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Stressed out to the max

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So we have just heard in the news that my husbands work will be closing within the next 48 hours because his isn’t classified as an essential service so now we have have to hope that his work can afford to pay him all his entitlements(he his a permanent employee). 
I’m also finding it hard to find food to feed my family because people are being stupid and panic buying everything.

And to top it all off we rent and our landlord has decided he wants to renovate the house we are in so we have to find somewhere else and that is proving to be difficult we only have about 7 weeks before we have to get out.

Sorry about complaining I’m sure there are people out there worse off than me.

On the upside I can still get diapers which is good considering I wear 24/7 due to being incontinent.

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4 hours ago, Newbee said:

So we have just heard in the news that my husbands work will be closing within the next 48 hours because his isn’t classified as an essential service so now we have have to hope that his work can afford to pay him all his entitlements(he his a permanent employee).

This truly sucks....  I'm probably more senior but not altogether different in circumstance.  I'm watching and nervously waiting for my employer to do the same.  The hints are coming thick and fast....

4 hours ago, Newbee said:

And to top it all off we rent and our landlord has decided he wants to renovate the house we are in so we have to find somewhere else and that is proving to be difficult we only have about 7 weeks before we have to get out.

I'm a landlord.  I don't know why we are called "Lords"...  I have a mortgage on nmy rental property and I need rent to cover that.  No rent = crisis.  There is NO WAY I'd be chucking out a good tenant to "renovate".  Especially in a market as uncertain as this.  Apart from the fact that I'm acutely atuned towards my obligation to provide a home for my tenants (I've been a renter), why would it even make business sense to do that right now??  Renovation is something you'd consider when there was the prospect of a commercially returning capital growth.  Right now, there isn't...  In any case, if I have a good tenant (one who doesn't wreck the place and pays the rent), I will crawl over broken glass to keep that tenant.  As for renovation, I'm putting in nearly $9K worth of solar power panels on my rental.  My tenant is delighted and working with me to let this happen.  Why wouldn't he?   His power bill should all but disappear.  One day I will live in my rental and get to reap that solar reward myself as well.  I think the last laugh may be on your landlord here.

4 hours ago, Newbee said:

I’m also finding it hard to find food to feed my family because people are being stupid and panic buying everything.

Ok, this truly DOES suck and I share your pain.  As we are a working couple, we are in the same bind although now being forced to work from home, I was able to sneak out last Friday and get some chicken and some mince before the hoarder's did.  Just enough to make some spag bol and some curries across this week.  FFS people, please do NOT hoard!!

One thing I've learned:  if you ditch the supermarkets and go to old fashioned butchers and grocers, you can often find this stuff.  It may cost a LITTLE more but in fact, the quality is a lot better.  I've rediscovered these guys.  I have resolved to stick with them after this blows over (as it will).

At least we don't need (much) toilet paper!

4 hours ago, Newbee said:

Sorry about complaining I’m sure there are people out there worse off than me.

It's the fear, not the thing.  The one offset for getting old is you start to see this stuff in some kind of perspective...  This too shall pass.  Stay strong.


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Just a thought.  In times like this, people tend to come together and condemn the idiots who say, "Screw the issue and the people!  I'll do what I want!'  Perhaps a call to your local medias might shame your landlord into changing his mind.  "During pandemic, Landlord kicks out hard up family who was laid off from work because 'he wants to remodel their rental home'".  I bet that would make him ostracized within the community in a hurry!  I seriously think you should give thought to calling your newspaper and other media.  Right now they are all looking for personal human interest stories relating to the pandemic.

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6 hours ago, Newbee said:

So we have just heard in the news that my husbands work will be closing within the next 48 hours because his isn’t classified as an essential service so now we have have to hope that his work can afford to pay him all his entitlements(he his a permanent employee). 
I’m also finding it hard to find food to feed my family because people are being stupid and panic buying everything.

And to top it all off we rent and our landlord has decided he wants to renovate the house we are in so we have to find somewhere else and that is proving to be difficult we only have about 7 weeks before we have to get out.

Sorry about complaining I’m sure there are people out there worse off than me.

On the upside I can still get diapers which is good considering I wear 24/7 due to being incontinent.

No need to apologize.  This forum has always been the place to let your hair down and come to for support diapers or otherwise.  These are challenging and tough times for all of us and it is great to have a place to vent your stresses with like minded people.  

I find myself lucky enough to still have a job yet my company despite the times demand I remain on the road.  I personally would almost rather be unemployed where I could be side by side with my family.   How bad would it suck to get sick thousand of miles away from your significant other.  My fear is if the entire country shuts down I will be stuck away from my family and that is not a fun thought. 

I hope things start to get better for your family and for the world.

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Just a quick update.

So now not only do I have hubby home until his work can reopen whenever that may be, on the advice from my state government and the education department we have pulled our kids out of school. The advice is if there is suitable supervision at home then keep your children home and in this case that does apply to us because like I’ve stated hubby is home.

I have one child that is very happy with this and one that is not.

Still no luck on the house hunting.

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9 hours ago, Newbee said:

Just a quick update.

