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Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 116 - 5/31/24

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I'm thinking that the placement test are like what Stacy and all the littles and bigs took when they began.  The math test for all and the program and other major test for those students.  If the dimension is still using a base 60 math it would be a waste of time for the exchange students since they are only there for 4 months and don't need to learn it for back home.  If Connor takes the programming test I hope Amanda can help him when he scores a perfect score and they think he cheated.??  

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1 hour ago, TerranV said:

Good chapter! 

Although I take issue with the fact Connor thinks Amanda is the only person who cares about him in that dimension. He just had dinner a bunch who do!

Jury is still out with regards to Mackenzie but I'm leaning towards her actually being on her charge's side. She's following the rules and indulging her insticts but really wants them to ultimately make in through their time at Emerson.

Thanks for the comments! (And you're right, Connor does have more than I think he understands... Of course I also don't think he quite realizes the impact his mom had on everyone still)

1 hour ago, Moon3ye said:

I just realized while rereading the chapters since the meetings of Connor and Amanda that Connor has a decisive advantage over his fellow students from our dimension.

No comment, but you're right, others most likely have no way of meeting that requirement.


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45 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

Thanks for the comments! (And you're right, Connor does have more than I think he understands... Of course I also don't think he quite realizes the impact his mom had on everyone still)

No comment, but you're right, others most likely have no way of meeting that requirement.



47 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

Thanks for the comments! (And you're right, Connor does have more than I think he understands... Of course I also don't think he quite realizes the impact his mom had on everyone still)

No comment, but you're right, others most likely have no way of meeting that requirement.


I'm a confused about the bracelet, why would the dean even tell them about it if they could not get it.  Unless the students at the bookstore made that rule up on their own and she doesn't know about it. 

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37 minutes ago, Baby Billy said:


I'm a confused about the bracelet, why would the dean even tell them about it if they could not get it.  Unless the students at the bookstore made that rule up on their own and she doesn't know about it. 

I think the Dean and the other Amazons don't really know about these bracelets except that they exist.

Because why should they know about it, it's administrative crap, someone else has to take care of it.

Probably it's just something they keep talking about without really thinking about it.

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50 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

I think the Dean and the other Amazons don't really know about these bracelets except that they exist.

Because why should they know about it, it's administrative crap, someone else has to take care of it.

Probably it's just something they keep talking about without really thinking about it.

No you have to understand dean Northrup is the dean of little students.  If they come into her office and demerit out she has to remove the bracelet before sending them to daycare.  In Exchanged the daycare worker told the other one that the dean always removes these before sending anyone over.  

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42 minutes ago, Baby Billy said:

No you have to understand dean Northrup is the dean of little students.  If they come into her office and demerit out she has to remove the bracelet before sending them to daycare.  In Exchanged the daycare worker told the other one that the dean always removes these before sending anyone over.  

Oh, I got that.

But I think he knows that they exist, what they are for and that he has to remove them when the Littles are put up for adoption.

But HOW the rules are to get them probably doesn't matter to him as long as at the end of the year there are enough Littles available for adoption for wealthy donors.

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On 7/30/2022 at 1:21 PM, Baby Billy said:


I'm a confused about the bracelet, why would the dean even tell them about it if they could not get it.  Unless the students at the bookstore made that rule up on their own and she doesn't know about it. 

Outsiders can’t be taking their cash cows… uh… I mean students!   Those bracelets might keep a few more Littles captive in the right hands.

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10 hours ago, Panther Cub said:

There's a gallery dedicated to peanuts? ? Does they have peanut brittle available?

5 hours ago, DiaperedPrince said:

I think it's a phrase...

3 hours ago, Panther Cub said:

Awwwww, a real shame, 'cause now I want me some peanut brittle...

? ?‍♀️ 

Going to the other corner to suck on my baby bottle. Nothing but a bunch of babies over here! ?

8 hours ago, WehavePi314 said:

Outsiders can’t be taking their cash cows… uh… I mean students!   Those bracelets might keep a few more Littles captive in the right hands.

