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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

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Posted (edited)

I have been putting together a guide based on the Diaper Dimension for a while now. Some of it is a little rough and it is by no means complete. As I have been reading the DD stories for far longer than I have been writing this guide, there are many stories that I have missed in putting in here. This will be an on-going process to add these stories and further authors who have contributed to this wonderful setting.

When I started writing stories, I realized I wanted to inhabit the worlds others had already created, as they felt real and complex. While I will acknowledge that many of the stories could live in similar but still different dimensions, I noticed several similarities between many of the stories. As such, I have created this guide for anyone to use freely to create their own stories if they ever want to use part of the pre-existing lore. 

Due to the on-going creation of the DD, I have labeled this story as 'complete,' but as my vanilla job would like to say, it is a 'living' document. For those who don't know, this just means that the document will be submitted as a final form, but may often be updated as new information comes to light. 

Additionally, while it behooves me to post a link here rather than the actual information, the nature of this guide and the fact that I will still be updating it going forward, means posting it here in its entirety would be a bit of a pain. I may change my mind later, but I hope the link will work for now.


*NOTE: Wattpad has since removed my account on there unforunately. I will leave this section up here for now though as a testament to it's original placement though. As before, however, further updates will be done on this page below regardless. 

Diaper Dimension Reference Guide-A Compendium of Multiple Stories From an Array of Authors.jpg

Edited by LostBBoyBear
Dead link
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Very interesting. I definitely liked it. Though I'm not exactly sure if there's technically a canon for the diaper dimension except for there's Bigs, Mids and Littles and Bigs treat Littles as babies and sometimes treats Mids as babies if they get in the way or do something to become targeted by a Big. I think even nanotechnology and nanny bots are both from the first story and automated daycares. There's so much information you've got there. Some I had even forgot about. I just wish a lot of those stories you got the resource material from was finished stories because they were good stories. 

3 hours ago, Guilend said:

Very interesting. I definitely liked it. Though I'm not exactly sure if there's technically a canon for the diaper dimension except for there's Bigs, Mids and Littles and Bigs treat Littles as babies and sometimes treats Mids as babies if they get in the way or do something to become targeted by a Big. I think even nanotechnology and nanny bots are both from the first story and automated daycares. There's so much information you've got there. Some I had even forgot about. I just wish a lot of those stories you got the resource material from was finished stories because they were good stories. 

There's a lot I know I didn't cover. I added a few references to nanny bots and nanotechnology, but I'm trying to find one of the stories that touched on it greatly. I've noticed a trend that have used these elements less over time in some of the modern stories. I know there's no strict cannon, but I definitely think some of these stories could exist in the same universe. 

I definitely agree that some of the stories I pulled the information from would be nice if they were finished. It's one of the primary reasons I didn't start posting stories of mine until recently. I never start a post that I don't already know the majority of the ending to. I understand from a writers perspective on some, but I definitely understand the frustration as a reader as well.

More will posted to the guide over time. It's just going to take some time to truly go back through every story and permutation to this great and wide universe. 


Yeah. Eventually I'll get a computer and I'll finish mine and start on some new ones I already have started on Google docs. But it'll probably be another year or two before I can do that. I think it's been 4 years since my last posted chapter for my story. My life has changed a lot since then lol. 


Maybe you can include links to profiles/stories so people (like me) who are new to this world and is very interested in reading awesome stories. Can find all of them in one place?

9 minutes ago, RedboyDiaperson99 said:

Maybe you can include links to profiles/stories so people (like me) who are new to this world and is very interested in reading awesome stories. Can find all of them in one place?

That's pretty tough, as it would probably be over 100 different links. I would suggest to look at the acknowledgement page and then go from there. This site has a DD tag, as well as Wattpad and ABDL Stories. Those two, plus some of the individual contributors pages would get you headed in the right direction.

These were also done previously by ausdpr/Sir Spankalot:



PrincessPottypants is the progenitor of all this and Ausdpr, Inkuhime, and Snackers were all instrumental in the beginning as well, so they are all good starts.

Hope all this helps. It's a great story setting but its starting to get a bit hefty for just one post. If anyone else who is reading this has suggestions, feel free to add them in here.


Also there's a lot more on several different Patreons, some of which aren't even out for the public to view. I think mostly those are more captions then actual stories though lol. There's a lot out there and probably a lot lost over time. It's sad. 

34 minutes ago, LostBBoyBear said:


I don't remember him/her/them? I'm now going to have to look it up lol

Just looked at it. I loved it. 


Just wanted to add my two cents.

To me, the Diaper Dimension is kind of like comic books from BESIDES the big event crossovers.  There are certain concepts and conventions that are common and unifying, with bits of bleedover as various authors steal and adapt things they like and try to put their own personal stamps on it.  You open up your average super hero comic, you know someone is gonna be putting on a mask and tights to fight crime.  You click on a diaper dimension link, you're gonna find a world where forced regression and size difference is a key thing.

To that end, I skimmed what you wrote and saw a lot of good things; like a catalogue of concepts that have been used, that would-be writers might use to sample or inspire their own work. I like that.  I like that a lot.  Well done.  

It is my own personal opinion (and thus just an opinion, I'm not looking to yuk anybody's yum) that that's the  best way to use it.  My favorite comic books have been the ones that get left alone and a talented writer gets to tell a story of their choosing.  I stopped reading a lot of mainstream comics because every six to eight months, a storyline I was really digging would get interrupted by the next BIG EVENT and the writer would be forced to interrupt their saga by doing an issue or two that was the characters REACTING to the big event.  Editorial said there's a world crisis going on, so we need to see that world crisis reflected in every title across the line.

In other words, something someone else wrote was directly affecting what another author WAS ALLOWED to write. Which is a shame.

So I wouldn't look at anything another writer has done and take it as a mandate of what they HAVE to write.  Goodness knows I haven't.  But it's still a very good resource.

Also, thank you for including me in the guide.  I only skimmed but saw at least two of my stories referenced. It's very flattering.

P.S.  In case people are worried about permission.  I hereby give permission for anyone reading this to use and adapt most any of the concepts I've used in my own diaper dimension stories.  Just stay away from anything that might dictate my own characters and their choices.

Aka.  Feel free to use Maturosis and however you care to interpret it.  Same for Yamatoa. Same the various diapers: Hippobottomuses, Monkeez, Koddles, etc.  Same for Cosseting. Same for any number of off-brand jokes I've made.  Pennycade and UsBox (instead of nickelodeon and Youtube) etc. etc.  

Just stay out of Oakshire and away from Clark and his crew.  I've got plans for them.

Also @LostBBoyBear  May I DM You?


2 hours ago, Personalias said:

Just wanted to add my two cents.

To me, the Diaper Dimension is kind of like comic books from BESIDES the big event crossovers.  There are certain concepts and conventions that are common and unifying, with bits of bleedover as various authors steal and adapt things they like and try to put their own personal stamps on it.  You open up your average super hero comic, you know someone is gonna be putting on a mask and tights to fight crime.  You click on a diaper dimension link, you're gonna find a world where forced regression and size difference is a key thing.

To that end, I skimmed what you wrote and saw a lot of good things; like a catalogue of concepts that have been used, that would-be writers might use to sample or inspire their own work. I like that.  I like that a lot.  Well done.  

It is my own personal opinion (and thus just an opinion, I'm not looking to yuk anybody's yum) that that's the  best way to use it.  My favorite comic books have been the ones that get left alone and a talented writer gets to tell a story of their choosing.  I stopped reading a lot of mainstream comics because every six to eight months, a storyline I was really digging would get interrupted by the next BIG EVENT and the writer would be forced to interrupt their saga by doing an issue or two that was the characters REACTING to the big event.  Editorial said there's a world crisis going on, so we need to see that world crisis reflected in every title across the line.

In other words, something someone else wrote was directly affecting what another author WAS ALLOWED to write. Which is a shame.

So I wouldn't look at anything another writer has done and take it as a mandate of what they HAVE to write.  Goodness knows I haven't.  But it's still a very good resource.

Also, thank you for including me in the guide.  I only skimmed but saw at least two of my stories referenced. It's very flattering.

P.S.  In case people are worried about permission.  I hereby give permission for anyone reading this to use and adapt most any of the concepts I've used in my own diaper dimension stories.  Just stay away from anything that might dictate my own characters and their choices.

Aka.  Feel free to use Maturosis and however you care to interpret it.  Same for Yamatoa. Same the various diapers: Hippobottomuses, Monkeez, Koddles, etc.  Same for Cosseting. Same for any number of off-brand jokes I've made.  Pennycade and UsBox (instead of nickelodeon and Youtube) etc. etc.  

Just stay out of Oakshire and away from Clark and his crew.  I've got plans for them.

Also @LostBBoyBear  May I DM You?


That's how I feel as well. It's a big world (maybe even more) so there's plenty of places for any stories to go. I by no means want this guide to be rules to follow or to dictate how stories should go. I just knew that when I first dipped into this world, I wasn't sure about some of the rules or extra bits associated with it. Honestly, I started writing this just so I could look at every once in a while and choose an element to use in my story. It was pre-established and made anything I wrote feel much larger than a single story. Basically, it made me feel I was writing about an actual world, rather than a fictional one. I hope others may feel the same.

I will definitely not touch Oakshire and Clark and his crew. That story is way too good for anyone else to be messing around with.

I am always open to DMs as well.

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So, I originally wanted to only have to update one area for the guide, but I forgot that Wattpad can be a bit of a pain for some people. As such, I'm going to start posting the guide here with each section, though this will likely take some time. I also probably won't update this as regularly as the one on Wattpad, but it should contain the bits as of now. Hope everyone can enjoy. Just let me know if you have any questions or comments about it!


