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Problem With Sleeping With Diaper

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I returned back to wearing diapers every night about 2 years ago.

I would say that 80 to 90% of the time I wake up with a wet diaper, I love it and I never get tired of it!

The problem is that it's a good thing and that's the problem. Last night is somewhat a typical situation although it's was a little more. I get up at 5:30 on workdays. Last night I woke up at 3:30 and found the front of my disposable to be soaked and swollen, happily I can say the bed was dry. I had a hard time after that to get to sleep and to stay sleeping. I enjoy this pleasant surprise too much and I can't get my proper sleep.

You would think that since I would need to get up about 2 or 3 times each night to go to the bathroom that wearing a diaper would help me to sleep more.

Does anyone else who wears diapers every night have this problem too?


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Ugh, again last night!

I went to bed at 10, woke up to a wet diaper at 2:30 and that was about it for a nice deep sleep until having to wake up at 5:30 to go to work!

I don't know what to do. Not wearing a diaper isn't an option since I'm physically dependent on diapers now plus I wouldn't want too.

While tossing and turning last night I was wondering if I changed into a dry diaper I might be able to fall asleep but then I'm wasting money and the whole diaper change might make it tougher to fall back asleep.

What is a diaper lover to do?


I returned back to wearing diapers every night about 2 years ago.

I would say that 80 to 90% of the time I wake up with a wet diaper, I love it and I never get tired of it!

The problem is that it's a good thing and that's the problem. Last night is somewhat a typical situation although it's was a little more. I get up at 5:30 on workdays. Last night I woke up at 3:30 and found the front of my disposable to be soaked and swollen, happily I can say the bed was dry. I had a hard time after that to get to sleep and to stay sleeping. I enjoy this pleasant surprise too much and I can't get my proper sleep.

You would think that since I would need to get up about 2 or 3 times each night to go to the bathroom that wearing a diaper would help me to sleep more.

Does anyone else who wears diapers every night have this problem too?


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Ugh, again last night!

I went to bed at 10, woke up to a wet diaper at 2:30 and that was about it for a nice deep sleep until having to wake up at 5:30 to go to work!

I don't know what to do. Not wearing a diaper isn't an option since I'm physically dependent on diapers now plus I wouldn't want too.

While tossing and turning last night I was wondering if I changed into a dry diaper I might be able to fall asleep but then I'm wasting money and the whole diaper change might make it tougher to fall back asleep.

What is a diaper lover to do?


Give it a few days...and see if it improves....

You might also want to try diapering immediately when you get home from work, and changing when you go to bed.

If things don't improve....strip off the diaper onto/into something waterproof, wrap a towel around you, and go back to sleep....and clean up in the morning...

Sounds like a perfect opportunity for a hypnosis tape...one that makes you go back to sleep when you wet yourself.

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Try a better diaper. Cheap diapers make it obvious (and uncomfortable) when they are wet. A good diaper, like Abena X-plus, will feel wet for a bit, but eventually I can't even tell if it is wet or not (unless of course I put like 40oz or something crazy in there).

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Since you wake up feeling wet, you might also try a cloth diaper. Though they are more bulky I find I can wet and turn right over and go to sleep again. Don't really feel the wettness til it's really wet. And at times I find the extra bulk a bit more of a turn on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I returned back to wearing diapers every night about 2 years ago.

I would say that 80 to 90% of the time I wake up with a wet diaper, I love it and I never get tired of it!

The problem is that it's a good thing and that's the problem. Last night is somewhat a typical situation although it's was a little more. I get up at 5:30 on workdays. Last night I woke up at 3:30 and found the front of my disposable to be soaked and swollen, happily I can say the bed was dry. I had a hard time after that to get to sleep and to stay sleeping. I enjoy this pleasant surprise too much and I can't get my proper sleep.

You would think that since I would need to get up about 2 or 3 times each night to go to the bathroom that wearing a diaper would help me to sleep more.

Does anyone else who wears diapers every night have this problem too?


I can't and don't at all because of my eczema. besides I get too warm any way. But it would be cool if I could.


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For years when I tried to sleep in a diaper I couldn't fall asleep. I was either too excited to be in a diaper or my mind just told me it wasn't normal to sleep in a diaper and wouldn't let me sleep. I overcame that and sleep in diapers once or twice a week now. I use Attends mostly with a diaper doubler inside and wake whenever I need to pee. Instead of getting up, I just pee in my diaper laying bed. Yes, when it gets around 5am and I'm really wet, I have a hard time falling back asleep unles I change to a dry diaper. I think it's my subconsious telling me I'm soaked and will start leaking and get the bed and sheets wet if I fall back asleep. Because of my subconcious being afraid I will get my bed and sheets wet, I can't fall asleep. Once I change I know my diaper is dry and will hold a couple new wettings without any leaks so I fall back asleep with no problems after changing.

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Years ago when I first started to diaper train myself for night time I found that everything fell in place when I rest assured my subconscious that I wouldn't get the bed wet by using a good bed protector when the diapers might leak.


For years when I tried to sleep in a diaper I couldn't fall asleep. I was either too excited to be in a diaper or my mind just told me it wasn't normal to sleep in a diaper and wouldn't let me sleep. I overcame that and sleep in diapers once or twice a week now. I use Attends mostly with a diaper doubler inside and wake whenever I need to pee. Instead of getting up, I just pee in my diaper laying bed. Yes, when it gets around 5am and I'm really wet, I have a hard time falling back asleep unles I change to a dry diaper. I think it's my subconsious telling me I'm soaked and will start leaking and get the bed and sheets wet if I fall back asleep. Because of my subconcious being afraid I will get my bed and sheets wet, I can't fall asleep. Once I change I know my diaper is dry and will hold a couple new wettings without any leaks so I fall back asleep with no problems after changing.
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I have had and sometimes still have similar problems sleeping. it doesnt matter though if i wet myself or stay dry overnite while sleeping.

In your case i´d reduce the amount (volume) of drinking the last 1-2h before going to bed first. too keep your bodies water-household ok drink what you need but way way earlier. well that'd be first try anyway and i wouldnt expect it to work imidiatly.

if first does not work too well i´d try a few drops of valerian tincture each time about 0.5 hours before i go to bed. It kinda helps the body to calm down. since it has a rather bad taste it is better to take it with sugar or like i do in a cup of camomile tea.

a 3rd way could be like this warp your mind self hypnosis stuff. it is tough to learn but pretty useful in many cases. by the way here in germany it isnt called self hypnosis but 'autogenes Training' since you dont hypnotize yourself but practicing your mind doing things you want your body to do.

if i have really bad times all 3 together helping too but mostly one of the 3 is enough. none of the these working imidiatly , even not the valerian since body is rather unsused to it. valerian is a herbal plant from which a tincture is made.

hope that helps anyway since i only can tell what i found to help on myself

cheers from germoney :)

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