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Enough Already! (Not Aimed At Any One Really, Just Generally Annoyed)

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I know it's not exactly new in this seen to see post about how to, or wishing to become incontinent, but it is still starting to get a bit annoying (guess I just saw too many of them in too short a time.)!

Take it from someone that is, and has been there entire life - playing around with it is one thing, to actually have no control is quite another!

For starters, just something as basic as going to school was shall we say considerably less then a pleasant experience. All the teasing, comments, exc. - and yes, most of the time, but not always kids doing it either. I was born with a bit of a disability, not too bad though - I couldn't keep it up for too long, but I did work for a little bit - that in some ways was better than school, but in others, not really - comments and jokes there too. Now on to other medical problems coming up - actual doctors have not said or done anything to make me uncomfortably about needing diapers at all - in the case of a actual hospital stay though....Well, this happened to me twice - two different hospitals, and the first one after what I was treated like because of the diapers, will never use them for anything ever again, especially if it MIGHT mean even just an over-night stay - really I could get shot right at there front door, and insist on going elsewhere at this point!

Now that first hospital point blank did not want me even attempting to do anything myself, not that I really wanted to anyway due to lots of pain - but anyway that one used nurses aids for stuff like changing diapers. In that one, I had one aid that would not say anything in front of me, but would know I was soaked, and make me wait some times up to 3 hours before she would finally change it (be that point due to having water injected directly in to my veins I had wet about 3-4 more times in the same diaper! :( ). Again, same hospital, but a different aid would take care of it right away, but was pretty nasty about it. I mean it was right on the chart that I had incontinence, and the biggest problem seems to actually be a nerve (everything seems to work, but the brain dose not get the message that the bladder and sometime bowl is about to release waist) - and she in a pretty nasty way, asks "What is your problem - don't you know when you have to go to the bathroom?" - and them seemed extremely annoyed when I (responding in the same tone she gave me) "NO! - That is part of me many medically problems, and those (pointing to a pack of diapers I had there) are paid for by my insurance company because they are actually prescribed by a doctor - My own!"

The second hospital was not that bad, but there I did have a private room (insurance HAD to cover that fully due to that hospital believed that due to all my conditions, that was the only way to properly care for me - and it did in general work out better that way. And it was not an aid this time, the nurses took care of it themselves. And that was o.k., but still some issues - no big deal but...Like one on the nite shift - I think she just likes to change diapers, I would get woken up "Just to make sure your diaper was still dry."

Anyway the point - do what you want, but it's not as pleasant all the time as it seems like some people think it is.

Sorry for the long post, but thanks for caring enough to read it. I know there probably is not much to say, but any comment, good or bad (I consider everything, even if I don't like and initially complain, that's just the way I am.)..

Thanks again.

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As I'm urinary incontinent I totally agree with you, What these wanna be's don't see is diapers 24/7 soon become a chore.

I often wonder if they consider what long term diaper wearing actually does to your skin.

I can assure anyone wanting to be incontinent that having the choice is definatly preferrable.

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Calm down. :)

No one intends to make light of your incontinence or poke fun at you. No one says that you should be glad to be leaking.

People who are inco-wannabes think it would be cool for themselves to be diaper-bound.

They usually post in the 'incontinent- desires' section, and I would politely suggest to just not go there. I'm not interested in the 'sissy-baby' aspect, and I fare reasonably well by ignoring it...

Nevertheless I can understand how it can upset you that someone who has got the choice wants to not have the choice, while you haven't got the choice and want it (if you wouldn't want a choice, and just be rid of the wetting altogether, you might just be reading in the wrong forum, there's lots of fetishists here and a tendency to desiring something that might not be totally vanilla mainstream should be expected, shouldn't it?). But doesn't that put you just in the same, albeit reversed, position?

Live and let live, and ignore if you dislike.

I have my problems with that, too, I have to admit; otherwise I wouldn't be posting this and would have ignored it as I advise others. But I understand that I'm not perfect and don't expect it from others either.

How is it that Rocky's trainer can give him advice if he's not a better boxer and able to beat him?

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I don't have 24/7 desires by a long shot. I am sure the people that do, are aware of the implications of doing so. I won't feel sorry for anyone who pursues it, and later has regrets. You make your bed, and you lay in it. What other people do has no bearing on my life, so I don't concern myself with other people's personal decisions. We are adults and this is a diaper fetish board, people can discuss whatever aspect of their diaper fetish they want. Don't read what doesn't float your boat.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i backspaced after typing such a great reply.... dammmmmit


personally I don't care if people want to maim themselves, however they should be required to sign a waiver forsaking the right to nay government assistance relating to said mutilation.

That would also mean to put snowboarders, freeclimbers and kajakers out of their medical service. And probably most drivers out of roadside assistance. The fire brigade would also not help you if you light candles or open fires.

Not saying you're wrong as such, but in my opinion that's too general.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i backspaced after typing such a great reply.... dammmmmit

If you have Firefox, follow these instructions to change the backspace command in your web browser.

1. Go to about:config in your web browser by typing it in as a web address.

2. Scroll down to browser.backspace_action.

3. Change the number in the same row from 0 to 1 if you want it to behave like a Linux or any other number if you do not want the backspace key to function at all.

