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whats is the first month of going 24/7 like?

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Hi there,

I have been lurking, like many others, before actually post something.

It is so great and inspiring to read so many success stories of people going 24/7. Whilst I am not at this point (yet?) of choosing this path, the idea of doing it comes frequently.

While reading so many stories here, I noticed, that the major changes happend around the 6 month mark (like in the 12 month program). However most of the people, that shared their story seemed to agree, that wetting (even tough consciously) became easier over the first three months.

I was especially wondering about, how the first month was. Apart from mentally preparing for the journey, the new habits are not there yet. Means you clench, hold it, allow to pee and (probably) flood your diaper. If so, how did you handle that considering leaks, thickness of diaper, frequency of changes and when did you experience this state of 'it is getting easier to wet'

I think at some point of wetting in smaller amounts and more frequent you are probably less likely to leak and do not need a super max capacity diaper and can switch to thinner less visible diapers.

Same goes for messing in the first time. I need to wait very long to have this real strong urge to void. Did you wait until you literally couldnt hold it anymore or did you focus on voiding as soon the urge was noticable?


Thank you so much again for sharing your experience so far, and thanks for reading


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8 hours ago, dpl1983 said:

I was especially wondering about, how the first month was. Apart from mentally preparing for the journey, the new habits are not there yet. Means you clench, hold it, allow to pee and (probably) flood your diaper. If so, how did you handle that considering leaks, thickness of diaper, frequency of changes and when did you experience this state of 'it is getting easier to wet'

I kept (and still keep) a diary for just this kind of question.  Allow me to cut and paste from my "1 month" update (back from January 2019)

Nappies are my new normal. They are my standard underwear and I wear them all the time.   I’m in a stable routine with predictable changing times and minimal leakage.  All urination has taken place in my nappy for a month and no longer stop to think about it.  I can no longer can easily tell if I am wet by feel alone as I have become habituated to being wet (I am a slightly more aware if I am in cloth nappies).  I assess my nappy’s status primarily by the duration I have been wearing it, its weight and a quick poke and feel.  If I have taken my nappy off for some reason, I feel a bit naked and am intensely aware of my need to pee.  I am also experiencing a preference shift from cloth towards my disposable/terry-lined waterproofs combo at night possibly due to the greater acceptance from my partner.

I have learned to keep my pelvic floor relaxed for longer periods of time.  I do not wait for my bladder to fill in my nappies but rather attempt to leave my urinary sphincters in an “open” state whereby I drip and dribble periodically in a manner I suspect is a bit similar to one who has been catheterized.  At the beginning of the month, I would experience a compulsive urge to clench after leaking urine but now I can remain relaxed for more extended periods of time.  Sitting hydrated at my desk, I can remain in a “leaking” state almost indefinitely.  I have not experienced anything close to a full bladder for a complete month now and any significant urinary urgency experienced has, when relieved, resulted in only a fairly small volume of pee being released.  In the last couple of days, a new phenomenon has arisen:  the characteristic and indescribable sensation at the tip of my penis that occurs after relaxing and just before urination commences is sometimes reduced or missing.  Sometimes I relax my pelvic floor and the next thing I feel is wetness.  This is not all the time.

Retaining pee is not comfortableNon-nappy time is rare for me, confined to showering (pee happens), swimming (pee happens) and brief gym sessions (for which I ensure I have fully voided into my nappy before removal as pee should NOT happen although this week I tried a pull-up to dial-out even that time as nappy-free).  I am noticing a low level but persistent need to pee within minutes of my nappy removal even though my conscious brain is aware that there cannot be any pee to expel.   When changing at home,  I will typically want at least a wipe down and refresh some anti-rash cream.  Within seconds of removing my wet nappy, I feel it necessary to clench to stop a drip and if I don’t, I will drip (on the floor…)  If I stand up after sitting on the toilet (for #2), I will drip on the floor unless I specifically think not to.

I am not sleep-wetting but I am paying MUCH less attention to wetting in bedInitially I was acutely aware of a decision to wet myself in bed and quite awake.  After one month, I have less specific recollection: I am sure I am awake but fall back asleep fairly swiftly.  I’ve also started to have occasional “pee dreams” again – usually early in the morning.  In a previous experiment (night wearing only), these occurred several weeks in and were a prelude to one or two sleep-wetting events.  A decade later and they have appeared earlier at week 4. 

Related to this, I suspect I now have nocturia.  I now wet at least three times per night: roughly around 1am, 3am and 5am each time stirring with an urge to pee but with relatively little pee stored.  Waking up at night is really the only time that I experience a meaningful urge to pee because it is the only time I am allowing pee to store up.  This will be painful to deal with when I am back out of nappies.

