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Shaking In Trepidation I Dip My Toe Once Again . . .

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I'll try very hard not to offend anyone with this post. I wasn't sulking, by the way. After the attacks from my last stupid post I was just too afraid to do anything but what I said. I'm still fairly frightened (sorry I'm such a coward) so I'm dipping my toe in the water to see if it's an acceptable temperature. My hands are actually shaking at this point so I'd better . . . :blush: go change diapers! I hate this state of fear with a passion. Mommy isn't home so I can't ask her to change me! Such is life. I'll be back to visit later smelling clean and fresh like a baby should. :D

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i apologise if the folowing post causes offence.

I'll try very hard not to offend anyone with this post. I wasn't sulking, by the way. After the attacks from my last stupid post I was just too afraid to do anything but what I said. I'm still fairly frightened (sorry I'm such a coward) so I'm dipping my toe in the water to see if it's an acceptable temperature. My hands are actually shaking at this point so I'd better . . . :blush: go change diapers! I hate this state of fear with a passion. Mommy isn't home so I can't ask her to change me! Such is life. I'll be back to visit later smelling clean and fresh like a baby should. :D

i have no idea what you could posibly have said to offend... but for my part im not offended by anything so so long as you make sense i will reply if i feel able to make a relavant contribution. my 2 p worth is that this is the net... dont be afraid to offend... say what you want to say and be who you are because those who care dont matter and those who matter dont care. besides the worst that could happen is you get banned... if that happens you create a new sig name with a new isp and a new ip and start again... not that i am advocating doing unplesant things im just saying that there is no need to be afraid to say what you want to... sure sometimes you get flamed for it... life is harsh lap it up...

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I think everyone will agree when I say that you are a "Town Favorite" around here. It wouldnt be the same without you. You wit is awesome, dont ever leave again, that would be offensive :)

I'm afraid your thinking is flawed. Please just speak for yourself and don't presume to speak for me!

D :angry2: lly

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(Now in Mommy Mode...I was in Baby Mode on your story thread)

Apparently people who are offended by your posts are in the minority, and you can work it out individually with them. You just play nice, and it's up to the other children to play nice too.

You're a brave little boy. Brave isn't not being scared, it's being scared and doing it anyway. But try not to be scared, Turtlepins. There are also people who like you and welcome you back, and we won't let anyone get away with being mean to you.

Now, with Mommy away, I guess I'll be babysitter and watch over you until your mommy is home.


PS: Apparently someone else and I simul-posted, and that person doesn't seem to be so welcoming. Case in point. Do NOT let the one negative voice among several positive ones run you away again. I can't speak with authority on the specific conflict. Haven't been here long enough. But it seems to me that everyone should be welcome as long as they follow the rules. As long as DailyDi and Baby Rosie aren't offended, you're fine.

Again I stress: Your friends won't let anyone get away with being mean to you, which is why I had to come on with this PS.

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I'm afraid your thinking is flawed. Please just speak for yourself and don't presume to speak for me!

D :angry2: lly

I totally agree with you Dolly. I hate it when people say things like that which pushes their opinion onto everyone else.

And Baby Mommy, I'm not sure who you are, or why you have latched onto Turtlepins in this way even though you weren't here when he was active before. But your posts to him, in this thread, and in the one in the story forum do make it seem as if you are yet another alter of his. Obviously his 'mommy' alter is taking a break so maybe you are the 'babysitter' alter.

I know you have commented that you like Turtlepins' stories, but you weren't here when the stories by him which were quite disturbing in nature were posted. I believe Rosie deleted them. The empty threads might still be there, or she may have deleted those too. So if you aren't his 'babysitter' alter, then I would make sure to have all the facts before you start slating the people who don't 'seem to be so welcoming'. And as for the idea that it is 'one negative voice', this shows that you don't really know a lot about Turtlepins or his past posts. I would suggest looking through his posts and seeing the many negative voices that appear in his threads.

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I for one am confused. I have rread Mr. Turtlepins posts and can't quite figure out who is posting. I know there is a turtlepins mommy running around here but there was some confusion about whether that is an actual person or just turtle pins himself. He hasn't offended me personally but I found some comments a little bizzare but aren't we all just a little different to begin with? I like how good his english accent is though.