Thanks for the comment! ?

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10 hours ago, Guilend said:

The little dorms are so cute. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t want to sleep in them. ?

I know I would love one of those pods.. my bedroom is the size of 2 parking spaces so not a lot of room. 

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15 hours ago, Guilend said:

The little dorms are so cute. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t want to sleep in them. ?

I know! Right?!?

I mean they even do their laundry and change bedding for them!

5 hours ago, dmavn said:

I know I would love one of those pods.. my bedroom is the size of 2 parking spaces so not a lot of room. 

Yeah, well when you have a big dorm room meant for 10 Littles you need plenty of space of course! ?

And yes, a sleeping 'pod' like that would be fun! ?

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37 minutes ago, BabySofia said:

I know! Right?!?

I mean they even do their laundry and change bedding for them!

I would sign up if they make the pods soundproof and get rid of the potty charts. I dun wanna be penalized for going potty at night ??

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18 minutes ago, DiaperedPrince said:

I would sign up if they make the pods soundproof and get rid of the potty charts. I dun wanna be penalized for going potty at night ??

If you'd just give up on the potty altogether then the charts don't matter! ?

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Chapter 13: Wake-Up


I JUMPED WHEN a hand rubbed my back. “Connor?” I heard.

“Mom?” I asked, confused.

I heard a laugh and realized where I was.

“Umm… Sorry, forgot where I was,” I quickly said as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. “Is it early enough to go for a swim?” I asked Mackenzie, who had opened the front wall of the ‘pod,’ to reach me.

‘That confirms it’s just a crib,’ I thought.

“Yes, it is,” she said. “Mind if I help get you dressed so we can move faster…?”

“Umm… I…” was all I got out before being picked up and manipulated. Our vast size differences left me feeling like an infant in their mother’s arms. She carried me to the changing table and unzipped the pajamas I was wearing. I felt her squeeze the padding of the diaper I wore. “All dry…?”

I shrugged and whispered, to avoid waking Liam, “I don’t usually wet the bed. I don’t get why that’s a surprise?”

“Nearly every other Little at Emerson does,” she said. “Let’s get this diaper off, and you can use the potty before we go.” She carried me into the bathroom and pulled the tapes free of the diaper so I could sit down on the potty there. I did need to go, so I found myself urinating a large amount of liquid into the potty-shaped toilet before giving my rear a quick wipe to be safe and standing.

“Good boy!” She cooed like I was a two-year-old in potty training.

I sighed.

She held out one of the swim diapers my entourage and I had bought the day before, and I pulled it up my legs like a set of training pants. I looked at the weird garment and realized it was like the third or fourth type of ‘protection’ I’d found myself in, in less than a day of being here! Leaving Mackenzie for a moment, I walked over to the sinks and washed my hands, before I followed her back out to the nest room. She’d already found one of the swimsuits we’d purchased, and I quickly pulled up the foreign looking suit to cover the diaper and my chest. I adjusted the form fitting tank top style tops, and then messed with the built-in shorts to avoid a diaper enhanced wedgie. A moment later I grabbed a towel and goggles.

“Ready to go?” She asked me.

I nodded, “Please?”

She had her own towel and goggles in her hand, and I was finally awake enough to realize she had a swim cap on her head too. I got a pretty good jog to raise my heart rate while keeping up with her to the pool. She scanned her watch at the door, and it beeped to let her know it was open. I guessed the main pool wasn’t the largest, but it would be at least Olympic-sized at my size. A small ‘kiddie’ section seemed to be netted off to prevent ‘Little Ones’ from accidentally going into the deep end. It was complete with a ‘kiddie’ play area and a water slide. I shook my head and looked up at Mackenzie who had cleared her throat.

“You really can swim, right?” She asked me as she pulled a pair of yoga pants and a shirt off to reveal a one-piece suit.

“Yes, really well.”

“Okay, I’ll give you a chance to prove it to me here. I’ll get in the water first and swim beside you. We’ll make this a daily thing if you can make it to that end and back without help.”

I smiled, “That’s all?”

