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Classification Of Dl Vs Ab?

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Do we need to classify between Adult Babies and non-Adult Babies? When we discuss DL's everyone including AB's claim to be a Diaper Lover (which does make sense). So is there an actual term for Diaper Lovers who are not part of the AB lifestyle?

Do we need to classify into seperate groups? I know some people have been offened by the idea of breaking it into two groups. I with s've talked ome DL's in the chat room that they don't like to be lumped in with the AB group as diaper lovers. Especially when the mainstream media depict Diaper Lovers only as; diaper wearing with a bottle and pacifier asking their mommy to change their dirty diapers. This creates a false image of overall DL community.

So what are your opinions?

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The sad truth of the matter is that we dont get enough spotlight for the media or the general public to make those distinctions. We could make a thousand different nomenclatures and people would still believe we are all wanting mommy to change us as we laid on the floor kicking our feet drinking from bottles.

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The sad truth of the matter is that we dont get enough spotlight for the media or the general public to make those distinctions. We could make a thousand different nomenclatures and people would still believe we are all wanting mommy to change us as we laid on the floor kicking our feet drinking from bottles.

Sometimes I wonder if we were better off before the media started to notice diaper lovers and adult babies. I guess there will always be misuderstanding especially when the topic is so new in the media.

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Hi, Stephanie. I think the classification is an important one, especially for DLs, as it's a question of degree. I don't know what it is in us DLs that makes us crave wearing diapers, but I suppose it could be a connection to our past, a reminder of a time when diapers just felt right. But if you go further down that path you find people who don't want to be reminded of it, they want to relive it. They immerse themselves in it. They want all the trappings of infancy. It's not reminiscence, it's a reenactment.

So, I'd say that all ABs are DLs, but DLs are definitely not ABs. I have no desire to be babied or changed or suck on a bottle or wear giant baby clothes or talk and act like a baby. DLs have dipped their toes into the waters of infancy, but ABs have jumped in and swim around in it.

Yes, I really think we need that classification.


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Hi Stephanie, I think having the classifications is helpful to members searching for like minded people to talk with. If I could change anything on the classification, it would be to allow multiple choices. I have come to realize that I fall into all of the provided choices, lucky me. I listed as a DL since I would be wearing and using diapers even if there wasn't a need so I decided that would be the most accurate description, however I'm incon too and I enjoy some aspects of AB also. In the end I guess it comes down to the fact that I'm a transgendered, incontinent, diaper lovin, adult baby or transincondlab. I know I'm not alone in that box either.

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Stephanie: Do we need to classify between Adult Babies and non-Adult Babies?

Me: I dont know....do we ?

Steph: When we discuss DL's everyone including AB's claim to be a Diaper Lover (which does make sense). So is there an actual term for Diaper Lovers who are not part of the AB lifestyle?

Yeah, we are called Diaper Lovers.

Steph: Do we need to classify into seperate groups?

Why do we need to do such a thing.

I will admit that some people come into the room, and says "Hello to all the babies" but Im not gonna bash him for calling me a baby, I just reply with such, "Im not a baby"

Mainstream Media has already tagged us ? I havent seen anything on 20/20 or Dateline or anything.

Steph I dont mean to harp on you or argue, Im just responding. No offence meant.


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I suppose like me there are a few incontinent diaper lovers on here, some will just be diaper lovers and others will be adult babies.

As was said we all like and use diapers, but some like the whole nine yards - ie adult babies.

I personally have no problem with people who are A/B and hope the get all they wish for from their lifestyle.

All I need is my diapers, I need them so why be sad all the time, about using them, that's where the D/l bit comes in for me.

It's handy to know weather folks is A/B or D/L just so you know where they are comming from in chat and posts ect.

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I'm not really sure what this is really about. I mean....its a community as a whole, which people tend to classify themselves either as AB or a DL...yes ABs consider themselves as DLs as well but I believe if you ask most of them what they are, they will reply AB... atleast I know I do. As far as the DLs go, my fiance/daddy is a DL and if you ask him he will say DL. He has no tendencies to be an AB.... so I'm not sure what the problem is. And if someone puts you into the category of AB, you have a mouth, use it... just simple say I'm a DL... but one should be curitous and ask before assuming. I always ask the person what they consider themselves to be. You do have a few daddies and mommies who don't even wear, so what category would you put them in?