So now not only do I have hubby home until his work can reopen whenever that may be, on the advice from my state government and the education department we have pulled our kids out of school. The advice is if there is suitable supervision at home then keep your children home and in this case that does apply to us because like I’ve stated hubby is home.

I have one child that is very happy with this and one that is not.

Still no luck on the house hunting.

At least you now have more time with your family.  About the landlord, if you really want them to reconsider, there's the option of going to the media like @rusty pins said but that should be more of a last resort because giving the media an embarrassing story about someone else is not very kind and could end up making the landlord pissed.  If all else fails, the rent at other places is most likely going to go down since very few people want to move during a pandemic and you might be able to lock in a lower rate that way. 

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On 3/22/2020 at 12:49 AM, Newbee said:

So we have just heard in the news that my husbands work will be closing within the next 48 hours because his isn’t classified as an essential service so now we have have to hope that his work can afford to pay him all his entitlements(he his a permanent employee). 
I’m also finding it hard to find food to feed my family because people are being stupid and panic buying everything.

And to top it all off we rent and our landlord has decided he wants to renovate the house we are in so we have to find somewhere else and that is proving to be difficult we only have about 7 weeks before we have to get out.

Sorry about complaining I’m sure there are people out there worse off than me.

On the upside I can still get diapers which is good considering I wear 24/7 due to being incontinent.

In California they've made it illegal for landlords to oust tenants during this crisis.  Check you local authorities regarding this.   Hopefully that doesn't add to the already high stress that you're feeling.   

I don't really know what else to say- other than take things one day at time.   It's cliche.  We each have our stressors and anxieties relating to this.   A home full of children and adults can be extremely especially when no outlet exists.   On the other hand- I'm at home by myself all day long and no real outlet for social contact, unless I talk with people via the phone.   I'm fortunate because my job is at home and hasn't been affected, but just because other people have bigger issues doesn't change the issues and anxieties that I'm facing.   In my opinion, yours are far worse than mine, and I can certainly take the time to listen to you with a sympathetic ear.  Please keep sharing.

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I am not sure what state you are from? But in Michigan kids have been out of school for since march 16 and don't have any plans to go back till mid April.  Last week our governor closed all salons / spa. Now my wife that is a salon owner does not get any government help you see on the news that they are helping the small business I call BS to our government. They are telling us it will be 3 weeks or more till we can open the business back up, but yet we still have rent due along with utility's due. I am am 1 year out of my 4th back surgery and still not fixed. I wear 24/7 i just have to try to cut back on how often i change. and no new fancy diapers for me. But i have my stash for a time like this lol.

I am sure we will all make it some how. I do see a new bread of hoarders coming out of this virus thing... 


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Ok so my stress level just rose another notch our prime minister has now decided that real estate agents can no longer hold open houses for inspection and since we don’t have a house yet we could end up moving into a house that would be like living in a shoe box and that we absolutely hate. So fun times ahead, NOT.

stay safe everyone.

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2 hours ago, Newbee said:

Ok so my stress level just rose another notch our prime minister has now decided that real estate agents can no longer hold open houses for inspection and since we don’t have a house yet we could end up moving into a house that would be like living in a shoe box and that we absolutely hate. So fun times ahead, NOT.

stay safe everyone.

Video home tours would work.

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11 hours ago, Newbee said:

Ok so my stress level just rose another notch our prime minister has now decided that real estate agents can no longer hold open houses for inspection and since we don’t have a house yet we could end up moving into a house that would be like living in a shoe box and that we absolutely hate. So fun times ahead, NOT.

stay safe everyone.

I watched the PM briefing last night and went on to watch the follow up questioning that took place after the commercial networks cut out on ABC News 24.

The issue of residential tenancies was raised during that less-publicised follow up .  Without him giving away any specifics (because they are strictly speaking state matters and he needs to work through the premiers of the states), he did make it clear that this was a hot topic and that measures were being thrashed out right now to potentially freeze any eviction action.  It was far from crystal clear exactly what this means but to be fair to the guy, today he was frying bigger fish.  It's complicated because some landlords will also be under stress.

I think it's highly likely you'll at least get a stay of execution here but it may be a few days away and you might need to make the first move on that.  I haven't checked with my lawyer (I have pretty good access to one) but she probably won't know anyway as all this stuff is being done under a generic bio-security act and done on the fly (as it needs to be in circumstances like this). 

I'd imagine it could not hurt for you to get a request in writing to your landlord via the agent to suspend the proposed lease termination citing temporary COVID-19 related employment limits along with a temporary COVID-19 limit that inhibits your ability to find an inspect an alternate rental property.

The worst that can happen is that you'll get a refusal in writing but that would surprise me.  Unless there are circumstances I can't see, I can't imagine a landlord not blinking in the face of that right now...

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1 hour ago, oznl said:

I watched the PM briefing last night and went on to watch the follow up questioning that took place after the commercial networks cut out on ABC News 24.

The issue of residential tenancies was raised during that less-publicised follow up .  Without him giving away any specifics (because they are strictly speaking state matters and he needs to work through the premiers of the states), he did make it clear that this was a hot topic and that measures were being thrashed out right now to potentially freeze any eviction action.  It was far from crystal clear exactly what this means but to be fair to the guy, today he was frying bigger fish.  It's complicated because some landlords will also be under stress.

