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Do Any Adult Babies Here Have Beards?

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I had a goatee for a while about ten years or so ago. I have since been clean shaven and feel better that way. My wife says she can go with either look.

Sometimes too, but not very often, I will borrow some of my wife's blush for my cheeks to enhance my 'baby mode' experience. Can't imagine the blush and beard look. :o

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I do have facial hair, but I cannot grow a beard. It takes me several months to grow a mustache, but it is very thin. It looks similar to what one could expect a stereotypical french artist to have, only far, far shorter!! My maternal grandfather is half Choctau Indian! Because I am one eigth Indian, I cannot grow facial hair. For me, it does not effect how babyish I can feel.

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I think being able to grow a big bushy beard is a lie we're told as male children. I know more people that can't grow a proper beard than those that can. I can grow a pretty mean mustache, goatee, and sideburns but anything on my cheeks is pretty dodgy.

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I'll like to grow a beard but after a couple of weeks it just looks like I have pubes stuck to my face with some sort of crabs because it itches so fricking bad, I shave it off at that point.

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Well it's Movember here in Oz where blokes are encouraged to grow facial hair for support of men's health issues... Quality concept. Anywho my mo is coming along quite nicely, it don't make me feel little one bit. I can't see myself in a nappy with a beard... I don't feel little at all.

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I have a beard. When in baby mode I just try not to look in the mirror. If my baby mode was the largest part of my life I might shave it off. However I like my beard when not in that mode so wouldn't shave it. Not to mention my wife would kill me if I shaved it.

Describes my situation to a tee.

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I've had a beard, which makes me look much older. It didn't add to the baby-look, but I don't go for the baby-look anyway. I like to imagine I in a crib and such, but I think wearing actual baby clothes would be uncomfortable.

The beard had nothing to do with my diaper desire, it had more to do with my desire not to shave.

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my desire not to shave.

Here, here! I usually just have stubble because I use unguarded trimmers on my face since shaving with a razor is hell on my skin. Same reason why there's no way in hell I could wear a diaper 24/7. Even just wearing a single diaper for 2-3 hours more than a couple times a week causes skin irritation. It happens even when there's no pee involved.

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I only grow a beard when my sports teams are in the playoff hunt. Other than that, I'm completely free of facial hair.

Well except for Movember

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I currently sport a nice beard/mustache combo, I don't normally have one because I don't like to look manly but its to support the movember movement.

Also, before anyone says "how does growing a mustache help with prostate cancer awareness", I'm in a contest at my university with a bunch of other guys to raise funds to donate to the cancer society. (who ever raises the most money with his epic mustache will have to grow it for another month lol)

I look like a very feminine biker lol.

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