygiene, nobody is going to know or care what you have on under your clothes. One pro tip - I nearly always wear onesies (diaper shirts) that look like t-shirts under my clothes - they eliminate the need to worry about if my shirt is riding up if I get up from a chair or need to bend over or squat. 

Thanks!  I have worn in work related events like out of office Vendor training, but never with direct colleagues. I even wore to a job interview once under a suit, I didn't get the job but that had nothing to do with the diaper I was wearing. I have a couple of onesies, my problem is that I never really wear more than a long-arm T-Shirt even in Winter. I find that good fitting jeans with a high or normal waist work well. Washing twice a day and shaving helps keep the smells away.

2 hours ago, babykeiff said:

It seems to me that you may be moving to be more of an AB than a DL. It is understandable that you like the feeling of being padded - you spent the best part of 2 years padded, and that was one of your familiar zones as a baby - the thick padding between your legs.

I'm not too sure, I had bottles, pacies and stuffed animals around but I had hoped to use them with some nice AB girl or woman. I do admit that I sometimes pretend to drink from the breasts of my wife, that can be comforting, she even likes that feeling. Diapers on the other hand are more tolerated than loved.

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8 hours ago, iamdaddydave said:

I'm not too sure, I had bottles, pacies and stuffed animals around but I had hoped to use them with some nice AB girl or woman. I do admit that I sometimes pretend to drink from the breasts of my wife, that can be comforting, she even likes that feeling. Diapers on the other hand are more tolerated than loved.

Babies normally see the diaper as an obstruction and interference. They don't understand the need, so in a way, they are more tollerated than loved. If you doubt this, look at a baby / toddler who has had their diaper taken off and cleaned, they run away enjoying the two sences of freedom - freedom to move without the bulk of the diaper, and freedom to run as fun away from their parent / career. The babies behaviour is always looking for aproval and to be chased / played it, and is giggling constantly when it gets that interaction.

However, the bulk of a diaper to a baby is a familuar object - something it has had since birth, and something that it misses when it is gone. That is why it is thrilled with the temporary freedom,  giggles when caught, but cries when it realises that it is being put back into a diaper. That dissapointment goes very quickly when the baby acknowledges the thickness and security it feels with the diaper.

These concepts are why the diaper is the primary fetish object for both ABs and DLs. The baby play is where one attempts to recreate the perception of oneself as a baby. You might not have reached that level yet, so it is understandable that you think that a diaper is tollerated only - but you miss this tollerated object when you don't wear it - so I suspect that you are closer to the edge than you wish to admit - and that is based only on fear - fear of the unknown (although you do know the baby feelings) you still fear going back to full babyhood as if it is a failure in moving from babyhood to adulthood. Remember, your wife seems to accept your little side to such an extent that she allows / like you sucking her breasts. She prob. sees it as cute and you letting barriers down.

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Wearing and wetting my diaper in my professional setting is so convenient, pleasurable, helps with stress, and better concentration when I just wet when I feel like it. All is discreet, no one knows...I think!!!!

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3 hours ago, Moochie said:

Wearing and wetting my diaper in my professional setting is so convenient, pleasurable, helps with stress, and better concentration when I just wet when I feel like it. All is discreet, no one knows...I think!!!!

I think that you have already crossed to the AB world - since wearing and wetting the diaper is a stress relief. You seem to be getting the same response a baby gets from its diapers - the sences of comfort, security, pleasure, relaxation and stress relief, all combined with the relief of voiding. This all aids in concentration and is prob. increasing your productivity.

In relation to productivity benefits, most AB aware diaper stores are aware of this, and encourage their staff to wear diapers plus other stock - like onesies etc.

In relation to who know, everyone is aware, but due to their perceptions, never link diapers to a person older than average toilet training age. However, I know of 55,329 people that know that you are wearing and wetting a diaper in work - the members here, and by simple averages by reverse calculation of adult diapers sold compared to world population, .5 - 1% of your workmates also wear and wet diapers, so there is a chance that they also know. Don't worry, they won't tell as they are hiding it also. You know the subtle signals of a diaper wearer - so see if you can find them - you never know, you might find another similar minded friend to play with.

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5 hours ago, babykeiff said:

I think that you have already crossed to the AB world - since wearing and wetting the diaper is a stress relief. You seem to be getting the same response a baby gets from its diapers - the sences of comfort, security, pleasure, relaxation and stress relief, all combined with the relief of voiding. This all aids in concentration and is prob. increasing your productivity.