So turtle? Does this diaper make my butt look big? ;o)


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I'll try very hard smelling clean and fresh like a baby should. :D


missed your talent

remember what Dr Suess said

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my post is not so much in response to turtlepins......rather i would like to go on record as saying ....i totally agree with Dolly and Sunshine ... please don't speak for me when talking about someone ..... i always find that tremendously annoying....

i form my own opinion of people based on my experiences with them.....not on what others feel or say.......and very often have an opinion that differs from the general concensus of the group...

as for turtlepins........

i've only read this last story...........to me it has very incestual conotations........which quite honestly i find extremely ickie....... but maybe it's just me....

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Since there seems to be a question, let me assure everyone that Turtlepins and I are two different entities altogether. I was never familiar with him before this site. If necessary I'm sure any site administrator could confirm two different ISP's, and we live thousands of miles apart.

I did read through previous posts and found nothing to offend, although admittedly some of it is a bit bizarre. It's well written. Just creepy in places. And many *published* stories are creepy and icky. Ever read Stephen King? Blood and gore.... or V. C. Andrews? A lot of warped families and incest.

Turtlepins seems harmless, though, and as for being babysitter, I am roleplaying. Apparently there is more than one "negative voice," but on that I say this: In childhood I was the kid none of the others wanted to play with. I wasn't merely left out. I was actively persecuted; sometimes other kids went out of their way to be cruel. That hurts, and I hate to see it happening to other people. It's the social fear I relate to, and that is the reason for "latching on." I tend to sympathize with anyone who sees him/herself as a pariah, and hey, given the nature of this community, shouldn't we all?

If, as Sunshine states, (and very tactfully, thank you) there have been offensive posts deleted, that's a different situation. Yes, I'm too new to know the whole story. In that case I would merely caution Turtlepins to take note of what offended people, and not repeat that, but I also advise others (take it for what it's worth) to attack problems, not people. There's a big difference between "I had a problem with (quote)," versus "You're a sick, twisted #%$&!!!." I address that to no one in particular, about no particular post.

All I'm saying is that if Turtlepins agrees to play nice, we in general should give him a second chance. I don't want to see anyone fear honest posting because of being flamed for personal reasons. I (for one) vote we let him start with a clean slate.... or a fresh diaper, to use a more apt metaphor.

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And Baby Mommy, I'm not sure who you are, or why you have latched onto Turtlepins in this way even though you weren't here when he was active before. But your posts to him, in this thread, and in the one in the story forum do make it seem as if you are yet another alter of his. Obviously his 'mommy' alter is taking a break so maybe you are the 'babysitter' alter.


This accusation is groundless...or if it's true, Baby Mommy is one heck of an alter...complete with concerns that have nothing to do with the Turtlepins we know, and a psychological awareness and helpfulness we haven't seen before...

Not that turtlepins doesn't have some pretty serious demons...but the recent experience at Virginia Tech ought to teach you why you need to be inclusive here....

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This accusation is groundless...or if it's true, Baby Mommy is one heck of an alter...complete with concerns that have nothing to do with the Turtlepins we know, and a psychological awareness and helpfulness we haven't seen before...

Not that turtlepins doesn't have some pretty serious demons...but the recent experience at Virginia Tech ought to teach you why you need to be inclusive here....

There was no accusation in my previous post. Nowhere did I say the words 'I accuse you of being yet another alter of Turtlepins'. And there are people on here who have created alternate profiles with different histories and biographies as well as a different posting style to their main screen name.

And I really don't understand the Virginia Tech comment. We haven't excluded Turtlepins, he has managed to do that himself because he has had many chances in the past to change his dishonest ways, and hasn't taken them.

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(Now in Mommy Mode...I was in Baby Mode on your story thread)

Apparently people who are offended by your posts are in the minority,

Baby Mommy,

I enjoyed your enthusiastic introduction about 2 weeks ago. I always find it very refreshing to see someone so excited about being here and I welcomed you with open arms. However, I seriously disagree with your assessment of the Turtlepins situation.

Since joining, you have made numerous threads supporting or encouraging Turtlepins to return. I personally find this highly unusual from such a new member, despite your reasoning, but very typical of how Turtlepins operates. His Mommy and his therapist (virtual unknowns to the community as well) have also conveniently showed up from time to time to speak on his behalf when things got out of hand. So, I have to ask myself…Is this just a coincidence? Well, it certainly isn’t anything new…

Although your calm reasoning and polite nature give me reason to pause, your opinion of Turtlepins carries little weight with me. As with all new members, it takes a little longer than 2 weeks to establish credibility with me. I do appreciate your concerns, but some of these issues go back over a year.