I suddenly realized I’d walked all the way to the pool in only my socks. I pulled them off while Mackenzie jumped in. I moved to the edge and executed a perfect dive. I started a nice cautious freestyle stroke to begin and loosen my muscles up. The lap felt longer than usual with my new unfamiliar size and the large pool, but I soon reached the wall, flipped, and switched to breaststroke. Every now and then, I would look at the bottom of the pool and realize it must have been around twenty feet deep!

I stayed with that stroke for another ten laps, then switched to the butterfly stroke for ten more. Finally, I reached the initial end of the pool and started treading water, looking for Mackenzie. She was standing on the bottom near the entrance with an incredulous look.

“Do I pass?” I asked her.

“Umm… yeah?” She looked a little confused for a moment. Then, “Are you done?”

I laughed, “I’ll keep going as long as we have time here?”

“Umm… Maybe another half-hour then?” the stunned giantess said.

“Great!” I told her and took off again, alternative styles every twenty laps.

She eventually caught my attention by getting in my lane, and I stopped mid-stroke to tread water instead. “That was thirty minutes already?”

“Yeah… why do I have a feeling you’d go another hour or two?” Mackenzie asked.

“If I’m upset, that’s a distinct possibility?”

“Too bad they don’t have a Littles swim program here. You would medal at every event!”

I smirked, “Yeah, I have no doubt your longer frames would leave me in the dust in an unequal pairing though!”

“Maybe not as much as we should, though. Let’s get you upstairs and changed for your tests. Hopefully, you’re not worn out?”

I swam towards the edge of the pool. I had trouble grasping the top but managed to get my slippery hands enough traction to beach myself on the ledge. “Nope, not now. If I did another two or three hours, maybe?”

I walked towards the towel and was drying myself off when two other Nest Mothers came in. They looked at me in surprise and saw Mackenzie. “Mackenzie, what’s going on?”

“One of our exchange students, Connor here, wanted to join me for a swim this morning.”

“The shallow end is still covered?” One of the girls asked worriedly.

“I don’t need that end,” I told her. “I’m a strong swimmer.”

“Kenzie?” The other girl asked.

“We don’t have time for him to jump back in the water, but let’s just say I honestly think he can swim faster than you two.”

“Huh?” I looked up.

“They’re not on the swim team,” Mackenzie smiled. “Come on, let’s get you and Liam ready for breakfast.”

I wrapped myself in the towel and pulled at the strands of wet hair dripping down my head. “I need to get a swim cap,” I told her absent-mindedly as we waited for the elevator to rise to our floor.

“I’ll see if anyone has them for their girls. You have really long hair for a boy?”

I shrugged, “I just like it long?”

“I’m surprised you didn’t cut it before coming here?”

“Actually, I did have a trim?”

“I meant down to a normal length,” she explained as she opened the door to our nest. I could see Liam through the clear glass, trying to claw his way out for some reason. “Why don’t you go grab your uniform for the day,” she said as she passed me one of my new Pull-Ups, “and then hop in the shower? I’ll get Liam sorted out here? Just put that swim diaper in the trashcan there.”

I nodded, noticing that Liam looked like he was turning bright red then. He looked frustrated, and I had a feeling he’d fallen victim to being unable to leave his ‘pod.’ I had grabbed my uniform and was on the way into the bathroom when I heard, “See, this is why we have you all wear protection, Liam.”

“I could ha…” his voice was lost as I stepped into the bathroom and was grateful for some autonomy as I made my way to the showers. Opening a door, I was closeted inside a stall that contained a bench, slightly too high for me, and a convenient hook I could hang my shirt on. I did so and looked up at the large attached shower stall. Just above my height, a control panel reminded me of the units my mom had installed recently. I selected a temperature that seemed normal, and then it gave me an option of shower spray styles. I pressed something that looked pretty strong but spread out and pressed start. Inside the unit, I watched a spray of water begin to flow and thought it looked nice!

Upon hopping in, however, I bounced right back out!

