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Boys And Dolls


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I grew up int he age of Cabbage patch kids and My Buddy so most boys had dolls, though we just called them friends.

I still like boy dolls, and would sleep with one still today if not for one problem:

little boy toys feel tiny in big man arms!

I recently found one doll that they make for boys that is 36" long and designed to wear toddler boys clothes... so I bought one :) Should be here next week. Had fun today buying his first outfits. Figure he can be my "little time" friend, and also make it easier to photograph the limited edition baby diapers I collect and show on here.

Any other little boys around here who secretly keep "friends" to snuggle with?

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Dolls? No...just bears. Lots of bears. And they attract other bears. Once people (who know nothing of my AB/DL tendencies) found out I collect them, I get more as gifts.

My wife has put a quota on the number I can keep in the bed however.

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I reember "my" first doll. I was just turned 5 and my sister came to live with us. she was about 3-2/3 and brought with her a doll. This was the first doll I had ever seen and a relatively big doll at about 18" (big when you are 5 and 3-2/3). The doll had dark here, a full face and a brown plaid dress with a white Peter Pan collr. It struck me as both a toy and a person. I was immfediately taken with it and played with it so much that mjy aunt used to refer to it as my doll (I guess that should have told her something: Just wait until I see my first tiara)

By and large, boy dolls did not go overf since child care was, and in the real world is still viewed as womens' work and any maile involved in that is viewd with suspicions of various sorts.Nursery work is hghly specialized and was then even more so as this was the age of pin-on diapers and diaper folding was an art in itself. When I was 8, no boy knew how to change a doll and would find the idea of doing anything girlish revolting unless there was something special going on.There have been various attempts to mass-market boy dolls and all have met wigth failure.Even the movie SPACEBALLS had a "playing with dolls" scene and that was 1987

Also, dollies are scrumptious to sleep next to

Believe it or not,there is a special skill in playing with dollies. The facial expression is actually a "pre expression" that can turn into either a smile and laughter or a frown with tears depending onthe "narrative" or "subtext" of how you are playing with her. In the case of girl dolls,that has evolved over maybe thousands of years to match the girls' apparently hard-wired enhanced language skills, which I wonder how innate these skills are since the brain can and does reconfigure itself in accordence with the tasks that it is put to. The "sibling" dolls never workded out that well since there is a complicated pattern of competion and cooperation between siblings whereas a doll almost requires to be nurtured and loved

I feel bad for the "show dolls" who are never played with. However, even grownups who collect dolls have "stories".I was told that a 60 year old women had a doll collection and "these two do not get along"

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Christina, believe it or not, you're not the end-all-be-all of girliness, especially considering you're listed as Male on your profile, so stop with the "girls are better than boys" bullshit.. Boys can and do play with dolls and that is perfectly fine.

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If you would read my blog entries you would know more than you do about me and girls as for the "girls are better thant boys" THAT is a joke and I HAVE been in this world a bit longer than you and seen far more as well as have the education to make sense of it. Where were you in 1980? 1970? 1960? and 1950? If you are going tro take a run at me, make skure you are up to it

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It means that some persons have been in the world longer and know how to navigage it beeter. Look up "Experientia docit". If you wish You donl't make a point by dissing another person by throwing profanity around, you do it by showing evidence other than your say-so and then using valid reasoning. The key to truth is "factual premises and valid reasoning yield true conclusions". The person who has been around longer has seen more of the world and gathered more experience over time and therefore have a larger knowledge base. The phrase goes "just because I was born at night does not mean it as LAST night"

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It wasn't, It was always understood that dolls were for girls and still is in the undwerstanding of the overwhelming majority of people (the same who call them "rubber" pant(ies)s"). That is how it became understood that their was a "girl" part of me.and this part had to be allowed to express herself since the worst thing that could happen was that, If the two parts were not kept separate, I ran a good chance of getting my signals crossed and do something really screwy. That's not to say that my uncle who set this all up knew fully what he was doing, just that he had some basic ideas of how living things functioned, having been brought up on a farm with all kinds of animals and just extended his experience to people (Given an advanced education, he would have made a good psychologist and he did have a love of learnedness)

What people don't get is that this is a tiny fraction of the world. After visiting this forum for a few hors a day and intereacting at a low level (and this is a low level) they get the idea that this is the bulk of the world. It is, at best a demi-mond with a unique culture and it's own divisions i.e. paper or cloth. Also that it has changed much in the past dozen years. It was perfectly well-understood how you could have a male LG. Sissy was just a subset of FemDom: The submissive part in the Domininat/Submissive relationship rather than a full-fledged personal characteristic. In only the last 5 years "transgendered" and "transexual" have almost become the same, which has caused me no end of problems in terms of what category I best fit to make myself understood

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I don't think boys having dolls is nearly as rare as you think. They just don't market them as dolls.

Here's a nice site I found with a good explantion as to why boys should have boy dolls:


Love this write-up too:


"As the weeks went on, I began a propaganda campaign against Ollie. At every opportunity, I told Nathan that Ollie wasn't a dolly, he—he—was an highly trained, undercover agent of the US military. Ollie was expressionless because he'd been trained to be impervious to all feelings of discomfort. Even in his night-shirt and floppy cap, he was a lethal weapon. Once, when Amanda caught me reeducating Nathan about the dolly—I mean, operative—she said nothing more than, "Aww, is Daddy playing with Ollie the dolly, too?" My attempts to teach my son—who at first did little more than chew on Ollie—about the doll's true nature and mission were failures."