My wife has observed that I appear to be sleeping better and deeper:  I have historically struggled a lot with sleep and am often near-permanently tired.

My only "hindsight" additions to this commentary is that, like many others, I think I'd been a little bit rose-tinted-glasses with respect to interpreting very small changes as signs of emerging dependency.  It was in fact several months before I actually "wet the bed" and years before it became regular.  I was amused to read my own comments about peeing at 1am, 3am and 5am.  I think this still happens but there are no urges now.  I either wake for them or I don't.  They happen anyway. 

8 hours ago, dpl1983 said:

I think at some point of wetting in smaller amounts and more frequent you are probably less likely to leak and do not need a super max capacity diaper and can switch to thinner less visible diapers.

I believe at one month, although things had improved because I'd worked out which nappies worked for me and how to wear them, I was still leaking far more then than I do today.  This would be at least partly because my pee volume and cadence had not yet changed to its current high frequency/low volume one that works SO much better for disposable nappies.

8 hours ago, dpl1983 said:

Same goes for messing in the first time. I need to wait very long to have this real strong urge to void. Did you wait until you literally couldnt hold it anymore or did you focus on voiding as soon the urge was noticable?

I can't really comment on that as I'd resolved to maintain bowel control for the sake of my career (since gone) and marriage (still there).  I *can* say that after 4 years,  despite resolving to maintain bowel control, it has degraded insofar as I have the occasional accident if I'm not diligent in answering the call!


Hope this helps:

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@dpl1983 thank you for your post.  I am not wearing full time yet though I to want to as well.

there are many other members here that I would love to read their stories of the one month time.

@Enthusi @Little Sherri @Kif  @~Brian~ @jonbearab @Beccathelittle

what are your thoughts on this OP post?


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2 hours ago, DiaperboyEddie12 said:

@dpl1983 thank you for your post.  I am not wearing full time yet though I to want to as well.

there are many other members here that I would love to read their stories of the one month time.

@Enthusi @Little Sherri @Kif  @~Brian~ @jonbearab @Beccathelittle

what are your thoughts on this OP post?


Haha, I'm tickled you'd think of me Eddie! ?

Sorry I've not posted, I've been...lazy heh.

But uhm to answer questions...

I started untraining again back in Aug 3rd-ish, 2021 (last time was Oct 2017 or so). I described it in the first post of my thread, but the summary is like this:

  • Within a few weeks I had wet the bed a few times in my sleep
  • Often realized I was peeing after I had already started
  • Often found my diaper wetter than I expected it to be
  • Messing became "easier" (but I still struggled with lots of psychological barriers)

And looking through my thread, I found this gem nearly 2 months in though (Sept 20th, 2021): 


The funniest and most-telling thing happened last night! ?

So, my hubby and I were in the bedroom and I'd started changing. He was in bed waiting for me to finish, and I was on the floor in the other corner changing. We have a pseudo-wood laminate floor all over the apartment, so I'm not worried about changing in there.

Out of NOWHERE he rips a loud one. Like, I mean real diesel-engine, gutteral, rip-roarin' flatulator. It went for what felt like minutes. 

And it sent me REELING with laughter! Him too! ?

But remember I had said I was changing my diaper at the time? Well, I had just opened it up and was laying there naked basically and it didn't occur to me to close it up once I started laughing. 

I finished taping up (I was laying on the fresh diaper already) and went to pickup the old one at my feet and...found it in a cold puddle.  Not drops, a puddle!! ??

While laughing my ass off, apparently I'd launch-peed past my fresh diaper, past my feet, and onto the floor a few feet away! Ofc this was the one time I decided to not lay down the changing mat first! ?

I felt suuuper embarassed and since I was out-of-sight of my hubby I sneakily wiped it up...and then ran over for cleaning supplies, sprayed that on a rag, and wiped it more thoroughly before tossing into my dry/wet nappy bag (used normally for wet terry liners and pants). And apologized to my hubby...he hadn't realized it had happened (and neither had I, haha), but he was understanding (and both of us thankful it wasn't onto the bedframe, and that we had laminate floors). ? 

I guess it shows I am losing some sense of control already...apparently if I have pee in my bladder and I don't focus on clenching while laughing it'll just come out at this point. Accidents happen, but I guess at least it's a sign of something...and possibly needing to put a towel over myself while changing haha.

