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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

What Would You Do If Everyone Found Out.


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When I was younger, and shackled in a nightmare straight from the pit of hell.

AKA Marriage.

My soon to be ex wife took it upon herself to tell EVERYONE, that I liked wearing diapers.

So I went through the common stages of grief.

Sad... then some other emotions ie: suicide &/or homicide

She decided to humiliate me.

Because it didn't work out for us.

As far as I know, our child who's now older than we were at the time might or might not know.

If she does, she doesn't say, and I'd just as well live in a denial she doesn't know. (or need to know)

I guess in all the fun, My former spouse never figured that into the collateral damage

Ok got that out of the way...

I'm more relaxed now about my lifelong passion for diapers.

Someone (a co-worker) asked me about it a few years later.

I had a panic attack and shortly after into the psych ward at the hospital.

BTW, did you know they will let you wear diapers there?

I figured it's the mental farm and basically expected.

But I got past one of my greatest fears.

Now, I'm actually not scared to be asked.

Because I can be polite and explain how I'd rather not discuss it.

But thank you for asking.

Or what is knee jerk. NOYFB!

I still choose not to "come out of the diaper cabinet".

It's not a criticism if you do,

I actually wish I had the intestinal fortitude to go 4 it.

But with exception of just about everyone in the small town I live in.

No one knows about me in that way.

I keep my DL life here. And between a few friends.

It was kinda funny...

2 friends were curious, so I handed out what I had and we went to see a movie.

Friend 1 had to go to the bathroom because it was uncomfortable for them to wear it wet.

Okay, that's kewl. I don't expect everyone to embrace my lifestyle.

Friend 2 didn't take it off, but didn't want to wear another.

A few hours after wearing. It was tried and marked off on the "bucket list"

It's kind of like her being Lesbian.

I've been bi-curious,

But nothing beats a hot female in diapers.

When I said that to her she could understand me better. She's such a sport.

So what prompted those who show their images on here, with no shame.

Did you have to make a conscious decision, or just post away?

I've worn thick diapers out in public. But it only made my butt look fatter.

And I've finally got over buying near where I live.

I just look around and hit the checkout when there's no waiting.

Out of town, I get panties and Pampers. I don't worry about people who I'll most likely never see again.

And really, no one cares.

If they made a remark, I'd probably laugh it off and move on.

I don't think I've ever been seen or "outted" with a diaper on.

Except the one time I had to go to the Emergency Room.

I was glad I was wearing really.

And most heath care workers seem to take HIPPA guidelines seriously.

So what makes some do it?

I've spent too much time anxious of how other may think or think they know about me.

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not exactly sure whats going on in this post.. but i got the question.. why do you not care...

basically i found an abdl story website and the stories were hot and turned me on, the ones about females being 'forced' into diapers and being a baby... and as it turned me on, and clearly wasn't illegal and didn't violate my own moral code... i thought sweet, can't wait to try it... lots of different things turn me on, and if they aren't illegal, don't hurt others and don't violate my moral code... i don't see why i should have to feel guilty or embarassed... this is not to say i want everyone to know all my sexual fetish's... but i don't feel shame or guilt for liking something... really we have very little to no control over the chemical reactions in our brain that cause us to be sexually arouse... so why fight something so harmless ?

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If everyone found out, it would be because I told them. And, WHY would I tell them? I wouldn't. They would have had to discover my diapers by accident. But, then, I wear diapers a lot, even though I don't HAVE to and it's by choice. It's MY thing, and it is frequently a sexual thing. And, I don't care. It's MY thing. And, nobody else HAS to know it or about it. Also, it's DIAPERS. Diapers are a legal legitimate product produced for a huge market that seems to dictate a real, legitimate need for the product - EVEN IF some of the product is purchased by those who CHOOSE to wear them. They even continue to produce cloth diapers for adults and plastic pants for adults - to satisfy those that grew up wearing cloth diapers and plastic pants, when that's all there were, and we're still out here - and for those who come to discover, try and appreciate the value and benefits(and whatever down side there may be) to reuseable diaper products.

We all spend way too much time immersed in guilt and self-loathing over our diaper fetishism - AB or DL. It's an absorbent underwear. Wear it if you want to and don't if you don't. Use the diaper for its intended purpose of don't.

Maybe it's just us old fogies that have come to grips with how we are and what we are into, and are comfortable with it. For me, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my life - just as I already have - diapered when I want to be and fully using them. I wish everybody else would just relax and follow my lead. Our community would have less hung-up folks in it and it might even be easier to connect and have diapered fun together, even if it's just social!

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I thought upon this subject the other day. i came to the conclusion that i would probably tell anybody that finds out and disagrees with my interest in diapers; How is anybody going to tell me how to be a human being. abdls are all over the world. how is something that occurs in that many people incorrect. thats like saying people who are left handed are wrong. i dont harass anybody about what gets their dick up (sorry for vulgarity, i get fired up over this topic.) if this makes me "weird" then they can suck a bag of dicks and get over it.

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As comfortable as I am wearing diapers, I don't think in reality that I would want the whole world knowing I wear them. Sure I have toyed with that fantasy from time to time but we all live in the here and now and not in some perfect fantasy world. Now I will agree that due to all of the talk shows out there nothing really surprises anyone anymore. We may not be tolerant of everyone's lifestyle but we are more informed about them.

However even with that, coming out to everyone you know how having someone "out" you about your diapers can have devastating results. We have all seen the series "The secret Lives of Women" in which that young lady came out about her ab lifestyle and that she worked at a day care center. The next thing that happened was that she got fired. None of us need that to happen to us especially in this economy.