As an administrator, I get around the boards and do my homework before I offer up my support, opinion, and/or advice to members of this community. I take this part very seriously and I hold myself to an even higher standard when I disagree on the boards, as this is often seen as being mean or flaming. However, I will not sacrifice my principles just to be nice to someone if I feel they have misrepresented him/herself to me or the community.

Each and every time I post, it is a reflection of who I am and what I believe. Admittedly, I have missed the mark on a few occasions, but unlike Turtlepins, I take full responsibility for all my threads and I clear up any misunderstandings immediately, before things get out of hand. I don’t run away and hide until things cool down and I certainly don’t need anyone here to speak for me.

My own concerns are well documented throughout the boards as well as my support for him when he first arrived. I have no control over what anyone says or does on this site, so if Turtlepins returns to the boards, that’s out of my hands. However, I strongly support Dolly’s and Sunshine’s position, as well as Jenniebear’s statement. IMO, these 3 members have a tremendous amount of credibility on the boards and with the community, and I strongly respect and value their opinions, even when it doesn't support mine.

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Dill_Pickle, thank you for your kind support. I very much appreciate it. I *think* I understand the Virginia Tech reference.... people who feel excluded may "snap" and do something tragic. Is that what you're saying? I could go on a tanget about how we still have choices, no matter what life gives us, and we don't *have* to respond that way. But that's a little off topic.

I did not feel accused by what Sunshine said. She only raised a question, which I think I answered sufficiently. I understand Diaperphantom's response as well. To basically say that I'm too new to be entitled to an opinion does sting a little, but I understand it. I've been the new kid on the block before. I hate to see anyone hurt, which is why I jumped in to "protect," but admittedly I don't have all the facts and of course couldn't see the deleted posts that have been mentioned.

My own wish is that Turtlepins would come back, and play nice. As for me, I will keep my nose clean, also play nice, and remain polite, hoping I can eventually earn the trust of those who have been here far longer than I have. No hard feelings anywhere.

An edit after re-reading Diaperphantom's post: I'm trying to understand what's going on.

There seems to be a sentiment of "If you support Turtlepins, you must really BE Turtlepins, because nobody else would." As stated earlier, that doesn't upset me, just confuses me. And, also as stated earlier, I've already addressed that question.

I've read some of the "mommy" posts but haven't seen any "therapist" posts yet. To have his therapist post here would DEFINITELY be unusual. Am I to understand that the deeper issue is not so much what Turtlepins posts, but that there is a question whether he is actually who he says he is? That he's a board fake who is only making up a persona to fit in? If so, this isn't the first time in my life I've backed the wrong candidate. I voted for Ross Perot....

Yes, Mr. Diaperphantom, it was a coincidence that I defended Turtlepins and appeared to be another alter of his. I really don't know how to show my ID card, so to speak, and prove my honesty. I guess only time will do that.

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Hey I voted for Ross Perot too! We will never know if he was a wrong choice. I for one would love a President who didn't want payed! Anyhow..I voted for Turtle too. I have read everything he (and Possibly the gang) wrote. It put me on a defensive for sure, but over time I have just come to accept him as him. It's not like I have trusted him with my life. I have yet to meet him in real life, if ever. So as another who was originally a social outcast earlier in my life. I just take him and others with a grain of salt.

I pretty much am just at the point now in my life where If anyone posts anything I have a need to post on I will, but I am not a Judge, nor a moderator. and just will say what I have too.

I too screwed up a time or two on this board but was set straight, I took my licks, so now I can dish them out as well. :D:P-_-

I thought it would take me forever to get the 7 blue squares and change my sig. But Darn it I did it. As a Former Marine I look at it like the enlisted rank structure, I've reached my limit now all I get is time in grade! As for those that have been on here longer but fewer posts, those are my Officers and I can take orders from them too...ohhh Daily Di & Rosie are Generals, so I needed bother saying more...

