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Hello from Eastern Virginia


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I’ve been lurking in the story forums for some time now, especially intrigued with stories by @BabySofia, @Alex Bridges, and @crono. Glad to see some very creative, engaging content from those authors. Their tales of littles have helped me step back and take a more critical view of my relationship with the little people I encounter as part of my profession. 

Taking this step out into the light is an anxious moment for me, but I have things I’d like to say and questions I’d like to ask that can only be answered within this type of forum. We’ll see where it leads.

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Hello, and welcome, glad you decided to join us, and introduce yourself. There lots of good likeminded people here, not just talented storytellers, which there are. If you have questions, or things you want to explore, just ask. There lots of helpful, likeminded people here. So, just grab a high chair, and make yourself comfy. Relax, have fun, and enjoy! 

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Welcome to the light ! Grab a paci and take baby steps. PM anytime just be patient for a response ?. I'm quite open one on one, not so much in chat (it scares me LOL).

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Thanks so much for the warm welcome! I truly appreciate your taking the time to post a reply. It’s reassuring to know there are folks who understand. I hope I am able to pass that on to others, as you have for me.

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On 9/29/2022 at 7:13 AM, Diaperdaddy2000 said:

Welcome to DD, I hope Hurricane Ian leaves you safe!

Thank you. Wasn’t too bad where I live (Virginia). The wind was the worst of it…blew for a couple of days at 30+mph, but nowhere near the intensity with which it struck my home state of Florida.

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