‘Right… different base math… different temperatures,’ I chastised myself, realizing the temperature I selected was cold! I tested a few times before finding a suitable temperature that I liked and jumped back in. The shower provided fantastic pressure, and I was able to rinse shampoo and conditioner out of my hair easier than back home! The fact the pressure was good helped offset the softer water I was feeling. Even with an expensive water-softener system at home, Mama still griped about the calcium content. Having finished washing my hair, I used body wash on my body and had just rinsed off when I heard another shower start up next to me. A surprised yelp let me know Liam had his own experimental difficulties!

I turned mine off and got to work using the towel to dry myself off as best I could. I ran my hairbrush through my hair and winced at a couple of snarls. Then, with the tangles out of my hair, I dressed in the Pull-Up and the uniform. I was brushing my teeth after shaving when Mackenzie came in, obviously having done her own morning routine.

“Want help with your hair?” She asked me. “I didn’t see a blow dryer in your stuff?”

“Mom figured there’d be one here?”

“The girl’s nests have them, but the boys don’t. You can use mine, though?” She suggested.

I shrugged, “Thanks.” I put the rest of my toiletries back inside the bag I had brought and followed her with my brush to the door I knew led to her room.

I was a bit nervous about entering it! It had a one-bedroom apartment interior, complete with a small living room, kitchen, and a bathroom that she led me into.

“I don’t think the cord will reach the ground,” she said as she picked me up and sat me on the cabinet. She started to hand me the blow dryer, but we quickly realized the problem.

“Umm…” I said as she transferred part of the weight to my hand.

“That’s not going to work, huh?” She said with a giggle. “Well, I’ve wanted to play with your hair since I saw you!”

I didn’t have a chance to retort before she started up the jet-engine-level sound and took my brush from my hand. I’d been growing my hair out for a couple of years, so I was used to being attacked by sisters, mothers, and several girlfriends. Yet, somehow her giant hands stroking my hair and using the blow dryer made me feel even younger than a diaper change had!

Something was soothing about it, though, and I felt goosebumps go up and down my body at her soft touch.

Before long, the loud noise was turned off, and she offered, “I’ll see if I can’t steal a small one for you later?”

“Thanks, I’d appreciate it!” I looked in the mirror and was relieved that other than being a little straighter, she hadn’t really done anything different than I usually did.

“You’re welcome; I wouldn’t mind playingwith your hair some more though. I’m always jealous of the girls who get girls’ Nests!”

“Why is it that you’re a girl in charge of boys anyway?”

“Well, there is occasionally a nest daddy or two, but there aren’t any this year.”

“Oh,” I replied.

She sat me down on the floor, and I followed her out of her apartment to the nest. On the way, I couldn’t help but notice there were two high chairs and a playpen folded up along the side of the living room. They didn’t look like they’d been used in a while, but just the fact that the infantile chairs were there made me wonder who they were for!

Liam was dressed in the room but looked like he was missing padding underneath his pants. Mackenzie noticed that, too, “Come on, Liam, let’s get you in your diaper.”

“I don’t want to wear one! I don’t need them!”

“Liam, yesterday you had a poopy accident, that means you have to wear protection until I say otherwise. Trust me, you do not want to have one of those accidents without protection during your test!”

“What about Connor?”

“He’s wearing a Pull-Up,” she told him. “You can wear one of those instead once I feel like I can trust you. After yesterday though, you need to be in something that I’m not worried about you taking off in the middle of your test.”

“What if I need to go…?”

She shrugged, “It didn’t quite bother you enough to avoid it yesterday?”

I could tell he was about to go nuclear.“Liam,” I called out to him.

He turned and looked at me. “Trust me, she’s trying to help you. Noah didn’t last a day. Do you want to be gone too?”

“Back home?” He asked, “Sure, I didn’t sign up for this shit!”

Mackenzie recoiled as I walked over to him and whispered, “I guarantee you Noah did not go back home. He’s in a daycare or something somewhere right now. Your only chance to get back home is to not fight her. You’ll never win if you do!”

“Connor?” Mackenzie asked.