But comparing my one month progress to six month progress...I think the biggest changes were:

  • still no bedwetting consistently (mostly due to fear, e.g. having to hold back from upcoming surgery)
  • had one messing accident while exercising
  • high urgency when peeing
  • lots of emotional work in accepting diapers / being okay with wearing them everywhere

This was ... something? But was nothing compared to what gradually happened since my surgery in March (where I was wearing diapers casually but not focusing on untraining):

  • some more bedwetting (not tracking it, but probably was once monthly or less...again due to being interrupted by more surgeries during that year)
  • being unable to stop peeing once I started
  • extreme urgency, leading to actual accidents a few times
  • actual inability to stop messing after 3-8 minutes

I've since gained back a bit of that in the last recovery Nov-Dec (I can stop the stream again, and I don't have as much an issue containing messes but it's still difficult), and am back to wetting unconsciously again in the first month. 

It's very difficult for me to uh compare? I'm so full of starts and stops and restarts! But, hopefully you find that informative or helpful?

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5 minutes ago, Kif said:

Haha, I'm tickled you'd think of me Eddie! ?

Sorry I've not posted, I've been...lazy heh.

But uhm to answer questions...

I started untraining again back in Aug 3rd-ish, 2021 (last time was Oct 2017 or so). I described it in the first post of my thread, but the summary is like this:

  • Within a few weeks I had wet the bed a few times in my sleep
  • Often realized I was peeing after I had already started
  • Often found my diaper wetter than I expected it to be
  • Messing became "easier" (but I still struggled with lots of psychological barriers)

And looking through my thread, I found this gem nearly 2 months in though (Sept 20th, 2021): 

But comparing my one month progress to six month progress...I think the biggest changes were:

  • still no bedwetting consistently (mostly due to fear, e.g. having to hold back from upcoming surgery)
  • had one messing accident while exercising
  • high urgency when peeing
  • lots of emotional work in accepting diapers / being okay with wearing them everywhere

This was ... something? But was nothing compared to what gradually happened since my surgery in March (where I was wearing diapers casually but not focusing on untraining):

  • some more bedwetting (not tracking it, but probably was once monthly or less...again due to being interrupted by more surgeries during that year)
  • being unable to stop peeing once I started
  • extreme urgency, leading to actual accidents a few times
  • actual inability to stop messing after 3-8 minutes

I've since gained back a bit of that in the last recovery Nov-Dec (I can stop the stream again, and I don't have as much an issue containing messes but it's still difficult), and am back to wetting unconsciously again in the first month. 

It's very difficult for me to uh compare? I'm so full of starts and stops and restarts! But, hopefully you find that informative or helpful?

@Kif Your welcome!  

Thank you for your input some new members may read your comment here and help them decide if it is for them or not.

One day I do plan on taken that plunge and working towards not worrying if I can make it to the bathroom or not.  As I also have issues with #2 If i eat something I better be near a bathroom or there might be a mess to clean up.  I have gone through so many underwear it is not even funny any longer.  As for right now i am not financially able to afford to go fulltime.

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Interesting question. I had to go back and read my posts from back then to refamiliarize myself with what it was like in my first month, since it's been a bit more than 3.5 years. What I was writing about, when I went *80* (80!) pages back in time on my thread, was primarily autobiographical/historical, and, about first-time jitters around things like going on a business trip in diapers, or having my in-laws over for the weekend and feeling self-conscious about wearing diapers around them (in secret). In fact, back at that point in my "Captain's Log", I hadn't told my wife about it yet, so other than when I had the house to myself, or when I was in hotel rooms, I had no venue and no moment when I could just relax about my baby pants. I was sleeping in diapers and wearing bulky oversized track pants that I didn't enjoy, and I usually "waited out" my wife falling asleep, via watching late shows downstairs, so that I could sleep without the damned things on (I like sleeping in just a diaper). But, I had them at the ready beside my bed, in case the dog started throwing up or the smoke alarm went off or a thunderstorm caused my younger daughter to seek refuge in our room. 

In terms of side-effects, other than extreme secrecy and packing up the garbage like I was concealing a body, I hadn't had any of note yet. I was in he very early days of peeing freely whenever I needed to, and trying not to forget to do that when I was concentrating on something else (driving, work, riveting TV show), because I'd discerned a long time ago that diapers deal better with frequent minor events than with infrequent deluges. I didn't write about it at the time as far as I can see from my cursory overview, but I recall still getting used to wetting in uncommon positions - while driving, standing, walking, etc.

I developed a technique for relaxing down there: I'd been wearing diapers to bed (in secret) for maybe 9 months or so prior to going 24/7, and my "happy place" was wetting while lying in bed, sucking on a pacifier or (rarely) a bottle, and I never had any problem wetting under those circumstances, so I'd actually pantomime sucking on something if I felt I need to go but I was having to push, rather than just relax, say, while standing in line at the supermarket or whatever. It worked. 

