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How to make adult diapers smell like Pampers/Luvs

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So I notice when I walk down the diaper isle that there's these interesting smells that you experience. Welp they are coming from Proctor and Gamble's Pampers and Luvs baby diapers. These diapers have proprietary scents that you remember from diapering your child but now you yourself can enjoy in your diapers.

Let begin:
First step is IDing what we need:
-Adult diaper(doesnt matter)
-Secret Powder Fresh PH Balance stick

Why the Secret Powder Fresh? Because it has the same scents as Pampers and Luvs!

Now that you know what to get. Lets begins transforming that adult diaper into a "Pampers" diaper.

Take your Secret stick and apply it to the diaper core as you would apply to your skin like shown. Make sure you apply it to the entire core.

Then wait 15 mins.

Tada Pampers smell in that adult diaper. Enjoy the diaper using!


PS: You actually reduce your diaper scenting costs by 80% with this method






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This is good information, thanks! Scented diapers almost never smell like the real thing; some, like Rearz Lil' Bella's, smell pleasant enough, just not like the Pampers I remember. Others can smell like soap, or like a fire at a chemical plant. I had a conversation with someone recently who said that the new ABU Pampers look-alikes, the Little Kings and Alpha Gators, have a scented option that supposedly smells like the real thing, although I have no personal experience with that as of yet. I use baby powder that smells like, well, baby powder, but around here (Canada), the scented diaper creams seem to have dried up - I'm not sure if this is a manifestation of the supply chain issues plaguing everyone, or if they're gone for good, but, all the major stores used to carry a generic diaper cream in their own brand that smelled like baby powder, but now, they all carry only the big pharma brands like Destitin and Sudocrem, which work fine, but smell vaguely medicinal at best. 

I keep a sleeve of Pampers in a couple of the big plastic storage tubs I keep open bags of diapers in, and that imparts a bit of a scent to everything, but it doesn't linger. I'll have to have a look for the Secret here. I guess you haven't had any issues with applying it to something that comes into contact with your skin, in a relatively sensitive area? 

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31 minutes ago, Little Sherri said:

This is good information, thanks! Scented diapers almost never smell like the real thing; some, like Rearz Lil' Bella's, smell pleasant enough, just not like the Pampers I remember. Others can smell like soap, or like a fire at a chemical plant. I had a conversation with someone recently who said that the new ABU Pampers look-alikes, the Little Kings and Alpha Gators, have a scented option that supposedly smells like the real thing, although I have no personal experience with that as of yet. I use baby powder that smells like, well, baby powder, but around here (Canada), the scented diaper creams seem to have dried up - I'm not sure if this is a manifestation of the supply chain issues plaguing everyone, or if they're gone for good, but, all the major stores used to carry a generic diaper cream in their own brand that smelled like baby powder, but now, they all carry only the big pharma brands like Destitin and Sudocrem, which work fine, but smell vaguely medicinal at best. 

I keep a sleeve of Pampers in a couple of the big plastic storage tubs I keep open bags of diapers in, and that imparts a bit of a scent to everything, but it doesn't linger. I'll have to have a look for the Secret here. I guess you haven't had any issues with applying it to something that comes into contact with your skin, in a relatively sensitive area? 

Correct. Not at all.

This information was also posted to a diaper fan club on facebook and got pretty ridiculed for it. I was shocked because there's abdls in that group who might want to add scents to their diaper but not willing to shell out 10 extra bucks every time so why not this way?

Secret is also by the same company who makes Pampers and Luvs. Looked it up and found out where the Pampers scrent is in. I have used 2 diapers that have this stick applied to and found that diaper preformance is the same and it didn't burn my privates.

It apperantly has to be Secret Powder Fresh since the others don't have the pampers scent in it.

2 hours ago, id0ntknow said:

Where did you get the paw patrol luvs? I like luvs, but their designs are so boring with just the purple and 2 little slogans on the back.