I agree with Dolly... why the vs?

Also.... "Especially when the mainstream media depict Diaper Lovers only as; diaper wearing with a bottle and pacifier asking their mommy to change their dirty diapers. This creates a false image of overall DL community."...... Its not the ABs fault that the media depicts that as the community... and I didn't realize that it was a seperate community... I have always known it to be one.... ABDL community....

Its hard enough to be in this community, to accpet who you are, and for others to accept you, that we really don't need a fight within our community as to if it should be two seperate communities...we all have something in common... diapers... some just like a little more than others...

Ok, trying not to go off here.... but you have those who are diaper slaves.... are they DLs or are they ABs...or how about those who are into more kinker stuff than you might be...like who consider to have a Master rather than a daddy or a mommy.... what category will you put them in? ok stopping there....

And if you remember when you regisitered it asked you your diaper status.... it does have diaper lover or adult baby.... you have a choice to say what you are... it doesnt specifially say... ABDL...

blah... im done....

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Maybe there does need to be some improved clarification on the whole AB/DL thing, all the different angles of it and so on. I like to wear a nappy once or twice a month to help me try and get some sleep and if possible to relax, never to use it as some would since that doesn't interest me, I've got no interest in being babied, no desire to act like a baby, even though I remember it very well, and no interest in most of the rest of it.

So maybe the whole thing needs a better explanation.

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I have just one question, prompted by the title of this thread "Dl Vs Ab?"

Why the emotive, confrontational and divisive "Vs"?

D :huh: lly

I think you're reading into the title a little too much. I don't see the wording as confrontational, emotive or divisive. To suggest that it is in my opinion is projecting your own emotional bias on something that probably didn't intend to have any which is something people often tend to do on the internet. Without the benefit of body language or the inflection and cadence of speech you just don't know what the intent is. The person who started the thread asked for opinions based upon discussions she's had with DLs and that's what I perceive this thread to be. A query for opinions.

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I think you're reading into the title a little too much. I don't see the wording as confrontational, emotive or divisive. To suggest that it is in my opinion is projecting your own emotional bias on something that probably didn't intend to have any which is something people often tend to do on the internet. Without the benefit of body language or the inflection and cadence of speech you just don't know what the intent is. The person who started the thread asked for opinions based upon discussions she's had with DLs and that's what I perceive this thread to be. A query for opinions.

I stand by my question, which your post has done nothing to answer. Why DL V AB?

In my view, the title of a thread sets the scene for On-Topic discussion. Since language can, and does inform thought, I maintain that the 'Versus' i(Primary dictionary definition - Against esp. in Law or Competition) in the title is emotive, and it seems I'm not alone in this.

If this thread is "A query for opinions" as you perceive it, then I believe the title "AB and/or DL" would set the discussion without any apparent prejudice, intentional or otherwise.


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I maintain that the 'Versus' i(Primary dictionary definition - Against esp. in Law or Competition) in the title is emotive, and it seems I'm not alone in this.

So you would maintain that because the definition you listed is the one that shows up first means that it is what was intended? Sorry, you have to read the context, that's why things have multiple definitions. You'll see that the second definition is as follows:

as compared to or as one of two choices; in contrast with: traveling by plane versus traveling by train. Abbreviation: v., vs.

Contextually we're comparing one of two choices here. If you choose to perceive it as ABs against DLs then so be it. I'm not reading it that way, I'm reading it as AB as compared to DL.

As for "not being alone", that's a logical fallacy. Just because others agree or disagree with you does not make something true, or not true. It is not a sufficiently sound argument in which to base a debate upon. That said... I dropped my philosophical logic class... it drove me crazy!!! :D I'm sure there's plenty of holes in my own argument. :D

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As for "not being alone", that's a logical fallacy. Just because others agree or disagree with you does not make something true, or not true. It is not a sufficiently sound argument in which to base a debate upon. That said... I dropped my philosophical logic class... it drove me crazy!!! :D I'm sure there's plenty of holes in my own argument. :D

Yep, plenty IMO, very holey :D

Now perhaps I can get my question answered by the person who started this topic and gave it the contentious (IMO) title?

Why DL Vs AB and not AB and/or DL please Stephanie?