Our World

Our world is designated as Earth-Prime,Earth-1218, Earth-94, Earth-72, Earth-33, Earth-19, Earth-6

  • Earths Prime, 1218, and 94 are closest to our world (based on descriptions)

Their world does not have an earthlike classification but has been referred to as Dimension 4.9116518.

  • May be classified (officially or unofficially) as D-69

Most stories take place in the the future (as of 2023) 

  • The Bigs often view our world as overpopulated and inferior to the Diaper Dimension largely in part due to the degraded state of the world when they originally started coming here
  • The Bigs started making deals with the leaders in our countries to facilitate a trade agreement of Littles for technology. Leaders felt like they had little choice in order to save the human race from extinction after several calamities in the beginning of the 21st century that led to massive inflation, steep climbs in crime, increasing mortality rates, starvation, pollution, and several other issues
  • The Bigs came to our world for decades before they made contact and are responsible for many of the alien encounters, unexplained phenomenon, or missing person cases
  • Due to the complicit nature of the government in trade deals with the dimension, they have become dependent on the flow of technology and will use several means to discredit or eliminate any negative stories regarding the other dimension from returning travelers 

General Rules for the DD

Buildings seem to change, but most name alignments do not seem to contain different cultures (Itali is not exclusive to Italians)

  • Many cultures have formed together to form a more contiguous culture across the nations
  • Members of the alliance, advanced trade, and communications may have led to this phenomenon

The following are general web addresses that have fleshed out other general guidelines more:

Their World

Europa Continent


  • Like our own Ireland
  • Accents and culture may have been better preserved here due to avoidance with outside influences 
  • Possibly a Little sanctuary for the southern half


  • Like our own England
  • Some Little rights
    • Later, may have no free Littles left due to possible invasion (unknown if canon)
  • Provides government assistance to Amazons adopting Littles 
  • Gethsemane


  • Like our own Italy
  • Ancon (city)
  • San Siena (city)
  • Maybe more lenient to Littles (on the whole)


  • Now an island country with roots similar to Spain
    • May have become an island during the same phenomenon that affected Atlantica
  • Harshest on Littles ("didn't even see Littles as persons. They were second-class citizens at best, pets at worst. No Little there went undiapered")
  • Treat Littles like pets often (threaten them to eat like a dog, collars, pet stores)
    • Some distinctions can be made (full baby or pet)
    • Pets have orgasms but are lead by a leash and are naked most of the time
  • Surgeries to correct believed deficiencies in Littles/pets (loss of teeth, elimination of speaking/walking)
  • Custom morning spankings (regardless of if good or bad) for most households
  • "Diapers with shocking implants inside, programmed to electrocute the littles if the padding wasn't wet with a certain frequency. baby creams designed to temporarily regress the faculty of speaking, anti-rash powder which caused burning sensation"
  • Provides government assistance to Amazons adopting Littles (one of the largest due to majority of Littles being adopted)


  • Possibly linked to our own Germany (speculation due to description of location and elimination of other nearby countries)
  • Proud of its native Little population
  • Not as socially progressive as Gaule
  • Believed that Littles are safer in Allemagne more than on any other island/country in Europa
  • "For an Amazon to claim a native Allemagne Little, they had to have a Hunting Permit - which were not easy to obtain, you had to have a target picked out who had been proven to be unfit for society. Unfit meant unable to control their bodily functions AND were unable to support themselves financially."


  • Some discrepancies in if canon, but like our own France
  • Thriving native Little population, most of them fully functioning adults.
  • Only 1 in 5 Amazons in Gaule had adopted a Little and they tend to be in the upper echelon.
  • Doesn't provide government assistance to Amazons adopting Littles. Adopting a Little is fine, but one had to finance it themselves
  • Tours- capital city (have odd 60% Littles adopted)
  • "King Francis (Little and founder of island) established the constitutional monarchy we enjoy today by voluntarily limiting his own power, in what many consider one of the boldest and most visionary political moves of the time period"
  • Portal Littles are rare
  • Lutetia (Capitol of Gaule)

    • Location of the Koechlin Tower (almost 1900 feet tall) 

Island Chains

  • Remains of the shattered old Atlantis
  • Often home to free Littles (though many are being invaded) or the most wealthy 

Americas (unknown official continental name) 


  • Might be part of Catalon (annexed by them in "Jenny's Adoption"), but could be outlying sections only
    • Timeline is also unknown due to other stories occurring in Libertalia without Catalon 
  • Conservative areas are common nightmare zones and are some of the strictest and cruelest in the world
  • More liberal areas are considered safe havens and are more friendly with northern neighbors (presumed to be Canada but not named)
  • Several cities are in the same location but are listed under a different name, often deriving from their original name (New Amsterdam instead of New York)
  • Losantiville (our Cincinnati, Ohio)
  • Queens Island (see Entertainment) 
  • Peirama
    • Main testing facility town of DT
  • Crescentia
    • DD state in Libertalia
    • Their equivalent of our Maryland 
  • New Eboracum
    • Their equivalent to New York State (York’s original name) 
    • New Eboracum City (their equivalent to NYC)
  • Lygonia
    • Their equivalent to the State of Maine 
  • New Columbia
    • Their equivalent to the State of Washington D.C. 





  • Off the coast of Libertalia
  • Most are thought to be possibly the direct descendants of Atlantis 
  • Formed when a disaster struck the Atlantic Ocean (due to geological differences that possibly led to the distinction of the existence of Bigs)
  • Shift of disaster more toward Europa led to many continental changes
    • Large areas flooded or devastated but the island was on high enough ground
    • The shift of the disaster created several of the islands of Europa 
  • Often contains more liberal Amazons and is thus a more popular destination vacation now for many portal Littles
  • Thriving cultural and technological capabilities due to connections with old Atlantis and already advanced civilization 
  • Remained isolated for several years until opened up trading with Libertalia 
  • Despite differences with political policies of Libertalia, they are able to remain strong trade partners due to their advanced technology in exchange for food and tourism 
  • Often infiltrated by more conservative countries to undermine progressive policies 

Pacificus Ocean

  • Their version of the Pacific Ocean

Aegis Island

  • Littles only island (one of the few left)
  • In the Pacificus Ocean
  • Highly diverse due to influx of Little immigrants over time

Asian Continent (unknown official continental name)


  • Island of Tohoku
  • Possibly the more liberal of the Asian continent with Littles


  • Considered one of the most extreme in the world for strictness with Littles
  • Yamatoan Emperor rules without limit
    • Have ministers under him that advise on certain subjects
  • "Every Little that crossed into the country's borders had to be babied and diapered by law, even tourists or Littles whose plane made an 'unscheduled' pit stop for 'refueling'"
  • Where the worst of Amazons went so they could kidnap and baby Littles with impunity
  • Law separating relationships of any kind with Amazon and others (keep Amazonian blood pure mentality) and as an attempt to control Little reproductive rights

Hankokku Islands

  • Conservative country, law had long skipped that step and flat-out regarded Littles as somewhere below Amazon children
  • Children were expected to grow and contribute to society. Littles were not. The idea that Littles could live as adults was literally a foreign concept to them.
  • Littles are "chibikos" 

Alkebulan Continent

  • Their version of the continent of Africa
  • Similar landmass and environments

Atorian Falls

  • One of the largest waterfalls in the world
  • In the heartland of Alkebulan


  • Libya Cliffs
    • In Libya in Alkebulan
    • Tall cliffs that have become world famous

Pillars of Hercules

  • Old name for rock formations of straits of Gibraltar

Unknown Locations (canon or overall location in question)



  • One of the few countries to have fully exterminated their Little population
  • Use people from a so-called protectorate controlled by Hesperia, as their human farm
  • No laws for Littlecare
  • Implants give CG and the daycare staff control Littles (can temporarily force mindlessness, shocks, control of emotions, remove skills, etc.)


  • Possible connection to Gaule (in the south and could border Catalon)
  • No independent littles and no public facilities designed for Little use alone to protect them from kidnapping outsiders and prevent lawlessness or homelessness (which could only increase the criminality of Littles) 
  • Alliance country (unknown which are a part of and may not be canon, but can be assumed it includes the more liberally minded countries)
  • Bordeu- capital city
  • Surgery to alter Littles is illegal
  • If you are unable to care for the Accidental Little you adopted, you will be barred from adopting any other little for life
  • "All adoptions and management of Little welfare were handled by the DLS, ensuring that all adoptions followed the policies set out by Aquitane and Alliance nations"




  • Little's village 
  • Modern conveniences in a place away from Bigs
  • May have been invaded by Bigs



  • Hypnosis and surgeries are banned against Littles


  • Predominant Little community island
  • Some Betweeners but no Amazons
  • Laws favor Littles heavily 


Political Groups

CAMOL, also known as Citizens Against the Mistreatment of Littles

  • Non-governmental agency for pro-Little's rights
  • CELL (The Coalition for Ethical Little Loving)
  • A group of Amazons and Littles that decided littles were people too, and they should be treated as such

LPSA, the Littles Product Safety Administration,

  • Agency to sign off on the testing before companies proceed to make products for Littles
  • Can be stringent with regulations but are loose in morals mostly