I ordered it online. These have been out a month now. This is the first time in 12 years that Luvs had a licienced design on their diapers(Blues Clue was the previous design replaced by the diapered monkey design). These are "size 7" as the diaper says but compairing to other diapers, These are actually a Size 6.

4 hours ago, babyalan said:

Wouldn't baby powder along with diaper rash cream on your bum and private areas produce the same or similar smell?

More expensive but also in short supply

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Being an anti perspirant, doesn't covering the entire inside liner affect absorption somewhat?  Were I to try this, I might consider limiting only along the leak guards front to back and perhaps the wings.


BTW --  If you like those Koda Cubs... use them sparingly because apparently you can't get them anymore. 

8 hours ago, babyalan said:

Wouldn't baby powder along with diaper rash cream on your bum and private areas produce the same or similar smell?

No one has yet to ever find a baby powder that smells like Pampers/Luvs that I know of. 

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4 hours ago, Crinklz Kat said:

Being an anti perspirant, doesn't covering the entire inside liner affect absorption somewhat?  Were I to try this, I might consider limiting only along the leak guards front to back and perhaps the wings.


BTW --  If you like those Koda Cubs... use them sparingly because apparently you can't get them anymore. 

No one has yet to ever find a baby powder that smells like Pampers/Luvs that I know of. 

-My previous post talks about absorption performance.

-I know about the Koda Cubs being not sold. I have a program that gives me live updates on diaper news. Tykables informed me that it was due to supply issues and wanting to introduce new products.

-Until now

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I have to comment on this again as well. I bought the Secret PH Balance Fresh Scent yesterday at the local pharmacy - it took me a few minutes to find it, because there are 200 Secret scents, apparently. My daughter was with me and she was off getting chips when I was looking. I thought I'd have it pulled off the shelf by the time she got back, but it took me some time to find the right one. I told her that it was for my feet when I run, that the "PH balance" formula helped reduce how sweaty they get. I had to think fast because she knew that wasn't my wife's preferred brand. At least now when I smell like baby powder, she'll assume it's coming from my shoes...

I brought it home, opened it up, and then pulled a Pampers Swaddlers size 7 from our kids' diaper and pull-up bin. The smell matches perfectly, as far as I can tell. The next time I needed to change my diaper, I swabbed some of the Secret on the inside of both the front and back wings, so not right down in the business area, but, over a reasonable footprint. The scent is definitely activated by body heat - the diaper smelled powder fresh immediately, but once I'd had it on for an hour, the scent was quite noticeable. Never intrusive, just there. I did it again to my diaper this morning, and right now whenever I move in my chair or get up and down, that intoxicating smell wafts gently around me. It's lovely. My wife was puttering in my office and she commented on it, asking if I'd used more baby powder than usual, and I said "No, that's just my diaper." 

Good find, @MegaChar.

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I use Pampers diapers as a booster in all my diapers. I find they smell like Pampers.? I do wish the scent was a bit stronger like the plastic backed Pampers used to be.

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Pampers make an excellent booster for sure, @Pampertimmy.  I often use a size 7 in my slim gym diapers if the situation calls for it. Like yesterday, I played 18 holes of golf, and it was hot, and my golf shorts have gotten a bit snug because I drink too much beer and have been too busy to exercise as much as I like, so most of my daytime diapers seemed just a little bit big to wear under them, but a gym diaper (Prevail PerFit 360) concealed well under my shorts. The Swaddler I had tucked into it gave me probably another 90 to 120 minutes of capacity. It turns a 4 hour diaper into a 6 hour diaper. And smells nice doing it. 


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By the time I'm done with it, my diaper smells just like a kids diaper, regardless of brand. They all smell the same after some "heavy use" ??

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  • 1 month later...

Just wanted to bang out a quick update on this. I’ve been using the Secret PH Balance baby powder scent deodorant in my diapers consistently for a month now and I’m quite pleased. All my diapers smell like Pampers now, and the smell permeates and lasts. Good tip.

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