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Well I for one, dont hold anything against Turtlepins. I dont know what he supposedly did to offend ppl and it doesnt matter to me. Who cares if hes one person or a "gang"? Ppl here can be what they want. I mean Dailydi made it clear one time (I think over the MissyD situation) that ppl come here to get away from the real world so they can be who they want. Guys can be girls, girls can be guys, ppl can pretend to be babies or toddlers, so why judge someone on if u think they are one person or 3? Who cares? If hes not personally hurting you then who cares? Right? And now that Ive defended him, Im sure ILL Get blasted, which really isnt unusual but this time, as BabyMommy did, Ill probably get accused of being his alterego but thats ok. All I know is if some ppl can come here and be something they arent and its ok with SOME PPL, then everyone should be allowed to come here and be something they arent without dealing with the judgement from others. Are any of us really supposeda be judging others anyways? I dont think so. I hope this makes sense, cause its early and Ive had little sleep ! :closedeyes:

*HUGGLES DA TURTLEBABY TIGHT* Its ok darlin! NO worries! Curious is here for u!

Huggles, kissies, and lots of lovin,


*braces herself for the blasting she is about to receive* :whistling:

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all i hav to say about this is some ppl r offended to easily, i got blasted for starting one of the funniest threads on the board(see pranks!) but it's not gonna chase me off, blast away, see if it hurts me, unless u can make a shotgun pop out of my moniter and shoot me in da face dick cheney style, i really don't care

welcome back turtlepins

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Well I for one, dont hold anything against Turtlepins. I dont know what he supposedly did to offend ppl and it doesnt matter to me. Who cares if hes one person or a "gang"? Ppl here can be what they want. I mean Dailydi made it clear one time (I think over the MissyD situation) that ppl come here to get away from the real world so they can be who they want. Guys can be girls, girls can be guys, ppl can pretend to be babies or toddlers, so why judge someone on if u think they are one person or 3? Who cares? If hes not personally hurting you then who cares? Right? And now that Ive defended him, Im sure ILL Get blasted, which really isnt unusual but this time, as BabyMommy did, Ill probably get accused of being his alterego but thats ok. All I know is if some ppl can come here and be something they arent and its ok with SOME PPL, then everyone should be allowed to come here and be something they arent without dealing with the judgement from others. Are any of us really supposeda be judging others anyways? I dont think so. I hope this makes sense, cause its early and Ive had little sleep ! :closedeyes:

*HUGGLES DA TURTLEBABY TIGHT* Its ok darlin! NO worries! Curious is here for u!

Huggles, kissies, and lots of lovin,


*braces herself for the blasting she is about to receive* :whistling:

As always, Curious speaks with the love kindness and wisdom that has made her one of my favorite people here. She is SO right in everything she said.

I don't know what Tutlepins said and don't realy care. If a post affends me (which is hard to do

)I just ignore it. If i don't like a poster I will skip their posts. And so what if he uses other personas...I did not see any rule against that.

* joins turtlepins, curious and others for group hug*

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I've stayed away from this thread until now because I knew how it would probably go and that if I read it, I'd end up making this post. Against my better judgement, I clicked and read.

I have to admit to being disappointed with the way this thread has gone. There's bullying going on :angry2:. Two points:

  • The board's software has an ignore feature. If there's somebody whose posts you wish to not be bothered by, don't lambaste them (and woe betide anyone who sticks up for them) every time they stick their head above the parapet, use the ignore feature!
  • I've been on other, unrelated groups in the past where, shortly after introducing myself, at substantial emotional expense, I was accused of being somebody else in disguise. It feels horrid because you think that everybody agrees with the accuser, doesn't trust you and that you're powerless to prove your individuality. It's not a nice way to treat new members, especially on boards which take a great deal of courage to start posting on because you're exposing a part of your personality that is normally very, very private.
That's all I have to say :mellow:
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AWWWWWWWWWWWW SIR POOPS! *gives sir poops a gigantic huggle all his own then joins in the group hug huggling tight*

SEE TURTLEPINS!? Its ok the waters are just fine! :) Come on in! Ull get ur nerve back and ull come back around when u realize that some of us enjoy ur company and want u to come talk to us. Itll be ok.

AutieAB :) I totally agree with u too! 100%! :thumbsup: It hurts being accused of being someone else, and an even bigger issue is the mistrust u feel! I know, understand and agree that it sux.

Huggles, Kissies and lots of love, :wub:


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