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Investing in Cloth, questions asked and brand advice needed please.

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What is meant by "industrial"? I have heard that sead of Comco

Also, different wearing venues mean different things. If you wish to wear concealed under trousers then you need everything to be thinner and less showy The Kin's "lowrider" and some kind of contour diaper may be the best choice. However, it must be understood that thinner means less capacity. Unless you need to wear outside the home is a bad idea. Murphy is just waiting: For example, you could find yourself in a situation where you cannot change within the amount of time before you exceed the capacity of the diaper. Also just because people may notice and not say anything does not mean they are not thinking: For example. I knew an ALG who was a Pastor in a southern church and got discovered and had to leave. I have heard too many horror stories over the last 30 years to be willing to take, or not counsel against, taking that chance. Most persons who have come to grief over this kind of thing never saw it coming. I counsel prudence

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Cloth diapers and plastic pants are much like disposables, you have to shop around and try different things to find what you want or like :) It's a small investment in the short run, but better then buying a lot of something and finding that it doesn't work for you. Most all sites selling cloth diapers are reputable, and offer quality products, but you also have to know what you want before you buy, and making up your mind or choosing between say prefolds or flats, is something only you can answer, sorry.

Prefolds, most of the work is done for you, so you can change quickly and efficiently..where flats need to be folded how ever you want that fits yo the best, which doesn't always work well in a rushed situation etc. Contours are similar to prefolds in that minimal time and effort is needed to change. The down side as Christine, if you need a thinner diaper to be more discreet, the less capacity they will have requiring more changes. So you have to factor that in while planning your day.

th enice things about disposables is they are better at locking away wetness, which buys you time and enables you to change quicker, and last a longer time in between.

Plastic pants, same thing, trial and error. Going back in time, VIP pants were the absolutely BEST and my personal favorites, but sadly they don't exist anymore. the closest thing I see that is around that 'I' would want to by is the pants mentioned above from babykins, or the pants from protex called "I can't believe it's not Gerber" Those are on my list for the next time I go shopping.

The secret for making pants last is 1) sizing, making sure you get the right size to fit both waist AND leg dimensions all the while being able to fit over what ever diaper you are wearing. Secondly, how you care for them. It is recommended that you rinse your pants out in warm water with a drop of wash soap (dreft is good as are others) swirl them around and then rinse and hang up to dry. Do NOT run them through the washer or DRYER! they will dry out and crack and your pants are trash.. and I don't think you want to have that happen if pants are $13 and up...

So basically, it comes down to research and trial and error, search sites and look at pictures and dimensions and ask

lots of questions. This site is a good place to start, read through related threads and collect what info you think you need. Several of us have posted a LOT of information here, you just have to read it, and decide what might work best for you. It's best to buy 1 of what ever item you are looking for, if it doesn't work, try something else, there is no magic bullet, as this is something personal that will suit you and only you...all we can do is recommend possible solutions for you to explore by trial and error.

Good luck, and keep searching...it's kind of like a treasure hunt, and the treasuer is an amazing one when you finally find it! :)

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1.Prefold vs Contoured? I've tried a couple of contoured diapers. Unless the thicker padding goes all around the sides, and it fits pretty snug then they don't work as good as prefolds.
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I have seen Comco referred to as "industrial". In fact, the higher-quality baby panties by Sears of about 30 years ago were made of just about the same material as Comco

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Diaperdragon

I am looking to going into either fully Cloth diaper or a combination of Cloth Diaper and Disposable diapers. It's due to the economy.

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In the world of baby panties, thin plastic was not even used until about 1973 when the price of the material went up sharpley with the price of oil. I first noticed it wigh Empire's "Wataseal" material which was thin and smooth

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  • 1 month later...

For what you need to pay to purchase a case of half decent disposibles and booster pads, you can use to purchase enough yards of cotton gauze, cotton birdseye or flannel diaper fabric and make your own pre-folds with just straight stitches. I recommend a toddler size 2 snappi as it doesn't tear up the cloth diaper as much as pins do. Everyone has their own experience with vinyl pants, but I currently like Babykins.

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