D :) lly

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First off... I think a title to a thread says alot.... Doesn't that usually get your interest in reading it? I know it does me.... and I'm sure a lot of people... including myself... when you read A vs B... it usually means... pick the best one, one is better than the other... one fights the other....

With that said... Aren't we entitled to our own opinion whether or not you agree with it or not...and who are you to say how one should percieve or take something.... Dolly took it her way and she is entitled to that, and she is also entitled to state her opinion on how she saw something... I dont think thats wrong and after all we are ADULTS here, we can decide whether or not we agree on something or not....

As for your opinion... I still haven't seen yours, on the subject matter that has been presented, all i have seen is you do is trying to make your point that some of us are wrong in seeing the things the way we do, or even for having an opinion that doesn't agree with yours.... and thats pretty bad for being in a community who has many differences

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Why is it that people would rather be confrontational than actually answer the topic? Both Tiger and Dolly took one abreviated word out of the title to try to create controversy, the entire title was "Classification of DL vs AB". I believe that is self-explanitory.

I am asking if there needs to be a stricter definition that can classify a non-Adult Baby from the catagory of the Diaper Lover. There is no attempt to pit one side of the Diaper Lover community against the other. By asking if there needs to be further classification it does not neccessarily mean I am looking for confrontation. It is human nature to classify to create futher understanding. For example, when we register on Daily Diapers you are asked, are you a Diaper Lover, Sissy or Adult Baby. Maybe it should instand state are you an Adult Baby or non-AB.

What I am suggesting is how to classify a non-AB from an AB?


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Why is it that people would rather be confrontational than actually answer the topic? Both Tiger and Dolly took one abreviated word out of the title to try to create controversy, the entire title was "Classification of DL vs AB". I believe that is self-explanitory unless you are trying to cause controversy.

I am asking if there needs to be a stricter definition that can classify a non-Adult Baby from the catagory of the Adult Baby. There is no attempt to pit one side of the Diaper Lover community against the other. By asking if there needs to be futher classification does not neccessarily mean I am looking for confrontation. It is human nature to classify to create futher understand. For example, when we register on Daily Diapers you are asked, are you a Diaper Lover, Sissy or Adult Baby.

What I am suggesting is how to classify a non-AB from an AB?

Of course it was not an attempt to pit one against the other. I suggest that by selecting one word out of the title Tiger and Dolly are attempting to create division. If they needed further understanding then reading into my first post would have given them enough description to understand what I was trying to ask. Reading the entire title should have been enough to understand what I was trying to state.

Like I said. I am not trying to cause confrontation or division.


One thing: you should get your facts straight before replying. I've bolded the bit of your post above. The 'Sissy' choice is in the gender part. So a person could be a Sissy AB, or a AB boy, but they can't choose Sissy and Boy.

And also, I agree with Dolly and Tigger. And as I think was mentioned above, some people tend to look at threads that have titles that interest them. So there are people that will see the thread and think you are trying to cause an argument.

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Why is it that people would rather be confrontational than actually answer the topic? Both Tiger and Dolly took one abreviated word out of the title to try to create controversy, the entire title was "Classification of DL vs AB". I believe that is self-explanitory.


Umm, first off.. if you really read the replies here you would see that I did indeed give my 2 cents about the topic thread..... maybe its not really worth 2 cents but its there just the same....So I did answer your question....

Secondly, I did not take one abbreviated word to create controversy... since when is giving your opinion considered to be causing controversy? Its my opinion, take it for what you want.... I was just merely trying to stick up for someone who was giving their own opinion and then attacked by someone who still hasn't given their 2 cents in about the topic of the thread.... which is what you want, isn't it?....and if certain things shouldn't be commented on... the topic, the title, whatever... then maybe things should be left out....that way you won't feel that we are trying to be controversal.... and if thats the case, the the entire forums should be shut down... cause God forbid someone doesn't like or agree with your own opinion... *gasp*

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Since everyone is different, it would be impossible to correctly classify an AB and a DL. Also, since stereotypes are inherently wrong, you can't even list the 'typical' AB and DL. In my perception, both like diapers and some like the associated baby parafanalia. Those people who call themselves 'AB' can describe their own likes and dislikes, as can those people who call themselves DLs. In actuallity, is there a difference - I don't really think so. It is like asking a pesimist and an optimist to describe a 100ml glass with 50ml of water in it. Is it half full or half empty. Really, it is both.