APL, Amazons Protect Littles

  • Proponent for the inclusion of Littles into our society

Littles Liberation Front

Little Protection League

  • Political group to help Littles

Adoption Agencies

Adoption Form

Prisoner Exchange

  • Prisoner exchange program- criminals are sent to couples as Littles instead of serving jail sentence
  • Prisoners are not told of the deal until there are in the new dimension (only a prison of a different type), sent over drugged and are out for at least a week (medicine and liquid diet required for week after wake up), will automatically remove bad words and body hair (mostly) before wake up (unknown means), Amazons bottle feed breastmilk shortly into stay, removal of scars/blemishes

Interdimensional Adoption Agency

  • Based in our world, brick three story office building
  • Process
    • Fill out a questionnaire to match with caregiver (sex, regressed, etc.)
    • Will set up video conference interviews from desired files
    • Signed forms (One of them was for a thorough background check to include financial)
    • Sign the official adoption papers. The first set grants out financial organization guardianship of the money you receive and what you have on hand. Half of what you get each month will be put in a trust fund for the chance that you return after the 10-year adoption time. The rest will go to our organization to keep the lights on so to speak. The rest of the adoption form is granting the total guardianship
    • After the 10 years if decide to stay>>trust fund will be forfeit to our organization and a letter to the VA will be drafted for the funds to stop being sent out
    • Once travel plans in place>>come here>>put to sleep placed in a stasis pod, where you will be transported to the other dimension by an organization known as the Bureau. Once there you will be transported to a littles hospital near the guardians. When you wake and you have been cleared by the medical professionals you will be released into their care
  • Separate portal facility than others

Adoption Centers

  • Bring in new adoptees to be sold to Amazon caretakers
  • May pre-regress or customize Little according to preferences of new caretaker(s)
  • Some provide new parents with 320mg of Zerisonious (an Amazonian drug that has been formulated to break littles; a single dose is enough to temporarily make any little slip, and that's just with 10mg in one dose; can cause temporary or permanent mild regression in smaller doses; also anti-depressant for Amazons)


Etiquette Schools

  • Focus on breaking Littles into desired ages
    • Use surgery, hypnosis, and training methods to achieve results
  • Usually considered as last option for troublesome Littles or first option for sadistic caretakers
  • Can be used as a threat for a Little to cooperate
  • Roughly about two weeks
  • Most exiting are regressed and extremely docile 

Robot Nurseries

  • Daycares run by robots (often called Nannybots)
  • Nannybots often vary by manufacturer for their level of sentience. Some can be mere automatons, while others can mimic and even pass for human (personality wise) 
  • Very clinical and not much care
  • Times are segmented for the day (nap, changing, feeding, playing, etc.) with little variance
  • Can be dropped off normally or down a chute
  • Littles usually labeled with numbers
  • Common for mistakes to happen (regression, gender swap, hypnosis, sent home with wrong person, etc.)


  • Can have some robot assistance
  • Many use hypnosis, some are more of etiquette schools than daycares (more common)
  • Some are actual daycares for Littles (usually rare and more exclusive/expensive)
  • Littles-only daycares didn't require as low of a caretaker-to-child ratio. For actual children, the law requires a 1:4 ratio, whereas for Littles, there's no mandated ratio. So, plenty of places skimped on staffing

Anti-Littles League (ALL)

  • An organization mostly made up of gangs and the most conservative of Bigs.
  • Had kidnapped, extorted, threatened, and even assaulted several Littles in the community
  • Due to their illusive nature and the Little being too afraid to testify, most walked away free


Boss Cardigan and Mr. Mercer in Indiana area

  • Run smuggling operations, theft, extortion, murder, drugs
  • Often hire mercenaries to do other jobs to ensure their hands are clean
  • Employ dirty cops to ensure they can be let off if caught most of the time


  • Raid Little only islands to snatch Littles in order to sell to regression facilities 
Posted (edited)



  • Animals in the DD can massively vary in size. Some adhere to the possible 1.8 multiplicative scale that other people or objects in this universe adhere to. Others, maintain their own size from our dimension. While it is unknown why this is the case, there have been some notions of genetic or chemical use to alter these figures.
  • Further, some animals are completely unique to the DD, while others are from our own world. Due to changes in extinction level events or genetic manipulation, some species are still in existence. Others that never existed before, are now possible.


  • Sasquatch-like being


  • Look like massive bears (bruins?)


  • Cat/bird creature (wings, fur)
  • Ancient civilizations used to worship them, found in the forms of stuffies now

Giant ground sloth









Snapping turtles

  • Some, due to a chemical accident in a lab, tend to grown beyond the 1.8 scale factor
  • May possess a limited intelligence beyond their normal counterparts


  • Most in oceans adhere to the 1.8 scalability factor


  • Adhere to the same principles of the public animals.


  • Look like small bears in size comparison
  • Posses the same dog names as our own world, unless they use a country name as part of their title (an English Bulldog in our world is known as an Albion Bulldog  in the DD).
  • Breeds like the St. Bernards here are about 5 ½ feet tall from paw to head when standing on all four paws


  • Due to usual principles of fish growing to the size of their tank, most adhere to this policy and do not necessarily adhere to the same scaled ratio as other pets.
Edited by LostBBoyBear
  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 11 May)
Posted (edited)



Li'l Folks (based on our Peanuts) 

  • Calvin Brown- protagonist of series
  • Sniffy- Calvin’s dog
  • Wallkill- blue-bird friend of Sniffy 

Mantis - Superhero Little

  • Dark avenger prowling the Amazonian streets at night. 
  • Many Littles love him
  • A crime-fighting Little whose parents were murdered, and uses his large wealth to avenge other Littles 
  • Occasionally teams up with others, but more known for his solo nature, freedom, and being all alone 
  • Takes a bad situation and turns it into being the hero that even Bigs could admire

The Blur

  • An alien superhero with super strength, flight, laser vision, frost breath and a whole host of other powers

Equity Alliance

  • Justice league equivalent
  • Contains the Bullet, Mantis, and the Blur

The Bullet

  • Can travel faster than lightning


Due to propaganda of stricter governments, many possess hidden hypnotic messages with some being designed to regress Littles and alter Bigs to take on the caregiver role.

Most exhibit the dynamics of a Little or Big relationship

Animated movies can be seen as purely childish and meant for Littles (usually containing hypnotic messaging or propaganda messages to force the society dynamic of Littles purely being babies) or more made for everyone (similar to Pixar) 


"Farmer Brown's Barnyard Sing-A-Long"

  • Sing along. Hypnotic tune that most Littles are aware of
  • "And the piggy goes oink oink, the cow goes moo" the stupid cartoon howled. "The doggy goes bow-wow how about you? Everybody sing-a-along with Farmer Brown!"

"Tipsy Wipsy Song"

  • Dancing song for Littles. May contain a possible regression trigger. Most Littles experience a loss in coordination or inhibition after prolonged listening and dancing
  • "First you take your hips and you get a little tips...eeeeeeee! Then you take your bowl and you stir it and stir it...one-two-three! And you flap your arms just like you're a flying bird...eeeeeee! And you kick your feet and you sing a little song...do-ray-me!

"Oh, How My Diaper Feels So Nice"

"The Bigs Love Me and I Love the Bigs"


Little Wonderland

  • On every day
  • Crews go out on the streets of Gaule and found an Amazon/Little couple or family, and treated them to an evening at the show's namesake (a castle not entirely unlike the actual royal palace, and for one evening the Amazon was the king or queen or ruler and the Little was a prince or princess or heir, and they showed games and activities, fine food)

Order and Law, Special Victims Unit

  • Crime drama, no hypnosis. Usually meant solely for Bigs
  • Several plotlines focus around Littles and their helplessness 

Pocket Pals

  • Characters of Momma kangaroo, Mr. O. Possum
  • All animals are marsupials (babies ride in pockets- hence name)
  • Likely hypnosis (some hints that could even affect Amazons)

Furry Friendships

  • Possible hypnosis
  • Talking animals that go on adventures together

Internal Investigations

  • Nighttime crime drama investigation 

Adoption Court

  • Every weekday at 4:30
  • Dramatize Little adoptions (Bigs fighting over a Little or Little trying to remain unadopted) 


  • "Talking moose and a squirrel enter a space ship. The colors were so mesmerizing and the sounds of the cartoon where keeping her focused only on the preview." 
    • Possible minor hypnotics

Naomi and Oliver

  • Heavily dosed hypnotic program (incontinence, mental fortitude, overall demeanor, acceptance of baby treatment, etc.)
  • Several phrases embedded in program (can work near instantly for susceptible Littles)
  • Continual watching and listening by an Amazon may cause adverse effects (those who are more susceptible)
  • Likely one of the more universally watched program
  • Highly potent and seems to work in conjunction better with other regression factors (toys, breastfeeding, etc.)

