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Making a Murderer

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Justice miscarries as often as it carries, and that is not how it is supposed to work. And now it's become institutionalized which makes it miscarry even more. I haven't seen the show but I know the case. I am not sure of the truth here but I know the system was not fair and unbiased and that this poor soul did not have a chance from the start by design.

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On January 13, 2016 at 11:02 PM, AwakenEvil said:

The miscarriage of justice this poor bastard has endured by people in power is simply shows why everyone simply has lost all trust for law enforcement and the legal system itself.

This was not jus a law enforcement cover up,it included the courts as well.

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Unfortunately that 'hatred' is well-earned because of Cops 'overlooking' the wrongful actions of other Cops as a matter of course. We all know that the first rule of being a Cop is that you never say or do anything against another Cop because you may need them to CYA in a tight spot. I can even go so far as to excusing most mistakes a Rookie makes as long as it never happens again. But the habit has become so ingrained that everything is overlooked now and that is the problem :( It shouldn't be this way, it needn't be this way, but it is this way and things will not change until it changes. The People can't do that. The Courts can't do that. The only ones who can do it are the ones who caused it all to be this way and think they are benefiting from it when they aren't.

I hope they see that soon and reverse their course because we're all in this handbasket together and the trip has begun :o


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