I think it's highly likely you'll at least get a stay of execution here but it may be a few days away and you might need to make the first move on that.  I haven't checked with my lawyer (I have pretty good access to one) but she probably won't know anyway as all this stuff is being done under a generic bio-security act and done on the fly (as it needs to be in circumstances like this). 

I'd imagine it could not hurt for you to get a request in writing to your landlord via the agent to suspend the proposed lease termination citing temporary COVID-19 related employment limits along with a temporary COVID-19 limit that inhibits your ability to find an inspect an alternate rental property.

The worst that can happen is that you'll get a refusal in writing but that would surprise me.  Unless there are circumstances I can't see, I can't imagine a landlord not blinking in the face of that right now...

So our realtor asked our landlord and he said while he still has the power the eviction stands

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36 minutes ago, Newbee said:

So our realtor asked our landlord and he said while he still has the power the eviction stands

He may not have the power in a few days but I guess at this point, that can't be relied on.

Can I suggest you get this in writing.  If this was a phone call, a "follow-up" email seeking to confirm the relevant bullet points may be of help to you if alternate accommodation does not become available.  Is there a community legal center or similar nearby?  They are usually staffed by lawyers doing pro-bono work some nights.  I'm assuming you're not  in a position to retain a $300 per hour solicitor here.  I think you need to get some advice though from within NSW.  There's a tenancy tribunal down there among other things.

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4 hours ago, oznl said:

He may not have the power in a few days but I guess at this point, that can't be relied on.

Can I suggest you get this in writing.  If this was a phone call, a "follow-up" email seeking to confirm the relevant bullet points may be of help to you if alternate accommodation does not become available.  Is there a community legal center or similar nearby?  They are usually staffed by lawyers doing pro-bono work some nights.  I'm assuming you're not  in a position to retain a $300 per hour solicitor here.  I think you need to get some advice though from within NSW.  There's a tenancy tribunal down there among other things.

Thanks I did ring the tribunal and they said not worry as the government is about to make decisions regarding this matter and that if they set aside all evictions for now then he will have to comply and if he doesn’t they can take action on our behalf. Oh and yes we are not in a position to retain a $300 an hour solicitor.

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47 minutes ago, Newbee said:

Thanks I did ring the tribunal and they said not worry as the government is about to make decisions regarding this matter and that if they set aside all evictions for now then he will have to comply and if he doesn’t they can take action on our behalf. Oh and yes we are not in a position to retain a $300 an hour solicitor.

Great.  Sounds like you have some modest comfort and a plan then.  When this blows over (as it will) however, the writing's on the wall.  I'd get out of there regardless.  That Landlord has been shown to be unreasonable.  Reasonable behaviour would have been to pause the eviction process when the COVID-19 crisis blew up.

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Are you at end of lease?  If not, then it will be _very_ hard and a _very_ long time before you are actually given the order to vacate.  If it is end-of-lease, you may have no option, as there is usually only two to 4 weeks notice required.  

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Hi ozziebee,

We are currently half way through lease.

Even if the government does suspend any evictions we will still keep looking we don’t want to stay where we are not wanted. 
I hope you are staying safe.

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15 hours ago, ozziebee said:

Are you at end of lease?  If not, then it will be _very_ hard and a _very_ long time before you are actually given the order to vacate.  If it is end-of-lease, you may have no option, as there is usually only two to 4 weeks notice required.  

Yes, I was going to ask about when your lease was up.  He would have to have very good reason to evict you if you have a lease and I don't think wanting to remodel the house while you are still living there under your lease would qualify.

13 hours ago, Newbee said:

Hi ozziebee,

We are currently half way through lease.

Even if the government does suspend any evictions we will still keep looking we don’t want to stay where we are not wanted. 
I hope you are staying safe.

Yes, that is the other thing.  Keep looking no matter what happens and when the lease ends then hopefully you have something else ready to take it's place.

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If you are still within your lease period, then that landlord must uphold the lease.  The Tribunal would make a ruling against him, especially if you are up-to-date on rent payments.  Tell him to sod off, as he cannot break it.  The real estate agent should also know better. 

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17 hours ago, Newbee said:

Hi ozziebee,

We are currently half way through lease.

Even if the government does suspend any evictions we will still keep looking we don’t want to stay where we are not wanted. 
I hope you are staying safe.

Depending on where you are, this isn't a great time to go home hunting.   I'd definitely move out once this passes, because you landlord is a moron (and heartless).  If you can avoid it- don't do business with morons.

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As expected, on Wednesday evening, NSW parliament passed "COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures) Bill 2020 ".  Among other things, this has just removed the right of your landlord to pursue an eviction where it is caused by or would cause hardship related to the current pandemic.  You should be safe.  The Tenancy tribunal will help you if needed.   I think you would still need to work with your property manager to get your situation documented and confirmed.  Your property manager should be advising your landlord of their obligations here.

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I'd advise against that.  You will be breaking the lease at your current place if you did that.  The landlord would be well within his rights to claim lease payments up to the end of the lease agreement.

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