Lyle the Giraffe

  • Subtle hypnosis program for Littles at daycare
  • The main section of the show exhibits adult jokes and gags with Lyle trying to learn how to dance but the underlying program causes coordination that almost mimics being drunk
  • This can be erased but repeated exposure will ‘stick’ the method further

Adventure Sam

  • Noted good animation
  • A safari guide taking the viewer on adventures throughout the world
  • Very popular amongst regressed and non-regressed Littles
  • Cartoon show made for Littles
  • Doesn’t contain any hypnosis (had become extremely popular amongst the more progressive Big households with a Little)


From babysofia

  • Cartoon characters that looked like a cross between Sesame Street and The Muppets

Jasper and Jinx

  • Wordless story telling and likely heavily laced with hypnotics
  • Very popular with more regressed Littles 

Channel 0

  • Permanent regression in Littles (unknown of how intense)

Talking animals and a little who was also wearing nothing but a diaper

  • Talking animals are trying to help the boy escape some weird dungeon
  • Causes temporary regression in Littles (mind)
  • Effects will last progressively less over time, first time could be an hour

Mr. Roberts' Neighborhood

  • Similar to Mr. Rogers Neighborhood
  • Teaches Littles about world (seem to indoctrinate them to Little lifestyle)
    •  Must always report portal Littles to Amazons

Miss Teal's Little Helpers

  • Cartoon featuring Tillie and Pippie
  • Sell merchandise (such as plates with the cartoon images on them)

Tooney Friends

  • Possible low level hypnosis involved

Pennycade Jr

  • Cartoon channel (known for heavy hypnosis shows)

Pennycade Little

  • Heavy hypnosis show under the Pennycade channel

Carpet Mice 

  • Heavy hypnosis involved
  • "Little Accidents Happen" episode
  • Propaganda about a bunch of adopted Littles happily going on "adventures" in their backyard and solving everyday problems like Tweener bullies
  • Charlie's fear of change; Timmy's upbeat attitude in the face of adversity; Bill and Jill showing that boys could be vulnerable, and girls could be gross
  • Charlie is demoted to diapers off screen after episode three (hidden under shorts expect peeking at top), Timmy wears only a tshirt and diaper


  • "About a newly adopted [baby] who just couldn't accept that he was a baby. Every episode Ryu was complaining or whining about something."
  • "Ryu would whine that he was at daycare instead of his job. Ryu whined that he could dress himself, or that he didn't need diapers. He would moan and cry and complain about not getting to choose his food or how it was fed to him or what kind of bed he slept in."
  • "He'd whine and whine and whine about every Little thing. And in doing so, he seemed more babyish. Add to that that Ryu was always wrong- he didn't know how to dress himself or feed himself or even go to the [potty]- and it made him the perfect role model for how NOT to act around [grown-ups]."
  • "The [grown-ups] who took care of Ryu were always very patient. Always willing to explain or wait for Ryu to cry himself out of his tantrum or wait for him to inevitably prove himself wrong and that he really was just a twenty-two-year-old baby."



  • Advanced models considered for babies by Little standards
    •  Often used to gaslight Littles into thinking they have more issues than they do to regress them faster
  • Some models are purely for entertainment
    • Usually used by more liberal Bigs or when Little is already regressed

Video Games

  • Some may contain hypnotic triggers or cause Little tendencies to emerge
  • Most violent versions are banned outright 



  • Multiple leagues for Bigs and Littles


  • Multiple leagues for Bigs and Littles
  • May have extra innings due to time difference present in several DD stories

LHL (Little Hockey League)

  • Unknown if there is a Big league 
  • Little exclusive
  • Could be a front for regressing some participants due to penalties and trainer staff
  • "'Checked' in this game meant getting pinned to the glass or over an opponent's knee during play to have your diaper checked. Any hint of a used diaper would cause the player to be ejected until changed and that brought a whole new meaning to idea of line changes."
  • "In fact, defenders ended up spending most of their time making sure the goalie didn't get 'checked' since the bottles they could keep above the goal posts were frequently targeted and... they were longest on the ice"
  • "Amazons saw the sport as a point of national pride, and enthusiasm for it, a patriotic duty."
  • "If a Little League could show teamwork, coordination (and dry diapers) long enough to beat the opposing Mids and eventually the coveted Amazon cup, then they would be deemed mature in society and given all rights and protections therein."
  • "It was rare for teams to actually make it that far of course."
  • "Laced bottles were a common danger but things as cartoonish as swapping the Little team's diaper powder for itching powder before a game wasn't unheard of"


  • Mostly the same sports from our world
  • Never stopped since the ancient times
  • A moment of massive celebration for the entire world
  • Held every four years but the several events during it are some of the more popular sports when not in season (track and field, rowing, etc.)
  • Spartans are one of the teams that plays on national level


UsBox Now

  • Similar to twitch or TikTok with streamers


Most are often centered around self-help books for Big parents or are for Littles to show them their place in society

Caring for your Little

Growing Up or Growing Down

Helping your Little be a Little

When your Little is Pissed Off

So You Want to be a Little

  • Guide for what humans could expect in coming to the dimension
  • "Learn from the experiences of author Alisa Smith and others she interviewed, each of whom spent at least 10 years in the dimension. Topics include logistics of going to the dimension, getting adopted, regression, typical life (including differences between countries in the dimension), understanding Bigs, significant challenges and occasionally significant dangers, life upon return to the human dimension, and much more"

Mommy Does

  • Illustrated children’s book

The Little and His Friends Find Some Treasure

  • Questing picture fantasy book

Theme Parks

Queens Island (located in their version of our Ohio-TBD)

  • Offers harnesses for toys to remain with Littles and many of the kid rides will allow them on

  • Contains several rides for adults and kids and part of a chain of theme parks

  • In Planet Sniffy (Li’l Folks 500-racing cars, Sniffy’s Junction-train ride, Wallkill Express-wooden rollercoaster, Smelly Feet-squirt gun game, Planet Sniff Grill, Paddle for Your Life Calvin Brown-log flume ride)

    • Has 1/3 scale Koechlin Tower at about 550’ tall    

Edited by LostBBoyBear
  • Like 1
  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 15 May)
Posted (edited)


Diamond Tours

  • Organizes tours from our world 
  • Shady and allowed to kidnap up to 40% of the groups they bring in
  • Possibly widespread media and political connections

Diamond Technologies

  • Creators of hypnotic stuffies and other hypnotic products 
  • Creators of 'Fountain of Youth' serum (street version of the drug is called FOY)
  • Possibly subsidiary or parent company of Diamond Tours (if there is, the connection is off the books to maintain the reputation of Diamond Tours)
  • Multi-billion dollar industry with branches in chemicals, furniture, clothing, drugs, hypnotics, 
  • Possible shady connections with local gangs to enforce their 
  • Project Nurture- new program that uses a combination of techniques to regress a Little more permanently
    • More Bigs have a stronger attachment to the Littles after
    • Littles even want to stay and can help with the regression of other Littles after
  • Project Red Moon
    • Another DT experiment
    • Littles were subjected to spankings alone to ensure compliance
    • Most Littles eventually broke but follow-ups later revealed a 85% turnover rate to stronger regression means once the project had been completed
    • Some rumors persist that this project was one of the reasons behind the backing of Project Nurture
  • Project Swan
    • Research facility project to turn male Littles into female to increase their desirability
    • Tested out on Carlyle
  • Project Open Sesame
    • Government-run project to open up portals more permanently
    • Failed but basis was used for dimensional breaches (led to a permanent bridge between worlds if desired and cooperation of trading Littles for technology)
  • Peirama (expand more under this section)
    • Main testing facility town name
    • Used in DT experiments as a testing facility
    • Many residents need to sign NDA’s before moving there
    • Recreation of pre-fusion neighborhood and town while still maintaining access to all new technologies
    • Often have other perks and reduced costs as an incentive (particularly if the subject was involved in a previous test)
  • Oasis Opportunities
    • Partly owned by Diamond Tech
    • Travel company that advertises for them (subsidiary branch) and their holdings over the world
    • Connected to a spa resort town in the mountains
    • Connected to an outreach program later


  • Caretaker service that takes in Littles (not always above board and use legal trickery to ensnare portal Littles)


  • Major chain toy store that boasted some of the most elaborate interactive displays in the western hemisphere and had all the latest and greatest technology
  • Outside were several of their products that practically leapt from their window displays and from what almost looked like holes in the brick façade.
  • Inside, an aroma of sugar and chocolate could be smelled, and toys of all kinds danced overhead or were easily accessible on the ground level to test out

Fun Zone

  • Themed restaurant and play area similar to Chuck-E-Cheese and others like it
  • Contains arcade games, food, and tunnels and slides for Littles to have fun with
  • Interactive robotic animals sing and dance on a stage show in front of the dining area

Psyche New Beginnings

  • Logo is a large butterfly
  • Program offers medical treatment in exchange for being cared after for a period of five years
  • Offers treatments ranging from addiction, terminal illnesses, paralysis, cancer, etc.
  • Three-month initial program for treatment, caregiver selection, and integration


  • Treat shop
  • Caters to all ages but is a favorite of Littles
  • More Little-friendly than competition and doesn’t employ addictive or regression properties in their treats like other shops may


  • Outlet store that contains only Little items (clothing, food, furniture, etc.) for all age ranges


  • Focus on Little products
  • Headed by Mr. Drakos
  • "have a hand in half the products Littles and even us Bigs use"
  • Develop drugs , toys, and clothing for both Bigs and Littles
    • Most of the public only knows them for their drug products in the market 
  • Based in Losantiville, Libertalia


  • Serves as one of the main companies within Libertalia to enforce regression methods
  • Sells and maintains products needed to trick or guide Littles into regressing
  • Trying to expand to other local areas and infiltrate societies
  • Will often coerce local thugs or gangs to intimidate or force Littles into the care (or continued care if escaping) of local affiliated Bigs

Adopt a Little

  • Consultants who makes sure Bigs are ready to adopt, do home visits, financial investigations, interviews, and then matches Littles to their Bigs

Melon Corp

  • Similar to Microsoft/Apple
  • Sell technology that caters to both Bigs and Littles (usually themed more childishly)

Angel Aspirations

  • Run by Ms. Cobaltz
  • Creates new technology for use of Littles
  • Connected with a school of Littles (often run prototypes of their with student body)

Lil' Munchkin's

  • Little's salon that can change hair or skin color in less than an hour (minutes if pay more)

Little's R' Us

  • Similar to Toys R Us/Babies R Us
  • Contains all items needed for Little care (day to day, punishment, specialty, etc.)
  • Companies located in most countries of the world where Bigs reside

Little Technologies

  • Makes life easier for Littles and Betweeners
  • Most was geared towards keeping them from escaping an Amazon or keeping them safe while with their new mommies and daddy's
  • Some items to help free Littles and Betweeners go day to day in a world much bigger than they are
  • Due to nature of work, some products can be illegal in some stricter countries

ZoMers Inc.