“Yes, Miss Mackenzie?”

“You’re not being mean to Liam, are you?”

“No, just trying to help him. Same as you?”

“Well… What’s it going to be, Liam?”

He sighed and looked at me, “Get it over with!”


BETH WOKE UP and decided she’d take advantage of breakfast for once that morning. She sent a text message to Livy, ‘You up?’

‘You know I am!’

‘Had breakfast yet?’

‘Just leaving, go together?’

Beth smiled and sent a message affirming she’d see her downstairs. The two walked to the dining hall and had just sat down when the Nests started entering in small groups with other exchange students.

“Did they already demerit out all of the Littles?” Livy asked nervously. With both of them below eight feet tall, they had shared interests in not ever being seen as Littles themselves!

“No, those are just the exchange students. I don’t think the others are allowed back until Saturday.”

“You know this, how…?” She asked nervously.

“Because my family went shopping with one of them yesterday?”

“What? Are you crazy?” She asked.

“Remember who my mother is. Do you think anyone would get me with her there? Let alone my dad?”

She nodded, “Right… I always forget you’re not a normal Tweener.”

“You don’t know the half of it,” Beth said.


“Maybe I’ll tell you sometime… it’s pretty private.”

“Too private for your best friend?”

“Family secret,” she said quietly. “Really… I’ll tell you sometime. It’s just hard to talk about.”

“Huh…” She said, “Who’s the Little you were with then?”

Connor’s group walked in right then.

“The short one with long blonde hair there.”


“Him,” Beth corrected.

“Really? That’s dangerous hair for a Little boy to have. Does he know that?”

“Probably better than you do,” Beth said. “His mom is that legendary Little, Stacy, that we hear about every now and then.”

“She went back to their dimension, right? Why the hell would you let your son come here?”

“Ahem,” she heard a throat clearing nearby. A tall girl looked down at her. “There are children present?”

Livy smiled, “I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there. I’ll be careful not to say big words you shouldn’t be hearing yet around you.”

“You!” the girl started towards her.

A friend put her hand on her shoulder, “Kelly, leave it.”

“Nevaeh, I know you think I’m too harsh on Littles, but they can’t cuss!”

“Kelly, they’re Mids! Do you see a uniform on them? You can’t go all psycho mommy on anyone shorter than you!” She looked up at Beth and Livy, “Sorry about that, her time of the month.”


“Come on!” Nevaeh hissed.

“That was a close one,” Beth said as the two left.

“You have no idea,” their friend Cassidy appeared.

“Hey Cassie!” Livy said and scooted over for her to set her tray down on the booth table.

“You should be careful with that Kelly… I’ve watched her do things not only to Littles this year that should have gotten her expelled.”

“Safe for now, at least!” Livy smiled. “How was your break…?”


Thanks for reading!!! Please press the 'Like' button and leave me a comment as to what you're thinking! I could really use some motivation to get off my padded butt and write some more! 

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 13 Posted 8/5/2022

A really entertaining chapter.

I'm still guessing that Connor is the only one who really has a chance to go home (whether he does is the other question).

My guess is that sooner or later Beth will get into some trouble despite her parents and they will try to get her into the Little House.

As always, I am curious to see what happens next.

And hey this time you managed to update before I went to sleep.

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1 hour ago, BabySofia said:

I could really use some motivation to get off my padded butt

? bab!

55 minutes ago, Moon3ye said:

My guess is that sooner or later Beth will get into some trouble despite her parents and they will try to get her into the Little House.

Oh no not Beth!

11 minutes ago, Baby Billy said:

Great chapter, I guess some of the nanites did transfer to Stacy,s kids given the endurance that Connor showed with his swimming.? 

Heh someone finally caught on ?

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Well now I'm wishing we coulda seen some Nest Daddy in action, taking care of the littles assigned to him!


Seriously though, great chapter (as always) and now I'm getting some foreshadowing that Kelly is going to be making herself quite the nuisance!

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  • BabySofia changed the title to Lights! Camera! ...What?!? - Chapter 116 - 5/31/24

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