In relation to productivity benefits, most AB aware diaper stores are aware of this, and encourage their staff to wear diapers plus other stock - like onesies etc.

In relation to who know, everyone is aware, but due to their perceptions, never link diapers to a person older than average toilet training age. However, I know of 55,329 people that know that you are wearing and wetting a diaper in work - the members here, and by simple averages by reverse calculation of adult diapers sold compared to world population, .5 - 1% of your workmates also wear and wet diapers, so there is a chance that they also know. Don't worry, they won't tell as they are hiding it also. You know the subtle signals of a diaper wearer - so see if you can find them - you never know, you might find another similar minded friend to play with.

Maybe I am an AB, I don't mind, it's just a label. I enjoy my diapers and using them. It does make me feel good, letting go a little giving up control.

Tomorrow an other day in the office 😀

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I went in to the office again wearing a diaper, I was less concious than last time. I just enjoyed it, changed just after lunch using the disabled toilet, they even had a proper bin there. 😀

I think I will try to keep the 24/7 up at till the end of October. I'll see where I end up.


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4 hours ago, Kawaharu said:

Being AB and Incontinent, I have no problems. I wear it all the time regardless of where I am. It's practically normal for me being AB and Incontinent. 

Totally right, the more you wear the more normal it becomes and you stop thinking about it.

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  • 1 month later...

I have worn to work many times. I find it a bit stressful. I keep checking to make sure my diaper isn’t visible above my waistline. Which raises the question: why do I do it? I would say two reasons: firstly I get a kick out of the adrenaline. Secondly, when I’m going through a diaper-wearing period (I binge on them occasionally rather than wearing constantly), I find NOT wearing to be more stressful than wearing. 

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I was in a very crunch project for about six weeks where I was working seven days and I'd open the place up in the morning and close it down at night.   I also had injured my back and was on pain killers.    I said what the hell, and went 24/7 for the duration.    I figured I needed some relief.    It was neat after hours when I was in the building myself to be able to change in the bathroom there (usually, I headed out for lunch for my midday change).


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When I go into the office now, I wear pullups, so I have the padded feel and feel safe at the same time. Then I don’t have to worry about changing. First time I wore a nappy and plastic pants in the office it did feel so good. However, I had no wear to change so I only wet when I really need to go. This was some years back.

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I wear everyday to my job at an oil change place, and I usually have to change during lunch, it's very nice and helpful  to not have to stop for bathroom breaks...... somedays I've been so busy I don't realize how wet I've gotten and forget to change at lunch time 😅 

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19 hours ago, Young1 said:

I wear everyday to my job at an oil change place, and I usually have to change during lunch, it's very nice and helpful  to not have to stop for bathroom breaks...... somedays I've been so busy I don't realize how wet I've gotten and forget to change at lunch time 😅 

I hope you don't get a rash buddy. But you're right that does sound very nice and very convenient too. It's a lot easier just to go in your pants when you feel like it. Not only that but it feels good as well. No wonder you don't like to use the big boy potty, I wouldn't either. LOL!😂

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One place I will never wear a diaper is to my work.  I am way in the closet about my diapers and will not take even the slightest chance someone I know might find out.  That includes friends, family and coworkers.  Strangers out of town or out of state are different.  Even though I am careful to be discreet, if a stranger out of town might notice my pants look a little bulky, that's not a bother to me.  They don't know me and would never even say anything if they did notice.  Coworkers and people you see every day get to know what you look like, especially the women who might have a tendency to check you out!  If they suddenly notice my pants look a little more puffy than usual, that could start them wondering.  Even cloth training pants are a no go for me.  I wear my diapers at home, maybe a thin store diaper if I have to run out to get groceries for a few minutes or premium diapers a few times a year when I go out of town for the day running errands or Christmas shopping where I won't run into people I might know.  When out of state on a solo vacation, I will probably be in diapers 24/7 even under shorts, but I'm still discreet enough strangers won't pick up on it.  If they do, again they are strangers who won't mention it.  Wearing any kind of diaper at work?  Not for me!

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While I have no issue wearing in the office, I did become concious that taking a small blue plastic bag, containing a diaper, from my laptop bag, every day around the same time, might become noticeable. I now try to vary my routine or do it when the colleague next to me isn't there.

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