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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store

Your Christmas List ;)


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A little bit of holiday spirit fun- if Santa was an ABDL, what would you put on your Christmas list? :P ...Or any other present-exchanging holiday, not to leave out other religions ;)


10 cases of teddy bambinos

A pretty rainbow stuffed unicorn :)

A stocking full of pink binkies

A my little pony sippy cup

A pink microfiber blankie

A big book of classic fairy tales for my daddy to read me at bedtime


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1. A starfleet issue holodeck, where I can run all of my ABDL fantasies where I am dominated by the babysitter, heavily diapered, changed, paraded in public, and fed saucy pasta in a high chair. The holodeck would also be the perfect way for me to desensitize myself and meditate. This would let me do anything I want without damaging my reputation. :)

2. 10 sets of babyish plastic pants terryfighter embroidered on them, 5 cloth diapers, and 5 sets of 5 cloth expanders.

3. 100 pounds of Chai tea!

4. A giant queen sized crib that I could put my air mattress in

5. A set of 10 fuzzy onesies with snaps.

6. A pair of tweety bird slippers.

7. A boatload of beef jerkey

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Mmm, limiting this for the AB/DL Santa....

1) three pairs of the baby pants I use at night

2) an adult pocket diaper that doesn't wick around the legs

3) a car with easily coverable windows that it easy to change diapers in

4) "T" sizes for blue jeans

5) a promotion that takes me back to Hawai'i (not AB/DL, but what's the harm in asking AB/DL Santa?)


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1. Wolf style footed pajamas

2. Xbox 360 Kenict 250 gb (which im pretty sure im getting)

3. nice thick diapers

4. lots of Xbox 360 games

5. A bigger t.v. :)

6.tickets to see ohio state vs michigan next year

and the only thing i really want for christmas...

7. to able to see my baby girl and hold her in my arms and care for her

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Oh good thread!

  1. A year supply of the best ABU & Bambino's diapers.

  2. A case of Fabines (if and when they're available.)

  3. For Fabines to be available.

  4. For ABU Cushies to offer a more girlish looking diaper (pink in place of blue panels.)

  5. BMX diapers to be made for Girls. They can call them "Princess diapers."

  6. At least an extra Nuk 5, or else bring them to the States.

BTW, I asked Zach @ ABU about that...

They expect to have a Girls version of the BMX style in the coming year.

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*eyes go wide and whispers into Santa's ear* I wantsa mommy da mostest out of all da fings you could ask fors. Ans if you wansa bring sum toys toos, den dat would make me a berry happy widdle girl. *nods lots* :baby_bottle::wub:

:thumbsup: Paxy

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Ahem *puts on readin glasses*,

Number 1 - I want a myubby bankie (http://www.myubby.com/)

Number 2 - A modified nuk 5 (dis one http://pacifiersrus.com/index_057.htm)

Number 3 - A Case of Abenas.

Number 4 - An all-in-one max suit with bear ears (http://www.the-all-in-one-company.co.uk/gallery.php)

Number 5 - A privatina sleeper (dis one

Those are just a few of my wishes :P

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*gasp* langtab, i LOVE the all in ones with the ears :o i need!

I know - I think they are awesome. A little expensive one the conversion to Canadian dollars happens and then shipping but I am still thinking of getting a pair (maybe two :P).They must have bear ears though.

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really dont want nothing abdl related there are others in need who need stuff

moms who cant afford diapers think we should give to them

aww, that's sweet. the thread is all in fun, it doesn't make you selfish to think about things you'd like to have ;) but i have to say, i'd rather know every mom in the world can afford diapers for their babies who actually need them than have ten cases of bambinos for myself.

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aww, that's sweet. the thread is all in fun, it doesn't make you selfish to think about things you'd like to have ;) but i have to say, i'd rather know every mom in the world can afford diapers for their babies who actually need them than have ten cases of bambinos for myself.

well i know what its like my gf atleast i think we are still together was finding it hard to buy things for her baby when she had her baby her job fired her and had to do temp jobs so she couldnt afford alot.

She got offered a job that sent her to school at night and let her work in the day she really didnt want to take it cause of the location but i told her to take it cause it helps her she gets an education which means she could get other jobs for more money if that one ever turns out bad and it gives her good money and all and all it helps her and her son in the long run

Though doing so she has been so busy and with her problems of hiding herself away when she is stressed, depress or anything i havent talked to her in seems like 3 months call every week and e-mail and havent heard back

That might just be my b-day wish in dec is that i can just get ahold of her and know shes ok

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12: New trailer house.

11: New truck, with AI and nanotech, like KITT ans KARR from the 2008 Knight Rider series.

10: Holodeck, with the ability to read game disks and cartridges and VHS tapes and DVDs. And internet connectivity.

9: Nanotech injections for myself and my dogs.

8: More thylacine plushies.

7: Robo-Thylacine (without self destruct)

6: For the Thylacine Cloning Project to be successful.

5: High-speed internet.

4: HDTV.

3: Quantum computer.

2: Lifetime supply of plastic-backed disposable diapers.

1: A female AB/DL who likes me.

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^I assumed you cannot ask for people, that is why I also asked for a holodeck!

I would like to add to my list:

*An upgrade that will allow my holodeck to not only play all game and visual media (video games, dvd's, cassttes, etc). But will have access to the internet, so I can play any ABDL regression fantasy I feel like. Holodeck will also come with a hologram who has a mind of her own, made in the image of Miss Lizz, my babysitter when I was 8.

*lifetime supply of cloth diapers and plastic pants.

*A line of plastic pants with nintendo charectors, so I can wear "Princess Peach" plastic pants to my "crib" at night.

*lifetime supply of Abena X plus in my size.

*to have everyone who catches me wearing think it's cute.

*the magical ability to convince people that I am not a freak.

*the magical ability to convince people that the ABDL community is normal.

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i would also like to add a years supply of apple juice (magical apple juice that will never go bad) as i am drinking some warmed up out of my sippy cup and it is doing wonders for my cold.

and since we have decided that ABDL Santa is magical, i concur with terryfighter and request a magical footed sleeper that appears to everyone else as fashionable 22-year-old-woman clothes, but every time i look in the mirror i see a pink microfleece (yes, microfleece!) footed sleeper with a hood and kitty ears xD

also since we are cheating and asking ABDL Santa for non-abdl things i'd like a bunch of cashmere sweaters in all my favorite colors and a bazillion pairs of designer shoes :)

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Lovelylittle you gave me an idea:

*I will add to my list A magical soft fuzzy onesie with a buttoned crotch that will cover a giant bulging diaper, but will always be seen as occasion-appropriate clothing. Will be seen as a uniform when I am at work, and will be seen as jeans and a t shirt when I am at school and shopping around. Will be hot pink and have an embroidered image of Princess Peach, and have terryfighter written on the front. No one will ever see this, or notice my blatant waddle, unless they are also an ABDL.

*Add to my list, a 29th century starfleet issue mobile emitter like the one The Doctor on Voyager has, so I can get diaper changes from my holographic babysitter.

*A phasing cloak so my holographic babysitter can give me a diaper change in the middle of the room, and no one will be able to see us because we will be invisible, or interact with us because we will be out of phase.

Nothing is more infantile than wanting magical clothing!

And of course I want the Princess's pink go kart!

What an adorable thread you have started!

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