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A 36 inch doll is rather large.....where did you order it from?? The only things that I know of that are that size are mannequins...which aren't really cuddly :(

I played with the large (old school) G.I. Joe's back when I was a kid in the 60's and yeah, I got to the point of putting one of them in diapers too (using klenex or toilet paper I don't remember which) and putting stuffed aminals in diapers as well...

today those G.I. Joes are worth a fortune, (sans diaper) and I had thought of starting to collect them again, as all the origional ones we had went away long ago :(

But a 36 inch doll would be something nice also :) another use for the toddler sized prefold diapers I have...and training pants...

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Well, boys have 'action Figures" and just why they did not come in the 11 inch size I do not know. but then. boys don't dress their "dolls"in dofferent outfits. Instead they use different kinds of accessories like the Captain Zoom B-35 DeLamiter 35 Terawatt Electroblaster or the R-475b jet0ack. or the like. The original GI Joe was a large figure. They also made a Steve Austin figure with a "bionic eye". I think they also had something called "Action Jackson"

May Lisa Michelle Denise Christine is 36" and is not soft-bodies and Andrea Lynne Rachel Christine is 29" and also has a hard body

Another "boy doll" thing was like Ken, who was really part of the Barbie thing and not it's own franchise

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I'm pretty sensitive to the Uncanny Valley effect (Marble Hornets is my preferred dose of eleven-o'-clock High Octane Nightmare Fuel) so 'realistic' dolls creep me out. I'll stick with the plushies, thank you very much :P

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So you know EVERY SINGLE BOY on the face of the planet, Christine?

So you know EVERY SINGLE BOY on the face of the planet, Christine?

You do not have to, Did you ever hear of Sociology of Sex Roles? It matches with what I've observed in the West, in the other places the gender roles are even more rigid. when the pro's match what I have seen over decades I think it is a lock
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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is a writ-up that shows a total lack of understanding of Dolly


This not something a girl would think of

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I had GI Joes when I was a kid....with a lot of the accessories..much of which is very collectible today and my step mom made us get rid of all that in a god will :badmood: I just hope they provided some other child with a lot of enjoyment *sigh*

Anyways...so yeah...GI Joe was a doll...all 12 inches of him...and the franchise and spin offs are still going..

I don't have any problem with this what so ever...:P

Actually, I see DD's doll as a kind of 3D representation of his inner child that he can see and dress to reflect how he sees himself... to make himself happy...and I imagine a lot of people who collect dolls do the same, for the same reason, to reflect what they feel inside or maybe keep a childhood memory alive, since many people collect vintage dolls etc....a non-issue if you ask me...

and the dolls on that site are wonderful creations...for fanciers of dolls etc. :D

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Well, "doll" goes back to the name Dorothy (I do not see the connection but that is what it is) I think G.I. Joe goes back to WWII. if you had tolad any 1940's or 50''s boy or his folks that this was a doll, your life expectancy could be calculated in seconds. the late 1960's and early 1970's saw several more such: Matt Mason, Action Jackson and, I think, Billy Blastoff. Action Jackson or Matt Mason even had a paraglider (aka Rogallo wing, aka hang-glider) that was functional and Billy Blastoff had a full NASA, what looked like a Gemini , space suit

My first encounter with a doll was when I was between lat 4 and early 5. My reaction was that it was both a toy and a person, being big enough and featured enough to register as having personal attributes

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I sleep with a 24 inch bear. The bear wears a cloth diaper, plastic pants, and baby shortalls. Bear is very cuddly and my mostest bestest bed buddy.

I was just a bit old for the action figure craze. I did have lots of plushies.

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That just soooo fits a thing I saw today

"Does Barbie come with Ken

No; she comes with G.I. Joe

With Ken, she is just taking it"

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  • 2 months later...

I sleep with 36" tall Dolly Lisa Michelle Denise Christine Paradise and 29" Dolly Andrea Lynne Rachel Christine Paradise and they were almostthe same kind of undies as I except they have satin under their diapers and wear real baby diapers, I have little girl diapers and their dresses are longer on them than mine are on me.Seomtimes I laywith my head on Lisa's shoulder and we all wear tiaras 32" Bride Dolly Cassandra Lynette Estelle Christine Paradise stands on a small table on her doll stand at the foot of the bed. I wish I could take her to bad and play with her more but her fancey things will not allow for that and she is not really sturdy enough, being a "show Doll" for that. I do feel someonwhat bad for her and do what I can to make her lif with use enjoyable for her. You can see them all in my Gallery. Dolly Lisa has her own Dolly: Kristin Lisa Michelle, Dolly Andrea has Dolly Karen Andrea Lynne and Dolly Cassandra has Dolly Bridget Cassandra Lynette. they also haf "Christine Paradise" as the last part of their names and are about 11" tall. and I have four Fairy Dollies, all about 12" that stnad in the headboard as you can see in my Gallery and there are two Fairylet dollies about 5" tall. All my dollies wear tiaras of some kind

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