I was not experiencing any unusual urgency and my range had not notably declined yet. I wasn't yet wetting the bed with any frequency and I could definitely have switched back to underwear (which I still had) at any point that early in the game with no consequences other than regret. Perhaps my greatest concern, other than being caught out by some circumstance beyond my control, such as my wife searching the garbage for some misplaced item and coming up with a dozen gloriously printed diapers, was figuring out how to actually GET gloriously printed diapers with no financial traceability. Rearz had had a storefront in Waterloo, and I used to buy them in cash there, so there were no purchases from "Big Baby Diaper Company" showing up on our credit cards, the statements for which were often reviewed by my wife. 

There were and are no issues in the #2 control department, as I don't do that in my diapers 95% of the time. Although I will say that there has been a mildly-concerning generalization taking place at night on so-far exceedingly rare occasions, where my "just go ahead and do it" approach to wetting while in bed has had me waking up to a near-launch of a scud, I think because of my laisse faire approach to the #1 department. I have these dreams where I have to go, and dream-me says to his dream-self, hey, don't worry about it, you're wearing a diaper... and then alarms go off in the control room and I wake up. I don't mind that I'm drifting unreliably into bedwetting, but I do not want to become a bed-crapper. 

When Rearz closed that store, I had a decent stock built up, but, remember, I had to hide them from my family, and I only had so much storage in the ceiling of my basement, for example. So, I was wearing L/XL Goodnites pull-ups sometimes (that I could squeeze into them was an engineering marvel), with a size 7 diaper stuffer, or whatever sad sawdust-filled tape-on garbage bags I could buy in the incontinence section of the local stores. I'd put something from Rearz or Bambino on only if I knew I had enough hours to myself to make it worthwhile. It was a dark time, but, I was also elated to wake up every day knowing that my underwear choice was a foregone conclusion: it would be some kind of diaper, however rudimentary. 

Leaks were an issue for me back then, for sure - I was trying to make both terrible and good diapers last as long as possible, because they were in short supply. I was still getting used to having the bulk and the plasticity with me, all the time, and I was still thinking that people might hear my diaper, or notice the outline of it. I was still discovering what diaper paired with what outfit or situation. 

It's been interesting doing this brief bit of archeology on myself!  

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On 1/4/2023 at 8:55 AM, Little Sherri said:

In terms of side-effects, other than extreme secrecy and packing up the garbage like I was concealing a body,

A truer statement has never been told.

On 1/4/2023 at 4:54 AM, DiaperboyEddie12 said:

@dpl1983 thank you for your post.  I am not wearing full time yet though I to want to as well.

there are many other members here that I would love to read their stories of the one month time.

@Enthusi @Little Sherri @Kif  @~Brian~ @jonbearab @Beccathelittle

what are your thoughts on this OP post?


For me, the one month time is a fuzzy phase. I had already been 18/7 for many years, and already practicing bladder release for as long as that. My switch into 24/7 was a gradual phase-in in a way. I went 24/7, but the only thing I had to contend with was being diapered at night. Cuz I'm not gonna lie, after wearing diapers for so long, one night of freedom from the bulk is nice. And I usually did that at night.

But these days I end up leaking in bed more often than not. Either due to the quality of my diaper (Dry 24/7) or to the excessive use in bed. Not too long ago I did wet in my sleep (well, I guess a half wake and half sleep, I woke up wetting my diaper and I just went with it). I spent the rest of the time worrying if I was going to leak (surprise, surprise, I did leak).

I'm now at just over 2 years 24/7 and actively untraining, and I'm *slowly* seeing results. Some of our members here had faster results, but I'm of the slow camp it seems. Which is fine with me, at least I'm making progress.

Some stress incontinence a few weeks ago and an involuntary drip and dribble, today even. I hate how slow the process is, but if you've stuck to it this long you'll be happy at *any* sort of result, whatever it may be.

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Hi! I'm also a newbie but I've glanced across this forum on occasion over the years.

I'm just past one month, it's interesting/exciting. I started from a point of wearing diapers pretty regularly and having no problems wetting or messing whenever/whenever in any position, this is the first time I've actively tried to achieve wetting incontinence though.  There's definitely reduced capacity, I feel my bladder less and over the last couple of weeks I've started to dribble when relaxed and sitting the right way. It feels like much bigger leak than it is but there's a little leakage happening. 