  • Telecommunications company

Westfield's Robotics

  • Company with literal ties to everything from factory line software to children's toys
  • Possible affiliations to provide software to most products containing AI technology of any kind (70% of products produced with technology now in society) 
Edited by LostBBoyBear
  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 17 May)



  • Also see "Toys" or "Entertainment" sections
  • Hypnotics via the television, music, and even certain smells such as candles can being used to regress your mindset and the subject wouldn't even realize it until it's too late.

Indoctrination (Passive Hypnotics)

  • A special and slightly secret form of regression that Amazonians can use on littles
  • If a little grows to be comfortable and enjoy the company of an Amazonian when they are in their normal state of mind. It's possible that they will start to grow more infantile feelings for them when they are regressed and the feelings will remain even after they have reverted back to their normal mindset.
  • The Little no longer has any desire to find their original family and becomes content with being their caregiver(s)' baby at this point.
  • Most common form is in breast-feeding on a daily basis
  • Possible link to cossetting (Big instinct to adopt a Little)

The 'Chair'

  • Often used at regression centers
  • In the center of a white, sterile room with the Little being strapped in (mittens can be used as substitutes for hand restraints if Little is in possession of a toy/stuffy)
  • Once alone, the Little will be subjected to soft music with barely audible words
  • The Little will be entranced to watch the bright video in front of them
  • Most often used as punishment in short sessions (longer sessions can have more damaging effects) 


  • See "Pro-Amazon" section under "Organizations"
  • Can be sentient, function over form or humanoid
  • Essentially Hal 9k level to fully autonomous humanoid robotics
  • Can often be found in Automated nurseries or stand-ins for caregivers (replacement babysitters)

Medical Practices


  • See "Pro-Amazon" section under "Organizations"
  • Often takes the form of reducing a Littles capabilities (nerve cutting or numbing to lobotomies)
  • The form or allowance is often dependent on the country

Nanites/Nanobots (regression) 

  • Can heal severe injuries overnight but cannot bring the dead back to life and often have consequences when being used to regress Littles in some form 
  • May contain elements few are allergic too
  • Some earlier forms make the Little dependent on staying in the DD
  • Often used to regress abilities of Littles unknowingly via initial adoption process, routine checkups, vaccinations, etc.
  • Height, mass, teeth, bone density, and motor functions can be changed overnight for a price.  Also can redistribute fat on body (boob fat can be redistributed to give a more baby fat like appearance).
  • Off-market versions found in shadier corners or off the streets are usually older models and have less features, but produce more last and damaging effects


Purple paste

  • Smeared around gums and tongue of Little and will taste like grapes before tingling
  • The slimy substance will num the Littles tongue and surrounding muscles
  • Will reduce the Littles speech to a severe impairment or complete gibberish

Sleep P's

  • Bottle of liquid medicine 
  • Advertised to "help your little one with bedwetting," but it was specifically labeled "for Littles only."
  • "Sleep P's helps your little one with bedwetting. Just mix one teaspoon of solution with your little one's favorite food or drink before bed and watch the magic begin. Your little one will sleep deeply, dream sweetly, and wet peacefully without waking up. Disclaimer: Sleep P's is for Littles only and is intended to encourage bedwetting, not prevent it. Diaper dependency is recommended for healthy Littles"


  • An Amazonian drug that has been formulated to break littles
  • A single dose is enough to temporarily make any little slip, and that's just with 10mg in one dose
  • Can cause temporary or permanent mild regression in smaller doses
  • Also an anti-depressant for Amazons

Little Fiber

  • Promotes Little's bowel health.
  • "This was an odd synthetic dietary fiber that could help promote incontinence in high enough doses. It worked by swelling up and filling parts of the colon and then pushing itself out along with feces. In moderate doses, it acted like regular dietary fiber, only a lot more effective, but too much could cause the interesting and embarrassing effect of the ingester's feces being pushed out involuntarily. Daycares spiked Littles' meals with doses of Little Fiber far beyond the recommended amount so that they would start to develop severe bowel incontinence and be less likely to try to escape. Prisons also gave it to inmates to make diaper punishments more humiliating and to help flush out swallowed contraband."
  • "stirred it until it swelled to twice its original size. She resisted the urge to taste it and instead smelled it. It smelled of sweet apples and cinnamon, and it wasn't distinguishable from a bowl of oatmeal without a ridiculous amount of synthetic dietary fiber in it."


  • Advertised as a "spanking in a can." 
  • Actually causes something near to diaper rash.

Sandy powder 

  • Goes along with the Insta-rash spray. 
  • Like baby powder, only it's really irritating and itchy
  • Thought to be "perfect for punishment!"

Nanobots (medical)

  • Can heal most injuries or remove most unwanted parasites or nerve blockers
  • Some are tagged and can track those administered to 
  • Larger doses are used with Bigs and Middles as well
  • Has become the primary healing tool in hospitals for most diseases


  • Though outdated for some procedures, advanced robotics and micro lasers have advanced the field for those opting for surgery
  • May be required if the patient is allergic to nanobots
  • As nanobots take time, severely injured patients will likely require surgery first and then use nanobots after to speed up the recovery process


  • Street drug- mental regression that creates a temporary high (if abused, effects permanent)
  • Manufactured drug- stable regression, often used for punishments in society 


Growth/shrink ray (GSR)

  • Can be applied to people (only affect size and not mentality) or objects
  • Often used as a punishment in legal system for Amazons (capital punishment, though rare)


  • Apps like "DiaperDash" and "BabHub" 
  • Often track Littles and to prevent escape or find them if they do


  • Most look 20-somethings until 50's
  • Some can extend life decades beyond
  • Most Littles have appearance halted permanently 
    • Possible regression side effects to the process

Stun Rounds

  • Incapacitates victims in a second leaving behind a bluish burst where it impacts
  • Chest and head shots last longer than extremities
  • Often used if hostages are involved by police

Forget Me Gas

  • Gaseous smoke bomb for forgetting
  • Will erase or blur past 30 minuts of consciousness
  • Can be supplemented to ensure greater potency and effectiveness

Pink Sleep

  • Knock out gas
  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 18 May)




  • Appearance of the fruit on the package matched the taste
  • Like drinking a Capri-Sun, rather than an actual fruit juice


  • Taste like heavy cream, vanilla aftertaste, sweet, like warm milk mixed with honey and sugar, the most wonderful taste; like a vanilla shake made with only top-shelf ingredients. It was sweet, and creamy, and rich and warm
  • Highly addictive (can be boosted by a supplement)
  • Often can be mistaken for formula from unknowing Littles
    • Can be denoted as Tabers milk
  • Will cause warm glow in Littles body
  • Will cause instant sleep with new drinkers, drowsiness in more advanced
  • Will cause loss of potty training (first dose=instant but non-lasting, repeated usage will cause permanent effects even when not being drunk)
  • Acts as slight laxative (or at least will prevent constipation)
  • Produced spontaneously from most Amazons in presence of Little (can be induced but usually rare to)
  • One of the side effects of being breast fed, besides being mentally regressed, is that it can cause a little to imprint all of their past memories onto the one that is nursing them, if it is done enough times, that is


  • Normally produced and available in stores
  • Often treated for Amazons 

Raspberry syrup

  • "There was a tiny laxative additive in it even though it was for Amazons, but it was an insignificant amount and wouldn't have any serious effect on Carley's bowel habits. She again eyed a teaspoon full and stirred it until it turned a satisfying pink."


  • Will make Little constipated 
  • Some studies note of possible eventual loss of potty training
  • Often tastes terrible (likely on purpose to encourage Littles to breastfeed instead)


  • Beverage for Littles made by a company with the same name
  • May induce laxative/diuretic/regression effect


Pureed food

  • Combinations of putrid (punishment) or pleasant (normal or reward)


  • Most food is on the sweeter side for Littles 
  • Amazons detest sweet and find the food repulsive, so often opt for far spicier foods
    • Often would be rated high on the Scoville scale
    • Most Littles cannot tolerate it
  • Food is often scaled up with the usual 1.8 multiplier
    • There could be some exceptions due to the possible import or illegal transport of items with portal Littles (if so, very rare and likely sought to be destroyed to ensure it doesn't interfere with larger food sources) 
  • Due to advanced technology and growing techniques and regulated climate, most food is the peak of its potential (size, taste, freshness, etc.)


Nutritious Cookie

  • Nutritious cookie (different varieties for fussy Littles)
  • Sweet to a Little but actually contains nutritious value
  • Can be equivalent to a meal depending on size



Little flavor powder

  • Enhances flavor of what added with 
  • Can be added to pacifier to associate good feelings with it (eventual addiction to the pacifier)

Little extract

  • Causes Little to be calm 
  • Can supplement or enhance pacifier usage
  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 20 May)

Little Items


Wrist band

  • Can be used for regressed and non-regressed Littles
  • Comes in multiple colors and themes
    • Basic features and baby themes are available at most stores
    • More advanced features in products can only be found at Little-owned stores
  • Features can include GPS tracking, indestructible wrist band, inclusion of music, maps, texting, time, timers, phone calls, etc.