Moving on. I have been to some shitty hospitals in my time, but the way you were treated was pretty bad. In my own experience, my mother was having an allergic reaction and was breaking out in hives, but we had to wait all night in the emergency room before we decided to leave and go to a different hospital that opened at 7 am. The second hospital we went to is usually pretty good, but it is not the best equipped. Still, good enough for what we needed.

As far as hospitals go, there are really only two good hospitals in my entire area and they are both at least 1 hour away in bad traffic. These are the only ones I would accept spending a night in though. All the other hospitals, forget it.

Waiting 3 three hours for a diaper change is unacceptable. If the nurses complain about caring for you again, report them, because they do not deserve to have their jobs.

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isn't this topic like the girls with straight hair want curly hair and the girls with curly hair want straight hair? i mean really and it's everyones opinion what they want to do with their lives yes it gets annoying but you dont have to read it.im soo tired of the post that talk about how others are annoying word of advice if you dont like what you read on here don't use this website

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straightening out hair which is easily reversed by getting it wet, v. causing permanate damage to muscles and other body parts... oh yes great analogy

You know damn well what he means, get off your high horse and quit acting condescending over technicalities. The grass is always greener on the other side.

OP, it's their bodies, you have no choice or say whatsoever in what people do to themselves. Your life sucks, we get it, your point is? Basically, my point is, get over it, if you don't like people talking about it, don't read the sections about it or leave the site. Your choice.

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You know damn well what he means, get off your high horse and quit acting condescending over technicalities. The grass is always greener on the other side.

OP, it's their bodies, you have no choice or say whatsoever in what people do to themselves. Your life sucks, we get it, your point is? Basically, my point is, get over it, if you don't like people talking about it, don't read the sections about it or leave the site. Your choice.

Bad day?

Sarah is right though. The decision to wear diapers 24/7 should not be taken lightly and should not be compared to styles of hair that can be changed with a little bit of work. From my perspective, there are very few circumstances that would convince myself to make the decision to wear all the time. Obviously, making yourself incontinent permanently would be a decision you will regret for the rest of your life.

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You know damn well what he means, get off your high horse and quit acting condescending over technicalities. The grass is always greener on the other side.

OP, it's their bodies, you have no choice or say whatsoever in what people do to themselves. Your life sucks, we get it, your point is? Basically, my point is, get over it, if you don't like people talking about it, don't read the sections about it or leave the site. Your choice.

someone got up on the wrong side of the bed...

and like jason said, i was pointing out the huge difference in the comparison, permanately maiming your body is not something that should be compared to hair style or nail color, changes which can be easily reversed.... even a piercing or tattoo can be removed, or done over.... but making yourself incontinent through maiming your body can very rarely be reversed... not sure how something so serious can be compared to something like your choice of hair style....

On a side note, riding a horse is one of my three biggest irrational fears, and I would appreciate it if you did not mention me riding horses... it evokes an anxiety response... hehehehe

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  • 3 months later...

Okay thanks the those that supported my post. Secondly i wasn't saying that straightening your hair and making yourself incontinent is the same thing i was referring to it being a choice everyone makes different choices everyday and tho many people don't like your decision they are still yours too make whether right or wrong they are still yours we are here to offer advice and not critisize those for talking about their opinions and/or beliefs

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For urinary incontinence at least I would say anyone thinking of figuring out a way to make yourself dependant to commit themselves to only using diapers first to see what it is like. Sort of like someone who wants to change sex, they have to do a year as the opposite sex to show that you really want to switch.

So go get youself a bag that you can carry you supplies with you and no matter what always use your diapers to pee. You have to be totally commited, even if you will leak go in your diaper as it will happen at some point if you really don't have control. Doing this for a year, every single day should also make it easier to just go and depending on your particular bladder might start to loose a bit of control.

I live at home and as my mom doesn't approve and will notice within a week of me using I can't really try the 24/7 thing. Even though I really want to try it and see if I can at least commit to it for a month.

I think I would use Secure Active Ultra Plus as they fit me the best and can easily take one full bladder. Even Dry 24/7 or Abena or Bambinos I haven't been able to do two full bladders worth since it is all emptied in a flooding. So to commit for me at least I would change after letting go a full bladder. Other problem is these are not exactly cheap diapers and depending on the day I could see going through 3-4 of them. If I could pull off 3 a day that would be 21 diapers a week or 42 every two weeks. Ordering by the case it gives 48 diapers for $80, so just assume 48 diapers total in two weeks, which makes it $160 per month. So that is around $2K per year, so think about that if you actually have the money to spend on them and then what if you have to go with cheaper diapers at some point because you don't have the money. I am sure anyone who is actually incontinent has had this happen to them at some point and of course the cheaper diapers you have to change more and certainly are going to have more leaks that are embarassing.

So if you have actually commited to 24/7 for a year and don't regret it then you probably have experienced most of what it would be like and most likely aren't going to regret not having control. If you did actually follow your commitment I would assume most would find out it is not like they thought. I have never done it, but I can see that I probably wouldn't want to have to need them. Even though doing it for a month or two would be an interesting experience that I can recreate whenever I want to do it again, but stop when I didn't feel like doing it.

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