I can release my bladder really regularly and keep it empty most of the time when I'm active, I do still find it fills up a bit when I'm lying down or just sometimes I'll forget to relax. Have had two definite sleep wettings via hypnosis and I think a couple of nights there was more in the diaper than I had in there before bed but it's hard to prove. That's common actually, I'll find the diaper a lot wetter than I expected it to be. Anyway I think at 1 month it's hard to separate what's actually happening from what I hope is happening and what I might be able to convince myself is happening, but I'm pretty sure it's going to accelerate rapidly now that I'm getting a lot of success with hypnosis (I can use subliminals to hold reverse kegels for hours cand I'm basically hyperfocusing on that now).

I should say I came into this with a sort of dodgy bladder anyway, mixed IC - mostly stress, there are sometimes little reflex or overflow (unsure what to call, no feeling) wettings too and I've sporadically had minor accidents over the years. Usually when I'm really tired or I've just been really busy, I'll not feel my bladder the whole time and when I get home or get a minute of break in focus it'll just let go a bit. I work in crowded public spaces and I'm well acquainted with how easy to get away with a wet spot it can be! Some of my existing incontinence would doubtless be traced to gender reassignment surgery about 8 years ago as there's always potential nerve damage to the pelvic floor but also interoception issues from Autism & ADHD (i.e. not feeling body signals). Maybe wet the bed a couple of times a year too, again usually if super tired. 

So take my account with that in mind, not starting from a normal baseline here.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/10/2023 at 11:10 AM, Ivanna P. Friely said:

Hi! I'm also a newbie but I've glanced across this forum on occasion over the years.

I'm just past one month, it's interesting/exciting. I started from a point of wearing diapers pretty regularly and having no problems wetting or messing whenever/whenever in any position, this is the first time I've actively tried to achieve wetting incontinence though.  There's definitely reduced capacity, I feel my bladder less and over the last couple of weeks I've started to dribble when relaxed and sitting the right way. It feels like much bigger leak than it is but there's a little leakage happening. 

I can release my bladder really regularly and keep it empty most of the time when I'm active, I do still find it fills up a bit when I'm lying down or just sometimes I'll forget to relax. Have had two definite sleep wettings via hypnosis and I think a couple of nights there was more in the diaper than I had in there before bed but it's hard to prove. That's common actually, I'll find the diaper a lot wetter than I expected it to be. Anyway I think at 1 month it's hard to separate what's actually happening from what I hope is happening and what I might be able to convince myself is happening, but I'm pretty sure it's going to accelerate rapidly now that I'm getting a lot of success with hypnosis (I can use subliminals to hold reverse kegels for hours cand I'm basically hyperfocusing on that now).

I should say I came into this with a sort of dodgy bladder anyway, mixed IC - mostly stress, there are sometimes little reflex or overflow (unsure what to call, no feeling) wettings too and I've sporadically had minor accidents over the years. Usually when I'm really tired or I've just been really busy, I'll not feel my bladder the whole time and when I get home or get a minute of break in focus it'll just let go a bit. I work in crowded public spaces and I'm well acquainted with how easy to get away with a wet spot it can be! Some of my existing incontinence would doubtless be traced to gender reassignment surgery about 8 years ago as there's always potential nerve damage to the pelvic floor but also interoception issues from Autism & ADHD (i.e. not feeling body signals). Maybe wet the bed a couple of times a year too, again usually if super tired. 

So take my account with that in mind, not starting from a normal baseline here.

Welcome to the club! I hope you make your desired progress.

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On 1/10/2023 at 6:10 PM, Ivanna P. Friely said:

interoception issues from Autism & ADHD (i.e. not feeling body signals).

I never realised what an issue this was for me! I have spent my whole life going to the toilet based on habit rather than need as I could never feel a need unless it was GO NOW! and therefore far too late. I am convinced that over the years it contributed to an extremely weak pelvic floor as I went far too often to avoid accidents (like every 60 minutes or so if I was at home or everytime I saw a public toilet when out and about). 

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1 hour ago, Little Belle said:

I never realised what an issue this was for me! I have spent my whole life going to the toilet based on habit rather than need as I could never feel a need unless it was GO NOW! and therefore far too late. I am convinced that over the years it contributed to an extremely weak pelvic floor as I went far too often to avoid accidents (like every 60 minutes or so if I was at home or everytime I saw a public toilet when out and about). 

Yep I often haven't felt anything when I'm starting to overflow & often just go because I have the opportunity to, just a low priority signal for the brain apparently. Sometimes I'll get a backache before feeling like I gotta pee. 

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As an adult baby and already Incontinent, I can tell you that your whole life and lifestyle changes once your in a diaper. For one being in diapers means complete freedom from the potty and for me, I don't use the potty anyway because I am not potty trained at all. Being kept in diapers permanently means I can go anytime I need to. The other is that diapers gives a feeling of being safe, secure and padded.

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