Photo ID

  • Can be used for driving in areas that allow this privilege (many countries force Littles to use public transportation due to liability)
  • Contains address, name, age, weight, blood type, birthdate, and classification (bold letters at the top right, ex: "LITTLE")

Car Seats

  • Designed for maximum Little safety
  • Can be forward or rear facing that often depend on the Big in charge, local laws, or sizing concerns of the Little regarding their safety
  • Due to normality of their presence, prolonged use, and to entice Littles more, most are outfitted with several uncommon features (heated, cooled, cup holder, speakers, cushions, etc.) 
  • Some in the crueler nations have containers that go over them with vents to the outside to prevent dirty diaper smells from reaching the rest of the car
  • "Truthfully, the button was just to stop portal littles from figuring out how to take it off and the release for the car seat was on the side and then on the reverse side of the button which she had secretly pressed when pressing the red button."
  • Multiple options for restraints (five point, lap belt, cuffs under the tray, leg holders)
  • Can contain cushions to induce relaxation or sleep
  • Accessories can be attached (tablets, toys, mirrors, etc.)
  • Booster seats are exceedingly rare and are often used as a stepping stone for transitioning or regressing Littles
    • See Booster seats below for more information



  • Normal shoes can be worn be either Bigs, Middles, or Littles (with some exceptions)
  • Laced, often appear normal
  • Some brands can be weighted to induce more accidents (tripping, falling, etc.)

Little shores are designed solely for Littles and are specifically marked as such

  • Can still have laces, but will often be designed to be harder to handle in effort to force a Little to get help or opt for Velcro instead
  • Often are Velcro fastened
  • May have lights or sound effects
  • Usually adorned with popular cartoons, comics, TV shows, etc.


  • Punishment versions contain spikes that make it impossible or difficult to stand in (very painful)
  • Often an alternative for Littles banned/too young for shoes


  • Solid colors, sayings, cartoons, snaps in the crotch
  • Like baby onesies from our world, though often are covered in patterns that may suit older tastes (especially for regressing/transitioning Littles)
  • Littles may be convinced to wear to hide diapers or keep them from leaking and prevent public embarrassment 


  • General sleepers are traditional sleepers and contain snaps or front zippers
    • Often designed with colorful patterns or images for Little tastes 
  • Little exclusive sleepers are often used for punishment in stricter countries
    • Contains zippers in the back, possible padded feet or hands


  • Can be in short or pant form (name denotes more babyish notions than overalls)
  • Little version will contain snaps, while the more adult version may just be the garment itself and can be worn be Bigs as well


  • Often with several frills
  • Rarely cover diaper (can depend on the Amazon/Little relationship)
  • May mimic Amazon caretakers dress, princess themes, or general Victorian fashions 


  • Some Little resistance clothing makers add in knock out gas, lock picks, EMPs, etc. for Littles to use later in effort to escape
  • Due to their intended purpose, they are highly illegal in most countries and the designers can be prosecuted on the same level as high level criminals

Underwear/Training Pants


  • Normal
    • Very plain, solid colors
    • Rare or non-existent in some countries
    • Worn only be the most defiant Littles or those with
    • Often not worn by Littles. If messed, Little can be automatically adopted 
  • Childish
  • More normal in most countries
  • Many Littles choose these (even if normal are available) to blend in with society better and not become a defiant target (though both carry a risk of being seen as childish)

Training Pants

  • Childish prints (only version available, but offer degrees of childishness)
    • Come in colors or prints
    • Thicker in crotch and rear for possible accidents
  • Many Littles choose these regardless of control to commonalities of spiked drinks and some strict accident laws in most countries
  • Littles will often wear these at night, just in case
  • Located on tall shelfs to force Littles to ask for help or climb shelves (which could lead them to hurting themselves or breaking the rules)


Disposable in a soft baby blue color. 

  • The code FB3 adorned the front.
  • Forever Baby 3s. Used as training diaper (get Little to like diaper)
  • "As the diaper shifted with his movement the pocket that now enveloped his little member shifted from a soft caress to an arousing stroke/throb/buzz. (when wet)>>see Flopsy bunny stuffie under "Toys">>will bring to orgasm


  • Unicorns decorating and comfortable
  • Could be unique or just for those regressing/ been regressed


  • Blue for boys, pink for girls


  • Helga Hogg (flat looking piggy), Jasper and Jinx designs
  • Wetness indicator (yellow to blue when wet)


  • Strong tapes
  • Come in Little and baby size

Tyke's Transitionals 

  • "plastic package in her hands, with a gleeful Little plastered on the front in just a diaper. The baby female model had lost the concept of modesty, as her small breasts were on full display"
  • Stage 1 - "Unmistakably like a thick pull-up with the Tyke's logo printed on the front. Despite being so well-padded, they were cut in the ever-slightest way around the crotch to resemble the idea of panties or briefs somewhat even (the similar feel of grown-up underwear without having the hassle of any accidents, and still being able to experience the benefits and comforts from wearing a traditional diaper)"
  • Stage 2 - "Legs will become a bit more parted, as the bulge of her crotch became a bit bigger, and the remnants of adult-cut underwear had seemingly disappeared while varying colored circle-outlines decorated the front. (Still feeling in control, stage two still operates on an elasticized waistband that's firm around the waist to ensure it won't slip off and allows the Little to take off the diaper with assistance of an Amazon of course, but still features no tapes. However, stage two gives the added absorbency your Little starts to need when the potty starts to be less common in their daily routine. With better elasticized leg bands and leak guards, she can still feel like a big kid with just a little extra help)">>Amazons can pull apart if required
  • Stage 3 - "Her diaper now had two tapes around the front and full-blown childlike designs on the front. The bulge was large enough now to make the girl bow legged, which for added effect to my horror caused her legs to buckle as she now sits on her knees with a smile (And finally when they're used to their pseudo-diapers, they're ready for the real deal. To convince not only parents but Littles of their benefits, stage three has a softer cushioning feel than stages one or two, and offers the level of protection Amazons expect their Littles to be in. With happy designs, cushy padding and plentiful absorbency, Tyke's Transitionals sets your Little on the path for diaper dependency)"


  • Walking difficult or mostly impossible, legs held at near 90-degree angles and will not close together
  • Can be used for punishment
  • Comfie's Crawler diapers (unknown if canon)
    • "The cartoon of a little girl with a ludicrously thick diaper crawling on the ground with a rattle adorned the front panel."


  • Can walk around but will do so with a waddle, less coordinated Littles may resort to crawling instead
  • Average diaper for most Littles


  • Diapers that force the wearer to lay on their back (too thick to stand without falling over)

Princess themed 

  • Pink and ruffled, white with characters or infantile designs, BlueBear

Super Wetsies! 

  • "Stimulating diapers for needy littles". On the front was a diapered little woman with a blissful expression on her face, she was dressed in only a thick pink diaper which had a red heart painted on the crotch padding."
  • When used, the diaper vibrates (can be used to condition Littles to use/like their diapers)>>often used as a reward or punishment (depends on situation and length of time worn)


Toy Code of Secrecy

  • Applies to stuffys as well
  • Can only be broken if Little is being abused or neglected or may result in either
  • If Little is ever kidnapped, tortured, or abused after, an additional toy can be added to those allowed (if the Little does not choose to be more lucky in games where toys can intervene)
  • Toys can be lost as punishment (replaced outright or simply altogether disappeared)

Plain (normal)

  • Often used for already regressed Littles
  • Often more rare as many Bigs want the option to reinforce particular suggestions later if they desire (add a new desire, trait, or regress their Little further) 


  • Some contained bells that can unhinge a Little's inner ear (and throw off their balance) or stimulate their pleasure 
  • Mocking (will insult/mock holder, can be used to degrade and attempt to break will of holder, will emphasize infantile/gendered state)
  • Hypnotic (soothing subliminal sounds-regress or calm holder>>punishment or helper)
  • Toys can be outfitted with flamethrowers, assault tactics, poison gas, listening devices, cameras, and other upgrades

Baby sized 

  • less than 1 foot tall), Little sized (1-3 feet), massive (4+feet, used for Amazons mostly)

Flopsy bunny

  • ""Don't leave me Mommy" it said in a childlike but clearly electronic voice. "MOMMY I'M LOST!! FIND ME MOMMY!!" the toy now seeming to scream into the daytime air. "You found me Mommy" the toy chirped. The blue arrow faded and the toy went silent again."
  • A light glowing blue light underneath has an arrow that was pointed right in the Little's direction (some kind of tracking system)
  • "Stuffed toy, white plush, fur exterior. The plushie was over 2 feet tall and very soft. The limbs flopped lifelessly off of the body. No clear controls of off switch."
  • "The bunny was wearing a little pink collar with little gold tag that bore the same FB logo that adorned his diaper. Looking at the back of the tag it appeared to be a thumbprint scanner, although it was much larger than it needed to be to accommodate his thumb."
  • ""Good babies listen to their Mommies." the bunny chirped. "I need a hug!" the toy came to life again. "Ouch! Mommy I have an owwie!" the toy shouted and it had now begun to cry loudly." (when thrown)
  • ""Shhh. Be quiet," he urged. The toy almost seemed to respond to his request and said " I need a Hug." Nick hugged the bunny tightly and after a few seconds the crying stopped. "I feel better now Mommy," Flopsy said reassuringly. As if in it could hear him Flopsy chimed in with, "Good babies go potty in their diapers!"" (when Little needs to go potty)
  • "Let's sing the potty song," Flopsy uttered out of the blue. "When I have to pee or poo. Then I know just what to do," the toy sang. "Do you have to go potty? Wouldn't it feel good to use your diaper?" it suggested in a most helpful tone. Flopsy emitted a short celebratory fanfare. "What a good baby you are! Here's your reward!" it said in its cheerful electronic voice. With that Nick felt the inside of his diaper jump to life as the pocket that was enveloping his member began to vibrate and pulse. Nick's initial look of shock was immediately replaced with a soft involuntary moan as the sensation pulsed through his entire body. "Good babies get rewarded," Flopsy chirped again."