It really is not the point that I or anyone else is comfortable wearing a diaper or living a diapered life style more to the point is how society views us. Unfortunately it is still not in the most favorable light. This is due in part to all of the misinformation people have heard and more so how they have been raised to view anyone that is not "normal" to them.

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My most guarded secret was my love of wearing footed sleepers, union suits, I remember buying them and putting them on in the car to sneak them into the house.

I had a very hard time just getting time, when no one was around the house, to wash them, but I managed some how, many times washing them as I showered and then hiding them in my closet to dry.

As I aged I didn't care who found out, now everyone including my neighbors who see them on the cloths line know I wear them.

I think when you are young that you don't want to be embarrassed in any way, mostly you think you are the only one, thank whoever it was for the net.

I wish I knew I wasn't alone when I was a kid with a secret.

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All those who know me know my Abdl side. My inlaws even cater to it at times by purchasing me Whinnie the Pooh stuff. They just purchased my wife a new set of footed pijamas with monkies and bananas.

The only way we can have this side of us used as a weapon is to allow it. It it's no big deal then no one makes a big deal out of it. The family calls it me being "needy" from time to time. LoL.

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No one outside of this community knows that I am into ABDL. I can reasonably assume that it would be devastating. I am almost surely assume that my family back at home would react negatively to this, although I cannot predict their reactions, I can only predict that they would pressure me to "get help" for my "serious issue" and forbid me to interact with children. They are very modern in some ways, but somewhat traditional in other ways. They may break things off with me until they were satisfied that I "got well," out of tough love. They would insist that I chose to enjoy this, and that my urges should be under my control. If any friends or anyone from my nuclear or extended family discovered my diapers, I would plead "innocent", say that I have the occasional accident at night, assure them that it is not that big of an issue, as it only happens once every several weeks, but is enough to warrant protection.

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I thought upon this subject the other day. i came to the conclusion that i would probably tell anybody that finds out and disagrees with my interest in diapers; How is anybody going to tell me how to be a human being. abdls are all over the world. how is something that occurs in that many people incorrect. thats like saying people who are left handed are wrong. i dont harass anybody about what gets their dick up (sorry for vulgarity, i get fired up over this topic.) if this makes me "weird" then they can suck a bag of dicks and get over it.

but... but... i'm left handed AND i wear diapers!!! oh dear!

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I'd lie through my teeth. If anybody discovered that I wore diapers outside of the few peole who do know AND they had definitive proof I'd say that it was for a medical condition....

No one besides me and my wife have the right to know what happens behind my closed doors....

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No one besides me and my wife have the right to know what happens behind my closed doors....

Your right...

In fact a few years later, I read or saw something on television.

About a scorned wife telling things to her "friends" about their marriage bed.

He sued her ass in court and won for defamation.

It didn't matter if it was true or not.

It was done with ill will and malice.

Judge ripped her a new one. LOL

Last I heard, she was paying him alimony.

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Well From My Urologist all the way to my CRPS who fits and acquires approval for anything needed for my bed (its an electric hospital bed with a special mattress (the bed is cheap thats only a couple of grand but the mattress is 15,000$) and my Power Wheelchair 32,000$ knows in incontinent because everything has to be protected in case my protection fails. i buy pants that are made for people who wear diapers the have gussets and pleats in them so the back end has extra room for even the bulkiest diaper without showing it off much for me thats just comfort as i sit all the time but people who are mobile appreciate the pants ability to conceal the bulk of a premium diaper in a good quality pay off pants that won't break your wallet .so needless to say i;m totally outed its in all my medical records that i'm incontinent and if i've travelled any great distance to a friends house i have had a case of diapers drop shipped from the manufacturer to my friends house so i did not have to haul them all with me i just needed enough to get there. And so far i have found great acceptance of my condition and we have even made it the brunt of many jokes but never has it been mean spirited or negative,to everyone i'm still the same guy but i have a bad plumber , and i guess if they where gonna run off they would have done it when i ended up in the wheelchair and they didn't so whats a plumbing issue compared to your never going to walk again??


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I would not want the whole world to know I am a DL, but if it were to happen it would not be the end of my world, It would probably adversely affect parts of it in ways that I wouldn't like, and those parts mean a lot to me. I do wear for need just as we all do- one does not have to define what "need" means to say that in all honesty ;) The need can be physical, emotional, sexual, psychological or any combination of those. Thus my planned response to being outed is to say that I wear for need and I do not wish to discuss such a private matter with whoever is asking. Now if it concerns a growing relationship I will tell my partner before things get to a point where it could really hurt them because this is my issue, not theirs, and I will care enough about them to want to save them from harm even if it hurts me.

Another side of this line of thought is that if the whole world were to know, then you wouldn't need to hide it from anyone anymore :) You would be free to wear what you liked when and where you wanted to, free to sun-dry your cloth diapers on the clothesline, free to have cases of diapers delivered to wherever was most convenient to you, and most importantly would bring you more people who accept you- including potential partners :D Being 'out' as anything unusual isn't easy but it does have it's rewards. When the day comes that I am known by most to be a diaper wearer I will take advantage of the good things that brings me and go on with my life as best I can- just as I do now :girl_happy: Good, bad, or indifferent life is about changes and how we deal with them. We cannot want every change that comes to us; we can only plan for what we can see may be coming, deal with whatever comes to us well, and go on as best we can thereafter :thumbsup:


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