An AB likes diapers due to diapers being a baby piece of attire in comparision to a DL who like diapers for being diapers. Is there a difference - Yes and No, but the difference is in ther mindset of the AB/DL which cannot be classified.


I don't think that people are intentionally being be confrontational. Dolly, in her profile classes herself as an 'Adult Kid' while Tigger is an 'Adult Baby'. Both have unique and individual perspectives, but are unable, not unwilling, to answer the question. I really do not think the question can be answered.

If you can classify each (Ab and DL), maybe the comparison can be made using your perspective of each.

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First off, I'm sorry I have no comments for Stephanie, the person whose topic this is. However, I did want to comment on RMS's comment:

So, I'd say that all ABs are DLs, but DLs are definitely not ABs.

To me, this is a false statement. My view of definition is this:

AB = adult baby, an adult who dresses (or wishes to dress) in diapers and other babyish clothing. Enjoys babyish things such as bottles, pacifiers, etc. Usually has a caregiver - daddy, mommy, sitter, etc. AB's might find their baby play sexual, or they may not.

DL = diaper lover, one who enjoys wearing diapers, and gets some sort of sexual satisfaction from them, in addition to possible non-sexual gratification.

Those were the (non-verbatim) definitions I had received from many different sources when I had first found out about AB/DL. According to those definitions, I personally am an AB but not a DL.

Of course if your definitions are different then I do apologize. I don't want to start anything.

~ Pipi Moogles

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In my opinion I am surprised there has never been a strict name (or clasification) for being a non Adult Baby, frankly I think that is the only name that exists which can truely seperate the two groups. However someone who doesn't even like diapers would be classified as a non-Adult Baby. So where do we lump the diaper loving/non-Adult Babies, presently it doesn't seem that we have a title for them.

For the sake of arguement in this post, let's call this unnamed group Diaper Lovers. Yeah I know it has a broader definition but the name non-AB doesn't cover them also.

Frankly I can understand why a person who just enjoys a diaper purely for the experience of wearing one would not want to be associated with people who need to role play an infant or child's life. Is this wrong to want to segregate themselve from the Adult Baby group? No, society does this all the time without incident. As someone earlier pointed out, we are always trying to classify and create further understanding.

Maybe if we can classify the people who just want to wear a diaper from the people who feel a need to role play as a baby, maybe we will see further into ourselves and who we are.

Personally I like the term diaper lover and it seems that even Daily Diapers has used this term to classify this group. I think it was the original term for this group however all Adult Babies also want to be lumped in their. So I guess until we have a strict written definition no one will ever truely know what to call them. As an Adult Baby I don't see a problem in letting others be called the Diaper Lovers and letting the folks like me use the AB term to explain us. So what if I can't call myself a Diaper Lover? I am covered under the definition of Adult Baby.

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I'll throw some wood on the fire. Babies wear diapers. By inference adults who wear diapers are Adult Babies. We are ALL adult babies, whether you act like a baby or not. Since you dress up like a baby by wearing diapers you are an Adult Baby. Adults who love to wear diapers are diaper lovers. All adult babies like to wear diapers. Therefore all adult babies are diaper lovers. So the classification is really this :

We are all Adult Baby Diaper Lovers - ABDL

I think people just want to further break down the classification because they don't want to be associated with people whose tastes are a little bit different. Really they are all the same. In todays terms a DL is just a pacifier away from an AB and an AB is just one getting off in a diaper away from a DL. Too close to call.


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My two cents:

I think there is a difference between ABs and DLs. I do not consider myself much of an AB, in that I have no interest in talking like a baby (I find it annoying) acting like a baby, or having somebody treat me like a baby. Yes, I like to wear diapers, but I like to wear them and act as an adult. As such I do not consider myself an AB.

On the other hand, yes, there is some crossover obviously. I think I wrote about his somewhere else, but I always look at the whole AB/DL thing as a spectrum. There are some parts of me that are AB (I like cute pajamas for instance), so I consider myself 85% DL and 15% AB.

In sum, I don't think it has to be AB or DL. Its a bit of both for me.

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