  • Toy designed to regress the minds of Littles
  • Hypnosis can be permanent or only temporary (wide ranging effects but most include loss of control and complacency)
  • Often illegal in most countries (except the strictest) and used in kidnappings
  • Can "overdose" on low temporary hypnotic effects if used for too long

Purely baby-themed

  • No hypnotic effects
  • Used more for purposeful humiliation or to reflect the status of being viewed as a baby
  • Often take form of babyish/toddler items from our dimension (usually only used when Little is fully regressed or to humiliate them)
    • Some noted Littles going mad when unregressed and interacting with these

Four option pop up jack-in-the-box

  • With different animals, and they say different things depending on the order that you pop them up in


  • "Between him and his captor, tiny barn yard stuffies- pigs, cows, and dogs- hung just out of reach. A portable mobile."
  • "The mobile was wide and low enough so that he could kick at the stuffed animals as well as bat at them. How nice! Full sensory engagement! He reached up again and batted at a doggy, vaguely imagining that the dinging sounds coming from just beneath his palm were coming from the dog instead. "Cow goes ding ding, Piggy goes ding-a-ling. Doggy goes dingy ding, how about you?" That's how the lyrics in Wally's head went. The only thing that stopped his play for the rest of that morning was his Mommy changing his diaper, which was odd, because he only vaguely remembered when he'd decided to go pee-pee."


  • "The rattle had done that too. Shake it a few times, and you're liable to have an accident. Keep going and you can kiss your potty training goodbye. Go beyond that and you were reduced to a crawler."
  • High degree of hypnosis. Will make user crave it after it releases a high with them after use
  • Flower, elephant, tiger, etc. themed
  • Often strapped to wrist (force the victim to wear it and then keep it with them when possibly too regressed to retrieve again)
  • Delivers a frequency to throw off balance
  • Littles will become addicted with further use
  • Can affect Middles and possibly Bigs as well (most wearing hearing protection when nearby for extended periods

Sgt. Luvman Line

  • Mustached action figure
  • Approximately 18 inches tall

Restrictive Items


  • Multiple options for restraints (five point, lap belt, cuffs under the tray, leg holders)
    • Will largely depend on attitude of country, Little, and Amazon
  • Wrist and bicep cuffs. Chest and neck-straps. All more than thick enough to hold without issue

Booster Seats

  • More rare
  • Can be used in office environments less friendly to Little needs
  • Often come equipped with a lap belt
  • Can be gray or multi-colored
  • Can be used with more liberal Bigs to allow Little bits of freedom they may not otherwise enjoy while still allowing them to be more independent in a world meant for Bigs

Car seats

  • See previous section


  • Restraints forcing Little to mattress (arms and legs, waist, etc.)
    • Applies to changing tables as well
  • Some cribs comes with a cage top (will allow mobility in crib but force the Little to stay inside)
  • More popular with adoption centers


  • Thick, padded
  • Usually made out of stiff leather or plastic encased padding
  • Will make fingers near useless
  • Can be locked
  • Sometimes used when Littles are injured to prevent furthering injuries
    • Often used as punishment items or to restrict non-regressed defiant Littles 


Can be used to silence Little or use of Little to not say anything regrettable) 


  • Push button on shield and inflates at stages
  • Cannot get off (silence Little for punishment or maintain silence)
  • Can injure Little's jaw with some types


  • Will force user to suck on them unconsciously
  • Will often make extremities go limp
  • Will calm done physically but not mentally
  • Regress remaining potty training for given period (can be days in some cases)
  • Effects shouldn't be permanent (minutes to days- some effects will last longer)


  • Sized for Amazon babies but can be used as alternatives with Littles


  • "Special pacifier that our company recently finished developing. 
  • "Helps stimulate the superior parietal cortex of the mind, in a way that will help [the Little] assimilate with the standard lifestyle that all littles are known for in this dimension." 
  • "A more progressive option that could help amazons that have adopted portal littles and ease them into their new livelihoods. These pacifiers have not been released to the general public yet, but [the company is] looking at achieving that milestone in the next year."
  • "Most littles have a positive reaction no matter the outcome from the soother. This is without a doubt, a game changer, on par with the results of a amazon breast-feeding a little for an extended duration."



Governments vary between countries and may exist as democracies, republics, monarchies, and most other forms of government that exist in our own world. Often, the ruling body of the particular area in question can often dictate how Littles are treated (most democracies push toward more liberal views while the still existing monarchies often have more conservative ones).

Most Amazon governments can subsidize costs like diapers, clothing, babysitters, wet nurses, and daycare.

  • This has often been considered controversial to those who have been denied adoption selection 
  • Some Bigs will take advantage of this policy and forcefully adopt multiple Littles to ensure they receive a larger paycheck, while not providing the care for their Littles in their charge
    • Carries risks as the punishments if discovered are severe
    • Some of the worst fates for Littles (too helpless to help better their lives) 

Countries also break down into the following groups of people within each society:

  • Amazon Focused 
    • No independent Littles and/or Littles are extremely regimented and possibly abused, regression centers/kidnappings are common
    • Most countries fear and avoid these areas
  • Mixed 
    • Some independent Littles, some adopted Littles, few [if any] instances of kidnapping Littles occurs)
    • Most common occurrences throughout the dimension
  • Free Littles 
    • No Amazon involvement and run by Littles alone
    • Exceedingly rare but are used as stories of hope to captured Littles
    • Due to secretive nature and aggressive tactics of Bigs, many of these locations are formed from an island or island chain, and are often hidden or not part of most traditional maps

Interdimensional Workers Inclusion Act

Establishes work connections between our world and theirs (portal Littles will come to work exclusively and not be adopted)

  • Controversial and most believe ploy to capture more Littles
  • Services provided for them (rental apartments, jobs, etc.) 


  • Take on jobs of police in our world
  • Often are used to subdue Littles before or with agencies (see organizations or below) 
  • Many see them as corrupt in stricter nations
  • Some more liberal countries for Littles have specific restrictive laws in place regarding the police force

Little Government Services

DLS, Department of Little Services

  • Main agency for Littles after adoption

LPS (Little Protective Services) or LPA (little protection agency)

  • Like child protective services, agents will check on adopted Littles to ensure safe environments
  • Can also be used to check if Littles are being treated like Littles (rather than adults in stricter communities)
  • In stricter countries, can use nanites to prevent further incidents from happening (remove use of legs if escape)

Little Retrieval Services

  • Captures errant Littles (non-regressed)
  • Returns Littles to CGs

Little Police Task Force

  • Tasked with finding anyone who posed a threat to the Amazon community
  • Strong arm of LPS, like the FBI or Marshal services


  • Little commando unit
  • Often perform breakouts, assaults, and savings of Littles , or Big situations requiring smaller personnel
  • Have immunity in most cases and can cross country lines if needed
  • Many Littles regard them as heroes and treat them like we do for boy bands or superheroes 
  • Their identities are usually hidden and are given nicknames instead (Ghost, Rabbit, Wire, etc.)

Direct Action

  • Similar to Helcats
  • Rescue Littles in need (maybe most extreme cases) or target prominent/problematic Bigs so they can then use the Littles for information
  • Our organization gathers intelligence on Amazons we want to target. We can't save every Little, so we need to conduct rescues in different areas so as to remain unpredictable.

Direct Action network.

  • "You'll have to live in a larger facility with other rescued Littles while they work on your leg strength. After that, down the line a couple years, you'll be able to conceal your diapers under dresses and return to some semblance of normal life, with a little luck."
  • "...can find you vetted Amazons we know are sympathetic to our cause. They will have the power to legally adopt you with a new identity. That way, nobody else will be able to, ever. They'll take care of all your needs. You'll still have to be their 'baby' when you're out, to keep up appearances, but when you're home they'll respect your adulthood and allow you complete freedom"

Financial Review Bureau, F.R.B.

  • May be similar to IRS


Due to focus on Littles, many problems are focused on them due to a lack of our society's problems from their advanced technology. As a result, most punishments are focus around Littles.

Few jails or prisons remain due to new instant punishment implementations.

  • See Shrink Ray

Many Littles convicted of a crime will be evaluated and likely regressed.

Regression methods and efforts will often largely depend on the area the crime took place in. Most will take place in reeducation/ regression centers.

In the stricter countries, the death penalty may be enacted for those who have shown no remorse in their crime, particularly if the crime was against Bigs with lethal consequences.

Minimum Security Prison (in the south of Libertalia)

  • Meant for Bigs who have cooperated with law enforcement

Dark Cliff Prison

One of the only prisons still remaining in the world off the coast of Libertalia.

