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Favorite Board Game?

Guest diamondback688

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Scrabble is an old and enduring favourite of mine but I've played a relatively new boardgame called Articulate a few times and it's been good fun.

Not boardgames as such, but I quite like doing jigsaw puzzles - terrible timewasters, but can be quite therapeutic and 'satisfying' to do occasionally.

D :) lly

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I remember just after my dad moved out, and he didn't have a tv. So when me and my brother went over we would play one of the board games he had. My favourite was this one about stocks and shares. I can't remember what it was called, but I really liked it. Oh and we have this board game which is based on the news at 10 on ITV. You get little cards and you have to make up a news story with them. That game was cool as well, but no one liked to play it with me.

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Guest diamondback688

i have risk up in my closet...it was originally my parents game...ive never played it though...sounds kinda interesting...maybe i should take some time and learn how...i have the original trivail pursuit also and some of the add on decks of game cards(genuis 2 edition and baby boomer edition)...never played that game either...

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If you want to play Risk, plan for a whole evening...it takes some time to complete(also I have the computer version of the game & it too is alot of fun); Trivial Pursuit is a good time if you have a bunch of friends over with a lot of beer (or what ever your favorite beverage might be), you can play teams.

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I love board games! My problem is finding people to play them with me. I wish we all could have an ab game night, that wouldbe so much fun! I have alot of favorite games. I am a big simpson's nut, so I started collecting games like simpson's clue, simpson's monopoly, simpson trivia games, simpson's life, and simpson's operation. I wish I could find an occupation that dealt with just simpson's trivia then I'd be set for life...ha..ha! :lol:

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If y'all like Risk, then you would probably like Axis and Allies. That is a great board game. I still like Risk though....

Nowadays we play alot of card games. We play Mille Bornes, Munchkin, Rage, and Boom-O. I used to be into Magic:The Gathering but I just couldn't keep up with all the new cardsets being released.

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  • 3 weeks later...
:o I'm surprised!! Nobody hasn't mentioned CHESS! That's my favorite. Back when I was younger I studied alot about this game. I could think 11 to 14 moves ahead. I was impressed with myself and really started loving this game when I started beating older people than me at my age then. I use to go around and look for a game in down town area. Like star bucks. I played this chess master I knew, and he was remarkably good. I loss every time I played him for about 6 months till one day I made victory! :P Now I don't play like I use too. Will always love this game.
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Well, yahtzee isn't exactly a board game, so let me mention one I'm currently hooked on. It is a word game (think scrabble) but it has no board and all the letters are on cards that are dealt out. It's Quiddler.

As for Risk being in the parents closet... HA! Now, are the little blocks made of plastic or wood?? Yep, I remember Risk when i was about 8th grade... and still have it along with many other games.

Another game (more current) is Blockus. It's like several other games, for example Bridget.

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Wow a lot of people play Yahtzee, I've got it installed on my computer here and ususally beat it about 80% of the time. I wonder how I'd do with the real game with real dice...

I also like backgammon, but I routinely got beat pretty badly in the Yahoo games room, even the "beginner" rooms, so I just play with some of my RL friends.

Is cribbage a board game? No, that's probably cards... but anyway, that's fun... And totally OT, not a board game but a card game I grew up playing with my neighborhood friends was "31"... I found a computer version here, and it's a lot more fun than MS Solitare! Have fun...


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