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Lost personal messages yesterday evening (GMT).

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As title says. I have lost two messages I have received first 18:51 GMT second 22:56 GMT, I know the person I messaged with also has lost hers from that time span. The first of them, I did read at around 22 GMT but it's gone now. Hope this isn't part of any major problem with DD-board. 

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Yeah, the replies I posted in the forums about 5pm yesterday have disappeared.  There must have been a site issue as posts people have made within the past 10 hours are here and showing.  

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2 hours ago, Little_Mouse said:

Fyi: I think DailyDi (aka Mike) has posted a message: "Lost some Posts" about the issue under "Latest News".


Yes he did! It is posted in latest news! 😁😁👍👍


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