  • Known for its seedy reputation and as a site for the most stubborn or hard criminals that would fair poorly as Littles 
  • Corrupt companies with connections within the system, may dump their problems here
  • Corruption often runs rampant in the form of handouts and bribes
  • Big, Middles, and Littles may be sentenced here, though they will be separated
    • Corruption can lead to the intermixing of them if the heights are passable
      • This often occurs with Middles being sent to the Little area to assert their dominance
  • Some rich families have begun a service to take in Littles from the prison if they deem them as unproblematic (wrongly accused, rehabilitated, or sent there by mistake or corruption) 
    • Has caused great controversy within the Big community 

Wabash Regression Center

  • Specialize in regression of Littles uses new technology and old methods
  • Often barbaric nurses and staff (usually don't care if a Little is to blame or not for punishment)
  • Most staff becomes nicer towards regressed Littles
  • Nurses may use fake cutesy names to humiliate the Littles further when being punished
  • Use 'chair' (see technology)
  • One of the most effective centers beyond the south in Libertalia
  • When regressing, Littles past lives may be focused on and erased with larger names
    • Littles may still retain a love of what they were (cops love pretending to be one) but don't remember that they had that as a job
    • Littles may also be confused when asked directly by those in the profession 


  • Run by Bigs/Middles
  • Provide a safe environment for fleeing Littles in various states of regression
  • House various regression tiers on different levels of house
  • Provide shelter, food, clothing, care if needed after Little checked for diseases or arrest warrants
  • In conjunction with police to check if Little is wanted for a crime
  • Less regressed often help out with those more regressed but more regressed will go to daycare
  • Littles can be adopted out if they opt for that, but no time limit on how long can stay
  • Rules (beyond traditional)
    • If communicate with outside, do not reveal location or others who are here
    • Don't ask why others are here (let them volunteer if they want)
    • Never reveal any info about others here if asked by a stranger or when leave
      • This is the one circumstance where a Little can lie
  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 21 May)

General Rules/Guidelines


Amazon world, but only referred to as "Bigs." "Amazon" is more of a derogatory term.

Names often are based on their country of origin, but many of the older families have Ancient Greek or Roman last or first names

Portal Travel

Harmful Effects

  • Accidental portals will strip plasma of original dimension off and the traveler can't return if the travel was accidental.
  • If the travel was on purpose, prolonged exposure to the dimension could cause the same effect
  • If no waiting period or want to come back to either dimension, the traveler will need a method of expediency (pill or liquid) 
  • The traveler will often need to wait for proper amount of time to pass for preparation (usually a number of weeks to prep and then cool down once there)
  • Original portal travelers would often only be able to travel a few times between dimensions before forced retirement/stoppage due to negative impacts on the body
  • First portal travelers are memorialized in most portal dimension travel stations within the DD side of travel

Portal travel can cause a change in heights as go through in either direction

  • Most Bigs and Littles will shrink when coming to our dimension and regrow to their original heights (usually) when coming back
    • Some cases have been reported that Bigs returned as Little heights
  • Many from our dimension will shrink coming through the portal (can vary greatly in height and some can still pass as Bigs while others may have shrunk to newborn levels) 
  • Some psychologists believe this process is dependent on internalization of self-image but there isn't much data on this either way

Portable Method

  • Some methods now exist for portable portal travel and can fit into a backpack
  • These methods were initially disastrous and many came back as a pile of goo
  • These methods are restricted only to government agencies and made illegal otherwise due to abilities could wield with this power (robbing a bank) or destructive capabilities of dimensions (if done wrong) 

Treatment of Littles

  • "In order to prevent abuse from sadistic Bigs who would have otherwise wanted a kidnapped little, Accidental littles also received much more frequent and thorough welfare checks than any other type of little."
  • "Some still will even after you inform them of cognizance and call it 'Little blindness' and don't really understand what causes it, but there are just some Bigs who can't help see a Little as a toddler, no matter what they say or do"
  • "Maturosis; at the very most, all it took was any marked display of physical or mental immaturity. Most Amazons interpreted this as loss of bladder or bowel control and resulting diaper dependency, even though they had tests that suggested that some of the foods Amazons regularly consume can cause temporary diaper dependency in sensitive Littles."
  • It's illegal to take a Little to a non-Alliance nation.
  • "A certified social worker must come in and see you have a nursery set up and basic safety measures, it is nothing serious and if you order a little parents starter set with our partners at the Little Store, they will have a certified inspector there when it's set up and approve it immediately..."


Planet was smaller than Earth (some stories allude to this, but it may not be canon) and had lighter gravity (to explain why things are typically taller here)

Time moves slower than on Earth, and one would live longer here 

  • Earth would pass those there in age in a few years due to time difference
  • 32-hour days, 400-day calendar (extra month)
  • Our 8760 hours per year, versus their 12800
    • Some stories vary with these numbers 
  • 120-year life span for Bigs, 100 for Littles
    • Numbers can vary depending on the society or amount of tech available

Both can be affected by race-specific diseases.

  • Males in population may have been affected by a plague (hence reduced numbers) 



  • 100 (about) inches and above
  • Possibility of microscopic pumping vessels in extremities to facilitate extra blood flow
  • Usually use a 1.8 multiplier for most physical attributes
  • Due to larger brain and more wrinkles, their intelligence in most fields is greater than Littles or Middles. Most IQs are 20-30 points higher on average 


  • 72 to 100 inches (about)
  • Smallest population in world
  • Attitudes greatly affect how they are treated (some are accepted more readily into Big society (even in the stricter countries), while others can be treated just the same as Littles (particularly if their height is on the lower end of the spectrum) 


  • 72 inches and below
  • Newborns can be classified as anything under 38 inches (possible through portal travel for some who are normal height)
  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 22 May)


Since the discovery of the Littles Island with the advent of satellite imaging technology in the early sixties, the world had changed dramatically. Up until that point the world had been advancing technologically at a rate that many felt was too fast.

Once littles were discovered there were many debates on what to do. It was determined early on that accommodating them on the mainland was going to be a problem. Much of the world's technology had been invented and sized for amazons. Discovering a whole other miniature variation of themselves was not even talked about in science fiction literature up to that point and now here they were with a scenario they could never have imagined in a million years.

Given that the littles only accounted for a very minute portion of the world's population it was not practical to change much of their infrastructure to accommodate them. Inventing highway lanes for a little's car was preposterous to them. Adding something as simple as a bathroom sized for a little was clearly not going to happen because how often would someone use it?

The only solution that they could come up with was to keep on doing business as they had been. Amazons would have to help littles navigate through their world if that was required. Besides, plenty of amazon children who were similarly sized got by just fine this way. They had special chairs, booster seats, car seats, and similar things that could be adapted to suit a little. For most amazons this was the only solution and, in their opinion, if littles couldn't navigate through their world than someone would have to take control and make sure they were getting the basic necessities. No self-respecting amazon would allow a little to struggle through life unfairly.

Possible backstory

Amazon Escape Challenge

  • Latest challenge for Littles and next step after adoption processes may be declining and kidnapping has become illegal in most places
  • Implemented by Amazons to trap Littles by getting them to face the challenge and try to escape, but likely most will be regressed thoroughly beforehand
  • "A really good way for Littles in need to find their Mommies and Daddies without feeling too scared or overwhelmed about the whole thing. I would encourage all Littles who think they're independent and mature to test it out as either way I think you'll be satisfied with the results and maybe even learn something about yourself"
  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 23 May)
  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 24 May)

This is the last section of the guide for now. Going forward, I will be updating this and will change the title of this area to reflect the latest change date.


There have been several contributors to the Diaper Dimension storylines, but the following are the writers I used to flesh this manual out. Please read their stories and enjoy.

  • PrincessPottypants
  • Ausdpr
  • Inkuhime 
  • Snackers
  • Personalias
  • Zatchie
  • BabySofia
  • Bbykimmy 
  • crono
  • Panther Cub
  • LittleFallenPrincess
  • Diapered Prince
  • johnmadixsmith
  • MaybeeMee
  • ABAlex
  • ouroboros
  • unthinker
  • babychristy
  • Elfking88
  • Elfy
  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 10 June)
On 5/26/2023 at 11:40 PM, LostBBoyBear said:

This is the last section of the guide for now. Going forward, I will be updating this and will change the title of this area to reflect the latest change date.


There have been several contributors to the Diaper Dimension storylines, but the following are the writers I used to flesh this manual out. Please read their stories and enjoy...

Thank you so much for this fun and interesting writeup, and I can't believe that I didn't spot this up until now! I love the lore and tid-bits of any universe; stuff like this are what establishes super interesting and engaging frameworks!

I always feel like I stumble and fumble in my writings, and often lose track of finer points, as much as I enjoy them, but I'm honored to be mentioned in this list, and thank you for giving me a new reference guide if I wanna expand on established/popular material!

I think I agree with other folks, or maybe it was just Personalias who mentioned that maybe I wouldn't read this for my own sake as a sole view of a one and only Diaper Dimension. I really liked their take on it sort of as a comic book universe, which is having a common ground accessible to plenty of readers, but then taking their own slight deviations and changing up the formula, possibly, even if by a little! But of course, there's nothing wrong with staying within what's established and spinning an awesome story from there.

I can't say for certain, but I think I'd definitely like to explore more inter-dimensional relations between the DD and our own dimension. Kind of in the same ballpark of Illegal Immigrant, Portal Littles are more of a newer concept rather than common. I wouldn't even mind taking a few steps further back from that and maybe look at small ways that the DD is starting to affect and influence things at home!

Thank you again so much for being a historian!

  • Like 1
On 5/7/2023 at 4:20 PM, LostBBoyBear said:


  • One of the few countries to have fully exterminated their Little population
  • Use people from a so-called protectorate controlled by Hesperia, as their human farm
  • No laws for Littlecare
  • Implants give CG and the daycare staff control Littles (can temporarily force mindlessness, shocks, control of emotions, remove skills, etc.)

I think this is a reference to a story of mine? Very cool to be included, if so. Though, I tend to lean towards there being no diaper dimension "canon," this is amazing for inspiration, and a great resource.

  • LostBBoyBear changed the title to Diaper Dimension Reference Guide (Updated as of 21 June)

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